DS 02 - 04 L3 OCW 011952 OCW Fire Protection System
DS 02 - 04 L3 OCW 011952 OCW Fire Protection System
DS 02 - 04 L3 OCW 011952 OCW Fire Protection System
≤1.0 System is being developed to address hazard/risk.
(Documented, Planned and Practiced)
Scope Effectiveness Scoring Criteria. Effectiveness Score 0.00
Implementation consistently conforms to all System requirements;
quality of implementation is excellent; all objectives are being
>3.0 – 4.0 achieved. Practices are effective and proven to be sustainable.
Implementation conforms to the important System and most other Adequate but Not Ef-
>2.0 – 3.0 requirements; quality of implementation is good; main objectives fective
are being achieved. 0.00
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00
Implementation conforms to the important System requirements;
>1.0 – 2.0 quality of implementation is acceptable; some objectives are being ADEQUATE
Implementation does not always conform to System requirements;
≤1.0 quality of implementation need improvement; none of the objective
(Effective and Sustained)
4.4 PTS 18.54.01 Ensure that the Fire Safety Design Philosophy (FSDP) for onshore 1) All requirements incorporated in L3 procedure are approved and contents 0
Sections facility or Fire and Explosion Strategy (FES) for offshore facility are comprehensive in reference to PETRONAS, Downstream, external and
2.2.5, 2.2.6, documents are: OPU specific requirements.
2.2.10, • prepared by a competent/qualified FSCE, 2) Approved BKO/Buku Merah Bomba or FSDP by AHJ
2.2.12, 2.2.13 • approved by AHJ and 3) Prepared by competent/qualified FSCE i.e
• accompanied by a Fire Safety System Manual (FSSM) which a) Fire safety computent engineer or
includes ITM/ITPM. b) Mechanical engineer with 5 years experienced in Fire Safety or
o Benchmark the frequency, methods and checklists of ITM/ITPM c) Chemical engineer with 5 years experienced in Fire Safety
against PTS. 4) Approved ITM and maintenance plan for Fire Fighting Equipment (as per
4.4 PTS 18.54.01 Ensure that the Fire Safety Design Philosophy (FSDP) for onshore
Sections facility or Fire and Explosion Strategy (FES) for offshore facility
2.2.5, 2.2.6, documents are:
2.2.10, • prepared by a competent/qualified FSCE,
2.2.12, 2.2.13 • approved by AHJ and
• accompanied by a Fire Safety System Manual (FSSM) which
includes ITM/ITPM.
o Benchmark the frequency, methods and checklists of ITM/ITPM
against PTS.
4.5 PTS 18.54.01 Conduct on-site initial inspection and acceptance test after the 1) All requirements incorporated in L3 procedure are approved and contents 0
Section 2.2.14 system/equipment installation prior to facility operations as per the are comprehensive in reference to PETRONAS, Downstream, external and
following: OPU specific requirements.
• assessed against its performance criteria, 2) Performance Test report for fire fighting equipment
• witnessed by the operational personnel,
• documented and 1) Communication on plan and tools executed 0
• communicated to the AHJ for issuance of facility’s fitness for 2) Staff is trained and competent.
occupation certification. 3) Responsible parties to follow inspection and acceptance test as per OPU's
practices or manufacturer recommendation which cover:
*Note : During design and commissioning stage(PTS 18.54.01 sub a) Assessed against its performance criteria,
2.2.14) b) Witnessed by the operational personnel,
c) Documented and
d) Communicated to the AHJ for issuance of facility’s fitness for occupation
4.6 PTS 18.54.01 Conduct re-acceptance test after any maintenance or modification 1) All requirements incorporated in L3 procedure are approved and contents 0
Section 2.2.15 arising from the shortfalls identified during initial inspection and are comprehensive in reference to PETRONAS, Downstream, external and
acceptance test. OPU specific requirements.
2) Re-acceptance Test Report
*Note : During design and commissioning stage(PTS 18.54.01 sub 3) Services Report
1) Communication on plan and tools executed 0
2) Staff is trained and competent.
3) Responsible parties to follow inspection and re-acceptance test as per
OPU's practices or manufacturer recommendation which cover:
a) assessed against its performance criteria,
b) witnessed by the operational personnel,
c) documented and
d) communicated to the AHJ for issuance of facility’s fitness for occupation
4) Responsible parties to ensure services Report and test report submitted to
Evidence of activities and processes are implemented as per requirements, 0
planned and specified tools.
a) Approved final re-acceptance Report which cover :
- assessed against its performance criteria,
- witnessed by the operational personnel,
- documented and
- communicated to the AHJ for issuance of facility’s fitness for occupation
b) Responsible parties to verified final services Report and test report
submitted to FSFP
4.7 PTS 18.54.01 Ensure the availability and readiness of the Fire Protection Systems 1) All requirements incorporated in L3 procedure are approved and contents 0
Section 2.3.1 at all times. are comprehensive in reference to PETRONAS, Downstream, external and
OPU specific requirements.
2) ITM schedule
3) Checklist
4) Inspection, audit and monitoring record
5) Design layout for FFE
4.8 PTS 18.52.26 Obtain approval from the Approving Authority (AA) in the event of 1) All requirements incorporated in L3 procedure are approved and contents 0
Section 2.0 Fire Protection Systems unavailability. are comprehensive in reference to PETRONAS, Downstream, external and
and DBE- OPU specific requirements.
03.05-L2-SCE 2) Notification and re-notification procedure (internal & external)
3) Written Approval from AHJ
4) Record of notification
5) IAP/PIAP (Temporary during the unavailability of protection system)
4.8 Obtain approval from the Approving Authority (AA) in the event of
Fire Protection Systems unavailability.
4.9 PTS 18.54.01 Ensure portable fire protection and fire suppression agents are 1) All requirements incorporated in L3 procedure are approved and contents 0
Section 2.3.2 adequately stored and protected with a current inventory list are comprehensive in reference to PETRONAS, Downstream, external and
provided at site. OPU specific requirements.
2) Inventory list
3) Storage location layout for inventory list
1) Communication on plan and tools executed 0
2) Staff is trained and competent.
3) Responsible parties to ensure proper storage for all portable fire protection
and fire suppression agents
Evidence of activities and processes are implemented as per requirements, 0
planned and specified tools.
a) Updated storage location layout for inventory list and submitted to FSFP
b) Updated inventory list and submitted to FSFP on periodic basis
c) Responsible parties shall conduct/schedule periodic audit/inspection and to
update FSFP
HOD shall ensure all MOC document are completed and approved prior 0
starting any work
4.12 PTS 18.07.02 Conduct assurance activities at planned interval to provide 1) All requirements incorporated in L3 procedure are approved and contents 0
information whether the system: are comprehensive in reference to PETRONAS, Downstream, external and
• Conform to the above requirements. OPU specific requirements
• Effectively implemented and maintained. 2) Tier 1 Fire Safety Assessment (FSA) as per PTS 18.54.01 report with
action tracker
3) Tier 2 FSA as per PTS 18.54.01 report with action tracker
1) Communication on plan and tools undertaken 0
2) Staff is trained and competent.
3) FSFP to ensure Tier 1 & Tier 2 FSA to be conducted as per plan and
completed report to be submitted within 1 month to HOD
Evidence of activities and processes are implemented as per requirements, 0
planned and specified tools.
a) 1-Tier 1 FSA report with action tracker (Every 6 month)
b) Tier 2 FSA report with action tracker (Yearly)
1) All evidences of implemented practices are consistently complied with 0
requirements and meet element's target.
a) Communications and training on all requirements to the targetted
stakeholders are met
b) Documents and records are secured and easily retrievable.
c) Zero outstanding NCR recorded during audit due to incompliance to the
requirements (documented, planned and practiced).
d) Continual training, communication and efforts are done to enhance user
capability and other staff awareness
2) FSFP shall ensure schedule for Tier 1 & Tier 2 FSA to be followed as per
plan and fulfill the requirement of PTS 18.54.01
3) Showing continuous improvement by updating relevant documents based
on current requirements, feedback, lessons learned and recommendation
from assurance etc.
1) HOD shall ensure annual Tier 1 & Tier 2 FSA report presented to 0
management (MSR)
2) HOD shall ensure updated monitoring/tracking system are available for
audit purposes
3) 100% compliance for the past 3 years
Management DBE-01.12- Conduct annual Management System Review to ensure the system 0
System Review L2-486 suitability, adequacy and effectiveness which aligned with the 1) Communication on plan and tools conducted. 0
strategic directions of the Business. 2) Staff is trained and competent._x000D_
1) Data gathering & analysis conducted 0
2) MSR result pack completed & uploaded in ECM_x000D_
3) Provide update to element directions/policies after MSR_x000D_
4) Tracking of gap closure after MSR._x000D_
Management DBE-01.12- Conduct annual Management System Review to ensure the system
System Review L2-486 suitability, adequacy and effectiveness which aligned with the
strategic directions of the Business.
Practices are effective and sustainable for minimum 3 years.
a) All the record of practices are consistently complied to the requirements
and OPU target from for the last 3 consecutive years.
b) No high findings or repetitive medium findings from external or corporate
c) Sustaining the effectiveness rating during yearly MSR review for minimum
3 consecutive years.
- Number of incident related to non-compliance with Fire Protection
Systems requirements.
Performance Measurement - Percentage of Fire Protection Systems availability (%).
- Percentage of Fire Protection Systems ITM schedule compliance
Date of Assessment: