Businessconfusingwords List1 6 Meanings
Businessconfusingwords List1 6 Meanings
Businessconfusingwords List1 6 Meanings
) exceed: to surpass (Our department budget exceeds $50,000.) accent: to stress or emphasize; a regional manner of speaking (He as a de!inite "out ern accent.) ascent: a rising or going up (# e mountain as a steep ascent.) assent: to agree; agreement ($r. $artin ga%e is assent to t e new pro&ect.) accept: to receive; to give an affirmative answer to (We accept your bid.) except: to exclude, to leave out, to omit, other than (prep) ('n en!orcing t is rule, we can except no one.) access: admittance or admission (# e comptroller as access to t e boo(s on t e wee(end.) excess: surplus, or more than necessary ()ecords indicated an excess o! $*5,000 in t e budget.) ad: abbreviation for ad%ertisement (" e answered t e elp+wanted ad in t e local newspaper.) add: to join; to unite; to sum (,lease add t e new s ipment to our stoc(.) adapt: to accustom oneself to a situation or to change something to fit a new use or situation (-ill was need to adapt to is new &ob.) adept: proficient or competent in performing a task ($ary is a %ery adept typist.) adopt: to take by choice; to put into practice (# e -oard o! .irectors decided to adopt t e new proposal.) addition: Something added. (/ran( is t e latest addition to our sta!!.) edition: one of a number of printings (# e latest edition o! #ime $aga0ine is now being sold.) advice: counsel; a recommendation (noun! (' will see( t e ad%ice o! a specialist.) advise: to suggest, to recommend (verb! (He ad%ised me to consult an attorney.) affect: to influence (verb! (# e c ange does not a!!ect is pay.) effective: result or conse"uence (noun! (# e music as a soot ing e!!ect.) effect: to bring about (verb! (# e new treatments a%e e!!ected a cure.) all ready: prepared (# e mac ines are all ready !or use.) already: previously (# e employee ad already le!t !or ome.) allusion: a reference to something !amiliar (.id e ma(e an allusion to t e new report1) illusion: an image of an object; a false impression (He as illusions o! grandeur.) delusion: a false belief (,eter ad t e delusion t at is wor( was satis!actory.) almost: nearly; only a little less (adverb! (# e wor( is almost !inis ed.) most: greatest in "uantity or the majority of (adjective! ($ost o! t e wor( is !inis ed.) altar: a place to worship or pray (# e priest ga%e is sermon !rom t e altar.) alter: to change (,eter2s plans will need to be altered be!ore t ey will be appro%ed.) altogether: completely or thoroughly (# e answer is altoget er correct.) all together: in a group; in union (# e employees were all toget er.) among: used where three or more people, things, etc , are involved (# e wor( on t e new program was di%ided among 3o n, 4race, and Henry.) between: generally used where only two are involved (# e bonus was di%ided between $ic ael and 5 ristina.)
amount: "uantity without reference to individual units (# e amount o! sand in t e par( is decreasing because o! erosion.) number: a total of counted units (# e number o! boxes in t e s ipment was noted on t e in%oice.) angel: messenger from #od; person who is good, kind, or beautiful (# e glass tree ornament was in t e s ape o! an angel.) angle: space between two lines or surfaces that meet. (# e road angles to t e rig t ere.) anyone: any person in general (stress on any) (.oes anyone a%e a pencil1) any one: a specific person or item (stress on one! (6ny one o! our mac ines will be satis!actory.) $%int: followed by an &' phrase(
CONFUSING WORDS LIST 2 anxious: upset; concerned about a serious occurrence (7elly was anxious about t e upcoming test.) eager: very desirous; anticipating a favorable event (# e couple was eager !or t eir upcoming wedding.) appraise: to set a value on (# e appraised %alue o! t e ouse was $85,000.) apprise: to inform (# e -oard o! .irectors were apprised o! t e company2s !inancial situation.) attendance: the act of being present at a place (Our class as per!ect attendance today.) attendants: a person who waits on another. (# e airliner ad se%eral !lig t attendants to care !or t e passengers.) beside: by the side of, next to ("tac( t e !inis ed letters beside t e tray !or outgoing mail.) besides: in addition to (W o, besides, -ill, is being promoted1) biannually: two times a year (# e con%ention is eld biannually in 3anuary and 3uly.) biennially: every two years (-ill2s car is required to be emission tested biennially.) brake: a retarding device, to retard (3o n pus ed on t e bra(e to stop t e car.) break: to shatter, to divide, an opening, a fracture (# e antique %ase is insured in t e e%ent it mig t brea(.) canvas: a coarse type of cloth (# e artist2s can%as measured 9 !eet by 5 !eet.) canvass: to solicit; survey ('! you will can%ass t e committee, you will recei%e a !a%orable response.) capital: a seat of government; money invested; a form of a letter ("anta /e is t e capital o! :ew $exico.) capitol: a government building $%int: )he capital dome is in the shape of an *& *( (# e capitol in "anta /e was built in t e s ape o! an ;O.;) cease: to halt or stop (,lease cease teasing t e dog.) seize: to grasp or take possession (' would not esitate to sei0e an opportunity to increase my assets.) choose: to select, to prefer (<ou may c oose any one o! t e se%eral items.) chose: did choose (past tense! (=ast year t e winner c ose a trip to Hawaii.) cite: to "uote from a source (He cited many sources !or is statistics.) sight: act of seeing; object or scene observed (# e accident limited is sig t in one eye.) site: a place, such as a building site (# e site as been selected !or t e new library.) coarse: composed of large particles; unrefined (# e !abric ad a coarse texture.) course: a direction of progress or a series of studies (# e na%igator plotted t e course.)
collision: a clashing of objects (# e collision caused damage to t e two cars.) collusion: a conspiracy or fraud (# ere is no doubt t at collusion too( place between t e &udge and t e plainti!!.) command: to direct or order; an order (# e o!!icer commanded is men to marc .) commend: to praise or laud (3o n was commended !or is !ine be a%ior.) condemn: to declare to be wrong or unsatisfactory (# e manager condemned t ose employees w o were ta(ing two+ our lunc es.) commence: to begin (# e program will commence at !i%e o2cloc(.) comments: to praise ("e%eral !a%orable comments were eard concerning t e program.) complement: that which completes or supplements (noun!; to complete or supplement (verb! (Our camp as its !ull complement o! counselors.) compliment: flattery or praise (noun!; to express flattery or praise (verb! (We compliment you on your record.) confidant: one who may be confided in (His role as a con!idant enabled im to elp many people.) confident: positive or sure (He was con!ident is is ability to do t e &ob.) continual: taking place in close succession; fre"uently repeated (He complained continually about ig gasoline prices.) continuous: without break or letup (# e water !lowed o%er :iagra /alls continuously.) council: an assembly of persons (# e proposal will be ta(en to t e city council.) counsel: to advise (verb!; advice (noun!; an attorney (noun! (We will see( t e counsel o! a specialist.) consul: a resident representative of a foreign state (# e 4erman consul stationed in =os 6ngeles were born in -erlin.) CONFUSING WORDS LIST 3 core: a center (# e core o! t e problem is t at t e employees don2t care.) corps: a body of troops; a group of persons in association (6 large ospital as a corps o! nurses.) corpse: a dead body (# e corpse was ta(en to t e city morgue.) currant: small and sour berries or small seedless raisin (# e currants were used in t e pudding.) current: timely; motion of air or water (We discussed current e%ents in our class today.) decent: correct; proper (# e decent t ing to do is to pay !or t e damage you a%e done.) descent: going from high to low (# e descent o! t e ot air balloon was more rapid t an expected.) dissent: disagreement (#wo o! t e &udged dissent !rom t e decision o! t e ot er t ree.) decree: a proclamation of law (# e new state oliday was declared by a decree o! t e 4o%ernor.) degree: a step in a series; stage in process; amount (#o w at degree do you en&oy reading1) defer: to delay or put off (We t in( it wise to de!er to is &udgment in t is matter.) differ: to disagree or be unlike (# e twins di!!er bot in temperament and in appearance.) deference: respect for the opinion, judgments, or wishes of other (,eople o!ten s ow de!erence to ot ers w o are older and wiser.) difference: to be unlike (/ew di!!erences were noted between t e two plans.)
desert: to abandon (verb! (He got is &ust deserts !or betraying a !riend.) desert: a barren geographical area (noun! (:ew $exico as muc desert land.) dessert: a course at the end of the meal (noun! ("ue en&oys pump(in pie !or dessert>) $%int: )o help you remember the second S, you can either remember that you always want seconds for dessert or think of *Strawberry Shortcake *( disapprove: not to accept ('t2s really not %ery important w et er you appro%e or disappro%e o! t e action we ta(e.) disprove: to prove wrong (Was e able to dispro%e your t eory1) disburse: to make payments; to allot (,lease disburse t e payments to t e creditors.! disperse: to scatter (# e crowd dispersed w en it began raining.) disinterested: neutral; not biased (6ny &udge can be selected !or t e trial? t ey are all completely disinterested indi%iduals.) uninterested: not concerned with; lacking interested (" e was uninterested in t e con%ersation and strolled away.) dual: double or two (# e train ad dual controls !or t e engineer and is assistant.) duel: a contest between two antagonists (# e lawyers !oug t a dual o! wits in t e court o! law.) dying: in the process of losing life or function (# e grapes were dying on t e %ine.) dyeing: changing the color o! (,atty is dyeing er bedspread red.) elicit: to draw forth, usually a comment (# e candidate campaigned to elicit support !rom t e people.) illicit: unlawful; illegal (He was arrested because o! is illicit acti%ities.) eligible: acceptable; approved ($r. $artin is eligible !or t e promotion.) illegible: impossible to read or decipher (# e employer2s and+written note was illegible.) ineligible: not "ualified to be chosen ($s. "anders was ineligible to enter t e contest.) eminent: outstanding; prominent (" e was an eminent senator, and er opinions were respected.) imminent: impending, very near, or threatening (# e collapse o! t e tower was imminent.) envelope: container for a communication (noun! (# e en%elope needs to be addressed be!ore t e letter can be sent.) envelop: to surround; cover over or enfold (verb! (.isagreement o%er t e imbalance between assets and liabilities seemed to en%elop t e mood o! e%eryone in t e room.) expand: to increase in size (Our company is expanding production.) expend: to spend, to use up (# e new pro&ect will expend all our energy.) farther: at or to a greater geographical or linear distance (He wal(ed about t ree miles !art er t an t e ot er men.) further: more; in addition to (/urt er researc is needed in t e area o! nutrition.) CONFUSING WORDS LIST 4 fiscal: pertaining to finances (# e budget indicates our !inancial statement at t e end o! t e !iscal year.) physical: relating to the body (/red went to t e doctor !or is annual p ysical examination.) flair: a natural ability or talent (# e poet ad a !lair !or ma(ing cle%er r ymes.) flare: a signal rocket; a blazing up of a fire (# e damp logs !lared up brie!ly be!ore t e !ire went out.)
forward: onward; ahead ('rom this time forward, all paychecks must have two signatures ! foreword: preface (# e aut or explained t e purpose o! er boo( in t e !oreword.) formally: according to convention (He as not yet !ormally accepted t e nomination.) formerly: previously (He was !ormerly a pro!essor o! economics.) forth: away, forward (/rom t is time !ort , all correspondence must be dated on t e day signed.) fourth: next after third (-ill was !ourt in line !or t e concert tic(ets.) hoard: to collect and keep; a hidden supply ('n times o! in!lation, it seems silly to try to oard money.) horde: a huge crowd (Hordes o! grass oppers destroyed t e crops.) holey: having perforations or holes (# e oley &eans were no longer wearable.) holy: sacred; saintly (# e c apel ad a oly !eeling.! wholly: entirely; completely (We are w olly con%inced o! is innocence ! human: pertaining to man or woman (# e uman race as more tec nology now t an e%er be!ore ! humane: kindly, considerate (He lobbied !or umane treatment to animals.! imitate: to resemble, mimic (3oan tried to imitate t e per!ormer2s mannerisms.) intimate: to hint, make known (verb) (He intimated t at a new program c ange was soon coming.) intimate: innermost, familiar (adjective) (# e (new t e intimate details o! t e program.) imply: to hint at or to allude to in speaking or writing (the speaker implies! ('! you wis to imply by your statements t at e is not onest, you a%e succeeded.) infer: to draw a conclusion from what has been said or written (the listener in!ers! (' in!erred !rom w at e said t at we would be getting o!! early today.) incite: to stir up; to urge on ()heir leaders incited the workers to strike ! insight: keen understanding; intuition (We study uman relations to gain insig t into t ose we li%e and wor( wit .) in: indicates location within (,lease place t e security box in t e sa!e.) into: indicates movement to a location within (W en ' stepped into t e ban(2s %ault, ' immediately (new t at somet ing was wrong.) its: a possessive singular pronoun (# e p rase as lost its meaning.) it+s: a contraction for it is ('t2s time to quit.) knew: past tense of verb (now (He (new it was quitting time w en e%eryone cleared is or er des(.) new: recent; original ()he new plan should increase production ! later: refers to time; the comparative form of late@ (He will be t ere later in t e day.) latter: refers to the second one named of two people or t ings (# e employer appro%ed t e latter suggestion.) lead: , heavy metal (noun!; to guide or direct (verb! (,lease lead t e way to t e con!erence room.) led: guided (past tense of *to lead*! (# e representati%es were led to t e con!erence room.) leased: rented (#o sa%e money, t e company leased an o!!ice in an older building.) least: smallest (He sa%ed at least $950 a mont by renting t e old o!!ice.) liable: responsible (,eter was eld liable !or t e damages.)
libel: defamatory statements (# e reporter was sued !or libel w en e said t e beauty queen wal(ed li(e a duc(.) loose: not fastened or attached; to set free (# e dog was let loose in t e yard.) lose: to cease having; mislay ('2d lose my ead i! it wasn2t !astened on.) marital: pertaining to marriage (# eir marital di!!iculties ended t e business partners ip and t eir &oint %enture.) marshal: an official; to arrange (" e is t e parade mars al.) martial: pertaining to military affairs (He was trained in t e martial arts.) maybe: perhaps (adverb! ($aybe t e stri(e will end at noon.) may be: indicates possibility (verb! (# ere may be a possibility t at s e will go wit me.) CONFUSING WORDS LIST 5 medal: a badge of honor (/ran( won t e $edal o! Honor !or is act o! courage.) meddle: to interfere (" aron wis ed er boss would not meddle into er personal li!e.) metal: a mineral substance (# e sound metal ma(es clanging toget er (ept er awa(e.) miner: a person who works in a mine (He ad wor(ed as a miner !or o%er 90 years.) minor: one who has not attained legal age; of little importance (adverb! ('t was a minor point, and ' !elt it s ould be o%erloo(ed.) moral: a principle, maxim, or lesson (noun!; ethical (adverb! (# e moral o! t e story is to always be prepared.) morale: state of mind or psychological outlook (noun) (# e morale o! t e employees was unusually ig .) notable: distinguished; worth noticing, remarkable ($any notables came to t e reception at t e W ite House.) notorious: unfavorably known (3oe -anana was a notorious gangster.) ordinance: a local law (6lt oug it was a city ordinance, none o! t e citi0ens seemed to obey it.) ordnance: military weapons; munitions (He was t e ordnance o!!icer !or t e 6rmy di%ision.) overdo: to do too much (:e%er o%erdo a good t ing.) overdue: past due (Her library boo(s are now !our wee(s o%erdue.) passed: moved along; transferred (verb! (# e ri%er passed t roug our land.) past: time gone by (adjective!; time before the present (noun!; by and beyond (preposition! (He ad to wal( past t e personnel department.) patience: composure, endurance (He as no patience !or small c ildren.) patients: sick people (# e doctor must %isit is patients at t e ospital.) peak: top of a hill or mountain; topmost point (He was at t e pea( o! is pro!ession.) peek: a "uick look (# e c ild wanted to pee( at er 5 ristmas presents.) percent: should be used after a numeral (.uring t e past year, our sales increased by A0 percent.) percentage: for "uantity or when numerals are not used (6 large percentage o! t e community s op at t e malls.)
persecute: to subject to harsh or unjust treatment ('t is unlaw!ul to persecute someone !or is or er religious belie!s.) prosecute: to bring legal action against ('t will be necessary to prosecute er in a court o! law i! &ustice is to be obtained.) personal: private; not public or general (# e area was mar(ed ,ersonal ,roperty.) personnel: the staff of an organization (We are proud o! t e attainments o! our personnel.) perspective: a view of things or facts; the effect of distance or depth on the appearance of objects ($any appenings o! last year seem less important w en %iewed in perspecti%e.! prospective: likely to come about; looking forward in time (# e prospecti%e raise in pay among t e wor(ers caused great excitement.) plaintiff: the complaining party in a lawsuit (# e plainti!! broug t c arges against t e de!endant !or negligence.) plaintive: sorrowful; mournful (# e plainti%e owling o! t e wol%es was certainly !rig tening.! precedence: priority (6ll customer+related calls a%e precedence o%er personal calls.) precedents: cases that have already occurred (6 decision o! a court o!ten ser%es as a precedent in ot er courts.) proceed: to begin; to move; to advance (=et us proceed to t e next matter o! business.) precede: to go before (# e !aculty preceded t e seniors in procession.) $%int: *-re* means *before* and *pro* means *forward*! presence: bearing, being present (We were delig ted wit t e presence o! so many distinguis ed guests at t e banquet.) presents: gifts (O! all t e presents s e recei%ed, s e li(ed t e c ocolates best.) principal: of primary importance $%int: means .,/0( (adjective) (His lac( o! organi0ation was t e principal reason !or is !ailure.)? head of a school, chief or official, main thing, or person (noun! (He is t e principal o! our ig sc ool.)? original sum (noun! (' wis to recei%e a larger interest !rom my principal.) principle: a fundamental truth; a rule; a law (# e principles o! accounting are di!!icult to learn.) provided: on condition; supplied (We will a%e a picnic pro%ided it doesn2t rain.) providing: supplying (W o will be pro%iding t e c ips and dip1) CONFUSING WORDS LIST 6 "uiet: calm, silent (# is room is quiet.) "uit: to stop (# e end o! 6ugust ' plan to quit my &ob to go bac( to sc ool.) "uite: entirely, wholly (# e instructions are quite clear.) realty: real estate ($r. $artin as sold !our omes since e started is realty business.) reality: that which is real ('n reality t is material is muc more expensi%e t an t e ot er.) recent: newly created or developed; near past in time (# e recently created department will ser%e customer needs better.) resent: to feel indignant (' resent doing t e wor( !or co+wor(ers w o are la0y.) respectfully: with respect or deference (4eorge treated is boss respect!ully.)
respectively: in the order named (5indy, 3o n, and $ary were gi%en 5, A0, and *5 !ree passes respecti%ely !or t e wor( accomplis ed.) sometime: at one time or another (5ome to my o!!ice sometime t is a!ternoon.) sometimes: occasionally ("ometimes we need to rec ec( our !igures !or accuracy.) some time: refers to a number of time units $%int: groups of time( (We a%e not seen im !or some time.) stationary: not moving; fixed (6 stationary wall telep one is better suited to some locations t an a des( p one.) stationery: writing paper or writing materials (# e administrati%e assistant was as(ed to order new stationery !or t e o!!ice.) statue: a carved or molded three1dimensional reproduction (# e council appro%ed t e construction o! t e statue !or t e new par(.) stature: height of a person; reputation (His stature in t e community was su!!iciently ig to assure is election.) statute: a law (6lt oug e was an attorney and was quite !amiliar wit t e law, e ad ne%er eard o! t at statute.) than: used in comparison (conjunction! (He was bigger t an is older brot er.) then: relating to time (adverb! ("ort t e letters in t e bas(et? t en prepare t em !or !iling.) their: belonging to them (possessive of t ey! (# eir ouse is t e t ird on t e le!t.) there: in that place (adverb! (,lace t e papers t ere on t e des(.) they+re: a contraction of the two words t ey are (# ey2re t e people you s ould contact !or !urt er in!ormation.) thorough: carried through to completion, perfect, finished, complete (/ran( did a t oroug analysis o! time utili0ation.) threw: did throw (-obby t rew t e ball into t e neig bor2s window.) through: by means of, from beginning to end, because of (# roug a great deal o! e!!ort, t e report was !inis ed in time.) to: a function word to indicate movement (preposition! (He wal(ed to personnel to sign is employee insurance !orms.) too: also; excessively; very (adverb! ('t was really muc too ot to sit in t e sun any longer.) two: a number (#wo apple pies won2t last long at our ome.) trial: examination, to experiment, ards ip (4oing to sc ool can sometimes be a real trial.) trail: , path (# e explorers !ollowed t e trail o%er t e mountain ridge.) vice: wickedness; evil habit or tendency (=ying and cruelty are %ices.) vise: a clamp (# e %ise eld t e pieces o! wood in place.) waive: to give up; relin"uish ('! you will wai%e t e regulation, ' will be able to secure a %isa.) wave: swell or sudden increase of some condition or emotion; a gesture (6 wa%e o! cold weat er is sweeping o%er t e country.) weather: climate or atmosphere (# e weat er report called !or snow.) whether: used to introduce alternative (W et er or not you are ready, please be at my o!!ice by t ree o2cloc(.) who+s: contraction of w o is (W o2s ready to lea%e1) whose: possessive of w o (W ose s oes are t ese1)
your: possessive of you (pronoun! (<our !at er came to %isit us yesterday.) you+re: contraction of you are ("tay ome !or t e day i! you2re not !eeling well.)