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1) Are there many advertisements in your country?

2) Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?
3) How do you feel about advertisement?
4) What are the various places where we see advertisements?
5) What kind of advertisement do you like the most?
6) What makes a good advertisement?
7) Do advertisements influence your choice about what to buy?
8) What sorts of advertisements leave the deepest impression on people?
9) Do you think advertisements on TV should be banned?
3. Irritated→ spoil the flow of the whole show or series→tolerate
- detrimental impacts on the environment→leaflets and banners→throw
1. Omnipresent→ catch sight-go for a short stroll-billboards-social
networking sites- social media→ appear with a high density
2. Companies: popularize a brand-new product- accessible to a wider
range of customers-monthly or annual turnover
- customers: a variety of choices/ options- opt for the item- suit their
budget+ meet the fundamental needs

It would be no exaggeration to say that

1. Definitely, there are. Advertisements have proliferated in the last few
years. I mean they are ubiquitous on TV commercial breaks, websites and
social networking sites. Seriously, it’s hard to go anywhere without
seeing banners or hearing some kind of product commercial. For
example, there is a multitude of colorful metropolises like HCM city.
- proliferate(v): increase suddenly and greatly in number
Proliferation(n):→technological proliferation
- commercial break(n): quảng cáo trên tì vi
- commercial(n): ad which is broadcast on Tv or radio
- a multitude of sth: a large number of sth
- ubiquitous(a): =omnipresent
Ubiquity(n): omnipresence
- attribute sth to sth

2. I guess it’s due to the benefits of both customers and companies. As for
the former, advertisements are the most efficient way to popularize a
brand-new product and captivate the customer’s attention. And I believe
that the advent of the Internet even enables advertisements to be
accessible to a wider range of customers. Therefore, they are able to opt
for the ones that not only suit their budget but also meet their
fundamental needs. When it comes to companies, it also plays a crucial/
vital role in marketing strategy that enterprise applies to entire customers.
The more effective a promotion is, the greater the monthly turnover will
- captivate/ capture/ grab one’s attention
- be accessible to sb
- suit one’s budget
- meet one’s fundamental needs
- opt for sth= choose sth= make a choice for sth
- entice someone into doing something
- turnover(n):
- nuisance (n):
3. How do you feel about advertisements?
Detrimental impacts on environment-leaflets and banners will, in all
likelihood, be discarded/ thrown away on the main roads- Not only is this
a waste of wood but this also makes the environment in metropolises
increasingly hygienic.
- irritated-spoil the flow of the whole show+ dampen my spirit
- sick and tired of advertisement- find ways to bypass ads while surfing
the internet.
- likelihood(n): the chance that sth will happen
→ In all likelihood, it’s very likely that S V
- to dampen my spirit
- spoil the flow
- hygienic(a)#unhygienic
- metropolis(n):

- extraterrestrial (a): outside the planet Earth

- terrestrial (a): + relating to the Earth
+ (animals) living on land
- terrestrial animals/ species
- likelihood (n):
- there is every/ little likelihood that S V
- In all likelihood, S V
- The likelihood is that S V.
- tenuous (a): ( connection, reason, one’s position) uncertain or weak
Ex: The cultural and historical links between many province were seen to
be tenuous.
- intermittent (a): not happening regularly or continuously, stopping and
starting repeatedly or with the period in between= sporadic
- intermittent rain/ bursts of applause
- conservative (a):
- a conservative society/ outlook
- inconceivable(a): impossible to imagine, unthinkable
Ex: a nuclear accident with inconceivable
- traverse (v): move or travel through an area
Ex: It talks several weeks to traverse the desert
- prompt(a): = immediate
- stagnation (n): sự ứ động
→ economic stagnation
- stagnant (a):
→ a stagnant economy
- integrate into...
Ex: Children are very good at integrating into a new culture.
- affordability (n):
- durable (a):
→ durability (n)
- indigenous (a):
→ be indigenous to swhere= be native to swhere

Vocabs build-up:
- reptile (n):-> reptilian(a):
- reproduce(v)(plants, animals): produce young
Ex: Most reptiles reproduce by laying eggs on land
- reproduction(n):
- equivalent(a): having the same amount, value, purpose, qualities
--> be equivalent to sth
Ex: 8km is roughly equivalent to 5 miles
- vertebrate (n)(a):#invertebrate
- gill (n):
- amphibian(n):--> amphibious(a):
- resemble s.o/ (v):
Resemblance (n):
--> bear a (strong/close/striking) resemblance to s.o/
--> bear no resemblance
- keep track of s.o/sth
- successor(n): s.o/sth that comes after s.o/ sth else and takes their place
-> successor to s.o/sth
Ex: this range of computers is very fast, but their successors will be even
- recruit(v):->recruiter(n):
- collaborate(v)=cooperate
- anonymous (a):
- quantum(n):
-publication(n): ấn phẩm
- extensive(a): covering a large area, great in amount
-> extensive damage
Ex: the house was extensively rebuilt after the fire
- incentive(n): sth that encourages you to do sth
-> an incentive for s.o to v
Ex: Bonus payments provide an incentive for workers to work harder/
apply themselves more diligently.
1. Can you tell me a little about your hometown?
Well I was born and brought up in BD province, an area located in the
Southern part of VN. To the best of my knowledge, BD underwent a
transformation from an agricultural town to a powerful industry zone. As
a result, it is densely populated area that attracts frequently attracts
foreign capital investment and an influx of immigrants, which contributes
substantially to the economic sustainability of the whole country.
2. What do you like about living in your hometown?
Entertainment, environment, residents:
- Entertainments: a wide range of recreational activities and facilities/
various forms of recreation -> cater for people of all ages.
- Environment: not as developed as HCMC -> pollution is not a pressing
issue here -> rare to catch sight of terrible traffic congestion in rush
- Residents: my neighbors are very affordable, hospitable and willing to
lend a helping hand to each other >< city dwellers who lead a hectic life
and turn a blind eye to others’ issues.
Vocabs build-up:
- capture/ captivate/ grab one’s attention
- apply oneself to N/ Ving: work at sth or study sth very hard
- immutable(a): unable to be changed= unchangeable
--> an immutable fact/ decision/ law
- fidgety(a): (of a person) unable to remain still or quiet, usually bcs of
being bored or nervous
Ex: Children often get fidgety if they have nothing to do.
- dent one’s confidence/ pride/reputation: damage it
Ex: His confidence was badly dented when he wasn’t admitted to his
ideal school.
- superficial(a): not studying or looking thoroughly; seeing only what is
--> a superficial understanding/ knowledge of sth
- cursory(a): quick and not detailed
--> a cursory glance/ look
- correlation (n):
Ex: there’s a high correlation between smoking and lung cancer
Lament(v): express sadness or disappointment about sth
Ex: Old generations often lament the decline in in moral standards in
today’s society.
- lamentable(a): deserving severe criticism; very bad = regrettable
Ex: His command of English is lamentable.
- rail against sth: complain about sth in an angry way
- excessive (a):
Ex: Excessive exercise can sometimes cause health problems.

- impair sth(v): spoil or weaken sth so that it is less effective.

Ex: His age impaired his chances of finding a new job.
Consumption of alcohol impairs your ability to drive a car
- impairment(n):
-> visual/ hearing/ physical/ mental impairment
- impaired(a):-> impaired vision/ hearing
- auditory(a): connected with hearing.
- ventilation(n):-> ventilation system
- comprehend sth (v):
- comprehension(n):
-> have no comprehension of sth
-> beyond one’s comprehension
Ex: His behavior was completely beyond my comprehension.
- comprehensible(a): incomprehensible
-> be comprehensible/ in comprehensible to
- exacerbate sth(v): make sth which is already bad worse
- reverberation(n): sự vang âm
Ex: His aggressive behaviour only exacerbated the situation
- autism(n):-> autistic(a)
Optimum (a)= optimal
-> an optimal choice
-> optimal efficiency/ growth/ health
- diagnose(v):
Diagnostic(a):-> diagnostic technique/ test
- imperative(a): very important and needing immediate action= vital
- promulgate(v):
+ announce a new law or system officially or publicly
Ex: the new law was promulgated in the autumn of the last year.
+ spread an idea, belief among many people

Speaking : What do you like and dislike about your hometown?

- a handful of international corporations here-> the residents here only
have a limited number of opportunities to get promotion in their career
ladder to become chief executives in their field.
- Due to the lack of prestigious universities, students and highschools,
students in my hometown are often inferior to others in terms of logical
thinking and analytical precision.
Vocabs build-up:
- put sth down to sth
Attribute sth to sth
Ascribe sth to sth
- desolate(a): (of a place): empty and without ppl, making you feel sad or
-> a bleak and desolate landscape
- latitude (n):
- equator(n):
- expedition(n): an organized journey to find out about a place that is not
well known
- daunt s.o (v): make s.o feel slightly frightened about the ability to
achieve sth
- daunting (a): -> a daunting task/ project
- daunted (a):
Nothing daunted (a): confident about sth difficult you have to do
Ex: Nothing daunted, the ppl set about rebuilding their homes
- thwart (v): prevent s.o from doing what they want to do
-> thwart one’s plans/ ambitions/ efforts
Ex: she was thwarted in her attempts to take control of party
- besiege (v):
- pave the way for sth
Make way for sth
- distort(v):
-> distort the truth
- supersede sth (v): replace sth that is old-fashioned
Ex: Hand tools are no superseded by automatic machines.

10) What makes a good advertisement?

Visual effects-> captivating images-> grab the viewers’ attention
Mesmeric melody-> remind customers...
Concise content-> convey the msg to potential customers-> entice them
into making the purchasing decision

What ? There are three main contributors to an effective advertisements.

There is a variety of factors contributing to..., but the first one that springs
to my mind is...
Due to the ubiquity of advertisements-> exposed to them through both
physical forms+digital platforms. I mean-> hard not to catch sight of ads
on a giant billboard on my way to school or flyers sticked on the street
walls. Digital platforms-> hear ear-catching adverts via social networking
sites+pop-ups when we are watching videos on youtube.
Like I have mentioned, I am averse to ads. Though if I must pick one
kind, then I would choose TV commercials.
The types of commercials that win me over must be creative and clever in
some ways. For example, I love shampoo ads for Old Spice because they
feature an angry muscular man screaming at the audience about the
product’s superiority. The tongue-in-cheek humor and unsurpassed
effects never fail to catch sight my attention

Unsurpassed(a): better or greater than any other

Ex: the quality of abc furniture is unsurpassed.
- tongue-in-cheek (a): not intended seriously, done or said as a joke.
Ex: a tongue-in-cheek remark/ answer
Well there exists tons of advertisements bombarding customers everyon
day, but just like anything else, there are always some that stand out from
the rest. And I believe that those out standing commercials share one
common trait: a relatable story and a powerful underpinning message
revolving around the product on offer. They are delicately delivered by
veteran marketers to appeal to the customers’ emotion, thereby
subliminally encouraging them to make the purchasing decision. In fact,
in this age of cut-throat competition, this subtle approach often delivers
better results than advertising gimmicks that allure customers with
colorful images and exaggerated claims, all of which are hell-bent on
getting customers to buy on impulse.

Bombard s.o with sth ( information, criticism): make s.o face a great deal
of it.
Relatable (a): that s.o can understand and feel a sympathy for
-> a relatable story
- underpinning (n): an important part of sth that allows it to succeed or
continue to exist
-> an underpinning message
Revolve around: xoay wanh cái gì
Ex:In VN, art often revolves around nature and sth intangible like love.
Be delicately delivered: dc truyền tải một cách tinh tế
- veteran(a): having been involved in a particular activity for a long time.
(n): a person who has a lot of experience of an activity
- appeal to the customers’ emotion
- subliminal (a): affecting your mind even though u’re not aware of
-> subliminal advertising/ messages.
-cut-throat (a):( of an activity): in which ppl compete with each other in
an aggressive way
-> a cut-throat competition
- subtle(a): organized in a clever way
->a subtle strategy/ plan
- advertising gimmick: chiêu trò quảng káo
- exaggerated claim
- be hell-bent on Ving/ sth: determined to do sth even though the result
may be bad
- allure(v): entice by charm or attraction

Vocabs build-up:
- iconoclast(n): a person who strongly opposes generally accepted beliefs
and traditions.
- constraint(n):- restriction
-> economic/ financial/ geographic constraints
-> constraints of time/ money/ space
- pitfall(n): a likely mistake or problem in a situation
Ex: getting professional advice will help u avoid the most obvious
-embrace(v): accept sth enthusiastically
Ex: This was an opportunity that he would embrace
- trigger (v): cause sth bad to happen
-> a trigger to sth/ to do sth
Ex: Intense sunlight may be a trigger to skin cancer
- impediment(n)=obstacle
-> an impediment to sth
- impede(v)=hinder
-> impede economic progress
- trivial(a): not important or serious, not worth considering
-> trivial detail/ matter/ problem
- afflict s.o/sth(v): (problem,illness) affect s.o/sth in an unpleasant way
Ex: About 30% of the country’s population is afflicted with the disease.
- intertwine(v): become very closely connected with s.o/sth
-> be (closely) intertwined with sth
Ex: personal and business relationships are closely intertwined in Japan.
- asset(n): a person or thing that is valuable or useful to s.o/sth
-> an asset to s.o/sth
Ex: The ability to speak a foreign language is a major asset in this
globally integrated society.

I can’t speak for everyone, but in general

Senior citizens leave an indelible impression on
Gravitate towards sth
Mesmeric melody+ captivating images-> please one’s eyes
Story->revolve their daily life

8) I can’t speak for everyone, but in general there are two kinds of ads
that get talked about: those with catchy tunes/ captivating melodies and
those that are designed to evoke/ arouse sympathy and compassion in
their audience.
- evoke (v): bring a feeling, a memory or an image into your mind
Ex: The music evoked memories of her youth.
His case is unlikely to evoke public sympathy.
- leave an indelible impression on s.o
- compassion(n):( stronger than empathy)
9) A big yes, actually. Nothing presents as much a nuisance as
commercial breaks during a film or drama, because they just spoil the
flow of the whole show or series. To make the matter worse, you have no
choice but to sit through them until the show resumes. For these reasons,
it would make sense for broadcasters to restrict or even prohibit
commercials altogether on TV.
-resume(v):( of an activity): start again after a pause
-It makes sense to to V#It doesn’t make sense to V
- broadcaster
Vocabs build-up:
- yield/ generate/ produce electricity
- staggering(a): so large or surprising that it is difficult to believe =
Ex: they paid a staggering 1 million pound for the house.
- proponent(n): a person who supports an idea or course of action
- advocate
- convert sth into sth
- lush(a):
- oasis(n): ooc dao
-> oases
- purify sth (v)
- purity(n):# impurity:impurities
- a vast array of sth: a large number of sth
-> agricultural/ housing subsidy
- subsidize(v):
Ex: The housing projects are subsidized by the government.
Writing task 1
- By far out of... examined, Australia was the only one to experience/
witness an upward trend in
- The percentage/number/amount of... followed the same pattern with a
steady increase from... and... in... to... and... in respectively.
- Similar changes, but to greater extents, were seen in the figures for...,
increasing from... and... respectively/ in that order.

11) Do advertisements influence your choice about what to buy?

+ appear with a high density-> subliminally affect purchasing decisions->
recall-> info conveyed in the ad...
+ persuasive with their promises, rational-> splash out on unnecessary
items after
+ so captivating in visuals

- miniature(a): describes sth which is a very small copy of an object

- surplus(n): an amount that is extra or more than used.
Ex: a surplus of teachers
- concrete(n):
- cement(n): xi mang
- insulate sth from/ against sth
Ex: U can insulate your house against heat loss to save energy
- insulation (n):
Vocabs build-up
- deteriorate (v): become worse
Ex: Her health deteriorated quickly and she died shortly afterwards.
The economic situation could quickly deteriorate into social unrest.
Deterioration (n)
-> health deterioration
- invective (a): rude language and unpleasant remarks that s.o shouts
when they’re very angry
- propound sth (v): = propose sth= put sth forward
- evaluate = assess= appraise
- halt (v): stop; make s.o stop
Ex: Security forces halted the demonstrators by blocking the road.
Halt (n):
Ex: Severe flooding has brought trains to a halt.
The bus came to a halt, just in time to avoid hitting the wall.
- advocate(n) = proponent= supporter
Advocate (v)
- adhere to sth= comply with= abide by a law, rule
- adherence (n):
- adhesion (n): obedience, sự dính vào

Media & Advertisement

1) Alluring=attractive= enticing= tempting (message)
Advertisers introduce tempting messages and persuasive arguments to
capture the attention of viewers
2) Buy something on impulse
Advertisers create peer effect, turning ppl into unintended buyers. They
have a tendency to buy sth on impulse without knowing about the
products, but merely assuming that their peers are possessing it
3) Fabricate/distort/twist facts
The erosion of journalistic standard is alarming as many unscrupulous
journalists and reporters twist and fabricate facts, aiming at increasing
view rates.
Unscrupulous (a): without moral principles, not honest or fair
Ex: Unscrupulous financial advisers
Juvenile delinquency
The erosion of moral standard among teenagers is alarming as there is an
inexorable rise of juvenile delinquency.
4) Ppl are bombarded with tempting images from the media, suggesting
that a good life is only attainable by a goods life. This subliminally
message has a profound influence on customers’mind, encouraging them
to make the purchasing decision.
5) The culprit for sth
It is universally/widely acknowledged that violence on TV is the main/
chief/ major culprit for soaring crime rates, given the fact that frequent
exposure to brutal scenes may inhibit emotional responses, causing
viewers whose cognition has yet to be fully developed to believe that
violence is normal and acceptable. Consequently, they are inclined to
resolve conflicts through violence rather than legal consultation.

- Commercials (n):
- Hype (n): advertisements on TV, radio, telling the public about a
- promotion (n):
Promotional (a):
Product/ item/ merchandise (n): sản phẩm: goods that are bought and sold
--> high quality/ poor quality merchandise
- commodity (n): a substance or a product that can be traded
--> the international commodity market
Ex: Rice is what we pride ourselves on in the international commodities
- glamorous attire
- garment (n): a piece of clothing
Vocabs build-up
- permafrost(n):
-thaw (v):( of ice and snow)
- account for = make up = constitute
- long-standing (a): having existed for a long time
-> a long standing relationship/ view
- infest (v): exist in large numbers in a particular place, often causing
-> be infested with sth
Ex: The kitchen is infested with mice
Infestation (n):
- substitute for (v)
-> a substitute for
- practicable (a):( of an idea, plan) able to be done, likely to be successful
Feasible = workable
Practicality (n):
Ex: We were doubtful about the practicality
- arable (a): suitable for growing crops
-> an arable land
- a relatable story
- an underpinning message
- revolve around
- subliminally affect s.o
- appeal to the customers ’emotion
- veteran marketers
- convey/ import sth to s.o

- fraudulent/ misleading/ deceptive advertisement

- fraud(n):
Fraudulent (a): -> fraudulent advertising/ claims
- advertising gimmicks
- exaggerated claims
- spoil the flow
- nuisance (n):
- lure s.o into doing
- entice
- manipulate (v):
Manipulation (n): -> media manipulation
Manipulative (a) -> manipulative behavior
Ex: Advertisers have a flair for being manipulative, so don’t let yourself
be tempted into buying their products by price discounts

- be disillusioned with
Disillusionment (n):
- mediocre (a): below in average in quality
Mediocrity (n):
- captivating/ vivid images
- catchy tunes
Mesmeric/ ear-catching melody
- mind-blowing (a): extremely impressive, over-surprising
- mind-blowing visual effects
- have a change of scene: go swh different after being in a particular place
for a long time
- be transported into a virtual world
- recreational activities
- unwind (v): = relax
- recharge one’s battery
Ex: Yes, of course. Weekend is a healing time for people to unwind after
a cruel week at work. This is when they have a luxury of time to dabble
in recreational activities to recharge their battery and come back to work
more productively.
- take my mind off worries
- let my hair down (informal) = go off steam: relax and enjoy yourself in
a lively way
- blow/ let off steam: get rid of your energy, anger or strong emotions
with physical activity or by behaving in a noisy way.
Ex: regular workouts is an effective way to combat unwanted stress and
let off steam.
Vocabs build-up:
- assertive (a): expressing opinions or desires strongly and with
confidence so that ppl take notice.
Ex: If you really want the promotion, you’ll have to be more assertive.
--> assertive behavior
--> assertiveness (n):
- submissive (a): willing to obey s.o whatever they want to do
Ex: He was looking for a quiet submissive wife who would obey his
every word.
Submissiveness (n):
Lượng nơ

- arouse/ stimulate/ pique one’s interest
- what’s going on when the curtains close: the secrets lie behind showbiz
- cut-throat competition/ business/ world of celebrity
Ex: the cut-throat world of advertising
The advertising world can be a very cut-throat business
- a household name
- rise to stardom
- rise to fame: become famous
- in the limelight: in the center of public attention
- steal/ hog the limelight: take attention away from s.o
- stay out of the limelight: = shun publicity
- a cluster of fans
Ex: There was a cluster of time around him, asking for autographs.
Vocabs build-up: 6/5/2023
- take stock (of sth): pause to think about all aspects of a situation or
event before deciding what to do next
Ex: After 2 years spent taking abroad, she returned home for a month to
take stock of her life.
- promotion (n):
Promotional (a):
- arouse one’s interest/ curiosity/ anger # deaden one’s interest
- appetite (n): a desire for food
-> arouse/ stimulate one’s appetite # spoil/ ruin one’s appetite
=> an insatiable appetite for sth
(a): too great to be satisfied
- aisle (n): a long narrow space between the rows of shelves in a shop or
rows of seats in a cinema, air craft
- Over rich in
- convivial (a): friendly (atmosphere)
- If you ask me about an advertisement that I find impressive and
inspirational, it will definitely be the promotion for the paint product-
Dulux Easy clean.
If my memory serves me right, It was about 2 years ago when I
watched this advert for the first time in the commercial break on TV and I
have been in love with it ever since. The adverts starts with many
children messing the walls of their house with color, mud and powder and
enjoying their world of fun and creativity. Then the drama begins when
their mom comes back home after a gruelling day at work. As soon as she
enters the front door, it dawns on her that her baby son is having fun with
his crayons and doodling on the newly-painted wall.
Unlike what viewers might guess what happens, the mom looks at
her son, who is acting completely innocently, and gives him a big smile.
B/c the walls are painted with Dulux Easy Clean, all types of dirt can be
removed very easily. The advert then ends with a slogan that could be
interpreted in two ways, with Dulux Easy Clean, forgiveness is easy, or,
with Dulux Easy Clean, erasing stains is no problem.
I am taken aback by this ad for a number of reasons. First, it
featured children acting typically-playfully, mischievous and innocent,
which I find super cute. In fact, I can’t take my eyes off the TV screen
whenever this advert comes on, with the appearance of these little angels.
Also, the song played in the advert was “I’m sorry”, which amazingly
matched the content and the acting of the kids. On top of that, it is the
relatable story and underpinning message that left an indelible impression
on viewers. I believe the marketing team was successful in bringing brand
awareness to their potential customers.
- biodegradable (a): able to decay naturally and harmlessly#
- raise/ heighten one’s awareness/ consciousness of
- immerse themselves
- intimate skin
- leave an indelible impression on s.o
- embody (v):
Ex: She embodied good sportsmanship on the playing field.
Embodiment (n):-> the embodiment of sth
- interpret sth (v): explain the meaning of sth
Ex: The students were asked to interpret the poem.
- vanquish (v): defeat s.o completely in a competition, war
- deprecate (v): feel or express strong disapproval of sth
Ex: they deprecate the use of company funds for political purposes.
- capitalism (n):#communism
Capitalist (a): #communist
-> a capitalist country/ economy
- forge sth:
- forged (a):
Ex: a forged passport
- adversity (n):
-> thrive in the face of adversities
- geothermal energy
- biomass (n): plant and animal substances used for fuel
- replenish (v):
- intermittent (a):= sporadic# continuous
- depict sth (v): represent or show sth in a picture or story
- embrace sth (v):
- agent (n): a person or thing that has an important effect on a situation
Ex: The charity has been an agent for social change.
- segregate (v): separate s.o of different races, religions, or sexes and treat
them differently
-> segregate s.o from s.o
Segregation (n):
- oppress s.o/sth (v):
Oppression (n):
Oppressive (a):
- subordinate (a): having a less important position and therefore, have to
be obedient
Vocabs 13/5/2023
- asset (n): a person or thing that is useful or available to s.o/ sth
-> an asset to s.o/sth
Ex: In his job, patience is an invaluable asset
- executive (n):
-> advertising/ sales/ business executives
-> chief/ top/ senior executives
- eschew sth (v): avoid sth intentionally
Ex: We won’t have discussions with this group unless they eschew
- aspire to do sth (v): strongly desire to do sth
- aspiration (n):
- off the beaten track: to be in a distant area where not many people live
or go
- anathema (n): sth which is strongly disliked
-> anathema to s.o
Ex: Racial prejudice is anathema to most people
The idea of working late is complete anathema to him
- intrepid (a): brave, courageous
- expedition (n):
- to little/ no avail: with little success
Ex: The doctor tried everything to keep the patient alive but to no avail.
- take over a job/ role/ company
- lumber s.o with give s.o a responsibility that they don’t want and
that they cannot get rid of
Ex: I was lumbered with the job of taking charge of all the money.
- disposable (a): made to be thrown away after use
-> disposable gloves/ razors/ masks
- desperate (a): needing or wanting sth very much
-> be desperate for sth (food, drink, help)
Be desperate to V

- unsterilized equipment -> serious infection among customers whose

skin is sensitive
- total scam bcs

- a cluster of fans
- autograph
- invade one’s privacy
Intrude into one’s private life
-> invasion (n):
Intrusion (n):
- paparazzi (n): photographers who follow famous ppl to take photos of
- to spoil/ ruin one’s reputation
- erosion in journalistic standard -> twist and fabricate facts to increase
view rate-> spoil/ ruin the celebrities’ reputation
-> It’s difficult to emerge from a scandal with your reputation still intact.
-> the downfall of their career
- downfall (n): the loss of one’s money/ social position/ power
- bombard s.o with sth:
-> put s.o under constant/ relentless pressure
=> render s.o prone to psychological issues such as mood swing, anxiety
or even depression
=> resort to suicide to escape the harsh realities that they are facing
- aficionado (n): s.o who is very interested in and enthusiastic about sth
-> an aficionado of Korean films
- an opulent lifestyle
Vocabs build-up:
-prodigy (n):
Prodigious (a): extremely great in ability, amount or strength
-> prodigious memory/ talent/ achievement
-> a prodigiously talented musician/ actor…
- vacant (a): not filled, available to be used
-> vacant rooms/ beds
Vacancy (n):
-> job vacancies
- inaugurate (v):-> inauguration (n):
- abundant (a):= plentiful
-> an abundant supply of sth
- abundance (n):
-> an abundance of sth
- accumulate (v):
+ collect a large number of sth over a long period of time
Ex: As ppl accumulate more wealth, they tend to spend a greater
proportion of their incomes.
+ gradually increase in number or amount
Ex: A thick layer of dust had accumulated in the room
- leukaemia (n):
- technological proliferation
- fall prey to sth
- deep conviction
- without imperfection
Celebrity is always deemed the well off as their luxuriant lifestyle
requires them to be the loyal customer of outrageously expensive
accessories which are out of reach for the general.

Benefit of being celebrity

- Celebrities are usually opulent figures. Due to their extravagant
lifestyle, they are in possession of prohibitively expensive accessories
from internationally renowned brand such as Gucci, Dior, Chanel, to
name but a few, all of which are beyond the reach of the massive.

Celebrities are always put under relentless pressure due to a

bombardment of criticism from their anti-fans, which renders them from
psychological issues such as mood swing, anxiety or even depression. To
make the matter worse, some even resort to suicide to escape the harsh
realities that they are facing

1. Who is your favourite celebrity in your country?
Mild-mannered -> children from deprived areas
2. Do you like any foreign celebrities ?
3. How do celebrities influence their fans in your country?
4. Would you like to become a celebrity ?
5. Do you think we should protect famous ppl’s privacy?
6. What is the most important quality of being famous?
- emerge (v)-> emergence (n):
- contingent (a): dependent on sth else in the future to happen
Ex: Our success is contingent on your success.
- scare (a):-> scarcity (n):
- empirical (a): based on experiments or experience rather than ideas or
-> empirical knowledge/ research/ evidence/ study
- s v in an attempt to v
At one’s first/ second attempt, s v
Ex: He passed the driving test at his first attempt.
- be made up of= be comprised of= be composed of= comprise
- inextricable (a): too closely to be separated= inseparable
Ex: Personal and business relationships are inextricably intertwined in
- milestone (n):
- turning point (n):
- tug-of-war (n):
- arrogant/ conceited >< humble -> reverence (n):
Hold s.o in high esteem
- philanthropic -> deprived areas
- optimistic -> inspiring songs/ msgs
-> look on the bright side
Maintain a positive outlook on life
- endowed with innate talent -> released-> top the chart + go viral
3. Trend-setters-> all the rage
-> sought-after
Set a good example -> emulate sth ( philanthropy)
4. Would you like to become….?
-> the thought of becoming… has nvr occurred to me before
Becoming a … is my life-long ambition
3 from my observation, the influence of celebrity on their fans is
extensive. On the one hand, they are trend-setters as their fans try to
imitate the way they look. It would be no exaggeration to say that their
hairstyle or makeup look will be all the rage and their accessories will be
sought-after shortly after their appearance. On the other hand, some fan
are even willing to do charity work together with their idols. In an attempt
to emulate their philanthropy. Therefore, as long as celebrities are well-
mannered. They will set a good example for their fans.


- versatile (a):
Versatility (n):
- philanthropic (a): having poor ppl, esp by giving them money
- philanthropy (n):
- conceited (a): arrogant
- humble (a): -> humility
- hold s.o in high esteem
- conviction (n): a strong opinion or belief
-> It’s my deep conviction that…
- infallible (a): never wrong, never making mistakes
-> infallible advice
- testimony (n): a thing that shows that sth else exists or is true
Ex: The increase in imports bears a testimony to the success of the
- veracity (n): the quality of being true = truthfulness
- layperson (n): # expert, specialist
- date back to…
- prototype (n): the first design of sth from which other forms are copied
or developed
-> a prototype of/ for sth
- intolerable (a): = unbearable
Ex: an intolerable burden/ situation
- evaporate (v):
- nostalgia (n):
Ex: Hearing that tune again filled him with nostalgia.
- correspond to sth (v): be the same as or match sth
Ex: the money I’ve saved corresponds roughly to the amount I need for
the course.

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