Proposal For Wsu
Proposal For Wsu
Proposal For Wsu
1. ASIYA GIRMA………………………..ENG/R/246/10
2.AMINA WARIYO.……………............ENG/R/122/10
3.REHIMA SIMBO.…………………….ENG/R/166/10
MARCH, 2022
First of all we want to thanks the God, father of all things for his support us in duration of our
proposal work. And we would like to express our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to our instructor
Mr.Mamo for his professional and genuine guidance.We also want to thank him for his
dedication and time devotion on guiding us how to proceed and for his uninterrupted advice
during the progress of the Proposal work. Finally, we are indebted to the department of civil
engineering on providing us the necessary materials and computer rooms to accomplish our
thesis Proposal in advance and properly.
Compaction is one of the essential engineering techniques, performed to assure the stability of
soils based on specified strength. However, in most construction projects such as large scale
projects, obtaining the desired compaction characteristics, namely optimum moisture content
(OMC) and maximum dry density (MDD), becomes time-consuming. In this case, predicting the
compaction characteristics from the Atterberg's limits that involve a more straightforward and
quicker method of testing becomes a vital task. This study will be focused on obtaining valid
correlations between Atterberg's limit parameters and compaction characteristics of fine-
grained soils of wolaita sodo town.To develop the correlation, a total 5 test pits will be
excavated and a total of 10 disturbed samples (primary data) will collecting from different
places, 2 samples from each test pits at different depths ranging from 1.00m to 2.00m After the
samples will collected, they will be transporting to Geotechnical engineering laboratory and
different laboratory tests (Atterberg limits, grain size analysis, specific gravity,moisture content
and compaction tests) will be conducted. After the tests will conducted, the recorded data will be
analyze using descriptive and analytical methods, and then correlation between compaction
characteristics and Atterberg limits of fine grained soil using regression analysis will be done.
Regression analysis will be conducted by using EXCEL and SPSS software.This thesis will be
conducted from March 2022 up to June 2022.
Contents Page
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR PROPOSAL.............................................................................III
TABLE OF CONTENT................................................................................................................IV
LIST OF FIGURE......................................................................................................................VIII
LIST OF TABLE...........................................................................................................................IX
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background....................................................................................................................................1
1.2. Statement of the Problem..............................................................................................................1
1.3. Research Questions.......................................................................................................................1
1.4. Objective......................................................................................................................................2
1.5. Significance of the study...............................................................................................................2
1.6. Scope of the study.........................................................................................................................2
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................4
2.LITERATURE REVIEW.....................................................................................................................4
2.1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................4
2.2 Compaction....................................................................................................................................5
2.3 Atterberg limits..............................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER THREE.........................................................................................................................6
3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.........................................................................................................6
3.1 Description of the Study Area........................................................................................................6
3.2 Organization of the thesis..............................................................................................................7
3.3 Study period...................................................................................................................................7
3.4 Study design..................................................................................................................................7
3.5 Study variables..............................................................................................................................7
3.6 Sources of Data..............................................................................................................................7
3.7 Data Collection Procedure.............................................................................................................7
3.8 Laboratory Tests and Equipment we will use...............................................................................8
3.9 Equipment’s we will use on site....................................................................................................9
3.10 Data Presentation and Analysis....................................................................................................9
3.11 Proposed Time Table................................................................................................................10
Table 3. 1 Time table.................................................................................................................................10
LL Liquid Limit
PLPlastic Limit
1.1 Background
Most of the time geotechnical engineers are confronted to handle large volumes of soil, where
the soil itself is used as a construction material. The importance of compaction as a practical
means of achieving the desired strength, compressibility and permeability characteristics of soils
has been appreciated since the time early earth structures were built.
Compaction of soil has applications in almost every field of civil engineering involving soil.
Thus, for a civil engineer, it is very essential to know the compaction characteristics of natural
soils, and thereby assess their suitability. In such situations, to obtain compaction characteristics
such as maximum dry density and optimum moisture content, one has to carry out a laboratory
compaction tests. But laboratory compaction test requires sufficient time and effort. For
preliminary assessment of the suitability of soils required for large project, it is desirable to
develop correlations of engineering properties with simple physical properties, namely Atterberg
limits, which are obtained through simple tests known as index tests. Correlations making use of
the Atterberg limits are fairly common in soil mechanics literature, and can be quite useful.
2. What are the values of compaction characteristics of the soil?
3. What will be the correlation between compaction characteristics and Atterberg limits of
finegrained soil
1.4. Objective
2.1. Introduction
Correlations making use of the Atterberg limits are fairly common in soil mechanics literature,
and are quite useful. Many attempts have been made to obtain equations that relate OMC and
MDD with index properties. One of the first attempts to relate compaction characteristics with
index properties was by Jumiki (1946). He developed a correlation equation to estimate optimum
moisture content with liquid limit and plasticity index.
So far as fine-grained soils are concerned, efforts were mostly made to correlate 𝛾dmax and
OMC especially either with LL or PL. In few investigations, special emphasis was laid on
compaction energy. Limited attempts have been made in the domain to correlate 𝛾dmax and
OMC with LL in conjunction with PL or plasticity index (PI). Di Matteo et al. developed
regression models compaction characteristics of fine-grained soils in terms of consistency limits
and physical properties but are limited to for modified Proctor energy level only.
Another attempt was made by Gu¨naydın taking both sandy and clayey soils into account. The
𝛾dmax and OMC of fine-grained soils are largely governed by its consistency limits. In contrast,
compaction characteristics of coarse-grained soils are also governed by their grain-size
distribution and index properties apart from consistency limits. Hence a common prediction
model for estimating 𝛾dmax and OMC of coarse-grained and fine-grained soils seems to have
potential drawback. Recently, Farooq etal. conducted an extensive study on fine-grained soils
and developed correlations for predicting 𝛾dmax and OMC of fine-grained soils in terms of LL,
PI, and compaction energy.
Review of previous studies shows that limited efforts have been made to develop prediction
models for compaction parameters of fine-grained soil in terms of both LL and PL and scope of
few such models are limited as already explained. Predicting compaction parameters from LL or
PL alone has got technical limitations and therefore, it is more logical to have a model which
takes both the consistency limits into account. Moreover, the variations of compaction
characteristics with Atterberg limits are not fully understood. In few investigations, LL of soil
was observed to bear better correlation with compaction characteristics than PL. Contrastingly,
in few other studies, PL was shown to provide a better correlation than LL. Furthermore,
prediction models are not expected to be unique and may have dependency on the place of origin
of soils. These pin-points the necessity of a further study to understand the behavior of
compaction characteristics with consistency limits of fine-grained soils. Therefore, an extensive
laboratory investigation has been carried out to study the variation pattern of 𝛾dmax and OMC of
fine-grained soils at standard Proctor energy level as functions of their LL and PL values aiming
at developing an improved correlation among these parameters.
2.2 Compaction
Compaction is the process of application of mechanical energy to soil in order to rearrange its
particles causing reduction in void ratio. The primary objectives of compaction are to increase
the shear strength and bearing capacity, to decrease settlement, and to decrease the permeability
of soil. Compaction has wide applications almost in all civil engineering works such as
improving the properties of an existing soil, in the process of placing fills, and to prepare a level
surface such as in the construction of buildings. So, from civil engineering viewpoint, it is very
essential to know the compaction characteristics of soils to assess their suitability as a
construction material. Two basic compaction characteristics of a soil obtained from a laboratory
compaction test are maximum dry unit weight (𝛾dmax) and optimum moisture content (OMC).
These two parameters are determined either by performing standard Proctor or modified Proctor
test which requires considerable time and effort.
3.1 Description of the Study Area
The geographical (Astronomical) location of wolaita sodo town is approximately between
6054'36’’ N- 8050'36’’ N latitude and between 37045'42" E - 37045'42" E longitude (topographic
map sheet obtained from Ethiopian Mapping Agency and topographic surveyed map). Relatively
wolaita sodo town is located 317 km far away South of Addis Ababa, 19kms North East of
Boddit town. Wolaita sodo town is a zonal town with the 4 th grade (stage) of administrative
3.2 Organization of the thesis
The thesis will be organized into six parts. The first part presents a general description or an
introduction and major engineering problems associated with determination of compaction
characteristics for large projects, objective and limitation of this research work. A review on soil
classification, different tests like index tests and proctor tests including previous works on their
relationships are discussed in the second part. The third part presents the location of the sampling
pits, methods, data collection, and lab test results. Regression analysis and discussions will be
done in chapter four. Finally, conclusions and recommendations are given in fifth chapter. At the
end, details of the regression and laboratory test results enclosed under appendix section.
soil samples from the field will be further analyses in the laboratory to classify and categorize the
soil type and determine the regression and correlation analysis.
Equipment’s: mechanical liquid limit device casagrande type tool, porcelain in evaporating dish,
spatula, balance, oven, wash bottle, sample container, sieve
Figure 3. 2 Shovel
3.10 Data Presentation and Analysis
There are many methods that we can use to check the validity of the relationships between two
or more variables. However, in this study the two common methods will be used, namely: scatter
plot and linear regression analysis.
3.10.2 Regression
Regression analysis is a statistical technique that is very useful in the field of engineering and
science in modeling and investigating relationships between two or more variables. The method
of regression analysis is used to develop the line or curve which provides the best fit through a
set of data points. The proposing correlation is carried out by applying a single linear regression
model and multiple linear regression models with the help of, MINITAB, and SPSS Software’s.
3.11 Proposed Time Table
M o n t h M a r c h A p r i l M a y J u n e
1 Title selection
2 Acceptance of title
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