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Roadway Condition Survey

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Dhaka International University

Department of Civil Engineering


Course Code: CE-452

Course Name: Transportation Engineering Sessional

Submitted by

In Co-Operation with


This thesis titled “Roadway Condition Survey; submitted by MD. RAHAMAT

ULLAH EMRAN (Roll: 044; Batch: Eve.-2st); MAHAMUDUL HASAN (Roll:
015; Batch; Eve.-2st); MD. SHAHIDUL HASAN (Roll: 031; Batch: Eve.-2st); MD.
MANIK MIAH (Roll: 032; Batch: Eve.-2st); MISHU MOJUMDER (Roll: 048;
Batch: Eve.-2st); has been accepted as satisfactory in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering on
September, 2018




S M Sazzad Ahmed Shovon


Department of Civil Engineering




We hereby declare that this report is our own work and effort and that it has not been
submitted anywhere for any award. All the contents provided here is totally based on our
own labor dedicated for the completion of the laboratory experiment of volume study of
the road lying near to our university.
Where other sources of information have been used, they have been acknowledged and
the sources of information‟s have been provided in the reference section.

Septenmber-2018 Student ID:



First of all, we would like to express my deepest sense of gratitude to almighty Allah.

We write this acknowledgement with great honor, pride and pleasure to pay our respects to all
Who enabled us either directly or indirectly in completing this report.

We express our deep sense of gratitude to Md. Sazzad Hossain, Lecturer, Department of Civil
Engineering, Dhaka International University; for being constant source of inspiration, valuable
guidance and constant encouragement to us especially for solving the problems that we have
encountered while working on this report.


We choose a road section between Russel square and Panthapath intersection of about
950meter.We tried to survey the geometric and operational condition of the road way. It includes
measuring effective road width, shoulder condition, skid resistance condition, traffic control
device, side road location and some other parameter. To check the need (warrant) traffic control
devices, to determine the type of improvement measure need to be taken, to measure the
effectiveness of a traffic control measure we need this study.

In 2008, MR. Misbah Uddin khan and Jennaro B Odoki were worked for establishing the
optimum roadway maintenance standards by using HDM- 4 model. In 2012-13 A.K Fazlul
Karim has worked all over the roadway condition of Bangladesh. This work mainly related with
roadway maintenance cost. Some other studies are also available to minimized scale Both
manual and automatic survey is possible. But considering time cost and weather condition we
have considered manual survey.

We found in average a width of 9m confinement of buildings has reduced shoulder with about
0.5m average interval for pedestrian rod passing is 25m along our whole section only one u-turn
facility is provided presence of many side roads along an arterial road is enough a cause to
reduce safety, efficiency and capacity on average 3m width has reduced from actual width.
Reduction in shoulder is on average 0.4m increase in median influencing area is about
6in.Construction material placement compel users to avoid median when crossing a road . All
types signal are present here. But they are not operative. Again manual control is dominant. In
Several places marking have worn out. We found our skid resistance value to be 65 which is
Before surveying a clear view can be achieved from Google map. This will help to understand in
What place more specific data is required It is better to choose a holiday and early in the morning
For surveying. Again top view gives clear idea about the system. So some of the numerator
Should choose an upper place and may guide the others from there.

For widening effective width shop and construction material from median and footpath need to

Be removed. As commercial buildings are profound we should conduct a survey for stablishing
service road. Side confinement of property line causes reduction in shoulder. This ultimately
affect the road width. So property line confinement, Utility pole should be removed from

Table of Contents




Chapter-1: Introduction

 1.1 General……………………………………………………………………………10-11
 1.2 Scope of Study……………………………………………………………………11-12
 1.3 Purpose of the study……………………………………………………………...12-14
 Objectives of Our Roadway Condition Survey………………………………………14-15

Chapter-2: Literature Review

 2.1 General.........................................................................................................................16
 2.2 Definitions:.............................................................................................................17-24
 2.3 Roadway survey studies in Bangladesh:......................................................................25
 2.4 Roadway condition in Dhaka city……..................................................................... 26
 2.5 Overview: ....................................................................................................................26

Chapter-3: Methodology

 3.1 Survey Procedure......................................................................................................27

 3.2 Roadway condition survey methods…………………………………………...27-34
 3.3 Distress Surveys........................................................................................................35

Chapter-4: Data Collection

 4.1 General......................................................................................................................36
 4.2 Location and Data Collection....................................................................................36

Chapter-5: Data Analysis

 5.1 Number of lanes.......................................................................................................37

 5.2 Geometric Layout of Roadway……………………............................................38-40
 5.3 Road Signal..........................................................................................................40-41
 5.4 Road Sign Diversion............................................................................................42-44
 5.5 Signs.....................................................................................................................44-46
 5.6 Tendency of Not Following the Signal & Sign....................................................46-47
 5.7 Side Roads............................................................................................................48-49
 5.8 Problems in pedestrian movement........................................................................50-51
 5.9 Obstacles in Road..................................................................................................52-54
 5.10 Road Condition....................................................................................................55-56

Chapter-6: Conclusion

 6.1 Conclusions.................................................................................................................57
 6.2 Recommendations.................................................................................................57-58
 6.3 Limitations..................................................................................................................58
 6.4 Reference....................................................................................................................59

Chapter 1

Life is a journey that must be traveled no matter how bad the roads and accommodations.
Oliver Goldsmith
People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they're not on your
road doesn't mean they've gotten lost.
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
1.1 General:

A road surface or roadway is the durable surface material laid down on an area intended to
sustain vehicular or foot traffic, such as a road or walkway. In the past, gravel
road surfaces, cobblestone and granite setts were extensively used, but these surfaces have
mostly been replaced by asphalt or concrete laid on a compacted base course. Road surfaces are
frequently marked to guide traffic. Today, permeable paving methods are beginning to be used
for low-impact roadways and walkways. Roadways are crucial to countries such
as US and Canada, which heavily depend on road transportation. Therefore, research projects
such as Long-Term Roadway Performance are launched to optimize the life-cycle of different
road surfaces.

Roadway condition is an important parameter in selecting things for improving vehicular

movement in a road or highway. Sometimes roadside use pattern in our country affects the traffic
stream and the smoothness of their passing in the road. This study is targeted to observe the
roadway condition and roadside use pattern in an important road in Dhaka city.

The level of repair and rehabilitation done on the roads depends on the physical condition of the
road at a particular time in relation to its acceptable and operable condition. Thus, the condition
of roadways is monitored regularly and this is known as roadway condition monitoring. These
condition monitoring surveys play a vital role in roadway management since it provides valuable
information that forms the basis of repair and rehabilitation activities. The information given to

management staff is usually in the form of condition ratings of specific sections or an entire
roadway network based on which sound and informed decisions are made.
Only those who have attended the Roadway Condition Survey training class and have been given
certification as a rater will be allowed to rate the roadway sections. Certifications are only good
for one survey cycle. Each rater must be recertified before each survey cycle by attending the
training class.
The roadway systems primarily fail due to fatigue (in a manner similar to metals) and the
damage done to roadway increases with the fourth power of the axle load of the vehicles
traveling on it. According to the AASHO Road Test, heavily loaded trucks can do more than
10,000 times the damage done by a normal passenger car. Tax rates for trucks are higher than
those for cars in most countries for this reason, though they are not levied in proportion to the
damage done. From a fatigue perspective, passenger cars are considered to have no practical
effect on a roadway's service life.
Road surface markings are used on paved roadways to provide guidance and information to
drivers and pedestrians. It can be in the form of mechanical markers such as cat's eyes, bolt‟s
dots and rumble strips, or non-mechanical markers such as paints, thermoplastic, plastic
and epoxy.

After conducting the study some advices are made in the end of this report.

1.2 Scope of Study:

Roadway condition surveys are vital to the operations of DOTs due to several reasons.
First, roadway condition monitoring helps agencies to schedule maintenance and rehabilitation
works efficiently. As a result, the DOTs have an idea as to when to carry out maintenance in
order to effectively utilize the assets during its useful lifespan. This is done by setting a threshold
level of performance which will indicate acceptable and non-acceptable operating conditions.
Second, roadway condition ratings are used as a fair basis of comparison for different roadways.
In other words, roadway condition ratings allows for a more objective comparison of two or
more roadway sections. This becomes important when prioritizing maintenance and
rehabilitation projects.

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Third, condition ratings enable DOTs and all stakeholders to estimate the level of repair and
rehabilitation required in terms of costs and extent of deterioration. This is because the condition
ratings reflect the current condition of the roadway.
Lastly, data obtained from condition surveys can be used for long-term budget planning. The
survey data of past and present conditions can be used to project future conditions and this serves
as a guide for management during allocation of funds for future works. With condition ratings,
management decisions are no longer based on sentiments and hunches but rather on the valuable
and reliable information provided by the condition ratings.
These measurements include road curvature, cross slope, asperity, roughness, rutting and texture.
This data is fed into a roadway management system, which recommends the best maintenance or
construction treatment to correct the damage that has occurred.
In our country, the management of roadway condition is not very up to mark. There is a
considerable lack of roadway maintenance infrastructure and funding. As a result, maintenance
works become lengthy and improper. There are possibilities that variety of unusual impediments
arise along with the structural susceptibility of roadways.
Hence to understand and overcome the problems related to roadway survey, study of the present
roadway condition is required. A road starting from Panthapath and end to Russell Square in
Dhaka was chosen for survey. A variety of standard scientific parameters have to be considered
and noted.

1.3 Purpose of the study:

1.3.1 General Purposes

o Identify issues in Roadway data collection.

o Identify the types of equipment used in data collection.

o Identify types of condition rating systems and the variables and factors affecting

o Address various data quality management procedures.

o Determining the geometric layout of the roadway and point out any drawbacks of the
following general protocol.

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o Pedestrian crossings, presence of non-motorized vehicles, disabled traffic signals,
accessibility problems.
o To determine the current conditions of road markings, signs and whether they are being
helpful for pedestrians and road users.
o To observe and note down any unusual roadside activity which include rogue.

1.3.2 Design Purposes

o Geometry: It deals with the construction and representation of free-form curves,
surfaces, or volumes and is closely related to geometric modeling. Core problems are
curve and surface modeling and representation. The most important instruments here
are parametric curves and parametric surfaces, such as Bézier curves, spline curves and
surfaces. An important non-parametric approach is the level set method. Inclinometers
measure the forward or back tilt of the vehicle for gradient and the side-to-side tilt of the
axles for cross fall.
o Texture: It is an element of two-dimensional and three-dimensional designs and is
distinguished by its perceived visual and physical properties. Use of texture, along with
other elements of design, can convey a variety of messages and emotions.
Accelerometers remove most of the vehicle motion relative to the road to provide a stable
o Transverse profile: Transverse profiles runs deletion method, planimetric and altimetric
lifting the details (geometric leveling), the direction perpendicular to the axis of the
communication path, starting from the characteristic points marked on the ground, in the
center of the track, which are found in longitudinal profile. This data is used to determine
the average, maximum and minimum rut depth, the standard deviation and the
distribution of rut depths.
o Longitudinal profile: A longitudinal study is an observational research method in which
data is gathered for the same subjects repeatedly over a period of time. Longitudinal
research projects can extend over years or even decades. In a longitudinal cohortstudy,
the same individuals are observed over the study period. The International Roughness
Index (IRI) is calculated from the longitudinal profile.

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o Scrim: A freely rotating test wheel is applied to the road surface under a known load. A
controlled flow of water wets the road surface immediately in front of the wheel, so that
when the vehicle moves forward, the test wheel slides in a forward direction on a wet
road surface. The force generated by the resistance to sliding indicates the wet skid
resistance of the road surface. The results of this testing are averaged to determine the
skid resistance.
o GPS: A GPS navigation system is a GPS receiver and audio/video (AV) components
designed for a specific purpose such as a car-based or hand-held device or a smartphone
app. The global positioning system (GPS) is a 24-satellite navigation system that uses
multiple satellite signals to find a receiver's position on earth. Tilt sensors for cross fall
and gradient, together with a gyroscope; provide alignment details when out of sight of

1.3.3 Improvement Purposes

Due to lack of sophisticated modern machinery that are tested and proven as affective in
evaluating road conditions such as Benkelman beam, Falling Weight deflectometer etc.
In order to improve the roadway operating condition, it is important to know the traffic volume.
o To examine the existing operating/service condition of a roadway section.
o To check the need traffic control devices.
o To determine the type of improvement measure need to be taken.
1.3.4 Other Purposes
o Estimation of highway usage
o Measurement of current demand of a facility
o Estimation of trends of vehicle
o Economic feasibility evaluation

1.4 Objectives of Our Roadway Condition Survey:

1.4.1 Geometric Condition
Geometric condition study includes observation of:
o To draw roadway we need to know road length, width, no. of lane, median height and
width, shoulder height and width etc.
o Geometric layout of intersections. Dimension and location of pedestrian refuge is needed.
o Surface condition of roadway.

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1.4.2 Operating Condition
Operating condition study includes observation of:
o Location and width of side roads in goggle map.
o Roadside land use pattern (residential, commercial etc.)
o Loss of effective width at different locations due to loading/unloading, illegal parking,
construction utility etc.
o To show various control devices like Road sign, Marking, Signal, Speed breaker.
o To find density of road obstructions (manholes, speed breakers, potholes etc.)
o Planning for reducing congestion and minimize delay in intersection.
o To make some recommendations for the betterment of the existing situation of our study
1.5 Organization of the Report:
 Introduction
 Literature Review
 Methodology
 Data Collection
 Data Analysis
 Conclusion and Recommendatio

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2.1 General:
The main purpose of highways is to serve the highway users by giving a comfortable and safe
ride to their destinations. As such, DOTs were charged with the responsibility of ensuring the
needs of the public are met when using the highways. In order to perform their tasks, DOTs
needed to define what comfort was for the general public. This was and still is a difficult
question to answer since what may be comfortable to an individual may not be comfortable for
others. As a result, condition surveys were done by engineers and trained inspectors who
identified distresses on the roads based on visual inspections. The manual means of conducting
condition surveys were found to be subjective, time-consuming and often times hazardous for the
staff. Efforts were made to automate the entire condition survey and rating process. In the
1960‟s, a condition index was developed by the American Association of State Highway
Officials (AASHO) in order to make pavement condition surveys more objective. This index was
based largely on the Present Serviceability Rating (PSR) which was also based on ride quality as
experienced by a panel of raters riding in a vehicle on the road.
The data accumulated serves as a valuable source of information for assessing and predicting the
performance of the pavement over time. See figure 2.1. This helps in anticipating rehabilitation
needs and prioritizing competing projects.

Figure 2.1: Pavement performance in terms of condition ratings over time

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It is quite important to examine and identify the causes of the failed pavement to select a proper
treatment option. Based on previous experiences, obtained through literature reviews, systematic
guidelines for evaluation of damaged pavement are proposed to provide useful information for
maintenance work.
Roadway condition survey includes different conditions of the roadway like condition of the
pavement, intersections, medians, signal, sign, markings, islands, Management of pedestrian
crossing etc. The main objectives of the 2004 Pavement Condition Study, as set out in Schedule.
Roadway condition surveys are very important for some features. Like:
o Estimation of the overall condition of the roadway.
o Repair of the existing signals, markings, Islands, roadway surface etc.
o Increasing the efficiency of the roadway.
o Estimating the cost of the total repairmen of the roadway.
o Increasing the safety of the roadway.
In this paper, we will try to discuss & analyze different empirical findings from various case
studies related with roadway condition survey studies.
2.2 Definitions:
Intersections: An intersection is an at-grade junction where two or more roads meet or cross.
Intersections may be classified by number of road segments, traffic controls, and/or lane design.
Intersection also commonly known as crossroad is any place where two or more than two roads
intersect or meet each other at grade. Mainly they depend on the amount of roads come together
in intersections. Based on the number of roads 3way, 4way, 5way etc.
In the design of intersections there are three elements to consider:
(1) Perception-reaction distance,
(2) Maneuver distance, and
(3) Queue-storage distance.

Fig 2.2: Intersections

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Fig 2.3: Green Road-Panthapath intersection.

Fig 2.3: Mirpur Road-Panthapath intersection

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Fig 2.4: Green Road-Panthapath intersection (real picture)

Fig 2.5: Mirpur Road-Panthapath intersection (real picture).

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Traffic Islands: A traffic island is a solid or painted object in a road that channels traffic. It can
also be a narrow strip of island between roads that intersect at an acute angle. If the island
uses road markings only, without raised curbs or other physical obstructions, it is called a painted
island or (especially in the UK) ghost island. Traffic islands can be used to reduce the speed of
cars driving through or to provide a central refuge to pedestrians crossing the road.

When traffic islands are longer, they are instead called traffic medians, a strip in the middle of
a road, serving the divider function over a much longer distance.

When making left turns, drivers will often drive over painted islands even though it is technically
illegal. Some traffic islands may serve as refuge islands for pedestrians. Traffic islands are often
used at partially blind intersections on back-streets to prevent cars from cutting a corner with
potentially dangerous results, or to prevent some movements totally, for traffic safety or traffic
calming reasons.

In certain areas of the United Kingdom, particularly in The Midlands, the term island is often
used as a synonym for roundabout.

Where no median is present, raised islands can be used as traffic calming features to briefly
narrow the traveled way, either in mid-block locations, or to create gateways at entrances to
residential streets

Fig 2.6: Traffic islands.

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Fig2.6: Refuge islands

Fig2.7: Refuge islands without traffic lights

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Traffic signs: Traffic signs or road signs are signs erected at the side of or above roads to give
instructions or provide information to road users. The earliest signs were simple wooden or stone
milestones. Later, signs with directional arms were introduced,

Fig2.8: Traffic signs

Traffic Lights: a set of automatically operated coloured lights, typically red, amber, and green,
for controlling traffic at road junctions, pedestrian crossings, and roundabouts

Fig2.9: Signal lights Fig2.10: Signal lights for pedestrian crossing.

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Fig 2.11: Signal lights with timer.

Roadway Markings: Colors, Patterns, Meaning. WHITE LINES painted on

the pavement indicate traffic traveling in your direction. Broken White Line: you may change
lanes if it is safe to do so. Solid White Line: requires you to stay within the lane and
also marks the shoulder of the roadway.

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Fig2.12: Different types of roadway markings

Fig 2.12: Pedestrian crossing signs

Median: The median strip or central reservation is the reserved area that separates opposing
lanes of traffic on divided roadways, such as divided highways, dual carriageways, freeways, and

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Fig 2.13: Median
Flush Median

Roadway surface condition: Road surface or pavement is the durable surface material laid
down on an area intended to sustain vehicular or foot traffic, such as a road or walkway. In the
past, gravel road surfaces, cobblestone and granite sets were extensively used, but these surfaces
have mostly been replaced by asphalt or concrete. Road surfaces are frequently marked to guide

Fig 2.16: Roadway surface

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2.3 Roadway survey studies in Bangladesh:
There are several research have been completed based on roadway survey condition. They are
given below:
In 2008, MR. Misbah Uddin khan and Jennaro B Odoki were worked for establishing the
optimum pavement maintenance standards by using HDM- 4 model.
In 2012-13 A.K Fazlul Karim has worked all over the roadway condition of Bangladesh. This
work mainly related with roadway maintenance cost.
In 2013 Mahbub Alam has worked over rural road maintenance. This project is financed by
Local Government Engineering Department.
In 2005 Roads and highways department has completed pavement inventory survey. In this
survey work, history of the pavement, condition of the pavement etc were estimated.
In 2011 Mohammad Shah Alam, S.M Sohel Mahmud and Mr. Shamsul Haque were worked
about a comprehensive study based on road accident trends in Bangladesh. This thesis work is
mainly related with roadway safety situation in Bangladesh.

2.4 Roadway condition in Dhaka city:

Most of the roads of Dhaka city are not in good condition. There are same roads in Dhaka city
which need immediately reconstruction. Different classes of roads are seen in Dhaka city.
Roadway markings, signals, pedestrian crossings, medians are seen in the roads of Dhaka city.
So our description will be the real conditions of those elements of the road way. This section
provides the conditions of the roadway surface, traffic signals, signs, markings, pedestrian
crossings and their proper using conditions.

2.5 Overview:
So, we can see that a lot of thesis works have been completed related with roadway survey. But
most of the studies are related with mainly pavement condition. Only a few works are related
with other important matters like signals, roadway markings.

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Chapter 3
3.1 Survey Procedure:


Survey design


Problem Identification


3.2 Roadway condition survey methods:

There are two basic methods are available for conducting roadway condition survey.
i. Manual survey
ii. Automated survey
These two surveys are also commonly combined to provide a more complete pavement condition
I. Manual Pavement Condition Surveys :
While the use of automated pavement condition surveys are becoming more and more
common, many agencies still rely on manual pavement condition surveys to provide their
pavement condition data. There are two basic methods for conducting manual pavement
condition surveys, walking and windshield surveys. Walking and windshield surveys are
also commonly combined to provide a more complete pavement network survey.

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3.2.1 (A) Walking Survey:
Walking surveys are completed by a rater who is trained to rate distresses according to the
agency‟s distress identification specifications. The rater walks down the side of the pavement
and fills out a pavement condition form that describes the amount, extent, and severity of each
distress present on the roadway. Walking surveys provide the most precise data about the
condition of the rated pavement (Haas, 1994), provided the raters are well trained an
experienced. However, only a sample of the pavement 14 network can be surveyed because of
the amount of time a walking survey consumes. For example, the pavement network could be
represented by only surveying the first 100 ft of each mile. Some of the methods used by
agencies to select a site for the sample include: sample at fixed distance intervals, make a
predetermined random selection, and have the rater pick a “representative” sample. Random
selection can sometimes be difficult to accept because the pavement under review may have a
considerable amount of distress, but the random sample has, for example, recently been patched.
However, selecting a more “representative” sample will distort or bias the data about the
condition of the pavement network (Haas, 1994). Under the theory of random selection some of
the samples will have more distress than the pavement actually has and some of the samples will
have less distress than the pavement actually has.
Therefore, the overall condition of the network will average out, provided the sample size is
large enough.
3.2.1 (B) Windshield Survey
A windshield survey is completed by driving along the road or on the shoulder of the road. The
pavement is rated by a rater through the windshield of the vehicle. This method allows for a
greater amount of coverage in less time; however, the quality of the pavement distress data is
compromised. The entire network could possibly be surveyed using this method or samples may
still be used.
3.2.1 (C) Walking + Windshield Survey
Combining a walking survey with a windshield survey is a good method to achieve detailed
pavement distress data and complete pavement surveys on a greater 15 percentage of the
network. Haas (1994) states that this method is acceptable only if the same procedure is used on
every section in the network, and a random method is used for selecting the sample where the
walking survey will be performed.

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3.2.2 Automated Pavement Condition Survey
Over the past two decades the concept of a fully automated pavement condition survey has
grown closer to a reality through research and major technological advancements. The automated
pavement condition survey vehicle and some types of data it is capable of collecting are
described in this section.
Also, surface distress surveys and technology used in completing them are discussed. Lastly,
pavement condition survey protocols are examined.

3.2.2 (A) Automated Pavement Condition Survey Vehicle

One of the most important parts of an automated pavement condition survey is the data
collection process. This process is completed by technologically complex vehicles traveling
down the road at highway speeds collecting and storing data. There are numerous types of
automated pavement condition survey vehicles available and some utilize different kinds of data
collection technology; however, generally they are similar in the fact that they are all trying to
achieve the same final result, accurate pavement condition data. The type of data collected by
automated pavement condition survey vehicles and the technology used to collect it are
discussed below.

Fig: 3.1 Automated Pavement Condition Survey vehicle

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I. Surface Distress
Surface distress data are collected automatically using downward facing cameras aimed at
the pavement surface. Either analog-based area-scan cameras, digital area-scan cameras, or
digital line-scan cameras are used to capture a continuous image of the pavement surface as
the data collection vehicle travels down the road. The images are then analyzed to determine
the type, extent, and severity of any surface distress that is present. Each type of camera
previously listed is discussed in greater detail later.

Fig: 3.2: Surface distress

2. Rutting
Rutting data are collected automatically by the pavement condition survey vehicle in real time.
There are a few different types of technologies that are employed to collect rutting data. The use
of a rut bar and a laser transverse profiler are discussed in detail below. A rut bar is a vehicle
mounted subsystem that uses ultrasonic transducers or lasers to measure the transverse cross
section of a roadway. The rut bar has as few as 3 or many sensors that are closely spaced and
cover a full lane width. Some rut bar system software can produce graphic displays, plots, water
ponding depths, reports, and calculations as to what quantity of asphalt would need to be milled
to level the ruts. An example of a rut bar is shown in Figure 3.3.

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Fig 3.3: Example of a Rut bar (Road ware, 2004).
Lasers can also be used to measure the transverse section of a roadway. A laser transverse
profiler is a vehicle mounted subsystem that uses dual scanning lasers to measure the transverse
profile of the road (Roadware, 2004). From the transverse profile the rut depth is then
automatically calculated. Since the complete profile for the lane is measured, the effect of driver
wandering is eliminated.
3. Ride
How rough a road feels to the passenger when riding down the road is commonly referred to as
“ride”. There are several indices used to describe ride; however, the index used presently by
nearly every state is
International Roughness Index (IRI). IRI is a statistic used to estimate the amount of roughness
in a measured longitudinal profile (AASHTO, 1999). IRI is computed from a single longitudinal
profile using differential equations and algorithms (Sayers, 1995). The longitudinal profile is
measured using a laser or other device to measure the vehicle‟s height above the roadway. An
accelerometer is also used to measure the vertical forces caused by surface deformities 18 (Road
ware, 2004). The longitudinal profile and the vertical force data are used to calculate IRI for the
roadway. The IRI calculation is completed in real time.

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4. Texture
Texture data are an important measure of drainage and skid resistance for a pavement surface
(Road ware, 2004). Texture data can be collected using a vehicle mounted module that uses high
frequency lasers to measure the mean profile depth of the road surface macro texture. Texture
data are gathered in real time.
Correlation studies conducted by Road ware Group Inc. have produced an R2 of 96% with the
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard sand patch method for texture
measurements (Road ware, 2004).
5. Position Orientation
Many pavement condition survey vehicles have a position orientation system. A position
orientation system collects curve radius, grade, and elevation data automatically (Road ware,
2004). These systems can also be used to provide roll, pitch, heading, velocity, and position data.
The position information can be used to compensate for motion, which may have an effect on
other sensors on the vehicle.
6. Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD):
A falling weight deflectometer (FWD) is a testing device used by civil engineers to evaluate the
physical properties of pavement. The Falling Weight Deflect meter is an impulse deflection
device that lifts a weight to a given height on a guide system and then drops it. The falling
weight strikes a specially designed plate, transmitting the impulse force to the pavement to
produce a half-sine wave load pulse that approximates that of an actual wheel load. The
magnitude of the load can be varied from 1,500 to 24,00 pounds (680 to 10,886 kg) on devices
commonly used on roads and streets by changing drop height and the amount of weight. The
load is transmitted to a 11.8 inch (300 mm) diameter load plate, and a strain type transducer
measures the magnitude of the load. Deflections are measured using up to seven velocity
transducers or linear variable distance transducers that are mounted on a bar and automatically
lowered to the pavement surface with the loading plate.
7. Walking Profiler G2:
The Walking Profiler (WP) G2 is a precise measurement instrument for collecting and presenting
continuous paved surface information. The WP G2 meets World Bank Class 1 Profilometry
requirements and produces outputs including profile, grade, distance and International
Roughness Index (IRI).

31 | P a g e
The WP G2 samples the pavement surface at a walking pace. As the built-in data acquisition
module collects and stores the data, the results are displayed in real time for simple and quick
data analysis.

Fig 3.4: The Walking Profiler

8. GPS based survey:
Today, GPS is a vital part of surveying and mapping activities around the world. When used by
skilled professionals, GPS provides surveying and mapping data of the highest accuracy. GPS is
especially useful in surveying coasts and waterways, where there are few land-based reference
The idea behind a GPS data collection process for road attributes was that GPS units would be
installed on log trucks, with the consent of the contractors. Data would be collected during
normal business activities. The units would be initialized in the morning and left on during an
entire business day. Therefore, the data collected during numerous round-trips between the
woods and the delivery point would reflect local traffic conditions, time-of-day, and any
alternate routes chosen. By compiling data from several days of multiple round-trips, a realistic
sample of travel times and speeds was obtained. For those roads frequented by log trucks, an

32 | P a g e
impressive amount of data could be collected without any additional effort beyond turning on the
GPS receivers at the beginning of each day, and uploading data files at day's end.

Fig 3.5: Roadway condition survey using GPS technology

This procedure offers many advantages, but clearly does not resolve all the difficulties in
attributing a road database with travel time information. Several of the advantages have been
noted earlier, foremost being the automated manner in which data can be collected. With low-
cost GPS units, a single person can coordinate data collection (installing units, uploading and
correcting data) for a small fleet of vehicles. The GPS points collected provide evidence useful in
updating both road locations and attributes. The frequency of round-trips provides a sample of
travel times that can reflect varying traffic conditions across times during the day and days of a
week. Collecting data during numerous trips alleviates misinterpretations of travel time due to
unusual circumstances such as delays due to accidents.

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3.3 Distress Surveys:
The Distress Identification Manual for the Long-Term Pavement Performance Program (DIM) is
the basis for all distress surveys performed for the LTPP program. During the visual distress
survey, safety is the first consideration, as with all field data collection activities. The most
difficult part of an automated pavement condition survey is detecting and classifying surface
distresses. The most widely used method of detecting and 20 classifying surface distresses is still
with the human eye; however, this method is labor-intensive, subjective, and potentially
dangerous. Ideally, an automated distress detection and classification system could be used,
instead of the human eye, which could find all types of cracking, spelling, and any other surface
distress of any size, at any collection speed, and under any weather conditions (Wang, 1999). In
recent years, technological advancements in computer hardware and imaging recognition
techniques have provided the means to successfully detect and classify surface distresses
automatically in a cost-effective manner. These technological advancements include pavement
imaging systems and surface distress classification software. In this section, pavement imaging
systems and surface distress classification software used for automated distress surveys are

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Chapter 4
4.1 General:
To accomplish a smooth process of data collection, a wholesome knowledge regarding the
survey area is required, which is described below along with the process of data collection.
o Location: Bir Uttam Kazi Nuruzzaman Shorok (Russel Square to Panthapath)
o Date: 8 September , 2018
o Time: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
o Duration: 4 hours
o Weather: Hot Sunny.
o Method: Photographic Survey Method (Manual-Walking)
o Equipment: Tape, Odometer, Camera.
o Number of Enumerators : Five (05)
4.2 Location and Data Collection:
The data were collected in the Panthapath road in between Green Road-Panthapath intersection
and Mirpur Road- Panthapath intersection. Seven groups were appointed to collect traffic
volume data in three different point of the corridor. On the basis of reconnaissance and pilot
survey conducted beforehand, a place was selected to collect the data.

Fig: Location of Survey

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Chapter 5

5.1 : Number of lanes

From the walking profiler we get the following values which give us a clear concept of lanes in
each way.
Table 5.1: The variation of width and number of lanes
Measured length
started from Width (m) E to W Width (m) W to E
Panthapath towards Approach approach
Russell square (m)
0 11.7 9.8 3
50 14.8 11.8 4
100 9.6 9.5 3
150 9.4 9.2 3
200 9.0 9.2 3
250 8.5 9.9 3
300 8.7 8.6 3
350 8.7 8.6 3
400 8.6 8.6 3
450 8.4 8.9 3
500 9.3 9.9 3
550 9.0 8.8 3
600 8.6 8.8 3
650 7.5 8.7 3
700 9.0 8.3 3
750 8.7 8.5 3
800 7.2 8.6 3
850 8.4 8.5 3
900 11.5 85.5 3
950 17.8 11.0 4

From the table it is visible to us that the road doesn‟t have uniform road width. At some points
there are 4 lanes and mostly the road has 3 lanes on each side. So it can be said there exists
inconsistent width which is a design fault.

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5.2 Geometric Layout of Roadway

Fig 5.2.1: Geometric Property of Survey Road

Fig 5.22: Panthapath- Russell Square intersection

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Table: Russell square intersection
S/N E to W W to E
Distance between median to
21.83ft 21.5ft
40ft on Straight 72ft on Straight
Channel Length
42ft on Curve 72ft on Curve
Channel width 17.5ft 55ft
Distance of channel from
13.5ft 21.5ft
Length 10ft Length 20ft
Pedestrian refuge
Width 12ft Width 15ft

Fig 5.2.2: Russell Square – panthapath intersection

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Table: Panthapath intersection
S/N E to W W to E
Distance between median to
39ft 38ft
22ft on Straight 24ft on Straight
Channel Length
26ft on Curve 25ft on Curve
Channel width 21ft 11.5ft
Distance of channel from
14ft 13.5ft
Length 11ft Length 12ft
Pedestrian refuge
Width 10ft Width 10ft

5.3 Road Signal:

Fig 5.3.1: Signal at Russel Square Intersection (with timer and close circuit camera)

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Tertiary Signal

Secondary Signal

Primary Signal

Fig 5.3.2: An ideal signal

Signal Not Seen

Fig 5.3.3: Signals obstructed by tree

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5.4 Road Sign Diversion:

Fig 5.4.1: Zebra crossing and Directional marking

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Fig 5.4.2: Channelization

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Fig 5.4.3: Tendency of not following the marking.

Fig 5.4.4: Worn out marking.

5.5 Signs

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Fig 5.5.1: Traffic signs

Fig 5.5.2: Information signs

Fig5.5.3: Worn out sign.

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Fig 5.5.4: Sign hidden by Police box.
5.6 Tendency of Not Following the Signal & Sign:

Fig 5.6.1: Irregular vehicle movement (not following the signal).

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Fig 5.6.2: Vehicles are parked into the 'No Parking' zone.

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Fig 5.7.1: Side Road

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Table: Along the way Panthapath to Russell Square

Measured length started

Side road No. Width (m)
from Russell square (m)

1 49.6 3.6
2 80.0 4.1
3 229.6 3
4 229.5 6
5 350 1.9
6 592.3 3
7 783 4.5
8 892.2 2

Table: Along the way Russell square to Panthapath

Measured length started from

Side road no Width (m)

1 52.92 0.97
2 63.13 2.61
3 86.88 1.90
4 109.25 3.19
5 278.9 4.00
6 311.9 4.00
7 357.91 3.00
8 372.61 3.31
9 379.41 3.50
10 447.92 4.00
11 665.92 4.00

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5.8 Problems in pedestrian movement:

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Fig 5.8.1 problems In pedestrian movement.

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5.9 Obstacles in Road:

Fig 5.9.1: Roads blocked by rickshaws.

5.9.2: Pedestrian signal is not working

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Fig 5.9.3: Traffic loading and unloading.

Fig 5.9.5: obstacles decreasing road width.

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Fig 5.9.5: obstacles decreasing road width.

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5.10 Road Condition:

Fig 5.10.1: Poor roadway condition due to cracking

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Fig 5.10.3: Problems due to manhole

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Chapter 6
6.1 Conclusions:
By walking survey and analyzing the data there exists some basic and important problems in this
link road. Taking necessary steps and maintenance work will improve the condition of the road.
Here the findings will be discussed:
o The main problem is geometric design. The road is not designed accurately that‟s
why there exists inconsistent road width which is a design fault.
o Side roads interrupted the main flow of the road and there are lots of side roads.
o The signs of the road either have washed or being covered by obstacles which is
very risky and more importantly the authority has no headache on this matter.
o Traffic signals are not followed. Even the traffic signals are also covered by
o Obstructions in footpath and refuge have reached the extreme point. Markets, tea
stall, construction materials are kept here. At some part footpath has also broken.
o Various kinds of things are kept on the road which decreases the road width.
o Parking is another problem. Vehicles are even parked where parking is prohibited.
In a busy road like this it is a major problem.
o There are many manholes which is also a problem.
o Water logging on footpath is a threat to this road.
6.2 Recommendations:
 A „windshield survey‟ would also have generated better results. Therefore better
observation would have led to a more detailed conclusion.
 Use of experienced personnel is recommended for such surveys. They were not available
during our survey.
 Maintenance of the existing things is a must.
 Number of pedestrian refuge has to be increased.
 Lights which are not in working order must bring it on working order.
 Median width, parking facility, foot path and pedestrian facility have to improve.
 Wrong way access must be controlled.

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 Number of bus stops has to be increased and stopping buses at any point must be banned.
 We also recommend that the law enforcement agency be more active in enforcing traffic
and parking rules. An integrated action is required combining the police and road
 It is highly recommended to raise awareness among pedestrians about road safety and
encourage them to use footpaths in a regular and orderly manner.
 Obstacles in footpaths must be removed with force if necessary and surface condition
must be improved too.
 There is no service road on the site. So the conflict will increase.
 Government must take necessary steps to clear the footpaths
6.3 Limitations:
 Visual survey doesn‟t provide exact measurements.
 Odometer has to be used continuously which was not possible.
 Not enough man power for performing the survey.
 Running vehicles create problems when measurements are taken.
 As the survey was performed at hot Sunny day that‟s why we didn‟t get the exact.
 Various institutions didn‟t allow us to go to roof that‟s why in some cases we didn‟t get
the exact pictures.

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