CAA Flight Instructor Guide Web
CAA Flight Instructor Guide Web
CAA Flight Instructor Guide Web
Teaching methods 25
Circuit training 109
Evaluation 34
Circuit introduction 110
Instructional aids 42
Circuit considerations 120
Role modelling 45
Engine failure after take-off 127
Short field take-off and landing 208 Appendix 1 Ground course 294
Contents 3
Instructional theory introduction
This section of the Flight Instructor Guide supports the
Instructional Techniques Course required for an instructor rating.
The expert flight instructor is master of many skills The five senses are acted on by the environment (the
and fields of knowledge. What is taught demands cockpit, classroom or instructor) and the information is
technical competence in these areas, but how passed by the nervous system to the sensory register.
the teaching is accomplished depends on your The information remains in its original form for only a
understanding of how people learn and the ability fraction of a second while pattern recognition takes
to apply that understanding. The following gives place, giving form and shape to the information.
some insights into the learning process and is meant
to guide you into areas of further study. Teaching The information passed to the short-term or working
is a rewarding experience, but those rewards are memory, is coded as a concept. For example, the word
not easily achieved. It is doubtful that anyone has aeroplane takes on meaning, but information received
a natural ability to teach or understand how others from long-term memory may modify that concept, say
learn, therefore the professional instructor continues to a jet aeroplane. This re-coded information is passed
the life-long process of learning not only flying skills to long-term memory for storage or is acted on.
but also teaching skills.
Information from either short-term or long-term
It is intended that this section be reviewed regularly memory is passed to the response generator, or
so that you gain the most benefit from it. As your decision-maker, and this information is passed
experience widens, you will need to draw on a wider through the nervous system to the body’s muscles,
and wider variety of teaching methods so that you which act on the environment.
can maximise your student’s learning. Refreshing this
section should help you remember those teaching This whole process is affected by expectancies. For
methods that you may not use very often. example, you will probably have had an experience
of seeing what you wanted to see, rather than what
was actually there. Expectancies affect the way
information is perceived, the way it is coded, and the
generated response.
Information processing
The process is further affected by the strategies used
To understand how a person learns, we first need to to encode the information – learning strategies. For
consider a basic model of information processing1 example, the use of mnemonics or mind-mapping to
(see diagram below). store information can greatly affect later retrieval.
Figure 1
Information processing
Definition of learning
Learning strategies Expectancies
experience, an individual’s way of perceiving,
thinking, feeling and doing may change. Therefore,
learning can be defined as “a change in behaviour as
a result of experience that persists”1. The behaviour
Five senses
Instructional theory 5
Learning outcomes are multiple
Characteristics of learning
If instructors see their objective as being only to
train their student’s memory and muscles, they
Learning comes from experience underestimate the potential of the teaching situation.
Students may learn much that you did not intend,
The student can only learn from individual experience.
for they did not leave their thinking minds or feelings
A person’s knowledge is a result of experience, and
at home, just because these were not included in
no two people have had identical experiences.
your lesson plan. Learning can be classified by type
Even when observing the same event, two people
as: verbal, conceptual, perceptual, motor, problem
react differently; they learn different things from
solving and emotional. These divisions are artificial,
it, according to the manner in which the situation
however. For example, a class learning problem
affects their individual needs. Previous experience
solving may learn by trying to solve real problems.
conditions a person to respond to some things and
In doing so it is also engaged in verbal learning and
ignore others.
sensory perception. Each student approaches the
task with preconceived ideas and feelings, and for
All learning is by experience3, but it takes place
many students these ideas change as a result of
in different forms and in varying degrees. Some
the experience. The learning process, therefore, may
experiences involve the whole person, while others
include many types of learning, all taking place at the
only the ears and memory. You are faced with
same time.
the problem of providing experiences that are
meaningful, varied and appropriate; for example,
In another sense, while learning the subject at hand,
by repeated drill, students can learn to say a list
students may be learning other things as well. They
of words, or by rote they can learn to recite certain
may be developing attitudes about aviation, good or
principles of flight. However, they can only make
bad, depending on what they experience. You must
them meaningful if they understand them well
always display a professional attitude, regardless of
enough to apply them correctly to real situations.
whether or not instruction is actually taking place.
If an experience challenges the learner, requires
This learning is sometimes called incidental5, but it
involvement with feelings, thoughts, memory of past
may have a great impact on the total development
experiences, and physical activity, it is more effective
of the student.
than an experience in which all the learner has to do
is commit something to memory2.
Learning is an active process
It seems clear enough that the learning of a physical
piloting skill requires experience in performing that You cannot assume that students remember
skill. However, mental habits are also learned through something just because they were present in the
practice. If students are to use sound judgement and classroom, briefing or aircraft when you taught it.
solve problems well, they must have had learning Neither can you assume that the students can apply
experiences in which they have exercised judgement what they know because they can quote the correct
and applied their knowledge of general principles in answer from the book. For the students to learn,
the solving of realistic problems.4 they must attend to instruction, react and respond
by relating information to their knowledge and
experience, construct meaning from that interaction,
Learning must have relevance and attribute results to their own effort2. If learning
is a process of changing behaviour, that process must
Each student sees a learning situation from a
be inter-active and observable.
different viewpoint. Each student’s past experience
affects readiness to learn. Most people have fairly
definite ideas about what they want to achieve.
Therefore, each student has specific goals and their
needs and attitudes may determine what they learn
as much as what you are trying to get them to learn.
Students learn from any activity that tends to further
their goals. The effective instructor must discover the
student’s goals and seek ways to relate new learning
to those goals1.
Learning theory
must the student recognise the symptoms of
Learning components the approaching stall? Where does this lesson
fit with those covered previously, and those
lessons ahead?
Psychologists over the years have proposed
various theories on learning, and from these
we can gain an insight into the learning Repetition
process. Listed below are some of the most
widely accepted learning components, Those things most often repeated are best
sometimes referred to as ‘Laws of learning’. remembered6. Every time practice occurs,
learning continues. Students do not learn
crosswind landings from one instructional
Primacy flight. You must provide opportunities for
practice and must see that this process is
What is taught first, often creates a strong,
directed toward a goal.
almost unshakeable impression. Therefore
what is taught, and what is learnt, must
be right the first time. Un-teaching is more Rewards, reinforcement, or conditioning
difficult than teaching.
“One of the most powerful forms of reward
available to the instructor is praise”7. Learning
Readiness is strengthened when accompanied by a
pleasant or satisfying feeling and weakened
The student learns best when they are
when associated with an unpleasant one.
ready to learn, motivated, and understand
Termed the ‘Law of effect’, it is based on
clearly the objectives for the lesson. Being
the emotional reaction of the learner. An
ready to learn also entails consideration
experience that produces feelings of defeat,
of Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs
frustration, anger, confusion or futility is
(see Human behaviour). A student distracted
unpleasant for the student. If, for example,
by fatigue, stress, home or relationship issues,
an instructor attempts to teach landings
etc, will not be ready to learn.
during the first flight, the student is likely to
feel overwhelmed. Impressing the student
Relevance / Belonging with a difficult manoeuvre can make the
later teaching task difficult. It is better to
Individuals learn best when they see a reason
tell students that a manoeuvre or problem,
for learning. If students have a clear objective,
although difficult, is within their capabilities to
and a well defined reason for learning, they
perform or understand. Whatever the learning
make rapid progress. You must explain the
situation, it should affect the student positively
relevance of each lesson. For example, why
and give them a feeling of satisfaction.
One view of learning that is of particular importance Initially, all learning comes from perceptions that
to the flight instructor, is that proposed by MS are directed to the brain by one or more of the
Knowles36 on how adults should be treated five senses. Psychologists have determined that
differently from children, based on their psychological normal individuals acquire about 75 percent of their
differences. knowledge through the sense of sight, 13 percent
through hearing, 6 percent through touch, 3 percent
• Children need to know what the teacher teaches through smell and 3 percent through taste. They
if they want to pass. have found that learning occurs most rapidly when
information is received through more than one sense.
• The child’s self-concept is one of dependence on
the teacher. Perception involves more than receiving stimuli from
• The child’s past experience is of little worth; it is the five senses. Perceptions result when a person
the teacher’s experience that matters gives meaning to sensations. People base their
actions on the way they believe things to be, and this
• The child is ready to learn when the teacher tells
will depend on many factors within each person8.
them to learn.
The experienced flight instructor, for example, will
• The child is orientated toward subject matter. interpret engine rough running quite differently to an
inexperienced student. Because perceptions are the
• The child is motivated to learn by external
basis of all learning, some of the factors that affect
forces, eg, grades, parents.
the perceptual process are discussed below.
Knowledge of results
Duration and organisation of lessons
In learning some simple skills, students can discover
their own errors quite easily. In learning others, In planning for student performance, a primary
such as complex flight manoeuvres, mistakes are consideration is the length of time devoted to
not always apparent. Or the learner may know practice. A beginning student reaches a point
something is wrong but not know how to correct it. In where additional practice is not only unproductive
either case, you provide a helpful and often critical but may be harmful. When this point is reached,
function in making certain that the student is aware errors increase and motivation declines. The skilful
of their progress. They should be told as soon after instructor ends the learning experience before this
the performance as possible1, for they should not be point is reached. As a guide, when the basics of
allowed to practise mistakes. It is more difficult to un- the manoeuvre have been achieved, it’s time to end
learn a mistake and then learn it correctly, than it is the lesson. For example, in the initial basic stall,
to learn correctly in the first place. It is also important when the student performs the actions of control
for students to know when they are right. column forward centrally and then full power, the
basics of the manoeuvre have been achieved. It is
for future lessons to build on this success, ie, aiming
Progress follows a pattern for coordination of control column and power,
keeping straight and minimising height loss. As a
The experience of learning to write with the wrong
student gains experience, longer periods of practice
hand probably confirmed what has been consistently
are profitable.
demonstrated in laboratory experiments on skill
learning. The first trials are slow and coordination
is lacking. Mistakes are frequent, but each trial Evaluation versus critique
provides clues for improvement in subsequent trials.
The learner modifies different aspects of the skill, If an instructor were to evaluate the fifteenth writing
how to hold the pencil, how to execute finger and of the word learning, only limited help could be given
hand movements. Skill learning usually follows the toward further improvement. You could judge whether
same pattern15. the written word was legible, evaluate it against
some standard, or perhaps assign it a grade. None
Figure 2 of these would be very useful to a beginning student.
Typical progress pattern The student could profit, however, by having someone
watch the performance and critique it constructively
of correct
to help eliminate errors. In the initial stages, practical
performances suggestions are more valuable to the student than
a grade.
The following are five significant principles that are
generally accepted as having a direct application
to remembering:
Responses that give a pleasurable return tend to be
repeated. Absence of praise or recognition makes
recall less likely.
Each bit of information or action, which is associated
with something already known by the student, tends
to facilitate later recall.
Favourable attitudes
People learn and remember only what they wish to
know. Without motivation there is little chance for
recall. The most effective motivations are internal,
based on positive or rewarding objectives.
Multiple senses
Although we generally receive what we learn through
the eyes and ears, other senses also contribute to
most perceptions. When several senses respond
together, fuller understanding and a greater chance
of recall is achieved.
Human behaviour
Self-fulfilment needs
Physical At the apex of the hierarchy of human needs are
those for self-fulfilment, for realising your own
potential, for continued development, and for being
creative in the broadest sense. This need of a student
Physical needs should offer the greatest challenge to you. Aiding
another in realising self- fulfilment is probably the
Individuals are first concerned with their need for
most worthwhile accomplishment an instructor
food, rest, exercise and protection from the elements.
can achieve.
Until these needs are satisfied to a reasonable
degree, they cannot concentrate on learning or
Constructive feedback
Although it’s important to give praise and credit when
deserved, it’s equally (not more) important to identify
mistakes and failures. However, to tell students that
they have made errors and not provide explanations
does not help them. Errors cannot be corrected if they
are not identified, and if they are not identified they
will probably be perpetuated through faulty practice.
If the student is briefed on the errors made, and is
told and shown how to correct them, progress and
accomplishment can be made.
Be consistent
Students want to please their instructor. Therefore,
students have a keen interest in knowing what
is required to please you. If the same thing is
acceptable one day and not the next, the student
becomes confused. Your philosophy and actions must
be consistent. This often leads to a desire by the
student to fly with only one instructor.
Admit errors
No one, including the students, expects an instructor
to be perfect. You can win the respect of students
by honestly acknowledging mistakes. If you try to
cover up or bluff, the students will often sense it.
Such behaviour destroys student confidence in you.
If in doubt about some point, you should admit it.
You should report back to the student after seeking
advice from the supervising instructor, CFI, or
recognised texts.
Effective communication
Communicators must carefully select ideas if they Third, the receiver’s background, experience and
are to convey messages which receivers can react education define the target at which communication
to and understand. They must determine which must be aimed. Communicators must assess their
ideas are best suited to starting and concluding the receiver’s knowledge and use that assessment as a
communication, and which ideas clarify, emphasise, guide for selecting techniques for transmission. The
define, limit and explain – all of which form the basis major barriers to effective communication are usually
for the effective transmission of ideas from source found in this particular area.
to receiver.
• Use of abstractions.
Probably the greatest single barrier to effective Concrete words refer to objects that we can
communication is the lack of common experience experience directly. Abstract words, on the other
between communicator and receiver. Communication hand, stand for ideas that cannot be directly
can be effective only to the extent that the experienced, for things that do not call forth mental
experiences – physical, mental or emotional – of images in the mind of the receiver. For example,
the people concerned are similar22. Words do not assuming a similar core of experience, if a
transport meanings from speaker to listener in the communicator is discussing a particular fighter
same manner as a truck carries bricks from one aircraft and refers to it as the stealth-fighter, the
location to another. Words never carry precisely the listeners immediately get a mental image of this
same meaning from the mind of the communicator aircraft (clearly the accuracy of that image will be
to that of the receiver. affected by experience). The name stealth-fighter
represents a concrete reality that can be seen,
Consider your own experience as a communicator. heard and touched. If, however, the communicator
Recall telling someone of your experiences on holiday. uses just the words fighter aircraft the listeners do
Although you tried to describe the experience vividly, not necessarily form a specific mental image of the
you may have felt that the receiver didn’t get the full stealth-fighter because there are a number of aircraft
picture of your holiday. Words, spoken or written, do that fit that description. If the communicator uses
not transfer meanings; they are merely stimuli that just the word aircraft, the term is so abstract that
a communicator uses to arouse a response in the the listeners cannot form a mental image of the
receiver. The nature of the response is determined by stealth-fighter at all.
the receiver’s past experience with the words and the
things to which they refer20. These experiences give Abstract words do not bring forth specific items
the words their meaning – which is in the mind of the of experience in the minds of receivers. Although
receiver, not in the words themselves. abstractions are convenient and useful, they can lead
to misunderstandings. When abstractions are used
Words cannot communicate meaning unless the in communication, they should be linked with specific
listener or reader has had some experience with experiences through examples and illustrations.
the concepts or objects to which the words refer23. The level of abstraction should be reduced wherever
Consider the effect of your communication if your possible by using concrete and specific words24.
listener had never been on a holiday. In this way the communicator narrows and gains
better control of the image produced in the mind
of the listener or reader.
The teaching
For each lesson or instructional period, you must • the student can read a list from top to bottom; or
refer to the syllabus and determine what can
• the student has memorised a list from top to
reasonably be covered in the time available. From
this information, the objective of the lesson is set. The
objective is a statement of what the student will be To write a lesson objective, ask yourself these
able to do on completion of the lesson26. questions:
For an objective to result in the desired learning • What is it I expect the student to be able to do
outcome it must: at the end of this lesson?
The lecture method is suitable for presenting new Review and evaluation is an integral part of each
material, for summarising ideas and for showing classroom or flight lesson. Before the end of the
relationships between theory and practice. For instructional period, you should review what has been
example, it is suitable for the presentation of a covered and require students to demonstrate the
ground school lesson on aircraft weight and balance. extent to which the lesson objectives have been met.
This method is most effective if accompanied by
instructional aids and training devices. In the case of Evaluation may be informal and noted only for use
a lecture on weight and balance, a whiteboard could in planning the next lesson, or it may be recorded
be used effectively, so could a seesaw. to certify the student’s progress. In either case, the
student should be aware of their progress.
The demonstration-performance method is desirable
for presenting a skill, such as use of the flight In flight training, you must remember that it is
navigation computer. Great care must be taken in difficult for students to obtain a clear picture of their
using this method, to ensure that the demonstration progress, since they have little opportunity for a
follows the correct steps in the proper order, so the direct comparison with others, especially in the early
student gets a clear picture of each separate part phases of training. The students recognise that they
of the operation. are in a competitive situation unlike any previously
experienced. The unseen competitor is that intangible
competency which must be achieved. The student’s
own evaluation can only be subjective. Direct
Application comparisons for them are only possible with the
performance of the instructor. Only you can provide a
realistic evaluation of performance and progress.
Application is the student’s use of the ideas
presented by you. This is where you discover if the
In addition to knowledge and skills learned during
images transmitted are similar to those received by
the period just completed, each lesson should review
the student, and if transfer of learning has occurred.
things previously learned. If faults not associated
In a classroom situation, the student may be asked to
with the present lesson are revealed, they should be
explain the new material, or to perform an operation.
pointed out. Such corrective action as is practical
For example, at the end of a lesson on the use of
within the limitations of the situation should be taken
the navigation computer, the student may be asked
immediately; more thorough remedial action must be
to work a flight-planning problem involving the
included in future lesson plans.
computation of groundspeed and drift.
The evaluation of student performance and
In classroom and flight instructing situations,
accomplishment during a lesson should be based
portions of your explanation and demonstration are
on the stated objective30. For example, in the taxiing
alternated with student practice. It is rare that you
briefing, if you have stated the objective that the
complete an explanation and demonstration and
student should watch for potholes, then you cannot
then expect the student to complete the performance.
evaluate the student’s performance as poor when
the student taxies through a pothole, especially if the
It is very important that the student perform the
student states that they saw the pothole.
manoeuvre or operation the right way the first few
times, for this is when habits are established. Faulty
habits are difficult to correct. Recommended reading
Effective Aviation Instruction by RA Telfer (1993)
The emphasis is on the correct sequence – not the
in Aviation Instruction and Training14 p219-236
speed at which it is performed. Speed of performance
may be an important goal, but it should not take Preparing Instructional Objectives26 by RF Mager
precedence in the early stages of instruction. (1984)
demonstration-performance • Introduction
method will be covered • Development
here. The pre‑flight briefing • Conclusion25
will be discussed at length
Appendix A expands on this sequence.
in the Briefings section.
There is no definite line of division between
these methods; some material requires the use
of more than one method or a combination The introduction serves several purposes:
of methods25. For example, a demonstration • To establish common ground between
of how to use the aircraft radio, followed by a you and the students
thorough explanation, is essentially a lecture.
• To capture and hold the attention of the
student or group
• To establish a receptive attitude toward the You must organise the material logically to show
lesson the relationships of the main points34. Usually these
primary relationships are shown by developing the
• To lead into the lesson development.
main points in one of the following ways25:
You have better control of the situation, can change • to check student understanding.
the approach to deal with any situation as it arises,
and can tailor each idea to suit the individual It remains your responsibility to plan, develop and
responses of the students. For example, if you realise present the lesson. The students should not be
from their puzzled expressions that a number of relied on for any significant portion of the lesson
students fail to grasp an idea, that point can be development.
elaborated upon until the reactions of the students
indicate that they understand.
Advantages of the lecture
Overall, this method reflects your personal In a lecture, you can present many ideas in a
enthusiasm and is more flexible than other methods. relatively short time. Facts and ideas that have been
For these reasons it is likely to hold the interest of logically organised can be concisely presented in
the students. rapid sequence. Lecturing is the most economical
teaching method in terms of the time required to
present a given amount of material. It is also a
Use of notes
convenient method for large groups.
An instructor who is thoroughly prepared can usually
speak effectively without notes. If the lecture and The lecture can be used to ensure that all students
outline have been carefully prepared and rehearsed have the necessary basic information background
there should be no real difficulty. However, if your to learn a new subject12. You can offer students with
preparation has been limited, you may find it varied backgrounds a common understanding of
necessary to use notes. principles and facts. For example, in learning about
aircraft performance, the factors affecting aircraft
Notes do have certain advantages. They assure take-off and landing distances could be covered
accuracy, jog the memory, and dispel the fear of in a lecture, before moving on to a demonstration-
forgetting. An instructor should not, however, be performance on the use of take-off and landing
overly dependent on notes. Use them sparingly performance charts.
Discussion Conclusion
You open the discussion by asking one of the A guided discussion is closed by summarising the
prepared questions. After asking a question you material covered. In the conclusion, you should tie
should give the students a chance to react25. You together the various points or topics discussed and
have the answer in mind before asking the question, show the relationships between the facts brought
but the student has to think about the question forth and the practical application of these facts25.
before answering. You must be patient while the As an example, in concluding a discussion on
students figure out the answer. It takes time to engine failure after take-off, an instructor might
recall data, word an answer or think of an example. give statistical results of the attempted turn back
The more difficult the question, the more time the as against other options.
student will need to produce an answer.
The summary should be brief but not to the point of
Sometimes students may not understand the incompleteness. If the discussion revealed that certain
question. Whenever you detect this, the question areas are not understood by one or more members of
should be restated in a slightly different form. the group, you should clarify this material.
Alternatively, the question may need to drop down
a level in Bloom’s Taxonomy for cognitive domain.
Once the discussion is under way, you should listen Demonstration-performance method
attentively to the ideas, experiences and examples
contributed by the students during the discussion.
The demonstration-performance method is used
During preparation, you will have anticipated the
extensively in flight instruction during the air exercise
responses that indicate the students have a firm
and is based on the principle that we learn by doing.
grasp of the subject. As the discussion proceeds,
Students learn physical or mental skills by performing
you may find it necessary to stimulate the students
those skills under supervision. An individual learns
to explore the subject in greater depth or guide the
to write by writing, to weld by welding, and to fly an
direction of the discussion and encourage them to
aircraft by performing flight manoeuvres.
discuss the topic in more detail. By using how and
why follow-up questions, you should be able to guide Great care must be taken in using this method, to
the discussion toward the objective of understanding ensure that the demonstration follows the correct
the subject. steps, in the proper order, so that the student
gets a clear picture of each part of the operation.
Once the students have discussed the ideas that
The demonstration-performance method has five
support the objective, you should summarise what
essential phases:
the students have accomplished.
• Explanation
In a discussion lesson, an interim summary is one
• Demonstration
of the most effective tools available to you to bring
ideas together. In addition, the interim summary may • Instructor supervision
be used to keep the group on the subject or divert • Student performance
the discussion to another member.
• Evaluation.
Throughout the discussion it is desirable to record
ideas, facts and agreements so that the group can
see relationships and the progress that has been
made. The whiteboard is suitable for this purpose. “If telling was the same as teaching we would all be
Brainstorming is a special version of this process, so smart we could hardly stand it.”39
Programmed instruction may be branched or linear. For an example of linear type programmed instruction,
see the Climbing and descending briefing – the
Branched presentation of the forces acting on the aircraft in
a climb. To the casual observer, this sequence may
Typically, branched instruction gives more information
seem unduly simple. To the student who is totally
than linear and then requires an answer to be chosen
unfamiliar with the subject matter, however, it offers
from the multiple-choice type. Each answer has a
a sort of learning game.
reference page to turn to. If the correct answer is
chosen, new material will be presented. If an incorrect
answer is chosen, remedial material will explain
where the student went wrong.
In linear programmed instruction, the material is
itemised and presented in very small steps. A student
is prompted so that invariably the correct response
is given. Materials are carefully designed to offer
as much review as needed to assure the degree
of retention appropriate to the subject matter, the
learning situation and the needs of the student42.
A more structured form of anecdotal record is the • It reveals the effectiveness of your instruction.
rating scale. Rating scales provide a systematic
• It checks the student’s retention of what has
procedure for reporting your observations. Its value
been learned.
depends on careful preparation and appropriate
use. For example, it should measure the desired • It reviews material already covered by
learning outcome, and it should be used when the student.
sufficient opportunity exists to make the necessary • It can be used to retain the student’s interest
observations. and stimulate thinking.
A rating scale, as used in the CAA Flight Test • It can be used to emphasise important points.
Standard Guides (FTSG), in the measurement • It checks student comprehension.
of Managing Critical Incidents is given below
as an example. • It may identify points that need more emphasis.
Multiple-choice type
When properly devised and constructed, the multiple- Stem presented as a direct question
choice type offers several unique advantages that This form is generally better than the incomplete stem
make it more widely used and versatile than either in that it is simpler and more natural.
the matching or true/false question.
Which gas forms the largest part of the
Multiple-choice questions are highly objective; that atmosphere?
is, the results of such a test would be graded the
same regardless of the student taking the test or the a. oxygen
person marking it (reliability). This makes it possible to b. nitrogen
directly compare the performance of students within
c. helium
the same class or in different classes, students under
one instructor with those under another, and student d. hydrogen
accomplishment at one stage of instruction with that
e. neon
at later stages (validity). This type of test question
permits easy marking and allows you to examine
more areas of knowledge, over the same period, than Stem as an incomplete statement
could be done by requiring the student to supply When using this form, care must be taken to avoid
written responses (useability). ambiguity, giving clues and using unnecessarily
complex or unrelated alternatives.
Three major difficulties are encountered in the
construction of multiple-choice test questions: The atmosphere is a mixture of gases, the largest
part being:
• development of a question stem which can be
expressed clearly and without ambiguity; a. oxygen
The difference between magnetic north and true Double negatives should be avoided because
north is known as: invariably they cause confusion. If a word such as
“not” or “false” appears in the stem, avoid using
a. turning error
another negative in the alternatives.
b. variation
Catch questions, unimportant details and leading
c. deviation
questions should be avoided as they do not
d. compass error contribute to effective evaluation. Moreover, they
tend to antagonise the student.
e. dip
The question must be stated so that everyone who In evaluating student demonstrations of piloting
is competent in the subject would agree on the ability, as in questioning and other instructional
correct response. processes, it is important to keep the student
informed of progress. This may be done as each
The question should be stated in the student’s procedure or manoeuvre is completed or during
working language. the debriefing.
Performance tests
Instructional aids
Aids have no value in the learning process if they • Do not overcrowd. Leave a margin around the
cannot be heard or seen. Recordings of sounds and material and space between lines.
speeches should be tested for adequate volume
• Present material simply and briefly.
and quality. Visual aids must be visible to the entire
class, with lettering large enough to be seen by the • Use lower case for presentation of material to
students farthest from the aid. Colours, when used, be learned as the easier interpretation facilitates
should contrast and be easily visible. The surest and learning and leave upper case for titles.
most successful rule is, before the student arrives, test • If necessary, use the ruler or other devices in
visual and aural aids in the environment in which they making drawings.
will be used.
• Use colour for emphasis.
The effectiveness of aids can be improved by proper • Stand to the side of the material being
sequencing57. Sequencing can be emphasised and presented, so that the entire class will have an
made clearer by the use of contrasting colours. unobstructed view.
The effectiveness of aids and the ease of preparation • Do not talk to the board – when speaking, face
can be increased by planning them in rough draft the student or group; when writing, write!
form. The rough draft should be carefully checked
for accuracy, clarity and simplicity. Revisions and
alterations to a draft are easier to make than
changes to a final product. A model is a realistic copy or simulation of a real
piece of equipment. Models are not necessarily
The purpose of all instructional aids is to improve the the same size as the equipment they represent, nor
student’s understanding so care must be taken to are they necessarily workable. However, a model is
present information from the student’s perspective. generally more effective if it works like the original.
For example, when using an attitude window, point With the display of an operating model, the students
out what the attitude looks like from the student’s can observe how each part works in relation to the
(left-seat) perspective. other parts, ailerons for example. As instructional
aids, models are usually more practical than originals
because they are lightweight and easily moved.
For example, at the completion of the straight- Computers combine the features of film or audio in
and-level lesson the student is given a handout on gaining and maintaining attention and can provide
climbing. This first asks relevant questions in regard simulation and interactive feedback. With the
to the practical aspects of straight-and-level. Revision development of touch-screen technology, exciting
questions relating to earlier instruction could also possibilities for interactive instruction and feedback
be included. Then the handout covers the theory have become possible59.
and considerations of climbing in depth. This is in
more detail than would be covered in the pre-flight At first glance, the computer appears to incorporate
brief including, for example, any relevant checklists all the considerations of effective instruction.
or radio procedures. The handout ends with relevant However, the computer still lacks the ability to provide
questions on the climbing text. for an individual’s social and egoistic needs. For
example, belonging, appreciation and recognition.
You now present the pre-flight briefing on climbing, For this reason it is worth stating again that
and the exercise is flown and de-briefed. Then a instructional aids are used in support of your delivery;
handout on descending is given to the student, on they should not substitute for instruction itself.
the first page of which are questions relating to
climbing air exercise – and the cycle is repeated.
Role modelling
The student pilot accepts the flight instructor
Professionalism in flight instruction demands as a competent qualified teacher and expert
a code of ethics that is in no way related to pilot. Attempting to hide inadequacy behind
the monetary gains. Flight instructors must a smoke screen of unrelated instruction will
strive for the highest levels of professionalism make it impossible to command the respect
as attempts to operate otherwise as a flight and attention of the student; the professional
instructor can result only in poor performance flight instructor should be straightforward
and deficient students. Anything less than a and honest.
sincere effort will quickly be detected by the
In addition, instruction that emphasises
student, destroying your effectiveness.
safety will be negated if you appear to ignore
Professionalism also includes a flight your own instruction, eg, taxiing quickly, or
instructor’s public image. In the past, flight descending below minimum altitudes.
instructors have all too often been willing
The same applies to your insistence on
to accept a less than professional status in
precision, accuracy and smoothness of
the public view by relaxing their demeanour,
handling. The professional instructor is
appearance and approach to their profession.
constantly under scrutiny and is expected
to excel in aircraft handling.
1 Gagne, RM, and Driscoll, MP (1988). Essentials of learning for instruction. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.
4 McKeachie, WJ (1988). The need for study strategy training. In CE Weinstein, ET Goetz and PA Alexander
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5 Craik, FIM and Lockhart, RS (1993). Levels of processing: A framework for memory research. In PE Morris
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6 Wickelgren, WA (1981). Human learning and memory. Annual review of Psychology, 32 21-52.
7 Elshaw, C (1993). Preparing better flight instructors. In RA Telfer (Ed.), Aviation instruction and training
(p253-270). Hants: Ashgate.
8 Gagne, RM (1971). The conditions of learning. (2nd ed.). New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
9 McCombs, BL (1988). Motivational skills training: Combining metacognitive, cognitive, and affective
learning strategies. In CE Weinstein, ET Goetz and PA Alexander (Eds.), Learning and study strategies
(p141-169). New York: Academic press.
10 Reynolds, JH, and Glasser, R (1964). Effects of repetition and spaced review upon retention of a complex
learning task. Journal of Educational Psychology, 55 297-308.
11 Gaudry, E and Spielberger, CD (1971). Anxiety and educational achievement. Sydney: John Wiley and Sons.
12 Hawkins, FH (1993). Human factors in flight. (2nd ed.). Edited by H Orlady. Hants: Ashgate.
13 Maslow, AH (1970). Motivation and personality. New York: Harper and Row.
15 Gagne, RM, and Glaser, R (1987). Foundations in learning research. In RM Gagne (Ed.) Instructional
technology: Foundations (p49-83). Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
17 Ausubel, DP (1968). Educational psychology: A cognitive view. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
18 Howe, MJA (1987). Using cognitive psychology to help students learn how to learn. In Richardson, Eysenck
and Piper (Eds.), Student learning: Research in education and cognitive psychology. Milton Keynes: The
Society for Research into Higher Education and Open University Press.
19 Salomon, G (1981). Communication and education: Social and psychological interactions. California: Sage.
21 Tagiuri, R (1974). Effective communication. Harvard: Harvard Business Review Reprint Series.
22 Reigeluth, CM (1983). Meaningfulness and instruction: Relating what is being learned to what a student
knows. Instructional Science, 12 197-218.
23 Anderson, RC, Reynolds, RE, Schallert, DL, and Goetz, ET (1977). Frameworks for comprehending discourse.
American Educational Research Journal, 14 367-381.
26 Mager, RF (1984). Preparing instructional objectives. (2nd ed.). Belmont: David S Lake.
28 Yelon, SL (1991). Writing and using instructional objectives. In LJ Briggs, KL Gustafson and MH Tillman
(Eds.), Instructional design: Principles and applications. (2nd ed.). (p75-121). Englewood Cliffs: Educational
29 Mayer, RE (1979). Can advance organisers influence meaningful learning? Review of Educational Research,
49 371-383.
30 Gagne, RM, and Briggs, LJ (1979). Principles of instructional design. (2nd ed.). New York: Holt, Rinehart
and Winston.
31 Okey, JR (1991). Procedures of lesson design. In L.J. Briggs, K.L. Gustafson and M.H. Tillman (Eds.),
Instructional design: Principles and applications. (2nd ed.). (pp.193-208). Englewood Cliffs: Educational
32 Telfer, RA and Biggs, J (1988). The psychology of flight training. Ames: Iowa State University Press.
33 Gibbs, G, Habeshaw, S, and Habeshaw, T (1988). 53 Interesting things to do in your lectures. (3rd ed.).
Bristol: Technical and Educational Services.
34 Merrill, PF (1987). Job and task analysis. In RM Gagne (Ed.), Instructional technology: Foundations (p141-
173). Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
36 Knowles, MS (1980). The modern practice of adult education: From pedagogy to andragogy. Chicago:
Follett Publishing.
37 Brown, G, and Atkins, M (1991). Effective teaching in higher education. London: Routledge.
38 Hall, KA (1983). Content structuring and question asking for computer-based education. Journal of
Computer-Based Instruction, 10 1-7.
40 Anderson, RC, and Faust, GW (1973). Educational psychology: The science of instruction and learning.
New York: Dodd, Mead.
41 Gagne, RM, Wager, W, and Rojas, A (1991). Planning and authoring computer-assisted instruction lessons.
In LJ Briggs, KL Gustafson and MH Tillman (Eds.), Instructional design: Principles and applications. (2nd ed.).
(p211-226). Englewood Cliffs: Educational Technology.
42 George, FH (1970). Educational technology: The systems approach and cybernetics. In AJ Romiszowski (Ed.),
A systems approach to education and training (p22-33). London: Kogan Page.
45 Baker, EL, and O’Neil, HF, Jr (1987). Assessing instructional outcomes. In RM Gagne (Ed.), Instructional
technology: Foundations. (p343-377). Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
46 Tuckman, BW (1985). Evaluating instructional programs. (2nd ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
47 Gronlund, NE, and Linn, RL (1990). Measurement and evaluation in teaching. (6th ed.). New York: Macmillan.
49 Tuckman, BW (1988). Testing for teachers. (2nd ed.). New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
50 Voegel, GH (Ed.). (1986). Instructional technology mix: Some considerations. In, Advances in instructional
technology (p73-82). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
53 Salomon, G (1984). Television is ‘easy’ and print is ‘tough’: The differential investment of mental effort in
learning as a function of perceptions and attributions. Journal of Educational Psychology, 76 647-658.
54 DeCecco, JP, and Crawford, WR (1974). Psychology of learning and instruction: Educational psychology.
Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.
55 Briggs, LJ, and Wager, WW (1981). Handbook of procedures for the design of instruction.Englewood Cliffs:
Educational Technology.
58 Wager, WW, and Gagne, RM (1987). Designing computer-aided instruction. In DH Jonassen (Ed.),
Instructional designs for microcomputer courseware. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
59 Bunderson, CV, and Inouye, DK (1987). The evolution of computer-aided educational delivery
systems. In RM Gagne (Ed.), Instructional technology: Foundations. (p283-318). Hillsdale: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates.
60 Anandam, K (1986). Technology for education: Promises and problems. In GH Vogel (Ed.), Advances in
instructional technology. (p65-72). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
The novice instructor must realise that there Throughout this text the words control column, control
is no standard briefing because there is no wheel and stick are used interchangeably, as they all
standard student. have the same function and sense of movement.
Briefings 53
Poor altitude control, or rolling the aircraft with
Airborne sequence aileron and keeping straight with rudder, in an
Generally, the airborne sequence is: attempt to keep the field in sight, resulting in
crossed controls, should not be demonstrated.
1. Demonstration
The follow through is a pattered breakdown, by you, The decision to give the student control or to take
of the actions required to complete the manoeuvre, control yourself can only be based on experience.
or part of the manoeuvre. The professional flight instructor retains situational
awareness at all times and never allows the safety
The instructor talk through is a re-assembly, by the of the flight to be compromised.
student, of the actions required to complete the
manoeuvre with instructor assistance. Generally, when handing over control to the student,
make sure the student realises they have full control
Student practice involves evaluation by both by removing your hands from the control wheel,
instructor and student as to whether or not the column or stick, and throttle as well as removing
student’s performance achieves the lesson objective. your feet from the rudder pedals. Follow-me-through
Remember that perfection or a performance within exercises are used to give the student insights to
flight test parameters, is not necessarily a part of the control movements and build confidence. However,
lesson objective. when handing over control, often removing your feet
from the rudder pedals is difficult or overlooked, and
Student practice should not be continued beyond this can lead to subconscious control inputs that only
the point at which the objective is achieved. undermine the confidence of the student.
Briefings 55
From the above it should be apparent that the ability
to conduct an effective debrief is not something that Whiteboard layouts
comes naturally. It requires considerable training
and practice. Experience has shown that newly
The proposed layouts are again, only a guide.
qualified flight instructors tend to over-concentrate
They represent the finished layout and should be
on performance errors, which are often minor.
supplemented with the use of various aids.
• windscreen cleanliness
• blind spots
• aerodrome layout
• instrument checks
Figure 2
Speed control
Directional control
Aeroplane speed is controlled with the hand-operated
throttle. Because of inertia, more power will initially
be required to get the aeroplane moving. As soon
as the desired speed is reached, reduce power as
Control positioning
The aeroplane’s controls should be held in the
appropriate position in relation to wind direction,
as stated in the Flight Manual.
Human factors
Elevator deflected Elevator deflected • Clean windscreen.
Wind downwards or neutral, refer CFI upwards or neutral, refer CFI
• Move head and body to avoid blind spots.
Effects of
This lesson is arguably Primary flight controls are the elevator, ailerons
and rudder. When these are deflected in flight
the most important lesson the aeroplane moves about one or more of its
a student will take. A three axes. The student needs to know what
effect these controls have on the aeroplane’s
thorough understanding of flight path in order to accurately manoeuvre
the primary and secondary the aeroplane. They also need to see the effect
effects of control inputs of moving each of these primary flight controls
individually, so that any unwanted secondary
is the basis of all future effect can be countered through coordinated
flying. It’s important that use of the primary flight controls.
the student understands Ancillary controls are the throttle, flap and
and has the opportunity trim. The student needs to know how to
to practise these effects. operate each of these correctly and what
effect their operation will have on the flight
of the aeroplane. A clear understanding of
As this is commonly the first formal preflight the effect of using these controls is important,
briefing, a short explanation of the sub- and then with practice, any adverse effect can
headings should be included, as well as the be countered.
normal introduction. The Airmanship section
covers good aviation practice.
Figure 3
Describe the three axes of the aeroplane – lateral,
longitudinal and normal (sometimes termed Slipstream
vertical) – and the movement about those axes
(use teaching aids).
Briefly describe the throttle and its direct connection Because an aeroplane has mass (weight) it is subject
to the propeller and its effect on the aeroplane’s to inertia. Explain in very basic terms that inertia is
speed. Explain that power is increased by moving the the tendency of a body to remain in its current state.
lever (or plunger) forward and decreased by moving If it has stopped on the ground it will take more
the lever rearwards. power to get it moving than to keep it moving. If you
want to decrease the speed in flight, the aeroplane
Discuss the purpose of trim and how it works. State will not slow down instantly, but gradually decelerate.
that most training aeroplanes are fitted with trim tabs This must be taken into account when changing the
to provide sufficient force to hold the primary control speed or the direction of the aeroplane.
surface in the desired position. Emphasise that they are
not used to alter the primary control surface’s position,
they are a pilot aid only. You could also note that trim
tabs may be provided on all three primary controls. Airmanship
Describe where the flaps are located on the
Knowing who is physically flying the aeroplane is
aeroplane, how they are operated, how they work
critical. Get the student into the habit of stating “I have
(electrically or manually), and the various positions
control/you have control.” The meaning of “follow me
to which they can be selected. It should be noted
through” should be explained, for example, “I want you
that flap ‘up’ means flush with the wings, ie, they
to place your hands and feet lightly on the controls
do not extend above the wing.
and feel what I’m doing, but I retain control.”
M Medication Mixture
How will the effects of medication be altered by the Explain the type of control (IN / OUT or UP / DOWN)
flight environment, for example, altitude? In addition, and that when the mixture control is pulled fully OUT
why is medication being taken, am I unwell? Do I or DOWN the fuel supply is cut off from the engine.
need to consult a medical examiner? This is called Idle Cut Off (ICO) and is normally used
to stop the engine (not the ignition key – except where
S Stress there is a solid state ignition system). This will be
demonstrated when you shut down at the end of the
This takes up valuable space in the short-term
lesson. Discuss how the mixture control is used to alter
memory. Getting into an aeroplane straight after an
the fuel/air ratio and then state that for initial training
argument or with other personal worries affects your
flights the mixture control is set at the full rich position.
information processing capabilities.
Leaning the mixture will be covered in later lessons.
A Alcohol
Carburettor heat
Even in small amounts, alcohol adversely affects brain
Explain the type of control (IN / OUT or UP / DOWN)
functioning. Mixed with altitude and the dynamic
and the purpose of carburettor heat.
three-dimensional environment of aviation, it is
deadly. Safe periods of abstinence before flight vary Briefly outline the reasons and conditions for
with the individual and the amount consumed. carburettor ice forming, the symptoms of its
formation, and the cure. In addition, the reason for
F Fatigue
applying carburettor heat before closing the throttle,
This affects not only motor skills but also mental skills. and the conditions under which carburettor ice is
Adequate rest is essential for quality information most likely to form, should be described. Introducing
processing and decision making. warm air into the carburettor alters the mixture, so is
not normally used at high power settings.
E Eating
Discuss when you would use carburettor heat on the
A balanced diet and drinking water at regular
ground, and the precautions you need to take while
intervals to prevent dehydration is important. Poor
doing so.
eating habits and/or dehydration can have a
detrimental effect on the decision-making process.
Temperature and pressure gauges
In addition, the I’M SAFE checklist should be Gauges such as oil pressure and temperature;
prominently displayed in the briefing room for quick cylinder temperature; and fuel pressure, have a
reference before flight. normal operating range depicted by a green arc.
Red lines indicate operating limits, yellow arcs the
cautionary ranges, and often white lines or arcs for
other purposes (refer Flight Manual). The importance
Aeroplane management of monitoring temperatures and pressures for normal
readings should be explained. It may sometimes be
A large-scale photograph of the aeroplane instrument normal to taxi with oil temperature below the green
panel and/or cabin layout is a valuable aid. range (see Flight Manual). On the other hand, it
would not be normal to see the oil temperature near
the top of the green range after a prolonged descent,
even though it’s in the green.
Describe the effect of slipstream over the elevators
and rudder, in relation to high power and idle power
settings, at a constant airspeed. At high power the
slipstream is increased, and the elevator and rudder
are more effective; conversely, at idle power they
are less effective. Because the ailerons are situated
outside the slipstream, their effectiveness does not UP
Remind the student that a much greater lateral Drawing the student’s attention to the outside
clearance is required than that required for a car. reference point, roll the aeroplane with pure aileron
using only the finger and thumb. The slip may be
Point out major ground features and approximate difficult to see, however, the yaw and resultant spiral
directions of north, south, east and west. descent should be apparent.
100 7 3
80 60 VACUUM 6
5 4
First explain ‘nose attitude’ and what you mean To effectively demonstrate the effect on airspeed,
by it. The line the horizon makes in relation to the maintain a constant power setting and vary the
aeroplane’s nose will be the primary means the airspeed with attitude.
student uses to fly the aeroplane. They must have a
sound understanding of aeroplane attitude, and how Nose-high attitude equals low or lower airspeed,
to use it, if they are going to become a pilot. nose-low attitude equals high or higher airspeed.
At this stage there is no requirement to refer to
The primary flight controls and their effects are any specific attitude, for example, level or climbing
demonstrated one at a time, with emphasis on the attitude. During this demonstration, the throttle
natural sense, to experience the affect themselves. should not be moved but left at a medium power
After each demonstration, the student should operate setting so as to make it quite clear that it is the
each control one at a time. Ensure that during attitude that directly affects the airspeed. During the
the rudder movement demonstration and student high airspeed demonstration, however, the throttle
practice that the wings are held laterally level with will need to be slightly closed unless the aeroplane
aileron. Otherwise the student will see the more has a variable pitch propeller and a constant speed
obvious roll rather than a pure yaw. unit fitted.
After flight
After landing, allow the student to revise taxiing and
to move the mixture control to ICO on shut down.
After the debrief (see below) tell the student the next
lesson will be Straight and level, and that you will
be using the controls you learned about today to fly
straight and level. They may want to do some further
reading on this.
Comments are given here as a guide to the novice
instructor on how to complete the debrief while
gaining the experience needed to expand their
100 7 3
• To operate the primary control surfaces and observe the further (or secondary) aerodynamic effects on the Attitude 80 60 VACUUM 6
5 4 Flying with reference
aircraft in flight. • Attitude flying by referencing nose and wings to the horizon to the horizon
• To operate the ancillary controls and to experience the feel and observe the effect on the aircraft in flight.
and level
This lesson should start The lesson should initially cover configuring
straight and level flight at a constant
with you asking the airspeed, and then maintaining it. It’s followed
student what they did by regaining straight and level after a
in the last lesson, what disturbance, and finally straight and level at
different airspeeds and power settings.
do they remember, and
determining if they have It’s critical that the student understands that
remembered correctly. straight and level is achieved by referencing
the aeroplane’s nose attitude directly in
We must be able to fly the aeroplane in a front of the pilot with the horizon (where
straight line, on a constant heading and at the sky meets the sea, or an imagined line
a constant altitude. Maintaining a constant superimposed over terrain or weather), and
altitude requires a constant attitude and then checked by reference to the aeroplane’s
a constant heading requires the aeroplane instruments (see Figure 1). Use a moveable
to be wings level and in balance. ‘windscreen view’ to show the correct attitude
for straight and level flight.
This is the first exercise in coordination for
the student, and it’s very important that they
understand, and can then demonstrate,
how the controls they learnt about in the
previous Effect of controls lesson are used
to achieve and maintain a constant heading,
constant altitude, constant airspeed, and
aeroplane in balance.
The horizon is where the sky meets the sea – this needs to Drag is the force that resists movement of an aircraft
be imagined and superimposed over terrain or weather through the air.
where the sea isn’t visible.
Equilibrium requires a constant airspeed and constant
direction (the combination of these is velocity).
A constant direction is maintained by the wings being
level and the aeroplane in balance. Equilibrium is
achieved when lift = weight and thrust = drag.
couples. Lift acts through its centre of pressure and
80 60
To regain straight and level flight. The four forces acting on an aeroplane
To maintain straight and level flight at selected
airspeeds or power settings.
Principles of flight
In VFR flight, flying straight and level should only be
accomplished with reference to the horizon. Define
the horizon for the student and explain how the P
horizon can be identified if it’s not visible, for example
with hills or weather in the way.
Lift Performance
Lift is generated by air flowing faster over the top Introduce the concept of:
surface of the wing, compared with air flowing under
the wing. Air is made to flow faster by shaping the Power + Attitude = Performance
top surface – called camber (see Figure 3).
Power is set by reference to RPM – use the
The formula for lift is: organisation’s recommended RPM setting for training
flights. In the example below we have used 2200 RPM.
L = CL ½ ρ V2 S
The attitude will depend on the aeroplane type.
Where: In this example, we will position the top of the
instrument panel four fingers below the horizon.
CL is the co-efficient of lift (angle of attack)
In this case the performance we want is a constant
½ is a constant altitude, direction and airspeed – straight and level.
Figure 3
Aeroplane management
Operation of the mixture control has been explained
in the previous lesson. During initial training, as a
result of regular altitude and power changes, the
mixture is normally left in the full rich position.
The most efficient angle of attack is approximately Revise why carburettor heat is set to HOT at power
4 degrees, but as no angle-of-attack indicator is settings below _____ RPM (commonly the green arc
fitted to light aeroplanes, the airspeed is used as or 1900–2000 RPM).
a guide to the aeroplane’s angle of attack.
Air exercise The aeroplane is kept in balance to not only keep the
aeroplane flying straight, but also for best efficiency
Identify the horizon, and what attitude is required by keeping drag to a minimum and achieving the best
relative to the horizon, with the appropriate power airspeed.
setting, to establish and maintain straight and level
flight. If the correct level attitude has been selected the
airspeed will be about ___ knots. If the correct power
Power + Attitude = Performance setting is maintained the aeroplane will maintain
altitude, and if the wings are level and balance
(2200) (eg, four fingers) (straight and level)
maintained the aeroplane cannot turn. Therefore,
the objective to fly at a constant airspeed, constant
altitude, constant direction, and in balance is
With the use of the ‘windscreen view’ show the achieved.
attitude in the correct position as well as in the too
low and too high positions. T Trim
P Power
Maintaining straight and level
Set the power for selected (normal) straight and level Maintaining straight and level is achieved by using
performance. the mnemonic LAI.
A Attitude L Lookout
The attitude for straight and level is made up of three In a scan loop ahead, look out to the left and scan 20
elements. degrees for 2 seconds from left to right, passing over
the nose of the aeroplane.
Aileron Wings are level relative to the horizon – Ensure the attitude is correct relative to the horizon
for straight and, more importantly, constant.
Straight and level at different airspeeds Point out the horizon to the student – let them note
and power settings the attitude when level. Demonstrate an attitude that
Power + Attitude = Performance is too high and an attitude that is too low.
It should be emphasised that every time power or Configure the aeroplane, using PAT, in straight
airspeed is altered, a change in rudder pressure will and level flight at normal cruising power. Once the
be required to maintain balance. Therefore, during student has recognised the attitude, and noted that
those phases of flight where power or airspeed are the wings are level and the aeroplane is in balance,
changing, rudder will need to be applied to maintain hand over control.
balance. In addition, when rudder is being used to
centre the ball, the wings must be held laterally level Talk the student through establishing straight and
with aileron. level using PAT and maintaining straight and level
using LAI.
List the various power, airspeed and attitude
settings required to maintain straight and level flight. Make minor deviations away from straight and level
An example is shown below. and talk them through regaining it.
After flight
Debrief the student.
moment arms couple Altimeter, DI, TC, RPM checked every time TURN COORDINATOR DIRECTION INDICATOR
L 5 15
P 21
15 10
Other instruments and gauges, less frequently SET
• Lift and Weight couple balanced by
tailplane force
• Changes in Thrust pitch changes
W Regaining straight and level
1. Airspeed and power setting correct
Lift L
2. Attitude correct for straight and level
• Air over the top accelerates compared 3. Wings level and balance ball centred
with air passing under the wing 4. Reset power
RAF 5. P A T
• L = CL ½ V2 S
• L = Angle of attack x airspeed
– Angle of attack altered with elevator Straight and level at different airspeeds Power + Attitude = Performance
• Any changes in power must be balanced with rudder
• While moving rudder wings must be kept level Power 2200 1800 2500
Performance Airspeed 80–90 knots 60 knots 110 knots
• Power + Attitude = Performance
Attitude normal high low
Climbing and
This lesson builds on the It is recommended you teach the best rate
climb and the glide, with a demonstration
coordination skills learnt of the others as time permits.
in the previous lesson,
straight and level. Check The last lesson was Straight and level. Now
we must learn how to climb and descend to
with the student what the and from straight and level flight, so that we
important elements of the can move towards the circuit lessons.
last lesson were. Have they
remembered the attitudes
you looked at last time,
and that all the controls
need to be moved in a
coordinated way?
There are a large number of power changes
made during this air exercise and it is
important the student reviews and practises
the coordination of elevator and rudder
adjustments with changes in power.
Principles of flight D
To maintain a constant speed and direction, the
aeroplane must be in equilibrium, as discussed in
the straight and level lesson. We demonstrate the
relationships between the four forces in the climb R1
to show that the aeroplane is still in a state of
equilibrium when climbing.
Make the statement, “Since the aeroplane is in
There is no requirement to prove anything in a equilibrium, there must be a force equal and opposite
preflight briefing. Statements illustrated with to the resultant R1”.
diagrams are sufficient to support the air exercise.
Then, draw a line from the central point, equal and
There is a common misconception that in the climb opposite to R1 and label this R2.
the lift is increased, since if lift must equal weight in
level flight, it might appear logical that lift should be Resolve R2 into its two components, lift and thrust
increased to climb, but it is not so. Drawing the forces (see Figure 2).
to show that lift is not increased in the climb – but is
slightly reduced – should illustrate that the aeroplane Figure 2
is in equilibrium during the climb.
Lift and thrust in the climb
The most important concept the student should grasp,
in simple terms, is that in order for an aeroplane to R2
climb, thrust must be equal to drag plus the rearward
component of weight (T = D + RCW). The rate at which
the aeroplane will climb depends on how much more L F
power is available. Lots of additional power available
will mean a high rate of climb. T
The forces acting on the aeroplane in a climb
T = D + RCW
From the previous lesson the student will know that
there are four forces acting on the aeroplane: lift, drag,
W1 L<W
thrust, and weight, and that in straight and level flight,
the aeroplane was in equilibrium. The same is true of
the climb – the forces are in equilibrium. They will also
know about relative airflow (RAF). W
In a climb, thrust must increase to equal drag plus the Engine performance (power) decreases with altitude,
rearward component of weight (T = D + RCW). so there will be a limit to how high the aeroplane
can climb.
It should be clear to the student from your diagram,
that in a steady climb, “thrust is ______ than drag.” In addition, anything that opposes thrust is
detrimental to climb performance.
Why then, does the aeroplane not accelerate?
To resolve this question, break weight (W) down into
The greater the weight, the greater will be the RCW
its two components, with the rearward component of
(rearward component of weight). Therefore, weight
weight (RCW) added to the drag vector.
reduces the rate of climb and the angle.
Thrust is equal to the drag plus the ______.
You may wish to finish off the parallelograms to tidy Increases lift and drag and alters the lift/drag ratio.
up your resolution of vectors. The end result looks like Since drag opposes thrust, any increase in drag will
Figure 3. reduce the rate and angle of climb.
Figure 3 Wind
Forces acting on an aeroplane in the climb Affects only the climb angle and the distance
travelled over the ground (the range) to reach
a specific altitude.
Table 1
The various configurations for the four types of climb in
your training aeroplane are:
Best rate climb full power no flap _____ knots
T = D + RCW
Best angle climb full power no flap _____ knots
Let the student know that you will be using the best
Finish off by asking the student what force controls
rate climb for this lesson and you will demonstrate
the climb. And is there a limit to that force? How
the others. They may experience these climbs at this
might that limit the climb?
stage but their application will become clearer in
later lessons.
Climb performance
Having discussed the forces in the climb, the
various factors affecting the climb performance
are discussed.
Figure 5
Effect of change in weight on descent
ath +FCW
d ep
Point out that the relative airflow is now coming up
the slope to meet the aeroplane and therefore the
angle of attack is still approximately 4 degrees.
Power +W
Teach the glide first, then the others can be taught Throttle
as a variation of the glide.
The student has informed you of the power setting
that will give the best climb performance. You need
to point out that not all aeroplanes can climb on full
power continuously.
As the exercise does not involve prolonged climbs or Temperature and pressure gauges
descents – usually no more than 500 feet – there is no
In the climb it is normal to see an increase in oil and
need to use either method, but a good lookout must
cylinder head temperatures with a decrease in oil
be maintained, particularly before starting the climb
(and fuel) pressure. In the descent it is normal to see
or descent.
a decrease in oil and cylinder-head temperatures
and an increase in oil (and fuel) pressure.
P Power
Discuss the effects of trapped gases in the middle
ear and sinus in relation to their expansion with Check mixture rich, smoothly increase power
increasing and decreasing altitude. In general, (while stopping the yaw with rudder) to full power
a comfortable rate of descent for a fit person is or maximum continuous; keep straight using the
500 feet per minute. Discuss and demonstrate the reference point.
‘Valsalva manoeuvre’.
A Attitude
Discuss the dangers of diving and flying.
With elevator, select and hold the attitude for the
nominated climb, maintaining wings level with aileron
Discuss the effects of altitude on vision with regard to
and balance with rudder.
empty sky myopia (short-sightedness) or focal resting
lengths, reinforcing the need for a clean windscreen
T Trim
and systematic scan technique. Also discuss the
effect of the background on object detection. Remove excessive loads by trimming back. Once
performance has been confirmed, trim accurately to
As a result of high power settings, noise levels will maintain a constant attitude.
be increased and it is appropriate to discuss the
effects of exposure to noise as well as how to prevent If the correct climb attitude is selected the airspeed
hearing damage. will be _____ knots (exactly). If both the attitude
and the power setting are correct, the resulting
performance is a steady rate of climb of _____ ft/
min (500–700 approx). If the wings are held level
and balance maintained, the aeroplane cannot turn.
Air exercise
Therefore, the objective of entering and maintaining
the climb has been achieved.
Planning the lesson sequence will vary depending on
such factors as an appropriate cloud base, airspace
Maintaining the climb incorporates the LAI scan,
ceiling, and the ability to achieve both climbing and
with those instruments pertinent to the climb being
descending objectives.
scanned most frequently for accurate flight.
Anticipate the required altitude by approximately Remove excessive load by trimming (usually
10 percent of the rate of climb, ie, a climb of 500 feet backwards) and once the performance is achieved,
per minute will require an anticipation of 50 feet. trim accurately to maintain a constant attitude.
With the elevator, select and hold the level attitude. With the correct descent attitude selected the
The airspeed will increase only gradually, because airspeed will be _____ knots exactly. If the attitude is
the aeroplane must overcome inertia. To assist this correct, and the power is set correctly, the resulting
process, climb power is maintained until a suitable performance is a steady rate of descent of _____ ft/
airspeed has been achieved. As the airspeed min (approx 500). If the wings are held level and
increases the aeroplane’s nose will want to pitch balance maintained, the aeroplane cannot turn.
up, requiring subtly increasing forward pressure on Therefore the objective of entering and maintaining
the control column to maintain the correct attitude. the descent has been achieved.
The wings should be kept level in relation to the
horizon, and rudder adjusted to keep straight on the Maintaining the descent incorporates the LAI scan,
reference point. with those instruments pertinent to the descent being
scanned most frequently for accurate flight.
P Power
If the airspeed is not correct then the attitude is
Through _____ knots, decrease power to _____ rpm.
incorrect. Emphasise that the airspeed is altered by
The resultant pitch change and yaw must be
reference to attitude and that, due to inertia, once
compensated for, remember to use smooth
a change has been made a smaller change in the
throttle movements.
opposite direction will be required to hold the new
attitude. “Change – check – hold – trim.”
T Trim
Accurate trim cannot be achieved until equilibrium To regain straight and level from the descent, the
has been established. However, obvious control mnemonic PAT is used. Because of inertia, power
loads may be reduced immediately, then followed by leads the sequence to arrest the descent.
accurate trimming.
P Power
Once the instruments confirm level flight is being
Anticipate the required altitude by approximately
maintained, the aeroplane can be accurately trimmed
10 percent of the rate of descent, ie, a descent of
to maintain the selected attitude and reference point.
500 feet per minute will require an anticipation of
50 feet.
Carburettor heat COLD, smoothly increase power
Discuss the nose attitude position in relation to the to cruise power (balancing with rudder).
horizon for the descent.
As airspeed increases, rpm may increase slightly,
Entry to the descent is taught as PAT. requiring another throttle adjustment.
Power + Attitude = Performance The power change will cause the nose to yaw, if not
corrected with rudder, and to pitch up. The pitch-
P Power up tendency encourages a coordinated movement
Check the mixture is rich, carburettor heat HOT, because the next step is...
smoothly close the throttle and keep straight using
the reference point. A Attitude
Principles of flight
Climbing Climb performance
• Aeroplane is in equilibrium when climbing More power better climb performance 010 010 010
Power 140 20
8 8
0 0
9 9 1 1
2 2
120 301 120
120 301 301
302 302 302
4040 303 303
100 7 3 100
100 7 7 3 3
80 60 VACUUM 6 80806060 VACUUMVACUUM 6 6
5 4 5 54 4
Descent configurations
Performance Power Attitude Airmanship Aeroplane management Human factors
• Situational awareness – what was, is, and will be • Smooth throttle movements • Trapped gases in ears
Glide idle kt
F • VFR Met minima • Mixture RICH • Diving
Powered kt
• Minimum and maximum heights • Carb heat HOT for descent • Empty sky myopia
Cruise kt • Lookout – restrictions • Temperatures and pressures • Noise
A medium turn is defined Define the medium turn and explain angle of
bank. Explain that if you wanted to change
as a turn using up to direction, you wouldn’t normally complete
30 degrees angle of bank. an entire circle. However, in order to reduce
Climbing and descending the chance of disorientation we complete a
360 degree turn and regain straight and level
turns are combined with on the original reference point.
medium turns within
this briefing, but your
organisation may prefer to
present a separate briefing;
consult with your CFI.
The turning lesson builds on the previous
lessons. The student will improve their attitude
control and learn to smoothly and accurately
coordinate aileron and rudder. During the
roll-out the student will need to allow for
aeroplane inertia and use smooth control
inputs to regain the original reference point
and height.
• To complete a medium turn while climbing and
while descending.
From the Effects of controls lesson, the student
knows that ailerons are used to bank an aeroplane,
and this is achieved by changing the shape (camber)
of the wing, which in turn changes the lift on that
wing. In order to bank right, for example, the left (or
up-going) wing has more lift and the right (or down
going) wing has less lift.
One of the side-effects of increasing lift is a
corresponding increase in drag. So even though there
is more lift on the up-going wing, and the aeroplane
Lift vector rolls, there is also more drag on that wing, and that
produces a yaw, away from the direction of the turn –
It is very important that the student understands
termed adverse yaw (see Figure 2).
that in order to turn the aeroplane an acceleration
towards the centre of the turn must be provided. Figure 2
This is done by banking the aeroplane with aileron.
Yaw away from the direction of the turn
Breaking lift down into its two components shows
that it is the horizontal component of lift (centripetal L
force) that provides this acceleration towards the
centre of the turn. L
With the lift vector inclined, the vertical component
of lift no longer supports the aeroplane’s weight. Yaw
To maintain a constant altitude or height, the total
lift vector must be increased so that the vertical D
component now equals the weight. The appropriate
amount of backpressure on the control column
achieves this (see Figure 1b). D
Overbanking Performance
Overbanking is the tendency of an aeroplane to want As covered in the Climbing and descending lesson,
to continue the roll into the turn, or increase the bank excess power determines the rate of climb. When a
angle of its own accord. turn is combined with the climb, the tilting of the lift
force and the increase in drag decreases the excess
Figure 3 power, and reduces the rate of climb. Therefore,
where a requirement to turn and climb exists, and
Aeroplane wants to continue the roll
performance is consequently reduced, the angle
of bank is commonly limited to 20 degrees, with
15 degrees used for this exercise.
In a level turn, the outside wingtip travels further, and Developing the student’s situational awareness is
therefore faster, than the inside wingtip (see Figure 3). very important. At this stage the lookout, and listen
This increase in airspeed results in an increase in out, are particularly important.
lift, which produces a tendency to roll into the turn.
Even though this effect is minimal in small training
aeroplanes, there will be a tendency for the aeroplane
to increase its angle of bank if uncorrected.
Aeroplane management
Human factors
Turns are practised through 360 degrees to minimise With a reference altitude, prominent reference point
disorientation. Choose an easily identifiable chosen, and the heading noted, emphasise and
reference point. complete a thorough lookout.
For some students, the sensations of the turn may be Once the lookout is complete, roll the aeroplane
uncomfortable at first. They may also tend to lean smoothly into the turn with aileron and apply
out of the turn. Let them know that this is a natural sufficient rudder in the same direction to maintain
human tendency, as the body tries to realign itself balance. Increase backpressure on the control column
with the perceived vertical, and that it will stop with as required to maintain the altitude. Emphasise
exposure and practice. Students may also feel a slight that the increase in backpressure is very slight. For
increase in their weight (G). This is the gyroscopic example, if the aeroplane was being flown with the
reaction to the increased lift. finger and thumb in level flight, only one more finger
would be required to maintain the turn.
Discuss entering, maintaining, and exiting the medium At 30 degrees angle of bank – which should
level turn, at a bank angle of 30 degrees. be recognised by reference to the attitude and
confirmed by instruments – a slight check of aileron
The climbing turn is commonly demonstrated at will be required and rudder pressure reduced to
15 degrees angle of bank and the descending turn maintain balance.
at 30 degrees angle of bank.
Maintaining the turn involves using the LAI scan.
Ensure the attitude for 30 degrees angle of bank The student should be capable of climbing to a
and level flight is correct relative to the horizon and, suitable altitude and levelling off. A short amount of
more importantly, constant. When the outside scan straight and level practice can be done while you talk
is complete, scan inside. about adverse yaw. Since it is best to demonstrate
adverse yaw at low speed, ask the student to slow
I Instruments
the aeroplane down while maintaining straight and
Are scanned to confirm accurate flight (height – level. Take control and demonstrate adverse yaw.
bank – ball). There is no need for the student to practise this.
Angle of bank is controlled with aileron – altitude Start with level 30 degree angle of bank turns.
with elevator.
Emphasise the lookout, before and during the turn,
During the turn, scan only those instruments relevant by moving your upper body to demonstrate that more
to the manoeuvre and do not trim the aeroplane. than just head movement is required to overcome
blind spots.
Before flight On the way back from the training area, more
The student should be able to taxi by this point. practice at the different descents, and descending
Introduce the instrument check during the taxi, turns can be completed. The student may like to use
and continue (or begin) to involve the student in the flap again to become a little more familiar with it.
the checklists.
The student may well be comfortable enough to fly
You may want to introduce some basic radio work. the aeroplane in the circuit, under your direction.
For example, have the student call ready for take-off, Discuss how you will be joining the circuit, and any
and respond to the clearance (if one is required). radio call you need to make.
Medium level turn Climbing turn Descending turn
• From S+L • Establish in climb • Establish in glide
Principles of flight • Lookout • Lookout
• Lookout
• In order to turn need to create a force towards the centre of the turn – bank the aeroplane
• Roll with aileron to 30° AoB • Roll with aileron to 15° AoB • Roll with aileron to 30° AoB
• HCL provides the force
• Balance with rudder • Balance with rudder • Balance with rudder
• VCL reduced \ more L required increase angle of attack slightly
• Backpressure to set attitude • Relax backpressure to maintain • Relax backpressure to maintain
– slightly attitude – attitude –
0 1 2
VCL = W 8
7 6 5
140 40
120 KNOTS 60
100 80
0 1 2
8 4
7 6 5
140 40
120 KNOTS 60
100 80
0 1 2
8 4
7 6 5
140 40
120 KNOTS 60
100 80
In turn
Adverse yaw Overbanking • ‘Check’ the ailerons • Instruments
• Increased lift on up-going wing also • Outer wing travels further, therefore more L, and maintain balance • Angle of bank controlled with aileron
means increased drag, therefore yaw tries to keep rolling • Lookout • Altitude controlled with backpressure
occurs away from turn • Hold off bank with aileron • Attitude
• Rudder used to balance yaw as
ailerons deflected
L Exit
Roll • Look for reference point • Roll wings level • Reset S+L attitude
• Anticipate rollout by half the angle • Balance with rudder • On exit from a climbing or
Airmanship Aeroplane management Human factors
• 20° per 2 second scan technique • Smooth and positive throttle movements • 360° turns to minimise
• Lookout and listenout • Carb heat disorientation
Performance • SA – 360° turns, position, altitude, weather • Turning sensation
• When climbing and turning, angle of bank must be reduced maximum of 20°, use 15° • VFR minima, 5–2–1
Slow flight
There are a number The go-around is the most critical of the four
phases of flight where we transition through
of situations when the slow flight, for several reasons:
aeroplane must be flown • transition through slow flight is a longer
at or near its minimum time while close to the ground;
airspeed. For example, • often the go-around is unplanned or
during takeoff, landing, a go unexpected with potential startle factor;
around, or missed approach, • configuration could be high-weight and
and in the stalling lessons. high-drag; and
In normal cruise, the angle of attack was approximately HASELL checks are carried out before stalling and
4 degrees and the airspeed _____ knots. aerobatics, and are introduced in this lesson.
E Engine
L Location
Consider the warning symptoms of the approaching Maintain straight and level flight at the nominated
stall and be constantly aware of the aeroplane’s airspeed, adjust power as necessary to maintain
configuration and flight phase. height and apply the mnemonic LAI.
L Lookout
I Instruments
Air exercise
The instruments are scanned to confirm accurate flight.
At low airspeeds, the ailerons will need to be On the way out to the training area, there is
deflected further to achieve the same roll rate as at opportunity to practise climbing and turning.
higher airspeeds. This will significantly increase the
induced drag and require more rudder to negate the The student then enters straight and level from the
adverse yaw. climb and is talked through the HASELL checks.
Airborne sequence Provide the student with a copy of the checklists, and
ask them to start learning the correct responses for
the checklist items. Inform them that you will expect
On the ground
them to know the checklists from memory before
Ask the student to do the preflight inspection, and they do their first solo flight, and the first step to
then to come to you afterwards if they have any memorising them is to learn the correct responses.
140 40
• Balance with rudder 120 KNOTS 60
100 80
• 20°/2 second scan Returning to cruise
• HASELL checks • Power increase to full power, balance with rudder
• Aeroplane position in training area • Attitude lower nose to level attitude
• Warning symptoms of approaching stall • Trim to relieve pressure
• Reduce to cruise power, balance with rudder
Basic stalling
One way to do this would be, from straight and level, Figure 1c
to close the throttle to idle and attempt to continue Stalling or critical angle of attack
flying level.
Lift coefficient versus angle of attack Height sufficient to recover by not less than 2500 feet
above ground level.
0˚ 15˚
1.4 The altitude loss should be no more than 300 feet
Ordinary angles of flight
and the recovery height should provide an appropriate
1.2 environment for practice.
0.8 A Airframe
Stalling angle The entry configuration is revised: idle power, flap up.
S Security
No loose articles, harnesses secure.
As large power changes will be made, it is Through ____ knots, or when the aural stall warning is
appropriate to revise the requirement for smooth heard, select carburettor heat COLD, as full power will
but positive throttle movements and the correct shortly be reapplied.
use of carburettor heat.
All preflight inspections should include a search for Stall warning symptoms
loose articles. Discreetly ensure a sick bag is available.
Decreasing airspeed
The first true symptom is a decreasing airspeed. Low
airspeed and a high nose attitude are not always
Human factors present in the approach to the stall. For example, the
high-speed stall as a result of pulling out of a dive
The regular turns and steeper than normal nose too sharply. Therefore, although it is desirable to
attitudes could lead to a level of disorientation – inform the student that a high nose attitude and low
make sure the student has time between stalls to airspeed are indicators of an approaching stall for
orientate themselves. most phases of flight, they will not always be present.
All stalling exercises should finish with a recovery at On the way out to the training area there is
the incipient stage, more commonly referred to as opportunity to practise climbing, straight and level
the onset. This is to emphasise that, under normal and turning.
conditions of flight, the stall is avoided.
No power From this point on, you can adjust the amount of
backpressure to synchronise your patter to match
the symptoms. For example, with practice you will be
able to synchronise the words “and the stall warning
sounds like [pause] that.”
Talk through
From this point the student is talked through and
can practise. Remember, for this lesson, the correct
recovery sequence of events is more important than
speed or coordination of execution.
100 7 3
• Carb heat HOT backpressure 80 60 VACUUM 6
5 4
AoA 4° 8° 15°
To unstall
0˚ 15˚
At the stall 1.4 • Check forward with control column • Aeroplane will descend
Ordinary angles of flight
• When the wing stalls there is a in L and large in D to reduce angle of attack • Recover to S+L with PAT
• Aeroplane sinks, C of P moves rearwards pitch down • Do not use ailerons
140 20 9 1
1.0 120 8 2
KNOTS 40 303
100 7 3
80 60 VACUUM 6
5 4
Lift coefficient
• Unstall, as above, check forward
Stalling angle
• Apply full power – balance with • Accelerate to kt, then
rudder adjust attitude to maintain speed
0.2 • Regain starting altitude and S+L
- 4˚ 0˚ 4˚ 8˚ 12˚ 16˚ 20˚
Angle of attack
Recovery at onset
• Normal situation – when not training
• Recover at stall warning / buffet
Airmanship H Height • Height loss – 50 ft maximum
• No pax
A Airframe
• Awareness of aircraft configuration, position and other traffic
• HASELL checks S Security
• HELL checks E Engine Ts & Ps Aeroplane management Human factors
• Recognise symptoms L Locality • Smooth but positive throttle and control movements • More practice and exposure the better
• Preflight – no loose objects • Plenty of time between stalls to orientate
L Lookout
• Carb heat use • Sick bags
Surface and slope Brakes will need to be used to either slow the
aeroplane or bring it to a stop. If carrying out a touch
Discuss factors that are applicable to the runway and go, brakes will not be used.
being used.
It is very important that you discuss the need for the
student to keep their feet off the toe brakes to avoid
inadvertent use of the brakes during take-off or landing.
Runway length
Landing into wind reduces the groundspeed,
requiring less stopping distance and therefore The student should be left in no doubt that sufficient
a shorter landing distance and ground roll. runway length for take-off and landing must be
available before starting the take-off or approach.
Ground roll =
At this point, you can tell the student that you have
wheels-on-the-ground distance
both are carried out the necessary calculations. However,
Landing distance = affected before the third or fourth (refer CFI) revision exercise
from 50 feet above
of circuits, a formal briefing or discussion of the Group
threshold to full stop
Rating System and its application must be given.
Before the fifth or sixth (refer CFI) revision of circuits,
the calculation of take-off distance by reference to
the Flight Manual must be carried out.
The effects of windshear may be discussed in this • the application of the right of way rules
briefing (refer CFI) or incorporated in the second while taxiing.
lesson on circuits.
The rules or good aviation practice considerations
most pertinent to your operation should be considered
first. For example, circuit direction and altitude.
It is well known that humans are limited in their ability A Amps or Alternator
to recall information accurately from memory. The Ammeter or alternator is functioning correctly.
use of written checklists for normal and emergency
operations is reasonably common in general D Direction indicator (DI)
aviation. However, basic flight training still tends to
DI has been synchronised to the compass and is
use mnemonics exclusively for all operations. What
functioning correctly.
is learned first is generally accepted as being the
correct method, therefore, the use of checklists should
I Ice
be encouraged during basic training.
The existence of carburettor ice has been checked for,
There are two ways to use a checklist. It can be a list and carburettor heat applied if required.
of things to do, as used with complex aeroplanes or
systems, or a list to check off things that have been E Engine
done, as used with simple aeroplanes or systems.
Engine temperatures and pressures are in the
General aviation basic training tends to use mnemonics
green range.
to complete the checks, while confirming that checks
have been completed by using a written checklist.
Human factors
Correct use of the aeroplane radio and checklists will
influence situational awareness. Good communication (radio, ATIS), preflight/in-
flight planning and regular practise will minimise
disorientation. In addition the student should be
Right-of-way rules asked to describe the wind direction and strength
to help orientate them.
As there will be several preflight briefings during
circuit revision, the right-of-way rules can be spread
over these briefings.
One method you may like to use, is to draw the circuit Once on the runway, the aeroplane is held on the foot
pattern (see Figure 1) and number and identify the brakes (if required), never on the park brake. When
various points around the circuit at which the listed taxiing, forgetting to release the park brake is easily
actions are carried out. and rapidly identified, however, with the application
of full power for take-off, the poor acceleration may
Since each lesson leading up to the circuit involved not be recognised early enough.
one or more legs of the circuit, this lesson is primarily
revision and application, with emphasis on the new In aeroplanes fitted with only a hand-operated brake,
material – the landing. if the brake is applied once on the runway, the hand
applying it should not be removed until the brake
Figure 1 is released.
Circuit pattern
Early in the take-off roll, with full power applied,
Wind temperatures, pressures, RPM and airspeed should
500 ft AGL
(minimum) be checked for normal readings.
During the normal take-off, the aeroplane is seldom
actually rotated. Common practice is to use elevator
Climb out
Downwind Mixture set to RICH
The landing is one smooth manoeuvre designed to Should a go-around be required during this
slow the rate of descent to zero and the speed to introductory exercise, it is recommended that you take
just above the stall speed, as the wheels touch the control and patter the procedure.
ground. This manoeuvre consists of two phases,
the round-out and the hold-off, also known as the The after-landing checks are normally completed
flare. This is essentially a progressive transition from clear of the runway.
a descent into a flared landing attitude, similar to
a power-off stall, with touchdown just before the
moment of stall.
Air exercise
The round-out begins at a suitable altitude for the
aeroplane’s speed. For a normal approach, this is
described as about 50 feet. On the ground
The student should be capable of taxiing to the
When the landing is assured, often pattered as
appropriate holding point and carrying out at
“crossing the fence”, the throttle is closed, and
least some of the checks and using the checklist.
at about 50 feet the nose attitude progressively
Complete the take-off safety (or emergency) brief for
raised – the round-out. As the airspeed decreases
the student, inform them that you will cover this in a
the aeroplane will start to sink. The sink is observed
future lesson, and then you will be asking them to do
by looking outside at the far end of the runway (or
their own.
horizon) and this is the point where the second phase
of the landing process begins. The most common
After flight
Reassure the student that even though there seems
to be a lot to fit into the circuit there will be plenty
of opportunities to get it right, as all of the following
lessons to first solo will be in the circuit.
Slipstream Strikes tail and yaws aeroplane Downwind
4 Downwind 5 Base turn
Torque Tries to rotate aeroplane and yaws aeroplane • Downwind • Lookout • Turn
Keeping straight With rudder as required – look ahead radio call • Reference point • Airspeed 4
Crosswind Tries to weathercock aeroplane, keep straight • Checks • Carb heat HOT • Flap – first stage
Headwind Reduces take-off roll – always take-off into wind • Spacing • Power reduced to
Tailwind Increases take-off roll
Climb angle Headwind increases climb angle
Take-off into wind To minimise ground roll and distance to 50 feet 6 Base leg 7 Final
• Track • Anticipate turn – • Power controls 8
Power Full power for maximum performance
• Flap – further 500 feet RoD
Flap Usually not used
stage(s) • Aim point • Short final carb
Runway length Calculated length required for take-off • Attitude controls heat COLD
• Attitude controls
airspeed airspeed
Wind Into wind to reduce ground roll and distance from 50 8 Landing
feet • Landing assured, close throttle • Touch down on main wheels 45°
Flap L and D, lower stall speed and lower nose attitude • At 50 feet nose progressively • Let nosewheel settle Final
raised for roundout/flare • Keep straight
Power Controls RoD, more airflow over elevator and rudder 7
• Look down end of runway 5 6
• After-landing checks – clear of
Brakes On ground only
• Progressively increase back runway Base
Runway length Calculated length required for landing
pressure to control sink
To use the terms and procedures employed when a
deviation from the normal circuit is required. The orbit is a procedure used by ATC to improve
separation from aircraft ahead. The use of
an orbit in an unattended aerodrome circuit
is not recommended. Extending downwind or
Considerations a go-around is preferred for separation.
Repositioning may occur on any leg of the circuit,
but it is more commonly at ATC request. This is the
preferred method of repositioning where a change
in wind direction makes a runway change advisable.
Commonly, the aeroplane is flown to the middle of the
old downwind leg and then a 180-degree turn made
to position the aeroplane on the new downwind
Go-around path leg and the approach begun as normal. For runway
direction changes that are not 180 degrees, the
heading need only be adjusted to achieve a parallel
track to the new runway in use.
The requirements for VFR inside a control zone Reassure the student that you will raise the flap for
should be revised, and the conditions that require the student while on the runway – all they need to
a Special VFR (SVFR) clearance introduced. do is keep straight – and that once the flap is set for
take-off you will say “flap up” and they are then free
It is the responsibility of the pilot-in-command to apply full power and take-off. They must not apply
to request a SVFR clearance before any of the power until you have advised them the flap is up.
parameters for maintaining VFR in controlled
airspace cannot be complied with. Although it is
not anticipated the student would operate in SVFR Go-around
conditions, some exposure during dual training may
The go-around is initially started at a safe height
provide a controlled experience.
once established on final. Ideally, subsequent
practice reduces the height at which the go-around
starts. Circumstances may not permit this gradual
introduction to the go-around.
Carburettor heat is selected COLD and full power The other procedures described under considerations
applied. Raise the nose to the level attitude, or (other than low level, which is discussed in the
slightly above, and reduce the flap setting in stages Precautionary landing lesson) are demonstrated
(as appropriate to the aeroplane type) immediately. and pattered when they occur.
Regardless of when circuit altitude is reached, the At an appropriate time, and probably not the first
aeroplane should be flown upwind along the climb- approach and landing, you will introduce the
out path to the normal crosswind turn point. Turning go-around, from a sensible height. As the student
crosswind early will shorten the downwind leg and becomes more practised at the go-around, you
may rush the student’s preparation for the approach. can gradually lower the altitude at which you give
Any decision to turn early must consider other traffic the command.
in the circuit and must have ATC approval (if in
controlled airspace).
After flight
During the go-around, flying over the runway would
Keep the student working on their checks. Inform
mean flying over any aircraft taking off. The normal
them that you will be expecting them to be doing
procedure, therefore, is to fly just to the right of the
most of the radio work in the next lesson.
runway, so that the pilot has the runway on the left
and can observe traffic on the runway or climbing
out. This procedure, as with many other general
rules in aviation, needs to be tempered with good
aviation practice. Where parallel runways are in use,
flying to the side of the runway may conflict with
traffic landing or taking off on the parallel runway
(refer CFI). In this case, it may be better to fly along
the opposite side, or if it is known that no aircraft are
Considerations Go around
• Carry out any time a safe landing cannot be made • Reduce from full flap
Touch and go Wind gradient • Aviate – Navigate – Communicate • As speed increases nose on the horizon
• On runways with enough length can land, • Wind strength decreases closer to the
• Normal procedure, not emergency • Safe height, safe airspeed, +ve RoC – raise flap
retract flap and take-off without stopping ground because of friction
• Carb heat COLD • Track to the right of the runway
• Saves time, can do more circuits • Affects flare – possible floating
• Full power – beware of pitch change • Continue climb out to normal crosswind turning point
• Nose to level attitude • Advise ATC “going around”
Go around / overshoot Windshear
• If for any reason the landing needs to • Sudden change in wind speed and/or
be abandoned direction
• Full power, raise flap, climb ahead • Wind needs to be 10 kts or more
• If encounter sudden drop in airspeed and/or
Orbit altitude – go around
• 360° medium level turn
• Used to adjust spacing or to hold Wake turbulence
• Commonly done downwind • Disturbed air caused by wing producing lift
• Not recommended at uncontrolled • Aircraft produces spirals from wingtips
aerodromes • Avoid by keeping safe distance from aircraft
ahead, especially those bigger
Extend downwind • If encounter – go around
• For separation
• Extend the downwind leg, and turn base Dumb-bell turn
when instructed (ATC) • Change circuit direction change by 180° turn Go-around path
on climb out
• Usually done downwind, but can be done Glide approach
on any leg • See separate briefing
Airmanship Aeroplane management Human factors
• Change of direction used when there is a • Aviate – Navigate – Communicate • SADIE checks • Orientation cues
Engine failure
after take-off
The briefing needs to consider the conditions on the By varying the height at which the simulated engine
day, particularly the direction of the wind in relation failure occurs, you are increasing and decreasing the
to the runway in use. If the wind is not directly down available options for the landing site and the amount
the runway but slightly across, then if an engine failure of checklist items the student can complete. The
occurs after take-off, a gentle turn into wind would student will be making decisions based on the time
result in increased headwind and a shorter landing roll. they have available, developing their aeronautical
decision making skills (ADM).
The type of terrain off the end of the runway should
be visualised and suitable landing areas recalled The student should be advised that this exercise is
from memory of earlier flights off this runway. never to be practised solo.
Shutdown checks
These are completed if the aeroplane will be landing
Shutdown Checks
in order to minimise the risk of fire, but only if there is Fuel, Mixture,
time available to do them. Ignition, Master
F Fuel
Fuel OFF
experience for the student – even if it is simulated. For Navigate Follow the take-off safety brief and
the first few engine failures give the student plenty choose a landing site from anything in
of notice, and as their experience and competence the windscreen, within easy reach and
clear of major obstacles to keep the
increases, slowly remove the advanced notice.
cabin intact. Use flap as required to
reach the landing site.
Continued practice and overlearning the procedure
will reduce their stress levels, and their responses will Communicate Transmit MAYDAY (touch) if time permits
and when full flap has been selected,
become automatic.
master OFF (touch).
The MAYDAY transmission from low
level may have limited value at an
uncontrolled aerodrome, as would the
Air exercise selection of 7700 on the transponder.
At a controlled aerodrome, the take-off
is usually monitored by ATC and only
Talk through the elements of an appropriate an abbreviated call should be required,
take-off safety brief. Give the student a written for example, “MAYDAY – aeroplane
version of your brief. registration – engine failure”.
I Ignition
When traffic permits, start with a simulated aborted
Ignition on LEFT or RIGHT or BOTH (touch). take-off. As discussed in the briefing, you will close
the throttle and talk the student through the actions
If time permits, the shutdown checks can be you want them to carry out. You may want to use a
completed to minimise fire risk. vector that is not in current use.
I Ignition
At a suitable time, when traffic permits, simulate
Ignition OFF (touch) the engine failure after take-off, don’t forget to say
“simulating.” The first simulation should be carried out
M Master from a generous height so the student has time to
Master switch OFF (touch) take the actions required.
Some things are beyond our control, but by paying It cannot be stressed enough that you must keep in
proper attention to all preflight preparations, we can mind the objective and the safety of the aeroplane
help to avoid an EFATO. Sticking to the priorities of while providing the student with the opportunity
Aviate – Navigate – Communicate greatly increases to practise command decision making. Once the
the chances of survival. aeroplane nose has been lowered; a decision made as
to the landing site; an attempt made to position for a
landing; and flap selected or considered; the objective
has been achieved, and the instruction to “go around”
should be given. Only after these basic actions have
Airborne sequence
become automatic, and where height and time permits,
should any attempt to complete checks be encouraged.
On the ground
As competence is achieved and circumstances permit,
Sitting in the aeroplane, before start up, demonstrate EFATO to a landing provides the complete experience
the touch checks, and have the student complete and gives the student a true appreciation of the limited
them for themselves. They should also move the fuel time available and the need to prioritise the actions.
selector, if they haven’t had a chance to already.
At the holding point, run through your take-off safety After flight
brief, and ask them to do one next time. Carry out the debrief.
Figure 1
Aeroplane system Airspeed indicator
Although the possibility of failure is rare, the student
needs to know how the aeroplane’s flap system works
and what can be done, not only to deal with any
problems arising from its operation, but also how to
prevent problems occurring. 0
Revise the SADIE checks, as introduced in the Circuit If the runway in use is not suitable, and a diversion
introduction lesson. to another aerodrome is preferred, practice in this
procedure should be given before first solo (refer CFI).
The higher approach speed can affect your judgment
of the spacing between you and the aircraft in front. Downwind spacing is assessed, and an appropriate
power setting at the base turn point is selected.
Because of the decreased drag without flap and the
desirability of a powered approach, it is common
Aeroplane management practice to extend the downwind leg and set the
same power setting as a normal circuit, so that some
As a result of the decreased drag, only small power power will be used throughout the approach.
changes will be required to alter the rate of descent.
An alternative method to stretching the circuit out,
is to extend downwind only slightly and initially use
a much lower power setting. As the aeroplane sinks
Human factors onto the correct glide slope or approach path, power
is slowly increased until the desired rate of descent is
achieved. The aim point should not move up or down
There is a tendency to accelerate as the student
but remain steady in the windscreen.
unconsciously seeks the lower nose attitude they are
familiar with from a normal approach and landing.
The simplicity of the manual flap extension system
requires minimal systems knowledge. Electrically The base turn will have a lower power and higher
operated flap requires more systems knowledge and nose attitude. Ensure the student trims the aeroplane
provides the student with the opportunity to practise for the descent. Because of the aeroplane’s higher
problem solving. momentum, the turn onto final will need to be
anticipated earlier than normal.
• Downwind checks and radio call
• In all cases, when faced with the unexpected
• Assess runway length
• Aviate – Navigate – Communicate
• Confirm appropriate approach speed
• Stall speed therefore approach speed higher (5 kts)
• Longer landing distance – P-charts
have no detail ts– wit
h fla
• Less power required 75kts – p
no flap
• Descent angle shallower
• Less visibility over the nose
Runway 21
Navigation computer
Although the presentation is a little different,
the same calculation can be made using the
11 12 1
navigation computer. 10 2
Windsocks 9 3
Most aviation windsocks are 25-knot windsocks. This
means that when the wind strength is 25 knots the
windsock stands straight out. The angular difference 8 4
7 5
between runway and wind direction is estimated
visually and may require a mental calculation to
derive the crosswind component (see Formula below). 6
Where ATC is provided on the aerodrome, you can
Further considerations
request the crosswind component from the tower,
but your student should be able to calculate it for The ability to maintain directional control about
themselves using one of the methods above. the normal axis is the limiting factor for crosswind
landings. Although it may be easy enough to keep the
aeroplane aligned with the runway during the round-
Formula out and landing, as the airspeed decreases, rudder
The crosswind component is equal to the speed effectiveness will reduce and it may be difficult to
(V) of the wind multiplied by the sine of the angular prevent weathercocking. Therefore, as the crosswind
difference (XWC = V × Sineθ). Therefore, in the component increases, the amount of flap used for the
example given above (Rwy 21 – W/ V 240/20) the landing is normally reduced. This reduces the surface
angular difference is 30 degrees, and the sine of area on which the crosswind can act after landing
30 degrees is 0.5. This means that half the wind and therefore improves directional control.
strength is crosswind (20 × 0.5 = 10).
Although the landing distance may be adequate
To be completely accurate this method requires a when calculated using the group rating system or
calculator or memorisation of the various sines of P-charts, any landing with reduced flap will increase
angles between 0 and 90 degrees. However, there the landing roll. In addition, as with any gusty
is a simple way to estimate it. conditions, if the crosswind is not steady an increase
in approach speed may be required to compensate
Imagine that the minutes on the face of your watch for windshear and gusts.
are equivalent to the angular difference between
the runway and the wind direction. If the difference Therefore, the pilot-in-command must consider the
is 30 degrees, then thirty minutes is half way around runway’s overall suitability in relation to crosswind
your watch face; therefore the crosswind component component, approach/threshold speed and
is half the wind strength. If the angular difference is available length.
45 degrees; then that is three-quarters of the way
round your watch face and the crosswind component Remind the student to anticipate the effect of a
is three-quarters of the wind strength. If the angular strong crosswind on the groundspeed, in particular
on base leg.
After flight
You can tell the student that this is the end of the
briefings before their first solo, and that all flights from
now until then will be making sure that they know the
checks and procedures, and working towards being
able to complete the circuit on their own.
5 kt
Considerations 1/3
Headwind on final Increasing the airspeed is recommended, by relaxing
If it becomes apparent that a stronger than expected backpressure, not by pushing the control column
headwind on final is causing the aeroplane to forward. This method, however, is not particularly
undershoot (aim point moves up the windscreen), effective when used on its own.
it may be necessary to lower the aeroplane’s nose
When combined with flap, only a small increase in
and increase the airspeed. This will increase the
airspeed will be required to dramatically increase the
groundspeed, allowing the aeroplane to better
rate of descent. However, the increase in airspeed
penetrate into the wind. This is one of the reasons for
means the aeroplane will float in the round-out, so
aiming 1/3 into the field and delaying flap (see Figure 1).
if it is used, it should be used early rather than late.
After round-out the airspeed will rapidly dissipate
Figure 1 due to the high drag produced by the flap.
Headwind on final
Best L/D
Low G/S An S-turn not only increases the total distance to
touch down, but also decreases the L/D ratio, as a
Wind Higher result of the increased drag generated in the turn. In
the modern low-drag training aeroplane this method
1/3 is not particularly effective.
Yes No
If the aeroplane is low, or more commonly high or
Manoeuvres to reduce Delay the application of fast at the threshold, and the ability to make a safe
the L/D ratio are applied flap until the answer is a landing is in any doubt whatsoever – carry out a go-
where necessary positive yes.
around. During the subsequent go-around, remind
in sequence and
combined to modify the
the student that maximum braking was still an option
touchdown point. (if it would have stopped the aircraft in the space
available). Do not put the aeroplane in a position
where maximum braking has to be used during
a simulation.
The exercise Let the student know that there will be lots more
practice of this manoeuvre and will serve to complete
Use the full length of the runway available as it the forced landing lessons.
makes the demonstration of how easily height can
be lost (but not regained) much clearer.
Headwind on final
If aim point moves up windscreen “Can the 1/3 aim point be easily reached?”
Best L/D
(undershooting): Low G/S
• Increase airspeed – better Yes Make manoeuvres to reduce the 1/3 aim
penetration of headwind Wind Higher L/D ratio, where necessary, in point
A/S-G/S sequence and combined to bring
1/3 the touchdown point closer
to the threshold.
Windshear on final No Delay the application of flap until 1000 ft AGL area
• Only method available to deal with the answer is a positive yes.
windshear is to increase airspeed Wind
20 kt
Shear level Adjust if
5 kt
Adjust if
1/3 necessary
• Reducing airspeed could lead to stall
• Increasing airspeed can lead to float at round out
• Increases distance
• Decreases L/D ratio Airmanship Aeroplane management Human factors
Sideslip • Aeroplane safety in doubt • Carb heat HOT • High rate of descent
• Aileron and rudder in opposite directions (roll in/yaw out of turn) – go around • No engine warms – optical illusions
• Not very effective in modern aeroplanes, better if combined with flap • Not automatic right-of-way
• Some aeroplanes have prohibition on sideslipping with flap • No pax
• Caution – maintain airspeed • Adjustments for slope
When joining at a controlled aerodrome, the Preparing the aeroplane for arrival involves the use
pilot-in-command has the option of requesting a of AIP Vol 4, the VNC (Visual Navigation Chart 1:250
standard overhead join. This is a good idea if the 000 or 1:125 000 if applicable) and joining checklists.
pilot is unfamiliar with the aerodrome layout, the
Revise CAR 91.229 right-of-way rules and emphasise
active runway, or the position of the various circuit
the requirement to make turns in the circuit direction.
legs. ATC also has the option of instructing the pilot
to carry out a standard overhead join.
The landing light should be on. Approach the aerodrome to cross overhead at not
less than 1500 feet above aerodrome level (refer
Joining checks should be completed. landing chart) unless otherwise stated on the
landing chart; for example, at Palmerston North
1500 feet AMSL is used because of airspace above.
Note that windsocks are generally sited on the Descend to circuit height
left near the threshold of each vector. On smaller
airfields, if there is only one windsock it will generally When established on the non-traffic side, descend
be centrally placed. If there are crosswind vectors to circuit altitude. A low rate of descent is preferred
without windsocks at each end, again there will because of the potentially high traffic density around
generally be a centrally sited windsock. an aerodrome. Common practice is to use a cruise or
powered descent.
If potential conflict with other overhead traffic is
likely, vacate the overhead and continue (wings level) The aircraft crosses onto the traffic side over the
to a point beyond the circuit area (approximately upwind threshold at circuit altitude. That provides
2 NM) and turn left to return to overhead the the longest possible downwind leg, while at
aerodrome at or above the joining height to reassess. the same time still providing maximum vertical
After flight
Controlled aerodrome joining
There probably won’t have been time to cover every
The standard overhead join can be carried out at method of vacating and joining the circuit, so advise
controlled aerodromes with a clearance from ATC. the student that you will take the opportunity in
More normally you will join via one of the circuit legs, future lessons to practise these different methods.
usually downwind or via base leg.
Airborne sequence
On the ground
Make sure the student has all the necessary
information to hand, and they have briefed
themselves on the landing chart.
The exercise
Vacate the circuit as cleared by ATC, or the way you
discussed in the briefing.
Radio failure
Anticipate what the wind is likely to be, and therefore
circuit direction.
Legally, an aircraft cannot enter a control zone without
a clearance, so should the student break this rule or
Preparing the aeroplane for arrival involves the use
divert? Generally, ATC can be expected to accept an
of AIP Vol 4, Visual Navigation Charts (VNC), and
aircraft returning to the controlled aerodrome under
joining checklists.
these conditions, especially if the transponder code
7600 is used. Revise the importance of using eyes and ears to
lookout. Using the 20 degree per 2 second visual scan
If a clearance to enter the control zone has been
technique and listening to radio calls (if available)
received before the failure, then continuing in
builds situational awareness, and the student should
accordance with the clearance is what will be
be able to identify aircraft by both means.
expected. If the clearance did not specify a method
of joining, a standard overhead join may be the The right-of-way rules are revised, and the
best option, as ATC will be able to predict the requirement to make turns in the circuit direction
aeroplane’s movements. emphasised.
If a radio failure has occurred, it is unlikely to be Terminate your flight plan with ATC after landing.
detected until an attempt to make contact is initiated.
For example, when tuning into the ATIS, or when
requesting joining instructions. In the case of an
uncontrolled aerodrome, where position and intentions
Aeroplane management
only are transmitted, it may not be detected at all.
The general causes of communications failure are: Before joining the circuit, the airspeed should be
reduced to below 120 knots and landing lights
• wrong frequency selected, turned on.
• on/off and volume switch turned down,
• squawk 7600 (touch) Report the communications fault to the control tower
after landing.
• turn on all lights
Uncontrolled aerodromes
The exercise
The join procedure is exactly the same as the standard
overhead join, except that transmissions should be Organise with the Tower to show you and the student
made ‘blind’. A keen lookout for other traffic should be the light signals.
emphasised. If in any doubt, return to circle overhead
at 1500 feet. Simulate radio failure at different times to assess
the student’s decision-making while operating in the
Radio failure is simulated and the trouble-shooting circuit, in the training area, and entering and exiting
sequence or checklist carried out. Completing this controlled airspace.
sequence gives the student practice in prioritising
Aviate – Navigate – Communicate, and often
demonstrates the limitations of information processing
and the effects of stress. It is recommended that
the student be given adequate practice in systems
knowledge and fault detection on the ground,
before flight.
Controlled aerodromes
The student will need to know the meaning of the
various light signals that will be used by ATC, and how
to respond to them.
• If controlled, return or divert? • Use a cellular phone to communicate if available • Refer to Vol 4 and VNC
• Follow any clearance already accepted • Remain clear of controlled airspace while diagnosing and planning
Controlled aerodromes
• If cleared to enter, but no joining instructions – join overhead
• Light signals used by tower
• How is it detected?
• Vol 4, VNC
• Checklists
• Wrong frequency selected • Carry out standard overhead join
• On/Off and volume switch turned down • Report fault to tower after landing
• Right-of-way rules
• Lookout
• Terminate flight plan after landing
This briefing covers the In addition, the student is familiar with the
need to produce an automatic response
determination of wind in emergency situations, and with the
direction; the selection of glide approach.
the most suitable landing
This lesson discusses the ideal procedure to
site; initial configuration follow in the unlikely event of a total or partial
of the aeroplane for best engine failure in the cruise at altitude (above
gliding performance; 1000 feet AGL as a guide) where more time
is available to plan and consider options
and the pattern flown than the EFATO. Later exercises will provide
to achieve a successful practice in adopting this procedure from a
forced landing. The lower altitude.
We’ve already discussed the main reasons for A total power failure will be simulated by
engine failure (fuel, air, spark) in the Engine closing the throttle.
failure after take-off lesson and how sensible
precautions can minimise risk – preflight
inspection and planning, run-up, checks,
safety brief, and SADIE.
To be able to select an appropriate landing site Willows, after initial spring leaf growth, indicate wind
and carry out the pattern for a forced landing by showing the silver underside of their leaves in
without power. winds of 8–12 knots or more. The silver side of the tree
is the windward side.
Wind lanes
Wind produces effects on the surface of water. Light
winds, 5–15 knots, can ruffle the surface and, when
Configuration viewed up or downwind, these disturbances form
streaks of parallel lines, indicating the wind direction
State the configuration required to achieve the
– but it can be difficult to resolve the 180-degree
best L/D ratio for the aeroplane (_____ knots, no flap
ambiguity unless wind shadows exist near the shore.
and propeller windmilling), and its effect on range.
The effect on range of using other airspeeds will
Above 15 knots, the wind may drive spray or foam in
be discussed in the next briefing, Forced landing
parallel lines. These too can be misinterpreted by 180
without power – considerations.
degrees, although the streaking may be more marked
when looking downwind compared with upwind.
Although drag is reduced by stopping the propeller,
this procedure is not recommended, or required, to
Fresh water typically forms whitecaps at 12–15 knots,
achieve the objective of this lesson (refer CFI).
and seawater at 15–18 knots.
Dust from dirt roads, river beds, ploughing, or Any indication of wind seen in flight should be noted
ground spread fertiliser, may indicate wind direction in case it’s needed in the future.
and strength.
Cloud shadow
Crop movement
The movement of cloud shadow over the ground
Ripples move downwind across the top of crops, gives the wind direction and some indication of
especially wheat and hay fields. speed, at the cloud level. This is used only as a guide,
however, as the wind on the ground will probably
Shape is mentioned because the student may limit
Drift can be useful, as it’s what you are experiencing
their search for a landing site to only those sites that
at altitude, but it takes experience to recognise it
resemble a runway. In fact, the perfect shape is a circle,
correctly. Be aware that it can be induced by flying
as multiple approach paths into wind are available.
out of balance.
Even a square is preferable in contrast to a narrow
paddock with only one approach path (see Figure 2).
The pilot needs to develop an awareness of where
the aeroplane is heading compared to where it’s
tracking. When flying across the extended centreline Figure 2
of any landing area, if drift is present it can be seen
(see Figure 1). Consider all shapes of landing sites
Figure 1 Wind
Local knowledge
The other means of determining wind direction and
An uphill slope for landing is preferred over level
strength are related to local knowledge and the
ground. A down slope should be avoided – it
aerodrome of departure. Local knowledge includes
would take a very strong wind to override the
terrain and local effects, such as anabatic or katabatic
disadvantages of a downhill landing. Slope can
winds, sea or land breezes, and how the Aviation
be difficult to detect at altitude, and when slope is
Area Winds (AAW) may be affected locally. Relevant
apparent from altitude, generally the terrain is very
conditions at the aerodrome of departure include the
steep. Water runs downhill, and a dam wall on farm
2000-foot wind forecast, the windsock, and the known
water storage ponds can also indicate downhill
take-off direction. The usefulness of these indicators
slope. Significant ‘white water’ in any flow indicates
is relative to the distance of the aeroplane from the
significant gradient.
aerodrome – and the intervening terrain.
• Fuel pressure and the contents gauges are Stress that the 1000-foot and 1500-foot references
checked and compared with the fuel tank selected. are above ground level, and that these provide
valuable orientation information if the landing site
• Some use CCPPP: cocks, contents, pump,
is lost from view.
pressure, primer.
• Check.
1000-foot area
• Set the throttle to about one third open (refer
CFI) to see if any power is available. If no power The 1000-foot area is at 90 degrees, or right angles
is available, the throttle must be closed again so to the threshold, usually 3/4 of the normal circuit
as to prevent the engine unexpectedly bursting distance out (refer CFI). This area should be about
into life at an awkward moment. In the simulated the size of a football field or four to six suburban
exercise, the partial power check serves to warm residential sections.
the engine.
There is a natural tendency for the student to hug
the field, resulting in a very tight turn to final, and
The plan little or no opportunity to adjust the approach.
The downwind leg should never be closer than
A specific landing site or the best compromise needs
three-quarters of normal circuit spacing.
to be chosen and the approach planned.
• a 1000-foot AGL area (some prefer a point, From anywhere within this area, at 1500 feet AGL,
refer CFI), it will be possible to glide to the 1000-foot area
and arrive at about 1000 feet AGL.
• a 1500-foot AGL area.
This area may be over the field if low, or swung out
The aim is to fly the approach as similar to a left-hand
wider than downwind if high, as if the aeroplane is
circuit as possible, unless terrain, cloud, obstacles or
on a string held at the 1000-foot area.
gliding distance favour a right-hand circuit.
The approach and landing phase of this lesson 1. Getting too close to the landing site, requiring
will be covered in more detail in the following steep angles of bank or flight out of balance to
‘considerations’ lesson. observe the field. At the heights commonly used
to start this exercise, the aeroplane needs to be
at least 2 NM away from the field (at least twice
circuit spacing).
Airborne sequence 2. Not allowing for drift during the gentle turn to
observe the landing site – a constant radius turn
is required to maintain a constant distance.
On the ground
No new material included here. The student should The pattern
know all of the checks on the ground and be able to
take you to the training area with little input from you. Before the throttle is closed to simulate the engine
failure, all the considerations of wind, elevation,
landing site and reference points are discussed.
The exercise The aim is to demonstrate the ideal forced-landing
pattern, and later exercises will require the student to
During the climb and transit to the training area,
adapt this pattern for the conditions under which the
point out the various wind indicators and surface
power failure is simulated.
types (ploughed, swampy). Encourage the student to
evaluate the field type while they are carrying out the
The value of the demonstration and patter will be
go-around. Also, give the student some opportunity
negated if the student is not aware of which landing
to practise estimating the elevation of various landing
site is being used and what features define the 1/3,
sites, preferring a rounding-up estimate if in doubt.
1000-foot, and 1500-foot references.
In following lessons, the aeroplane will be taken Your student will be ready for solo exercises to the
below 500 feet and the student will have the training area soon, and they should be showing
opportunity to more accurately assess if the aim point progress in that direction. Encourage them to work
will be reached. on any weaker areas before they are sent solo.
Objective Air exercise
Clear engine
To be able to select an appropriate landing site and carry out the pattern From a cruising altitude... 1500 ft AGL area every 1000 ft
for a forced landing without power.
Immediate actions 4
• Best L/D ratio, idle power, prop windmilling, kt • Make the plan 1
• Effect on range • MAYDAY call (if reception is a consideration) 1/3 aim
• Ask “Can I reach the 1/3 aim point?”
3 Positioning • Position at 500 ft so can touchdown at 1/3 aim point without flap
• Assess the aeroplane’s position and its ability to
• Use flap to bring 1/3 aim point back towards threshold
make it into the 1500 ft area
7 Landing phase covered in next lesson
4 Ask regularly
• “Am I confident of making it to the 1500 ft area”
This is the second part In the previous lesson, the student practised
the FLWOP pattern and the considerations of
of the forced landing how the pattern is planned. They have had
without power lesson. It the chance in the meantime to start to learn
builds on all of the pattern the checks and revise the last lesson. The
whole procedure is completed and practised
information learned in in this lesson.
the previous lesson, and
introduces the checklists Aviate and then navigate remain the prime
considerations of any emergency. When stress
and further considerations. levels are high, always revert to aviate first,
navigate second, and use only spare capacity
for anything else.
The probable causes of engine failure are revised and Never fly lower than you must!
the methods of avoiding this are emphasised.
Figure 1
The various factors affecting gliding range are
discussed. The effects of L/D ratio, altitude and wind Altitude affects the choice of possible landing area
are relevant to the first requirement of landing site
selection, ie, the site is within easy reach.
Best L/D
As was seen in the Climbing and descending lesson,
glide range depends on the best lift to drag ratio.
Effect of height (altitude)
When the aeroplane glides in the configuration for
the best L/D ratio (_____ knots, no flap, propeller Altitude (height) will also affect the amount of
windmilling), the angle of attack is about 4 degrees, time available for planning and completing the
the shallowest glide angle is achieved, and the range recommended checklists.
is greatest.
• The suitability of the nearest landing site. In later lessons, this procedure will be carried out
onto aerodromes (or landing sites) so that the glide
• The amount of power available. For example,
approach can be incorporated and the complete
is there sufficient to fly level at not less than
forced landing procedure practised. However, the
the endurance speed or is a gradual descent
student should be aware that simulated forced
required to maintain airspeed?
landing practise does not provide them right of way.
• The type and height of terrain to be crossed
in transiting to a more suitable landing site.
For example, will flight over a built-up area be
required, or can leapfrogging from landing site
Aeroplane management
to landing site be accomplished?
• The cause of the power reduction (if known). For Stabilise the engine temperature before beginning
example, no oil pressure and reduced power can the exercise.
quickly become a total power failure.
Warm the engine every 1000 feet, minimum.
• The aeroplane’s altitude. Never fly lower than
you must.
Human factors
Do not concentrate on the checklists at the expense
of the pattern.
The engine failure will be simulated from _____ feet
by closing the throttle.
Stress is minimised by knowing the appropriate
procedural response to the unexpected, regular
Ensure there is sufficient height to complete
practice and thorough pre-flight planning.
the checklists without undue haste during early
student practice.
F Fuel 7
Fuel selector ON, fuel pump ON (if applicable),
change tanks (if applicable) (touch).
6 Track base leg at 90°
M Mixture to landing direction
I Ignition
7. Go-around or landing.
• Fuel pressure and the contents gauges are Brief the passengers
checked and compared with the fuel tank
Valuable time can be saved here if a thorough
briefing of the emergency equipment and
M Mixture exits has been given before flight. You are still
responsible, however, for advising passengers of
• Mixture RICH, carb heat HOT, primer LOCKED. the circumstances and what you need them to do,
• These are checked and the mixture, in the case succinctly and clearly.
of partial power, altered (touch) to see if there is
any improvement in power or smoothness. If time permits, the chosen landing site and the
direction of the nearest habitation should also be
pointed out to the passengers.
Warm the engine
Judgement of the approach is helped by repeatedly
Warm the engine every 1000 feet of the descent. asking, “Can I reach the 1/3 aim point?”.
The last engine warm will be just before the
1000-foot area. The aim of this process is to position the aeroplane
at about 500 feet AGL, so as to touch down at the
1/3 aim point, preferably without flap.
Achieve the 1500-foot area
“Am I confident of reaching the 1500-foot area From a position of about 500 feet AGL, when clearly
at feet?” If any doubt exists, a turn toward the area able to touch down at the 1/3 aim point, the actual
should be immediately started. If no doubt exists, the touchdown point is brought back toward the
turn can be delayed. threshold by extending flap.
The exercise
Give the student plenty of time to observe the
indications of wind direction and strength and to
choose a suitable landing site. Revise planning the
forced landing pattern before closing the throttle.
After flight
Regular revision of these two exercises (total and
partial power failure) will need to be simulated
throughout the student’s training, as occasional
practice will have little real value.
Let the student know that the checks they were given
after the last lesson must be committed to memory,
as they could be needed at any time.
Height Wind
4 Achieve 1500 ft area 5 Achieve 1000 ft area
• More height means more distance,
• Assess the approach and • Start base turn
and more time to plan
spacing Wind
6 Approach 7 Go-around 3
Partial Power • Can I make the 1/3 aim point? • Would I have made it? Spacing
If some power is available: 2
• Close throttle or go somewhere better? • What caused the failure? Will it cause
• PIC responsibility 1
• What if it fails enroute? more problems?
• Call ATC
• What is the terrain like enroute? • How much altitude do you have? 1/3 aim
• Do not attempt to point
take off again
Steep turns
Figure 1
Increased lift required to keep the aeroplane level with increased angle of bank
Lift doubled
30° 45° 60°
Therefore, although the student may have trouble At the same time, because lift is increased by
understanding that the aeroplane is accelerating increasing the angle of attack, adversely affecting
toward the centre of the turn, the aeroplane is clearly the L/D ratio, the drag also increases – by 100
not maintaining a constant direction and therefore, percent at 45 degrees, and by 300 percent at 60
by definition, cannot be in equilibrium. degrees angle of bank. This increase in drag, or
reduction in L/D ratio, results in decreased airspeed.
The load factor is often referred to as ‘apparent
weight’ – because it is an acceleration (force) that the This is an undesirable situation, with the stall speed
wings must support, similar to weight. increasing and airspeed decreasing. Therefore, the
power is increased to combat the increased drag to
The effect of this increase in apparent weight, or load maintain a margin over the stall speed. This can be
factor, on the stall speed is described. referred to as a ‘power sandwich’ (see Figure 3).
6 Stall speed
Load factor
In the medium level turn, the lift and drag increase
3 and the adverse affect on the L/D ratio was so slight
that the decrease in airspeed was ignored. However,
2 as the increase in drag, load factor, and stall speed
is not linear, the effect of increasing drag can no
longer be ignored. Therefore, any turn at angles of
bank greater than 30 degrees requires an increase in
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 power. At 45 degrees angle of bank this increase will
Increase in stalling speed 8% 18% 40% 100% be about 100–200 RPM.
Bank angle
All of these principles also apply to the steep gliding Steep gliding turn
turn. However, power is obviously not available to Spiralling down in the modern, low-drag light
oppose the increasing drag and therefore, at angles aeroplane can result in a very rapid increase in
of bank greater than 30 degrees the airspeed must airspeed and exceeding the aeroplane’s structural
be increased with any angle of bank increases. At G limits.
45 degrees angle of bank, the airspeed is increased by
20 percent of the stall speed (about 5 to 10 knots) to
maintain a similar margin over the increased stall speed.
Out of balance
Aeroplane management
If the aeroplane is out of balance in the turn and
rudder is applied to centre the ball, the further effects Above 30 degrees, power is increased with angle
of rudder must be countered. of bank. A 100-RPM increase at 45 degrees angle
of bank is only a guide. Beware of the RPM limit.
As rudder is applied, the correct angle of bank must
be maintained with aileron. The resulting yaw will
pitch the nose above or below the horizon, and
therefore an adjustment to attitude will also be
Human factors
required to maintain constant altitude.
The symptoms of a spiral dive are a high angle of In addition the effects of G on vision can
bank, rapidly increasing airspeed and increasing G. be discussed.
Air exercise
Look into the turn for traffic and the reference point.
The air exercise discusses entering, maintaining As a guide, allow for inertia by anticipating the roll
and exiting the steep level turn at a bank angle out by about half the bank angle before the reference
of 45 degrees. point. For the average training aeroplane, this will be
20 degrees.
Maintaining • Trim.
Maintaining the turn incorporates the LAI scan. In the steep gliding turn, the attitude must be
Lookout into the turn is emphasised, and the adjusted to maintain the nominated airspeed.
attitude for 45 degrees angle of bank and level flight The risk of not maintaining the moninated airspeed
is maintained. or bank angle could be a spiral dive.
The exercise
The student should be capable of taking you to the
training area, while operating as pilot-in-command.
This will include making all the radio calls, making the
decisions about which route to take, what altitude to
climb to, and keeping a good lookout.
After flight
The next lesson will either be Maximum rate
turns or Wing-drop stalling. Remind the student that
you will be expecting them to practise these exercises
solo, and to have shown improvement when you next
fly with them.
4 3
0 10
12 0
10 80
0 KNOT 60
12 140
1 2
• Cannot increase power, therefore increase airspeed by lowering nose
Adverse yaw
• Amount of rudder required to overcome depends on rate of roll
• Low airspeeds require more aileron deflection Power sandwich
This lesson covers the In level flight, the airspeed and nose attitude
will vary depending on the aeroplane’s
factors that affect the configuration (speed, power, flap, and gear
observed airspeed and settings) and therefore airspeed and nose
nose attitude at the stall. attitude are not reliable indicators unless
the configuration for the phase of flight is
Although the aeroplane always stalls when the considered. As was seen in the climbing lesson,
aerofoil is presented to the airflow at too high the aeroplane has a high nose attitude and a
an angle (>15 degrees) most aeroplanes are low airspeed but is nowhere near the stall.
not fitted with an angle-of-attack indicator.
Therefore, it is common practice to use the The purpose of this exercise is to revise
aeroplane’s stalling speed (VS) as a reference. the causes of the stall and to compare the
aeroplane’s nose attitude and airspeed
approaching the stall in various configurations,
and then to recover from the stall.
To stall the aeroplane and be able to recover from In flight, generally ice will form on the airframe only
the stall by taking appropriate action. if the aeroplane is flown in cloud.
L = angle of attack x airspeed Loading, or load factor, is the name given to the
force/acceleration that the aeroplane must support,
Lift primarily varies with angle of attack and airspeed. for example, in pulling out of a dive. When you ride
Since the critical angle cannot be altered, anything a roller coaster, at the bottom of the dip you feel
that increases the requirement for lift will require an heavier, as you’re pushed into your seat by the force/
increase in airspeed to produce that lift. Therefore, acceleration of changing direction. For an aeroplane,
when the critical angle is reached, the airspeed will this is often referred to as apparent weight, or G,
be higher. and this increase in apparent weight increases the
requirement for lift, and increases the stall speed.
↑ L = angle of attack x ↑ airspeed
↑ apparent W → ↑ L → ↑ VS
Anything that decreases the requirement for lift will
decrease the airspeed observed at the stall.
The mnemonic ‘WILPS’ can be used to remind us of
If the aeroplane could climb vertically there would be
the factors affecting the stall; the first three increase
no requirement for lift at all. So when thrust is inclined
the stall speed the last two reduce it.
upwards, it decreases the requirement for lift and
reduces the stalling speed. In addition, the slipstream
Weight generated by having power on increases the speed of
the airflow and modifies the angle of attack (generally
An increase in weight will require an increase in lift, decreasing it) over the inboard sections of the wing.
resulting in an increase in the stalling speed. The increased airspeed increases the lift and reduces
the aeroplane’s stall speed, and the modified angle of
↑ W → ↑ L → ↑ VS
attack increases the nose-high attitude (see Figure 1).
Revise the HASELL checklist.
H Height (not altitude)
Although flap increases lift, it also increases drag – Temperatures and pressures normal, mixture rich,
generally, about the first 15 degrees of flap increases fuel sufficient and on fullest tank, fuel pump on.
lift with little adverse affect on the L/D ratio. It should
be appreciated however, that any use of flap will L Location
decrease the L/D ratio. Not over a populated area and clear of known traffic
areas, including aerodromes.
The application of any further flap rapidly increases
drag, adversely affecting the L/D ratio. L Lookout
The point at which drag rapidly increases varies with Carry out a minimum of one 180-degree, or two
aeroplane and flap type, but this is usually at the flap 90-degree, clearing turns, to ensure other traffic
setting recommended for a soft-field take-off. will not result in conflict.
Human factors
Stall warning symptoms
The regular turns and steeper than normal nose
attitudes could lead to some disorientation. Decreasing airspeed and high nose attitude
Make sure the student has time between stalls to
orientate themselves. The first symptom is decreasing airspeed. The rate
at which the airspeed decreases will be affected by
This exercise may produce some discomfort in the the amount of power and flap being used, probably
student, especially if your aeroplane type has a faster in this case with full flap.
tendency to wing drop. Reassure the student that this
is not a dangerous exercise when conducted above Note the effect of power on attitude and airspeed
3000 feet – as you will be doing. Tell the student that at the stall.
if they feel uncomfortable at any point, they should
Note the effect of flap on attitude and airspeed
say so. The aeroplane can then be flown level until
at the stall.
they feel comfortable to continue.
100 7 3
80 60 VACUUM 6
5 4
• Maintain altitude with backpressure
Principles of flight • Through kt (white arc) select flap, adjust attitude
• Aeroplane stalls at critical angle, and speed • Therefore airspeed will be higher at the • Through kt (stall warning sounds), carb heat COLD
will vary with configuration critical angle
• Manufacturers list stall speeds for simplicity • Anything that L required means a Symptoms
• L = Angle of attack x airspeed airspeed at the stall • Observe effects of power, flap, and power and flap • Less effective controls
• Anything that L required means an • Low and airspeed • Stall warning – if fitted
Slats/slots /flap Flap L and stalling speed Lower nose attitude • Apply full power – balance with rudder • At safe altitude, safe airspeed, and +ve RoC, raise all flap,
• Raise nose to the horizon (stops sink and allows adjust attitude
Aileron Down-going wing will have AoA, beyond stall
L and D further continued roll, not stopping it acceleration) • Regain starting altitude and S+L
Recovery at onset
• Normal situation – when not training
increased slipstream over • Recover at stall warning / buffet
empennage increases elevator component of
and rudder effectiveness
• Height loss – 50 ft maximum
thrust assisting lift
rate turns
To achieve the maximum This briefing discusses the factors that limit
the rate of turn, not only for the aeroplane
rate of turn, the greatest being flown, but also for fixed-wing
possible force toward aeroplanes in general, so that the principles
the centre of the turn is may be applied to subsequent types.
The limitations of turning while using the highest um
Lift varies with angle of attack and airspeed. The Airspeed – knots 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170
ASI colour coding
highest useful angle of attack is just before the vS0 vS1 vFE vA vNO vNE
critical angle, about 15 degrees. At this high angle of
attack, maximum CL, considerable drag is produced, vA Design manoeuvre vS0 Stall speed – flaps extended
and if the aeroplane stalls, or the buffet is reached, vNO Normal operating speed vS1 Stall speed – clean
the drag will increase dramatically. Ideally, sufficient vNE Never exceed speed vFE Maximum speed with flap extended
90 kts
Structural limit
Figure 3
Load factor
Bank angle
A high speed allows you to generate more lift and
therefore use an increased angle of bank, but the
This diagram shows the relationship of load factor to
high airspeed means the radius of the turn (how many
increasing angle of bank (see Figure 3). The structural
nautical miles it takes to make the turn) is high and
load limit for the aeroplane will determine the
therefore the rate will be lower (see Figure 2).
maximum angle of bank that could be used without
To turn at maximum rate we need maximum structural failure. Most light training aeroplanes have
centripetal force and maximum lift. The increased positive structural load limits of +3.8G in the normal
angle of attack means increased drag, so full power category and +4.4G in the utility category. It can be
is used. As rate of turn is proportional to velocity, the seen that this limit is reached between 70 and 75
limiting factor in a maximum rate turn is power. degrees angle of bank. Therefore, the average light
training aeroplane cannot turn at angles of bank
greater than about 75 degrees without causing
structural damage.
Airborne sequence
The exercise
Once the student has taken you to the training area
you should start the exercise with medium level turns,
making sure the student notices the attitude. Follow
with practice of the steep turns from the last lesson,
also noting the attitudes required.
After flight
Be clear with the student about whether you are happy
for them to practise this exercise solo. There will be
plenty of opportunity to practise these in dual flights.
Objective Considerations
To carry out a balanced, maximum rate, level turn using full power. Entry above VA Entry below VA
• Smooth roll in, delay power until decelerated to VA • Lead with power or at same time as roll in
Principles of flight
• To change direction at the highest possible rate – maximum degrees in minimum time Air exercise
Maximum lift Rate of turn and radius of turn • Choose reference altitude and prominent reference point • Through 30° AoB increase backpressure to
• L AoA and Airspeed • Rate of turn = rate of change of direction – ° /min • Check speed relative to VA maintain altitude
• Max CL at start of stall warning or edge of • Radius of turn = size of the arc made by the • Apply full power, roll in smoothly, balance with rudder • Stop at the stall warning (light buffet)
buffet aeroplane – will need more rudder than usual • Check ailerons and rudder
• Slow speed – high rate of turn • Maintain backpressure and AoB
Airspeed • High speed – low rate of turn
• Max rate turns limited by VA
• Turning at max rate requires max CPF and Maintaining
• VA is the speed at which you can make
max lift • LAI
abrupt and extreme control movements and • Rate of turn velocity therefore power is • Attitude differences due side by side seating
not overstress the aeroplane’s structures
limiting factor in a max rate turn • Maintain first note of stall warning with backpressure
• Found in Flight Manual
• Altitude maintained with AoB
• Affected by weight Angle of bank
2 301
5 4 3
10 80
140 010
12 KNOT 60
80 60
7 6
1 2
2 ax Limiting angle of bank
• in AoB requires in AoA to lift, associated
drag decrease in airspeed
Load Factor – G
Safe area air only
• Power available limited therefore airspeed will
One wing can stall before the other due to
Principles of flight incorrect rigging.
Out of balance It’s possible for flap to extend at slightly different
If the aeroplane is permitted to yaw at or near the angles. In addition, when flap is extended, the
stall there will be a tendency for the aeroplane to roll aeroplane is less laterally stable, because the centres
(further effect of rudder), which will increase the angle of pressure on each wing move in toward the wing
of attack on the down-going wing. In addition, if an root. This increases the tendency for the aeroplane to
attempt is made to maintain wings level with aileron, be easily disturbed in roll, which may cause one wing
the down-going aileron will increase the mean angle to exceed the critical angle. However, there is also a
of attack on that wing. This usually results in that greater need to use aileron to maintain wings level in
wing reaching the critical angle first. this configuration. Therefore, the aeroplane may drop
a wing more readily when flap is selected.
Ice or damage
If ice forms on the wings, or one wing is damaged,
by bird strike or ‘hangar rash’, the smooth airflow The consequences of one wing exceeding the critical
over the wing will be disturbed, and may break away angle before the other are discussed.
sooner than the flow over the other wing – resulting in
that wing stalling earlier than the other. The wing that stalls first has a reduction in lift,
causing roll. The roll increases the angle of attack on
the down-going wing and may delay the stall of the
Weight imbalance up-going wing. Increasing the angle of attack past
the critical angle will result in a decrease in lift but
If all the passengers or fuel are on one side of the
a substantial increase in drag – use CL (coefficient
aeroplane, some aileron will be required to maintain
of lift) and CD (coefficient of drag) against angle of
wings level.
attack graph (see Figure 1).
Aeroplane management
The correct method of stopping autorotation Start by revising stalling in various configurations.
is to break the yaw-roll-yaw cycle, and since This will help make the student more comfortable
aileron cannot be used effectively to stop the roll, before tackling the wing-drop stalls.
rudder is used to prevent further yaw. The nose
is lowered simultaneously by the control column When satisfied that the student is ready to
checked centrally forward (no aileron input) with progress, you should begin the exercise with the
the application of rudder, and this will stop the demonstration and patter of a wing-drop stall
roll immediately. (see Airborne Sequence).
At the stall, altitude is lost, the nose pitches down, Straight and level flight should be regained at
and one wing may drop. the starting altitude and the reference point or
heading regained.
If the aeroplane is reluctant to drop a wing at the stall,
alter the power and flap combination (refer CFI) and
relax rudder pressure to simulate the pilot’s failure to
maintain directional control. Alternatively, a gentle turn
Airborne sequence
may be required (5 degrees angle of bank).
Keep the ailerons neutral. At the completion of this exercise, there may be time
to practise Maximum rate turns, if previously covered.
• Roll the AoA on down-going wing and may delay stall of up-going wing
• AoA past critical angle lift but substantial drag CL
• drag yaws aeroplane toward the down-going wing, may further delay Airmanship Aeroplane management
stall of up-going wing as result of airspeed – yaw causes roll, which • HASELL and HELL checks • Carb heat
causes yaw = autorotation
• Stall with power and flap • Airspeed and RPM limits
• Using aileron to stop roll AoA on down-going wing CD • SA – attitude, airspeed, configuration, flight phase,
Lift with AoA (past the critical angle), while drag rapidly
with any small AoA
• Rudder used to prevent yaw and lower nose Human factors
CL and CD
• Overlearn correct technique
versus angle
of attack
- 4˚ 0˚ 4˚ 8˚ 12˚ 16˚ 20˚
Angle of attack
To apply sound decision making principles before The aeroplane’s weight is derived from the weight
adopting the recommended procedure for take-off or and balance calculations and will directly affect the
approach for a runway of minimal length. take-off and climb performance.
Density also affects the indicated airspeed (IAS). As
density decreases, IAS decreases. Therefore, as the If strong or gusty winds are present, there is always
density decreases, the aeroplane’s actual speed (TAS) the possibility of windshear in the climbout. If a
will need to be increased to achieve the same IAS for decrease in wind speed is suddenly encountered
any given rotate IAS. This will increase the length of during take-off, additional power will not be
the take-off roll, but the effects of density on engine available to arrest the sink. Therefore, the rotate
performance are far more critical. speed (VR) and the take-off safety speed (VTOSS) are
increased by an appropriate amount to counter the
possible effects of windshear.
Pressure altitude
The calculation of pressure altitude (PA) is vital For steady wind speeds of 10 knots or less, use the
for take-off, as this corrects the aerodrome book figures.
elevation under the existing conditions to an
For winds above 10 knots, this speed is progressively
elevation within the standard atmosphere, and the
increased (refer CFI and Flight Manual).
standard atmosphere is what the expected engine
performance is based on.
Whenever the rotate, take-off safety speed or best
angle-of-climb speed needs to be increased because
If you’re on the aerodrome of take-off and in the
of the conditions, think about whether to continue
aeroplane, you can simply set 1013 hPa on the
with the exercise.
altimeter sub-scale and read off the pressure altitude.
If the take-off distance available is equal to or Take-off distance calculations should be based on
slightly more than the take-off distance required – the appropriate performance figures, depending
think carefully! on whether flap is recommended for take-off or not.
Double-check your calculations. Have all factors been Unless all of these are complied with, calculation
properly taken into account? of the required take-off distance is negated.
Remember that an accurately performed short field As this exercise is not generally carried out from
take-off will be required in order to ensure that the minimal length fields, remember to advise students
performance data contained in the Flight Manual that such conditions are being simulated.
is met.
Do not allow the student to round off the rotate or
Take-off performance figures are based on shiny new take-off safety speed to the nearest mark on the
engines and propellers – how does this aeroplane airspeed indicator. For example, take-off safety
compare? Is the surface short dry grass or a bit long? speed 54 knots, which is “near enough to 55 knots”.
How important is it that a take-off be conducted This exercise requires accurate flying skills, and these
now – under these conditions – and how will the only come from practice. Although one knot may
conditions be affected by a delay? make no appreciable difference to the aeroplane’s
performance, this practice will ultimately make a
considerable difference to the student’s attitude
towards performance.
Have an aircraft engineer check out and clear the Good aviation practice dictates that all take-offs
problem before further flight. must be made using full runway length.
There are a few reasons why static RPM may not be Ensure a clean brake release, and as soon as the
achieved, and consideration of these requires the aeroplane starts to move, take the weight off the
application of a higher level of ADM. nosewheel with elevator, to reduce surface friction,
and check for normal acceleration.
The pre-take-off safety brief is completed, with A full stop landing should always be made when
emphasis on a positive check forward, in the event flying this exercise.
of an EFATO.
After flight
On line up
The student will have plenty of time to practise these
Full runway length is used, and the high reference take-offs and landings in their circuit flights.
point is chosen.
Except for extending downwind a little to ensure
power is used throughout the entire approach,
the turn onto base, base leg and the turn onto final
are all normal.
On final (it may look like the profile is too low, due to
the downwind extension) full flap is selected.
Low flying
only in designated low These lessons will not make anyone an expert
flying zones. at low flying. Setting personal limits well
above the legal minimum should be stressed.
It’s important for the student to be exposed Recap the importance of always leaving a
to operating close to the ground, not only way out, and turning back or landing at the
when forced to fly low, but also when nearest suitable aerodrome, long before the
mountain flying. Maintaining good situational situation simulated in this exercise is reached.
awareness should eliminate the need for low
flying due to poor weather. Whether the designated low flying zone (LFZ)
is over water or not, limited value will be found
Low flying improves the student’s awareness in this lesson if winds are less than 10 knots.
of terrain and the effect of wind. Good
aviation practice requires that a pilot should
never fly lower than they must, but each take-
off and landing involves low flying operations,
when the recognition of potential visual
illusions is critical.
A broadcast or report, including the estimated The boundaries of the low flying zone are
elapsed time (EET) to be spent in the zone must positively identified.
be made on entering – and a vacating report
when leaving. L Lookout
S Security
Apparent skid
• Poor visibility configuration used
H Height > 200 ft agl
A Airframe Config stated Groundspeed is lower
S Security Loose articles & harnesses secure
E Engine Fullest tank, pump ON, mixt RICH, SADIE, carb heat
Aeroplane management Human factors
L Locality Boundaries identified
• Carb heat use • Obstructions difficult to detect at low level
L Lookout Wind indications, obstructions, birds, forced landing sites • Fuel management • Flying close to the ground is stressful, can lead to
L Lights All external lights ON • Use of power during turns with flap narrowing focus
lowered • Poor visibility configuration used to give more time
• Avoid bad weather
Low flying
Turning at low level in the The reasons for practising turning at low level
is to improve confidence and flying accuracy,
poor visibility configuration as well as to prepare against the possible
is slightly different from need of operating in deteriorating weather.
turning in the cruise at
altitude. When turning
during the cruise at
altitude, a reduction in
airspeed or some altitude
loss is not necessarily
dangerous. However, at
low level, low airspeed,
and in the poor visibility
configuration, it’s vital
to maintain altitude
and airspeed.
Crossing obstacles
Power lines should always be crossed at the pylons.
The observation of ground features is changed The pylons are easier to see, and there can be no
from a plan view to more of a profile view. This can wires above the pylons or the aeroplane. Many high-
make map reading and navigation more difficult tension power lines have a very thin earthing wire
due to a reduced radius of visible features, and in stretched between the pylons, well above the main
hilly terrain may obscure the true horizon. In this cables. It’s very difficult to see these.
situation, the horizon will need to be estimated and
more frequent cross-reference to instruments made to Ridges should always be crossed at an oblique
confirm performance. angle. This method requires less bank angle if a turn
away from rapidly rising terrain or downdraughts
is required.
Sloping terrain
During flight at low level, height above ground is Crossing ridges and passes is covered in more depth
estimated visually, and the altimeter is used as a in the Terrain and weather awareness lesson, and
secondary reference. further in the Basic mountain flying lesson.
Be aware of the visual illusions created by drift, When entering the steep turn at low level in the
and maintain a regular crosscheck of instruments, poor visibility configuration, however, absolutely no
especially the balance indicator. decrease in airspeed is acceptable, because of the
small margin over the stalling speed.
Figure 3
Inc G/S
Inc AoB
Airborne sequence
The exercise
The medium turns can be practised by the student,
and depending on the student, they may be able to
practise steep turns without a demonstration from you.
• Broadcast on entry and exit • Continue away from shore until enough distance available to turn back
• Start turn with 45° AoB and reduce if not needed
Constant radius turn
Aeroplane management Human factors • Adjust AoB to compensate for drift to maintain constant distance
• Poor visibility configuration • Visual illusions created by drift from object on surface
• Prolonged use of the poor visibility • Maintain a regular crosscheck of • Identify 4 points equidistant for reference to overfly
Inc G/S
configuration may affect fuel reserves instruments, especially the balance • As turn down wind, groundspeed increases, so increase AoB Inc AoB
This exercise discusses If for any reason pilots find themselves in this
situation, they should accept the mistake –
the procedure to follow and not make another one by pushing on.
in the event of needing
to land somewhere The decision to make a landing off-aerodrome
will create considerable stress. However, the
other than a recognised longer the landing is put off, the more limited
aerodrome for the reasons the options.
discussed below. Avoid this whole situation by careful pre-flight
It differs from the forced landing because planning and by choosing to turn back or
the aircraft has power and it’s possible to divert early.
choose the most appropriate landing site
for the circumstances.
The reasons an off-aerodrome landing may be
Making an early decision to land gives more time
required are discussed, with particular emphasis
available to make the plan.
on recognising approaching threats early to avoid
these situations.
Continued wind awareness.
Becoming lost is avoided by maintaining situational Consider the poor visibility configuration to slow
awareness and careful pre-flight planning. things down and allow for the increased stress. If the
landing is because of bad weather, carburettor heat
needs to be considered. If it’s due to a low fuel state,
Fuel manage the landing within the available fuel.
Running out of fuel, which may result from becoming
lost or trying to get around weather, rather than
diverting early, is a situation that will heighten any
existing stress levels. Human factors
Careful pre-flight planning and in-flight fuel
When flying at low level or in reduced visibility,
monitoring will help avoid this situation.
disorientation can quickly occur. The student will need
to make an enhanced effort to remain orientated.
Stress has a significant effect on decision making,
Most organisations require all aeroplanes to be situational awareness, mental workload, problem
on the ground, or in the circuit, 30 minutes before solving, and performance. Minimising stress involves
Evening Civil Twilight (ECT). Plan to start early and good aviation practice to avoid the situations that
avoid ECT issues. call for this procedure, overlearning the procedure
to deal with it, and applying effective stress
management techniques.
Figure 1
Assessment of the wind is based on the same
indicators as the forced landing, with the importance
Pattern for a precautionary landing
of drift increased. (see whiteboard layout for key to numbers)
1 1
Landing site selection
Revise the ‘seven S’s, C and E’: size, shape, slope,
surface, surrounds, stock, sun, communication
and elevation. Power will be used to maintain an 5
The base leg is extended through the centreline and The exercise
the aeroplane turned into wind, with the landing The student should be capable of positioning the
site on the left-hand side, but closer than during the aeroplane within the low flying zone, checks complete
first inspection. This inspection is to decide exactly at 500 feet AGL, and established in the poor
which side or part of the landing site will be used visibility configuration.
for the landing roll. Are there any tree stumps in the
long grass? To inject some realism to this exercise talk the student
through the scenario. The weather has deteriorated,
Established on and parallel to final, a gradual they are not entirely sure of their position, and
descent to a minimum of 200 feet AGL is carried out. it’s starting to get dark – they need to carry out a
precautionary landing.
Descent below 200 feet AGL is not recommended,
because it takes considerable concentration to fly the First they must find a suitable landing site. Have the
aeroplane level and look at the landing site surface. student talk you through what they are looking for,
Also, there is a possibility of unseen obstructions, while you fly the aeroplane. They should remember
and since a climb to 500 feet AGL will be initiated on the ‘seven S’s, C and E’ from previous lessons and
completion of this inspection, the climb is minimised. the briefing.
Unless committed to the landing, never descend
below the highest obstacle in the go-around path. Take some time to discuss all of the elements.
Although a time constraint may be introduced in later
The major portion of the aeroplane’s momentum will flights, allow the student enough time to complete the
be spent in the first two thirds of the landing roll. recommended inspections.
Therefore, it’s generally recommended that the low-
level inspection is not prolonged, but a climb to 500 Now set the aeroplane up in the pattern. Choose the
feet AGL initiated about two thirds of the way along landmarks, note the heading of the landing direction,
the landing site (refer CFI). descend to 200 feet for the closer inspection,
and time the downwind leg to calculate landing
Ensure the decision points for the approach and aim distance available.
point are easily identifiable because, unlike a forced
landing, time to go around in the event of a poorly
executed approach should be available.
After flight
Re-emphasise to the student that this is a last resort
procedure, and the best course of action is not to get
themselves in this position in the first place.
Cause Avoidance
Weather • Avoid by setting personal meteorological minima 1 Search and approach to cross centre at right 3 Radio call if not already completed 5 Descend to 200 ft
well above the legal minimum angles • Pax brief • check Ss, C, and E as appropriate
• Have a careful consideration of the weather
2 Observe drift – confirm wind assessment • Checks • assess length of paddock by timing or by
before any flight and always have an escape
• Establish left/right hand circuit at 500 ft – 4 Check: superimposing known image
or 100 ft below cloud base • approach • note heading or set DI to North
Lost • Avoid by maintaining situational awareness and • Position so that the site can be seen and • aim point
• obstacles
careful pre-flight planning evaluated • overshoot options
• wind
Fuel • May result from becoming lost or trying to get • Check approach/overshoot while height
• go-around point 6 Climb
around weather, rather than diverting early available
• alignment 7 Confirm:
• This situation will heighten any existing stress • Consider gradient cues
• Choose landmarks, if available, • radio call
1 1 particularly one at end of downwind • pax brief
• Avoid by careful pre-flight planning and in-flight
• checks
fuel monitoring
• normal circuit spacing
Daylight • This organisation requires all aeroplanes to be
6 8 Establish short-field approach
on the ground, or in the circuit, 30 minutes before
Evening Civil Twilight (ECT) 5
• Start early, finish early Wind
2 Landing
• Use short field technique
• If these situations arise, adopt poor visibility configuration and carry out 3 4
• Use braking as required
an off-aerodrome landing Right-hand Left-hand
• Avoid obstacles
• This can take 15–20 minutes to complete – don’t leave it too late Establish poor vis config
• Keep cabin intact
• After landing, shutdown checklist
7 8
If the terrain beyond the saddle is disappearing, the Revise the poor visibility configuration – considering
aeroplane is not high enough. If the terrain beyond when it’s necessary to adopt, and the effect it has
the saddle is staying the same, the aircraft is at on performance.
terrain height and 500 feet can be added for safe
clearance. If there is increasing terrain beyond the Review VA, VS, and operating speed range considerations.
saddle then the aeroplane is higher than the saddle. Review the use of power as necessary to remain safely
above stall speed, but in anticipation of potential
Discuss how much terrain clearance is needed for a turbulence, below the maximum manoeuvring speed.
safe crossing.
Carburettor heat as required.
Discuss the types of saddles, and their relative merits.
A knife-edge saddle is the most preferable because Fuel management – review leaning the mixture for
of the shorter time it takes to cross. It allows for a engine considerations, performance and economy.
shallow angle of approach (45 degrees or less) and
allows a shallow angle of escape. Revise control coordination to ensure smooth,
balanced, handling to reduce unnecessary stress on
It’s critical that escape options are always available. the aeroplane, passengers and pilot.
The effects of weather, terrain, traffic, turbulence,
sink, and confined turning radius can require the use Consider the positioning of the aeroplane in relation
of an escape option at a moment’s notice. These to the terrain while taking into account wind direction
escape options should be downstream, downhill and and speed, so as to mitigate the effects of turbulence.
through the minimum possible angle of bank, in order
to maintain a margin over the stall in anticipation of
potential sink or turbulence.
Human factors
Thinking ahead of the aeroplane is an important Discuss the illusions associated with inaccurate
part of this exercise. In the real situation it will ensure horizon definition, most commonly an insidiously
that the student does not find themselves forced into climbing terrain gradient which tricks the pilot into
reacting to an unforeseen situation. raising the nose.
Use the clean configuration and the poor visibility Approach at 45 degrees or less to provide the best
configuration, calm and light wind conditions, as escape downhill, downstream, and with the minimum
well as no precipitation and some precipitation. angle of bank required.
Make turns left and right through 180 degrees and
360 degrees. Fly left to right to allow for the best visibility. However,
if the escape to the right is obstructed, or the sink
All opportunity to identify wind speed and direction on approach is significant, consider flying right to
cues should be maximised. left. If this approach presents too many threats, the
options are to fly higher if cloud base permits or find
Repeat the exercise in an area confined by terrain a safer saddle.
without a real horizon available.
Show the student the difference between the
Use saddle crossing techniques to enter or exit this ‘knife-edge’ saddle and the flat saddle, choosing
‘confined by terrain’ area. the ‘knife-edge’ to cross at.
Refer to the Mountain flying training standards guide. Approach level and below VA, as discussed.
Basic mountain
Operating in a valley
To safely approach, cross, and position after crossing
ridges, saddles, passes, or spurs. Review and expand on:
Wind below 15 knots is generally predictable. It’s Discuss the effects of sun and shade – if possible,
important that instructor discretion is applied in wind in a controlled dual environment, expose the student
conditions above 15 knots, when ability to accurately to the sun suddenly appearing and disappearing
predict conditions is more challenging and affected behind a ridge.
by the terrain shape, size, and presentation of airflow.
• escape options,
Superimposed horizon
• use of parallax, and
Revise the definition of the horizon.
• types of saddles.
Identify the real and imaginary horizon.
In increased wind conditions the student will need
to assess the areas of lift and sink, and areas of
potential turbulence for all phases of a crossing.
Being able to identify the direction of water flow/ In this lesson the student must be doing more
gradient will help greatly when it’s critical to be than just thinking ahead, they must anticipate the
assured of the aeroplane’s position. The student environment they cannot yet see, in order to ensure
should develop the skill of recognising flow direction they are not left in a situation where reacting quickly
and by assessing the amount of white water present, is the only option left open to them.
gain a clear indication of valley gradient.
It’s important that they learn to recognise threats
Being aware of the alignment of the valley being and develop appropriate strategies to mitigate
flown in, and of those nearby, will help maintain those threats.
situational awareness.
It’s much better to have sound decision making than
Discuss using the position of the sun to improve rely on inadequate aeroplane performance to provide
situational awareness and knowledge of orientation. escape options.
For example, if the sun was in front of the right shoulder
entering the valley, and if insignificant time elapses, The student must remain aware of their situation
it should be behind the left shoulder exiting the valley. at all times, in particular remaining aware of the
changing weather, nearby terrain, other traffic in
the area, and their own performance.
It’s helpful to make position reports both
Emergency landings, whether forced or precautionary,
before and after crossing saddles to assist with
are more of a challenge when flying below
traffic awareness.
the ridgeline.
As with any low flying, more frequent use of SADIE
The lack of a real horizon is the primary problem.
checks is advised.
Revise the poor visibility configuration, considering Review the previous lesson and the skills
when it’s necessary to adopt, and the effect it has developed there.
on performance.
This lesson should start approaching any terrain.
Review VA, VS, and operating speed range considerations. Discuss horizon, wind, gradient and potential lift/sink
Review the use of power as necessary to remain safely well in advance of the arrival in any valley.
above stall speed, but in anticipation of potential
turbulence, below the maximum manoeuvring speed. Identify and interpret wind cues for speed
and direction.
Carburettor heat as required.
Start with complete 360 degree level turns both left Route finding
and right, in the cruise configuration, using the full While conducting mountain flying training, or during
width of the valley. Then the same level turns in the dual cross country training and operating below the
poor visibility configuration. ridge line, allow the student to experience their own
real disorientation and guide them through strategies
Note the difference in appropriate aeroplane position
for reorientation. If this is not possible, you may need
when in a narrow valley compared to a large one.
to simulate the exercise.
Airborne sequence
Crossing ridges, saddles, passes, or spurs
Apply a CPL standard to the previously established Develop local simulated scenarios so you can assess
principles of assessing the appropriate flight path a student’s entry into and exit from a valley system,
for approach, crossing, and after crossing, that climb into and out of a valley system or crossing from
applies the safest compromise of the options and one valley system into another.
principles involved.
When conducting cross country training, consider
This exercise will be carried out in wind conditions routes and altitudes that facilitate practical
that may exceed 15 knots. application of principles learned.
Operating in a valley
Considerations • Check turns • Steep descending turn into valley
• Wind indicators for speed and direction
• Level, climbing and descending turns • Climbing turn out of valley or for saddle crossing
Superimposed horizon • Cruise configuration, using full width • Right of way
• Horizon is where the sea meets the sky • Experience factors affecting contour • Poor visibility configuration, using full width • Lookout principles
• Illusions – most dangerous is slowly rising flying at constant altitude • Position in the valley dependent on space available
terrain in bottom of valley
Crossing ridges, saddles, passes or spurs
Operating in a valley • All factors of approach, crossing, after crossing and • Saddle crossing, taking all effects into account
• Check turns • Climbing and descending turns for
escape options throughout • Show sound decision making
• Select appropriate position in valley entry and exit of valleys • Wind >15 kt
• Use minimum angle of bank • Valley gradients
• Poor visibility configuration • Sun and shade Route finding
• Simulate or use actual opportunity to experience/practise
Crossing ridges, saddles, passes or spurs
• Consider all aspects of crossing, effect of wind and • Approach path should be planned well ahead Emergencies
terrain, escape options, parallax, saddle types • Escape options • FLWOP and precautionary landing where no real • Adapt standard pattern
• Increased wind horizon • Identify and mitigate threats
• Apply sound decision making
Route finding
• Good planning and preparation • Valley alignment
• Water flow • Sun’s position
Emergencies • Anticipate environment and recognise threats • Position reports
• No horizon more difficulties • Confined space • Aeroplane performance • SADIE
• Variables: • Wind, lift/sink • Situational awareness • Always have escape options
– Height • Valley gradient
– Distance to landing site • Illusions and mindsets
– Existence of landing site • Early MAYDAY Aeroplane management Human factors
– Wind/turbulence/precipitation • Habitation • Poor visibility • Use of power • Illusions – whiteout, brightout
– Light • Survival kit – contents and use configuration • Carburettor heat • Workload, stress, fatigue – effect on performance
• Operating speed • Engine leaning • Hypoxia
range between VS • Control coordination • Dehydration
and VA • Aeroplane position • Further reading
Compass use
The earth has a geographical (true) North Pole and Dip
a geographical (true) South Pole. At the magnetic equator, the earth’s magnetic field
lies parallel with the earth’s surface, and a bar
A magnetic field exists around the earth, produced by
magnet would also lie parallel. As the poles are
the equivalent of a very large bar magnet within the
approached, the lines of flux dip down toward the
earth (see Figure 1). This results in a magnetic North
earth’s surface, and so does a bar magnet.
Pole and a magnetic South Pole.
Suspending the compass card from a pivot point
Figure 1
above the magnet almost eliminates dip.
Figure 2
Magnetic compass
liquid filled bowl
lubber line
compass card
magnet (1 of 2)
The magnetic poles are not in the same places as the Acceleration errors
true poles; however, currently they are close, enabling
The compass always sits at a slight angle to the
us to use magnets to navigate around the world.
earth because the magnet is suspended below a
pivot point. The centre of gravity of the magnet will
The angular difference between true north and
not lie directly beneath the pivot point, and when
magnetic north at any point on the earth is called
the aeroplane accelerates or decelerates, the centre
variation. This difference is more relevant when
of gravity lags behind due to inertia and rotates the
navigating because maps are drawn with reference
compass card.
to true north, and the aircraft is navigated by
reference to magnetic north. This will be covered
This does not happen when heading north or south,
during future navigation lessons.
and is at a maximum when heading east or west.
The compass turn is carried out at ‘rate one’ – this is The compass system should be checked for
a turn of 360 degrees in two minutes. serviceability before flight.
While turning at rate one, the error between the If the fluid in the compass has bubbles or leaks out,
desired heading and the indicated heading on the compass will become less stable. Check for cracks
000 and 180 is approximately 30 degrees. For or fluid leaks as well as fluid discoloration.
this correction to work, the turn must be rate one,
balanced, level and without pitch changes. Ensure the deviation card is valid by checking that the
expiry date has not passed. Although the corrections
given for various headings are generally considered
Figure 3
insignificant for practical flight use, the deviation
card is the only indication that the compass swing
Using the mnemonic ONUS
has been done, and that any errors found were
not excessive.
330 030
The introduction of any metal object or electrical
30 field, such as headphones, GPS, or calculators, into
300 20 20 060
the cockpit will affect the accuracy of the magnetic
10 10
ON compass. Keep these items as far away from the
270 0 0 090 compass as possible.
US 10 Except for Technically Enhanced Aircraft (TEA), often
240 20 20 120 referred to as ‘Glass Cockpit’ aircraft, vacuum pump
failure is the most likely cause of DI failure, so the
210 150 suction gauge should be checked during engine run-
up (4.5 to 5.2 inches Hg).
Draw the compass rose in plan view, and divide it into Aircraft compass (left), compass rose in plan view (right)
two halves with the cardinal headings labelled. Turning
errors are zero on east and west, and a maximum of 000
330 030
30 degrees on north and south – label these. 30
300 20 20 060
10 10
Intermediate headings and their associated error are ON
270 0 0 090
now labelled. In addition, the top half of the rose is US
10 10
labelled ON and the bottom half US. 240 20 20 120
210 150
This information will need to be memorised by the 180
The procedure for turning onto a specific compass This method avoids mathematical calculations.
heading is broken down into several steps. However, when the heading required is near the
reciprocal of the current heading, it may result in a
turn the wrong way. In practical terms, if the desired
Making the turn
heading is at or close to the reciprocal, a turn in the
wrong direction will have little impact.
Which way to turn?
The turn is always made in the shortest direction.
Will an overturn or underturn be required
For example, a turn from east to north requires
a turn to the left.
Without access to the error/correction drawing,
Given the presentation of the compass rose, this is this would require the student to know, for example,
quite a simple deduction. However, the aeroplane’s that 120 is a southerly heading.
magnetic compass does not present the information
in this format. Therefore, some method of deciding In practice this can be deduced from the
the shortest arc to turn through must be provided methods above.
to the student.
It’s assumed that the DI has failed, or is unreliable, What correction will need to be applied?
so should be removed from the pilot’s scan. As the Unless a drawing on the back of the DI cover
simple plan view of the compass rose is easy to is supplied, the student needs to memorise the
interpret and is what the student has memorised, correction factors.
some other instrument, preferably orientated with
north always at the top, is substituted for the DI.
Look at the compass heading before turning the Commonly, when the aeroplane is rolled wings level,
master switch on and the watch the effect of starting there is a tendency by the student to fixate on the
the engine. compass rather than maintain level flight on a distant
reference point. This tendency can be overcome by
During the taxiing instrument checks, note that the
covering the compass with your hand just as the
turn coordinator gives a rate of turn, not the angle of
student starts the roll out and insisting that they
bank, and that the DI can be set to read any heading
choose and fly a reference point. Allow the compass
desired, regardless of the aeroplane’s actual heading.
adequate time to settle, ensure the aeroplane is in
balanced flight, and then remove your hand to read
the compass.
The exercise
The airborne sequence starts with a demonstration Depending on which method is used for minor
of acceleration and deceleration errors. Maintaining corrections, cover the compass again and calculate
a heading of 090 or 270 by reference to the DI which way to turn. Calculate the time required or
or reference point, accelerate the aeroplane by choose a new reference, turn and regain balanced
smoothly pitching the nose down; note the apparent level flight. Allow the compass to settle and remove
turn toward the south. This exercise is repeated your hand to read the compass.
to demonstrate deceleration effects by smoothly
pitching the nose up; note the apparent turn toward When the compass reads the correct heading,
the north. emphasise the reference point to maintain heading.
Do not allow the student to fixate on the compass
Smoothly increasing and decreasing the throttle also – instruments are used to confirm performance, not
produces this effect in all but low powered aircraft. set it.
Remember the engine handling principle of 3 seconds
to open or close the throttle.
After flight
When this exercise is repeated on headings of 000
The student will need to practise these solo.
or 180 no apparent turn will occur, although the
compass may be seen to dip. Ensure the aeroplane is
kept straight by reference to the DI or reference point.
Making a turn
• Check present heading against desired heading – use shortest arc
• Decide on amount of overturn or underturn – ONUS
Variation • Lookout and roll in using rate one turn – balance
• Difference between true North and magnetic North
• Anticipate roll out
• Bar magnet will align itself with lines of flux
• Select reference point
• Level wings – hold for compass to settle
• Check heading and make correction if required (3° per second)
Deviation 330 030
• Aircraft magnet acted on by things other than the lines of flux, ie, metal objects, aircraft, etc 30
300 20 20 060
• Compensated for by a compass swing – done by an engineer
10 10
Dip 270 0 0 090
Dip angle
SAND ONUS serviceability • Keep metal items as far away from the should be kept to a minimum
• Apparent turn South when Accelerating, • To compensate must Overturn on North • Lookout compass as possible • Cover failed instruments to avoid
apparent turn North when Decelerating and Underturn on South • Suction gauge should be checked confusion
• Use rate one turn, maximum error on N or during engine run-up (4.5–5.2 inches)
S = 30°
Instrument flying
Airspeed indicator
This gives the aeroplane’s speed directly and,
indirectly, pitch attitude (airspeed increasing – nose
Describe the method of simulation that you will use,
low, airspeed decreasing – nose high). Its source of
for example, hood or glasses.
information is the pitot-static system.
During visual flight training the requirement to Crucially, this system cannot differentiate between the
counteract inertia (change – check – hold – adjust – various causes of increased G – for example, as the
trim) will have become automatic as a result of cues result of pulling out of a dive or of entering a steep turn.
detected by peripheral vision. These cues will no
longer be available and the necessity to consciously The visual system is the most powerful of the orientation
counteract inertia through this process when systems and normally resolves any ambiguous or
changing attitude will need to be emphasised during conflicting information received by the brain. For
early instrument lessons. example, this is a steep turn not a pull-out of a dive.
The student should be prompting the lookout, by In instrument flight conditions, the visual references
calling “clear left?” if a left turn is to be conducted used to resolve ambiguous or conflicting orientation
and should receive a “clear left” response from information are not available. Until considerable
the instructor. practice has been carried out to replace the normal
visual cues with instrument readings, orientation
conflicts may occur, causing various illusions. For
example, the ‘leans’.
140 20 9 1
8 2
120 40 1013
• Power + Attitude = Performance KNOTS 1014
100 7 3
80 5 4
Control instruments
• Attitude indicator
• Tachometer 33
N 3 Secondary
5 15
Performance instruments 0
• Airspeed indicator L 2 MIN R 5 15
15 10
• Altimeter SET
• Directional indicator
• Turn coordinator
Maintain straight and level Attain straight and level Turns
• Balance indicator
• Set attitude, check altitude, heading from a climb or descent • All turns at rate one
• Vertical speed indicator
and airspeed being maintained • APT and PAT
• Check in balance and VSI showing level
Airspeed Pitch+Bank Altitude Engine revs
Pitch Airspeed Pitch Power+Pitch
Airmanship Human factors
Pitot static Vacuum Static Cable • Instrument check while taxiing Balance organs
• Can’t use peripheral vision • Sense angular acceleration and change of direction in 3
• Need to consciously counteract inertia planes, and body tilt
TC DI VSI • Change – check – hold – adjust – trim • Can’t detect change when it’s very slow or constant
Rate of turn Heading RoC+RoD • Lookout “clear left”….
Bank+Balance Bank Pitch Muscular pressure sensors
• Affected by gravity
Electric Vacuum Static
• Know if standing or sitting with eyes closed
Aeroplane management • Can’t distinguish between causes of increased G
• Pitot static system operation
Instrument layout • Set AI symbol before flight, don’t change Vision
• Basic T plus TC, VSI and RPM • Most powerful system
• Usually resolves ambiguous information from other senses
Instrument lag • But in IF conditions visual references not available
• All instruments have lag (delay in indicating correct information)
• Leans
• Only VSI lag is significant, must be checked against other information
• Trust the instruments
Limited panel
Bank is determined from the turn coordinator when
Aeroplane management balanced (ball), and compass.
Human factors
For this exercise, a failure of the vacuum system All instrument flight requires considerable
is simulated – AI and DI unserviceable – and the concentration, therefore, do not keep the student at
information available from each instrument to the exercise for long periods – little and often is best.
maintain control in each spatial plane is revised.
0 20
Airspeed indicator L 2 MIN R 5 15 Primary
• Requires pitot and static pressure
140 20 Secondary
• Most common blockage by ice over pitot head AIRSPEED
120 40KNOTS
• Will indicate wrong airspeed, or zero
100 60 • Airspeed will require only a small amount of attention so long as attitude and power are set correctly
• If fails need to use AI and RPM 80
• During turns the compass’ importance will increase as approach heading
• Inspect pitot head and static vents during preflight
Heading indicator
• DI, DG, HSI 33
N 3 Airmanship Aeroplane management Human factors
• Gyro stabilized, powered by engine-driven vacuum pump • Instrument check during taxi very • Electrical system failure may affect • Develop systematic instrument scan
• If fails will slowly run down, card will spin DIRECTION INDICATOR
important other instruments • Trust the instruments
• If fails will need to use magnetic compass 21
15 • Static system often has backup system • Cover failed instruments
• Checked during taxi and SADIE checks • Pitot head heated
• Vacuum gauge checked regularly
Attitude indicator • Regularly checking DI is aligned to
• AH compass
• Driven by engine-driven pump
• May have failure flag
• If fails will have to use indirect information from
performance instruments
• Checked during taxi and SADIE checks
High or increasing airspeed, decreasing altitude, high
angle of bank (usually turn coordinator on its stops),
high rate of descent, high or increasing G-loads, and
increasing RPM.
Close the throttle and simultaneously level the wings
(check balance), ease out of the dive, and check
airspeed. When the altimeter stops, check, set cruise
power to regain cruise airspeed, hold and adjust (trim
if required). Remember smooth control movements
above VA.
• When straight and level regained, return to original reference altitude and heading
• Limiting speeds – VA, VNO, VNE, and RPM limit • Trust the instruments
Night flying
Flying VFR at night is
inherently more risky than
flying VFR during the day.
These risks and threats can,
and must, be managed
carefully with good
preparation and instrument
flight currency.
A student’s night flying ability will not be
assessed by an examiner, so it’s important
that the instructor uses the night flying
instructional time to ensure the student is
aware of the issues and is competent at
night flying.
Discuss the following legal requirements for night Rods are used when something is seen out of the
flying: Aerodrome and aircraft lighting requirements, corner of the eye, ie, for peripheral vision. They detect
VFR night minimas for controlled (1500 feet/5 km) objects, particularly those that are moving, but do not
and uncontrolled (1500 feet/8 km), including the give detail or colour. Rods make night vision possible.
prerequisites below. Because the rods are distributed in a band around
the cones and do not lie directly behind the pupil,
off-centre viewing (looking to one side of an object)
Prerequisites is important during night flight.
Students must have completed at least two hours
instrument flight time, which includes the following In low light, central vision doesn’t work as well, so
instrument flight manoeuvres, before they may peripheral vision is relied on. As peripheral vision is
undertake night flight training: good at noticing changes, objects are more likely to be
noticed at night with peripheral vision (see Figure 1).
• Straight and level flight – maintain heading to
a required accuracy of ±5 degrees, ±100 feet Central vision is still required to read instruments
altitude and in balance. or charts, but it’s important to preserve as much
• Medium and rate one turns – at least 180 function in peripheral vision as possible. In order to
degrees turns left and right, in balance, to within achieve this, allow time for the eyes to adapt to the
±10 degrees of pre-selected roll out heading dark, avoid bright light by keeping cockpit lights
with a maximum altitude variation of ±100 feet. and torches as dim as possible, and use a practised
scanning motion when looking outside the aeroplane.
• Climbing and descending – to preselected
altitudes. Level flight to be re-established at the
preselected altitude, no more than ±100 feet. Dark adaptation
• Unusual attitude – prompt and correct recovery Allow time to adjust to low light after completing any
from unusual attitudes. tasks that need to take place in bright light, such
as the preflight inspection. The rods become fully
PPL night flying requirements: two hours dual, two effective after approximately 30 minutes, so avoid
hours solo, five hours total. any bright light once dark adaption has started.
• Black hole – can happen when approaching a Familiarity with the aerodrome
lit area over unlit terrain. That can cause the AIP Vol 4 aerodrome charts operational data details
runway to seem out of position. Use the visual the lighting available on the aerodrome – a thorough
approach slope indicators, if available, or knowledge of lighting facilities is important.
carefully monitor the flight instruments.
Discuss the location, colour, and if applicable, the
direction of all aerodrome lighting, including: apron,
taxi, holding point, runway, and approach lighting.
For the preflight check, a torch will be required, in If pilot activated lighting (PAL) is available discuss
particular a torch powerful enough to be able to see the operation of this.
the detail required. A headband torch can be useful.
Review ATC light signals.
While carrying out the preflight, note the position of
the aeroplane on the aerodrome and the position Discuss the particular approach lighting available
of other aircraft. at the aerodrome, and how it’s to be used, eg, PAPI.
Check that the student can decode the lighting
It’s also advisable to wear a high visibility jacket, codes, and they know where to find the decodes
and to be conscious of personal safety. for those they cannot.
Detail the procedures to carry out in the event of the
following emergencies: Aeroplane management
• Radio failure – follow the local procedure,
More frequent SADIE checks.
use the aeroplane’s lights and squawk 7600.
• Runway lighting failure – the flight will need to Particular attention should be paid to dew on
divert to another aerodrome where lighting is windscreens and frost on wings.
operational. This will need to be checked during
the planning stages. Cockpit layout familiarity.
On the ground
Correct approach
Taxi slowly.
In the circuit
The first circuit should be a familiarisation circuit.
It’s a chance to see the local area, and compare how
it looks at night to how it looks in the day. It’s also
a chance to orientate and locate local landmarks
and townships.
During the landing, it’s important to use the runway
At night it can be difficult to see the runway perspective to judge the roundout and flare, not
lighting from the downwind position. Care must be look for the ground in the landing light. The first
taken positioning the aeroplane downwind at the few landings should be completed without the
correct spacing. landing light.
Navigation is much more than simple map-reading, At the end of each lesson, where a join will be
and this navigation section to the FI Guide refers to necessary, a discussion can take place between
the guide Practical Flying Guide 1 – Visual Navigation. instructor and student as to their present position
with direct reference to the chart. Key features to
The techniques recommended in the guide are assist in finding the airfield can be identified and
thoroughly explained and are not repeated here. To followed. Airspace can be identified and in the later
understand the intent of the lessons, the techniques lessons, a heading and distance can be estimated.
to be taught, and the briefings in this section, it is Bear in mind that the student’s estimates will be
essential the instructor is familiar with the guide. somewhat wayward to begin, but with the experience
built up through practice, they will be building the
skill and knowledge needed for navigating and
cross-country flights.
Use of the radio
Prior learning The use of the radio should be phased in over the
Before embarking on the navigation phase of early lessons, with limited exposure during the initial
training, there are some essential elements of exercises building up to the student taking more
learning which need to have been achieved. Whilst responsibility as the training progresses. By the end of
the student’s skill in these areas may not be perfect, the circuit phase the student should be dealing with
or complete, the basic principles and techniques need all the communications prior to leaving the circuit and
to have been well grasped. after joining. Competency with the calls necessary for
departing and joining the circuit, as well as changing
frequencies should quickly follow thereafter. It is all
Aircraft handling too easy for the instructor to make the joining call
on completion of each lesson, especially when the
Prior to the navigation phase the student must be able
frequency is busy, and time is pressing to get back
to climb the aircraft, whilst maintaining a heading to
for the next lesson. In some circumstances this is the
an altitude, level off and trim for straight and level
correct course of action, but whenever possible the
flight. An ability to maintain the heading and altitude
student should be encouraged to make the R/T call(s).
whilst ‘in trim’ will be essential, and without these basic
skills, attempting to learn navigation will be frustrating
During the post circuit training (such as Advanced
or even counter-productive.
Turning or Forced Landings) instructors should teach
their students how to make an accurate position
report. They should also teach how to contact FISCOM
Map reading
(or another suitable station) to obtain information such
The navigation phase, should not be the first time as an Area QNH, a NOTAM, or a METAR.
that a student has identified their position, or
estimated a direction to head in, on an aeronautical
chart or map. In fact, the basic skills of map reading Aeronautical publications
should have been instilled through the early lessons.
Instructors should be gradually introducing the use
and interpretation of the AIP, the Supplements and
The ability to use a chart should be introduced in
NOTAMs. It is important to keep this very simple to
small steps from the very first lesson. Initially pointing
start with, to avoid over-whelming the student. But,
out key landmarks in the local area and relating
like map reading, make small steps progressively
them to their depiction on the chart. On subsequent
building up knowledge.
lessons, teach the student to hold the chart “track
up” as well as pointing out airspace boundaries.
Care must be taken to avoid becoming too absorbed Prior to take off, the initial stage of the flight should
in the navigating alone, but to ensure other important be reviewed or briefed, including circuit departure,
tasks are being attended to, such as lookout, radio visual references, speeds, airspace and altitudes.
calls and cruise checks. The student conducts the take-off and initial climb
and then the instructor should take control and teach
how to correctly identify the Start Point (SP), reading
from map to ground. The instructor should position
Aircraft management the aircraft over the SP at the planned altitude,
speed and on heading, and ask the student to
Regular cruise checks need to be integrated take note of the time overhead. Having established
using time as a prompt into the overall workload the aircraft straight and level, in trim and on track,
management of the flight. teach the gross error check. Orientate the map to
“track up” and compare features on the ground with
The alignment of the Direction Indicator (DI) must be the track drawn on the chart. Ideally use features
checked frequently. The DI should also be checked straight ahead and in the distance. Then teach the
after a Turning Point as a large change of heading WHAT check:
can lead to the DI being out of alignment.
• W Weather; check ahead
During a cross country flight, where the aircraft • H Heading; as per the Navigation Log. DI
is in the cruise configuration for most of the time, alignment checked
it is appropriate to lean the mixture for performance
• A Altitude; as per the Navigation Log, or
and economy. Remaining fuel and endurance
adjusted for weather. Airspeed as per planned
should also be noted in the Fuel Log section of
the Navigation Log. • T Time; in the Navigation Log write down the
time overhead the SP and ETA for the Turning
Point (TP) or destination, and confirm the time
for the next fix
Landing away
[For full details of the techniques used Discuss the use of the “Minimum VFR Altitude
refer to: Practical Flying Guide 1 – to Continue” as a decision-making tool before
Visual Navigation.] there is a need to fly at low-level. However,
if a rapid and unexpected change of the
Like the previous lesson, the instructor will weather takes place, flight at low level may
have given the student a route to plan in be required. Discuss the effect of operating
advance, with a controlled aerodrome at at low-level on the ability to see features
the end of the first leg and an unattended on the map, particularly the inability to see
aerodrome at the end of the second leg. lateral features (towns, lakes, wooded areas,
etc), whereas vertical features such as masts,
The student should carry out all the normal
aerials and some elements of terrain become
planning with some assistance from the
more obvious. Aspects of wind effect and
instructor. Ensure that the landing and take-
illusions learnt in the Low Flying exercises, will
off performance at the land away airfields are
be applied where relevant.
considered using the AFM.
Discuss the checks recommended before
During the briefing, check the student’s
descent and the configuration to be used,
planning, including their assessment of
and revise Rule 91.311 Minimum heights for
the weather and NOTAMs. Brief the R/T
VFR flights.
Aircraft management
The student can carry out all the necessary actions
and procedures to get airborne again, and set off
As taught in the last lesson, aircraft management
on track at normal operating altitude, on the second
is integrated into the workflow and should include
leg of the planned route. Once established, simulate
regular cruise checks, leaning of the mixture, as well
an un-forecast and rapid lowering cloud base ahead
as fuel monitoring and recording.
by nominating a maximum operating altitude and
allow the student to practise descending to and
operating at low level. Additionally, poor visibility
could be simulated, and the student could then revise
Human factors the adoption of the poor visibility configuration. If this
configuration is used, a correction to the estimated
Workload management, using time frames, resulting time for the leg should be calculated, as well as
in a thorough lookout and situational awareness amending the fuel plan.
being maintained. Use of TIME-MAP-GROUND to
counter any disorientation, and descent checks for Once established at the lower cruise altitude, take
low level. control and teach the changes in features that are
now visible, as well as the need to anticipate ground
features coming into view. Highlight the value of
being able to follow a suitable line feature to achieve
Air exercise the next turning point, if one is available. When
following a line feature, revise the need to keep the
The first part of the lesson should be a revision of feature on the left. If it is not be possible to fly in a
the previous lesson, starting prior to take-off where straight-line track, teach how maintain an awareness
the student briefs the aerodrome departure and of the overall heading being flown and time being
heading to the SP. After take-off they should climb taken, to prevent disorientation.
to the SP and set course on the first leg. Throughout
Approaching the unattended airfield, the low-level
the flight the student’s task is to fly the aircraft and
part of the exercise is complete, and the aircraft
navigate using the previously taught techniques.
can be climbed back up to the normal operating
During the periods where the map is stowed, the
altitude, from which point the joining procedure can
student should be including collection of the ATIS (if
be practised. If the student’s workload is getting
applicable) and, with assistance, briefing the arrival.
too high at this point, take control to allow them to
Approaching the controlled airspace, which can be
catch up and be fully prepared. Once the student has
identified using TIME-MAP-GROUND, the instructor
caught up again, hand over control.
should take responsibility for the R/T in order to
demonstrate the correct calls and read-back of
Objectives Air exercise Note: Diagram should represent actual planned flight
Radio Calls
Weather avoidance
and diversion
[For full details of the techniques used
refer to: Practical Flying Guide 1 –
A structured and time-based approach to
Visual Navigation.]
navigating, distributing tasks and managing
Like previous lessons, the instructor will have workload to ensure other important tasks
given the student a route to plan. The student are being attended to, such as lookout, radio
should plan three legs, each approximately calls, cruise checks and weather assessment.
20 minutes flight time. However, the third leg
should not go back to the home airfield, but
to another waypoint. The third leg will be used
to plan and execute an en-route diversion Aircraft management
back to the home airfield.
Regular cruise checks, leaning of the mixture,
On the day of the flight the student should as well as fuel monitoring and recording.
have completed planning for the route and
carried out all the pre-flight actions, including
NOTAMs and weather assessment. Again,
Objectives Air exercise Note: Diagram should represent actual planned flight
• Assess Wx and NOTAM, check planning and map
• Weather Avoid Choose SP
– 30°, 45° or 60° turn Draw Trk
– Timing and ETA adjustment Calculate Hdg
6-min markers
– Turn back or parallel track ETA
• Diversion Choose fixes
– Select SP, draw Trk T° – M° – Hdg
– 6-Min Markers, ETA Overhead
Note time
Gross error check
WHAT check
MD 5
Inadvertent IMC
and lost procedure
Objectives Air exercise Note: Diagram should represent actual planned flight
MD 7
• Assess Wx and NOTAM, check planning and map
• Inadvertent IMC:
– Prevention/transition to I/F and MSA Last fix
– Exit plan/“Distress” call and 7700
• Practice I/F Inadvertant IMC
Build scan
• Uncertain of position: TIME-MAP-GROUND Straight and level in trim
• Lost: Initial actions/secondary actions TIME-MAP-GROUND Check MSA
• Practice diversion: Back to home airfield Plan exit
Supervision of solo
The first solo landing away from the home At completion of the solo flight, a debrief
airfield should not be to any aerodrome at should always take place and the student’s
which the student has not previously landed map and Navigation Log checked. A great
dual, and should not present problems such deal of learning and confidence building will
as short runways, unfamiliar air traffic services take place on these solo cross-country flights,
or crosswinds. and the debriefing is essential to ensure good
practice is reinforced and errors or problems
are thoroughly discussed.
Appendix 1
Ground course
Aeroplane documentation
Flight planning
Organisation of cockpit
• Navigation equipment
Calculations • Watch/stopwatch
• Safety altitudes
• Fuel planning
• Performance
• Time corrections
• Diversion procedures
• Lost procedure
Appendix 2
Sign-out checklist
and circumstances.
From: To:
The navigation plan has been checked and the following items discussed and, where applicable,
the required information noted on the plan.
Forecast checked as suitable for route for entire period of flight (minimum by day
2000ft agl ceiling and 16km vis; minimum by night 3000ft agl ceiling and 16km vis).
Serviceability and documents
Medical valid
IMSAFE discussed
Need and method of maintaining VFR
Altimeter zones
Destination: AIP plate available and briefed, special procedures, SOHJ, circuit direction,
fuel availability, choice of runways, and other points as applicable
Airfield joining
Lost procedure
(Instructor must be A/B-Cat) I certify that the student has been briefed and that their planning has been
checked i.a.w. this form, and that I will supervise the flight i.a.w. Rule 61.105
Instructor name:
Licence No:
Instructor Cat:
Instructor’s signature:
I certify that I have been briefed for the navigation exercise detailed above and understand that in the event
of an unscheduled landing I will contact the CFI or his/her deputy by the quickest possible means and act
according to their instructions.
Student’s name:
Student’s signature:
On completion of flight
Copy of completed navigation log, map and fuel plan attached to this form and returned to instructor
for document storage.