403 Soft Skills Assignment
403 Soft Skills Assignment
403 Soft Skills Assignment
Assignment: 2
Assignment 2 is based on the following text/paragraph of case study/situational exercise etc. You first need to read this text and then
answer the following MCMR i.e. Multiple choice multiple response questions.
Number of Questions: 5
Each question carries 2 Mark
All Five Questions are Mandatory.
Attempts: 1
The Importance of Soft Skills for Engineering Students / Employability Most engineering students they graduate with acquisition of technical
skills. They know how to handle sophisticated machineries and run the production equipment, deal with high technology, able to create new
product etc. However, some of them or probably most of them are lacking in soft skills. They are very excellent and potential to become good
engineer, however they fail to get a job. It is because they do not know how to market themselves to their potential employer. Many countries
including Malaysia are having an issue of employability and it is becoming more critical lately. It has been identified that lack of soft skill is
among the factors for this scenario. It is also being the biggest challenge for institutions of higher learning (IHL) to develop employable skills,
enhance knowledge and make local graduates more attractive to employers. Evidence from surveys suggested that employers are more
concerned about soft skills or attitudes rather than technical knowledge or competencies. Literature review from previous study identified
that some of soft skills required in job employment are communication skills, creativity, teamwork capability, negotiating skills and problem-
solving skill. While Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET, 2012) stated that cooperation skills, communication skills, data
analysis skills, and problem-solving skills as the type of competencies that should be mastered by engineering graduates
2 For an engineer to display professionalism in the work place, what essential business etiquette characteristics for the above brief should an
engineer develop to shine in the work place for cooperation skills.
Being competent – developing essential skills and knowledge to be good at what they do
Respect and support others – treat everybody at workplace equally
An engineer must keep to himself and do his own work to ensure increased productivity
Relaxed body language with folded arms will ensure that nervousness is not displayed
3 Persuasion is an art of influencing the mind of the listener and hence it should be done with great care. Persuasion is a communicative skill.
What type of skills should an engineer develop for persuasion?
Presentation skills to appeal to the others interest
Intellectual appeal to arouse the receiver’s interest
Persuasion appeals to the self-interest of the engineer
Persuasion is fulfilling
4 Cooperation skills, Communication skills, Data analysis skills, and Problem-solving skills as the type of competencies that should be
mastered by engineering graduates. These skills will help the Engineers develop a Personal Brand. What are the below benefits that the
Engineers reap
Having a personal brand helps to build trust for audience and position the engineer as an authority and a thought leader in the industry
When you have a personal brand that clearly articulates who you are, what you do, and how you help others, it makes it easier for other
people and entrepreneurs to see value in connecting with you.
It will keep the engineer motivated at all times
It will help in expressing the thought with more clarity
5 Most employers look for team players, having cooperative skills as per the above brief, most organizations expect improvement in which of
the critical areas below where teamwork skills are the most relevant.
Product and service quality
Customer Service
Enhance engineering skills
Ensures low stress and more work
6 Problem Solving is one of the most important skills that an engineer must develop to be employable. Which of the following is a part of the
process for effective problem solving.
Understand everyone’s interest
Evaluate options
Agree to disagree
Be the change to see the change