Sikafloor 359 N
Sikafloor 359 N
Sikafloor 359 N
Sikafloor®-359 N
2-part PUR tough-elastic coloured seal coat
Composition Polyurethane
Packaging Part A 25.35 kg containers
Part B 7.15 kg containers
Part A+B 32.5 kg ready to mix units
Storage conditions The product must be stored properly in original, unopened and undam-
aged sealed packaging, in dry conditions at temperatures between +5 °C
and +30 °C.
Density Part A ~ 1.67 kg/l (DIN EN ISO 2811-1)
Part B ~ 1.05 kg/l
Mixed resin ~ 1.45 kg/l
All Density values at +23°C
Solid content by mass ~85 %
Solid content by volume ~85 %
Shore D Hardness ~52 (7 days / +23 °C) (DIN 53 505)
Abrasion resistance 160 mg (CS 10/1000/1000) (7 days / +23 °C) (DIN 53 505)
Tensile adhesion strength > 1.5 N/mm2 (failure in concrete) (EN 13892-8)
Chemical resistance Resistant to many chemicals. Contact Sika technical service for specific in-
Systems Please refer to the System Data Sheet of:
Sikafloor ® MultiFlex PS-26 UV Smooth unicolour tough elastic poly-
urethane floor covering with UV
Sikafloor ® MultiFlex PB-21 UV Broadcast unicolour high perform-
ance polyurethane floor covering
with UV sealer
Sikafloor ® MultiFlex PB-26 UV Broadcast unicolour high perform-
ance polyurethane floor covering
with UV sealer
Sikafloor ® MultiFlex PB-51 UV Broadcast unicolour high perform-
ance polyurethane floor covering
over elastic membrane with UV seal-
Sikafloor ® MultiFlex PB-52 UV Broadcast unicolour high perform-
ance polyurethane floor covering
over elastic membrane with UV seal-
Sikafloor ® MultiFlex PB-53 UV Broadcast unicolour high perform-
ance polyurethane floor covering
over membrane with UV sealer
Sikafloor ® MultiFlex PB-54 UV Broadcast unicolour high perform-
ance polyurethane floor covering
over membrane with UV sealer
Mixing ratio Part A : part B = 78 : 22 (by weight)
Consumption ~0.7–0.9 kg/m2/layer. Please refer to the respective System Data Sheet.
Ambient air temperature +10 °C min. / +30 °C max.
Relative air humidity 80 % r.h. max.
Dew point Beware of condensation!
The substrate and uncured floor must be at least 3 °C above dew point to
reduce the risk of condensation or blooming on the floor finish.
Substrate temperature +10 °C min. / +30 °C max.
Substrate moisture content < 4 % pbw moisture content.
Test method: Sika®-Tramex meter, CM - measurement or oven-dry-meth-
No rising moisture according to ASTM (Polyethylene-sheet).
Pot Life Temperature Time
+10 °C ~ 40 minutes
+20 °C ~ 25 minutes
+30 °C ~ 15 minutes
Clean all tools and application equipment with Thinner
SUBSTRATE QUALITY / PRE-TREATMENT C immediately after use. Hardened and/or cured ma-
The surface must be clean, dry and free of all contam- terial can only be removed mechanically.
inants such as dirt, oil, grease, coatings and surface
treatments, etc. All dust, loose and friable material LOCAL RESTRICTIONS
must be completely removed from all surfaces before
application of the product, preferably by vacuum. Pull Note that as a result of specific local regulations the
off strength shall not be less than 1.5 N/mm2. If in declared data and recommended uses for this product
doubt apply a test area first. may vary from country to country. Consult the local
Product Data Sheet for exact product data and uses.
Prior to mixing, stir part A mechanically. When all of
part B has been added to part A, mix continuously for The information, and, in particular, the recommenda-
2 minutes until a uniform mix has been achieved. tions relating to the application and end-use of Sika
products, are given in good faith based on Sika's cur-
For the addition of quartz sand: When parts A and B rent knowledge and experience of the products when
have been mixed, add the quartz sand 0.1 - 0.3 mm properly stored, handled and applied under normal
and mix for a further 2 minutes until a uniform mix has conditions in accordance with Sika's recommenda-
been achieved. To ensure thorough mixing pour ma- tions. In practice, the differences in materials, sub-
terials into another container and mix again to achieve strates and actual site conditions are such that no war-
a consistent mix. Over mixing must be avoided to min- ranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a
imise air entrainment. particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any
Mixing Tools: legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either
Sikafloor®-359 N must be thoroughly mixed using a from this information, or from any written recom-
low speed electric stirrer (300 - 400 rpm) or other suit- mendations, or from any other advice offered. The
able equipment. user of the product must test the product’s suitability
APPLICATION for the intended application and purpose. Sika re-
serves the right to change the properties of its
Prior to application, confirm substrate moisture con- products. The proprietary rights of third parties must
tent, relative humidity and dew point. As a seal coat, be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our
the product can be applied by squeegee and then current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always
back-rolled (crosswise) with a short-piled roller. refer to the most recent issue of the local Product
Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which
will be supplied on request.