Reflective Letter
Reflective Letter
Reflective Letter
Dear Jesse,
In this portfolio I have compiled all of my work from the Writing 2 course. It shows my
growth as a writer and depicts the results of my revisions. These assignments addressed different
elements of writing and came together to help me learn a lot about the field. Writing Project 1
focused on genre translation and taught me how to read an academic piece and turn it into
writing intended for a different audience. It taught me about what genres are, how they are
distinct from one another, and how to translate texts. Writing Project 2 focused on finding a
conversation between written texts to answer a question about writing. I learned the answer to
my question and realized that I could use texts to find conversations between them. This
reflective letter is a reflection on the course and wraps up my work throughout this quarter.
Throughout this quarter, I have definitely grown as a writer. Although I became more
comfortable and efficient at writing, I think the most important thing I learned was that I can
break rules of writing. This helped me get truly creative and grow with my writing style. I used
to heavily rely on the five-paragraph essay format with rules that I was not allowed to break.
Learning that these rules are allowed to be broken really helped me break out of my shell and
feel more free with my writing process. I am now less scared to take risks and try things I feel
unsure about in my writing. Another way I have grown as a writer is I learned a lot about the
revision process and how to actually do it. The revision of the assignments for this class was the
first time I actually did a real revision for a written piece in my whole academic career. Before, I
would just fix grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors. Now, I truly tapped into my
creativity to see how I could make my written piece better through actual revisions. Learning to
break rules and revise my writing definitely led to the most growth for me as a writer, but I also
As a student in the Writing 2 class, I learned many new things. I learned that writing is a
field of study with many research questions. Although I have participated in writing for most of
my life, I never considered that this process could be intricately studied. In retrospect, that was
naive of me because basically everything can be studied; however, it is still surprising to me how
much research exists on this topic. Through this course, I learned about discourse communities
and how writing fits this category. This group has a common set of goals, intercommunication,
provides information and feedback, specific genres and lexis, and has expert members (Melzer).
I learned lexis specific to the writing community and how to apply it. For example, I finally
understood what rhetoric is. I’ve heard this word thrown around in so many contexts, but never
knew what it meant. Through investigation in this course, I learned that rhetorical analysis is
used in our everyday lives without us realizing it and that that mindset can be applied to written
rhetorical analysis as well (Carrol). I learned about genres of writing and how broad they can be.
A genre is “a word we use when we want to classify things, to note the similarities and
differences between kinds of writing,” but genres do not always have clear cut definitions
(Bickmore). Overall, I learned a lot about the writing field of study and specific ideas related to
I also learned ideas and skills that can be carried over to other fields. I learned how to
navigate databases for writing studies, like CompPile. I had never heard of this database before
and struggled figuring out how to use it at first, but after using it for this course, I feel
comfortable using it. Even if I am not required to use this database ever again, I will know about
its existence and have it as a resource. I never considered that texts communicate with each other,
but it seems obvious looking back. This is not specific to the study of writing, so it will be really
useful to continue using in my academic career. I never thought to look at the cited sources of an
academic article to find more sources and I definitely didn’t think to try to find the connection
between them. Having this skill will help me make stronger arguments because I will be able to
see how my evidence connects with each other. It will also make finding sources easier because I
will be able to look in the bibliography of works I already found. The things I learned were
helpful in this class, but they will also be helpful in my future academic projects.
Specifically in this class, the things I learned directly led me to succeed. The weekly
writing and prepared me for class activities. For example, “Responding—Really Responding—to
OtherStudents' Writing” by Charles Straub described ways to actually help someone when
proofreading their works and not just leave them a few comments that aren’t helpful in the long
run. This article helped prepare me for the peer review process that took place in this class and
gave me the tools to give constructive feedback on the works I read. All of the terms like
rhetoric, discourse communities, and genres helped me understand future reading assignments. I
also relied on my understanding of these ideas to complete future assignments. These things all
If I had to compile all of my strengths and weaknesses as a writer into one sentence, it
would be that I can write very decently. On one hand, I am pretty good at integrating evidence
and coming up with strong arguments. I believe I have fairly good organization in my writing.
For example, my reflections have followed a clear format, with ideas being meticulously
organized in their corresponding paragraphs. I also have good grammar and punctuation skills, so
I don’t have those errors to distract from my written pieces. My main weakness is I struggle with
flow. This weighs down on my other strengths and makes my writing decent rather than great.
For my WP1 reflection, my peer reviewers commented that I needed better transitions on almost
all of my paragraphs. I went back and added some, but when I revised this reflection for my
portfolio, I still found some things to be choppy. I find that as I think of things, I write them
down so I don’t forget what I want to say, but that often leads to awkward placements of
sentences. This is definitely a skill I will need to continue developing to improve my overall
writing. Through the ten weeks of this class, I have found it easier to create a better flow,
especially with the journal prompts because they allowed me to write more casually, while still
practicing creating a flow. If I had more time, I would continue working on creating a better flow
in my writing. I would also work on coming up with more creative words in my sentences to
keep my writing from sounding dull and monotone. Overall, this class definitely helped me start
Writing 2 taught me many new concepts and skills that I will continue to apply
throughout my academic career. I learned a lot about the writing field and have gained an interest
in studying writing. I deeply appreciate what I learned in this class and I really enjoyed it,
Kristina Strazhnikov
Bickmore, Lisa. “Genre in the Wild: Understanding Genre Within Rhetorical (ECO)Systems.”
Driscoll, Dana, and Matthew Vetter. “Understanding Discourse Communities by Dan Melzer.” In
Lowe, Charles, and Pavel Zemliansky. “Backpacks Vs. Briefcases: Steps Toward Rhetorical