Warren 2010
Warren 2010
Warren 2010
S. Warren (*)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Kansas State University,
Manhattan, KS, USA
e-mail: swarren@ksu.edu
Many high-level architectures have been proposed for health monitoring systems
that employ sets of wearable sensors and their supporting communication and
information storage networks (Cheng et al. 2008a, 2008b; Crowe et al. 2004; Durresi
et al. 2008; Galeottei et al. 2008; Gialelis et al. 2008; Hung et al. 2004, 2009; Jovanov
et al. 2005; Jung et al. 2009; Kim and Lee 2008; Kroc and Delic 2003; Lam et al. 2009;
Lee et al. 2007; Massot et al. 2009; Mendoza and Tran 2002; Montgomery et al. 2004;
Sagahyroon et al. 2008; Thiruvengada et al. 2008; van de Ven et al. 2009; Wang et al.
2009a, 2009b; Warren et al. 2004a, 2004b; Wu and Xiaoming 2007; Yao et al. 2005).
The most common system-level, functional architecture [see Fig. 3.1 (Jovanov et al.
2005)] includes (1) a network of sensors on the body that stores its data to a wearable
or handheld data logger/hub that then communicates wirelessly with a local base
station or Internet gateway, (2) a central command center that receives data from these
gateways, and (3) a network backbone infrastructure that facilitates the exchange of
information between the command center and the appropriate medical service centers.
While issues such as security and reliability as addressed in this chapter apply to all
three levels of network communication, this chapter focuses on wireless technologies
for the BANs themselves [item (1) above]. This is because architectural topologies at
Fig. 3.1 Depiction of a body area network with its supporting information infrastructure. Cour-
tesy Dr. Emil Jovanov, University of Alabama at Huntsville, USA. Originally published in
(Jovanov et al. 2005)
54 S. Warren and B. Natarajan
the body level are quite limited, promoting a focused discussion in a single chapter.
At the body level, sensors communicate bi-directionally with wearable/handheld data
loggers, which then interact with the resources external to the wearer. Mesh sensor
topologies, wireless routing schemes, and other more complex topological
approaches are typically unnecessary at the body level due to the close proximity of
the wireless nodes. In addition, the peripheral technologies that support the local
gateways and the extended backbone network infrastructure (which may include
cellular systems, wireless local area networks, or HomeRF implementations) are
mature, and treatments of such subsystems are addressed in numerous wireless texts.
WPANs are a class of networks that subsumes BANs. Specifically, WPANs are
short-range networks usually confined to the personal operating spaces of users.
The first WPAN effort was initiated in 1998 with the emergence of Bluetooth
technology (BluetoothSIG 2010). In 1999, the IEEE 802.15 standards working
group was created, and this group has since been actively involved in developing
wireless standards for the personal area network arena. The IEEE 802.15.1
standard based on Bluetooth technology was the first standard to address
WPANs. This was followed by efforts of the IEEE 802.15.3 task group which
led to the ZigBee standard (ZigBeeAlliance 2010). Finally, the IEEE 802.15.4 task
group is developing a standard for low-data-rate sensor network applications
(IEEE 2010a, 2010b). In the following subsections, we provide a brief discussion
of these enabling wireless technologies, which are expected to provide most BAN
implementations in the near future. Table 3.1 provides a comparison between
features of candidate WPAN technologies (Ashok and Agarwal 2003).
with an option to scale up to 100 mW for larger transmission ranges. The low
transmission power makes Bluetooth devices suitable for battery operation.
Additionally, when operating within the 10 m communication range, Bluetooth
devices can organize themselves into piconets. Each piconet has a master
node which controls and communicates with at most seven slaves; this master–slave
mode of operation avoids contention within the system. Piconets can operate
independently, and their configurations can change spatially and over time. Every
new device that wishes to enter a piconet must register with the master node. If the
master node is already full with seven slave nodes, the new device registers in
“parked” mode. Devices may also exist in standby mode when they do not associate
with a piconet. Communication among members of a piconet is defined in the IEEE
802.15.1 standard, and details regarding all of the protocol layers in a Bluetooth
system can be found in (IEEE 2004). Wearable, wireless systems based on the
Bluetooth specification can be found in (Chen et al. 2003; Crk et al. 2009; Galeottei
et al. 2008; Hung et al. 2004; Kroc and Delic 2003; Park and Kang 2004;
Sagahyroon et al. 2008; Shen et al. 2008; Warren et al. 2006; Wu and Xiaoming
2007; Yao et al. 2005; Yao and Warren 2005).
Since the Bluetooth standard is not intended for high-rate multimedia applications,
the IEEE 802.15.3 working group pursued a high rate (11–55 Mbps) WPAN
standard in 2003 with a focus on medium access control (MAC) and physical
layer (PHY) specifications (IEEE 2009). This standard specifies an ad hoc PAN
topology similar to the master–slave Bluetooth architecture: devices can assume
either master or slave functionality and exit or enter the ad hoc network without
56 S. Warren and B. Natarajan
“Surety” is a broad term that aggregates the concepts of security, safety, reliability,
verifiability, redundancy, usability, and other system properties that speak to the
ability of the system to always work as anticipated and in the best interest of the
user. In the case of wireless, wearable health monitoring systems, surety is
essential. For example, the transition from wired to wireless connections makes it
more difficult to control who can access patient data. These wireless data should
therefore be encrypted – a straightforward design problem given encryption
facilities provided in cellular phone products and base wireless standards, such as
Bluetooth and ZigBee. A system designer must also make reasonable decisions
about on-body connections, balancing the power and computational costs of
encryption and on-body key distribution against the likelihood that, e.g., sensor-
to-data-logger transmissions will be intercepted (Dağtaş et al. 2008). Means must
be in place to authenticate the identity of patients that use these devices, since data
corruption (e.g., storing health data in the wrong patient record) is arguably in some
contexts a greater concern than a breach of patient confidentiality.
Patient-authentication approaches germane to wireless, wearable systems
include device pre-activation for a unique user, smart cards (Kim et al. 2008),
implantable RFID pills (Perakslis and Wolk 2005), fingerprint/palm recognition
(Corcoran et al. 2007), i-Button-based device activation protocols (Daradimos et al.
2007), shared cryptographic keys based upon acquired physiologic values
(Venkatasubramanian et al. 2008) and biometric approaches based upon the wave-
forms acquired from the patients (e.g., electrocardiograms (Sriram et al. 2009)
and photo-plethysmograms (Gu et al. 2003; Shu-Di et al. 2005; Wan et al.
2007)). The concept of “owner-aware” sensors is tightly coupled to the authentica-
tion of the patient in wireless, wearable health monitoring systems (Warren and
Jovanov 2006; Warren et al. 2005a, 2005b).
Wireless transmissions are also more susceptible to data corruption and packet
loss when compared to their wired counterparts. Data integrity measures, such as
cyclic redundancy checks, are well-known approaches for addressing data loss
and are treated by numerous wireless communication texts and articles
(Durresi et al. 2005; Sklavos and Zhang 2007). Like encryption, a designer must
balance the computational, power, and throughput costs of these approaches
against the available system resources, which can be minimal at the BAN sensor
level. A large body of work exists that addresses information surety as it relates to
patient safety within the context of health monitoring systems (Venkatasubrama-
nian and Gupta 2006), and guidelines published by the U.S. Food and Drug
58 S. Warren and B. Natarajan
wireless tools serve as simple RS-232 or USB dongles, allowing one to disconnect a
serial line and insert a set of two wireless modules, where the modules effectively
function as a cable segment, setting up their wireless connection in the background
without the knowledge of the host system. Early applications for this technology
were driven by replacements for printer cables.
A more sophisticated RF toolset that includes fully functional nodes (with
radios, storage, preprogrammed networking capabilities, and often on-board
sensors) would fall within a grouping of wireless tools commonly referred to as
“motes.” These tools allow programming access to higher-level network function-
ality, freeing the developer from the details of the low-level network interactions
and allowing them to concentrate on BAN sensor interfacing, development of
custom sensor designs, and data analysis tasks. In other words, motes allow one
to create a simple, stable wireless network with relatively little effort compared to
a custom design, assuming that the physical form factors, data rates, and power
requirements for these mote-based nodes are suitable for the intended application
environment. Many mote platforms already incorporate sensors for ambient
temperature/humidity, light levels, three-axis acceleration, and global position.
Additional sensors can be integrated with a parent mote through the use of a
small daughter card. This class of technology is available through companies
such as CrossBow (e.g., MICA2 motes at 868/916 MHz and TelosB
motes at 2.4 GHz; Crossbow 2010), Moteiv (e.g., Telos motes at 2.4 GHz;
Jovanov et al. 2005; Moteiv 2010), and Intel [e.g., next generation motes (Intel
2010) and Shimmer Motes (Patel et al. 2009)]. The primary advantages of this
approach include the ability to quickly establish a robust wireless network, soft-
ware-only interaction with the wireless units themselves, the availability of a host
operating system (e.g., TinyOS) on the wireless board, and the potential for high-
volume use via a purchase order. Disadvantages include a limited set of form
factors (size, computational capabilities, and power draw that may be an awkward
match for a given application), the expense of a network at current prices, and
resource inflexibility.
While the aforementioned resources are general purpose wireless networking
tools, new RF products are emerging that are intended to fulfill BAN roles. A good
example is the Texas Instruments eZ430 Chronos unit: a wireless sports watch
(based on the TI CC430 915 MHz radio) that is accompanied by a development kit
at an overall cost of $50 U.S. (TexasInstruments 2010). It is specifically geared
toward use as a hub for personal area networks (e.g., to store pedometer or heart rate
data) or a node for remote data collection. The watch contains an integrated
pressure sensor and a three-axis accelerometer.
Category 2 – Inductive links rely on magnetic coupling to convey information
between a transmitter and a receiver (Bunszel 2001; Zierhofer and Hochmair 1990).
On the transmission side of an inductive link, the electronics drive an electric current
(containing the carrier signal and patient data) through a loop antenna, which creates
a magnetic field that surrounds the entire transmitter. This directional magnetic field
decreases in intensity as 1/r3 in its near field, where r is the distance between
the source and receiving antennas (Microchip 1998; Simons and Miranda 2006).
60 S. Warren and B. Natarajan
When a receiver loop antenna is placed within the magnetic field, a current is
generated that is fed to the receiver electronics. Ferromagnetic cores and multi-turn
windings are used to optimize the transmit/receive coupling, and the transmit/receive
LC tanks must be tuned to their resonant frequencies for optimal transmission. Most
inductive links for through-tissue transmission operate in the frequency range of 125
kHz to 300 MHz.
Inductive links hold an advantage over traditional RF transmissions in their
ability to send data through tissue, where the associated sensors may be ingested,
implanted, or simply on opposite sides of the wearer’s body. RF transmissions in
the 900 MHz to 2.4 GHz range are essentially useless in a tissue medium due to
water-based attenuation (Sharma and Guha 1975). In a magnetically coupled link,
the transmission range is more affected by the transmit/receive winding radii and
their numbers of turns, core permeabilities, and relative orientations than by the
presence of tissue/water within the transmission region (Microchip 1998).
Because of their ability to transmit power wirelessly within their near field,
inductive links are attractive means to recharge pacemakers (Papastergiou and
Macpherson 2008), implanted neural prostheses (Troyk and DeMichele 2003),
and implanted insulin pumps (Furse 2009). They can also provide power to
(and receive data from) passive RFID chips (Microchip 1998), some of which can
be injected into a host, and other implanted devices (Simons et al. 2006). These
links can be used to provide commands and firmware upgrades to implanted devices
(Liang et al. 2005) and to receive signal/image data from ingestible gastrointestinal
pills (Chirwa et al. 2003; Swain 2003) and implantable sensors (Mackay 1961;
Strömmer et al. 2006). Animal applications (e.g., swallowable health monitoring
pills for cattle) have pushed the start of the art for such designs, since transmit/
receive distances can be on the order of 3–4 ft between, e.g., a swallowable pill
in the reticulum and a receiver coil on a halter (Hoskins et al. 2009; Martinez 2007;
Martinez et al. 2006; Warren et al. 2008a, 2008b).
Category 3 – Intrabody communication links are relatively new and use the
body tissue as a transmission medium (Cho et al. 2007; Fujii et al. 2006; Gao et al.
2009a, 2009b, 2009c; Goldstein 2006; Hachisuka et al. 2003; Ruiz and Shimamoto
2005; Sasaki et al. 2004; Sasamori et al. 2009; Shinagawa et al. 2004; Sun et al.
2007; Xu et al. 2009). In this approach, signals are transmitted between on-body or
intra-body transceivers using either electromagnetic waves (Cho et al. 2007;
Hachisuka et al. 2003, 2005; Ruiz and Shimamoto 2005; Sasamori et al. 2009) or
electric fields (Fujii et al. 2006, 2007; Gao et al. 2009a, 2009b, 2009c; Shinagawa
et al. 2004; Wegmueller et al. 2007, 2009, 2010). The near-field, electromagnetic
method treats the human body as a waveguide and employs both two- and four-
electrode schemes [e.g., over a frequency range of 200–600 MHz (Ruiz and
Shimamoto 2005) and at 10.7 MHz (Hachisuka et al. 2003, 2005)]. Different
modulation schemes (e.g., FSK, ASK, BPSK, and MSK) for the electromagnetic
solution operate within this context to achieve high transmission rates
and low error rates. Near-field electric methods treat the human body as a conduc-
tor wrapped in an insulator. A current loop is established by the transmitter
electrode, the body channel, the receiver electrode, and the capacitive return
3 Wireless Communication Technologies for Wearable Systems 61
piezoelectric systems can convert motion from the human body into electrical
power (Khaligh et al. 2010). As a result, one can harness energy from leg/arm
motion and foot falls: piezoelectric materials can be embedded in shoes to recover
“walking energy” (Shenck and Paradiso 2001). Additionally, miniature thermo-
couples have been developed that convert body heat into electricity (Leonov et al.
2009). Another method to harvest energy is through the oxidation of blood sugars
as demonstrated by researchers at Saint Louis University (Minteer et al. 2007).
This approach can power implanted electronic devices (e.g., implanted biosensors
for diabetics, implanted active RFID devices, etc.). In all of these cases, the
harvested energy can power sensors and radios to form sensor networks. It is
important to note that the energy/power levels harvested from these sources can
be intermittent and quite small (on the order of microwatts). Devices conforming
to traditional WPAN/WLAN standards cannot function under these constraints.
Therefore, completely new PHY/MAC and higher layer protocol designs will be
needed to implement a network of energy harvesting sensors. Recently, the IEEE
802.15.4f task group has started working on developing guidelines for such low
power sensor systems.
Table 3.2 Health monitoring application areas targeted by wearable, wireless systems
Application/population Research efforts
Cardiopulmonary assessment Cho and Asada 2002; Kim et al. 2007; Mandal et al. 2009;
Mendoza and Tran 2002; Wen et al. 2008
Chronic pain and pain Hu et al. 2010; Jones et al. 2008
Elder care Atallah et al. 2008; Dinh et al. 2009; Hong et al. 2008; Stanford
Emergency, rescue, and Chen et al. 2003; Montgomery et al. 2004
extreme environments
Epilepsy Jones et al. 2008
Fitness and rehabilitation Fenu and Steri 2009; Jovanov et al. 2005; Li 2009; Li and Zhang
2007; Melzi et al. 2009; Waluyo et al. 2009
General/multipurpose Ashok and Agarwal 2003; Chen et al. 2008; Cho et al. 2009;
Crowe et al. 2004; Durresi et al. 2008; Fulford-Jones et al.
2004; Galeottei et al. 2008; Gialelis et al. 2008; Haahr et al.
2008; Huang et al. 2009; Hughes et al. 2007; Hung et al.
2004; Isais et al. 2003; Jones et al. 2008; Jovanov et al. 2001;
Jung et al. 2009; Kim et al. 2009; Kroc and Delic 2003;
Kyriacou et al. 2007; Lee et al. 2007; Massot et al. 2009;
Paradiso 2008; Park and Kang 2004; Strömmer et al. 2006;
Sukor et al. 2008; van de Ven et al. 2009; Wang et al. 2009a,
2009b; Wu and Xiaoming 2007; Yao and Warren 2005; Yao
et al. 2005; Zito et al. 2007a, 2007b
Implantable/ingestible sensors Fereydouni_Forouzandeh et al. 2008; Furse 2009; Guo et al.
2009; Liang et al. 2005; Mackay 1961; Simons et al. 2006;
Troyk and DeMichele 2003; Zierhofer and Hochmair 1990
Inter-vehicle communication Durresi et al. 2007
and highway use
Activity/movement/motor skill Bajcsy 2007; Barth et al. 2009; Bonato et al. 2003; Hedman et al.
assessment 2009; Moy et al. 2003; Purwar et al. 2007; Shaban et al. 2009;
Thiruvengada et al. 2008; Zhang et al. 2008
Parkinsons/tremors Patel et al. 2009
Sleep apnea Lam et al. 2009
Stress level detection Chatterjee and Somkuwar 2008
and an MSP430F1232 microcontroller for digital signal processing and control. The
host mote offers a USB interface for programming/communication, a wireless ZigBee
radio transceiver, open source software support, and on-board sensors for humidity,
temperature, and light level. Using this design approach, a developer can take
advantage of the mote’s built-in wireless networking capabilities and focus their
time on custom sensor issues.
Pulse oximeter sensors are also popular candidates for these wearable wireless
systems, as they offer the ability to obtain heart rate, blood oxygen saturation, respiration
rate, and other important hemodynamic and biometric parameters at low power and
without the need for electrical contact with tissue (Haahr et al. 2008; Han et al. 2007;
Jung et al. 2008; Kim and Lee 2008; Li and Warren 2010). A new pulse oximeter
design intended for such purposes is illustrated in Fig. 3.3 (Li and Warren 2010).
66 S. Warren and B. Natarajan
Fig. 3.2 ActiS activity sensor, which incorporates an acceleration/ECG daughtercard interfaced
to a Moteiv Telos wireless mote. Courtesy Dr. Emil Jovanov, University of Alabama at Huntsville,
USA. Originally published in (Jovanov et al. 2005)
This reflectance-mode sensor is intended for use with wrist watches, head bands,
helmets, and other wearable configurations where transmission-mode devices are not
sensible. It is also intended to be a “surface integratable” element that can interface with
handheld platforms such as cell phones, PDAs, etc. so that users have easy access to
health sensors. The device is battery operated and rechargeable through a mini-USB
port. It can store many hours of data and incorporates a ZigBee wireless link on a Jennic
5139 platform. PPG data from this unit are high fidelity: they are unfiltered, exhibit
thousands of peak-to-valley digitization levels, are sampled at a high sample rate (240
Hz per channel), and have a high signal-to-noise ratio. The sensor’s design helps in this
regard, as it incorporates large-area photodiodes and an excitation/detection separation
that preferentially accepts photons, which have traveled deeper into blood-perfused
tissue. The insets in Fig. 3.3 illustrate the high quality, unfiltered PPG data that can be
acquired at different body locations using this sensor.
Fig. 3.3 Battery-operated reflectance pulse oximeter with ZigBee wireless/USB data upload
capabilities, on-board data storage, a large-area sensor, and a filter-free design. The insets depict
unfiltered PPG data obtained at different body locations. Courtesy Kejia Li, Kansas State Univer-
sity, Manhattan, KS, USA
common tracking and traceability approaches involve the use of RFID technologies
(GrowSafe 2006; Lehpamer 2007; McAllister et al. 2000; Pereira et al. 2008;
Pongpaibool 2008; Ting et al. 2007; Tuttle 1997; Ze et al. 2008). In recent years,
more sophisticated systems have targeted health assessment through collections of
various sensors. For example, the GrowSafe system uses low-range RF technology
to ascertain feeding frequency and overall time spent at the feed bunk; parameters
that can be correlated to animal health (GrowSafe 2006). Other systems use small
collections of sensors to determine parameters such as animal lying time, heat
stress, GPS location, and estrus (Darr and Epperson 2009; HQ 2006; Lefcourt et al.
2009; Moen et al. 1996; Redden et al. 1993; Rodgers and Rempel 1996).
Some recent systems purport to combine wireless networking technologies and
wearable health monitoring sensors into more general-purpose systems. One of the
first systems to be designed in such a manner is illustrated in Fig. 3.4 (Nagl et al.
2003; Smith et al. 2006; Warren et al. 2004a, 2004b, 2005a, 2005b, 2008a, 2008b).
The overall embedded system design is based on the premise that each animal in a
68 S. Warren and B. Natarajan
Fig. 3.4 Wearable, wireless cattle health monitoring system that acquires core body temperature,
heart rate, three acceleration axes, ambient temperature, ambient humidity, and global position
(Nagl 2004; Smith et al. 2006; Warren et al. 2008a, 2008b)
herd will host a multi-parameter, wearable health monitoring device. In its current
implementation, the monitoring equipment illustrated in Fig. 3.4 will periodically
record an animal’s heart rate (through an adapted horse heart monitor from Polar
(Polar 2006)), core body temperature (ingestible pill from HQ Inc.; HQ 2006), head
motion (three axes of acceleration), and absolute position [via the global position-
ing system (GPS)], as well as the ambient temperature and humidity of the
surrounding environment. The system is designed to buffer these data for several
days if needed. When an animal wanders within range of a wireless, ZigBee-
enabled receiver (i.e., a base station), health data stored on the animal are uploaded
for analysis and storage. Base stations can be placed in animal congregation areas,
such as water troughs, feed bunks, and shelters. Given the weather and terrain
challenges associated with placing wearable sensors on the exterior of an animal,
KSU investigators have begun to focus their attention on ingestible pills that offer
potential to acquire health parameters such as core temperature, heart rate, rumen
pH, and respiration rate (Martinez 2007; Martinez et al. 2006; Warren et al. 2008a,
2008b). Because RF attenuation is significant in tissue, these pills will require the
use of new long-range inductive links that can transmit data several feet through
tissue from the inside of an animal to an external receiver (see Sect. 3.2.1)
(Hoskins et al. 2009).
Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge Dr. Emil Jovanov, The University of Alabama in
Huntsville, USA and Kejia Li, Kansas State University, USA for their contributions to the figures
used in this chapter and the associated text.
3 Wireless Communication Technologies for Wearable Systems 69
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