Ittc - 7.5-02-02-01
Ittc - 7.5-02-02-01
Ittc - 7.5-02-02-01
Procedures and Guidelines Page 1 of 13
Testing and Data Analysis Effective Date Revision
2008 02
Resistance Test
Table of Contents
Updated Approved
Resistance Test
1. PURPOSE OF PROCEDURE Depth Froude Number Frh =
The purpose of the procedure is to ensure VL
consistency of methodology for towing tank Reynolds Number Re =
tests and the acquisition of correct results for ν
deep-water resistance, sinkage and trim. ΔV
Speed correction due to blockage
The procedure addresses conventional dis-
placement vessels only. Vessels with design AX
Blockage Parameter m=
speeds which correspond to Froude numbers A
greater than to 0.45, and/or vessels with speeds
which are above 3.7∇ 1/6 (m/s), as well as dy-
2.2 Definition of Variables
namically supported vessels and vessels for
which high trim angles are expected, are ad- AX Maximum sectional area of the model
dressed by procedure 7.5-02-05-01. (for blockage correction) (m2)
A Sectional area of the tank (m2)
The procedure addresses model scale only
B Breadth (m)
and does not consider extrapolation and full
scale prediction. CB Block coefficient
g Gravity constant (m/s2)
h Depth of water (m)
k Form factor
2.1 Data Reduction Equations L Representative length [normally LWL for
Fr and LOS for Re] (m)
Total Resistance Coefficient CT = LCB Longitudinal centre of buoyancy
2 ρ SV2
LOS Length overall submerged (m)
Residual Resistance Coefficient
CR = CTM − CFM (1 + k ) LPP Length between perpendiculars
LWL Length on waterline (m)
Frictional Resistance Coefficient; ITTC 57 RT Total resistance (N)
Model-Ship Correlation Line S Wetted surface area (m2)
0.075 V Speed (m/s)
CF =
( log10 Re − 2 )
∇ Moulded displacement volume of the
model (m3)
Froude Number Fr = ρ Mass density of water (kg/m3)
ν Kinematic viscosity (m2/s)
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Subscript M signifies model scale value 1. Model hull without any appendages (naked
model). This test is intended to determine
the resistance coefficients of the basic form.
3. DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE If any appendage is included as a part of the
hull it should be clearly stated. Rudders
Resistance tests are conducted to provide should be present in the resistance test if
data from which the resistance of the model they form a streamlined extension of a skeg,
hull at any desired speed may be determined. and might also be included in other cases.
For this purpose, the model resistance and its
speed through the water are simultaneously 2. Model hull with appendages. This test is
measured. The running attitude of the model - intended to determine the increase in resis-
i.e. the sinkage fore and aft, or the running trim tance coefficients due to the appendages.
and sinkage - is usually also measured. All fixed appendages, except those which
are considered as propulsors, should be fit-
The resistance (or drag) is the horizontal ted to the model. Movable appendages or
component of the force opposing the steady control surfaces should not be included in
forward motion of the model hull. The resis- the standard inclusive resistance test. Bilge
tance is determined by measuring a towing keels should not be fitted in the inclusive
force. test if their resistance is expected to be
small; their wetted area will however be in-
3.1 Model and Installation cluded in the subsequent prediction proce-
dure. A clear statement should be made of
3.1.1 Model the appendages fitted for any specific test.
The model should generally be as large as The tow force should, where possible, be
possible for the size of the towing tank taking applied in the line of the propeller shaft and at
into consideration wall, blockage and finite the LCB in order to avoid artificial trim effects.
depth effects (as discussed in section 3.6.3), as Alternative approaches may be necessary for
well as model mass and the maximum speed of vessels with steeply-raked shafts or heavy run-
the towing carriage. ning trim, and for those which have no defined
shaft line.
3.1.2 Test condition
The model should be attached to the meas-
Models should be tested in one or both of uring head of the resistance dynamometer by a
the following conditions: connection which can transmit and measure
only a horizontal tow force, even though raked
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propeller shafts or heavy running trim would • Water temperature (for calculation of vis-
result in the line of action of the propeller cosity and density)
thrust not being horizontal.
3.3 Instrumentation
Guides may be fitted to prevent the model
from yawing or swaying: these should not re- The quoted bias accuracies are for indica-
strain the model in any other direction of tive purposes only. Uncertainty analysis should
movement, nor be able to impose any force or be used to derive the actual requirements.
moment on the model which would cause it to
roll or heel. The arrangement of any such
guides that include sliding or rolling contacts 3.3.1 Resistance
should be such as to introduce the least possi-
The resistance dynamometer should meas-
ble friction forces. Guides may be used to re-
ure the horizontal tow force to within 0.2% of
strain the model in heel in cases where trans-
the maximum capacity of the dynamometer or
verse stability is low.
0.05 N, whichever is the larger. This does not
The model should be positioned such that it necessarily imply that the resistance itself is
is in the centreline of the tank and parallel to measured to within the same tolerance of its
the carriage rails. Transverse alignment errors true value.
at FP and AP should both be less than 0.05%
The range of the resistance dynamometer
should be selected to be appropriate to the ex-
If any instruments carried in the model are pected maximum resistance of the model.
linked to the carriage by flexible cables, great
care should be taken to ensure that the cables 3.3.2 Speed
do not impose any force on the model: in prac-
tice the cables should therefore hang vertically Ideally the speed of the model through the
from the carriage. Care should also be taken to water should be measured directly throughout
balance any instruments that must have at- the measuring run. Since this is in general im-
tachments to both the model and the carriage practical, one of the following two methods
(e.g. mechanical trim recorders). may be employed:
(i) the speed of the towing carriage relative to
3.2 Measurement Systems the ground should be measured. This may
be measured using a trailing wheel with en-
Fig. 1 shows a typical measurement system. coder or similar, direct from the carriage
drive, using optical/proximity sensors with
The following quantities are measured: a counter/timer, or by another appropriate
• Model speed method.
• Total resistance (ii) the speed of the towing carriage relative to
• Sinkage fore and aft (or running trim and the water should be measured by a current
sinkage) meter far in front of the model. In this case
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the current meter wake and waves should The speed of the model should be measured
be minimised. to within 0.1% of the maximum speed or to
within 3 mm/sec, whichever is the larger.
unusual to exclude the first run of the day if frequencies (and harmonics) of noise sources
no active artificial circulating device is such as electrical mains interference.
available. This has however not always
shown to be necessary and can be tested Water temperature should be measured at a
with uncertainty analysis. For more infor- depth near half of the model draught. If there is
mation see Uncertainty Analysis, Example a non-homogeneous temperature in the tank it
for Resistance test, provided in QM 7.5-02- should be recorded. Temperature measure-
02-02. ments should be recorded at the beginning and
end of each test sequence or at least on a daily
• It is essential that the speed of the model basis.
through the water should be constant
throughout, and for a significant distance
before, that part of the time series used for 3.6 Data Reduction and Analysis
the calculation of the mean values of the
The speed, resistance, sinkage and trim and
parameters of interest.
any other continuously recorded quantities of
• Steadiness of carriage speed is an essential the test should be presented as mean values
element in achieving steady model speed, derived from an integration of the instantane-
but is not necessarily sufficient since the ous measured values over the same measuring
rate of change of the initial acceleration and interval (chosen according to the guidelines in
the moment and manner of release of the section 3.5.1 and 3.5.2), with the appropriately
model may interact with the model- averaged zero measurements subtracted from
dynamometer system and cause it to oscil- the average values.
Total resistance and residuary resistance
• During the measuring run, the carriage coefficients, together with Froude Number, are
speed should normally not vary by more calculated for each speed using the data reduc-
than 0.1% of the mean speed or 3 mm/s, tion equations given in Section 2.1.
whichever is the larger. The cyclic charac-
teristics of the carriage speed control sys-
tem should be such as not to synchronise 3.6.1 Analysis of Model Scale Results
with the natural frequency of the model dy-
namometer system. Resistance RTM measured in the resistance
tests is expressed in the non-dimensional form
3.5.4 Measured Quantities R TM
CTM = 1
2 ρ M SMVM 2
During each run the measured values of
model speed and resistance (and when neces- Model wetted surface area, to be used in the
sary sinkage and trim) should be recorded con- analysis, is calculated from the model body
tinuously. plan to the still waterline. The transom area is
not included in the wetted surface area. The
The sampling rate for A/D converters surface areas of the appendages are calculated
should be chosen to give adequate definition of separately and added to model surface area for
any oscillatory phenomena, and should avoid appended resistance tests. The speed should, if
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The residuary resistance of the ship is cal- If the wave-resistance component in a low
culated from the model resistance tests assum- speed region (say 0.1 < Fr <0.2) is assumed to
ing the form factor to be independent of scale be a function of Fr 4 , the straight line plot of
and speed. The residuary resistance can there- CTM/CFM versus Fr 4 / CFM will intersect the
fore be calculated as:
ordinate (Fr =0) at (1+k), enabling the form
CR = CTM − CFM (1 + k ) factor to be determined. In the case of a bul-
bous bow near the water surface these assump-
where CFM is derived from the ITTC – 1957 tions may not be valid and care should be taken
correlation line. If appendages are present and in the interpretation of the results.
their resistance scaled separately the residual
resistance can be calculated as: It should be noted that Prohaska’s method
CR = CTM − CAppM − CFM (1 + k ) should not be used for vessels with substantial
transom sterns for which the transom runs wet
at the speed range for the Prohaska test but runs
CAppM is the model appendage resistance
dry at the design speed.
coefficient and can be derived by calculation or
from the difference in resistance by testing with When using form factor methods for scal-
and without appendages. ing the drag of appendages, the form factor
increase due to fitting appendages should be
The form factor is determined from low
determined from test results at higher speeds to
speed tests as described in Section 3.6.2.
avoid laminar flow.
The CR or CT curve is the best basis for
judging if a sufficient number of test points Δk = d ( CTM (appended) − CTM (barehull) ) / dCFM
have been obtained in order to define humps This procedure avoids the need for low speed
and hollows. The resistance curve should be testing to determine the form factor.
faired in order to facilitate reliable interpolation
to obtain the resistance at the required speeds. 3.6.3 Blockage and Finite Depth Correc-
The smoothing should be carried out with care tions
in order not to remove humps and hollows. An
acceptance criterion for the test might be de- The dimensions of the towing tank should
rived based on the scatter in the CR or CT curve. be reported with the test result documentation
(see Section 3.7).
3.6.2 Form Factor
The dimensions should be large enough to
The recommended method for experimental avoid significant wall, blockage, and finite
evaluation of the form-factor is that proposed depth effects.
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(6) ITTC, 1999b, Uncertainty Analysis in EFD, (8) ITTC, 1999d, Uncertainty Analysis, Exam-
Uncertainty Assessment Methodology, 22nd ple for resistance Test, 22nd International
International Towing Tank Conference, Towing Tank Conference, Seoul/Shanghai,
Seoul/Shanghai, Quality Manual, Procedure Quality Manual, Procedure 4.9-03-02-02.
(9)ITTC 1999e, Benchmark Database for CFD,
(7) ITTC, 1999c, Uncertainty Analysis in EFD, Validation for Resistance and Propulsion,
Guidelines for Resistance Towing Tank 22nd International Towing Tank Conference,
Tests, 22nd International Towing Tank Con- Seoul/Shanghai, Quality Manual, Procedure
ference, Seoul/Shanghai, Quality Manual, 4.9-04-02-02.
Procedure 4.9-03-01-02.