Wsap-Payalebar Singapore

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WSAP/QPG —SFJEPPESEN SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE Ap Elev NOI21.3£103 54.2 ae PAYA LEBAR PAYA LEBAR Ground 130.8 103.54 Dus to close proximity of Changi & Seletar airports 29 correct approach Is vital. Prior notice Is required, Intensive fixed wing flying operations west of runway. Arrestor barrier both ends of runway. Pilots are to land at least 500’ up the threshold 103-55 1984" 300m Stopway Pilots making approaches for Rwy 20 fare to take note of the high ground 105'(32m), 1 NM north of Rwy 20 threshold and 10 exercise caution. [Mobile aircralt arrestor gear, height 7' (2m) AGL, placed 39° (12m) from ledge of western twy between W1 and lw2, a1 1362' (415m) south of WI and ‘of runway In use. Birds in vicinity of airport. lighted at night. Twy between W1 and ]W2 closed to all code ‘C’ and above laircraft. Pilots to exercise caution. ore PARKING POSITIONS C1, C3 NOD 21.5 E103 54.3 C5, C7_NOV 21.6 E103 54.3 01-22 height 197" (60m) Jabove mean sea level, lexceed height limitations lof eastern transitional surface for runway 02 Jand runway 20. Pilots 10 ADDITIONAL RUNWAY INFORMATION. USABLE LENGTHS LANDING BEYOND Throshold_| Glide Slope 11546" 3519m 11453" 3491m TAKE-OFF_| WIDTH HIRL HIALS SFL PAPI (angle 3.0°) TAKE-OFF "AIR CARRIER (JAA) ‘AIR CARRIER (FAR 121) LVP must bo in Force All Rwys. RCLM (DAY only) AIL Rwys All Rwys Adequate Vis Ret RIM (OAY only) 400m (© JEPPESEN, 7003, 2019. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Scanned with CamScanner WSAP/QPG PAYA LEBAR SWJEPPESEN SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE 2ser 22 Q3-2 IGT PU VOR DME Rwy 20 SINGAPORE Approach (R)| *PAYALEBAR Approach (R)| *SELETAR Approach *PAYA LEBAR Tower, *Ground 119.9 126.025 _|118.05 121.7] 130.8 in Final . y PU ‘Apch Crs 4.0 PU ae / Apt Elev 65’ W15.1 200° — [2500724351 | 730" (665") Rwy 65" =|SJ VOR and hold, or as di ‘All Set: hPa Rwy Elev: 7 1. For aircraft spe 2. Maritime ves: eo AKOMA 513.0 3 Pu IS a fo a oR $ is Vv 26 @ +8 ae Pr 715 573" 100. B92 gga S00 > ‘| , oe 610" ie wa 2 sguen \ ee ZC 5) owsin)-36 SY ~="" ote eo} _WSiR)-6 SINGAPORE Ss 4 /<—wso)-35 WS" Wiha 9 Pu sor a Smgavone WS(P)-3 [ s: “ iF MisseD arcH: Climb to 4000’ outbound on PU VOR R-203 to ATC. irected by Pa MSA PU VOR ‘B20 BEFORE PU] 08.0 BEFORE PU TACTITUDE, 7820" LAMA \ yo DZD PU 024°» «204° 1 2160" moan 73! 'STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 20 CIRCLE-TO-LAND 071665") ALS out PANS OPS CHANGES: KK NDB withdrawn. ‘© JEPPESEN, 2003, 2022. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Scanned with CamScanner Pe ““YJEPPESEN SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE aa saus2 2-2) RNP _RWY 20 SINGAPORE Approach (R]] “PAYA LEBAR Approach (R}| _*SELETAR Approach | *PAYA LEBAR Tower 124.05 119.9 126.025 118.05 121.7 Ae, | wom | OSA [aoe oe 115007 (1435') | 4207 (355) Rwy 65° MISSED APCH: Climb direct to RUGVI. Turn LEFT to 200° to SJ to join the holding at 4500‘ or above or as directed by ATC. [RNP Apch | Rwy Elev: 2hPa Trans level: FLI30___Trans alt: 11000" I; Radar required. 2: MTalmum temperature Tor which Baro-VNAV operations jauthorized: Maritime vessels of variable heights in water North and [South of my GAPORE ‘ Sembawang WSKE™ NC oWS(D)-36 | UI WSIR)-6 SINGAPORE Seletar WS(D)-35 eet WS(D)-34 SINGAPORE Wsip)-3 | 589° WS(R)-16 SINGAPORE _ 2° “INDONESIA ape misseo WS(D)-4 - APCH FIX NOT TO SCALE » B50" age 1500° 1010" STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 20 LNAV/VNAV UAV pawn) 4207 (355") moan) 4207 (355" } 5 © sees, ‘2016, 2072. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Scanned with CamScanner WSAP/QPG “SYJEPPESEN SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE PAYA LEBAR saus 72 QI-2) IPS ILS DME Rwy 20 TINGAFORE Asprosch(H)] *PAYATEBAR Approsch(R)] —SSHIETAR Approach SPAYATEBAR Tower 124.05 119.9 126.025 {118.05 121.7 toc Fin Ls ‘ IPS Apch Crs 04.6 IPS DA(H) Aoticley, 65) 111.5 203° 1500’ (1435") | 2657 (200°) Rwy 65° 8] misseo apcH: Climb to 3000’ on PU VOR R-203 to $J VOR and hold or as directed by ATC. Rwy Elev: 2 hPa 1. Radar required. 2. ILS/DME co-located with glide slope. 3. Maritime vessels of variable heights In water North and South of Rwy. Seeiewens Ortweneontysy SAG Seletce on WS(0)-36 SINGAPORE Tengah wae O WERT Wsiny-6 HWS(D)-35 'S(D) . SINGAPORE 942'f\ ws(P)-3 f\589 Changi WS(R)-16 WS(R)-38, 925° i SINJON sso ws{R)-9 NI 113.5 $3 aeous a toc TPS OME (GS out) ‘ALTITUDE. TCH 55° STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY20 Ss LOC (GS out) pai) 2657 (200°) won) 480/(415') FULL ALS out ey Scanned with CamScanner WerrESEN SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE Len 2se22 Q5-) IEEE PU VOR DME Rwy 02 SINGAPORE Approach (R]] “FAVA LEBAR Approach (R] *SELETAR Approach | “PAYA TEBAR Tower 126.025 118.05 121.7 012.0 PU MDA(H v 68 Apch Crs conor oat) ‘pti kley 68 021° 2500/(2457')| 6107 (567') Rwy 43" Climb to 3000’ inbound on PU VOR R-201 to PU VOR, then proceed to LAMA holding area (7 DME PU/R-024 PU) and hold, or as directed by ATC. Alt Set: hPa Rwy Elev: 2 hPa Trans level: FLT3O Trans alt: 11000" T. For aircral! speed restrictions reler to ATC Singapore-1 or Singapore area 10-T. 2. Maritime vessels of variable heights in water North and South of Rwy. WS(D)-11A WS(D)-36--0 SINGAPORE = Tengch TKO ‘WS(D)-11 sng Wsi0)-115 47Q\ WSIR)-10 gag Lore A R-168°/DB.0 SI MHA 4000 FU OME ALTITUDE 2170 1820" 1470" Tr30 780 kts Descent Angle 3.27*| 405 | 521 | 579 | 694 | B10 | 926 MAP at 06.0 PU. FAF 10 MAP. STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 02 ‘CIRCLE-TO-LAND moaty) 610/(567") moat) 11307(1087") ‘With 08.0 PU. ‘Without D8.0 PU ALS out ALS out Sa 1600m 240m 2800m CHANGES: Chart format. (© JEPPESEN, 2007, 2022. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Scanned with CamScanner — WSAP/QPG JE EN SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE PAYA LEBAR SAG? RNP_RWY_ 02 SINGAPORE Approach (R}] *PAVATEBAR Appronch (R)] SSELETAR Approach] #PAVALEDAR Tower ¥Eround a 124.05 119.9 126.025 118.05 121.7, 130.8 al Final UNAV/VNAV a A sas Fein ALBUR DAH) AptElev 65: 2 023° 15007 (1457) | 4007 (357') Rwy 43" S| MISSED APCH: Climb direct to ALDAM. Turn LEFT to 022° to LAMA 5] to join the holding at 3000’ or above or as directed by ATC. RNP Apch [Alt Set: hPa 7 Trans alt: 11000" he rade uthorize South of Rwy, ee Tr TAISSEO arcueix » fo). iT 1S Be ££ No m ALDAM > LAMA 2 ~—*" sincapone &/ Sembawang \ Sf norto scate si a -- ee ™ si0)-36 ~~" ~— o WS[R)-6 ais SINGAPORE Selector Of WS(0)-35 wsst G40 WSO) 34 i sor aa “ N . RWY82 SINGAPORE = woonestA WS(D)-4 1500 is 108 50%, 194.00 ALBAV AUpUR , 1500" o2se+——s00' RWYB2 1010" ~x_ a LL oo 4 TCH 50° 5.0 45 = 35 “5 0 [Gnd speed'Kts 70] 90 | 100] 120] 140 | 160 [cide rath angie 2.90°| 359 | 462] 513] 616 | 718 | 621 IMAP at RWY62 PALBUR to MAP 4,5] 3:51 [3:00 [2:42 [2:15 [1:56 [1:41 STRAIGHT-IN LANDING RWY 02 LNAV/VNAV LNAV oan) 4007 357") wot) 400 (357") AS cur AS cut eel A] A B 800m 600m 800m 1600m B gic c 5 2g]o 1600m 2000m 1600m 2000m D CHANGES: Approach frequency, sirspaces, WS(D)-36 added. -P> |ALDAM CIRCLE-TO-LAND NA ‘© JEPPESEN, 2016, 2022. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NAVIGRAPH CHARTS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION ONLY - NOT FOR NAVIGATIONAL USE Scanned with CamScanner ‘966122 :03 pau UeND ““YJEPPESEN SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE rae saus22 Qi-}) IPN ILS DME Rwy 02 SINGAPORE Approach (R)] *PAYA LEBAR Approach (R)] _*SELETAR Approach 1 19.9 126.025 ‘MISSED ‘PCH: Climb to 3000’ inbound on PU VOR R-201 to PU VOR, then proceed to LAMA holding area (7 DME PU/R-024 PU) and hold or as directed by ATC. All Set: hPa Ruy Elev: 2 hPa Trans level: FLISO Trans alt: 11000" T. Radar required. 2. ILS/DME co-located with glide slope. 3. Maritime vessels of varlable heights in water North and South of Rwy. MSA PU VOR 1 ara aps ' 573" wrx, fos ° ' ire { &SLana ' e forse ! are 3000 | ‘7 i t 1 07.0 PU yi i = { * i ‘ ye, i Nor To scatet 17 Nw 7 gigapone WsAG WS(D}-11A oO «| W5(0)-36,, wsioy-11 WSIRLS ey WS(0)-35 WS(D)-34 _ er i WS(P)-3 4, SINGAPORE t “rn Ase Chang! WS(R)-10 wss obo WS(R)-16 WS(R)-38 925° 4 AN wsir)-9 nese" 4 : A = sf SINGAPORE | alee WS(P)-24 10350 JNOONESIA ide IPN OME (GS out) ‘ALTITUDE CIRCLE-TO-LAND LOC (Gs out) pain) 243/(200") wo) 470/(427') Fa AS out AS out Nes PANS OPS. CHANGES: Approach Irequency, alrspaces. ‘© JEPPESEN, 2005, 2022. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NAVIGPADH CHARTS INTENINEN EAR Et IGHT SIMI ATIAN ANI NAT EAP NAVIGATIONAL HE Scanned with CamScanner

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