The rubric assesses models on several criteria using a scale from below expectations to exceeds expectations. It evaluates the model's representation of scientific concepts, construction and creativity, and ingenuity. The highest scores are reserved for models that clearly depict scientific ideas through original, well-crafted designs incorporating multiple locally sourced materials.
The rubric assesses models on several criteria using a scale from below expectations to exceeds expectations. It evaluates the model's representation of scientific concepts, construction and creativity, and ingenuity. The highest scores are reserved for models that clearly depict scientific ideas through original, well-crafted designs incorporating multiple locally sourced materials.
The rubric assesses models on several criteria using a scale from below expectations to exceeds expectations. It evaluates the model's representation of scientific concepts, construction and creativity, and ingenuity. The highest scores are reserved for models that clearly depict scientific ideas through original, well-crafted designs incorporating multiple locally sourced materials.
The rubric assesses models on several criteria using a scale from below expectations to exceeds expectations. It evaluates the model's representation of scientific concepts, construction and creativity, and ingenuity. The highest scores are reserved for models that clearly depict scientific ideas through original, well-crafted designs incorporating multiple locally sourced materials.
Expecta-on Expecta-on Expecta-on Expecta-on Model does Model Model Model clearly not relate to a represents represents represents scien-fic unclear scien-fic scien-fic Model concept nor scien-fic concepts with concepts, show research concepts. It minor errors. It completely in planning. shows evidence is well thought finished, well (0-9 pts.) of research in out and thought out planning, but is implemented and is easily not finished. correctly. understood. Missing a (15 points) (11 points) component. (13 points)
The model is The model is The model is The model is
poorly constructed carefully carefully Construc2on, constructed. It with liLle constructed, constructed crea2vity, lacks neatness and but does not with materials neatness neatness crea-vity. showcase that showcase crea-vity. (11 points) student's student's (0-9 pts.) crea-vity. crea-vity and (13 points) are appropriate. (15)
The idea is The model is The model is Uniqueness of
copied from very common original. Uses 2 the idea is Ingenuity the internet though the idea locally present. Uses and all the is original. Uses available 3 or more materials used available material. locally are bought material. available from the store materials (0-4pts) (10pts)