C12 - Installing Vitrified Clay Pipe Lines
C12 - Installing Vitrified Clay Pipe Lines
C12 - Installing Vitrified Clay Pipe Lines
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
C 12 – 07
Construction, Water Pollution Control Federation Manual of Practice No.
FD-5, American Society of Civil Engineers—Manuals and Report on
Engineering Practice—No. 60.3
C 12 – 07
FIG. 3 Class C
FIG. 4 Class B
stone or other non-consolidating bedding material not subject the inherent strength of the pipe, completely filling the haunch
to migration. Material shall be carefully placed into the pipe area, and reducing the trench load on the pipe.
haunches (Note 3). The initial backfill shall be of selected 6.6.1 The pipe shall be bedded on crushed stone or other
material (Note 2). suitable material (Note 3 and Note 4). The bedding shall have
NOTE 5—Sufficient crushed stone or other suitable material (Note 3) a minimum thickness beneath the pipe of 4 in. (100 mm) or one
shall be placed so that the bedding extends to a horizontal plane at the top eighth of the outside diameter of the pipe, whichever is greater.
of the pipe barrel following removal of any trench sheeting or boxes. Controlled low strength material shall be directed to the top of
6.5.1 The load factor for crushed stone encasement is 2.2. the pipe to flow down on both sides to prevent misalignment.
6.6 Controlled Low Strength Material (Fig. 6)—Controlled Fill to the top of the pipe. The initial backfill may be placed
low strength material has been shown to be an economic when the pour is capable of supporting the backfill material
alternative to compacted bedding material. It assists in utilizing without intermixing.
C 12 – 07
NOTE 1—This type of construction requires the fill to extend from the pipe to the trench wall, not to extend above the top of the pipe or below the
bottom of the pipe. Where native soils are expansive, further investigation may be necessary.
FIG. 6 Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM)
NOTE 1—Minimum width of concrete cradle: Bc + 8 in. (205 mm) or 1-1⁄4 Bc.
NOTE 2—p is the ratio of the area of steel to the area of concrete. (It is recommended that wire mesh reinforcement or uniformly distributed small
diameter rebar be used in all concrete design.)
FIG. 7 Concrete Cradle
C 12 – 07
NOTE 1—Minimum width of concrete arch: Bc + 8 in. (205 mm) or 11⁄4 Bc.
NOTE 2—p is the ratio of the area of steel to the area of concrete. (It is recommended that wire mesh reinforcement or uniformly distributed small
diameter rebar be used in all concrete design.)
FIG. 8 Concrete Arch
C 12 – 07
TABLE 1 Joint Deflection Limits
NOTE 1—For calculating the minimum radius of curvature use the following:
pipe—3 in. (76 mm) to 12 in. (305 mm) Diameter radius = 24 3 pipe length
pipe—15 in. (380 mm) to 24 in. (610 mm) Diameter radius = 32 3 pipe length
pipe—27 in. (685 mm) to 36 in. (915 mm) Diameter radius = 48 3 pipe length
pipe—39 in. (990 mm) to 48 in. (1220 mm) Diameter radius = 64 3 pipe length
NOTE 2—Material is applicable to compression joints for vitrified clay pipe and fittings in accordance with Specification C 425.
Maximum Angular Maximum Deflection
Nominal Diameter,
Deflection per Joint, of Pipe,
in. (mm)
degrees in./linear ft (mm/linear m)
3–12 (76–305) 2.4° ⁄ (42)
provided the measured trench width at top of pipe does not 11. Pipe Laying
exceed the design trench width. 11.1 Clean joint contact surfaces immediately prior to
7.3 Trenches, other than for Class D bedding, shall be joining. Use joint lubricants and joining methods, as recom-
excavated to provide space for the pipe bedding. mended by the pipe manufacturer.
7.4 Sheet, shore, and brace trenches, as necessary, to pre- 11.2 Unless otherwise required, lay all pipe straight between
vent caving or sliding of trench walls, to provide protection for changes in alignment and at uniform grade between changes in
workmen and the pipe, and to protect adjacent structures and grade. Excavate bell holes for each pipe joint. When joined in
facilities. the trench, the pipe shall form a true and smooth line.
7.5 Sheeting shall not be removed below the top of the pipe 11.3 Straight lengths of pipe may be used for horizontal or
if the resulting slope of native soil increases the trench width to vertical curves by uniformly deflecting each joint. The joint
such an extent that the load on the pipe exceeds the safe field deflection limits shall be as described in Table 1.
supporting strength of the pipe and bedding system. 11.4 Whenever practicable, start pipe laying at the lowest
7.6 When a movable box is used in place of sheeting or point and install the pipe so that the spigot ends point in the
shoring, secure the installed pipe to prevent it from moving direction of flow to prevent bedding material from entering the
when the box is moved. joint.
7.7 It is preferable to keep the trench dry during all phases 11.5 After each pipe had been brought to grade, aligned, and
of construction. Exercise caution when terminating the dewa- placed in final position, deposit and shovel slice or spade
tering procedure to avoid disturbing the pipe installation. bedding material under the pipe haunches. Wyes and tees shall
be bedded to prevent shear loading.
8. Trench Foundation
11.6 Place pipe that is to be bedded in concrete cradle or
8.1 The trench foundation is the area below the pipe and encased in concrete, in proper position on temporary supports.
bedding which supports the pipe bedding structure. When necessary, rigidly anchor or weight the pipe to prevent
8.2 The trench foundation shall be firm and unyielding. flotation as concrete is placed.
11.7 Place concrete for cradles, arches, or encasement
9. Pipe Bedding
uniformly on each side of the pipe and deposit at approxi-
9.1 Bell holes shall be excavated to prevent point loading of mately its final position. Concrete placed beneath the pipe shall
the bells or couplings of laid pipe, and to establish full-length be sufficiently workable so that the entire space beneath the
support of the pipe barrel (Fig. 9). pipe can be filled without excessive vibration.
9.2 Bedding shall be placed so that the pipe is true to line 11.8 Where pipe connects with outside faces of manhole
and grade and to provide uniform and continuous support of walls or the outside faces of the walls of other structures,
the pipe barrel. provide a pipe joint such that slight flexibility or motion can
take place in or near the plane of the wall face. It is
10. Pipe Handling recommended that a 12 to 18 in. (305 to 455 mm) pipe stub be
10.1 Pipe and fittings shall be handled carefully to protect extended from manhole or other wall faces. The pipe stub shall
from damage. be bedded in the same manner as the pipe.
10.2 Carefully examine each pipe and fitting before instal-
lation, for soundness and specification compliance. Pipe ac- 12. Backfilling Trenches
cepted may be plainly marked by the inspector. Rejected pipe 12.1 Initial backfill need not be compacted to develop field
shall not be defaced, but shall be replaced with pipe that meets supporting strength of the pipe. Final backfill may require
specification. compaction to prevent settlement of the ground surface.
10.3 Handle pipe so that premolded jointing surfaces or 12.2 Unless otherwise directed, backfill trenches as soon as
attached couplings do not support the weight of the pipe. Do practicable after the pipe is laid. In the case of concrete
not damage the jointing surfaces or couplings by dragging, bedding, delay backfilling until the concrete has set sufficiently
contact with hard materials, or by use of hooks. to support the backfill load.
C 12 – 07
12.3 The initial backfill shall be of selected material (Note 13.3 Where ground water does not exist above the top of the
2). Final backfill shall have no rock or stones having a pipe, Test Method C 828 is recommended.
dimension larger than 6 in. (150 mm) within 3 ft. (0.92 m) of
the top of the pipe. NOTE 8—When water or air tests are specified and the acceptance of a
line depends upon satisfactory results, it should be recognized that several
12.4 Puddling, jetting, or water flooding may be used for
factors have a bearing on these results. Manhole bases, walls, and seals
consolidating backfill material only when approved by the
must be watertight. Household and commercial building and roof drains
engineer. must be isolated. Stoppers must be sufficiently secured to be air or
13. Field Performance and Acceptance
13.1 After installation the sewer shall be tested for integrity 13.4 In order for the performance of the line to be accept-
by a method specified or approved by the engineer. able, all tests shall be made on pipe laid in accordance with the
bedding provisions of Section 6. Joining procedures shall
NOTE 7—It is recommended that the contractor perform testing as the
installation progresses. follow the recommendation of the pipe manufacturer.
13.2 Where ground water exists above the top of the pipe,
14. Keywords
the line may be tested for infiltration by determining the
quantity of water entering the system during a specified time 14.1 backfilling; bedding; clay pipe; compaction; construc-
period. Infiltration testing is recommended and shall conform tion; design; excavation; installation; load factors; perforated
to the test procedure described in Test Method C 1091. pipe; pipe; sewers; trench foundation; trenching; vitrified
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