Jean Peters Baker's Amicus Motion

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Electronically Filed - WESTERN DISTRICT CT OF APPEALS - June 12, 2023 - 04:37 PM



Eric DeValkenaere, Respondent,

v. WD85232

State of Missouri, Respondent

Jackson County Prosecutor’s Office

Motion for Leave to File a Brief of Amicus Curiae

Jean Peters Baker, in her capacity as Jackson County Prosecuting Attorney (“Amicus”),

pursuant to R. 84.05(f), respectfully requests leave of this Court to submit the conditional

amicus curiae brief in response to Appellant’s Brief. In support of these requests, she re-

spectfully submits the following suggestions:

Amicus represents the State of Missouri in the Circuit Court of Jackson County, Mis-

souri. §56.060. Pursuant to R. 84.05(f)(4), Amicus is authorized to file an amicus curiae

brief. Alternatively, Amicus respectfully requests that this Court grant it leave to file under

R. 84.05(f)(3).1

In this case, Cameron Lamb, one of Amicus’s constituents, was shot and killed by Ap-

pellant in Jackson County on December 3, 2019. Amicus obtained a conviction for invol-

untary manslaughter in the second degree and armed criminal action on November 19,


Amicus also sought consent for the filing of her amicus curiae under Rule

84.05(f)(3). Appellant objected to Amicus’s filing of such a brief. The Missouri

Attorney General, on behalf of Respondent, consented to Amicus’s request. Ex. A.

Electronically Filed - WESTERN DISTRICT CT OF APPEALS - June 12, 2023 - 04:37 PM
Amicus’s interest in the case is the interest of the State, composed of the victims and

the People of Jackson County, whom Amicus represents, and to ensure that the appeal is

prosecuted under the theory of the case presented by Amicus at trial and under the proper

standard of review owed the verdict.2

Appellant’s brief seeking to reverse the verdict and judgment has been pending without

a response or opposition since October 27, 2022. Per §27.050, the Missouri Attorney Gen-

eral represents the State in appellate courts. Starting in November 2022, the Missouri At-

torney General’s Office has requested and, thereafter, received 6 separate continuances of

the due date for Respondent’s Brief. Despite the long delay, the People Jackson County,

the victims, and Amicus are still unclear as to whether the Missouri Attorney General will

file a brief and, if so, whether that brief will be in response to Appellant’s Brief and in

support of Respondent’s position at trial and the verdict.

In its filing seeking the most recent extension, the Missouri Attorney General expressed

that “significant work on the brief [had] been completed.” Nonetheless, days after that,

upon this Court’s granting of the extension sought, the Missouri Attorney General publicly

stated that "[w]e continue to examine the case[,]" in response to an inquiry from the media

about whether they would ready to file a brief by the new deadline.

For the first time, Amicus does not know whether Respondent intends to defend the

conviction that Amicus obtained. The People of Jackson County and the victims deserve

Amicus’s intention is to defend the verdict. Amicus does not and cannot

represent the 16th Judicial Circuit in seeking leaving.

Electronically Filed - WESTERN DISTRICT CT OF APPEALS - June 12, 2023 - 04:37 PM
to have an advocate defend the conviction obtained by the State. Amicus is well-placed to

submit an amicus brief in this case. Amicus’s assistant attorneys, who tried this matter to

the Circuit Court would aid this Court in its review of this matter because they have specific

knowledge of the case, the trial record, and the legal issues raised by the Appellant.

For those reasons, Amicus respectfully requests that the Court enter an order, sus-

taining this motion and accepting the conditional amicus curiae brief.

Respectfully Submitted,


Prosecuting Attorney
Jackson County, Missouri

/s/ Dion Sankar

Dion Sankar (#64333)
P. Benjamin Cox (#60757)
Tim Dollar (#33123)
Terrence M. Messonnier (# 42998)
Assistant Prosecuting Attorneys
415 E. 12th St., 11th Floor
Kansas City, MO 64106
(816) 881-3113

I hereby certify that the foregoing document was transmitted electronically through the

Missouri e-Filing System on 6/12/2023 to all attorneys of record.

/s/ Dion Sankar

Dion Sankar (#64333)
Assistant Prosecuting Attorney

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