TERM 1 Class Notes Final

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Chapter 1: Development of the self in society

1. Strategies to develop self-awareness, self-esteem, and self-development

1.1. Concepts

Self-awareness Self-esteem Self-development

How good you know How much you like How you improve yourself
yourself regarding yourself and how confident by building up your
interests, skills, you are. strengths, improving your
strengths, weaknesses, weaknesses, developing
likes, and dislikes, your life skills, and
goals, values, and becoming the best person
beliefs. you can be.

Our self-esteem and self-awareness affect the way we live our life. If we feel good about
ourselves and think highly of ourselves, we are likely to have more self-confidence. People with
low self-esteem generally lack confidence. You need to develop your self-esteem by building on
the situations in which you are confident and aiming to extend that confidence to other areas.

1.2. Factors that influence self-awareness and self-esteem

 What do other people say about you?

 What happens in your life?
 How well you cope with challenges
 How you respond to successes and failures
 How popular you are
 The media – newspapers, magazines, TV, and all social media sources like Facebook,
WA, TikTok, Instagram, etc.

1.3. Strategies to build confidence in yourself and others

 Good communication skills

o Confide with a close friend, teacher, or family member about your lack of
confidence and self-esteem This is called self-disclosure and can help you get an
objective view of yourself through someone else’s eyes. You will probably realize
that you have many more good qualities than you give yourself credit for. Also, try
to approach people you like or want to get to know better- maybe they think you
do not like them.
 Assertive attitude
- Say what you want to say clearly
- Be positive and respectful
- Know what you want
- Have a tall and straight body posture
- State your viewpoint clearly
- Be polite
 Complete tasks and projects successfully by managing your time effectively
o Do not allow feelings of failure to get you down. Use a situation in which you think
you failed to reflect and think about how you could do things better next time to get
the results you want.
 Participate in community organizations
o Get involved with groups and activities in your community. The more you
participate, the more people you will meet and get to know. They will also get to
know you and your skills and abilities and help to boost your confidence.
 Make good decisions
- Evaluate the situation
- Get information about the different options
- Consider the consequences of each decision
- Choose the best option
- Act on your decision
- Focus on the solution. Don’t dwell on problems. Rather think of possible ways of
dealing with it.
 Affirm others and accept compliments
 Focus on your strengths, focus on what you are good at, and start developing these
 Trust yourself
o Focus on how you feel and think. Don’t worry about what you think others may be
thinking about you.

2. Power and gender

2.1 Concepts

Term Explanation
Gender Roles, behaviors, activities, and qualities that society
sees as suitable for men/women.
Gender is learned, it is not a biological function.
Sex Biological qualities that define men and women.

Female and male Groupings according to sex.

Feminine and Grouping according to gender.

Power relations Sharing of power between people in a relationship. You
may have a dominant and a submissive partner in a
relationship. Dominance is often determined by gender
and sex. Men have traditionally more power than
Having power means having control over something or someone. In a relationship, one person
may have power over another. We call these relationships POWER RELATIONS.
2.2. Differences between a woman and a man

 The most obvious differences between the sexes are biological.


Women Men

Menstruate No menstruation
Ovaries that produce eggs Testicles that produce sperm
Have two x chromosomes ( XX ) Have one X and one Y chromosome ( XY )
The vagina is inside the body The penis is outside the body
Give birth Do not give birth
Smaller and lighter with less bone Taller and heavier with more bone mass
Less upper body strength More upper body strength
More white blood cells More red blood cells
Puberty starts two years before Puberty starts two years after girls
Fertility lessens after the age of 35 Fertile till old age
Higher levels of the hormone Higher levels of the hormone testosterone
Less body hair More body hair
Skull is thinner and weaker Skull is thicker and stronger
Have to work harder to build muscle Build muscles easily

2.3. Stereotypical views of gender roles and responsibilities

 Women may earn less than men for certain work
 Men are promoted to positions of power instead of women
 Men are allowed to smoke, drink, and have affairs in some societies, while women
are not.
 Male sports teams get more funding and media coverage than women teams.
 Women must do more housework than men.
 Women play a larger role in parenting.
 Some careers are traditionally seen as just for men.

2.4. Influence of gender inequality on relationships and general well-being

 Sexual abuse and violence

- When women/girls are involved in relationships where power is not equal, men may
decide on the conditions under which sex happens. This may mean forced sex.
- Sexual abuse is when a person is forced into undesired sexual behavior by another
person. The victim is either threatened into agreeing or is persuaded for example by
promises of gifts or money.
- Includes rape, incest, and violent sexual acts.
- There are many types of sexual abuse, including:
o Being hugged or kissed in a way that leaves you feeling uncomfortable.
o Made to pose for sexual photos
o Made to watch sexual acts or look at other people’s genitals
o Touched on the breasts or genitals
o Made to have oral sex (by mouth)
o Penetrated (having the adult push a finger, penis, or object inside the vagina or

 Gender violence
- Some men are violent toward women and beat them up.
- Gender-based violence is violence against women based on what is often considered
to be women’s lower status in society. It includes any act or threat by men or male-
dominated institutions that cause physical, sexual, or psychological harm to women or
girls because of their gender.
- Examples of gender-based violence include:
o Domestic violence
o Traditional practices harmful to women, such as female genital mutilation
o So-called ‘corrective’ rape
o Trafficking of women and girls for prostitution
o Forced marriage in some cultures
o Sexual harassment and intimidation at work

 Teenage pregnancy
- Peer pressure
- Lack of information
- Poverty
- Rape
- Forced to get pregnant to prove fertility

 STIs including HIV/AIDS

- Women have no say in the use of protective measures
- There are over 20 different sexually transmitted infections. Some examples are:
o Syphilis, gonorrhea, genital warts, genital herpes, HIV and Aids
- Age-mixing in a relationship (sugar daddies/sugar mommies)
- More than one partner
- Transactional sex (sex that is paid for)
- Rape
Chapter 2: Physical education: Fitness
1. Value of participating in exercise programs

Being involved in sport builds self-confidence that carries into other areas of our lives.
The biggest value of doing exercise is the value to your health. Regular exercise will improve
 Cardiovascular fitness
 Muscular endurance
 Muscular strength
 Flexibility

1.1. Types of fitness

Type of fitness Explanation Types of exercises

Cardiovascular fitness Have a strong heart and walking dancing
capillary vessels and a large cycling aerobics
lung capacity. running
Muscular strength Strong muscles and Weight lifting
tendons. Step climbing
Resistance exercises
Endurance The ability to exercise for a Cycling
long time without getting Jogging
tired. swimming
Flexibility The ability to move your Stretching
joints and use your muscles Swimming
through their full range of Yoga

1.2. Why regular physical activity?

 Regular exercise can help our bodies to get rid of harmful stress chemicals and protect
us against the damaging physical effects of worry.
 You will reduce your anxiety levels and also trigger the release of the feel-good body
chemicals called endorphins.
 There are also mental benefits, such as feeling happier and more confident.
 Reduces stress, worry, and depression
 Helps you to relax
 Makes you feel more confident
 Helps you to sleep well
 Improves brain functioning
Chapter 3: Careers and career choices
You have to take responsibility for your career and life planning. The first step is to learn more
about yourself.

Self-knowledge is a process that unfolds as you grow.

As you mature into young men and women, you start making choices about where you want to
go with your life, who you want to be with, and how you want to spend your time.

You are constantly making choices, based on how you see yourself.

1. Self-knowledge for career choices

1.1. Step 1: Know your interests, abilities, talents and strengths, and weaknesses

Concept Explanation
Interests What you like to spend your time doing. What you want to learn more
Abilities The things you can do well. The skills you possess.
Talents The natural abilities you were born with.
Strengths The things that you are always good at.
Weaknesses The things you struggle with / are not good at doing.


Natural Prefer/like to work with your hands, tools, and machinery

Open make or repair articles, look after plants and animals, like
Honest outdoor work. Includes services such as cooking, making
Modest clothes, cutting hair, repairing and installing office and
REALISTIC Shy home equipment, growing, breeding, and caring for
Perseverance animals or plants, construction, and maintenance of
Practical roads, pipelines, buildings, etc., operation of heavy
Steadfast vehicles and machineries like bulldozers, fork-lifts, trucks
and buses, manufacture, repair or service machinery or
electrical tools, engineering such as building bridges,
designing aircraft, surveying or writing computer
Critical Prefer to work on their own in a research environment, to
Inquisitive investigate and discover new facts, conduct experiments
INVESTIGATIV Independent and observe with scientific equipment to find solutions,
E Systematic analytical and mental activities aimed at problem-solving
Modest and application of knowledge
Complicated Enjoy working in an artistic environment which includes
Confused writing stories or plays, acting on stage, applied arts of
Sensitive which language is the main component (TV presenter,
ARTISTIC Expressive writing articles, translating a story), visual arts (sketching,
Impractical drawing, photography, designing furniture, buildings,
Impulsive clothes) and popular entertainment (DJ, playing in a band,
Independent singer).
Convincing Work and communicate with people, help and take care of
Co-operative others, teach them, render personal and household
Friendly services (e.g. housekeeping, cleaning services, serving
SOCIAL Helpful people in restaurants, aircraft, and trains), law
Kind enforcement, and the protection of persons and property.
Adventurous Preference for activities through which they can influence,
Ambitious persuade, motivate or guide people to achieve a common
Demands goal e.g. promotions, management, sales, including
attention politics
G Energetic
Conscientious Prefer routine and pre-determined instructions. Rather do
Careful tasks and problems which require the systematic
CONVENTION Conservative processing of information using office machines and
AL Capable working in a controlled environment. Includes jobs of
Obedient clerical and secretarial nature, paying and receiving
Orderly money, operation of office machines, storing, dispatching,
Persistent and receiving goods

1.2. Step 2: Know more about jobs, occupations, careers, and career fields

Concept Explanation
Job If you have a job, you are employed and get paid. You may need some
basic training.
Occupation This is the work that you do and requires special education, training, or a
Career An occupation that you have for the larger part of your life. It gives you
opportunities to progress.
Career field A grouping of occupations that are common regarding skills, knowledge,
and work setting
Baker, Bus driver, Carpenter, Bricklayer, Draughtsman, Electrician,
Spray painter, Welder, Fireman, Motor mechanic, Plumber, Miner,
REALISTIC Farmer, Tiler (wall and floor), Miner, Filling station attendant
IT specialist, Pharmacist, Technologist, Agriculturist, Engineer, Airline
pilot, Geologist, Dentist, Mathematician, Medical doctor, Chemist,
INVESTIGATIVE Veterinary surgeon, Optometrist, Surveyor, Social scientist,
Statistician, Psychologist, Criminologist, Biologist
Photographer, Singer, Musician, Actor, Interior designer, Fashion
designer, Architect, Artist, Writer, Editor, Cartoonist, Journalist,
AESTHETIC/ARTISTIC Sculptor, Poet, Composer, Choreographer

Hairdresser, Librarian, Training officer, Teacher, Coach, Historian,

Social worker, Occupational therapist, Radio/TV announcer, Speech
SOCIAL therapist, Counselor (Marriage, Trauma, HIV, Career), Psychologist,
Diplomat, Clergyman, Law enforcement and protection (Security,
Soldier, Policeman), Nurse, First aid, Flight attendant
Estate agent, Manager (marketing, sales, personnel, hotel) Sales rep,
Buyer, Building contractor, Attorney, Magistrate, Speculator,
ENTERPRISING Insurance agent
Usher, Postman, Waiter, Receptionist, Typist, Clerk, Bookkeeper,
Cashier, Library assistant, Accountant, Computer O perator, Transport
CONVENTIONAL manager, Stock controller, Proofreader, Stock controller
( Focus, Maskew, Miller and Longman, page 43 )
1.3 Step 3: Know the requirements of the National Curriculum Statement ( NCS )

 To qualify for a National Senior Certificate, candidates should offer a

minimum of 7 subjects as follows:

- Two official languages, at least one at Home Language level

- Mathematical Literacy or Mathematics
- Life Orientation
- Minimum of 3 subjects from the NCS approved subjects
- A candidate may not offer more than 4 languages in the package of 7

There are additional subjects that are recognized for the National Curriculum Statements.
These are as follows: 
Equine Studies, Nautical Science, Maritime Economics, Modern Greek (from 2009),
Sports and Exercise Science (from 2010). Only one of these can be offered as part of the
7 subject program. They may be offered in addition to the 7 subject packages.

In all subjects, a portfolio of evidence will contribute 25% and final examination 75%.
Practical /performance assessment components may contribute up to a further 25%,
making the final examination in such cases worth 50%.

Life Orientation will be assessed through a combination of a portfolio of evidence and

prescribed subject-specific practical assessment i.e. no external examination.

 Pass requirements

To qualify for a National Senior Certificate, a learner must achieve:

- A minimum rating of 3 i.e.  40% or more, in 3 subjects. One of the 3 subjects must be
an official language at the Home Language level.
- A minimum rating of 2 i.e. 30% or more, in 3 other subjects.

A learner must pass an official language at home language level i.e. at 40% or above.
If a learner offers more than the minimum number of 7 subjects, passes in the additional
subjects will be taken into account when determining whether a learner has met the
minimum requirements.

 To qualify for entry into further study at the Higher Certificate level, a learner must:
- Pass the NSC
- Meet the language requirement for further study at a South African institution, namely,
one of the two official languages offered by the learner must be either English or
Afrikaans. To meet the language criterion to qualify for entry to study at a tertiary
education institution, the learner must pass either English or Afrikaans at least at the
1st additional level i.e. at 30% or more.

 To qualify for entry into further study at the Diploma level, a learner must:
- Pass the NSC as follows:
- One official language at home language level at 40%3 other subjects at 40%
- 2 subjects at 30%
- Meet the language requirement for further study at a South African institution, namely,
one of the two official languages offered by the learner must be either English or
Afrikaans. To meet the language criterion to qualify for entry to study at a tertiary
education institution, the learner must pass either English or Afrikaans at least at the
1st additional level i.e. at 30% or more. 
- The key difference between qualifying for entry to diploma study rather than higher
certificate study is that the learner must achieve 40% or more in 4 subjects (incl. the
official language at home language level) rather than just 3 subjects.

 To qualify for entry into further study at the Bachelor Degree level, a learner must:
- Pass the NSC as follows:
- One official language at home language level at 40% or more
- 4 subjects from the designated list of subjects at 50% or more
- 2 subjects at a minimum of 30%
- Meet the language requirement for further study at a South African institution, namely,
one of the two official languages offered by the learner must be either English or
Afrikaans. To meet the language criterion to qualify for entry to study at a tertiary
education institution, the learner must pass either English or Afrikaans at least at the
1st additional level i.e. at 30% or more. 

The list of designated subjects which will be in place for 3 years from 2008 is as follows:

- Accounting
- Agricultural Sciences
- Business Studies
- Dramatic Arts
- Economics
- Engineering Graphics and Design
- Geography
- History
- Consumer Studies
- Information Technology
- Languages (one language of learning and teaching at a higher education institution
and two other recognized language subjects)
- Life Sciences
- Mathematics
- Mathematical Literacy
- Music
- Physical Sciences
- Religion Studies
- Visual Arts

 Note: 
In respect of music, it is only the National Senior Certificate Music course that is
considered a designated subject.  At this stage, no other music courses are considered
designated. They are recognized as NSC subjects but are not considered to be
‘designated’ for qualification for degree studies.

Non-designated subjects may contribute towards the Admission Points Score (APS) and
may be recognized as an institution or faculty-specific entry requirement.  Learners must
check their results against specific institutional requirements for the course of study they
wish to follow.

 Very important to note: 

Specific institutional and program needs may have a specific language requirement, a
specific level of performance in Life Orientation or require appropriate combinations of
recognized National Senior Certificate subjects and levels of achievement. Learners
must check their results against specific institutional requirements for the course of study
they wish to follow.

2. Life domains

Our lives are multi-dimensional. This means that our lives have different aspects to them. These
aspects are called life domains. We can divide these life domains into three main aspects:

2.1. Being
 Being means who you are.

Physical being Psychological being Spiritual being

Health Mental health Values
Nutrition Thinking Morals (rules on how to act
Exercise Feelings and behave)
Hygiene Self-awareness Spiritual/religious beliefs
Clothing Self-control
Physical appearance

2.2. Becoming
 What you do to achieve your goals, hopes, and wishes. Becoming who you want to be.

Practical becoming Leisure becoming Growth becoming

The everyday actions you Activities that promote Activities to promote, improve
take to live : relaxation and lessen stress: or keep up your knowledge
Going to school Physical exercise and skills:
Chores Playing games Studying
Paid work Visiting friends and Attending workshops
Volunteer work family Reading
Looking after your Using the social media Learning
health and social Spending time on Asking questions
needs. hobbies
Going on holidays
Watching TV, reading a

2.3. Community belonging

 Fitting in with your physical environment and being respected and accepted by your
social environment or by the people around you.

Physical belonging Social belonging Community belonging

Your link with your physical Your link with your social Your access to resources and
environment : environment : services available to
Home Family community members :
School Friends Clinics and health
Workplace Teachers services
Neighborhood Co-workers Social services
community Neighborhood Employment
community Education
Recreational, sport,
and community

3. Socio-economic factors in study and career choices

Socio-economic factors are a combination of social (community) and economic (financial)
influences. These factors play a very important role in your decisions about your study fields
and career choices.

3.1. Finances and affordability

Financial assistance Explanation

Bursary An amount of money is given to a needy student to help pay for
tertiary studies. You do not pay back a bursary but may be required
to work for the company that awarded you the bursary.
Student loan Money is borrowed from a financial institution and needs to be paid
back with interest.
Scholarship Some companies, businesses, and organizations award a once-off
monetary grant if a student performs well in sport/studies.
Learnership Allows you to earn while you learn. You study the theory at college
and practice what you have learned in a real job.

3.2. Accessibility

 You need to ask yourself:

- How close are you to the nearest tertiary institution?
- If you must travel, can you afford the transport cost?
- Can you perhaps study this course through distance education?

3.3. The impact of income tax

 What is income tax?

- It is a tax that an individual and companies pay for what they earn or for their profits.
- The form of tax that people generally associate with the concept of tax is "normal"
income tax. The Act also establishes a few methods of paying income tax - namely
SITE, PAYE, and provisional tax.
 What is a tax year?
- 1 March up to the end of February the next year.

 Who pays taxes?

- All individuals who earn any form of income in a tax year.
- The Minister announced “as from September this year SARS will require all those
receiving any form of employment income – including those below the tax threshold
(R135 150)

 Who needs to submit a completed and signed income tax return to SARS?
Where taxpayers receive remuneration less than R135 150, taxpayers may elect not to
submit an
income tax return, provided the following criteria are met:
- Remuneration is from a single employer.
- Remuneration is for a full year of assessment (1 March – 28/29 February); and no
allowance was paid, from which PAYE was not deducted in full with regards to a
travel allowance.
- The more you earn the more tax you will have to pay.

 Why do we need to pay taxes?

- The government uses the taxes to run the country and pay for roads, schools,
hospitals, pensions, and teachers’ salaries. They pay grants from taxes.

 What if I don’t pay tax?

- It is a criminal offense not to pay income tax and if you’re court or cheat, you can get
a fine or be sent to jail.

 Who collects taxes?

- The South African Revenue Services (SARS) collect tax.

 How much must I pay?

- SARS will work out the tax on your total income over a tax year.

 Is there more than one sort of tax than income tax?

- Yes, there are several other taxes like:

Types Who pays for it?

VAT Everybody pays 14% VAT for all goods

they buy. When you pay for groceries, it
is already included in the price. The
shop pays it back every month to the

SITE Standard income tax on employees.

This tax is paid by employees who earn
less than R135 150 a year.

PAYE Pay as you earn. This tax will get

deducted from your salary every month if
you earn more than R135 150 per year.

Dirt taxes Taxes paid on goods like cigarettes and


Import tax Paid on all goods imported into the


Provisional tax It is paid 2 times a year.

Tax paid by people who do not have the
same income every month and year e.g.,
sports person earning money from his
Chapter 4: Democracy and human rights

1. Diversity, discrimination, and human rights violations

1.1. Diversity
 Diversity means being different.
- Culture
- Religion and belief system
- Race
- Language
- Gender
- Age
- Health status
- Place of birth
- Where you stay, etc.
 Every person is unique with individual differences. We must respect these differences.
 To accept and honor diversity, you have to:
- Take pride in your own and other’s cultures
- Agree that we differ from each other
- Respect other’s opinions, even if you disagree with them
- Be willing to learn about the differences that define people

1.2. Discrimination and human rights

 Discrimination means treating people unfairly and differently. Discrimination denies

people their rights, power, and privileges.
 To discriminate is to violate human rights.
 Types of discrimination:
- Fair: discrimination to make up for the inequalities of the past
- Unfair: goes against the constitution example: disabilities, gender, race, religion,
sexual orientation, workplace, xenophobia
Type of discrimination Meaning Example of discrimination

Racism To treat somebody different To refuse somebody access to a

because of their race place or facility like a school
because of their race.

Bias To give someone or a group To give people from your culture

unfair preference or favor them better treatment than others e.g. if
unfairly you are a waiter at a hotel, you will
serve people of one group first
because they come from the same
cultural group as you

Gender stereotyping To treat people differently To keep some jobs for men e.g.,
because they are a male or engineering. Or to say men are
female better engineers than women.

Religious To treat people differently To refuse Moslem learners’

discrimination because of their religion. entrance to a public school,
because of their religion

Sexual Orientation To be prejudiced against In Malawi, men are put in jail if they
people with same-sex have a gay relationship

Discrimination in the If you get sexually harassed Men get more money for the same
workplace job just because they are men
If men get a job because they
are men and not because they If you lose your job because you are
are the best candidate too old.

Xenophobia Prejudice against foreign When Zimbabwean’s are killed or

nationals, people from other chased from their houses or shops
countries. in townships
Fear for strangers or foreigners
2. Our Bill of Rights and human rights instruments

2.1. The South African Bill of rights

 Chapter 2 of the Constitution is the Bill of Rights. These rights are based on: dignity, democracy, equality, and freedom

Summary of the Bill of Rights

 Equality
Every person is equal to every other person according to the law. No one is allowed to discriminate against people because of their race,
gender, pregnancy, marriage, ethnicity, social class, skin color, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, conscience, belief, language, or birth.
 Human dignity
- Everyone has the right to be respected.

 Life
- Everyone has the right to life. South Africa does not allow the death penalty.

 Freedom and security

- No one may be arrested without trial, violently assaulted, tortured, or punished in cruel, inhuman, or degrading ways.

 Slavery
- No one can be forced to work as a slave, without pay or forced to work against their will.

 Privacy
- Everyone has the right to privacy, to not have their home, body, or property searched, their
possessions seized or private communications read or listened to without their permission.

 Freedom of religion, belief, and opinion

- Everyone may practice the religion they choose, do what they believe is right, and hold their
own opinions, as long as they are consistent with the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.
 Freedom of expression
- Everyone may express themselves freely, including press and media, share ideas
and art, and do academic and scientific research. No one may encourage war, incite
violence, or use hate speech.
 Freedom of assembly
- Everyone has the right to gather together peacefully and unarmed to demonstrate
and protest.
 Freedom of association
- Everyone can join with other people for whatever reason.
 Political rights
- Everyone can participate in politics; have free, fair, and regular elections, vote and stand
for public office, and hold office if elected.
 Citizenship
- Citizenship of South Africa cannot be taken away from any citizen.
 Freedom of movement and residence
- Any citizen can leave South Africa and return, live where they choose and have a passport.
 Freedom of trade, occupation, and profession
- Everyone can choose their trade, occupation, and profession.
 Labour relations
- Everyone has a right to fair labor practices, join trade unions, form or join employers ‘ organizations.
 Environment
- Everyone has a right to an environment that does not harm their health and is protected against polluting
 Property
- Everyone has the right to own land and other property. If the government needs privately owned land or property, a fair price must be
paid for it.
Health care, food, water, and social security
- Everyone has a right to health care, food, and water. Social security (grants of money) is to
be available for people who cannot support themselves or their dependents by working.
 Children also have rights, but we must understand that we also have responsibilities because we have rights. What are they?

Right Responsibilities
Children have the right to be cared for by Children must respect and appreciate parents
parents and guardians And guardians
Children have the right to privacy Children must respect others privacy
Children have the right to good health care Children have the responsibility to take good
care of themselves
Children have the right to an education Children have the responsibility to study and
respect Teachers
Children have the right to a safe and Children have the responsibility to keep their
comfortable home rooms tidy
Children have the right to be protected Children have the responsibility not to sexually
from Sexual Abuse Abuse others or put themselves in danger
of being abused

2.2. Which organizations protect my human rights?

 The Public Protector

 South African Human Rights Commission
South Africa (SAHRC)
 Commission on Gender Equality (CGE)
 Office of the Auditor General (A-G)
 Independent Electoral Commission (IEC)
 Constitutional Court
 The Red Cross

The world  The African Union or AU

 The United Nations or UN
 United Nations children’s fund (UNICEF)
2.3. Human rights and violations:
 Human rights are rules to help everybody li9ve together in peace, safety, and
happiness. Sometimes people don’t follow these rules. Then they violate or abuse
human rights.

 An example of human rights violations is human trafficking

- Human trafficking is the global illegal transport of people across international and
local borders. To be trafficked means to be taken against your will or tricked into
going with traffickers or criminals who then sell you. You may be bought, sold, and
transported into slavery:
* You can be sold for sexual exploitation and forced marriage
* You can be sold to work in shops or factories for no pay
* You can be sold to beg to provide money for your capturers
* You can be sold to harvest and sell your organs such as kidneys
* You can be sold to work on farms or do domestic work.

2.4. What does prejudice mean?

 To judge people on untruths and their differences.
 To be pre-judging people without finding the facts.
 Prejudice promotes negative attitudes and behavior
 Prejudice promotes discrimination

 Why are people prejudiced?

- Because people don’t know the other person
- Because people have political agendas
- Because people fear the other, they don’t know
- Because of hatred of diversity
- Because of greed for money
- Because they are power-hungry

 What is the impact of discrimination, oppression, bias, prejudice, and violations of human
rights on individuals and society?
- The effect of discrimination is always negative on a person or a society or community

 Challenging prejudice and discrimination: significant contributions by individuals and

organizations to address human rights violations
The following people help to fight against discrimination in South Africa

Desmond Tutu He worked hard to end apartheid

He called us the Rainbow nation
He always fights for the oppressed.

Nelson Mandela He fights for the promotion of the

Freedom Charter
He is a role model for keeping values of
democracy and equality

Walter Sisulu Fight for the oppressed during apartheid

Beyers Naude He was in favor of non-racial religious

organizations that challenged the church
and gave humanitarian help to people

The following organizations protect you today

Equality Courts These courts protect you from unfair

discrimination. You can ask these
courts to help you with harassment and
hate speech and unfair discrimination

South African Human Rights commission It is the national institution to supports

constitutional democracy.
It promotes, protects, and monitors
human rights for everyone.

Treatment Action Campaign It is a human rights advocacy

Fights for human rights of people with

Commission on Gender Equality This organization will promote and

protect gender equality in SA.
It aims to create a society free of

 Contemporary events showcasing the nature of a transforming South Africa

South African initiatives and campaigns:

- TAC (Treatment Action Campaign). This is an organization that provides people living
with HIV and their families and caregivers with information about life-saving medicines
and treatment. The TAC advocates for the human rights of people living with HIV and
- South African Human rights Commission (SAHRC): This organization promotes and
protects and monitors human rights for everyone. You can complain with the SAHRC if
your human rights have been violated.
- Equality Courts: These are courts designed to deal with matters covered by the
Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination.
Focus on Life Orientation, Maskew, Miller and Longman, 2011.

Oxford Successful, Life Orientation, T. Attwell, F. Clitheroe, L. Dilley, B. Engelbrecht, J. Falken, B.

Lundall, S. Miehe, 2011. 

SARS, www. sars.co.z



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