Soal Latihan PAS Bahasa Inggris - 2022
Soal Latihan PAS Bahasa Inggris - 2022
Soal Latihan PAS Bahasa Inggris - 2022
1. It’s not obligatory to wear a tie.You...... wear 7.You...... be horrible to your sister. It makes her
one. very sad.
a. Must a. must
b. have to b. mustn’t
c. shouldn’t c. have to
2. Slow down or we’re going to have an 8. Tomorrow’s a holiday. We...... get up early. so fast.
a. Must
a. Should
b. Mustn’t
b. shouldn’t
c. Have to
c. C.ought to
d. Don’t have to
d. d.oughtn’t to
9. You should take an umbrella. It........ rain
3. Billy : Are you going to the party?
a. Has to
Sally : I’m not sure.I......... go.
b. Might
a. have to
c. Should
b. don’t have to
d. Shouldn’t
a. might
10. If you go sailing, you....... Wear a life jacket.
a. mustn’t The sea is very dangerous.
a. have to b. Mustn’t
b. might c. may
c. shouldn’t d. might
d. mustn’t
e. The oceans that support so much of 6. ............. I worked fast, I finished early.
Earth’s life are around 3.5% sodium
a. because
b. due to
10. In the sentences”...While some of it comes
from volcanic”, ‘it’ refers to .... c. as a result
a. River 7. We didn’t go out.......... the strike.
b. Sea a. because
c. Ocean b. because of
d. Salt c. as
e. e.Water 8. If I am still alive that is........... him.
a. because of
Precise Exercise 2
b. because c. Yoga
b. because a. It is near.
Patricia : ...........................
Reading Section 2
a. My dad wants to ride this motorcycle.
Read the questions carefully then choose the
correct answer. b. I’ve learned cleaned my motorcycle.
Mr. Ahmad : Yes, I need to go to Cianjur. Where is e. I’m not going to go anywhere by this.
The nearest bus station?
5. Susan: The box you bring looks very
Yoga : The nearest bus station is next to the heavy. .......................
bank on Jl. Widuri. It’s not far from here.
Bilal : Sure. It’s very kind of you. Thanks.
Mr.Ahmad : Okay,thank you.
a. Do you mind to bring some, please?
Yoga : Do you want me to take you there,
b. Would you like to bring it for me?
c. Would you like me to help?
Mr. Ahmad : Thank you for offering, but I can go by
Myself. d. Would you like to help me?
Yoga : You’re welcome. e. Would I like to help me?
1.Where is the man going to go? 6. Dinois playing games on the computer,
butactually he .............. be working on his
a. Bus station
b. Cianjur
a. should
c. Bank
b. may
d. Train Station
c. can
e. Jl.Widuri
d. would
2. Who is offering help in the dialogue?
e. might
a. Mr.Ahmad
The dialogue is for questions 7 to 8.
b. Widuri
Poncho : Have you prepared for our next trip?
Resti : 80% percent I think. b. buying drinks
b. A holiday to France
Precise Exercise 3
c. A new clothes shop
Choose the correct answers by crossing out (x) A,
d. A summer holiday
B, C, or D.
e. A Hokkaido Winter Festival. .
1. Do you have any questions?
A.Yes,I will.
8.What don’t they bring for the trip?
B. Thank you.
a. Ajacket
C. Never mind.
b. Asweater
D.No, I don’t.
c. Ascarf
2. Why are you interested in this position?
d. A raincoat
A. I am probably best at this position.
e. Gloves
B. IfI were hired for this role, what would
The dialogue is for numbers 9 to 10 you want me to achieve?
Andi : How about barbecueing for New Year’s C. My plan is to work full-time in a long-term
Eve : ...............................
D. I tend to get bored easily, so I chose this
Novia: Good idea. I’m looking forward to it. job.
Andi : Do you want me to help you with anything? 3. Can you work in a team?
Novia: I’d really appreciate it if you don’t mind. A. Very well,thank you.
Andi : What can I do for you? B. Probably.
Novia: Can you get us drinks? We’ve got enough C. Of course I can.
food, but there isn’t much to drink.
D. I don’t think it can work.
Andi : Of course.
4. Why should we hire you?
9. What are the speakers going to do?
A. We will be a good team.
a. having a barbecue
B. I am a hard worker and disciplined.
C. I know I would be terrific at it. D. I spend more time with my family.
B. A week ago.
Read the letter in Task 12 again and then choose 3. How did the sender know about the vacancy?
the correct answer for the follo
a. From an email address.
b. From a newspaper.
1.Who wrote the letter?
c. From John’s resume.
a. George Smith.
d. From a cell phone number.
b. John Donaldson.
4. What does John not enclose?
c. An HR manager.
a. References.
d. A computer programmer.
b. Certification.
2. Whom is the letter addressed to?
c. Resume.
a. George Smith.
d. Applicant.
b. John Donaldson.
5. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
c. 8 Rose Street,Smithtown.
a. What every candidate must possess to get
the job.
Task 1
b. How technical experience can make
Fill in the blank with “mustn’t” or “don’t/doesn’t
applicants successful.
have to”.
c. Job experience that matches the job
1. We have a lot of work tomorrow. You..... Be
d. Interesting job opportunities that the
2. You.... Tell anyone what I just told you. It’s a
company created.
6. What academic degree does John have?
3. The museum is free. You.... Pay to get in.
a. Bachelor of Science.
4. Children..... Tell lies. It’s very naughty.
b. Computer Programming.
5. John is a millionaire. He..... Go to work.
c. Senior Barrister.
Task 2
d. Certified Personnel.
Identify the Cause and Effect in the following
7. How many ways can the company contact John? sentences.
a. One. Example:
b. Two. Sandy missed the bus and was late for school.
8. What does John expect after sending the letter? 1. Dhita did a part-time job at a fast food
restaurant and earned extra money to pay he
a. Times Union hires him.
b. Mr.Smith is impressed.
c. Mr. Smith contacts him.
2. It is raining again and we decided to stay at
d. John creates job opportunity. home.
9.What kind of job do you think will suit John best? Cause:
a. A librarian. Effect:
b. Computer engineer. 3. Rian did not study hard for his exam and got a
c. Chemical scientist. low score.
10. What will John probably do for the next two Effect:
weeks? 4. A strong wind destroyed many buildings and
a. Look for another job. houses.
d. Contact the company he has been applying 5. My mother watered the chili plant regularly and
to. it produced dozens of chilies.
Effect: 6. Do readers usually react after reading this kind
of text? If so, how would they react?
Read the following text. What kind of text is it?