IHDS 2020-2021 - Trimester 3 Brochure 2-19-2021
IHDS 2020-2021 - Trimester 3 Brochure 2-19-2021
IHDS 2020-2021 - Trimester 3 Brochure 2-19-2021
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
Personal Message
from Lynda Bunnell, Director
The International Human Design School
Hello Everyone,
Since 1992, the IHDS has been The Official Gateway to Education in Human Design.
This brochure outlines our Spring trimester courses starting in May, 2021. Early bird pricing expires May 1st,
The IHDS faculty and I are looking forward to continuing Ra’s vision for a unique educational process to fully
explore and share the Science of Differentiation.
Whether you are here to learn about your own design and how to live it, or you are interested in a career in
Human Design, this is an extraordinary journey.
Please enjoy looking over the brochure and let us know if you have any questions.
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
Human Design Services 5 Rave Cosmology Biversity 22
Individual Foundation Analysis 6 Rave Cosmology – The Six Mystical Ways 23
Mystical Way Analysis 7 Rave Cosmology - Brahma’s Long Night and Beyond 24
Living Your Design Guide Program 13 Not Here to Work – The Ins & Outs of Projector Success
Semester 3 of 3
The Science of Differentiation College 32
Professional Analyst Training I Semester 1 of 3 14
Differentiation Degree Program – Semester 3of 6 33
Professional Analyst Training I Semester 2 of 3 15
DreamRave Analyst Certification Program – Semester 2 of 3 34
Professional Analyst Training I Semester 3 of 3 16
Rave Sociology Program – Semester 3 of 5 35
Professional Analyst Training II Cycles & Connections
Semester 2 of 2 17 Variable Teacher Training 36
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
The IHDS teachers are dedicated to providing the highest quality education. Getting your first Foundation Reading, and the Foundation
Courses are the place to start.
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
Start your cellular experiment with a full Foundation Reading and analysis of your individual BodyGraph. Each 60-90 minute
reading will include the Four Views: Your Type and Strategy, Your Personal Authority for decision making, Your Definition and
Active Life Force, and Your Profile (how your life purpose is acted out on the stage of life).
This analysis will satisfy the prerequisite for the Rave ABC course.
Prerequisites: None
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
Darshana Deborah Mathews
An in-depth analysis of your Human Design chart, with a focus on the Mystical Way.
This is a profound personal journey revealing the key to the mystic in you and your drive towards
awakening. Here you will have the possibility of gaining a deep insight into your own mystical
relationship to the framework of Human Spirituality.
Prerequisites: None
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
Foundation Courses
Living Your Design:
A Cellular Transformation
Carol Zimmerman
The information in the Living Your Design Course leads you down an incredible path of self-discovery
and knowledge. Once you have had a reading it can be of tremendous benefit to deepen your
understanding of your own specific Strategy and Authority and the conditioning you have experienced.
It can assist you with your own personal experimentation as well as clarify what it means for you to
Live Your Design.
Recommended: Individual Foundation Analysis Required Materials: Living Your Design Manual
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
Foundation Courses
Rave ABCs Course
Carol Zimmerman
Start Date: May 13, 2021 Number of Lessons: See course details
Day of week: See course details Regular Price: $450.00
Time of Lessons: 15:00 GMT Early Bird Price: $400.00
Rave ABCs is the first level of the IHDS professional and general educational tracks. It is designed to lay
a solid educational foundation for the development of skilled analysts. Covering the origins of Human
Design and introducing the basic components that make up the synthesis known as The Human Design
System, and showing how these pieces fit together to form the BodyGraph.
Prerequisites: Individual Foundation Analysis, Living Your Design: A Cellular Transformation course
Required Materials: Rave ABC Student Manual; Recommended : MMI Software Student Edition
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
Foundation Courses
Rave Cartography Course
Carol Zimmerman
Rave Cartography is the second level of professional and general IHDS education and serves as a
prerequisite for all advanced education. Adding depth to the foundation built in Rave ABCs, together Rave
ABCs and Rave Cartography provide enough tools to have a solid Human Design foundation. It offers a
greater understanding of yourself and the world around you.
Prerequisites: Individual Foundation Analysis, Living Your Design: A Cellular Transformation course and Rave ABCs course
Required Materials: Rave Cartography Student Manuals Volume 1 & 2; Recommended: MMI Software Student Edition
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
Human Design is an evolution that takes hold one person at a time. A career in Human Design is an extraordinary
journey and the IHDS is dedicated to providing the highest quality education and preparation for the would-be
This trimester is no exception. For the Newcomer who is ready to begin the experiment of Living their Design, and
the Professional looking to bring new skills and services to their clients, this trimester’s curriculum offers
something for everyone.
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
Leela Swann-Herbert
Start Date: May 21, 2021 Number of Lessons: See course details
Day of week: Fridays Regular Price: $400.00
Time of Lessons: 19:00 GMT Early Bird Price: $350.00
Each of you carry the family penta imprint you were born into, and you will carry that imprint for the
rest of your life. In this course, your will be provided with the mechanics and exploration tools to begin
to recognize, and understand, what you carry as birth conditioning. Primarily, family penta is an
exploration of foundational conditioning.
The purpose of this course is to provide those of you who are actively exploring your design, help with
understanding that there are aspects, that you carry in your openness, as a result of the family penta
imprint. Recognition of the family conditioning you were born into, can give you a deep sense of
freedom; the freedom for you to be you.
Prerequisites: Completion of Foundation Courses (Living Your Design, Rave ABCs and Rave Cartography)
Click here for details and to register 12
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
Carol Zimmerman
The Living Your Design Guide (LYDG) training is designed to educate, prepare, and certify Living Your
Design Guides to support newcomers in the experiment of living their design. The Living Your Design
Guide Training is a 3-part, synthesized approach to effectively teach many of the basics of Human
Design as it relates to type, strategy, authority and conditioning.
Prerequisites: Individual Foundation Analysis; Living Your Design: A Cellular Transformation course; Rave ABC
course; and Rave Cartography course
Required Materials: Living Your Design Student Manual; Living Your Design Instructor Manual
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
Darshana Deborah Mathews
The goal of PTLI is to develop professional level analytical skills. In this year-long course students
learn the detail level of design and how to keynote and synthesize the BodyGraph. This course
includes lectures, workshops, study groups and homework. Students will practice and learn to
keynote, and learn the art of synthesizing a Human Design chart.
Prerequisites: Individual Foundation Analysis; Living Your Design: A Cellular Transformation course; Rave ABC
course; Rave Cartography course
Required Materials: Rave I’Ching book; Rave I'Ching Line Companion book; IHDS Channels By Type eBooks; MMI
Professional Edition Software.
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
Lynette Hagins
The goal of PTLI is to develop professional level analytical skills. In this year-long course students
learn the detail level of design and how to keynote and synthesize the BodyGraph. This course
includes lectures, workshops, study groups and homework. Students will practice and learn to
keynote, and learn the art of synthesizing a Human Design chart.
Prerequisites: Individual Foundation Analysis; Living Your Design: A Cellular Transformation course; Rave ABC
course; Rave Cartography course
Required Materials: Rave I’Ching book; Rave I'Ching Line Companion book; IHDS Channels By Type eBooks; MMI
Professional Edition Software.
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
Brian D. Stout
The goal of PTLI is to develop professional level analytical skills. In this year-long course students
learn the detail level of design and how to keynote and synthesize the BodyGraph. This course
includes lectures, workshops, study groups and homework. Students will practice and learn to
keynote, and learn the art of synthesizing a Human Design chart.
Prerequisites: Individual Foundation Analysis; Living Your Design: A Cellular Transformation course; Rave ABC
course; Rave Cartography course
Required Materials: Rave I’Ching Book; Rave I'Ching Line Companion book; IHDS Channels By Type eBooks; MMI
Professional Edition Software.
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
Lynette Hagins
In semester two you will learn the formula and technique for providing Life Cycle Analysis such as
Solar Returns, Saturn Returns, Uranus Opposition and Kiron Returns. Students will be required to
submit an analysis to demonstrate their grasp of the material.
Pre-Requisites: Individual Foundation Analysis; Living Your Design: A Cellular Transformation course; Rave ABC
course; Rave Cartography course; Professional Training Level 1 course
Required Materials: MMI Professional Edition Software; Partnership Analysis Student Manual
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
Darshana Deborah Mathews
This course covers Incarnation Cross Analysis in the context of the Quarter. You will learn how to do
Incarnation Cross Readings with a focus on understanding and learning the formula for Keynoting the
Incarnation Crosses. This is an interactive course where you will practice Incarnation Cross Readings.
Pre-Requisites: Individual Rave Analysis, Living Your Design, Rave ABC’s, Rave Cartography, Professional Training
Level 1 and Professional Training Level 2
Required Materials: Incarnation Cross Student Manual - Quarters and Angles, Incarnation Crosses by Profile digital
books, and MMI Professional Edition Software
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
Darshana Deborah Mathews
PTL-IV is the final level of the professional training to become a certified Human Design Analyst. The
goal of PTL-IV is to guide and mentor you as you prepare for submitting your final reading to the
testing Board for certification. During the course of the semester, we will work together on honing your
reading skills. We will look at the structure and organization of your individual client readings.
Pre-Requisites: Completion of PTL I, PTL II and PTL III, including all assignments (Partnership, Solar Return and
Incarnation Cross Analysis Assignments must be completed).
Required Materials: MMI Professional Edition Software; Partnership Analysis Student Manual eBook; Life Cycle
Analysis Student Manual eBook
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
Lynda Bunnell
In this course you will be certified as a teacher of the Rave ABC Course. The ABC course is the first
general education course offered in Human Design. It is also one of the course prerequisites for all
other higher education in Human Design. You will be provided with power point slides as teaching
Pre-Requisites: Certified Analyst; Living Your Design Guide with a minimum of 20 LYD graduates.
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
Lynda Bunnell
This course trains and certifies the student to be a Rave Cartography Teacher. The Rave Cartography
Course is the second general education course offered to the general public and a required course for
all higher education in Human Design.
You will be provided with power point slides as teaching material. Pre-Requisites: Certified Analyst; Living
Your Design Guide with a minimum of 20 LYD graduates.
Prerequisites: 2 years as a Certified Analyst; Rave ABC Teacher and a minimum of 20 graduates.
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
For the first 18 years after the birth of Human Design, Ra Uru Hu focused on what was logical and empirical about
Human Design. He often said: “Don’t believe me and do not trust me. Try it for yourself; test it for yourself. This is
mechanical knowledge that can be tested by each and everyone of us”.
Ra said, “Nothing has concerned me more than the legitimacy of this knowledge. It is why it is so important for me
to explore the depths of design and personality to get to the very core and foundation of the knowledge. This is a
true science, and it is a miracle science.”
Come join us in the Rave Cosmology Biversity and learn about how the Human Design knowledge ties together
with the creation of our Biverse and the mechanics behind existence.
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
Darshana Deborah Mathews
For the first 18 years after the birth of Human Design, Ra Uru Hu focused on what was logical and empirical
about Human Design. He often said: “Don’t believe me and do not trust me. Try it for yourself; test it for
yourself. This is mechanical knowledge that can be tested by each and everyone of us”.
Once Human Design was established as a practical yet transformational tool, Ra Uru Hu felt a responsibility
to bring forward the mystical side of Human Design by sharing his experience directly with us. He
empowered us to carry this information forward to share it with the rest of the world generation by
generation. Teaching the Rave Cosmology of Human Design is the opportunity to bring balance to this
knowledge and to show how vast and profound the source of this knowledge really is. As Ra said, “It is time
to give the Voice its due and allow this mechanical, simple view of the cosmology to be accessible and to be
Prerequisites: Rave Cartography and Rave Cosmology, Profile, Purpose and Function Student Manual.
Recommended Materials: Rave Cosmology Self Study Courses (offered at a 20% discount to students enrolled in
this program)
Click here for details and to register 23
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
Dr. Andrea Reikl-Wolf
For the first 18 years after the birth of Human Design, Ra Uru Hu focused on what was logical and empirical
about Human Design. He often said: “Don’t believe me and do not trust me. Try it for yourself; test it for
yourself. This is mechanical knowledge that can be tested by each and everyone of us”.
Once Human Design was established as a practical yet transformational tool, Ra Uru Hu felt a responsibility
to bring forward the mystical side of Human Design by sharing his experience directly with us. He
empowered us to carry this information forward to share it with the rest of the world generation by
generation. Teaching the Rave Cosmology of Human Design is the opportunity to bring balance to this
knowledge and to show how vast and profound the source of this knowledge really is. As Ra said, “It is time
to give the Voice its due and allow this mechanical, simple view of the cosmology to be accessible and to be
Prerequisites: Rave Cartography and Rave Cosmology, The Nature and Mechanics of the Rave (2027 Education)
Student Manual.
Recommended Materials: Rave Cosmology Self Study Courses (offered at a 20% discount to students enrolled in
this program)
Click here for details and to register 24
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
General, Experiential
and Continuing Education
Staffed by an eclectic and talented group of IHDS professionals, we offer a cross section of workshops, lectures
and courses adding a new and exciting dimension to the IHDS. Whereas the IHDS Training Academy and the
Science of Differentiation College focus on extended and detailed certification programs, the General Education
opens the door to Human Design by creating an experiential dimension to the IHDS, and also a place to possibly
‘catch up and catch on,” or simply pursue a specific interest.
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
Carol Freedman
Start Date: May 28, 2021 Number of Lessons: See course details
Day of week: Fridays Regular Price: $175.00
Time of Lessons: 16:00 GMT Early Bird Price:
3rd Line Profile—Where the rubber meets the road...the challenging path to finding what ultimately
The Invitation:
Come learn about yourself…and about the important people in your life. This semester we’ll focus on those
fascinating 3rd lines (1/ 3, 3/5, 3/6, 6/3).
Prerequisites: A Human Design Foundation reading and some basic understanding of your Profile. This class is open
to everyone, whether they have a 3rd line profile or are simply curious about them for the people in their lives.
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
Ana Soares
Este curso é uma abordagem prática à gravidez pelas lentes do Human Design. Uma nova perspectiva sobre o
começo da vida humana e uma viagem pela evolução da gravidez até ao momento do parto.
Os participantes irão receber uma colecção de dicas práticas para a mãe e para o futuro bebé. Irão também
conhecer um novo ângulo do Corpo Gráfico (Bodygraph) e com esse conhecimento transformador, poderão
contribuir para gravidezes saudáveis e dar aos recém nascidos uma oportunidade única de diferenciação.
Prerequisites: Análise Base de Human Design efectuada por um Analista Profissional Certificado pela IHDS;
Human Design Foundation Reading by an IHDS Certified Professional Analyst
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
This Semester our Study Group will explore Incarnation Crosses and how they support understanding of Human
Design by looking at the progression of the Gates through the Mandala and how the Incarnation Crosses
express the ever-developing frequency of the Maia.
By looking at the polarities of the Sun & Earth (along with the harmonic gates) a rich and layered understanding
can emerge.
Prerequisites: None
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
Brian D. Stout
Start Date: May 22, 2021 Number of Lessons: See course details
Day of week: Saturdays Regular Price: $350.00
Time of Lessons: 15:00 GMT Early Bird Price: $300.00
Ra taught that any Channel or Gate within the Knowing or Centering Circuits or the Channels of Integration (a
total of 15 Channels and 22 Gates) all carry the potential for Melancholy. He said that this is a biochemical
process that exists; nothing can be done to prevent it. The most dangerous thing one can do is to add meaning
to these sensations as it can then lead to a full blown clinical depression.
In this 5 week Course, we will explore all of the Channels that carry the potential for Melancholy, we will
investigate the elegance that each offer, and will observe what is possible when Melancholy is simply allowed
to be. I will say up front that I will make absolutely no attempt to "fluff up and make pretty" the process of
Melancholy. My hope is that each Student comes to embrace the true sweetness of this very human sorrow.
Recommended: Human Design Overview or Foundation Reading by an IHDS Certified Professional Analyst
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
Ella Aboutboul
This experiential reading clinic is for those who feel ready to explore their correct food regimen and who have
a good grasp of their design, following at least one year of experimenting with their type strategy and their
During this 7 week program participants will be learning about their PHS food regimen and guided to apply
their individual themes according to their design. Commitment to experiment for the duration of the course is
essential. Class limited to five participants.
Prerequisites: This course is available for All Types. Human Design Foundation Reading by an IHDS Certified
Professional Analyst and at least one year of active experimentation with your type's strategy and authority.
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
Semester 3 - Purpose
Once we have gained clarity about successful relationships and are starting to experience material confidence
as projectors, which is not an easy task, we can embrace our purpose as guides.
In this semester we will look at where and how we tend to overwork when trying to draw attention to our gifts,
and overlooking the real opportunities to fulfill our purpose. Also how the process of our strategy and
authority will naturally point us towards less work an less effort with maximum fulfillment of purpose.
Prerequisites: None. Semesters can be taken in any order. Recommended: A basic understanding of your chart;
Foundation Reading from a Professional Certified Analyst
Click here for details and to register 31
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
As empowering as Human Design is for the Personality Passenger, Primary Health System is the awakening key
for the Design Vehicle, a revolutionary way of addressing the health of the body and brain function. Rave
Psychology is the study of the underlying motivations of the Personality and leads to the study of the mapping of
the mind.
This new school year we open the doors for new students to begin this journey with the Differentiation Degree
Certification Program.
Whether you are a professional, newcomer or somewhere in between, the College now offers programs for
students of all levels to begin an exploration into PHS and Rave Psychology.
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
Dr. Andrea Reikl-Wolf
Start Date: May 18, 2021 Number of Lessons: See course details
Day of week: Tuesdays Regular Price: $1,500.00
Time of Lessons: 17:30 GMT Early Bird Price: $1,400.00
The DD Program combines the knowledge of the Structures underneath the Lines of the Design and Personality - PHS
(Primary Health System – the enhancement of the Form) and Rave Psychology (the enrichment of the Mind). It will be
taught in one Program to get an insight of the holistic perspective of the fine-tuned differentiation of each individual
It is a 2 year Program that includes 6 Semesters and 120 hours of teaching. The Certification Process includes one
written and one oral exam and a Diploma Thesis.
Pre-Requisites: Analyst Certification or enrollment in Professional Analyst Training; Enrollment in DDP Program
through semester 5; PHS and Rave Psychology eBooks through this link: http://ihdschool.com/eBooks
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
Dr. Andrea Reikl-Wolf
Start Date: May 20, 2021 Number of Lessons: See course details
Day of week: Thursdays Regular Price: $900.00
Time of Lessons: 18:30 GMT Early Bird Price: $800.00
The synthesis of Human Design with the DreamRave Matrix opens new vistas to understanding yourself and others, the
nature of consciousness, and the deep conditioning that impacts us in our waking Life. One-third of our life is spent
sleeping and will be programmed by the Neutrino stream in a different way through a 5-centered Matrix. When we
sleep, the real work gets done without personality resistance and vanity. DreamRave is a mystical journey, taking us to
where the real program gets delivered to all of us.
Pre-Requisites: Rave Cartography; DreamRave Software from Jovian Archive; Introduction to DreamRave Analysis
Digital Book, DreamRave I - Intro to Personal Analysis, DreamRave II - Analyst Certification, DreamRave III - Advanced
Analysis and DreamRave IV - Persona and Reincarnation. These books can be purchase through this IHDS link:
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
Dr. Andrea Reikl-Wolf
Start Date: May 19, 2021 Number of Lessons: See course details
Day of week: Wednesdays Regular Price: $900.00
Time of Lessons: 16:00 GMT Early Bird Price: $800.00
The Rave Sociology is the broadest of all Fields in the Human Design System. Its main topic is Group
Dynamics and the resulting sociological Themes and Movements in Humanity. In the Human Design System
there is a distinct difference between small and large Group Dynamics. The underlying trans-auric Form
Mechanic has a special impact in each Individual, dependent on the unique genetic makeup.
This Certification Program teaches a deep insight in the trans-auric Dynamics that impact Society and the
individual in a Group Setting that results in the social Environment that we live in today.
Pre-Requisites: Rave Cartography. Degree and Certification will be provided once you have received your
IHDS Analyst Certification.
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
Dr. Andrea Reikl-Wolf
Start Date: May 13, 2021 Number of Lessons: See course details
Day of week: Thursdays Regular Price: $5,000.00
Time of Lessons: 17:00 GMT Early Bird Price: $4,000.00
This Program prepares candidates to apply the teaching of the Four Transformational Steps to
Differentiation (Radical Transformation Clinic): Brain/Body, Environment, Perspective and Mind/
Awareness. The Variable workshop is designed for clients who have practiced and are experienced
with their Strategy and Authority.
Pre-Requisites: This Program is open to any PHS or RP Students who have completed the 3 Year training, or DDP
Students who have completed the 2 Year Training and attended the Holistic Analysis Training.
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
BG5 Foundation Course
Semester 1 starting in May
Please see this page to review all Foundation offerings at the Institute
Number of Lessons: 10
Regular Price: $675.00 Per Semester
Early Bird Price: $625.00 Per Semester
Learn how to apply this profound information in a practical way to empower your own life both
personally and professionally. Improve your relationships with others through a deep understanding
the unique dynamics that make us different. Learn the nuances of how to interpret the different
aspects of the BG5 Career Design Chart. The BG5 Foundation Course is the required prerequisite to
enter our Professional BG5 Consultant Certification Course and BG5 Profit Potential Workshops.
Package option available.
Please see this page to review all Foundation offerings at the Institute.
Prerequisites: BG5 Career Design Overview or Full Analysis by a Certified BG5 Consultant.
Required Materials: The Definitive Book of Human Design, The Science of Differentiation.
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
BG5 Business Consultant Certification Course
Semester 1 starting in May
Please see this page to review all offerings at the Institute
Number of Lessons: 10
Regular Price: $1,400.00 Per Semester
Early Bird Price: $1,200.00 Per Semester
The goal and emphasis of the BG5™ Consultant Certification training is on analysis, synthesis, and
presentation. We’ll combine the foundation material from the BG5™ Foundation Course with the actual
methodologies you’ll use with your clients, as well as explore the interactions and dynamics of Unified
Group Analysis (more than 2 people). Upon completion of the BG5™ Consultant Certification Course,
you’ll have the knowledge, tools, resources, and experience needed, to work effectively with your
clients to guide and support them in their individual careers and businesses.
BG5 Profit Potential Workshops
Semester 1 starting in May
Please see this page to review all offerings at the Institute
What are the healthy and unhealthy expressions of your unique design which determine the ease to
which you profit or not. How are you designed to sell or market your product or service? How can you
experience more satisfaction, success, peace and surprise in your work and business? What are the
shadows and distractions holding you back or distracting you from making money in a healthy and
fulfilling way? How can you align all aspects of your career design to simply relax into being you to
naturally attract the money and resources that are correct for you?
2020/2021 Academic Year – Trimester 3
The IHDS is a virtual campus located at: www.ihdschool.com
Registration is now open and available by either browsing the IHDS website or going directly to the registrations pages
listed with each course. All classes are offered live and online and all lessons are recorded. A download package including
audio and visual presentation playback files are posted to your course page within 24 hours of each lesson.
Once you are registered for a course you can enter the classroom for that course, download any past lessons as well as
find out all the details you need, i.e. the starting time of the next lesson by going to www.ihdschool.com (you must be
logged in) and selecting “Your Registered Programs” from the menu.
Required Materials
Manuals and texts are available from www.ihdschool.com and National Organizations. A complete list of all National
Organization websites can be found at www.ihdschool.com website.
If you have any technical questions regarding how the online classroom works please contact our office at