Soal Latihan PAS Bahasa Inggris - 2022

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Precise Exercise 1 d.


1. It’s not obligatory to wear a tie.You...... wear 7.You...... be horrible to your sister. It makes her
one. very sad.

a. Must a. must

b. have to b. mustn’t

c. shouldn’t c. have to

d. don’t have to d. shouldn’t.

2. Slow down or we’re going to have an 8. Tomorrow’s a holiday. We...... get up early. so fast.
a. Must
a. Should
b. Mustn’t
b. shouldn’t
c. Have to
c. C.ought to
d. Don’t have to
d. d.oughtn’t to
9. You should take an umbrella. It........ rain
3. Billy : Are you going to the party?
a. Has to
Sally : I’m not sure.I......... go.
b. Might
a. have to
c. Should
b. don’t have to
d. Shouldn’t
a. might
10. If you go sailing, you....... Wear a life jacket.
a. mustn’t The sea is very dangerous.

4. Where’s the toilet? I....... go. a. Must

a. have to b. Mustn’t

b. might c. may

c. shouldn’t d. might

d. mustn’t

5. Where is your telephone? I....... use it. Reading Section 1

a. have to Read the questions carefully then choose the

correct answer.
b. should
The following text is for questions 1 to 3
c. may
Reasons Why People Love Imported Products
d. must
One of the prevailing trends in the world today
6.You....... do your homework on Saturday
is that many people love imported products. When
morning. That way, you’ll have the rest of the
it comes to the purchase of shoes, bags, clothes,
weekend free.
jewelry, and even wrist watches many people
a. ought to prefer going for the imported items. The imported
items are·usually considered to be of high quality
b. .must hence value.People also associate the imported
products with class.
c. might
The reputation of a product is one of the c. repurchase
things that a consumer considers before
purchasing a product. People love to be associated d. brands
with a particular status. One of the things that e. import
define someone’s situation is wealth and the items
that the person has.For example, many people 4. ....... Kanya ate all the chicken curry last night,
love the global luxury brands because it shows we don’t have any for meals.
how wealthy they.are.Imported products are
a. Since
typical of better quality thap most of the local
products. b. Due to
Star Products c. Because of
Every brand has a product that is referred to d. As a result of
as the star products. The star product applies to
the. Particular item that stands out in a given chain e. So
of the brand. Usually, it is what makes a specific 5. The tornado blew off the roof off,....... Mr.
company. But since business is diverse, they have Baroto’s family had to find another place to live.
to invest in other channels to remain competitive.
a. Since
Great Discounts and Rewards
b. As
Last but not least, people love importing
products because some have great discounts and c. For
rewards. Consumers usually seize the opportunity
d. Because
when the companies offer significant discounts by
placing their orders. e. As a result of
1. The followings are the causes why people prefer 6. Someone switched the freezer off...... All the
imported products, except .... food was spoilt.
a. It has a well-recognized reputation. a. Due to
b. Its quality is better than local prodacts. b. Owing to.
c. It has great discounts and rewards. c. Because of
d. It has star product. d. Consequently
e. It shows middles class. e. Unless
2. Based on the text, here are items that are 7. The woman had influenza,....... she missed a
bought from other countries,except.... week of work.
a. shoes a. As
b. bags b. For
c. c. So
d. second-hand clothes d. Since
e. e.wrist watches e. Due to
3. “..... the purchase of shoes, bágs, clothes,...” The following text is for questions 8 to 10
(Paragraph 1) What is the similar meaning to the
underlined word? Most of our planet’s surface is covered in water
or saltwater.’The oceans that support so much of
a. buying Earth’s life are around 3.5% sodium chloride or 50
million billion tonnes of salt.
b. price
But where does it come from? While some of it Answer the following questions with the correct
comes from volcanic vents or rocks on the seabed, choice.
most of it is actually from the land around us.Every
time it rains, tiny amounts of mineral salts are 1. We were late....... the car broke down on the
washed into rivers, which eventually flow into the way.
sea. . a. because
The salt in rivers is less than 1/200th the b. because of
amount usually found in seawater. It becomes
more concentrated in the ocean, as the sun’s’heat c. therefore
causes water from the surface to evaporate,
2............ bad weather, the match was cancelled.
leaving the salt behind. Extra salt added evèry year
from rivers is balanced by salt which returns to the a. Due to
seafloor. But salinity isn’t the same everywhere.
Towàrds the poles, water is not salty because it’s b. Because
diluted by melting ice, while the extra heat in the c. As a consequence
tropics makes water there saltier and denser.
3. His success was.......... his father’s hard work.
8. he passage mainly discusses a topic on ....
a. because
a. Water
b. due to
b. Earth
c. because of
c. Saltwater
4. The meeting was postponed........ the manager’s
d. River illness.
e. Surface a. due to
9. Which of the following statements is not true? b. because of
a. Earth is covered in water or saltwater. c. since
b. The composition of salt in the river is less 5. The match was cancelled..... the rain.
than in the sea.
a. because of
c. Salinity isn’t the same everywhere.
b. because
d. Every time it rains, tiny amounts of
mineral salts are washed into the sea. c. a result

e. The oceans that support so much of 6. ............. I worked fast, I finished early.
Earth’s life are around 3.5% sodium
a. because
b. due to
10. In the sentences”...While some of it comes
from volcanic”, ‘it’ refers to .... c. as a result
a. River 7. We didn’t go out.......... the strike.
b. Sea a. because
c. Ocean b. because of
d. Salt c. as
e. e.Water 8. If I am still alive that is........... him.

a. because of
Precise Exercise 2
b. because c. Yoga

c. consequently d. Yoga’s father

9. She succeeded........... her mother. e. Mr. Ahmad’son

a. because of 3. Why does Mr.Ahmad refuse the help?

b. because a. It is near.

c. as a result b. He can go there by himself.

10................. I didn’t like it, I didn’t buy it. c. It is far.

a. Because d. He has ordered a taxi.

b. Due to e. He knows the place.

c. As a consequence 4. Romi : Your motorcycle looks very dirty.What if I

help you clean it up?

Patricia : ...........................
Reading Section 2
a. My dad wants to ride this motorcycle.
Read the questions carefully then choose the
correct answer. b. I’ve learned cleaned my motorcycle.

The dialogue is for questions 1 to 3 c. That’s very kind of you.

Yoga : May I help you,Sir? d. I choose to ride a new motorcycle.

Mr. Ahmad : Yes, I need to go to Cianjur. Where is e. I’m not going to go anywhere by this.
The nearest bus station?
5. Susan: The box you bring looks very
Yoga : The nearest bus station is next to the heavy. .......................
bank on Jl. Widuri. It’s not far from here.
Bilal : Sure. It’s very kind of you. Thanks.
Mr.Ahmad : Okay,thank you.
a. Do you mind to bring some, please?
Yoga : Do you want me to take you there,
b. Would you like to bring it for me?
c. Would you like me to help?
Mr. Ahmad : Thank you for offering, but I can go by
Myself. d. Would you like to help me?
Yoga : You’re welcome. e. Would I like to help me?
1.Where is the man going to go? 6. Dinois playing games on the computer,
butactually he .............. be working on his
a. Bus station
b. Cianjur
a. should
c. Bank
b. may
d. Train Station
c. can
e. Jl.Widuri
d. would
2. Who is offering help in the dialogue?
e. might
a. Mr.Ahmad
The dialogue is for questions 7 to 8.
b. Widuri
Poncho : Have you prepared for our next trip?
Resti : 80% percent I think. b. buying drinks

Poncho : It will be snowy in Hokkaido in December. c. throwing a party

We need to bring a jacket, some thick Clothes, a
sweater, gloves, a scarf, socks, And a knitted hat if d. preparing New Year’s Eve
you have. e. asking for help
Resti : I. Don’t have any gloves. I left mny gloves 10. “What can I do for you? “ is the expression of
When I went to France. Poncho:I will buy you a
pair. Don’t worry. Is there Anything else I can do a. offering help
for you?
b. asking for help
Resti : Thank you. You are very helpful. No,that’s
c. accepting an offer
d. refusing an offer
7.What are they talking about?
e. giving suggestion
a. A winter holiday

b. A holiday to France
Precise Exercise 3
c. A new clothes shop
Choose the correct answers by crossing out (x) A,
d. A summer holiday
B, C, or D.
e. A Hokkaido Winter Festival. .
1. Do you have any questions?

A.Yes,I will.
8.What don’t they bring for the trip?
B. Thank you.
a. Ajacket
C. Never mind.
b. Asweater
D.No, I don’t.
c. Ascarf
2. Why are you interested in this position?
d. A raincoat
A. I am probably best at this position.
e. Gloves
B. IfI were hired for this role, what would
The dialogue is for numbers 9 to 10 you want me to achieve?

Andi : How about barbecueing for New Year’s C. My plan is to work full-time in a long-term
Eve : ...............................
D. I tend to get bored easily, so I chose this
Novia: Good idea. I’m looking forward to it. job.
Andi : Do you want me to help you with anything? 3. Can you work in a team?
Novia: I’d really appreciate it if you don’t mind. A. Very well,thank you.
Andi : What can I do for you? B. Probably.
Novia: Can you get us drinks? We’ve got enough C. Of course I can.
food, but there isn’t much to drink.
D. I don’t think it can work.
Andi : Of course.
4. Why should we hire you?
9. What are the speakers going to do?
A. We will be a good team.
a. having a barbecue
B. I am a hard worker and disciplined.
C. I know I would be terrific at it. D. I spend more time with my family.

D. You should hire me next month.

5. When will you join our company?

A. Two days after notification.

B. A week ago.

C. I’ll consider it.

D. When I am ready to come.

6. How would you improve our company?

A. Yes, I think so.

B. How about dropping my CV?

C. I will get really involved in contributing to

this company.

D. I know I will be suitable for this position.

7. Where were you educated?

A. I have taught in a public school.

B. I was graduated from Sydney University.

C. I took an English Literature program.

D. I like sports. I joined the basketball club.

8. How do you handle stress and pressure?

A. I truly want to do the job correctly.

B. I can make it very well.

C. I am very sensitive to the nuances of


D. I try to react to situations and enjoy them.

9. What is your expected salary?

A. High rate, please.

B. No, I can’t mention it.

C. It is based on the salary agreement

D. You can pay me after work.

10. Why have you left your current job?

A. I love engaging with people and providing

them with assistance.

B. B.My plan is to be a permanent employee.

C. I’m looking for a bigger challenge.

d. 87 Delaware Road,Hatfield.

Read the letter in Task 12 again and then choose 3. How did the sender know about the vacancy?
the correct answer for the follo
a. From an email address.
b. From a newspaper.
1.Who wrote the letter?
c. From John’s resume.
a. George Smith.
d. From a cell phone number.
b. John Donaldson.
4. What does John not enclose?
c. An HR manager.
a. References.
d. A computer programmer.
b. Certification.
2. Whom is the letter addressed to?
c. Resume.
a. George Smith.
d. Applicant.
b. John Donaldson.
5. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
c. 8 Rose Street,Smithtown.
a. What every candidate must possess to get
the job.
Task 1
b. How technical experience can make
Fill in the blank with “mustn’t” or “don’t/doesn’t
applicants successful.
have to”.
c. Job experience that matches the job
1. We have a lot of work tomorrow. You..... Be
d. Interesting job opportunities that the
2. You.... Tell anyone what I just told you. It’s a
company created.
6. What academic degree does John have?
3. The museum is free. You.... Pay to get in.
a. Bachelor of Science.
4. Children..... Tell lies. It’s very naughty.
b. Computer Programming.
5. John is a millionaire. He..... Go to work.
c. Senior Barrister.
Task 2
d. Certified Personnel.
Identify the Cause and Effect in the following
7. How many ways can the company contact John? sentences.

a. One. Example:

b. Two. Sandy missed the bus and was late for school.

c. Three. Cause : Sandy missed the bus.

d. Four. Effect : She was late for school.

8. What does John expect after sending the letter? 1. Dhita did a part-time job at a fast food
restaurant and earned extra money to pay he
a. Times Union hires him.
b. Mr.Smith is impressed.
c. Mr. Smith contacts him.
2. It is raining again and we decided to stay at
d. John creates job opportunity. home.
9.What kind of job do you think will suit John best? Cause:
a. A librarian. Effect:
b. Computer engineer. 3. Rian did not study hard for his exam and got a
c. Chemical scientist. low score.

d. Bank teller. Cause:

10. What will John probably do for the next two Effect:
weeks? 4. A strong wind destroyed many buildings and
a. Look for another job. houses.

b. Resign from his current position. Cause :

c. Call his friends. Effect :

d. Contact the company he has been applying 5. My mother watered the chili plant regularly and
to. it produced dozens of chilies.

Effect: 6. Do readers usually react after reading this kind
of text? If so, how would they react?
Read the following text. What kind of text is it?

Indonesia’s Bali Raises Volcano Alert to Highest

Level Read the following news. Then, answer the
Authorities on the Indonesian tourist island of Bali
have raised the volcano alert to the highest level Bali Airport Reopens as Cloud of Volcanic Ash
as Mount Agung continues to churn and belch Lifts
menacing-looking ash and smoke.
Two days after the skies above the Indonesian
Officials have ordered all people within 10 resort island of Bali were darkened by a large
kilometers of the mountain to evacuate. cloud of volcanic ash, the island’s international
airport reopened Wednesday.
But while the activity on Mount Agung looks
frightening,the head of Indonesia’s geological The airport has been closed since Monday, when
agency,Kasbani (ane name) says he does not activity at nearby Mount Agung sent a large cloud
expect a major eruption. of ash more than 7,600 meters into the air. More
than 400 flights in and out of Bali were canceled
He says the alert was raised because the volcano during that time, and tens of thousands of foreign
began pouring out magma instead of steam and tourists were left stranded at the facility.
that officials must be “alert and anticipate.”
The volcanic ash finally shifted direction earlier
Flights have been diverted away from the Bali Wednesday, prompting airport officials to resume
airport and the airport on the neighboring Lombok normal operations.
island was closed. People looking to leave Bali
were stranded because of flight cancellations. Authorities on Bali have issued an evacuation
order for 100,000 people living within a 10
Bali is Indonesia’s top tourist destination, with its kilometer radius of Mount Agung, citing fears of a
Hindu culture, surf beaches, and lush green major eruption that could happen at any moment.
interior attracting about 5 million visitors a year. The volcano last erupted in 1963, killing over 1,000
Mount Agung began rumbling and sending ash people.
clouds into the sky on Tuesday. President Joko Widodo has ordered the military
Indonesia lies on the Pacific”Ring of Fire,”where and all emergency services to assist with evacuees
tectonic plates crash,which causes frequent and stranded tourists.
volcanic and seismic activity. Volcanologists first detected seismic activity at
Mount Agung last erupted in 1963,killing more Mount Agung since August. The activity peaked in
than 1,000 people. mid-September, prompting Indonesia’s national
disaster agency to raise its highest alert level for
Mount Sinabung on Sumatra island, active since the volcano and evacuating more than 120,000
2013, is also at its highest alert level. residents.

The vast archipelago of Indonesia is located along

the Pacific’s so-called “Ring of Fire,” a seismically
Answer the following question based on the news
active line of faults where earthquakes and
on Task 1.
volcanoes are common.
1. Where do you usually find these kinds of text?

2. What is written in the text?

3. Is the content of the text something
1. Why did the Bali airport close temporarily?
2. When did the Bali airport run normally?
4. Who is the writer of the text?
3. How far did volcanic ash cover Bali?
5. Who commonly reads the text?
4. How did the volcanic eruption affect flights
and tourists?

5. Who should be evacuated immediately?

6. What happened when Mount Agung erupted

in 1963?

7. How long has the volcano been dormant?

8. Who helped the evacuation of the local

people and tourists?

9. When was Mount Agung’s status changed to

high alert levels?

10. What does the “Ring of Fire” mean?

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