Image Schemas in Cognitive Linguistics Introductio

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Image schemas in Cognitive Linguistics: Introduction

Article · December 2005

DOI: 10.1515/9783110197532.0.1


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1 author:

Beate Hampe
Universität Erfurt


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Image schemas in Cognitive Linguistics:

Beate Hampe*

An image schema is a recurring dynamic pattern of our perceptual

interactions and motor programs that gives coherence and structure to
our experience. … ‘Experience’ … is to be understood in a very rich,
broad sense as including basic perceptual, motor-program, emotional,
historical, social and linguistic dimensions. (Johnson 1987: xiv, xvi)

1. The original notion in a nutshell

Advancing a non-objectivist, “experiential” approach to language and

thought in their pathbreaking 1987 publications, George Lakoff and Mark
Johnson jointly introduced the notion of “image schema” as one of
experientialism’s major foundational pillars, though with the linguist’s and
philosopher’s different sources of inspiration and foci of interest (cf. Lakoff
1987: 459-461; Dodge and Lakoff, this volume; Johnson 1987: 19-21, this
volume). My own cross-reading of their 1987 monographs for definitional
criteria has yielded the following condensed characterization of their original
– Image schemas are directly meaningful (“experiential”/ “embodied”), precon-
ceptual structures, which arise from, or are grounded in, human recurrent
bodily movements through space, perceptual interactions, and ways of
manipulating objects.
– Image schemas are highly schematic gestalts which capture the structural
contours of sensory-motor experience, integrating information from multiple
– Image schemas exist as continuous and analogue patterns beneath conscious
awareness, prior to and independently of other concepts.

* I wish to thank Joe Grady for his very helpful comments on an earlier draft.
2 Beate Hampe

– As gestalts, image schemas are both internally structured, i.e., made up of

very few related parts, and highly flexible. This flexibility becomes manifest in
the numerous transformations they undergo in various experiential contexts,
all of which are closely related to perceptual (gestalt) principles.
In conjunction with the capacity for conceptual metaphor, which allows
human beings to map experiential structure from the “imagistic” realms of
sensory-motor experience to non-imagistic (“abstract”) ones, image schemas
were hypothesized to provide one of the “embodied” anchors of the entire
conceptual system (for a survey, cf. Johnson, this volume).
The initial identification of image schemas was mainly achieved through
the cross-linguistic analysis of concepts of motion and spatial relations (cf.
the survey in Dodge and Lakoff, this volume; Talmy, this volume), and the
“informal analysis” of the phenomenological contours of every-day
experience (cf. Johnson 1987, this volume). The image schemas in (1)
appear in both Johnson (1987) and Lakoff (1987) and constitute the core of
the standard inventory (cf. Johnson 1987: 126; Lakoff 1987: 267; Lakoff
and Turner 1989: 97-98; Cienki 1997: 3, 12; Clausner and Croft 1999: 15);
the more diverse items in (2a) occur only in Johnson’s list,1 and the orienta-
tional schemas in (2b) only in Lakoff’s discussion. The image schema list
has never constituted a closed set, and by far not all of the numerous subse-
quent additions were in such relatively close keeping with its original spirit,
as the few additional examples given in (3).




(Mandler 1992: 593-596), LOCOMOTION (Dodge and Lakoff, this vol-

1. MASS-COUNT and SUPERIMPOSITION, though included in Johnson’s image-

schema list, appeared as “image-schema transformations” in Lakoff (1987; cf.
also Johnson 1987: 26).
Introduction 3

b. EXPANSION (Turner 1991: 171), STRAIGHT (Cienki 1998), RESISTANCE

(Gibbs et al. 1994: 235), LEFT-RIGHT (Clausner and Croft 1999: 15), …

2. Divergent definitions, expanding lists, multiple perspectives

Much discussion of virtually all of the crucial dimensions of the initial

definition was inspired by the fact that the original proposal and image
schema lists were partly suggestive and not entirely consistent themselves.
Various subsequent interpretations were based on divergent specifications of
selected criteria, pertaining to, e.g., the relational character of image
schemas, their level of specificity, or the role of perceptual information (for
an in-depth discussion of these, cf. Grady, this volume). Turner’s (1991: 57,
177) relatively loose conception of image schemas as “extremely skeletal
images”, to quote only one highly illustrative example here, did not only
suggest a very close affinity to visual images, but was also much more
inclusive than the original notion, allowing in even various geometrical
configurations, such as “vertical lines … ordered by relative size” (cf.
Turner 1991: 177), as well as images normally regarded as basic-level ones,
like that of a ‘cup’ or ‘plate’ (Turner 1991: 177), which contrast with the
most closely related items on the standard image schema list, CONTAINER
and SURFACE, along various of the aforementioned aspects. Other
dimensions of the original proposal, such as the postulated preconceptual
and unconscious nature of image schemas, or their assumed status as
universal cognitive primitives have even caused considerable theoretical
debate (cf. Zlatev 1997: 40-43, this volume).
Neither the original characterization, nor the entire subsequent research
to date can thus be said to have provided the Cognitive-Linguistics
community with a set of clear-cut criteria to set image-schematic
representations apart from other basic or schematic concepts. It has thus
been suggested that the failure to predict a complete image-schema inventory
on the basis of any set of definitional criteria may not just stem from any
disagreements over specific points, but be misguided in principle (cf.
Clausner and Croft 1999: 21-22; Clausner, this volume). Clausner and
Croft’s (1999) suggestions to redefine image schemas as image-schematic
domains on the basis of the distributional criterion of occurrence in a large
number of domain matrices can thus also be understood as the rejection of
any definitional attempts via necessary and sufficient criteria.
4 Beate Hampe

Apart from the various existing disagreements as to how inclusive or

restrictive definitions of “image schema” should be, the notion has invited
treatment from a variety of viewpoints and at multiple levels of analysis,
which by necessity cut across established academic compartmentalizations
and methods of investigation. Accordingly, attempts to elaborate and utilize
the notion of image schema have been made within a range of different
disciplines simultaneously. Traditionally, image schema theory has been
driven by (neuro-)psychologically plausible linguistic analyses (e.g.,
Brugman [1981] 1988; Lindner 1983; Lakoff 1987: 440-444; Deane 1992,
1993, 1995; Dewell 1994, 1997; Kreitzer 1997) as well as philosophical
considerations (Johnson 1987). While this is still the case (this volume:
Johnson; Deane; Popova), studies along the lines of classic Cognitive
Linguistics have for some time been amended by evidence from cognitive
and developmental psychology (e.g., Gibbs and Colston 1995; Gibbs and
Berg 2002; Gibbs, this volume; Mandler 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, this
volume), as well as from computer science (for surveys, cf. Lakoff and
Johnson 1999: 569-583; Feldman and Narayanan, in press) and the neuro-
sciences (e.g., Deane 1991, 1995; Gallese and Lakoff 2005; this volume:
Lakoff and Dodge; Rohrer). To these, findings from cognitive anthropology
(e.g., Quinn 1991; Shore 1996; Sinha and Jensen de López 2000; Kimmel,
this volume) have been added for some time, which are now accompanied by
work from such newly established smaller fields of enquiry as gesture
studies (Cienki, this volume) or cognitive rhetoric (e.g., Turner 1991: 99-
120; Oakley, this volume). While each of these areas of investigation
naturally foregrounds distinct facets of the phenomenon, the resulting
elaborations of the original conception of image schema should ideally be
mutually compatible, or even re-inforcing. We might hope that such
accounts would ultimately amount to a set of “converging evidence”.
Unfortunately, this collection also testifies to the fact that, in practice, this
ideal has not been attained to date.

3. Two long-standing dualisms and the embodiment hypothesis

Some of the more recent disagreements in image schema research may be of

a more fundamental kind in that they stem from two broadly contrasting
developments of the overarching notion of “embodiment” itself, one located
in the broad context of cognitive psychology and the neurosciences, the other
in cognitive anthropology and cognitive-cultural linguistics. Originally, the
Introduction 5

embodiment hypothesis was intended to overcome the mind-body dualism

inherent in much of Cartesian scientific and philosophical thinking up to and
including “first-generation” cognitive science, by grounding (universal)
aspects of the human mind in (universal) aspects of the human body
(Johnson 1987; Lakoff and Johnson 1999, 2002; Johnson, this volume). In
order to back up and explain cognitive-linguistic findings, research in
psycholinguistics, experimental and developmental psychology as well as
cognitive neuro-science has sought to spell out earlier embodiment
postulations in psychological terms (Gibbs et al. 1994; Gibbs and Colston
1995; Gibbs and Berg 2002; Gibbs, this volume; Mandler 1992, 1996,
2000, 2004, this volume) or in neuro-biological and neuro-computational
terms (Gallese and Lakoff 2005; Dodge and Lakoff, this volume; Feldman
and Narayanan, in press) – focussing on the human brain and the kind of
processing/computing it affords. Accordingly, research in this direction has
concentrated on general properties of human cognition, among them the
“primitive” image schemas listed in the standard inventories (this volume:
Grady; Lakoff and Dodge; Gibbs; Mandler; Rohrer; Dewell; Cienki;
It has been critically noted that this line of research – especially if relying
on “strong neural embodiment” (Sinha 2002: 274) – has maintained a
“universalistic” conception of the mind and tended to obscure the socio-
cultural dimensions of human cognition. Another long-standing dualism,
namely that between individual and social/cultural cognition, has thus been
left intact (cf. Sinha and Jensen de López 2000; Kimmel, this volume). To
make up for this, proponents of the “cultural-cognition” approach to the
embodiment hypothesis have striven to understand language and cognition as
part of the triad body-mind-culture, and “extended” the notion of
embodiment – with its original focus on bodily (as opposed to social)
experience – by “situating” cognition in socio-culturally determined
contexts. They have thus naturally come to stress culture-specificity and
linguistic relativity (cf., e.g., Zlatev 1997; Sinha 2002). Research in this
framework has consequently focussed on “situated” instantiations of image
schemas and image-schematic “compounds” in real settings (e.g., Shore
1996; Kimmel, this volume), as well as on the divergent strategies employed
by specific languages to refer to image-schematic dimensions of experience
and their consequences for the acquisition of concepts and language (e.g.,
Bowerman 1996a,b; Sinha and Jensen de López 2000; Beningfield et al.,
this volume).
6 Beate Hampe

Though the two strands of embodiment research have so far not been
integrated in a unified theory of image schema, proponents of both
approaches to the embodiment hypothesis have also stressed that cognitive
models and schemas – including image schemas – can be seen both as
expressions of universal principles at work in individual cognition and as
properties of an underlying, “institutionalized” cultural “world view” (cf.,
e.g., Shore 1996; Palmer 1996). Consequently, a “naturalistic, biologically
informed approach to human cognition” does not necessarily preclude “the
recognition of the constitutive role in it of culture” (Sinha 2002: 273), for the
general constraints created by shared biology and basic environmental
dimensions leave enough room for “extensive cultural variation” (Lakoff and
Johnson 2002: 251). It is thus worth noting that some of the more intensely
debated cross-linguistic evidence, such as the Zapotec concept corresponding
to what is split up into ‘in’ and ‘under’ in languages like Danish and English
(Sinha and Jensen de López 2000), or the distinction between ‘tight’ and
‘loose’ fit made by the Korean verb system is revisited by various authors in
this edition – both of a “universalistic” and more “relativistic” orientation
(this volume: Dodge and Lakoff; Mandler; Kimmel; Zlatev; Beningfield et
al., Dewell).

4. Preview of this edition

In the following, I will very briefly remark on the five sections of this edition
in order to complement the separate chapter abstracts and cross-references
provided by the authors themselves with a general survey of the edition.
The chapters in PART 1 (ISSUES IN IMAGE SCHEMA THEORY) deal with
major theoretical issues concerning philosophical and linguistic significance
of (“primitive”) image schemas as “structures of perceiving and doing”
which “can be recruited to structure abstract concepts and to carry out infer-
ences about abstract domains” (Johnson, this volume). In particular, the
main issues discussed relate to the identification and resolution of
definitional inconsistencies (Grady, this volume), the relevance of neuro-
biological information to a truly cognitive approach to language and thought
(Dodge and Lakoff, this volume), as well as – from a more general meta-
theoretical perspective – to image-schema theory as an important part of the
experiential framework developed by Cognitive Semantics as a whole
(Clausner, this volume). A theme reverberating throughout the entire volume
(this volume: Gibbs; Kimmel) is set up by Mark Johnson’s concerns that
Introduction 7

image schemas should not be conceived of as “fleshless skeletons” cut off

from “the felt qualities of our experience, understanding and thought”.
The chapters in PART 2 (IMAGE SCHEMAS IN MIND AND BRAIN) bring to-
gether much of the psychological and neurological evidence currently
available for image schemas as structures between perception and
conception. In accordance with growing consensus in the cognitive sciences
about the “embodied” roots of conception in perception, several chapters are
guided by the assumption that both imagination and (language)
understanding are based to some extent on the “mental simulation” of
sensory-motor experiences, the outlines of which are captured by image
schemas (this volume: Gibbs; Rohrer; Dodge and Lakoff). These simulations
are hypothesized to underlie many aspects of on-line cognition and language
processing (Gibbs: this volume), and even to share brain circuitry with the
sensory-motor system (Galese and Lakoff 2005; this volume: Rohrer; Dodge
and Lakoff), though there is some disagreement about the (in parts still
highly speculative) specifics of this. Another major theme of this section
pertains to image-schema formation itself, which Jean Mandler (this volume)
discusses in great detail in terms of the attention-driven, innately given
process she calls “perceptual meaning analysis”, but for which other authors
offer competing explanations in terms of self-organizing dynamic systems
(Gibbs, this volume) or in terms of the properties of the brain circuitry
involved (Dodge and Lakoff, this volume).
As research on spatial cognition and language has constituted one of the
sources of image schema theory as well as one of its most productive areas
LANGUAGE) of this edition offers two extensive papers on the conceptualiza-
tion and linguistic expression of spatial relations. Leonard Talmy’s (1983)
work is generally acknowledged to be one of the main inspirations of image-
schema theory (cf. Lakoff 1987: 459-461; Dodge and Lakoff, this volume),
the section thus includes a chapter in which he continues to investigate the
distinctions in the conceptualization of space that can generally be made by
the closed-class elements of the spoken (vs. signed) languages around the
world. Paul Deane’s chapter in this section revisits the long-standing and
still unresolved issue of the semantic unity of highly polysemous spatial-
relations terms and presents a detailed, neuro-psychologically informed,
image-based analysis of over – the one spatial-relations term that has, to-
gether with some of its equivalents in other Indo-European languages, en-
joyed the vastest amount of attention since the first application of the notion
of image schema to the analysis of prepositional polysemy (cf., e.g., Brug-
8 Beate Hampe

man [1981] 1988; Lakoff 1987: 416-461; Geeraerts 1992; Dewell 1994;
Kreitzer 1997; Tyler and Evans 2001).
PART 4 (IMAGE SCHEMAS AND BEYOND) collects papers that expand or
even reject the notion of image schema as currently conceived, whereby it is
noteworthy that all authors in this section share a commitment to
“extended”, or “situated” embodiment (cf. Zlatev 1997; Sinha 2002).
Michael Kimmel’s contribution reviews a large range of evidence from
cognitive anthropology supporting “extended” notions of embodiment in
general and of image schema in particular. He suggests that image schema
theory has hitherto neglected the study of “situated” as well as “compound”
image schemas, both of which are tied to culture-specific, affect-laden
experience defined by body practices, artefact use and specific languages.
The remaining two chapters in PART IV (this volume: Zlatev; Beningfield et
al.) comment on image schema theory via comparisons with two alternative
conceptions, namely Jordan Zlatev’s “mimetic schema”, and Claude
Vandeloise’s notion of “Complex Primitive” (Beningfield et al., this
volume). Hopefully, these may help to sharpen the awareness and discussion
of a potential blind spot within image schema theory itself which might stem
from the “universalist bias” in the standard account (cf. Kimmel, this
volume) and which relates to the way in which specific languages force
universal preconceptual structures into culturally determined, consciously
accessible, public and conventional concepts.
finally, present four highly diverse and detailed case studies (this volume:
Dewell, Popova, Cienki, Oakley), all to some extent explorative, rather than
merely applicative, and all with theoretical implications that reach well
beyond their immediate subjects of investigation. Robert Dewell performs an
in-depth “informal phenomenological analysis” (Johnson, this volume) of
developmentally early CONTAINMENT patterns from which he concludes that
image schemas are highly dynamic conceptual patterns that exist only in the
multitude of their transformations. Yanna Popova’s case study on
synaesthetic adjective-noun combination in present-day British English
addresses the cross-modal character of image schemas from a new angle,
and especially deals with the role of non-visual perceptual information in
image schemas. Utilizing existing knowledge about the lower perceptual
modalities, touch and taste, and about the cross-modal mappings in verbal
synaesthesia, it aims to establish the perceptual origin of the SCALE schema
in the lower modalities, which are argued to contrast with higher ones, sound
and vision, in being inherently graded and normative. Alan Cienki’s chapter
Introduction 9

reports on experiments which constitute the first attempt to bring together

image schema research and gesture studies, both in order to understand the
role of gestures in “thinking for speaking” and to exploit gestures as a new
source of empirical evidence for image schemas. Todd Oakley, finally,
presents a fine-grained force-dynamic analysis of two very different, but
highly influential political speeches from the history and present of the
United States. In the spirit of Mark Turner’s (1991: 99-120) work on the
force-dynamic image schemas motivating many metaphors of everyday as
well as rhetoricians’ conceptions of argumentation, he intends to advance the
(re-) establishment of rhetoric as one of the cognitive sciences.

5. Resumé

My preceding remarks may have underemphasized that, despite of all

theoretical and practical complications, the concept of image schema has
without doubt proved extremely fruitful in the past two decades and inspired
research in a broad variety of fields both inside and outside linguistics. Still,
the highly diverse positions to be found in current image-schema theory,
many of which are documented in this edition, also indicate strongly that
renewed discussion within Cognitive Linguistics is necessary to ensure the
theoretical unity of the notion and to maintain its value as a central and
foundational concept of Cognitive Semantics, as the field is progressing
towards a deeper understanding of the embodied roots of cognition and


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