Transition From IPv4 To IPv6
Transition From IPv4 To IPv6
Transition From IPv4 To IPv6
Abstract—In the process of Internet evolution, the transition of Internet-enabled mobile devices increases rapidly. This
from IPv4 to IPv6 has become inevitable and fairly urgent. IANA leads to continuous demands for new IP address allocation,
(Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) has finally exhausted which seems impossible to satisfy with IPv4. ChinaTelecom,
the global IPv4 address space, which leaves the community no
choice but pushes forward the IPv6 transition process. IPv4 one of the largest telecom ISPs (Internet Service Providers)
and IPv6 networks both will exist during the transition period, in the world claims that by the end of 2012, they will use
while the two are not compatible in nature. Therefore it is up all the IPv4 addresses they have acquired or can acquire.
indispensable to maintain the availability, as well as to provide Besides, the prefix de-aggregation caused by address block
the inter-communication ability of IPv4 and IPv6. Years ago a subdivision, multihoming and traffic engineering has caused
series of transition techniques were actually proposed. However,
because of their technical immatureness, they failed to cover a burst in Global IPv4 RIB (Routing Information Base) and
the solution space well. Some of these techniques were even FIB (Forwarding Information Base). The Internet is suffering
obsoleted by IETF due to their flaws. This paper reconsiders the from this routing scalability problem. Moreover, the wide use
basic problems and key difficulties in IPv4-IPv6 transition, and of NAT has broken down the fundamental end-to-end property
introduces the principles of tunneling and translation techniques. all over the Internet.
Then the paper surveys the mainstream tunneling and translation
mechanisms raised since 1998, especially the new mechanisms IPv6 [4] is developed as the next-generation network layer
proposed recently, capturing the aspects of technical principles, protocol, overcoming the problems in IPv4. Its 128-bit address
pros and cons, scenarios and applicability. Recommendations format significantly enlarges the address space and will satisfy
on mechanism selection for different scenarios are provided.
the address demands for a fairly long time. The length of
Moreover, the paper looks into the characteristics and transition
requirements of practical ISP networks, and proposes the usage the address also makes prefix aggregation fairly flexible, and
and deployment strategy of the transition mechanisms in both subsequently achieves global addressing and routing in a
backbone and edge networks. hierarchical pattern. Forwarding efficiency is improved by
Index Terms—IPv6 transition, heterogeneous network connec- simplifying the protocol header, as well as moving fragmen-
tivity, translation, tunneling, heterogeneous addressing. tation to end hosts. In IPv6, flow label based QoS can be
supported; stateless auto-configuration is invented to support
Plug and Play feature [5]. Besides, IPv6 has better mobility
and security supports than IPv4 [6]. In general, IPv6 is a re-
I Pv4 [1] has been the network layer protocol since the very
early stage of the Internet. The scale of IPv4 Internet has
become far larger than one could ever imagine when designing
design of IPv4. It solves the problems in IPv4 and provides
better IP service. It has been widely believed that IPv6 is
the most mature and feasible solution for the next-generation
the protocol [2]. Currently IPv4 Internet is facing a series Internet.
of problems including address exhaustion, routing scalability, However, IPv6 has no built-in backwards compatibility
and broken end-to-end property. IANA (Internet Assigned with IPv4, which means IPv6 networks cannot communicate
Numbers Authority) had run out of global IPv4 address pool with IPv4 in nature. Essentially IPv6 has created a parallel,
in Feb 2011, while simulations show that within 3 years all independent network that coexist with its counterpart IPv4. If
the RIRs (Rigional Internet Registries) will exhaust their IPv4 an IPv4 network wants to further support IPv6 communication,
address space [3]. On the other hand, the scale of Internet is it has to carry out dedicated addressing and routing for IPv6,
still growing fast, especially on the user side where the number and update the network devices to enable IPv6. Currently
Manuscript received 14 December 2011; revised 9 July 2012. This IPv6-capable applications and IPv6-accessible contents are
work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (no. still the minority [7]; the majority of network resources,
61120106008,60911130511), National Major Basic Research Program of services and applications still remain in IPv4. Therefore IPv4
China (no. 2009CB320501, 2009CB320503).
P. Wu and Y. Cui are with the Department of Computer Science network will probably last for a long time. On the other hand,
and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (e-mail: {weapon, the continuous demands for new IP addresses are driving
cy} IPv6 towards a large-scale deployment. Therefore, IPv4 and
J. Wu is with the National Laboratory for Information Science and Technol-
ogy, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (e-mail: IPv6 will coexist for a long period, and the transition process
J. Liu is with the School of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University, will be gradual. During this period, we need to manage the
Metro-Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (e-mail: availability of both IPv4 and IPv6 and solve the issues arising
C. Mertz is with Cisco Systems, Inc. San Jose, CA, USA (e-mail: in DNS, QoS, security and other aspects under the dual-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/SURV.2012.110112.00200 stack environment. Above all, we need a number of transition
c 2012 IEEE
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
techniques to maintain the connectivity of both IPv4 and IPv6, scenarios are proposed. Moreover, the paper looks into the
to achieve inter-connection between IPv4 and IPv6, and to characteristics and transition requirements of practical ISP
promote the adoption process of IPv6. networks, and customizes the usage and deployment strategy
The IPv6 transition techniques have been the main bones of the transition mechanisms in both backbone and edge
of contention in Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) for networks. Examples of backbone networks and telecom access
over ten years. Around the year 2000, researchers proposed a networks are provided as a case study.
series of transition techniques, including 6to4 (Connection of
IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds) [8], 6over4 (Transmission of II. P ROTOCOL SPECIFICATION : IP V 4 VS . IP V 6
IPv6 over IPv4 Domains without Explicit Tunnels) [9], NAT-
The basic protocol specification of IPv6 was proposed in
PT (Network Address Translation - Protocol Translation) [10],
1998, and related standards have been developed ever since.
SIIT (Stateless IP/ICMP Translation Algorithm) [11], BIS
IPv6 has a different address architecture from IPv4, as well
(Bump-In-the-Stack) [12], etc. Analyses of these techniques
as a series of new features [18].
were proposed [13], as well as technique usage guidelines
and transition architectures based on these techniques [14]–
[17]. However, most of these techniques did not come to A. Addressing
a wide deployment, and the transition problem did not get The most obvious advantage of IPv6 over IPv4 is its
solved by these techniques. The reason is that they did not larger address space. The 128-bit IPv6 address length provides
put enough consideration on the factors of scalability, address- approximately 3.4 ∗ 1038 available addresses, while IPv4 only
ing, deployment model, IPv4 address shortage, etc. Some of provides 4.3 ∗ 109 addresses due to the 32-bit limit. The IPv6
these techniques were even obsoleted by the IETF because address length is selected based on the lesson of IPv4 address
of these flaws. Yet these trials do become inputs for later exhaustion. The vast address space is believed to be enough
researches. In 2004 and 2005, two dedicated working groups for the foreseeable future.
were established to carefully reconsider the transition problem A typical IPv6 unicast address is composed of two parts:
and develop enhanced transition techniques. Researches were a 64-bit network prefix and a 64-bit interface identifier. The
carried on in these two groups ever since, and new mechanisms interface identifier is unique within a subnet prefix and used to
have been coming out recently. identify interfaces on a link. Unlike in IPv4, the subnet size in
The demand for IPv6 transition techniques comes from IPv6 is fixed to 264 . The 64-bit network prefix length provides
multiple entities in the community. Network operators must great flexibility in network management. By recommendation
find feasible transition mechanisms and subsequently make a /32 prefix is provided for an ISP, while a prefix between
feasible transition plans, to cover all the potential communi- /56 and /64 is given to an end-consumer site [19]. This leaves
cation demands of the customers. Vendors expect to invest the ISPs at least /24 space to organize their networks, and the
on implementing well-developed transition techniques, so that global Internet /32 space to manage global routing. Therefore
their products can have good capability and bring high profits. address allocation can be simplified and route aggregation
As for ICPs (Internet Content Providers), they need to find a can be achieved efficiently, under which circumstances it
way to provide the existing services for both IPv4 and IPv6 is feasible to build a hierarchical addressing and routing
users, and coordinate their services with a foreseeable deploy- architecture. Besides, the vast address space along with the
ment of transition techniques on the Internet. These different 64-bit subnet size also eliminates the major demands for NAT.
entities raise diverse requirements in techniques. Besides, to Another benefit of this address format is renumbering. In
develop a proper transition technique, various critical issues IPv4, renumbering an existing network is a major effort.
should be studied, including routing and forwarding methods In IPv6, however, with RA (Router Advertisement) [20] for
in heterogeneous networks, a feasible IPv4-IPv6 address map- changing network prefixes and SLAAC (Stateless Address
ping method despite of the asymmetry of address spaces, an Auto-configuration) [5] for self-configuring interface iden-
end-to-end heterogeneous addressing method, scalability, end- tifiers, renumbering an IPv6 network will be much easier.
to-end property and upper-layer transparency, etc. Both the Moreover, this longer address format also allows the imple-
diversity of requirements from different entities and the variety mentation of special address schemes, such as embedding an
of relevant issues bring great challenges to the transition IPv4 address.
technique research.
This paper introduces heterogeneous traversing and hetero-
geneous inter-connection as the basic problems of IPv6 tran- B. New features in IPv6
sition, with IPv4-IPv6 translation and IPv4-over-IPv6/IPv6- In order to inherit the merits of IPv4 smoothly, IPv6
over-IPv4 tunneling as the basic solutions. Then the paper improves some beneficial features of IPv4 up to its own
provides a comprehensive survey of the mainstream translation standard, and goes further with introducing additional features
and tunneling mechanisms proposed since the birth of IPv6, that are not presented in IPv4:
capturing the aspects of technical principles, pros and cons, (1) Stateless address auto-configuration. Besides manual con-
scenarios and applicability. In this survey, extra efforts are figuration and stateful configuration (DHCP), IPv6 provides
spent on the new mechanisms coming out in the recent 5 years, a third, stateless configuration manner. IPv6 hosts can lever-
aiming to track the cause of the improvements and thereby age ND (Neighbor Discovery) Protocol [20] to configure
prove the advantages against the pervious mechanisms. Rec- themselves automatically when connected to a network. In
ommendations on mechanism selection for different transition a standard procedure, the host generates a link-local address
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
0 31
by appending an interface identifier to the well-known link- Version IHL Type of Service Total Length
local prefix, and then verifies the uniqueness of the ad- Flag
Identification Fragment Offset
dress by sending out a Neighbor Solicitation message. When s
the verification is confirmed, the host assigns the link-local Time to Live Protocol Header Checksum
address to the interface, and then either send out a link- Source Address
local Router Solicitation message to retrieve a corresponding Destination Address
Router Advertisement message from a router, or wait for 5
Host Host IPvY-only
Fig. 2. inter-connection scenario
Host IPvY
Host IPvY
we should always promote IPv6 usage and ease IPv6 adoption; reassembling, path MTU discovery, ICMP, etc. [26]. As to the
the proposed transition mechanisms should not hinder the control plane, translation should follow the address conversion
transition process. rule: either some special address scheme needs to be deployed
The alternative is to compromise on a dual-stack Internet, in advance, or dynamic address bindings have to be built
which means every node on the Internet supports both IPv4 during the translation. Heterogeneous addressing (learning the
and IPv6. Then any two nodes can use both IPv4 and IPv6 for in-protocol address of the remote end) and corresponding
communication; IPv4-IPv6 inter-connection or traversing will routing should be performed based on the address conversion
become unnecessary. In that case, the whole Internet becomes rule.
two logically-separated networks based on the same infras- According to the address conversion manner, we can divide
tructure. However, dual-stack Internet is neither practical nor network-side translation mechanisms into stateless translation
continuable, because large-scale expansion of IPv4 Internet is and stateful translation. There is also host-side translation,
unrealistic considering the address space exhaustion, and the which happens in the TCP/IP stack of the end host.
cost of fully supporting both IPv4 and IPv6 is unacceptable.
In spite of that, it is still feasible to enable dual-stack B. Stateless Translation
for a small portion of the Internet nodes. Actually, as a SIIT (Stateless IP/ICMP Translation Algorithm) [11] is an
result of protocol incompatibility, dual-stack node will be an early stateless translation mechanism. It proposes the basic
indispensable element to achieve IPv4-IPv6 inter-operability. principle of IPv4-IPv6 stateless translation and the algorithm
To be more specific, the dual-stack nodes located on the IPv4- for IP/ICMP semantic conversion (Figure 6). The SIIT address
IPv6 network border can communicate with both IPv4 and scheme is based on the assumption that every IPv6 host in a
IPv6, and perform the IPv4-IPv6 inter-operation in between. network possesses an IPv4 address. The IPv6 address of each
Based on this, the community proposed two categories of IPv6 host is generated by adding the IPv6 prefix 0:ffff:0:0:0/96
transition techniques: translation and tunneling, which will be before the IPv4 address. This type of IPv6 addresses is called
covered in the next two sections. IPv4-translated address, which is assigned to an IPv6 host
and potentially matches an IPv4 address. On the other hand,
IV. T RANSLATION MECHANISMS the IPv6 address of an actual IPv4 host is generated by
adding a different IPv6 prefix ::ffff:0:0/96 before the IPv4
A. Basic Principle of Translation address. This type of IPv6 addresses is called IPv4-mapped
IPv4-IPv6 translation is used to achieve direct communica- address, which is mapped from an IPv4 address to represent
tion between IPv4 and IPv6. The basic principle of translation an IPv4 host in an IPv6 network. However, SIIT specifies
is shown in Figure 5. The idea is to convert the semantics neither how an IPv6 host retrieves an IPv4-translated address,
between IPvX and IPvY, turning IPvX packet into IPvY if the nor how an IPv6/IPv4 host learns the IPv4-mapped/IPv4-
packet is destined to IPvY network, or turning IPvY packet translated address of the remote end. Routing support for
into IPvX if the packet is destined to IPvX network. Usually, the address mapping rules is not specified either. Following
translation happens on the IPvX-IPvY border, so the translator the two address mapping rules, the address translation can
would be an AFBR (Address Family Border Router). Suppose be performed by algorithmic mapping. When translating an
Host1 (H1) in IPvX network is the communication initiator, IPv4 packet into IPv6, SIIT translator adds the prefixes of
and Host2 (H2) in IPvY network is the remote end. H1 has ::ffff:0:0/96 and 0:ffff:0:0:0/96 to the source and destination
to learn the in-protocol address (IPvX) used by H2 before the addresses respectively; when translating an IPv6 packet into
communication starts. Later the data packets with this address IPv4, the translator removes the corresponding prefixes from
as destination will be forwarded to the translator, translated the source and destination addresses.
into IPvY and forwarded to H2. On the other hand, the IPvY SIIT keeps the translator stateless according to the address
source address for these packets, i.e. the IPvY address used conversion rule. It takes a unified processing for all packets;
by H1, is assigned or calculated by the translator during the the data plane performance is not bound by the number
translation. Along with these addressing operations, routing of users, and line-speed processing is expected. As long as
support should guarantee that the IPvX packets destined to heterogeneous addressing is realized, SIIT can provide bi-
H2 IPvX address and the IPvY packets destined to H1 IPvY directional communication. SIIT promotes IPv6 development
address are forwarded through the translator. IPv4-IPv6 trans- by providing IPv6 networks with the bi-directional connec-
lation is similar to IPv4 NAT on some certain level. However, tivity to legacy IPv4. SIIT does not introduce new security
applying translation to large-scale networks and asymmetric issues to the network. However, the usage of fixed prefix for
IPv4-IPv6 address space is much more challenging than that IPv4-translated address brings significant routing scalability
to the scenario of ordinary IPv4 NAT. problem, because different prefixes composed of the /96 prefix
The basic data plane operation of translation is IPv4-IPv6 + the IPv4 prefix of the SIIT host addresses would be injected
packet translation, which involves network, transport, and into IPv6 global RIB and FIB and they are impossible to
application layer. It includes address and port conversion, aggregate. Because of the per-host IPv4 address consumption
IP/TCP/UDP protocol field translation, and application layer requirement, the IPv6 side of SIIT cannot be huge. Therefore
translation (address and port conversion when they appear in its application scenarios are IPv6 network IPv4 Internet
application protocol [25]). What is more, to overcome further and IPv6 network IPv4 network.
diversities in the protocol definition between IPv4 and IPv6, IVI [27] follows the principle of stateless translation and
translation has to take care of issues like fragmentation and improves SIIT. IVI uses a network-specific, variable prefix
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
H1 IPv6 H2ĀIPv6ā Stateless H1ĀIPv4ā H2 IPv4 H1 IPv6 H2ĀIPv6ā Stateful H1ĀIPv4ā H2 IPv4
(IPv4-translated) (IPv4-Mapped) addr (IPv4-translated) (IPv4-Mapped) addr+port
translation a.b.c.d e.f.g.h H1_v6_addr translation a.b.c.d e.f.g.h
NSP: a.b.c.d:: suffix NSP: e.f.g.h:: suffix :: e.f.g.h
port port
IPv6 prefix Integrated IPv4 prefix
IPv6 NSP IPv4 route for
IVI hosts
DNS ALG for addr pool
(NSP) to replace the two fixed /96 prefixes in SIIT. Both addresses could be much smaller than the number of served
the IPv4-translated addresses and IPv4-mapped addresses are IPv6 hosts. NAT-PT (Network Address Translation - Protocol
presented as NSP + IPv4 address + suffix [28] (Figure 7). Translation) [10] is an previous stateful translation mechanism
In this way, these IPv6 addresses can naturally aggregate as which claimed to support both IPv6→IPv4 and IPv4 → IPv6.
the NSP within the network; therefore routing scalability is For presenting an IPv4 host in IPv6, NAT-PT follows the
no longer a concern. The IPv4-translated addresses can be addressing manner of SIIT and IVI, which generates an IPv4-
assigned to IPv6 hosts through DHCPv6 or SLAAC (With mapped address by adding an IPv6 prefix (::/96) to the IPv4
SLACC IPv4 address embedded in the first 64-bits). The IPv6 address of the host. On the contrary, for presenting the IPv6
hosts learn IPv4-mapped addresses of IPv4 hosts by querying a hosts in IPv4, NAT-PT learns from traditional IPv4 NAT and
local DNS server, DNS64 [29]. DNS64 turns the A records of leverages the manner of stateful address + port binding (Figure
IPv4 hosts into AAAA records following the address mapping 8). More precisely speaking, based on realtime flows, the
rule. On the other hand, the IPv6 hosts register their IPv4 NAT-PT translator dynamically binds the IPv6 host address
addresses in DNS server as A records, which are used to and the transport layer ID (TCP/UDP port or ICMP ID) with
answer the heterogeneous addressing query from the IPv4 one IPv4 address and one transport layer ID from the IPv4
side. As for routing, The IVI translator (i.e., IVI gateway) address pool. Following the two addressing schemes, NAT-PT
is responsible for advertising the prefix of IPv4 addresses translator should advertise the prefix of IPv4 address pool to
possessed by IPv6 hosts to the IPv4 side, as well as the NSP the IPv4 side, as well as the IPv6 prefix of ::/96 to the IPv6
route to the IPv6 side. side. As for the data plane, when translating an IPv6 packet
IVI is an improvement of SIIT: routing scalability problem into IPv4, the translator uses the source IPv6 address and port
and addressing issues that exist in SIIT are no longer in IVI. to look up the NAT binding table and find the source IPv4
Meanwhile, IVI inherits the advantages of SIIT, including address and port (creates a new binding if no former binding is
high performance, bi-directional connectivity, IPv6 promotion found); the destination IPv4 address is generated by removing
ability and the guarantee of security. However, the per-host the IPv6 prefix. When translating an IPv4 packet into an IPv6
IPv4 address consumption is still required in IVI. Therefore packet, the translator adds the prefix to the source IPv4 address
its application scenario is also IPv6 network
IPv4 Internet to form the source IPv6 address, and uses the destination IPv4
and IPv6 network IPv4 network. An extension of IVI is address and port to look up the NAT binding table and find
proposed to support address multiplexing [30], in which one the destination IPv6 address and port (drop the packet when
IPv4 address is shared by multiple IPv6 hosts through port no binding is found).
space division. The difficulties of initiating the communication from the
IPv4 side and the IPv6 side are quite different. If the com-
C. Stateful Translation munication is initiated from the IPv6 side, the IPv6 destina-
Unlike stateless translation which assigns IPv4 address tion address for the source host is an IPv4-mapped address
ownership to IPv6 hosts, stateful translation maintains the generated statelessly from the IPv4 destination address. If
IPv4 address resource as a pool on the translator, and uses the communication is initiated from the IPv4 side, then
the resource at per-port granularity. The number of IPv4 the stateful binding to map the IPv6 destination into IPv4
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
has to be built on the translator first and informed to the network sizes on both sides could lead to the unmanageable
source host; otherwise the source host cannot figure out the state number. So the application scenarios of NAT64 are: IPv6
IPv4 destination address and port at all. Unfortunately, this network→IPv4 Internet, IPv6 network→IPv4 network, and
is still unpractical due to issues like potential useless state IPv6 Internet→IPv4 network.
maintenance, state inconsistency, etc. Nevertheless, NAT-PT
suggests to achieve the heterogeneous addressing procedure
for both sides with DNS ALG (Application-Layer Gateway)
on the translator. To cooperate, the DNS server in IPv6 should D. Host side translation
have the heterogeneous, IPv6 address of the DNS server in
IPv4, while the DNS server in IPv4 network should have In addition to the network-side translation, there are also
the heterogeneous, IPv4 address of the DNS server in IPv6 some host-side translation mechanisms, including BIS (Bump-
in advance, so that the DNS messages could traverse the In-the-Stack) [12] and BIA (Bump-in-the-API) [33]. These
translator. For an AAAA query from IPv6, the translator two mechanisms are used for the scenario where an IPv4
converts it into an A query, and converts the A response into application on the end host needs to communicate with an
AAAA record with an IPv4-mapped address. For an A query IPv6 remote end through the IPv6 network. Here the host
from IPv4, the translator converts it into AAAA query, extracts is only provided with IPv6 access, and the remote end is
the IPv6 address from the AAAA response, creates a stateful also in IPv6, while the upper-layer application uses the IPv4
binding between the IPv6 address and an IPv4 address from stack. So what we need is an IPv4-IPv6 translation inside the
the pool, and converts the AAAA response into A response TCP/IP stack of the host, to simulate an IPv4 “environment”
with the IPv4 address. In the more general case of per-flow and “trick” the application into believing the remote end is also
binding, the DNS protocol has to be extended to include port IPv4. The purpose of the host-side translation is to preserve
information, which brings significant changes to today’s DNS IPv4-only applications in the IPv6 environment and avoid
model. application upgrades. Therefore, the reversed scenario, i.e.,
The binding table lookup operation may become the per- translation between an IPv6 application and an IPv4 network
formance bottleneck of NAT-PT. If the NAT-PT translator is is not demanded. We can simply use an IPv4 application in
implemented in software, the processing speed is negatively that case.
correlated to the size of the table. If it is implemented by hard- BIS and BIA take different manners to achieve this transla-
ware, the cost and capacity would be positively correlated to tion. BIS processes a per-packet translation, while BIA sets the
the size of the table. Besides, the time-delay of creating NAT translation on the socket level. They both maintain the stateful
binding for new flows could still lower the processing speed. IPv4-IPv6 address binding (port number not included) for each
The gain is the better IPv4 address utilization than that of remote end, which is typically triggered by DNS ALG during
stateless translation. NAT-PT promotes the IPv6 development the heterogeneous addressing phase. Any unassigned IPv4
by providing the connectivity with legacy IPv4. However, addresses can be used to create binding, and assigned to the
NAT-PT has a series of issues including the heterogeneous host for BIS/BIA usage, for they will not flow out the host. BIS
addressing difficulty [31], which drove IETF to discard the performs packet translation based on this binding table. When
NAT-PT protocol standard. upper-layer application passes down an IPv4 data packet, BIS
Nevertheless, the IPv6→IPv4 direction of NAT-PT is still translates the packet into IPv6, using the host’s IPv6 address
feasible in general. It was later enhanced and proposed as a as source address, and looking up the IPv6 destination address
dedicated mechanism–NAT64 (Network Address and Protocol in the binding table with the IPv4 destination address. When
Translation from IPv6 Clients to IPv4 Servers) [32]. NAT64 an IPv6 packet is received from the network, BIS translates it
only specifies the communication initiated from the IPv6 side. into IPv4, uses the host’s IPv4 address as destination address,
It prescribes the IPv6 prefix used for IPv4-mapped address and look up the IPv4 source address in the binding table with
to be 64:FF9B::/96. Accordingly, NAT64 translator should the IPv6 source address. BIA uses the binding table for socket
advertise the prefix of 64:FF9B::/96 to the IPv6 side, and translation. It accepts the IPv4 socket invocation from the
the prefix of the IPv4 address pool to the IPv4 side. As application, translates it into an IPv6 socket invocation which
to the heterogeneous addressing manner, NAT64 refines the is handled by the IPv6 stack, and sends the return values of
DNS-based method. The DNS ALG function is extracted the IPv6 invocation back to IPv4. Data is also handed over
from the translator and becomes a dedicated DNS64 server, between IPv4 socket and IPv6 socket. Since the translation
which is actually cascaded in the hierarchical DNS system. happens on the socket API level, in BIA there are no IPv4
It translates the AAAA query from IPv6 hosts into A query packets.
when receiving one, and translates the A response for IPv6 BIS and BIA are implemented in software and planted
hosts into AAAA response following the IPv4-mapped address inside end hosts. They are only responsible for the IPv4
rule before sending one out. The data plane processing is the traffic inside their own host, so performance will not be an
same with IPv6→IPv4 NAT-PT. issue. The main security risk is also inside the host: malicious
The performance of NAT64 is similar to NAT-PT. The main applications may launch a DoS attack by sending a large
security issue of NAT64 is DoS(Deny of Service) attack on number of DNS queries and exhausting the IPv4 address pool
the binding table, with ingress filtering on the IPv6 side as the and the space of the binding table. The two mechanisms
solution. The per-flow stateful nature of NAT64 excludes the obviously promote IPv6 by easing the transition of upper-layer
scenario of IPv6 Internet→IPv4 Internet, for uncontrollable applications.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Mechanism Scenario Mechanism Address mapping IPv6 prefix usage IPv4 address us- Issues
status age
SIIT IPv6 network IPv4 net- Replaced by IVI Stateless address Separated, fixed One IPv4 address Voracious IPv4
work; IPv6 network mapping prefixes for IPv6 for each IPv6 address consumption;
IPv4 Internet hosts and IPv4 host routing scalability
hosts problem; common
translation issues
IVI IPv6 network IPv4 net- Replace SIIT Stateless address Same network- One IPv4 address Voracious IPv4
work; IPv6 network mapping specific prefix for each IPv6 address consumption;
IPv4 Internet for IPv6 hosts host common translation
and IPv4 hosts issues
NAT-PT IPv6 network → IPv4 In- Replaced by Stateful address Fixed IPv6 prefix Address pool Low feasibility
ternet; IPv6 network → NAT64 on IPv6 + port binding for IPv4 hosts maintained by on IPv4 → IPv6
IPv4 network; IPv6 Inter- → IPv4 direction the translator direction; per-flow
net → IPv4 network; IPv4 state maintenance;
→ IPv6(low feasibility) DoS risk; common
translation issues
NAT64 IPv6 network → IPv4 net- Replace NAT-PT Stateful address Fixed IPv6 prefix Address pool Per-flow state main-
work; IPv6 Internet → on IPv6 → IPv4 + port binding for IPv4 hosts maintained by tenance; DoS attack
IPv4 network; IPv6 net- direction the translator risk; common transla-
work → IPv4 Internet tion issues
BIS/BIA IPv4 application IPv6 Active host side Stateful address None Any unsigned DoS attack risk; ALG
Internet, preserve IPv4- translation mech- binding IPv4 addresses issue
only applications in IPv6 anism
Src addr | H1 IPvY addr
Dst addr | H2 IPvY addr
Payload Payload Payload
Src addr | H1 IPvY addr Src addr | TE1 IPvX addr Src addr | H1 IPvY addr
Dst addr | H2 IPvY addr Dst addr | TE2 IPvX addr Dst addr | H2 IPvY addr
Encapsulation Decapsulation
address scheme or address/prefix binding. IPvY routing across IPv6 Net A 6to4 6to4 IPv6
the IPvX network is required for IPvY forwarding. Router Relay Internet
For static, simple traversing demand, traditional configured
tunnels can be a satisfactory solution. As for the general
Fig. 10. 6to4 Principle
case, we need more flexible tunneling mechanisms. Based on
the diversity in traversing scenarios, there are three types of
tunneling mechanisms: Tunnel Mesh, Host-to-Host Tunnel and
users and can easily reach line-speed. 6to4 promotes IPv6
Hub & Spokes Tunnel [44].
development by providing IPv6 connectivity despite of the
separation caused by IPv4. However, the use of 6to4 Relay
B. Tunnel Mesh Mechanisms brings a routing scalability problem. 6to4 splits the well-
6to4 (Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds) [8] known 2002::/16 prefix into scattered IPv6 network prefixes
aims to solve the problem that isolated IPv6 networks com- which cannot aggregate on a 6to4 Relay at all. Every 6to4
municate with each other across an arbitrary IPv4 network, Relay has to advertise all the /48 prefixes from its customer
as well as the problem that an isolated IPv6 network com- IPv6 networks into the global IPv6 RIB and FIB. Otherwise
municates with IPv6 Internet across the same IPv4 network. the relay may lose some customers’ traffic or receive unwanted
As is shown in Figure 10, 6to4 leverages the address scheme traffic. With the IPv6 Internet getting larger and larger, the
of algorithmic mapping to achieve an automatic tunnel. It global IPv6 FIB and RIB will suffer from the large number
links the addresses of each isolated IPv6 network to the of such /48 prefixes. Therefore 6to4 will not be a continuable
IPv4 address of its 6to4 Router with a fixed IPv6 prefix: IPv6-over-IPv4 mesh solution. 6to4 Routers and Relays also
the addresses in the IPv6 network must be within the prefix open a hole for spoofing attack on IPv6 from IPv4, which
of 2002:IPv4ADDR::/48, in which the 32-bit IPv4ADDR is exists in most tunnel mechanisms.
the address of 6to4 Router. Thus for communication between Softwire Mesh [45]–[47] is another router-to-router tunnel
isolated IPv6 networks, when a 6to4 Router performs encap- mechanism in the mesh scenario. It is used to connect E-IP
sulation, the encapsulation destination address which is the (External-IP) client networks under the same I-IP (Internel-IP)
address of the egress 6to4 Router can be extracted directly backbone (Figure 11). The mechanism is applicable to both
from the IPv6 destination addresses. As for the communication IPv4-over-IPv6 and IPv6-over-IPv4 traversing. Unlike 6to4,
between an isolated IPv6 network and the IPv6 Internet, 6to4 Softwire Mesh does not have requirements on the E-IP address
builds a tunnel between 6to4 Router and 6to4 Relay. In this scheme: the addressing of E-IP and I-IP networks remains
case the 6to4 Router should learn in advance the Relay’s IPv4 independent. As tunnel endpoints, AFBRs on the border of
address as encapsulation destination. Meanwhile, the 6to4 the I-IP network and E-IP client networks form an iBGP
Relay should advertise the prefixes of 2002:IPv4ADDR::/48 mesh to create prefix bindings. By extending the MP-BGP
for each isolated network. 6to4 does not impose extra routing protocol, the AFBRs advertise and receive E-IP routes of client
requirements on the IPv4 network in the middle. networks across the I-IP backbone. These routes turn into
6to4 keeps the 6to4 Router and Relay stateless. Similar the address bindings between E-IP prefixes and I-IP AFBR
to SIIT, it processes all the packets in a unified way, so addresses on the recipient AFBR. When the AFBR performs
the data plane performance is not bound by the number of I-IP encapsulation, it chooses from the binding table the entry
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
AFBR3 AFBR4 customer
Client net3 client net4
IPv6 NSP IPv4 CE prefix
that has the longest match with the E-IP destination address, causes redundant transmission. A node may receive traffic
and uses the I-IP address of the entry as the encapsulation which is not intended for them. Other than that, data plane
destination. The E-IP over I-IP routing is also realized by the performance is not a concern because the tunnel endpoints are
iBGP mesh in the identical process. on the hosts. The main security risk is the attack on the ND
In Softwire Mesh, each AFBR has to maintain the bindings protocol. Attackers from IPv4 may inject unicast ND messages
and is thereby per-prefix stateful. Yet the size of the binding to break the ND process or fake as a 6over4 endpoint. Due
table will be no larger than the size of E-IP forwarding table. to these issues and the limited multicast support in today’s
Therefore the cost of the binding lookup during encapsulation ISP network, 6over4 does not seem to have much application
is acceptable, and the mechanism has good performance and prospect.
scalability. Besides, Softwire Mesh supports multiple tunnel ISATAP (Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol)
types which includes IP-IP, GRE, MPLS, L2TP, IPsec, by [49] is another tunnel mechanism for IPv6-capable hosts to
offering a generic tunnel signaling method in MP-BGP. The communicate across IPv4 networks. Unlike 6over4, ISATAP
mechanism promotes IPv6 development because it enhances treats IPv4 as a virtual NBMA (nonbroadcast multiple-access
IPv6 inter-connectivity over IPv4, and adds the function of network) data link layer. An ISATAP host uses a link-local
IPv4 transport to IPv6. Since iBGP has mature security solu- IPv6 address which has the fixed prefix of fe80::5efe/96
tions, the control plane of the mechanism is secure. Spoofing followed by the 32-bit IPv4 address of the host. The data
attack could still happen on the data plane, yet it can be plane procedure follows typical stateless manner. When encap-
significantly reduced by applying E-IP destination verification. sulating IPv6 packets between ISATAP hosts, the IPv4 source
6PE (Connecting IPv6 Islands over IPv4 MPLS Using IPv6 and destination addresses can be extracted from the IPv6
Provider Edge Routers) [48] adopts the similar mechanism of source and destination. Besides the regular hosts, ISATAP
Softwire Mesh to solve the problem of IPv6 networks travers- can also have one or more IPv6 gateway routers as tunnel
ing IPv4 MPLS transit. The differences between 6PE and endpoints. These gateway routers can provide tunneled IPv6
IPv6-over-IPv4 Softwire Mesh are: 6PE uses standard MP- access to ISATAP hosts leveraging ND protocol. However,
BGP to advertise IPv6 routes with IPv6 next hop mapped from the nonbroadcast nature of the virtual link makes automatic
AFBR’s IPv4 address, and 6PE AFBR uses IPv6-over-MPLS router discovery impossible. Therefore the IPv4 addresses of
tunnel for forwarding, in which encapsulation is based on the the gateways have to be configured on the hosts. Then the
MPLS label of the mapped IPv6 address of remote AFBR. gateway routers can provide on-link global IPv6 prefixes and
In general this mechanism can be viewed as a customized subsequently a global IPv6 access to ISATAP hosts. In this
Softwire Mesh solution to MPLS transit. case ISATAP turns into a Hub & Spokes tunnel, which is
actually the main usage of ISATAP in current deployment.
The performance of ISATAP data plane is good in general,
C. Host-to-host Tunnel Mechanisms because it is stateless. However, as a Hub & Spokes tunnel
6over4 (Transmission of IPv6 over IPv4 Domains without mechanism, the control plane complexity is still higher than
Explicit Tunnels) [9] is a tunnel mechanism between hosts, the new 6RD mechanism which uses the pure layer-3 stateless
used to achieve IPv6 communication between isolated IPv6- IP-IP tunnel. ISATAP promotes IPv6 adoption by providing a
capable hosts across an IPv4-only network. The idea of 6over4 rapid end user IPv6 deployment in the IPv4 environment. The
is leveraging IPv4 multicast to build a virtual “LAN” among security risk of ISATAP is similar to 6over4. A malicious IPv4
IPv6-capable hosts. In other words, it is an IPv6 Ethernet-over- host can pretend to be part of the ISATAP link and launch
IPv4 multicast tunnel. While it does not require any address attacks.
scheme or binding, the control plane complexity is actually
quite high: the host and the network infrastructure have to D. Hub & Spokes Tunnel Mechanisms
fully support IPv4 multicast; special efforts are required to Hub & Spokes Softwire [50] adopts the L2TP-over-UDP-
enable IPv6 LAN protocols such as SLAAC and ND to work over-IP tunnel, to provide an IPv4/IPv6 Internet access to
on the virtual LAN. Subsequently the failure mode would be hosts/home networks across an IPv6/IPv4 network. This mech-
quite complex. On data plane, the multicast forwarding manner anism can apply to both IPv4-over-IPv6 and IPv6-over-IPv4
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
4over6 initiator:
Home net: B4: CPE Home net: CPE
private v4 private v4
IPv4 pool IPv4 pool
ISP IPv6 AFTR ISP IPv6 concentrator
network network
IPv4 v4 addr1, port set1 IPv4
Home net: Internet Home net: Internet
private v4 private v4
1, port 6
v4 addr
ove r IPv
CPE1 Pv4
H1 H1 CPE1 DHC Binding Table
CGN Binding Table
H2 H1 v4 Src CPE1 Mapped Mapped v4 addr1 Port set 1 CPE1 v6 addr
addr Port 1 v6 addr v4 addr1 v4 port1 H2
B4: Host H2 v4 Src H2 v6 Mapped Mapped v4 addr1 Port set 2 H2 v6 addr
4over6 initiator:
addr Port 2 addr v4 addr2 v4 port2 Host
Private IPv4 Private IPv4-in-IPv6 Public IPv4 Public/private IPv4 Public IPv4-in-IPv6 Public IPv4
Fig. 13. Dual-stack Lite principle Fig. 14. Lightweight 4over6 principle
scenarios. It uses L2TP on the inner layer of the tunnel of endless loop inside a 6RD domain. The solution is ingress
to build a virtual layer-2 environment over the tunnel, and filtering based on the 6RD address scheme.
subsequently forms a point-to-point IP connection upon it. There is still a particular problem in IPv6-over-IPv4 Hub &
L2TP/PPP session state maintenance is required, as well Spokes scenario: NAT traversal in the IPv4 network. One or
as the IPv4-IPv6 address binding which maps outer layer more IPv4 NATs may exist in the middle network. Since 6to4
destination addresses into different tunnels. On data plane, and 6RD use IP-in-IP encapsulation while typical NAT only
UDP is included in the encapsulation header. The initiators allows TCP/UDP/ICMP packets, the encapsulated packets
would always encapsulate the packet to the concentrator, while cannot traverse these NATs. Teredo (Tunneling IPv6 over
the concentrator has to decide the correct initiator as the UDP through Network Address Translations) [53] builds a
encapsulation destination, by looking up the stateful address solution to address this problem. It uses IPv6-over-UDP-over-
binding. Therefore the data plane of Hub & Spokes Softwire IPv4 encapsulation, with a chosen source port and 3544 as
is per-user stateful. However, the control plane is too complex. the destination port. A Teredo client (tunnel initiator) adopts
L2TP and PPP require session state maintenance as well as a stateless-style address scheme: the 64-bit prefix consists
several rounds of signaling, which may affect the performance of 2001:0000/32 and the IPv4 Teredo server address, while
in large-scale deployment. It also exposes more vulnerability the interface ID contains the UDP port and IPv4 address
to attackers. The L2TP tunnel and the PPP sessions may be mapped by the outermost NAT. A Teredo client learns this
hijacked, and the PPP signaling may be disrupted. DoS attacks IPv4 port and address by interacting with the Teredo server
could happen on multiple levels. As a result, recent researches and simultaneously installing the address + port binding(s)
focus on developing mechanisms with pure IP-IP tunnels. on the NAT(s) along the path. The client must refresh the
The IP-IP solution to IPv6-over-IPv4 Hub & Spokes sce- binding(s) by periodically interacting with the server as well.
nario is 6RD (IPv6 Rapid Deployment on IPv4 Infrastructures) Then two Teredo clients can communicate with each other
[51], [52]. 6RD mechanism applies 6to4 tunnel into the Hub & directly using this type of addresses and the IPv6-over-UDP-
Spokes scenario: it concentrates one endpoint of each tunnel to over-IPv4 tunnel. During encapsulating, the IPv4 destination
be the 6RD Border Router (BR) on the IPv4-IPv6 Border, and address and UDP destination port can be extracted from the
distributes the other endpoint of each tunnel to the customer IPv6 destination address. As for the communication between
CPEs or hosts which are called 6RD Customer Edge routers Teredo clients and plain IPv6 nodes, Teredo relay is used as the
(CEs) in the context. 6RD uses network specific IPv6 prefix tunnel concentrator. A Teredo relay must advertise reachability
instead of the fixed prefix 2002:IPv4ADDR::/48 in 6to4. The of the Teredo prefix to IPv6 Internet. A Teredo client discovers
IPv6 customer networks under 6RD CEs must use the prefixes the relay implicitly. It sends an IPv6 ICMP echo request to
of NSP:CE IPv4ADDR/, which can be aggregated at the 6RD the IPv6 node, which is tunneled to the server and then the
BR as the NSP, and advertised to the global IPv6 Internet. By destination. The echo reply will be forwarded to the Teredo
doing this, 6RD removes the routing scalability concern in relay following IPv6 routing, and tunneled back to the Teredo
6to4 and guarantees unique global reachability for customers. client. By examining the IPv4 source address and port of
Based on the address scheme, the data plane encapsulation the encapsulation packet, the client discovers the relay, and
on BR is stateless; it does not keep any IPv4-IPv6 address uses it as the encapsulation destination in further forwarding.
binding. Another benefit of the stateless encapsulation is that, Therefore, Teredo server only participates in control plane so
when the communication happens between two CEs, they can the load is reduced.
build direct tunnels between themselves and thus avoid hairpin The data plane performance of Teredo is good due to the
on BR (i.e., tunnel from CE to BR and then from BR to the statelessness. However, the control plane functions for travers-
other CE). ing NAT brings too much complexity. They also introduce
The performance of 6RD is quite good because of its state- various failure modes and several security risks including man-
lessness and simplicity. Line-speed data processing is expected in-the-middle attacks at the server or relay, DoS attack, etc.
on the BR. 6RD promotes IPv6 adoption by providing a Therefore, Teredo has much less deployment compared with
rapid end site IPv6 deployment in the IPv4 environment. The 6to4 and ISATAP. But it is so far the only IPv6-over-IPv4
security issue of 6RD is spoofing attack on IPv6 from IPv4. solution that survives IPv4 NAT well.
Packet amplification attack may arise, which generates traffic The IPv4-over-IPv6 scenario is a little more complicated.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
In consideration of the IPv4 address shortage, researchers add to the initiators (IPv6-faced host or home network CPE).
the address sharing feature to IPv4-over-IPv6 Hub & Spokes When one such allocation is done, the initiator assigns the
mechanisms. One manner to share IPv4 addresses is CGN allocated address as the tunnel inner layer address, while
(Carrier-Grade NAT) which gathers IPv4 address resources the concentrator records the binding between the allocated
and allocates them dynamically in a per-port style based IPv4 address and the initiator’s IPv6 address. The concentrator
on realtime flows; the other manner is port-set provisioning should advertise the prefix of the DHCP address pool to the
which divides every IPv4 address into multiple port-sets and IPv4 Internet. In the outbound direction of the data plane, the
provisions the addresses with restricted port-set to end users. concentrator simply decapsulates the packet tunneled from an
Another bifurcation is stateful encapsulation vs. stateless en- initiator and forwards it. As for inbound packet encapsulation,
capsulation. In stateful encapsulation the concentrator keeps the concentrator should look up the IPv6 destination in the
the bindings between the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of the address binding table using the IPv4 destination address.
initiators, while in stateless encapsulation, by leveraging the Lightweight 4over6 [57] extends Public 4over6 to serve the
address scheme of embedding the initiator’s IPv4 address into case of address sharing. The differences from Public 4over6 lie
an IPv6 address, binding maintenance is not necessary. Based in port-set support: the DHCPv4 process is further extended
on these two bifurcation elements, three types of IPv4-over- to support port-set provision, and the binding table on the
IPv6 Hub & Spokes solutions are proposed [54]. concentrator includes the port-set information besides the
Dual-stack Lite [55] takes the CGN manner and stateful IPv4 address. The two are combined to form an index for
encapsulation to solve the IPv4-over-IPv6 Hub & Spokes encapsulation destination lookup.
problem. In Dual-stack Lite, the home networks/hosts are re- The state amount of 4over6 is reduced to a per-user scale
quired to use private IPv4 addresses, while the AFTR (Address rather than a per-flow scale. Therefore the performance would
Family Transition Router, the tunnel concentrator) functions be much better. Besides, 4over6 does not have the ALG issue,
as a CGN and performs unified IPv4 private-public translation. and the communication can be fully bidirectional. Although,
Neither IPv4 provisioning nor particular IPv6 address scheme the multiplexing rate will not be as high as that in Dual-
is needed in Dual-stack lite. The AFTR should advertise the stack lite, and the amount of port for each user is limited.
prefix of the CGN pool to the IPv4 Internet. In the outbound The main security issue of 4over6 is man-in-the-middle attack
direction of the data plane, Basic Bridging BroadBand element on DHCP. As a result, ingress filtering and DHCP security
(B4, IPv6-faced host or Customer Premises Equipment of solutions should be applied.
home network) sends every IPv4 packet to AFTR through As the third type solution, MAP-E (Mapping of Address
the IPv4-in-IPv6 tunnel. AFTR decapsulates the packet, per- and Port using Encapsulation) [58] and 4RD (IPv4 Residual
forms the translation, records the binding between the original Deployment via IPv6) [59] take port-set provision and stateless
(private IPv4 address, source port, B4 IPv6 address) and the encapsulation. The principles of the two mechanisms are very
translated (mapped public IPv4 address, mapped source port) similar in essence; we use MAP-E to represent them in the
in the CGN table, and then forwards the packet to the IPv4 following. MAP-E can be viewed as the mirror image of 6RD
Internet. In the inbound direction, an IPv4 packet arriving on in IPv4-over-IPv6 scenario, with the port-set style address
the AFTR will be translated and encapsulated simultaneously sharing. In MAP-E, the Customer Edge routers (CE, IPv6-
according to the binding in the CGN table, and then forwarded faced host or CPE of home network) is provisioned with
to a B4. IPv4 address of restricted port-set. Instead of explicit IPv4
Similar to NAT64, the CGN lookup operation is the per- provision, CE gets the IPv4 address and port-set from its
formance bottleneck of Dual-stack Lite. In case of software IPv6 address. This is achieved by encoding the information
implementation, the processing speed is negatively correlated of IPv4 address and port-set into the CE’s IPv6 address and
to the size of the CGN table. As for hardware implementation, thus coupling IPv6 and IPv4 provision. To be more specific,
the cost and capacity would be positively correlated to the the CE IPv6 address is composed of a Rule IPv6 prefix, the
size of the table. The time-delay of creating new bindings EA bits which contain IPv4 address suffix and port set index,
could lower the processing speed. Besides, CGN introduces a subnet ID and a 64-bit interface ID. There can be multiple
issues like application layer translation and inbound access instances of the address rules, with different IPv6 prefixes,
disability. The gain is a high multiplexing rate of the address IPv4 prefixes and address sharing ratios. By maintaining all
resource. Dual-stack Lite preserves IPv4 availability in future these rules on the BR (Border Relay, tunnel concentrator) and
IPv6 infrastructure and therefore promotes IPv6 adoption (So provisioning some rules to CEs, stateless encapsulation can be
is 4over6 and MAP-E). The main security issue is DoS attack achieved. Both the CEs and BR are able to calculate the IPv6
on CGN. Considering the address-sharing mode in Dual-stack encapsulation destination address, based on the rules and the
lite, ISPs have to log 5-tuple binding with timestamp for user IPv4 destination address and port. When a CE maintains the
traceability, which could become a burden. address rule for a remote CE, it can calculate the encapsulation
4over6 (IPv4 over IPv6 Access Network) chooses the com- destination, send packets to the remote CE directly and avoid
bination of port-set provision and stateful encapsulation. As hairpin on the BR. When the CE does not have this rule, it
a basis, Public 4over6 [56] describes the case of full IPv4 sends the packet to BR. The BR should advertise the IPv4
address provision. Public 4over6 has no requirement on the prefixes for all the address rules it maintains.
IPv6 address scheme. In IPv4 scope, DHCPv4 is modified Compared to 4over6 and Dual-stack lite, MAP-E achieves
to run properly in the IPv6 environment, so as to achieve the great benefit of statelessness, so the performance will
the dynamic IPv4 address allocation from the concentrator be good. Line-speed data processing is expected on the BR.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
However, since the mechanism deeply couples IPv4 and IPv6 F. Summary of tunneling mechanisms
addressing, it becomes a little less flexible to deploy: the The tunneling mechanisms are summarized in Table II.
deployment has to be entire-network style rather than on- We can see from this table that Softwire Mesh, 6RD, Dual-
demand style, otherwise some of the coupled IPv4 addresses stack lite, 4over6 and MAP-E are able to form the set of
will be wasted. With the combination of ingress filtering enhanced tunneling mechanisms, which covers most cases of
and consistency checks on IPv4 and IPv6 address, spoofing the heterogeneous traversing problem. In particular, for IPv4-
attacks and routing-loop attacks will not happen to MAP-E. over-IPv6 Hub & Spokes scenario, Dual-stack Lite, 4over6 and
Traffic hijacking could happen by man-in-the-middle attack on MAP-E have respective pros and cons. The three mechanisms
DHCPv6 which provisions the rules. DHCP Security solution together fulfill different demands under that scenario. As an
should be deployed. exception, Teredo is the only solution to the IPv6-over-IPv4
Hub & Spokes problem with NAT traversal capability.
E. Double translation vs. tunneling VI. M ECHANISM USAGE & DEPLOYMENT STRATEGY
Theoretically, IPvY-IPvX-IPvY traversing may also be The former two sections provide an overview of the main-
achieved by one-time IPvY-IPvX translation on ingress tunnel stream IPv6 transition mechanisms that have been proposed.
endpoint and one-time IPvX-IPvY translation on egress tunnel Table III maps the proper mechanisms into all the scenarios
endpoint. However, this is infeasible in IPv6-IPv4-IPv6 sce- of heterogeneous inter-connection and heterogeneous travers-
nario. While we can turn IPv6 addresses into IPv4 addresses ing. However, these mechanisms are still not designed in a
during the first translation, it is impossible to recover these very practical environment of ISP networks. It still causes
128-bit IPv6 addresses based on the 32-bit IPv4 addresses in confusions for operators when selecting among so many
the second translation. As for the IPv4-IPv6-IPv4 scenario, mechanisms and making deployment plans. This section will
there have been two mechanisms proposed based on double discuss how to choose and deploy the transition mechanisms.
For the stateless solution to IPv4-IPv6-IPv4 Hub & Spokes, A. Transition Requirements in ISP networks
MAP-T (Mapping of Address and Port using Translation) [58] A practical ISP network contains ISP backbone and edge
is proposed along with MAP-E. In MAP-T the two translations networks. The backbone network is usually connected with
happen on CE and BR. MAP-T follows the exact address provider ISPs, customer ISPs, peer ISPs, and edge networks
scheme of CEs in MAP-E. There is a tiny difference, however. inside the ISP, typically all through BGP. The border routers of
In MAP-E, for encapsulated IPv6 packets between CE and the backbone form an iBGP mesh. The scale of the backbone
BR, BR’s address is used as IPv6 source or destination. But network is usually limited, therefore IPv4 address shortage is
In MAP-T, the IPv6 packets have to use the IPv4-mapped not a concern. The routers in the backbone usually have the
addresses as source addresses in the inbound direction and highest upgrading priority.
destination addresses in the outbound direction. Otherwise the An edge network (regional and access network, campus
IPv4 address of the remote end will be lost. network, etc.) is attached to the backbone in the upward
For the stateful solution of IPv4-IPv6-IPv4 Hub & Spokes, direction and faces end users in the downward direction. The
464XLAT [60] is proposed, which is similar to Dual-stack lite edge network is relatively independent from the backbone and
to some extent. 464XLAT is actually a combination of SIIT provides the infrastructure services by itself. The edge network
on the user side and NAT64 on the carrier side. Hosts or home has the aggregating characteristic, all along from end users to
networks on the user side use private addresses. Take the data the backbone entrance. Due to the large population of end
plane of the outbound direction as an example, an IPv4 packet users, most often the edge network will not provision public
is translated into IPv6 on the ”B4” following SIIT mechanism IPv4 addresses freely in the recent future. Typically, a large
(with a private IPv4 address embedded in an IPv4-translated number of routers, access devices and servers in the existing
address), forwarded natively to the ”AFTR”, and translated edge network cannot support IPv6 well. A considerable, costly
into IPv4 packet which has a public source address. From upgrade is needed to support native IPv6. Besides, although
end-to-end perspective, 464XLATE achieves the exact effect the mainstream operating systems on end user devices are
of Dual-stack Lite. IPv6-ready, not a lot of applications are actually IPv6-capable.
In these two examples, it seems that tunneling and double Based on these facts, we summarize the ISP transition
translation can replace each other in their respective scenarios. requirements as follows:
However, detailed differences still exist. While tunneling keeps (1) Provisions of both IPv4 and IPv6 services. The ISP should
full transparency of the inner IPv4 by preserving the original guarantee that users can reach and be reached by both IPv4
packets, translation cannot achieve that. Due to the protocol and IPv6 Internet.
diversity between IPv4 and IPv6, translation cannot keep full (2) Sustainable development. The ISPs are eager for mecha-
set information in the protocol header. Most of the fields are nisms which can ease and promote IPv6 adoption, rather than
preserved, whereas the rest are lost, such as ToS, Flags and those that will restrain IPv6 development.
Identification. On the other hand, double translation exposes (3) Incremental deployment and minimum upgrade. The ex-
a little more information of the inner IPv4 addresses than isting infrastructure is already a huge investment for the
tunneling, so theoretically it may provide some convenience ISPs. Incremental deployment and minimum upgrade could
for operators to perform tasks like traffic engineering. significantly save the cost and reduce the operation burden.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Mechanism Scenario Encapsulation Address mapping for En- Heterogeneous routing Issues
manner capsulation
6to4 IPv6-over-IPv4 mesh IP-in-IP Stateless mapping,IPv4 BR advertises IPv6 routes Routing scalability issue: pre-
address embedded in IPv6 for isolated IPv6 islands to fix unable to aggragate
Softwire IPv6-over-IPv4/ IP-in-IP/ GRE/ (E-IP prefix, I-IP address) Extend MP-BGP to route None
Mesh IPv4-over-IPv6 mesh L2TP/ MPLS/ mapping, per prefix E-IP prefixes across I-IP
6PE IPv6-over-IPv4 mesh IP-in-MPLS E-IP prefix with I-IP ad- Extend MP-BGP to route Only apply to MPLS infras-
dress mapped to MPLS la- E-IP prefixes across I-IP tructure
6over4 IPv6-over-IPv4 host- Ethernet over none none need multicast support in
to-host IPv4-multicast IPv4 infrastructure
ISATAP IPv6-over-IPv4 host- NBMA-over- stateless mapping with Prefix configuration by ND More complicated control
to-host/ Hub & IPv4 link-local or global prefix plane than layer-3 IP-IP
Hub & IPv6-over-IPv4/ L2TP-over-UDP (E-IP, I-IP) address bind- concentrator advertises E- Too complicated to manage
Spokes IPv4-over-IPv6 Hub ing, per user IP routes for users L2TP-over-UDP tunnel
Softwire & Spokes
6RD IPv6-over-IPv4 Hub IP-in-IP stateless automatic map- BR advertises IPv6 routes none
& Spokes ping, IPv4 address embed- for users
ded in IPv6
Teredo IPv6-over-IPv4 Hub IP-in-UDP-in-IP stateless mapping, IPv4 Relay advertises IPv6 Too complex control plane
& Spokes with IPv4 address +port embedded routes for users signaling
NAT traversal in IPv6
Dual- IPv4-over-IPv6 Hub IP-in-IP (IPv6 address, private AFTR advertises IPv4 Application layer translation,
stack & Spokes (private IPv4 address, port)- routes for users per-flow state maintenance,
Lite IPv4 on user side) (public IPv4 address, disability of inbound access
port) binding, per flow
4over6 IPv4-over-IPv6 Hub IP-in-IP IPv6 address-IPv4 Concentrator advertises Address sharing rate not as
& Spokes (public address(+port-set) IPv4 routes for users high as Dual-stack lite, per-
IPv4 for users) binding, per user user state maintenance
MAP-E IPv4-over-IPv6 Hub IP-in-IP stateless mapping, IPv4 IPv6 routing to support less flexible than 4over6,
& Spokes (public address + port-set embed- coupled addressing; BR ad- sharing rate not as high as
IPv4 for users) ded in IPv6 vertises IPv4 routes for Dual-stack Lite
T RANSITION TECHNIQUES : SOLUTION SPACE management are charged by the edge network. This is also
reflected in transition deployment: the backbone focuses on
Transition Scenario Transition Proposal providing both IPv4 and IPv6 transports to edge networks.
IPv6 network → IPv4 network IVI/NAT64
IPv6 network → IPv4 Internet IVI/NAT64
The straightforward approach here is upgrading the back-
IPv6 Internet → IPv4 network NAT64 bone to dual stack, or building a standalone IPv6 backbone
IPv6 Internet → IPv4 Internet None beside IPv4. The drawback is also obvious: the cost in both
IPv4 network → IPv6 network IVI hardware upgrade and operation & management is too high.
IPv4 network → IPv6 Internet None
IPv4 Internet → IPv6 network IVI The other solution is to deploy Softwire Mesh and provide
IPv4 Internet → IPv6 Internet None dual-stack transport on top of the single-stack backbone. For
IPv4 application
IPv6 Internet BIS/BIA the existing IPv4 backbone, we can deploy IPv6-over-IPv4
IPv6 application
IPv4 Internet None
IPv6-over-IPv4 mesh Softwire Mesh
mesh. To achieve that we should upgrade the border routers
IPv4-over-IPv6 mesh Softwire Mesh of the backbone to support dual-stack, as well as IPv6-over-
IPv6-over-IPv4 Hub &Spokes 6RD, Teredo(NAT traversal IPv4 mesh AFBR functions. IPv6 traffic can be forwarded in
only) the backbone by IPv6-over-IPv4 tunnel between AFBRs. The
IPv4-over-IPv6 Hub &Spokes Dual-stack Lite, 4over6, MAP-
E routers inside the backbone can remain IPv4-only and avoid
upgrading. As for IPv6 backbone which will be widely built
in the future, we can deploy IPv4-over-IPv6 mesh to preserve
(4) Mechanisms should be simple, robust, and easy to deploy. IPv4 transport. In case the number of AFBRs gets large, a
(5) Mechanisms should have high performance and scalability. Softwire-Mesh-friendly router reflector can be set up inside
(6) Best-effort transparency to end users and applications. the backbone, to reduce the control plane complexity. The
The less the transition mechanism affects end users and Softwire Mesh solution significantly saves the hardware and
applications, the easier it is for end users and ICPs to accept operation cost. Only one physical backbone is used while IPv4
the transition and subsequently cooperate with the transition and IPv6 transports are achieved simultaneously.
networks. It is known that dual-stack edge network is unprac- initiated from the remote end, so it is of great convenience
tical due to the cost and user population. Besides, because of if the server possesses a full IPv4 address. The sever should
the complexity and scalability issues, translation mechanisms provide services for both IPv4 and IPv6 clients. The IP layer
should be deployed inside the edge network rather than in support to that is dual-stack access provided by the Public
the backbone. In the following we provide different transition 4over6 or MAP-E. If the server supports both IPv4 and
strategies according to different communication requirements IPv6 on the application layer, then no further mechanism is
and edge network types. required; otherwise application level transition support should
The IPv4 edge network provides a native IPv4 access to end be provided. If the server runs on IPv4, we can deploy a
users. If end users further want IPv6 access, 6RD can be used. NAT64 translator in front of the ICP network with its IPv4 side
End host or CPE should be dual-stack and support 6RD CE facing the server, to translate connections from IPv6 clients
functions. On the ISP side, one or more 6RD BRs should be into IPv4; otherwise the server runs on IPv6, and we can
deployed as tunnel concentrators. The IPv6 forwarding path deploy an IVI translator in front of the ICP network, with
between BRs and backbone entrance can be built by dedicated its IPv6 side facing the server, to translate connections from
IPv6 links or stateless tunnel, or even a softwire mesh. BR IPv4 clients into IPv6. ALG should be carefully customized
discovery on CE can be implemented by DHCPv4 extension in these cases.
or out-of-band configuration.
Users in IPv4 edge networks may also want to visit IPv6
D. Typical Case Study
using IPv4. Among the transition mechanisms, we only find
NAT-PT to satisfy the demand. However, the IPv4→IPv6 1) CERNET2 backbone: CERNET (China Education and
direction of NAT-PT is not so feasible. Therefore, we suggest Research Network) is one of the earliest ISPs which have
the ISPs not to support this demand, or only provide it in a activated IPv6. The IPv6 project of CERNET was launched
small-scale, controllable environment. in Sept 2003 and has been providing IPv6 transport service
Unlike existing IPv4 edge networks, new edge networks for campus networks since Jun 2004. Currently, the CERNET2
built in the following years will probably be native IPv6. Then backbone is a pure IPv6 network containing 20 PoPs and 1
for IPv4 access demands, the ISP could deploy dual-stack IXP. The clients include over 100 campus networks.
lite, 4over6 or MAP-E. This requires end hosts or CPEs to A CERNET campus network provides native dual-stack
become dual-stack and support these tunnel initiator functions. access for end users, with the IPv4 and IPv6 campus gateways
On the ISP side, one or more tunnel concentrators should be separated. The IPv4 gateway connects to CERNET IPv4
deployed. The IPv4 forwarding path between tunnel concen- backbone, while the IPv6 gateway connects to CERNET2
trators and backbone entrance can be built by dedicated IPv4 IPv6 backbone. It is of great significance that CERNET2
links, stateless tunnels, or softwire mesh. Tunnel concentrator can provide IPv4 transport besides IPv6 transport. On one
discovery can be implemented by DHCPv6 extension or out- hand, the operator can transfer a portion of IPv4 traffic from
of-band configuration. The ISP should choose among the CERNET to CERNET2, reducing the load of CERNET IPv4
three candidate mechanisms based on its IPv4 address surplus backbone and leveraging the CERNET2 infrastructure. On
situation and network condition. If high-rate address sharing the other hand, in a long term CERNET2 backbone will
is the top requirement, or CGN issue is not a big concern replace CERNET backbone and become the major backbone
for users (e.g., mobile users), then Dual-stack Lite would be eventually. At that time, it will be a basic requirement of
a suitable solution. On the other hand, 4over6 and MAP-E CERNET2 to support IPv4 transport.
are the choices when the ISP has enough IPv4 addresses for CERNET2 adopts Softwire Mesh to satisfy this demand.
port set provisioning. If IPv4 access is a common requirement It builds an IPv4-over-IPv6 mesh on the IPv6 backbone to
from subscribers and the ISP is able to renumber the IPv6 achieve connectivity between IPv4 campus networks. To be
network, then MAP-E would be a better choice with the great more specific, the operator assigns the border routers of
advantage of statelessness. If the ISP wants to keep IPv6 the IPv6 backbone as the mesh AFBR routers, and attaches
and IPv4 uncoupled and bring no modifications to the IPv6 each IPv4 campus gateway to one AFBR router. Also, the
network, or provide the IPv4 access in an on-demand style, operator upgrades a router in CERNET2 to be an AFBR
then 4over6 becomes the preferred solution. and connects it with a CERNET ISP border router, which
Users in IPv6 edge networks may also want to visit IPv4 acts as Internet traffic exit. Then, by the additional plan of
with IPv6. This requires IPv6-IPv4 translation, which could be IPv4 routing, IPv4 traffic between campus networks can be
realized by IVI or NAT64. To support these two mechanisms, forwarded through tunnels between campus-faced AFBRs, and
the ISP should deploy one or more translators in the network, IPv4 traffic between campus networks and the Internet can be
and add DNS64 functions to its DNS system. When choosing forwarded through tunnels between campus-faced AFBRs and
between IVI and NAT64, the criteria also lies in IPv4 address CERNET-faced AFBR.
surplus situation. IVI provides bidirectional communication at 2) dual-stack access in IPv6 telecom networks: Due to the
the cost of per-host address consumption, while NAT64 only shortage on IPv4 address resource, IPv6 edge network seems
guarantees communication initiated from the IPv6 side but to be the inevitable solution to telecom ISPs. Chinese ISPs
achieves dynamic IPv4 address sharing. including China Telecom, China Mobile and China Unicom
Besides the common users, demands from ICP servers have claimed to fully deploy IPv6 in one or two years, and
should also be considered. The difference between a server China Telecom has already upgraded the network to support
and a common user is that connections of servers are usually IPv6 in two provinces. When deploying IPv6, they still have
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
to provide IPv4 reachability for the subscribers, to guarantee understanding of IPv4-IPv6 translation, this problem seems
connectivity with IPv4 remote ends. In particular, a lot of unlikely to be solved. We need to find a new angle to develop
application services will remain IPv4 for a while. a solution. As for the existing translation mechanisms, there
There are two directions to solve the problem here: one is are still the issues of scalability, heterogeneous addressing
to provide IPv6-to-IPv4 translation, and have the subscriber and application layer translation. We probably could avoid
applications use IPv6 for communication with IPv4; the other the scalability issue by choosing rational positions to deploy
is to provide IPv4 access for subscribers through IPv4-in- translation. Solving the heterogeneous addressing problem
IPv6 Hub & Spokes tunnel, and preserve the applications to requires the end users to perceive the existence of the trans-
use IPv4 for this type of communication. Amongst all the lation and interact with the translator. For communication
applications, not a large portion of them are IPv6-capable initiated from the IPv6 side, the IPv6 end should learn the
while the majority of them support IPv4 well. That is to prefix for the IPv4-mapped address, and construct the IPv6
say, currently IPv4 is much more universal than IPv6 in the destination address itself when only the IPv4 address of the
application field. Besides, translation still has the complexities remote end is informed. For communication initiated from
of heterogeneous addressing and application layer gateways. the IPv4 side, in NAT64, the IPv6 end should interact with
Therefore, IPv4-over-IPv6 tunnel is preferred as the basic the translator to create NAT binding(s) and inform of the
solution. By deploying tunneled IPv4 access, ISPs can actually IPv4 end the information. However, both proposals require
develop IPv6 edge networks while preserve subscribers’ IPv4 extra intelligence in the protocol stack and the applications.
demands, and hence promote IPv6 development. Better solutions are expected. Application layer translation
As is described in the former section, Dual-stack Lite, is also a problem that seriously affects the performance
4over6 and MAP-E can be adopted to provide IPv4-over-IPv6 of the translation. The existing proposal is to transfer the
access. ISPs can select the suitable mechanism based on their responsibility to end user applications, which also relies on
IPv4 address surplus situation and network condition. The the intelligence of the application. For tunneling techniques,
AFTR/concentrator/BR devices have multiple candidate de- mechanisms like 4over6 and MAP-E change the provisioning
ployment locations, including BRAS which is a low-position granularity from a full address into a port set. A New address
access device, P router in the regional network, and backbone resource management model are required to achieve good
entrance which connects directly to the backbone PE router. address resource utilization.
ISPs can decide the location based on management policy and Before the transition techniques can be applied to large-
device capacity. scale deployment, systematic and quantitative performance
analyses should be carried out first. The important tasks
include estimation on the hardware cost of implementing
tunneling and translation, evaluation on the performance re-
Given that IANA has eventually run out IPv4 address space, duction caused by frequent fragmentation and reassembling,
the Internet is bound to enter the IPv6 era. Nevertheless, capacity analysis of CGN and concentrator devices regarding
IPv4 networks will coexist with IPv6 networks for a long the number of users and the traffic volume, etc. Redundancy
time during the transition. The IPv6 transition process should backup schemes and security schemes for different transition
be steady and smooth. Therefore, the IPv4-IPv6 coexisting mechanisms also need to be further explored. New log solu-
networks should sustain the availability of both IPv4 and IPv6, tions are demanded for CGN-based mechanisms like NAT64
and support IPv4-IPv6 interconnection as well. and Dual-stack lite.
This paper analyzes the basic problem of heterogeneous The transition techniques also have impacts on end hosts
traversing and heterogeneous interconnection in IPv6 tran- and ICPs. When both IPv4 and IPv6 are available, IP stack se-
sition, introduces the principle of tunneling and translation lection, switching method and end-to-end negotiation method
techniques, and reviews the mainstream tunneling and trans- need to be proposed. The appearance of CGN in NAT64 and
lation mechanisms. The aspects of address scheme and rout- Dual-stack lite would widely break the end-to-end property for
ing, heterogeneous addressing, data forwarding, performance, network users, which requires evaluation on the influence and
security and scalability are studied for these mechanisms. The guidelines for developing applications in such an environment.
paper also summarizes the pros and cons, and subsequently With the transition mechanisms deployed in the network, ICPs
application scenarios of every mechanism. should adjust their services to various levels to cooperate with
A series of mechanisms including Softwire Mesh, 6RD, the transition mechanisms. For example, they may need to
DS-Lite, 4over6, MAP, IVI and NAT64 are recommended coordinate their CDNs based on the deployment of transition
as feasible solutions to filling in their respective application mechanisms; they need to find a solution to construct cross-IP
scenarios. Based on these recommendations, this paper studies overlay networks.
the characteristics and transition requirements of practical From a more general view, IPv6 itself also requires sig-
ISP networks, and proposes the transition strategies for both nificant efforts to achieve global adoption in the near fu-
backbone and edge networks by selecting and deploying the ture. The IPv6 support of the network infrastructures needs
recommended mechanisms. to be strengthened, to survive large-scale commercial de-
The transition techniques are still facing challenges and ployment. Various network elements require further efforts
require further research efforts. For translation techniques, the from the community, such as IPv6 access provisioning, IPv6
most critical issue is the lack of feasible, stateful IPv4→IPv6 AAA/DNS/DHCP solution, network management solution,
translation mechanisms. Unfortunately, based on the current IPv6 VPN support, IPv6-specific security protection, etc. At
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
[57] Y. Cui, J. Wu, P. Wu, Q. Sun, C. Xie, C. Zhou, Y. Lee, and T. Zhou, Jiangchuan Liu (S’01-M’03-SM’08) received the
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Matsushima and T. Murakami, “Mapping of Address and Port (MAP),” The Hong Kong University of Science and Technol-
2012, IETF draft. ogy in 2003, both in computer science. He is a recip-
[59] R. Despres and R. Penno and Y. Lee and G. Chen and S. Jiang , “IPv4 ient of Microsoft Research Fellowship (2000), Hong
Residual Deployment via IPv6 - a unified Stateless Solution (4rd),” Kong Young Scientist Award (2003), and Canada
2012, IETF draft. NSERC DAS Award (2009). He is a co-recipient of
[60] M. Mawatari and M. Kawashima and C. Byrne , “464XLAT: Combina- the Best Student Paper Awards of IWQoS’2008 and
tion of Stateful and Stateless Translation,” 2012, IETF draft. 2012, the Best Paper Award (2009) of IEEE ComSoc
Multimedia Communications Technical Committee,
and the Best Paper Award of IEEE Globecom 2011. He is currently an
Associate Professor in the School of Computing Science, Simon Fraser
University, British Columbia, Canada, and was an Assistant Professor in the
Peng Wu received the BE degree from Tsinghua Department of Computer Science and Engineering at The Chinese University
University, China in 2008. He is currently a Ph.D. of Hong Kong from 2003 to 2004. His research interests include multimedia
candidate in the Department of Computer Science systems and networks, wireless ad hoc and sensor networks, cloud computing,
and Technology, Tsinghua University. His current and peer-to-peer and overlay networks. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and
research interests include IPv4-IPv6 transition and a member of Sigma Xi. He is an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on
next-generation Internet. Multimedia, and an editor of IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials.
He is TPC Vice Chair for Information Systems of IEEE INFOCOM’2011.