Nijhuis Saur Industries NEWS JANUARY 2021
Nijhuis Saur Industries NEWS JANUARY 2021
Nijhuis Saur Industries NEWS JANUARY 2021
A contribution from Nijhuis Industries | Saur Industrie | Econvert | Unidro | Riventa | Imageau
By renewing our technological edge for the coming years, we want to reassure our clients, business partners and
colleagues around the world of our continuing commitment to develop sustainable water, energy and resource
recovery through innovation and water-on-demand.
The fragile global economy and current political instability, combined with the unpredictable weather
patterns in many parts of the world, continue to result in either an excess, a dearth or overly polluted
water. In addition to a need for solid and adaptive solutions there will be a growing need for water on
We expect to see a significant rise in specialized technologies that will be applied in different ways across industries,
and across applications. Access to clean water and air, healthy food, renewable energy and zero waste are essential
to secure an improved quality of life for 9 billion people across the globe.
The ability to adapt to these dynamic market circumstances and requirements of individual regions around the world
and protect water as the most essential element of live is a balancing act. Our continuous efforts to contribute to the
circular economy are being recognised by many of our clients and business partners, resulting in a growing demand
for our innovative offerings to reduce, reuse and recover water, energy, nutrients and resources. In addition
to that, more people now go to work to contribute to something meaningful, a sustainable purpose which
deserves our continuous support.
We reviewed the past decade and presented our outlook on how we can help our clients and business partners to
meet or exceed the ever-demanding water challenges, and highlighted a number of game-changing innovations which
will become increasingly important over the next 10 years.
Looking ahead
Solid synergies are expected from the combination of complementary technologies, client portfolios and geographical
presence, while the integration process will preserve our entrepreneurial spirit and agility in our new Industrial
Water platform. With the support and extensive experience of Saur, the combined Industrial Water platform of Nijhuis,
Saur Industrie, Econvert, Unidro, Riventa and Imageau will provide significant long-term operation & maintenance
(O&M) service, additional rental capabilities as well as financing solutions for our global industrial customers.
Together with our unique consultative approach, our cutting-edge proprietary technologies and smart process
monitoring and control, we are proudly expanding our offerings and capabilities, all with the intention of strengthening
our ‘customer for life’ approach.
We are very excited about this recent announcement and the overwhelmingly positive response we have received
from around the world.
We will keep you updated with our next steps, adding a new and exciting chapter to our extensive company heritage
and looking forward to working even closer together with you and your teams to help solve your water challenges
and #StandForWater.
Contact Menno M. Holterman for information about
Nijhuis Saur Industries:
Who we are
Drawing on powerful synergies with all Saur Group core businesses and companies, Nijhuis Saur Industries
helps industries, utilities and cities to reduce, reuse and recover to advance water and climate change
adaption. We commit ourselves to deliver solid and adaptive solutions for a sustainable, resilient and inclusive
future. We develop sustainable water use, energy and resource recovery solutions through innovation and
water-on-demand. With headquarters in the Netherlands, we are active in all geographical regions around
the world, serving over 4,000 references from its Sales & Service Centers, Engineering and Manufacturing
Nijhuis Industries
Nijhuis Industries delivers solid and adaptive solutions for sustainable water use, energy and
resource recovery. Founded in 1904, we help industries, utilities and cities to reduce, reuse and
recover to advance water and climate change adaption and help build a more resilient, sustainable
and inclusive future. Nijhuis multidisciplinary teams develop, design and implement smart and
game changing solutions based on Nijhuis proprietary and innovative technologies. We help our
clients to meet their increasingly demanding sustainability requirements, lower their environmental
footprint, combine productivity and energy efficiency and reduce life cycle cost at the same time.
Contact Martijn Kruisweg for more information:
Saur Industrie
From industrial water production to effluent treatment, Saur Industrie helps industrial companies
to take their environmental and financial performance to new levels by optimising their water cycle
and the uses they make of water. Saur Industrie has the expertise and technical skills required
to provide expert management of the full industrial water cycle., Saur Industrie helps companies
to manage their resources with the aim of shrinking their environmental footprint and optimising
their water and energy resources. In this way, Saur Industrie customers are able to comply fully
with increasingly strict environmental regulations, at the same time as taking the efficiency and
productivity of their installations to new levels.
Contact Christophe Boucaumont for more information:
Established in 1971, Unidro is a global player in water, wastewater and utilities related process
technology for the industrial markets. Our reputation on the international market is confirmed by the
repeated orders from top clients who appreciate the main values of our company: Dependability,
flexibility, full commitment to client satisfaction. With an unrivaled flexibility in matching your
requirements, project specifications, design standards and local regulations, every plant identified
by Unidro represents the best solution to meet EPC contractors and End Users needs.
Contact Francesco Ghisalberti for more information:
Water is incremental to
meet the SDGs
Econvert Water & Energy is an ideal partner for companies active in food, paper, beer,
beverage, chemicals, flavours and fragrances. We can help you to save money in a
green way. Econvert's reactors are designed for the anaerobic treatment of industrial
waste water. Because of the unique settling systems the reactors are able to handle
a large variation and different concentrations of wastewater. Because of our lean and
mean designing, anaerobic technology is now available to large numbers of industries.
Water & Energy Therefore, wastewater becomes a valuable source of energy, in a world where energy
becomes more and more scarce.
Contact Pascal Telaar for more information:
Riventa is a pump energy expert. We have a long track record delivering highly innovative
technology. Looking ahead, we’re committed to working with the best project delivery
partners in each part of the world and focused on achieving great results for our
customers. We plan to continue serving industry while achieving significant growth over
the coming years. Our team of pump energy experts includes highly skilled hydraulic
engineers, software developers, engineering consultants, business managers, contract
specialists and project managers.
Contact Steve Barret for more information:
Imageau is a young and innovative company seeking to bring out to the world the
cutting-edge technology developed in the Montpellier Geosciences Lab in France. It is
also the project of an enthusiastic team meeting around a major idea: the protection of
groundwater resources by means of an accurate cutting-edge monitoring technology.
Contact Olivier Depraz for more information:
Our vision:
'To deliver Water-on-Demand’
The fragile global economy and political instability in some parts of the world, combined with the unpredictable
weather in many parts of the world, continue to result in too much, too less or too high polluted water. This
still requires solid and adaptive solutions for a sustainable and resilient future, and in addition will increase
the need for water solutions on demand.
We expect to see a strong rise of specific technologies that will be applied differently across industries, and across
applications. Access to clean water and air, healthy food, renewable energy and zero waste are essential to secure 9
billion people to an improved quality of life.
The ability to continuously adapt to these dynamic market circumstances and requirements of individual regions around
the world, is a balancing act. Our continuous efforts to contribute to the circular economy are being recognized by many of
our clients, resulting in a growing demand for our innovative offerings to reduce, reuse and recover water, energy, nutrients
and resources. In addition to that, there is a growing group of people who go to work to contribute to do something
meaningful, a sustainable purpose. We foresee the water sector can enter new markets with existing technologies to help
clients with their water challenges. However, innovation should always be part of the water industry business. Because
what is good today, is probably not sufficient tomorrow.
That ultimately bring us into a new decade wherein we foresee the increase of the need for
delivering ‘Water-on-Demand’ solutions and ‘the reduction of the environmental footprint’,
for a sustainable and resilient future.
Freshwater sources in several regions around the world are running out or will run out to secure the people an improved
quality of life due to the impact of climate change and other environmental issues. However, in a future world wherein the
water sector delivers ‘Water-on-Demand’ solutions, in combination with new technologies and new business models, the
balance between demand and supply are in harmony.
No longer we can afford to ‘bring’ drinking water quality to every single client around the world, which is in some cases
not even necessary. By balancing water demand, we provide water which is based on the actual usage to for example
feed cattle, grow food, flush toilets or water the lawn. Or providing the necessary water quality for industrial applications,
such as cooling water and process water and reuse water from industrial processes to reduce the water footprint. It is a
different quality instead of producing water for human consumption. Deliver ‘water-on-demand’ solutions fit into a
decentralised approach.
What is required to deliver ‘water-on-demand’ and what are the potential solutions?
Last but not least, electric osmosis in combination with a natural dryer is an interesting opportunity to further
dewater sludges to 50-80 % of dry matter. We are seeing more and more requirements from incinerators that
require an ideal composition of sludge. If you can tailor your dry solids to that, it makes incineration easier, and
it requires less energy and in the end no chemicals.
If we look back on what has been achieved from 2010 to 2020 and what lies ahead of us in 2030, we thoroughly
believe that our unique and tailored ‘water-on-demand’ vision combined with a strong focus on ‘reducing
the environmental footprint’ will play a highly important role to reduce the impact of water scarcity, droughts
and climate change and required to provide 9 billion people in 2050 access to clean water, sanitation and
food security. It will definitely not be easy to achieve, but we believe that a strong bond of frontrunners,
organisations, companies, governments, farmers, industry leaders, water professionals, financial
and legal experts and civilians will make this happen. With our track-record of successfully introducing
game changing technologies and solid solutions to our loyal and growing clientele around the planet we are
very excited to take a lead role in this journey and add a new and even more exciting chapter to our extensive
company history!
Contact Wilbert Menkveld for information about our technology vision and roadmap:
Due to the recalcitrant nature of some of these substances, the concentration is increasing in our wastewater. For
example, the increase of antibiotic resistant bacteria, micropollutants, medical residues and viruses in the wastewater.
In some cases, when these substances are not removed completely, this can harm aquatic life and in some cases are
already affecting human and animal health.
The Consortium targets hospitals, wastewater treatment plants and manufacturing plants
within and outside the European Union including countries such as China, India and other
LMIC’s. The objective of the Consortium is to reduce the antibiotic emissions with the
overarching aim of adding to the global curbing of Antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
How to remove harmful bacteria, viruses and micropollutants before they enter the
sewage treatment plant?
Treatment at the source, instead of at the sewage treatment plant, is a very interesting approach to disinfect and remove
bacteria, viruses and micropollutants and to help in reducing the effect of antibiotic resistance on the environment.
Multiple technologies, comprising filtration, ad-/absorption processes, biological processes and (chemical) oxidation
processes, have been successfully used to do so.
By combining these technologies in a smart way, not only can micropollutants be removed but can also
contribute in the removal of antibiotic resistant bacteria and their genetic materials, difficult biodegradable
bacteria and viruses before they enter the sewage treatment plants.
Step 1 - A Nijhuis Audit & Feasibility study removal. It uses different filtration and separation
We first investigate the local situation and (can) analyse techniques and a combination of oxidative technologies
your water to determine the matrix of pollutants. The (Ozone and UV) to convert substances into biological
Nijhuis team has extensive experience to analyse all types degradable molecules. Using a specific dosing for the
of wastewater, feasibility and consultancy work. Audits specific removal requirements and smart combination of
are needed to identify opportunities for sustainable water techniques, it is possible to reach significant reduction
use, in compliance with the local environmental legislation of bacteria, viruses, remove medical residues or
After the audit, a decentralised (MediOxi) solution can be convert them so they can be further degraded inside a
chosen to effectively disinfect and remove viruses and conventional wastewater treatment plant. The solution can
bacteria. be completely containerized and placed at sources like
hospitals, elderly homes, or pharmaceutical companies.
Step 2 - Implement the Nijhuis MediOxi Solution
(in cooperation with Van Remmen UV Technology) To meet an even higher water quality, Direct Nano Filtration
The MediOxi solution is a treatment-at-the-source technology can be added as a technology building block
solution for bacteria, viruses and micropollutant to have the possibility to reuse water.
Contact Eddie Broeders for information about our MediOxi solution:
European regulations now list some 110,000 substances classified as micropollutants. The word ‘micro’ is related to
the small size and they are present in our environment in very low concentrations. The word ‘pollutants’ is related to the
suspected effects on the environment and human health. It is therefore the responsibility of manufacturers and sewage
treatment plants to reduce the impact of these micropollutants in our environment by primarily relying on innovative
Simple delivery and collection of the system A compact Plug & Play solution
Contact Luc Méjean for information about our CarboPlus® mobile solution:
Food, Beverage and Dairy
Contact Aleksandr Khodakov for more information about the project:
Nijhuis Saur Industries NEWS I
The challenge
Factory pumps 1-5 undergo heavy wear and tear - with an average load of 45%, which is equivalent to 2.2 pumps
running at any one time. Seasonal variations were evident as hotter summer conditions require greater cooling per tons
of production. The pumps are also obsolete, with parts no longer available from the original manufacturer.
Contact Steve Barret for more information about the project:
The solution
The team of Saur Industry proposed a turnkey EPC solution, with performance commitments. To meet the client’s
requirements and to comply with the discharge limits, they transformed existing tanks in balance tanks, and installed
a new biological treatment process with a new settler. The sludge treatment processes are being improved as well.
The new WWTP will treat 10 tons COD a day and 5000 m3 of wastewater a day.
The result
Thanks to the technical optimisations and teamwork, the upgraded plant will meet the high level and guaranteed
requirements of BOD 13 mg/l, COD 45 mg/l, TSS 18 mg/l, Nt 9 mg/l and Phosphorus 0,9 mg/l. Thanks to the use of
proven equipment and Saur’s extensive knowledge and experience in Operation & Maintenance the performance of
the wastewater treatment plant today is solid and efficient.
Contact Capucine Corre for more information about the project:
Just arrived on site, the first action made by Saur Industrie team was to understand how the production plant and the
different workshops function during one complete week. Depending on the schedules of production and Cleaning in
Place phases, they could anticipate the management of the WWTP. Around 30 training sessions with operators and
production line managers were organized as well to anticipate on impacts of fluctuations in the production.
The result
Thanks to this better communication and understanding between production and the wastewater management, there
are today less unexpected pollution events. The work of Saur Industrie resulted in a better reactivity on water quality
and quantity and better discharge values compared to standards. Easier identification of pollutions is now feasible,
allowing to adapt the treatment. The biogas valorisation was also upgraded by 50%.
Contact Jean-François Mialon for more information about the project:
Meat and Poultry
Cedrob S.A. is the largest Polish producer of poultry meat, chicks and animal feed. It is a fully integrated poultry
business based on Polish stock. Since its founding in 1991, Cedrob S.A. has observed dynamic growth, becoming
the largest and leading Polish producer of poultry meat. They are driven by the motto: “Who does not develop their
business, loses it”. Following this principle, the company focuses on innovation, in both the fields of technology
and production. The slaughterhouses’ total daily output reaches 1 million broilers, 60,000 stewing hens and 15,000
The increasing risk of insufficient groundwater in the near future has prompted Cedrob to invest in this innovative
water reuse system. The groundwater is used as process water and cleaning water across all factory production
lines. With the company business continuing to expand, additional production lines will be installed. The additional
production capacity will also require process and cleaning water, increasing the demand placed upon dwindling well
water supplies and raise cost. This was one of the main drivers for this client to choose the most economical and
best business case to reuse wastewater, developed by Nijhuis Industries.
The reuse installation is a real breakthrough within the meat industry, and will meet game-changing sustainability goals.
8000 m3 wastewater per day will in the future not be discharged into the river, but reused as a valuable resource for
inhouse purposes in the production facility. Nowadays 4000 m3/d is reused with a future extension to 8000 m3/d.
Water reuse efforts in the meat, food and beverage stringent European drinking water regulations. While
industry around the world water reuse in the meat, food and beverage industry is
Meat processing facilities consume significant amounts becoming increasingly more common (industry players
of water to process meat into edible product for human like Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Heineken, Nestle, Carlsberg
consumption. The requirement to operate under stringent are on board), there is still a stigma associated with the
food safety regulations coupled with the potentially practice. A lot of people are questioning about the idea
catastrophic impact of a food poisoning incident dictates of water reuse anywhere near food.
that much of this water is consumed for cleaning and
sanitation purposes. However, the reuse of water from But the truth is, with the right treatment methods, the
the wastewater treatment plant is becoming a ‘license to water is actually cleaner than it was when they were
operate’ since a growing number of companies want to receiving it directly from the tap.
expand their production facilities.
Despite the large number of challenges, frontrunners like
This continuous battle for more water in the future Cedrob are playing a vital role to change perception and
is leaving no other option to reuse the treated help turning reuse becoming a standard practice to
effluent in the most efficient way, meeting the very secure a sustainable, resilient and inclusive future.
Contact Rafał Sowa for more information about the project:
Pharma, Cosmetic and Healthcare
L’Oreal has a history of success when it comes to reducing CO2 emissions, having made a 50% reduction between
2005 and 2015. Now, at one of its largest factories in the world, the global cosmetics company wants to exceed
in reducing the environmental footprint of its production plant. As well as reducing waste quantities, L’Oréal has
committed to a 60% reduction in water consumption, per finished product, by 2020 (using a 2005 baseline). Achieving
this ambitious goal is only possible by optimization of water consumption and by recycling water on site.
Contact Rafał Małek for more information about the project:
Saur Industries
Nijhuis Saur
Saur Industries
Industries I
Fish industry
What’s happening in the fish and aquaculture market and the effect on the
environmental footprint? How to feed 9 billion people in 2050?
The fish industry has been around for millennia but only started to contribute significantly to the global food supply and
rural livelihoods about 30 years ago. It will be inevitable that the impact of the growing world population will have
an effect on the fish industry. A growing group of people are reducing their meat consumption for health purposes and
environmental footprint reduction. To fulfill the growing demand, proteins are necessary to feed for example salmon.
There are several ways to achieve this, not only via the conventional way but also via innovative ways with for example
insects instead of fish will has less impact on the environmental footprint. From the bigger picture, consumption
scenarios project protein consumption by 2050 to range between 264 million and 361 million tons, a 31% minimum
increase. This is a chance for the industry, as wastewater from the fish industry contains highly valuable
source of protein. Recovery of protein is effective for the business and contributes to a more sustainable future.
What might be seen as a cost on the first hand, has the potential to be turned into a Resource Recovery centre of
valuable proteins including an attractive business case.
To do so, the industry is making the change in fulfilling the world’s growing demand for protein. On one hand the
industry is providing protein to the world, on the other hand they also need proteins to grow their fish. In some specific
areas of the fish industry environmental adaptationis key, since there are concerns of antibiotics used in shrimp farms.
An overdue of antibiotics can ensure that people will become less resistant to bacteria and antibiotics in general and
is a potential treat to human health and the environmental. Sustainable water use and water treatment plays a major
role in how the industry can reduce their environmental footprint.
Industrial wastewater from fish processing / sea food operations can be very high in Biochemical Oxygen Demand
(BOD), Fat, Oil and Grease (FOG), and nitrogen content. BOD is derived mainly from the butchering process and general
cleaning and nitrogen originates predominantly from blood in the wastewater stream. For example, salmon, shrimp,
anchovy, sardine and mackerel processing plants can typically generate between 500 to 1500 m3 of wastewater
per day, although this varies per processing facility. When potential water savings and pollution cannot be achieved
in the processing facility, a large amount of wastewater needs to be treated, in the first instance, to fulfil the effluent
discharge limits.
Water is a valuable and scarce commodity which can offer both challenges and opportunities for the fish processing
industry. Of course, it is in the interest of human and nature well-being to avoid polluting the rivers and seas. For this
purpose, legislation is needed but this can also give a headache to fish processing companies to keep their core
business going. They can even be forced to close the business due to not meeting the discharge limits.
That will ultimately mean that stricter legislation limits can impact the growth of the fish processing business. The
industry needs to act now and take the responsibility to protect nature, reduce the environmental footprint and keep
rivers and sea’s clean from polluted water. For example, in Latin America, the new D.S. 90 and D.S. 609 directives
involve changes in the market and the EU Industrial Emissions Directive impacts European as well. Industries are
required to sample their sewage water and send it to a hired laboratory every month.
Nijhuis Industries understands the impact of legislation on especially the water management of the processing
facility. This encourages us as a water expert to provide sustainable, excellent designed solutions to the fish processing
industry to turn these challenges into opportunities.
Saur Industries
Saur Industries
In case a complete greenfield wastewater treatment plant By investing in sustainable solutions, fish processing
is required, the best-available-technologies (BAT) can be companies will meet environmental requirements and save
applied. However, in case a wastewater treatment plant a lot of unnecessary costs and Nijhuis Industries takes care
is already implemented this should save cost in theory of discharge limits. Helping fish processing companies
to meet the discharge limits. In reality, water-related to meet the local wastewater discharge legislation is our
problems in existing and outdated treatment plants will challenge. A partnership with Nijhuis Industries makes
make sure no savings are being achieved and effluent complying with environmental requirements for now
discharge limits are becoming more difficult to be met as and in the future even easier. An updated facility can
legislation becomes stricter. Outdated wastewater plants for example lower energy and chemicals costs, which
require intensive operation and maintenance and can ensures fish processing companies can maximise their
even worsen the legislation challenges. growth to the fullest.
Based on global coverage, Nijhuis Industries has been able to support multiple fish processing clients with our in-
house industry knowledge and expertise. We are proud to say that we have for example supported several salmon
processing facilities in Norway, Peru, Chile and Ecuador. We support the fish processing industry with a complete
in-house portfolio of wastewater treatment solutions, resource recovery and sludge management of all different
quantities in wastewater. In most cases, the solutions we provide contain:
• Pre-treatment: Screens and Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) to eliminate surcharge costs and comply with
environmental legislation
• Intelligent dosing to reduce chemical costs
• Dewatering of sludge to reduce sludge discharge costs
• Biological treatment for effluent compliance improvement
• Polishing and Water Reuse to reduce water intake and reduce the water footprint
With these solutions and sustainable partnership, the fish processing industry meets environmental requirements
and discharge limits.
Next steps
Step 1: Contact Nijhuis Industries to visit together with your experts your fish processing plant.
Step 2: A report and recommendations based on the Best Available Technology (BAT).
Step 3: Design and built the appropriate treatment plant by considering total cost of ownership (TCO).
Step 4: Operational services for the lifecycle of the plant including Operation & Maintenance.
Nijhuis SaurSaur Industries
Industries NEWSNEWS I
Nijhuis Industries offers the possibility to visit an existing fish processing wastewater treatment plant. In case you have
for example no experience yet in wastewater, a (virtual) tour will help you to learn more about one of the most precious
resources on our planet and take your company to the next level to reduce the environmental footprint!
Contact Tamara Sepulveda for more information about the fish industry:
Paper and Pulp
The challenge
Since the paper mill facility increased production, the wastewater treatment needed to adapt to the new situation
to stay in compliance with the discharge limits. Since the wastewater contains a high amount of COD, anaerobic
treatment processes are ideal to apply due to low energy and chemical consumption and taking existing site
limitations in mind.
Contact Pascal Telaar for more information about the project:
Energy, Oil, Gas, Fertiliser and (Petro)chemical)
This includes a containerized lab wherein 1 IBC of Fast-track realisation of a 20-foot containerized
wastewater is processed via a bench scale MBBR unit, laboratory
followed by a simulated DAF unit, plus chlorine dioxide
Local process and laboratory expertise to fast track
dosing which are all performed in a temporary 20-
the trials
foot container. The lab-scale is part of a larger project
for the full-scale tertiary treatment. The reason for this
important environmental and water project is due to the
recent challenges the client had to remove oil and gas
by-products from crude oil wastewater to meet the local
government discharge requirements.
Contact Duane Schlicht for more information about the project:
Saur Industries
Saur Industries
The success of this project meets several industry challenges. Water treatment and steam generation create a high
demand for clean water. Reuse of produced water is critical to the life cycle and further production in SAGD facilities.
Each year millions of cubic meters of contaminated wastewater are produced daily. Due to an increased water demand
for production, limited quality water availability and continued stringent regulatory requirements, water availability and
usage can become a limiting factor. The new water treatment facility successfully treats the produced water to reuse
standards, reducing pressure on fresh water supplies. It replaces expensive chemical processes including warm lime
softener (WLS) and hot lime softener (HLS). Operational success of the SAGD includes 50% reduction in CAPEX and
OPEX of $0.40 - $ 0.80/m3.
The Solution
Treating approximately 100 m3/h of produced water in Client benefits / Impact
technology train consisting of Ground Effects unique
electrocoagulation (EC) followed by Nijhuis innovative Viable solution, continuous treatment of produced water
Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) and multimedia filtration.. Easily handles hydrocarbon upsets, pH fluctuations and
This treatment stream treats and removes the range high H2S levels.
of pollution allowing the produced water to be reused
for steam generation greatly improving the site OPEX Following treatment, the cleaned water can now be
costs and incoming water demand. The system is reused for production needs.
scalable and can be expanded in a modular nature Reduced costs of chemical additives, operations and
allowing for quick expansion and simpler engineering/ maintenance.
production for other project sites.
Contact Scott Christian for more information about the project:
One of these projects is the construction of a nitric acid production facility, with an expected capacity of 1,500 metric
tons per day to be used for fertiliser production. The new MLD plant helps to conserve fresh water and adhere to strict
effluent discharge regulations.
The Solution - Cooling and Demin Water MLD - Helping Navoiyazot JSC to meet their
Production environmental requirements
The facility required a water processing system to treat Instead of discharging the full reverse osmosis reject
raw surface water to a purity level sufficient for use in stream, by using MLD techniques and customizing
the plant’s boilers and cooling towers, and to serve technology for specific treatment stages, a solution
other operation functions. Unidro supplied a two-pass has been delivered to meet the clients’ purity and
reverse osmosis system followed by electrodeionization environmental requirements. The challenge was to go
modules for the demin water production section. through subsequent steps of concentration, by means
Around 1000 RO membrane elements were installed of additional reverse osmosis trains followed by an
in the unit. evaporator system. For this purpose, multi-step pre-
treatments were designed in order to prevent scale
issues, and last-generation of RO membrane elements
Client benefits / Impact were selected, with special tolerance to high salt
Cost-saving MLD strategy: reduces liquid waste flow
and need for feed water.
Contact Francesco Ghisalberti for more information about the project:
Nijhuis Saur
The Challenge
The purpose of the Condensate Water Treatment Plant is to purify the flue gas condensate from the condensers and/
or humidifier. The treated condensate is partially discharged, and partially used as feedstock for the Make-up Water
Production Plant in order to generate demineralized water. Within a complicated overall system architecture, consisting
of several purification steps, one of the main challenges is the removal of toxic heavy metal, including few parts per billion
of mercury, cadmium, lead, molybdenum, nickel, vanadium, zinc and others. Traces of these metals are often present in
the flue gas condensate, and the acceptable values for discharge of the treated condensate are extremely low.
Contact Francesco Ghisalberti for more information about the project:
As part of the investment in ORLEN Południe, Nijhuis Industries designed and built a treatment plant for industrial
wastewater, rainwater and a module for wastewater from the production of biodiesel and glycerine with biogas being
used for heating purposes.The main challenge was to ensure the continuity and security of the installation process.
The treatment plant has been designed to work in an automated manner. Technological lines were made in the system
2x100% of the nominal flow. The duplication of devices and individual tanks allows for an uninterrupted flow and
treatment of wastewater to the parameters of discharge to the River Ropa throughout the year. The entire process is
automated and managed according to established algorithms to ensure maximum process and environmental safety.
The tubular flocculator, into which chemical reagents are dosed, consists of a system of mixing pipes, which enables
precise mixing of chemical reagents with wastewater, and thus optimal regulation of the dosing process. Chemical
reagents are injected into the flocculator through injection installations. The wastewater from the flocculator flows
into the flotation unit. Sludge flocks are lifted towards the surface and from there are continuously and automatically
removed by the scraper mechanism. Thanks to the installation of the sludge dewatering grate, its optimal density
will be obtained. The flotation device is equipped with a package of lamellas, which increases the separation area
and ensures the removal of even the smallest flocs from the wastewater. The sludge from the stage of intensive
physical pretreatment is directed to the dewatering installation, while the pretreated wastewater is directed to the
MBBR biological treatment installation.
Dissolved organic substances are removed in MBBR out of the MBBR reactor through a screen retaining the
reactors, what allows to achieve the parameters of bio-carriers in the reactor.
wastewater discharge into the environment. The MBBR
technology is based on the use of a biological membrane After this process, the wastewater goes under the
(biofilm) covering specially designed plastic elements additional clarification process in the dissolved air flotation
that increase the active surface (bio-carriers), which system. In this way, the sludge formed in the biological
are suspended due to continuous movement inside the wastewater treatment process is removed. This sludge
reactor." is directed to the AECOMIXTM plant and then to the
sludge dewatering plant, while the dewatering centrate is
Wastewater is directed to the MBBR biological returned to the buffer tank. Dehydrated sludge is fed to
reactor, in which the biofilm growing on the structure of a container and then collected by an authorized recipient
the carriers breaks down pollutants. Organic pollutants as waste.
removed by the biofilm are used as a substrate for the
growth of the biological membrane. Due to the special
design of the carriers, the biofilm has an inflow of oxygen
and organic substances necessary for the optimal
growth of microorganisms. Excessive biofilm separates
from bio-carriers naturally and is removed from the
reservoir together with the treated sewage. The aeration
system installed at the bottom of the tank provides the
microorganisms with oxygen and mixing energy, keeping
the carriers suspended. The treated wastewater flows
The AECOMIXTM system is designed for wastewater from the Ester and Glycerine Production installation. This system
combines anaerobic digestion with an external solid-liquid separation system (dissolved nitrogen flotation). After the
process, the liquid is pumped out of the fermentation tank to the flocculation and anaerobic flotation installation with
dissolved nitrogen. The effluent after flotation goes to the main line of the treatment plant, where it merges into a
single stream with the remaining sewage. The biogas generated during the anaerobic biotransformation process is
buffered in a double-membrane gas tank integrated with the AECOMIXTM reactor, and after drying it is burned in a
boiler with a capacity of approximately 0.7 MW. The treated wastewater is discharged into the River Ropa. Rainwater
from Rafineryjna Street (formerly Kruczkowskiego Street) is directed to the River Ropa through a newly installed
rainwater separator and settling tank.
With the new plant in operation, ORLEN Południe SA takes care of the water and wastewater management.
Tests were carried out to obtain water from the stream of treated wastewater with parameters allowing it to be fed to
the Water Treatment Plant at the Power plant division. The results of the tests and analysis carried out, confirm the
high quality of the treated water. As a result, a path opens to close the water cycle on the premises of the plant by
recovering water from treated wastewater.
Dissolved Nitrogen Flotation,
an external solid-liquid separation
system for anaerobic treatment.
Contact Marcin Polit for more information about the project:
Municipal &
Residential Industries
Drinking / Potable water
The desalination plant can produce 137,000 m3 of fresh drinking water per day. It has been built by Keppel Infrastructure
under a Design, Build, Own and Operate (DBOO) arrangement with the National Water Agency, the Public Utility Board
of Singapore (PUB). Keppel will operate the plant for 25 years under this contract arrangement. All plant facilities are
located underground, with a green parkland area above the facility at ground level.
Contact Duane Schlicht for more information about the project:
Municipal &
Residential Industries
Wastewater Treatment & Reuse
The project has started in March 2019 and is in operation since June 2020. Due to the short delivery of the Nijhuis
DAF and technologies from other partners, Sha Tau Kok achieved the urgent delivery schedule of the complete
temporary plant. The plant has a treatment capacity of 2,500 m3/day. The actual large-scale new to build Sewage
Treatment plant will become the largest MBBR plant in Hong Kong.
Contact Nik Chia for more
information about the project:
Sand Filters can provide a robust and flexible tertiary treatment, as biological process units removing Ammonia, Total
Nitrogen, Phosphorus and residual BOD, or as a physical process to remove TSS. Resilience to future legislation
around the removal of micro-pollutants could be attained by adding an Ozonation stage. On facilities where Sand
filters are installed, and not working optimally, Utility clients can consider refurbishment of existing assets, rather than
adding new process units. The optimisation can be enhanced by retro-fitting a new patented monitoring technology
that has won a number of awards for innovation.
To meet these challenges, Nijhuis Industries provides high rate sand filter technology into the UK market known
as High Rate i-CSF in cooperation with technology partner Brightworks BV. Nijhuis are well placed to meet these
challenges, with in-house consultancy and project management divisions, coupled with extensive process capabilities
from their Process Design Group, and knowledge emanating from our various process technology partners. Nijhuis
can provide principle designer and contractor status on turnkey projects, or provide DBFMO modular process units
to EPC stakeholders working with Utility companies.
Contact Phil Bates for more information about the project:
Saur Industries
Saur Industries
Cooling Tower and Water Hygiene Solutions
The Nijhuis team will provide experienced engineers to produce 6 monthly mechanical condition reports. In addition,
a corrosion monitor is installed in the cooling tower to measure corrosion and the toxic secondary biocide is replaced
with patented Bio-Organic Catalyst.
The result
The new unit and other cooling water process improvements resulted in significant cost savings and reduction
in chemical handling which meets health, safety and environmental objectives of the client.
Contact Mike Platt for more information about the project: