Fluid Mechanics Lect Notes With Sample Ques

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Name of the Course: Diploma in Mech & Other Mechanical Allied Branches
Course code: Semester 4

Total Period: 60 Examination 3 hrs

Theory periods: 4 P/W Class Test: 20
Maximum marks: 100 End Semester Examination: 80

Use of fluid in engineering field is of great importance. It is therefore necessary to study the
physical properties and characteristics of fluids which have very important application in
mechanical and automobile engineering.
Students will develop an ability towards
 Comprehending fluid properties and their measurements
 Realizing conditions for floatation
 Applying Bernoulli’s theorem


Sl. No. Topic Periods

01 Properties of Fluid 08
02 Fluid Pressure and its measurements 08
03 Hydrostatics 08
04 Kinematics of Flow 08
05 orifices, notches & weirs 08
06 Flow through pipe 10
07 Impact of jets 10
Total Period: 60


1.0 Properties of Fluid

1.1 Define fluid
1.2 Description of fluid properties like Density, Specific weight, specific gravity, specific
volume and solve simple problems.
1.3 Definitions and Units of Dynamic viscosity, kinematic viscosity,
surface tension Capillary phenomenon

2.0 Fluid Pressure and its measurements

2.1 Definitions and units of fluid pressure, pressure intensity and pressure head.
2.2 Statement of Pascal’s Law.
2.3 Concept of atmospheric pressure, gauge pressure, vacuum pressure and absolute
2.4 Pressure measuring instruments
Manometers (Simple and Differential)
2.4.1 Bourdon tube pressure gauge(Simple Numerical)
2.5 Solve simple problems on Manometer.

3.0 Hydrostatics
3.1 Definition of hydrostatic pressure
3.2 Total pressure and centre of pressure on
immersed bodies(Horizontal and Vertical Bodies)
3.3 Solve Simple problems.
3.4 Archimedes ‘principle, concept of buoyancy, meta center and meta centric height
(Definition only)
3.5 Concept of floatation

4.0 Kinematics of Flow

4.1 Types of fluid flow
4.2 Continuity equation(Statement and proof for one dimensional flow)
4.3 Bernoulli’s theorem(Statement and proof)
Applications and limitations of Bernoulli’s theorem (Venturimeter, pitot tube)
4.4 Solve simple problems
5.0 Orifices, notches & weirs
5.1 Define orifice
5.2 Flow through orifice
5.3Orifices coefficient & the relation between the orifice coefficients
5.4 Classifications of notches & weirs
5.5 Discharge over a rectangular notch or weir
5.6 Discharge over a triangular notch or weir
5.7 Simple problems on above

6.0 Flow through pipe

6.1 Definition of pipe.
6.2 Loss of energy in pipes.
6.3 Head loss due to friction: Darcy’s and Chezy’s formula (Expression only)
6.4 Solve Problems using Darcy’s and Chezy’s formula.
6.5 Hydraulic gradient and total gradient line

7.0 Impact of jets

7.1 Impact of jet on fixed and moving vertical flat plates
7.2 Derivation of work done on series of vanes and condition for maximum
7.3 Impact of jet on moving curved vanes, illustration using velocity triangles,
derivation of work done, efficiency.

Learning Resources:

Sl No. Name of the Book Author Name Publisher

1. Text Book of Fluid Mechanics R.K.Bansal Laxmi
2. Text Book of Fluid Mechanics R.S khurmi S.Chand
3. Text Book of Fluid Mechanics R.K.Rajput S.Chand
4. Text Book of Fluid Mechanics Modi & Seth Rajson’s pub. Pvt. lt

Semester:4th Branch:Mechanical Engineering
Subject Name: Fluid Mechanics
Full Marks- 80 Time- 3 Hrs
Answer any five Questions including Q No.1& 2
Figures in the right hand margin indicates marks

1. Answer All questions 2 x 10

a. Define Mass Density. What is its unit?
b. Define the term Kinematic Viscosity. State its SI unit.
c. State Archimede’s Principle.
d. What do you mean by Surface Tension? State the expression for Surface
Tension on a hollow bubble.
e. What is mean by Vaccum pressure and Atmospheric pressure?
f. Define Buoyancy.
g. What do you mean by Metacentre?
h. Define uniform and non-uniform flow.
i. Define Pitot Tube.
j. What is meant by Total Energy Line?

2. Answer Any Six Questions 5x6

a. Derive the expression for Capillarity Fall.
b. Derive the expression for rate of flow through venturimeter.
c. Classify Notch into its different categories.
d. What are the Different Losses of energy in pipes? State the Darcy Weisbach
Formula for head loss.
e. The diameter of a pipe at the section 1 and 2 are 10cm and 15cm respectively.
Find the discharge through the pipe if the velocity of water flowing through the
pipe at section 1 is 5cm. Find the velocity at section 2.
f. A plate 0.025mm distant from a fixed plate, moves at 60cm/s and requires a
force of 2N/m2 to maintain this speed. Determine the viscosity of fluid between
the plates.
g. Write a short note on “Differential Manometers”

3 Derive the force exerted by a jet in the direction of the jet on a moving 10
unsymmetric curved plate when the jet strikes tangentially at one end of the
plate. Also derive the work done per second on the plate.
4 Define Orifice. Derive the expression for flow through orifice. A sharp edged 10
orifice of 5cm diameter discharges water under a head of 4.5m. Determine the
coefficient of discharge if the measured rate of flow is 0.0122m3/s.

5 State and derive the Bernoulli's theorem for steady flow for an incompressible 10
fluid. What are the assumptions made in the derivation of Bernoulli’s equation?
6 A rectangular plane surface is 2m wide and 3m deep. It lies in vertical plane in 10
water. Determine the total pressure and position of center of pressure on the
plane surface when its upper edge is horizontal and
I. Coincides with the water surface.
II. 2.5m below the free water surface.
7 A jet of water 40mm diameter moving with a velocity of 120m/s impinging on 10
a series of vanes moving with a velocity of 5m/s. Find the force exerted,
workdone and efficiency.

Semester:4th Branch:Mechanical Engineering
Subject Name: Fluid Mechanics
Full Marks- 80 Time- 3 Hrs
Answer any five Questions including Q No.1& 2
Figures in the right hand margin indicates marks

1. Answer All questions 2 x 10

a. Define Weight Density. What is its unit?
b. What do you understand by Continuity Equation?
c. What do you mean by Capillarity?
d. What do you mean by Surface Tension? State the expression for Surface
Tension on a liquid jet.
e. What is mean by Absolute pressure and Gauge pressure?
f. What are the assumptions made in the derivation of Bernoulli’s equation?
g. What do you mean by Metacentric Height?
h. Define steady and unsteady flow.
i. Define Orifice.
j. What is meant by Hydraulic Gradient Line?

2. Answer Any Six Questions 5x6

a. Derive the expression for Capillarity Rise.
b. Derive the pressure expression for a inverted differential U-Tube Manometer.
c. Define Pitot tube. Derive the expression of velocity at a point using Pitot Tube.
d. Derive the discharge over a Rectangular Notch.
e. What are the guage pressure and absolute pressureat a point 3m below the free
surface of a liquid having a density of 1.53×103 kg/m3. Given that the
atmospheric pressue is 750mm of mercury, the specific gravity of mercury is
13.6 and density of water is 1000 kg/m3.
f. A solid cylinder of diameter 4m has a height of 3m. Find the metacentric height
of the cylinder when it is floating in water with its axis vertical. The specific
gravity of the cylinder is 0.6.
g. State and derive the Pascal’s Law.

3 Derive the following for a moving unsymmetric curved plate when the jet 10
strikes tangentially at one end of the plate:
I. force exerted by a jet in the direction of the jet.
II. work done per second per unit weight of fluid on the plate.
III. Efficiency of the jet.

4 State the Darcy Weisbach Formula and Chezy’s Formula for loss of head. 10
Water flows through a pipe of 200mm in diameter and 60m long with a
velocity of 2.5m/s. find the head loss due to friction using:
I. Darcy’s formula where f = 0.005
II. Chezy’s formula where c = 55
5 An oil of specific gravity 0.7 is flowing through a pipe of diameter 300mm at 10
the late of 500l/s. find the head loss due to friction and power required to
maintain the flow foe a length of 1000m. Take kinematic viscocity as 0.29
6 A pipeline, 300mm in diameter and 3200m long is used to pump up 50 kg/s of 10
an oil whose density is 950 kg/m3 and whose kinematic viscosity is 2.1 stokes.
The centre of the pipeline at the upper end is 40m above than that at the lower
end. The discharge at the upper end is atmospheric. Find the pressure at the
lower end and draw the hydraulic gradient line (HGL) and the total energy line
7 State and derive the Bernoulli's theorem for steady flow for an incompressible 10
fluid. What are the assumptions made in the derivation of Bernoulli’s equation?

Semester:4th Branch:Mechanical Engineering
Subject Name: Fluid Mechanics
Full Marks- 80 Time- 3 Hrs
Answer any five Questions including Q No.1& 2
Figures in the right hand margin indicates marks

1. Answer All questions 2 x 10

a. Define Specific Gravity. What is its unit?
b. Define the term Dynamic Viscosity. State its SI unit.
c. What is mean by Rate of Flow or Discharge?
d. What do you mean by Surface Tension? State the expression for Surface
Tension on a water bubble.
e. State the Bernoulli's theorem for steady flow for an incompressible fluid.
f. Define centre of pressure.
g. What do you mean by Bouyancy?
h. Define Laminar and Turbulent flow.
i. Define Venturimeter.
j. State the Chezy’s Formula for loss of head.

2. Answer Any Six Questions 5x6

a. State and derive the Pascal’s Law.
b. Classify the Hydraulic Coefficients. State the relationship between them.
c. Derive the discharge over a Traingular Notch.
d. Find the discharge of water flowing over a rectangular notch of 2m length
when the constant head over the notch is 300 mm. Take Cd= 0.60.
e. Derive the force exerted by a jet in the direction of the jet on a moving
unsymmetric curved plate. Also derive the work done per second on the plate.
f. Calculate the specific weight, specific mass, specific volume and specific
gravity of a liquid having a volume of 6m3 and weight of 44kN.
g. Write a short note on Bourdon Tube Pressure Guage.

3 I. The head of water over an orifice of diameter 40mm is 10m. find the actual 10
discharge and actual velocity of jet at vena contracta. Take CC = 0.6 and Cd
= 0.98.
II. The discharge over a rectangular notch is 0.135m3/s when the water level is
22.5m above the still. If the coefficient of discharge is 0.6, find the length
of the notch.
4 I. Describe Hydraulic Gradient Line and Total Energy Line. 10
II. Derive the continuity equation.

5 Define Metacenter and Metacentric Height. Derive the expression for 10
Metacentric Height.
6 Derive the pressure expression of a simple U-Tube manometer. The right limb 10
of a simple U-tube manometer containing mercury is open to the atmosphere
while the left limb is connected to a pipe in which a fluid of specific gravity 0.9
is flowing. The centre of the pipe is 12cm below the level of mercury in the
right limb. Find the pressure of fluid in the two limbs if the difference of
mercury level in the two limbs is 20cm.
7 A jet of water of diamter 10cm strikes a flat plate normally with a velocity of 10
15m/s. the plate is moving with the velocity of 6m/s in the direction of the jet
and away from the jet. Find:
I. The force exerted by the jet on the plate.
II. Work done by the jet on the plate per second.

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