Pds Sika Ucrete MF
Pds Sika Ucrete MF
Pds Sika Ucrete MF
Sika® Ucrete® MF
(formerly Ucrete® MF)
Chemical base Waterborne polyurethane mortar
Packaging Part A 2.52 kg/pail
Part B 2.86 kg/p[ail
Part C 14.4 kg/bag
Part D 0.50 kg/bag
Part A+B+C+D 20.28 kg/set
Abrasion resistance AR 0.5 (BS 8204)
Chemical resistance Extensive chemical resistance tables are available in the separate data
sheet ‘A guide to the chemical resistance of Ucrete Flooring’.
Resistance to fire BFL – S1 EN13501 Part 1
Systems Coating system Product
Primer Sika® Ucrete® MF
Topcoat Sika® Ucrete® MF
Mixing ratio Parts A:B:C:Pigment= 2.52 : 2.86 : 14.4 : 0.5 (Mix full units only.)
Consumption Coating System Product Consumption
Primer (~1mm) Sika® Ucrete® MF ~2.0 kg/m2
Topcoat (3-5mm) Sika® Ucrete® MF 6.0~10 kg/m2
Note:These figures are theoretical and do not allow for any additional ma-
terial due to surface porosity, surface profile, variations in level and
wastage etc.
Product temperature +5 °C min./+30°C max.
Optimal application temperatures range : 15°C - 25°C
Ambient air temperature +5 °C min./+30°C max.
Optimal application temperatures range : 15°C - 25°C
Relative air humidity 80% r.h. max.
Dew point Beware of condensation!
The substrate and uncured floor must be at least 3°C above the dew point
to reduce the risk of condensation or blooming on the floor finish.
Substrate temperature +10°C min. / +30°C max.
Substrate moisture content < 8% pbw moisture content.
Test method: Sika®-Tramex meter or CM - measurement.
No rising moisture according to ASTM (Polyethylene-sheet).
Pot life Temperature Time
+20 °C ~25 minutes
Waiting time / Overcoating Before applying Sika® Ucrete® MF on Sika® Ucrete® MF/-PLC, allow:
Substrate temperature Minimum Maximum
+10°C ~36 hours ~12 days
+20°C ~24 hours ~7 days
+30°C ~12 hours ~4 days
Times are approximate and will be affected by changing ambient condi-
tions particularly temperature and relative humidity.
Applied product ready for use Temperature/ Foot traffic Light traffic Full cure
+20°C / 4mm 10~12 hours 14~16 hours 5 days
Note:At low temperature the curing need longer time.
SUBSTRATE QUALITY / PRE-TREATMENT than 2 minutes to ensure that all powders and base
materials are completely mixed.
▪ The base concrete must be of sufficient strength ▪ The mixing time should be consistent for each group
(compressive strength of at least 25 N/mm2 and of materials.
tensile strength of at least 1.5 N/mm2). ▪ During mixing, it is also necessary to use a straight-
▪ The concrete surface must be treated by mechanical sided trowel to scrape off the ingredients (Parts
means such as sandblasting, shotblasting and grind- A+B+C+D) that are stained on the sides and bottom
ing to thoroughly remove cement floats, oil contam- of the container, and this should be done at least
ination and loose concrete of insufficient strength once to ensure complete mixing. It is only necessary
and to expose holes, while obtaining substrate with to mix all the ingredients in the factory package.
good surface strength and roughness (longitudinally
open textured surface). APPLICATION
▪ Holes and cracks in the concrete surface must be re-
paired and filled with suitable Sika specialised sys- ▪ Prior to application, confirm the water content, relat-
tems such as Sika® Ucrete®, Sikafloor®, Sikadur® and ive humidity and dew point of the substrate.
Sikagard® first. ▪ Primer: Mix and apply Sika® Ucrete® MF/-PLC mater-
▪ If the substrate is uneven, it needs to be levelled ial on the floor and apply it with a trowel or squee-
with Sika's special levelling mortar to obtain a more gee to the required thickness.
even and aesthetic appearance. ▪ Check that the primer is completely sealed and that
▪ All dust, particles and rubbish on the surface of the it is fully sealed and cured before applying the top
substrate must be cleaned up by vacuuming etc be- coat.
fore application. ▪ Topcoat: Mix and apply Sika® Ucrete® MF material to
▪ Anchor grooves - All free edges of Sika® Ucrete® the floor; apply to the desired thickness with a de-
floors (including perimeters, trenches or drains) need foaming roller, trowel or squeegee according to the
to be provided with additional cutting gap in order to instructions. Before the surface begins to cure, care-
distribute the mechanical and thermal stresses. To fully scrape the newly mixed material along the
achieve stress dispersion, formed or cut grooves can transition zone of the previously applied material.
be placed in the concrete. The depth and width of Immediately thereafter, defoam the material by
the grooves should be twice the thickness of the rolling the defoamer roller in a cross direction to re-
Sika® Ucrete® floor system. Additional information move any air from the material.
on the edges can be found in the additional material A large area must be adequately staffed; the entire
supplied. If necessary, all free edges can be protec- construction process must be compact and the mater-
ted with mechanically installed metal strips, addi- ial must be quickly bridged between two shipments of
tionally thin edges must not be used as anchoring material to ensure a wet joint, otherwise lap marks
grooves. and color differences may occur.
▪ Expansion joints - Expansion joints are provided at CLEANING OF TOOLS
the intersection of different materials on the base.
Separate zones according to thermal stresses, vibra- Clean all tools and application equipment with Thinner
tions and surrounding load-bearing columns, see ad- C immediately after use. Hardened / cured material
ditional details. can only be mechanically removed.
▪ The temperature will affect the mixing effect; the
temperature of the material itself before use is 15°C- CLEANING
25°C; if the construction is in low temperature in
winter, it is recommended to store the material in an Regular cleaning and maintenance will enhance the
indoor air-conditioned room at 15°C-25°C for at least life and appearance of any floor. Sika® Ucrete® MF is
24h before use. cleaned using industry standard cleaning chemicals
▪ Prepare a large mixing container in advance and start and equipment. The use of a food industry standard
the mixer: scrubber drier machine is recommended. Please con-
▪ First pour Part D (color paste) into Part A and stir for sult your local cleaning chemical or equipment suppli-
15 seconds, then add Part B and stir for 20 seconds. er.
Then slowly pour Part C (powder) in while stirring,
the adding process takes about 15 seconds. Note LOCAL RESTRICTIONS
that it should not be poured into the mixer quickly.
After adding Part C and Part D, stir further for more Note that as a result of specific local regulations the
declared data and recommended uses for this product
may vary from country to country. Consult the local
Product Data Sheet for exact product data and uses.
The information, and, in particular, the recommenda-
tions relating to the application and end-use of Sika
products, are given in good faith based on Sika's cur-
rent knowledge and experience of the products when
properly stored, handled and applied under normal
conditions in accordance with Sika's recommenda-
tions. In practice, the differences in materials, sub-
strates and actual site conditions are such that no war-
ranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a
particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any
legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either
from this information, or from any written recom-
mendations, or from any other advice offered. The
user of the product must test the product’s suitability
for the intended application and purpose. Sika re-
serves the right to change the properties of its
products. The proprietary rights of third parties must
be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our
current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always
refer to the most recent issue of the local Product
Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which
will be supplied on request.