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Designation: E 1820 – 08a

Standard Test Method for

Measurement of Fracture Toughness1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 1820; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope E 21 Test Methods for Elevated Temperature Tension Tests

1.1 This test method covers procedures and guidelines for of Metallic Materials
the determination of fracture toughness of metallic materials E 399 Test Method for Linear-Elastic Plane-Strain Fracture
using the following parameters: K, J, and CTOD (d). Tough- Toughness K Ic of Metallic Materials
ness can be measured in the R-curve format or as a point value. E 1290 Test Method for Crack-Tip Opening Displacement
(CTOD) Fracture Toughness Measurement

The fracture toughness determined in accordance with this test

method is for the opening mode (Mode I) of loading. E 1823 Terminology Relating to Fatigue and Fracture Test-
1.2 The recommended specimens are single-edge bend, ing
[SE(B)], compact, [C(T)], and disk-shaped compact, [DC(T)]. E 1921 Test Method for Determination of Reference Tem-
All specimens contain notches that are sharpened with fatigue perature, To, for Ferritic Steels in the Transition Range
cracks. E 1942 Guide for Evaluating Data Acquisition Systems
1.2.1 Specimen dimensional (size) requirements vary ac- Used in Cyclic Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics Testing
cording to the fracture toughness analysis applied. The guide- 3. Terminology
lines are established through consideration of material tough-
ness, material flow strength, and the individual qualification 3.1 Terminology E 1823 is applicable to this test method.
requirements of the toughness value per values sought. 3.2 Definitions:
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the 3.2.1 compliance [LF−1], n—the ratio of displacement in-
standard. The values given in parentheses are for information crement to force increment.
only. 3.2.2 crack displacement [L], n—the separation vector be-
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the tween two points (on the surfaces of a deformed crack) that
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the were coincident on the surfaces of an ideal crack in the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- undeformed condition.
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- Discussion—In this practice, displacement, v, is the
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. total displacement measured by clip gages or other devices
spanning the crack faces.
NOTE 1—Other standard methods for the determination of fracture 3.2.3 crack extension, Da [L], n—an increase in crack size.
toughness using the parameters K, J, and CTOD are contained in Test
3.2.4 crack-extension force, G [FL−1 or FLL−2], n—the
Methods E 399, E 813, E 1152, E 1290, and E 1737. This test method was
developed to provide a common method for determining all applicable elastic energy per unit of new separation area that is made
toughness parameters from a single test. available at the front of an ideal crack in an elastic solid during
a virtual increment of forward crack extension.
2. Referenced Documents 3.2.5 crack size, a [L], n—a lineal measure of a principal
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 planar dimension of a crack. This measure is commonly used
E 4 Practices for Force Verification of Testing Machines in the calculation of quantities descriptive of the stress and
E 8 Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials displacement fields, and is often also termed crack size or
1 Discussion—In practice, the value of a is obtained
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E08 on Fatigue
and Fracture and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E08.07 on Fracture
from procedures for measurement of physical crack size, ap,
Mechanics. original crack size, ao, and effective crack size, ae, as appro-
Current edition approved Dec. 1, 2008. Published January 2009. Originally priate to the situation being considered.
approved in 1996. Last previous edition approved in 2008 as E 1820 – 08. 3.2.6 crack-tip opening displacement (CTOD), d [L],
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
n—the crack displacement due to elastic and plastic deforma-
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on tion at variously defined locations near the original crack tip.
the ASTM website.

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E 1820 – 08a Discussion—In this test method, CTOD is the dis- 3.2.8 effective yield strength, sY [FL−2], n—an assumed
placement of the crack surfaces normal to the original (un- value of uniaxial yield strength that represents the influence of
loaded) crack plane at the tip of the fatigue precrack, ao. In this plastic yielding upon fracture test parameters.
test method, CTOD is calculated at the original crack size, ao, Discussion—It is calculated as the average of the
from measurements made from the force versus displacement 0.2 % offset yield strength sYS, and the ultimate tensile
record. strength, sTS as follows: Discussion—In CTOD testing, dIc [L] is a value of ~sYS 1 sTS!
CTOD near the onset of slow stable crack extension, here sY 5 2 (1)
defined as occurring at Dap = 0.2 mm (0.008 in.) + 0.7dIc. Discussion—In estimating sY, influences of testing Discussion—In CTOD testing, dc [L] is the value of conditions, such as loading rate and temperature, should be
CTOD at the onset of unstable crack extension (see 3.2.28) or considered.
pop-in (see 3.2.17) when Dap<0.2 mm (0.008 in.) + 0.7dc. The 3.2.9 J-integral, J [FL−1], n—a mathematical expression, a
dc corresponds to the force Pc and clip-gage displacement line or surface integral that encloses the crack front from one
vc (see Fig. 1). It may be size-dependent and a function of test crack surface to the other, used to characterize the local
specimen geometry. stress-strain field around the crack front. Discussion—In CTOD testing, du [L] is the value of Discussion—The J-integral expression for a two-
CTOD at the onset of unstable crack extension (see 3.2.28) or dimensional crack, in the x-z plane with the crack front parallel
pop-in (see 3.2.17) when the event is preceded by D ap >0.2 to the z-axis, is the line integral as follows:
mm (0.008 in.) + 0.7du. The du corresponds to the force Pu and
* S Wdy 2 T̄ · ]x ds D
] ū
the clip gage displacement vu (see Fig. 1). It may be size- J5 (2)
dependent and a function of test specimen geometry. It can be
useful to define limits on ductile fracture behavior. where: Discussion—In CTOD testing, dc*[L] characterizes W = loading work per unit volume or, for elastic
the CTOD fracture toughness of materials at fracture instability bodies, strain energy density,
prior to the onset of significant stable tearing crack extension. G = path of the integral, that encloses (that is,
The value of dc* determined by this test method represents a contains) the crack tip,
ds = increment of the contour path,
measure of fracture toughness at instability without significant
T̄ = outward traction vector on ds,
stable crack extension that is independent of in-plane dimen- ū = displacement vector at ds,
sions. However, there may be a dependence of toughness on x, y, z = rectangular coordinates, and
thickness (length of crack front). ]ū = rate of work input from the stress field into
3.2.7 effective thickness, Be [L], n—for side-grooved speci- T̄· ]x ds
the area enclosed by G.
mens Be = B − (B − BN)2/B. This is used for the elastic Discussion—The value of J obtained from this
unloading compliance measurement of crack size. equation is taken to be path-independent in test specimens Discussion—This definition is different from the commonly used, but in service components (and perhaps in test
definition of effective thickness in Test Method E 813. specimens) caution is needed to adequately consider loading

NOTE 1—Construction lines drawn parallel to the elastic loading slope to give vp, the plastic component of total displacement, vg.
NOTE 2—In curves b and d, the behavior after pop-in is a function of machine/specimen compliance, instrument response, etc.
FIG. 1 Types of Force versus Clip Gage Displacement Records


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E 1820 – 08a
interior to G such as from rapid motion of the crack or the requirements) specified in this test method, that provides for
service component, and from residual or thermal stress. the measurement of crack-extension resistance near the onset Discussion—In elastic (linear or nonlinear) solids, of stable crack extension under dominant elastic condi-
the J-integral equals the crack-extension force, G. (See crack tions.(1)3
extension force.) 3.2.17 pop-in, n—a discontinuity in the force versus clip
3.2.10 Jc [FL−1]—The property Jc determined by this test gage displacement record. The record of a pop-in shows a
method characterizes the fracture toughness of materials at sudden increase in displacement and, generally a decrease in
fracture instability prior to the onset of significant stable force. Subsequently, the displacement and force increase to
tearing crack extension. The value of Jc determined by this test above their respective values at pop-in.
method represents a measure of fracture toughness at instabil- 3.2.18 R-curve or J-R curve, n—a plot of crack extension
ity without significant stable crack extension that is indepen- resistance as a function of stable crack extension, Dap or Dae.
dent of in-plane dimensions; however, there may be a depen- Discussion—In this test method, the J-R curve is a
dence of toughness on thickness (length of crack front). plot of the far-field J-integral versus the physical crack
3.2.11 Ju [FL−1]—The quantity Ju determined by this test extension, Dap. It is recognized that the far-field value of J may
method measures fracture instability after the onset of signifi- not represent the stress-strain field local to a growing crack.
cant stable tearing crack extension. It may be size-dependent 3.2.19 remaining ligament, b [L], n—distance from the
and a function of test specimen geometry. It can be useful to physical crack front to the back edge of the specimen, that is
define limits on ductile fracture behavior. (b = W − ap).
3.2.12 net thickness, BN [L], n—distance between the roots 3.2.20 specimen center of pin hole distance, H* [L], n—the
of the side grooves in side-grooved specimens. distance between the center of the pin holes on a pin-loaded
3.2.13 original crack size, ao [L], n—the physical crack size specimen.
at the start of testing. 3.2.21 specimen gage length, d [L], n—the distance be- Discussion—In this test method, aoq is used to tween the points of displacement measure (for example, clip
denote original crack size estimated from compliance. gage, gage length).
3.2.22 specimen span, S [L], n—the distance between
3.2.14 original remaining ligament, bo [L], n—distance
specimen supports.
from the original crack front to the back edge of the specimen,
3.2.23 specimen thickness, B [L], n—the side-to-side di-
that is (bo = W − a o).
mension of the specimen being tested.
3.2.15 physical crack size, ap [L], n—the distance from a
3.2.24 specimen width, W [L], n—a physical dimension on
reference plane to the observed crack front. This distance may
a test specimen measured from a reference position such as the
represent an average of several measurements along the crack
front edge in a bend specimen or the load line in the compact
front. The reference plane depends on the specimen form, and
specimen to the back edge of the specimen.
it is normally taken to be either the boundary, or a plane
3.2.25 stable crack extension [L], n—a displacement-
containing either the load line or the centerline of a specimen
controlled crack extension beyond the stretch-zone width (see
or plate. The reference plane is defined prior to specimen
3.2.27). The extension stops when the applied displacement is
held constant.
3.2.16 plane-strain fracture toughness, KIc [FL−3/2], JIc 3.2.26 stress-intensity factor, K, K1, K2, K3, KI, KII, KIII
[FL−1], KJIc [FL−3/2] , n—the crack-extension resistance under [FL−3/2], n—the magnitude of the ideal-crack-tip stress field
conditions of crack-tip plane-strain. (stress-field singularity) for a particular mode in a homoge- Discussion—For example, in Mode I for slow rates neous, linear-elastic body.
of loading and negligible plastic-zone adjustment, plane-strain Discussion—Values of K for the Modes 1, 2, and 3
fracture toughness is the value of the stress-intensity factor are given by the following equations:
designated KIc [FL−3/2] as measured using the operational lim
procedure (and satisfying all of the qualification requirements) K1 5 r→0 @syy ~2pr!1/2# (3)
specified in this test method, which provides for the measure- K2 5 lim 1/2
r→0@t xy ~2pr ! # (4)
ment of crack-extension resistance at the start of crack exten- lim 1/2
K3 5 r→0@tyz ~2pr ! # (5)
sion and provides operational definitions of crack-tip sharp-
ness, start of crack extension, and crack-tip plane-strain. where r = distance directly forward from the crack tip to a location Discussion—For example, in Mode I for slow rates where the significant stress is calculated.
of loading and substantial plastic deformation, plane-strain Discussion—In this test method, Mode 1 or Mode
fracture toughness is the value of the J-integral designated JIc I is assumed. See Terminology E 1823 for definition of mode.
[FL−1] as measured using the operational procedure (and 3.2.27 stretch-zone width, SZW [L], n—the length of crack
satisfying all of the qualification requirements) specified in this extension that occurs during crack-tip blunting, for example,
test method, that provides for the measurement of crack- prior to the onset of unstable brittle crack extension, pop-in, or
extension resistance near the onset of stable crack extension. slow stable crack extension. The SZW is in the same plane as Discussion—For example, in Mode I for slow rates
of loading, plane-strain fracture toughness is the value of the
stress intensity designated KJIc[FL−3/2] calculated from JIc 3
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of
using the equation (and satisfying all of the qualification this standard.


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E 1820 – 08a
the original (unloaded) fatigue precrack and refers to an method is particularly useful when the material response
extension beyond the original crack size. cannot be anticipated before the test. Application of procedures
3.2.28 unstable crack extension [L], n—an abrupt crack in Test Method E 1921 is recommended for testing ferritic
extension that occurs with or without prior stable crack steels that undergo cleavage fracture in the ductile-to-brittle
extension in a standard test specimen under crosshead or clip transition.
gage displacement control. 5.1.1 These fracture toughness values may serve as a basis
for material comparison, selection, and quality assurance.
4. Summary of Test Method Fracture toughness can be used to rank materials within a
4.1 The objective of this test method is to load a fatigue similar yield strength range.
precracked test specimen to induce either or both of the 5.1.2 These fracture toughness values may serve as a basis
following responses (1) unstable crack extension, including for structural flaw tolerance assessment. Awareness of differ-
significant pop-in, referred to as “fracture instability” in this ences that may exist between laboratory test and field condi-
test method; (2) stable crack extension, referred to as “stable tions is required to make proper flaw tolerance assessment.
tearing” in this test method. Fracture instability results in a 5.2 The following cautionary statements are based on some
single point-value of fracture toughness determined at the point observations.
of instability. Stable tearing results in a continuous fracture 5.2.1 Particular care must be exercised in applying to
toughness versus crack-extension relationship (R-curve) from structural flaw tolerance assessment the fracture toughness
which significant point-values may be determined. Stable value associated with fracture after some stable tearing has
tearing interrupted by fracture instability results in an R-curve occurred. This response is characteristic of ferritic steel in the
up to the point of instability. transition regime. This response is especially sensitive to
4.2 This test method requires continuous measurement of material inhomogeneity and to constraint variations that may
force versus load-line displacement and crack mouth opening be induced by planar geometry, thickness differences, mode of
displacement. If any stable tearing response occurs, then an loading, and structural details.
R-curve is developed and the amount of slow-stable crack 5.2.2 The J-R curve from bend-type specimens recom-
extension shall be measured. mended by this test method (SE(B), C(T), and DC(T)) has been
4.3 Two alternative procedures for measuring crack exten- observed to be conservative with respect to results from tensile
sion are presented, the basic procedure and the resistance curve loading configurations.
procedure. The basic procedure involves physical marking of 5.2.3 The values of dc, du, Jc, and Ju may be affected by
the crack advance and multiple specimens used to develop a specimen dimensions.
plot from which a single point initiation toughness value can be
evaluated. The resistance curve procedure is an elastic- 6. Apparatus
compliance method where multiple points are determined from 6.1 Apparatus is required for measurement of applied force,
a single specimen. In the latter case, high precision of signal load-line displacement, and crack-mouth opening displace-
resolution is required. These data can also be used to develop ment. Force versus load-line displacement and force versus
an R-curve. Other procedures for measuring crack extension crack-mouth opening displacement may be recorded digitally
are allowed. for processing by computer or autographically with an x-y
4.4 The commonality of instrumentation and recommended plotter. Test fixtures for each specimen type are described in the
testing procedure contained herein permits the application of applicable Annex.
data to more than one method of evaluating fracture toughness. 6.2 Displacement Gages:
Annex A4-Annex A11 define the various data treatment op- 6.2.1 Displacement measurements are needed for the fol-
tions that are available, and these should be reviewed to lowing purposes: to evaluate PQ in the KIc evaluation, J from
optimize data transferability. the area under the force versus load-line displacement record,
4.5 Data that are generated following the procedures and CTOD from the force versus crack-mouth opening displace-
guidelines contained in this test method are labeled qualified ment record and, for the elastic compliance method, to infer
data. Data that meet the size criteria in Annex A4-Annex A11 crack extension, D ap, from elastic compliance calculations.
are insensitive to in-plane dimensions. 6.2.2 The recommended displacement gage has a working
4.6 Supplementary information about the background of range of not more than twice the displacement expected during
this test method and rationale for many of the technical the test. When the expected displacement is less than 3.75 mm
requirements of this test method are contained in (2). The (0.15 in.), the gage recommended in Fig. 2 may be used. When

formulas presented in this test method are applicable over the a greater working range is needed, an enlarged gage such as the
range of crack size and specimen sizes within the scope of this one shown in Fig. 3 is recommended. Accuracy shall be within
test method. 61 % of the full working range. In calibration, the maximum
deviation of the individual data points from a fit (linear or
5. Significance and Use curve) to the data shall be less than 60.2 % of the working
5.1 Assuming the presence of a preexisting, sharp, fatigue range of the gage when using the elastic compliance method
crack, the material fracture toughness values identified by this and 61 % otherwise. Knife edges are required for seating the
test method characterize its resistance to: (1) fracture of a gage. Parallel alignment of the knife edges shall be maintained
stationary crack, (2) fracture after some stable tearing, (3) to within 1°. Direct methods for load-line displacement are
stable tearing onset, and (4) sustained stable tearing. This test described in Refs (2-5).

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E 1820 – 08a

FIG. 2 Double-Cantilever Clip-In Displacement Gage Mounted by Means of Integral Knife Edges Gage Attachment Methods—The specimen shall be

provided with a pair of accurately machined knife edges that
support the gage arms and serve as the displacement reference
points. These knife edges can be machined integral with the
specimen or they may be attached separately. Experience has
shown that razor blades serve as effective attachable knife
edges. The knife edges shall be positively attached to the
specimen to prevent shifting of the knife edges during the test
method. Experience has shown that machine screws or spot
welds are satisfactory attachment methods.
6.2.3 For the elastic compliance method, the recommended

signal resolution for displacement should be at least 1 part in

32 000 of the transducer signal range, and signal stability
should be 64 parts in 32 000 of the transducer signal range
measured over a 10-min period. Signal noise should be less
than 62 parts in 32 000 of the transducer signal range.
6.2.4 Gages other than those recommended in 6.2 are
permissible if the required accuracy and precision can be met
or exceeded.
6.3 Force Transducers:
6.3.1 Testing is performed in a testing machine conforming
to the requirements of Practices E 4. Applied force may be
measured by any force transducer capable of being recorded
continuously. Accuracy of force measurements shall be within
61 % of the working range. In calibration, the maximum
deviation of individual data points from a fit to the data shall be
less than 60.2 % of the calibrated range of the transducer when
NOTE 1—All dimensions are in millimeters. using elastic compliance, and 61 % otherwise.
FIG. 3 Clip Gage Design for 8.0 mm (0.3 in.)
and More Working Range 6.3.2 For the elastic compliance method, the signal resolu-
tion on force should be at least 1 part in 4000 of the transducer
signal range and signal stability should be 64 parts in 4000 of
the transducer signal range measured over a 10-min period.

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E 1820 – 08a
Recommended maximum signal noise should be less than 62 material is used, or if substantially larger specimens are
parts in 4000 of the transducer signal range. required at a given sYS/E ratio, then heavier grips will be
6.4 System Verification—It is recommended that the perfor- required. As indicated in Fig. 5 the clevis corners may be cut
mance of the force and displacement measuring systems should off sufficiently to accommodate seating of the clip gage in
be verified before beginning a series of continuous tests. specimens less than 9.5 mm (0.375 in.) thick.
Calibration accuracy of displacement transducers shall be Careful attention should be given to achieving good
verified with due consideration for the temperature and envi- alignment through careful machining of all auxiliary gripping
ronment of the test. Force calibrations shall be conducted fixtures.
periodically and documented in accordance with the latest
revision of Practices E 4. 7. Specimen Size, Configuration, and Preparation
6.5 Fixtures: 7.1 Specimen Configurations—The configurations of the
6.5.1 Bend-Test Fixture—The general principles of the standard specimens are shown in Annex A1-Annex A3.
bend-test fixture are illustrated in Fig. 4. This fixture is 7.2 Crack Plane Orientation—The crack plane orientation
designed to minimize frictional effects by allowing the support shall be considered in preparing the test specimen. This is
rollers to rotate and move apart slightly as the specimen is discussed in Terminology E 1823.
loaded, thus permitting rolling contact. Thus, the support 7.3 Alternative Specimens—In certain cases, it may be
rollers are allowed limited motion along plane surfaces parallel desirable to use specimens having W/B ratios other than two.
to the notched side of the specimen, but are initially positively Suggested alternative proportions for the single-edge bend
positioned against stops that set the span length and are held in specimen are 1 # W/B # 4 and for the compact (and
place by low-tension springs (such as rubber bands). Fixtures diskshaped compact) specimen are 2 # W/B # 4, however, any
and rolls shall be made of high hardness (greater than 40 HRC) thickness can be used as long as the qualification requirements
steels. are met.
6.5.2 Tension Testing Clevis: 7.4 Specimen Precracking—All specimens shall be pre- A loading clevis suitable for testing compact speci- cracked in fatigue. Experience has shown that it is impractical
mens is shown in Fig. 5. Both ends of the specimen are held in to obtain a reproducibly sharp, narrow machined notch that
such a clevis and loaded through pins, in order to allow rotation will simulate a natural crack well enough to provide a
of the specimen during testing. In order to provide rolling satisfactory fracture toughness test result. The most effective
contact between the loading pins and the clevis holes, these artifice for this purpose is a narrow notch from which extends
holes are provided with small flats on the loading surfaces. a comparatively short fatigue crack, called the precrack. (A
Other clevis designs may be used if it can be demonstrated that fatigue precrack is produced by cyclically loading the notched
they will accomplish the same result as the design shown. specimen for a number of cycles usually between about 104
Clevises and pins should be fabricated from steels of sufficient and 106 depending on specimen size, notch preparation, and
strength (greater than 40 HRC) to elastically resist indentation stress intensity level.) The dimensions of the notch and the
of the clevises or pins. precrack, and the sharpness of the precrack shall meet certain The critical tolerances and suggested proportions of conditions that can be readily met with most engineering
the clevis and pins are given in Fig. 5. These proportions are materials since the fatigue cracking process can be closely
based on specimens having W/ B = 2 for B > 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) controlled when careful attention is given to the known
and W/B = 4 for B # 12.7 mm. If a 1930-MPa (280 000-psi) contributory factors. However, there are some materials that
yield strength maraging steel is used for the clevis and pins, are too brittle to be fatigue-cracked since they fracture as soon
adequate strength will be obtained. If lower-strength grip as the fatigue crack initiates; these are outside the scope of the
present test method.
7.4.1 Fatigue Crack Starter Notch—Three forms of fatigue
crack starter notches are shown in Fig. 6. To facilitate fatigue
cracking at low stress intensity levels, the root radius for a
straight-through slot terminating in a V-notch should be 0.08
mm (0.003 in.) or less. If a chevron form of notch is used, the
root radius may be 0.25 mm (0.010 in.) or less. In the case of
a slot tipped with a hole it will be necessary to provide a sharp
stress raiser at the end of the hole.
7.4.2 Fatigue Crack Size—The crack size (total average
length of the crack starter configuration plus the fatigue crack)
shall be between 0.45 and 0.70 W for J and d determination,
but is restricted to the range from 0.45 to 0.55 for KIc
7.4.3 Equipment—The equipment for fatigue cracking
should be such that the stress distribution is uniform through
the specimen thickness; otherwise the crack will not grow
uniformly. The stress distribution should also be symmetrical
FIG. 4 Bend Test Fixture Design about the plane of the prospective crack; otherwise the crack

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E 1820 – 08a

NOTE 1—Corners may be removed as necessary to accommodate the clip gage.

FIG. 5 Tension Testing Clevis Design

precracking should be machined with the same tolerances as

those used for testing.
7.4.4 Fatigue Loading Requirements—Allowable fatigue
force values are limited to keep the maximum stress intensity
applied during precracking, KMAX, well below the material
fracture toughness measured during the subsequent test. The
fatigue precracking shall be conducted with the specimen fully
heat-treated to the condition in which it is to be tested. No
intermediate treatments between precracking and testing are
allowed. The combination of starter notch and fatigue precrack
shall conform to the requirements shown in Fig. 7. There are
several ways of promoting early crack initiation: (1) by
providing a very sharp notch tip, (2) by using a chevron notch
(Fig. 6), (3) by statically preloading the specimen in such a way
that the notch tip is compressed in a direction normal to the
intended crack plane (to a force not to exceed Pm), and (4) by
using a negative fatigue force ratio; for a given maximum
fatigue force, the more negative the force ratio, the earlier
FIG. 6 Fatigue Crack Starter Notch Configurations crack initiation is likely to occur. The peak compressive force
shall not exceed Pm as defined in Annex A1-Annex A3.
7.4.5 Fatigue Precracking Procedure—Fatigue precracking
may deviate from that plane and the test result can be can be conducted under either force control or displacement
significantly affected. The K calibration for the specimen, if it control. If the force cycle is maintained constant, the maximum
is different from the one given in this test method, shall be K and the K range will increase with crack size; if the
known with an uncertainty of less than 5 %. Fixtures used for displacement cycle is maintained constant, the reverse will

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E 1820 – 08a

NOTE 1—The crack-starter notch shall be centered between the top and bottom specimen edges within 0.005 W.
FIG. 7 Envelope of Fatigue Crack and Crack Starter Notches

happen. The initial value of the maximum fatigue force should

be less than Pm. The specimen shall be accurately located in the KMAX 5 S DsfYS
~0.4sfYS ksi=in.!
loading fixture. Fatigue cycling is then begun, usually with a
sinusoidal waveform and near to the highest practical fre- where:
quency. There is no known marked frequency effect on fatigue sYSf and sYST = the material yield stresses at the fatigue
precrack formation up to at least 100 Hz in the absence of precrack and test temperatures respec-
adverse environments. The specimen should be carefully tively.
monitored until crack initiation is observed on one side. If It is generally most effective to use R = PMIN/PMAX
crack initiation is not observed on the other side before = 0.1. The accuracy of the maximum force values shall be
appreciable growth is observed on the first, then fatigue cycling known within 65 %.
should be stopped to try to determine the cause and find a Precracking should be conducted at as low as a KMAX as
remedy for the unsymmetrical behavior. Sometimes, simply practical. For some aluminum alloys and high strength steels
turning the specimen around in relation to the fixture will solve the above KMAX relationship can give very high precracking
the problem. forces. This is especially true if precracking and testing are The length of the fatigue precrack extension from conducted at the same temperature. It is suggested that the user
the machined notch shall not be less than 0.05B, and not less start with approximately 0.7 KMAX given by the above rela-
than 1.3 mm (0.05 in.) for the wide notch, see Fig. 7, nor less
tionship, and if the precrack does not grow after 105 cycles the
than 0.025B or less than 0.6 mm (0.024 in.) for the narrow
loading can be incrementally increased until the crack begins to
notch. Precracking shall be accomplished in at least two steps.
For the first step the maximum stress intensity applied to the
specimen shall be limited by: For the second precracking step, which shall include at least
the final 50 % of the fatigue precrack or 1.3 mm (0.05 in.) for

sfYS the wide notch or 0.6 mm (0.024 in.) for the narrow notch,
KMAX 5 ~0.063sfYS MPa=m! (6)
sTYS whichever is less, the maximum stress intensity that may be
or applied to the specimen shall be given by:

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sfYS 8.2.1 Specimen Measurement—Measure the dimensions,
KMAX 5 0.6 T KF (7) BN, B, W, H*, and d to the nearest 0.050 mm (0.002 in.) or
0.5 %, whichever is larger.
where: 8.2.2 Specimen Temperature:
KF = KQ, KJQ, KJQc or KJQu depending on the result of the
test, and KF is calculated from the corresponding JF The temperature of the specimen shall be stable and
using the relationship that: uniform during the test. Hold the specimen at test temperature
63°C for 1⁄2 h/25 mm of specimen thickness.
~ 1 2 n2 !
(8) Measure the temperature of the specimen during the
test to an accuracy of 63°C, where the temperature is To transition between steps, intermediate levels of measured on the specimen surface within W/4 from the crack
force shedding can be used if desired. tip. (See Test Methods E 21 for suggestions on temperature
7.5 Side Grooves—Side grooves are highly recommended measurement.)
when the compliance method of crack size prediction is used. For the duration of the test, the difference between
The specimen may also need side grooves to ensure a straight the indicated temperature and the nominal test temperature
crack front as specified in Annex A4-Annex A7. The total shall not exceed 63°C.
thickness reduction shall not exceed 0.25B. A total reduction of The term “indicated temperature” means the tem-
0.20B has been found to work well for many materials. Any perature that is indicated by the temperature measuring device
included angle of side groove less than 90° is allowed. Root using good-quality pyrometric practice.
radius shall be 0.5 6 0.2 mm (0.02 6 0.01 in.). In order to
NOTE 2—It is recognized that specimen temperature may vary more
produce nearly straight fatigue precrack fronts, the precracking than the indicated temperature. The permissible indicated temperature
should be performed prior to the side-grooving operation. BN is variations in are not to be construed as minimizing the importance
the minimum thickness measured at the roots of the side of good pyrometric practice and precise temperature control. All labora-
grooves. The root of the side groove should be located along tories should keep both indicated and specimen temperature variations as
the specimen centerline. small as practicable. It is well recognized, in view of the dependency of
fracture toughness of materials on temperature, that close temperature
control is necessary. The limits prescribed represent ranges that are
8. Procedure common practice.
8.1 Objective and Overview: 8.3 Alignment:
8.1.1 The overall objective of the test method is to develop 8.3.1 Bend Testing—Set up the bend test fixture so that the
a force-displacement record that can be used to evaluate K, J, line of action of the applied force passes midway between the
or CTOD. Two procedures can be used: (1) a basic procedure support roll centers within 61 % of the distance between the
directed toward evaluation of a single K, J, or CTOD value centers. Measure the span to within 60.5 % of the nominal
without the use of crack extension measurement equipment, or length. Locate the specimen so that the crack tip is midway
(2) a procedure directed toward evaluation of a complete between the rolls to within 1 % of the span and square the roll
fracture toughness resistance curve using crack extension axes within 62°.
measurement equipment. This also includes the evaluation of When the load-line displacement is referenced from
single-point toughness values.
the loading jig there is potential for introduction of error from
8.1.2 The basic procedure utilizes a force versus displace- two sources. They are the elastic compression of the fixture as
ment plot and is directed toward obtaining a single fracture the force increases and indentation of the specimen at the
toughness value such as KIc, Jc, or dc. Optical crack measure- loading points. Direct methods for load-line displacement
ments are utilized to obtain both the initial and final physical measurement are described in Refs (3-6). If a remote trans-
crack sizes in this procedure. Multiple specimens can be used ducer is used for load-line displacement measurement, take
to evaluate J at the initiation of ductile cracking, JIc or dIc. care to exclude the elastic displacement of the load-train
8.1.3 The resistance curve procedure utilizes an elastic measurement and brinelling displacements at the load points
unloading procedure or equivalent procedure to obtain a J- or (7).
CTOD-based resistance curve from a single specimen. Crack 8.3.2 Compact Testing—Loading pin friction and eccentric-
size is measured from compliance in this procedure and ity of loading can lead to errors in fracture toughness determi-
verified by posttest optical crack size measurements. An nation. The centerline of the upper and lower loading rods
alternative procedure using the normalization method is pre- should be coincident within 0.25 mm (0.01 in.). Center the
sented in Annex A15: Normalization Data Reduction Tech- specimen with respect to the clevis opening within 0.76 mm
nique. (0.03 in.). Seat the displacement gage in the knife edges firmly
8.1.4 Three or more determinations of the fracture tough- by wiggling the gage lightly.
ness parameter are suggested to ascertain the effects of material 8.4 Basic Procedure—Load all specimens under displace-
and test system variability. If fracture occurs by cleavage of ment gage or machine crosshead or actuator displacement
ferritic steel, the testing and analysis procedure of Test Method control. If a loading rate that exceeds that specified here is
E 1921 is recommended. desired, please refer to Annex A14: Special Requirements for
8.2 System and Specimen Preparation: Rapid-Load J-Integral Fracture Toughness Testing.

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8.4.1 The basic procedure involves loading a specimen to a Pm lies between 0.3 and 3.0 min. The time to perform an
selected displacement level and determining the amount of unload/reload sequence should be as needed to accurately
crack extension that occurred during loading. estimate crack size, but not more than 10 min. If a higher
8.4.2 Load specimens at a constant rate such that the time loading rate is desired, please refer to Annex A14: Special
taken to reach the force Pm lies between 0.3 to 3 min. Requirements for Rapid-Load J-Integral Fracture Toughness
8.4.3 If the test ends by a fracture instability, measure the Testing.
initial crack size and any ductile crack extension by the 8.6.3 Take each specimen individually through the follow-
procedure in 9. Ductile crack extension may be difficult to ing steps:

distinguish but should be defined on one side by the fatigue Measure compliance to estimate the original crack
precrack and on the other by the brittle region. Proceed to 9 to size, ao, using unloading/reloading sequences in a force range
evaluate fracture toughness in terms of K, J, or CTOD. from 0.5 to 1.0 times the maximum precracking force. Estimate
8.4.4 If stable tearing occurs, test additional specimens to a provisional initial crack size, aoq, from at least three
evaluate an initiation value of the toughness. Use the procedure unloading/reloading sequences. No individual value shall differ
in 8.5 to evaluate the amount of stable tearing that has occurred from the mean by more than 60.002 W.
and thus determine the displacement levels needed in the Proceed with the test using unload/reload sequences
additional tests. Five or more points favorably positioned are that produce crack extension measurements at intervals pre-
required to generate an R curve for evaluating an initiation scribed by the applicable data analysis section of Annex A8 or
point. See Annex A9 and Annex A11 to see how points shall be Annex A10. Note that at least eight data points are required
positioned for evaluating an initiation toughness value. before specimen achieves maximum force. If fracture instabil-
8.5 Optical Crack Size Measurement: ity is an expected response, then it may be helpful to load the
8.5.1 After unloading the specimen, mark the crack accord- specimen monotonically over the range Pm< P < PQ. (See
ing to one of the following methods. For steels and titanium Annex A5 for a definition of PQ). If crack size values change
alloys, heat tinting at about 300°C (570°F) for 30 min works negatively by more than 0.005 ao(backup), stop the test and
well. For other materials, fatigue cycling can be used. The use check the alignment of the loading train. Crack size values
of liquid penetrants is not recommended. For both recom- determined at forces lower than the maximum precracking
mended methods, the beginning of stable crack extension is force should be ignored.
marked by the end of the flat fatigue precracked area. The end For many materials, load relaxation may occur prior
of crack extension is marked by the end of heat tint or the to conducting compliance measurements, causing a time-
beginning of the second flat fatigue area. dependent nonlinearity in the unloading slope. One method
8.5.2 Break the specimen to expose the crack, with care that may be used to remedy this effect is to hold the specimen
taken to minimize additional deformation. Cooling ferritic steel for a period of time until the force becomes stable at a constant
specimens to ensure brittle behavior may be helpful. Cooling displacement prior to initiating the unloading.
nonferritic materials may help to minimize deformation during The maximum recommended range of unload/reload
final fracture.
for crack extension measurement should not exceed either
8.5.3 Along the front of the fatigue crack and the front of the
50 % of Pm or 50 % of the current force, whichever is smaller.
marked region of stable crack extension, measure the length of
the original crack and the final physical crack length at nine After completing the final unloading cycle, return
equally spaced points centered about the specimen centerline the force to zero without additional crosshead displacement
and extending to 0.005 W from the root of the side groove or beyond the then current maximum displacement.
surface of smooth-sided specimens. Calculate the original After unloading the specimen, use the procedure in
crack size, ao, and the final physical crack size, ap, as follows: 8.5 to optically measure the crack sizes.
average the two near-surface measurements, combine the result 8.7 Alternative Methods:
with the remaining seven crack length measurements and 8.7.1 Alternative methods of measuring crack extension,
determine the average. Calculate the physical crack extension, such as the electric potential drop method, are allowed.
Dap = ap − ao. The measuring instrument shall have an accu- Methods shall meet the qualification criteria given in If
racy of 0.025 mm (0.001 in.). an alternative method is used to obtain JIc, at least one
8.5.4 None of the nine measurements of original crack size additional, confirmatory specimen shall be tested at the same
and final physical crack size may differ by more than 0.05B test rate and under the same test conditions. From the alterna-
from the average physical crack size defined in 8.5.3. tive method the load line displacement corresponding to a
8.6 Resistance Curve Procedure: ductile crack extension of 0.5 mm shall be estimated. The
8.6.1 The resistance curve procedure involves using an additional specimen shall then be loaded to this load line
elastic compliance technique or other technique to obtain the J displacement level, marked, broken open and the ductile crack
or CTOD resistance curve from a single specimen test. The growth measured. The measured crack extension shall be 0.5 6
elastic compliance technique is described here, while the 0.25 mm in order for these results, and hence the JIc value, to
normalization technique is described in Annex A15. be qualified according to this method.
8.6.2 Load the specimens under the displacement gage or 8.7.2 If displacement measurements are made in a plane
machine crosshead or actuator displacement control. Load the other than that containing the load line, the ability to infer
specimens at a rate such that the time taken to reach the force load-line displacement shall be demonstrated using the test

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material under similar test temperatures and conditions. In- 9.3.2 Resistance Curve Procedure—When the resistance
ferred load-line displacement values shall be accurate to within curve procedure is used, refer to Annex A8 and Annex A10 to
61 %. develop the R-curves. Proceed to Annex A9 and Annex A11 to
develop initiation values of toughness.
9. Analysis of Results
9.1 Qualification of Data—The data shall meet the follow- 10. Report
ing requirements to be qualified according to this test method. 10.1 A recommended table for reporting results is given Fig.
If the data do not pass these requirements, no fracture tough- 8 and Fig. 9.
ness measures can be determined in accordance with this test 10.2 Report the following information for each fracture
method. toughness determination:
NOTE 3—This section contains the requirements for qualification that
10.2.1 Type of test specimen and orientation of test speci-
are common for all tests. Additional qualification requirements are given men according to Terminology E 1823 identification codes,
with each type of test in the Annexes as well as requirements for 10.2.2 Material designation (ASTM, AISI, SAE, and so
determining whether the fracture toughness parameter developed is forth), material product form (plate, forging, casting, and so
insensitive to in-plane dimensions. forth), and material yield and tensile strength (at test tempera-
9.1.1 All requirements on the test equipment in Section 6 tures),
shall be met. 10.2.3 Specimen dimensions (8.2.1), Thickness B and BN,
9.1.2 All requirements on machining tolerance and pre- and Width W,
cracking in Section 7 shall be met. 10.2.4 Test temperature (8.2.2), loading rate (8.4.2 and
9.1.3 All requirements on fixture alignment, test rate, and 8.6.2), and type of loading control,
temperature stability and accuracy in Section 8 shall be met. 10.2.5 Fatigue precracking conditions (7.4), Kmax, DK
9.1.4 The following crack size requirements shall be met in range, and fatigue precrack size (average),
all tests. 10.2.6 Load-displacement record and associated calcula-

--`,,,``,`,`,,`````,,,,,,,,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Original Crack Size—None of the nine physical tions (Section 9),
measurements of initial crack size defined in 8.5.3 shall differ 10.2.7 If the loading rate is other than quasi-static, report the
by more than 0.05B from the average ao. applied dK/dt, Final Crack Size—None of the nine physical mea- 10.2.8 Original measured crack size, ao (8.5), original
surements of final physical crack size, ap, defined in 8.5.3 shall predicted crack size, aoq, final measured crack size, ap, final
differ by more than 0.05B from the average ap. In subsequent predicted crack extension, Dapredicted, physical crack extension
tests, the side-groove configuration may be modified within the during test, Dap, crack front appearance—straightness and
requirements of 7.5 to facilitate meeting this requirement. planarity, and fracture appearance,
9.1.5 The following crack size requirements shall be met in 10.2.9 Qualification of fracture toughness measurement
the tests using the resistance curve procedure of 8.6. (Annex A4-Annex A7 and Annex A8-Annex A11), based on Crack Extension—None of the nine physical mea- size requirements, and based on crack extension, and
surements of crack extension shall be less than 50 % of the 10.2.10 Qualified values of fracture toughness, including
average crack extension. R-curve values. Crack Extension Prediction—The crack extension,
Dapredicted, predicted from elastic compliance (or other 11. Precision and Bias
method), at the last unloading shall be compared with the 11.1 Bias—There is no accepted “standard” value for any of
measured physical crack extension, Dap. The difference be- the fracture toughness criteria employed in this test method. In
tween these shall not exceed 0.15 Dap for crack extensions less the absence of such a true value no meaningful statement can
than 0.2 bo, and the difference shall not exceed 0.03 bo be made concerning bias of data.
thereafter. 11.2 Precision—The precision of any of the various fracture
9.2 Fracture Instability—When the test terminates with a toughness determinations cited in this test method is a function
fracture instability, evaluate whether the fracture occurred of the precision and bias of the various measurements of linear
before stable tearing or after stable tearing. The beginning of dimensions of the specimen and testing fixtures, the precision
stable tearing is defined in A6.3 and A7.3. For fracture of the displacement measurement, the bias of the force mea-
instability occurring before stable tearing proceed to Annex surement as well as the bias of the recording devices used to
A5, Annex A6, and Annex A7 to evaluate the toughness values produce the force-displacement record, and the precision of the
in terms of K, J, or CTOD. For fracture instability occurring constructions made on this record. It is not possible to make
after stable tearing, proceed to Annex A5, Annex A6, and meaningful statements concerning precision and bias for all
Annex A7 to evaluate toughness values and then go to 9.3 to these measurements. However, it is possible to derive useful
evaluate stable tearing. information concerning the precision of fracture toughness
9.3 Stable Tearing: measurements in a global sense from interlaboratory test
9.3.1 Basic Procedure—When the basic procedure is used, programs. Most of the measures of fracture toughness that can
only an initiation toughness can be evaluated. Proceed to be determined by this procedure have been evaluated by an
Annex A9 and Annex A11 to evaluate initiation toughness interlaboratory test program. The KIc was evaluated in (8), JIc
values. was evaluated in (9), the J-R curve was evaluated in (10), and

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Basic Test Information dc was evaluated in a research report.4 In addition, the overall
Loading Rate, time to Pm = [min] analysis procedures of this test method were evaluated in an
Test temperature = [°C]
interlaboratory test program.
Crack Size Information
Initial measured crack size, ao = [mm]
Initial predicted crack size, aoq = [mm]
12. Keywords
Final measured crack size, af = [mm]
Final Dap = [mm]
12.1 crack initiation; crack-tip opening displacement;
Final Dapredicted = [mm] CTOD; ductile fracture; elastic-plastic fracture toughness;
fracture instability; J-integral; KIc; plane-strain fracture tough-
Analysis of Results
Fracture type = (Fracture instability or stable tearing) ness; resistance curve; stable crack growth

K Based Fracture
KIc = [MPa-m1/2]
KJIc = [MPa-m1/2]

J Based Fracture
Jc = [kJ/m2]
JIc = [kJ/m2]
Ju = [kJ/m2]

d Based Results
dc* = [mm]
dIc = [mm]
dc = [mm]
du = [mm]

Final Da/b =
Final Jmax/sYS = [mm]

Specimen Information
Type =
Identification =
Orientation =

Basic dimensions
B = [mm]
BN = [mm]
W = [mm]
aN(Notch Length) = [mm]

Particular dimensions
C(T) H = [mm]
SE(B) S = [mm]
DC(T) D = [mm]

Material designation =
Form =

Tensile Properties
E (Young’s modulus) = [MPa]
n (Poisson’s ratio) =
sYS (Yield Strength) = [MPa]
sTS (Ultimate Strength) = [MPa]

Precracking Information
Final Pmax = [N]
Final Pmin = [N]
Pm = [N]
Final DK/E = [MPa-m1/2]
Fatigue temperature = [°C]
Fatigue crack growth information
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
FIG. 8 Suggested Data Reporting Format be obtained by requesting Research Report RR: E24-1013.


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FIG. 9 Suggested Data Reporting Format


(Mandatory Information)


NOTE A1.1—Annex A1-Annex A3 cover specimen information. ing with a support span, S, equal to four times the width, W.
The general proportions of the specimen configuration are
A1.1 Specimen
shown in Fig. A1.1.
A1.1.1 The standard bend specimen is a single edge-
notched and fatigue-cracked beam loaded in three-point bend-

NOTE 1—The two side planes and the two edge planes shall be parallel and perpendicular as applicable to within 0.5°.
NOTE 2—The machined notch shall be perpendicular to specimen length and thickness to within 62°.
FIG. A1.1 Recommended Single Edge Bend [SE(B)] Specimen


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A1.1.2 Alternative specimens may have 1 # W/B # 4. A1.4.2 Calculation of J:
These specimens shall also have a nominal support span equal NOTE A1.2—In the calculation of J for the bend specimen a load-line
to 4W. displacement is required. For evaluating crack size, a crack mouth
displacement is used.
A1.2 Apparatus
For the single edge bend specimen, calculate J as follows:
A1.2.1 For generally applicable specifications concerning
J 5 Jel 1 J pl (A1.4)
the bend-test fixture and displacement gage see 6.5.1 and 6.2.
A1.3 Specimen Preparation: Jel = elastic component of J, and
A1.3.1 For generally applicable specifications concerning Jpl = plastic component of J.
specimen configuration and preparation see Section 7. A1.4.2.1 J Calculations for the Basic Test Method—At a
A1.3.2 All specimens shall be precracked in three-point point corresponding to v and P on the specimen force versus
bending fatigue based upon the force Pm, as follows: displacement record, calculate the J integral as follows:
0.5Bb2osY K2 ~ 1 2 n2 !
Pm 5 (A1.1) J5 E 1 Jpl (A1.5)
See 7.4.5 for fatigue precracking requirements. where K is from A1.4.1 with a = ao, and
A1.4 Calculation Jpl 5 B b (A1.6)
N o
A1.4.1 Calculation of K—For the bend specimen at a force,
P(i), calculate K as follows: where:
Apl = area under force versus displacement record as
K ~i! 5 F PiS
~BBN!1/2W3/2 G f~ai/W! (A1.2) shown in Fig. A1.2,
hpl = 1.9 if the load-line displacement is used for Apl,
where: = 3.667 − 2.199(ao /W) + 0.437(ao /W)2 if the crack
mouth opening displacement record is used for Apl,
f W 5 (A1.3) (11)
BN = net specimen thickness (BN = B if no side grooves
3 W
1.99 2
2.15 2 3.93 W S D S D DG
1 2.7 W
are present), and
bo = W − ao.

S ai
2 1 1 2W DS ai
12W D 3/2 All basic test method J integral values shall be corrected for
crack growth using the procedure of Annex A16.


FIG. A1.2 Definition of Area for J Calculation Using

the Basic Method

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A1.4.2.2 J Calculations for the Resistance Curve Test vpl(i) = plastic part of the load-line displacement = n(i)−
Method—At a point corresponding to a(i), v(i), and P(i) on the (P(i)CLL(i)), and
specimen force versus load-line displacement record, calculate CLL(i) = experimental compliance, (Dv/DP)(i), correspond-
the J integral as follows: ing to the current crack size, ai.
~K~i!! 2 ~1 2 v2! For test methods that do not evaluate an experimental
J ~i! 5 E 1 Jpl~i! (A1.7) load-line elastic compliance, the load line displacement CLL(i)
where K(i) is from A1.4.1, and can be determined from the following equation:

Jpl~i! 5 J pl~i21! 1 b
hpl Apl~i! 2 A pl~i21!
a~i! 2 a~i21!
1 2 gpl b
C LL~i! 5 EB W 2 a
e i
D 2

F ai
SD ai
1.193 2 1.98 W 1 4.478 W SD 2
2 4.443 W
1 1.739 W

hpl = 1.9 and where:
gpl = 0.9; Be = B − (B − BN)2/B
In Eq A1.8, the quantity Apl(i) − Apl(i–1) is the increment of The compliance estimated using Eq A1.10 should be verified
plastic area under the force versus load-line displacement by calibrating against the initial experimental load versus load
record between lines of constant displacement at points i−1 and line displacement data to assure the integrity of the load line
i shown in Fig. A1.3. The quantity Jpl(i) represents the total displacement measurement system.
crack growth corrected plastic J at point i and is obtained in A1.4.2.3 J Calculations for the Resistance Curve Test
two steps by first incrementing the existing J pl(i-1) and then by Method—Crack Mouth Opening Displacement—At a point
modifying the total accumulated result to account for the crack corresponding to ai, n(i), and P(i) on the specimen force versus
growth increment. Accurate evaluation of Jpl(i) from the Eq crack mouth opening displacement record calculate the J
A1.8 relationship requires small and uniform crack growth
integral as follows:
increments consistent with the suggested elastic compliance
spacing of Annex A8 and Annex A10. The quantity Apl(i) can be ~K~i!!2 ~1 2 n2!
J ~i! 5 1 Jpl~i! (A1.11)
calculated from the following equation: E
Apl~i! 5 Apl~i21! 1 [P ~i! 1 P ~i21!# [vpl~i! 2 vpl~i21!#/2 (A1.9) where K(i) is from A1.4.1, and

FIG. A1.3 Definition of Plastic Area for Resistance Curve

J Calculation

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hpl~i! Apl~i! A1.4.5.1 Calculation of CTOD for the Basic Test Method—
Jpl 5 (A1.12)
BNbi For the basic test method, calculations of CTOD for any point
on the force-displacement curve are made from the following
where: expression:
Apl = area under load versus crack mouth opening dis-
placement record to n(i) as shown in Fig. A1.2, J
d 5 ms (A1.15)
hpl(i) = 3.667 − 2.199(ai /W) + 0.437(ai /W)2(11), and Y

bi = W − ai. where: J is defined in A1.4.2.1 with a = ao, the original crack

J integral values calculated according to Eq A1.11 and A1.12 size, and then crack growth corrected using Annex A16 and:
shall be corrected for crack growth using the procedure of
Annex A16.
m 5 A0 – A1* s
sYS 2
1 A2* s
– A3* s
S D S D 3
A1.4.3 Calculation of Crack Size—For a resistance curve
test method using an elastic compliance technique on single with :
edge bend specimens with crack opening displacements mea- A0 = 3.18-0.22 * (ao/W),
sured at the notched edge, the crack size is given as follows: A1 = 4.32-2.23 * (ao/W),
A2 = 4.44-2.29 * (ao/W), and
ai A3 = 2.05-1.06 * (ao/W).

2 3
W 5 [0.999748 2 3.9504u 1 2.9821u 2 3.21408u
Calculation of d requires sYS/sTS$ 0.5.
1 51.51564u 4 2 113.031u5# (A1.13) A1.4.5.2 Calculations of CTOD for the Resistance Curve
where: Test Method—For the resistance curve test method, calcula-
1 tions of CTOD for any point on the force-displacement curve
u 5 B WEC (A1.14)
G 1/2
are made from the following expression:
di 5 m s (A1.17)
i Y

Ci = (Dvm/DP) on an unloading/reloading sequence, where Ji is defined in A1.4.2.2 or A1.4.2.3 with a = ai, the
vm = crack opening displacement at notched edge, current crack size and:
Be = B − (B − BN)2/B.
NOTE A1.3—Crack size on a single edge bend specimen is normally
m 5 A0–A1* s
sYS 2
1 A2* s
–A3* s
S D S D 3

determined from crack opening compliance. It can be determined from with :

load-line compliance if the correct calibration is available. A0 = 3.18-0.22 * (ai/W),
A1.4.4 Other compliance equations are acceptable if the A1 = 4.32-2.23 * (ai/W),
resulting accuracy is equal to or greater than those described A2 = 4.44-2.29 * (ai/W), and
and the accuracy has been verified experimentally. A3 = 2.05-1.06 * (ai/W).
A1.4.5 Calculation of CTOD: Calculation of di requires sYS/sTS$ 0.5.


A2.1 Specimen A2.3.2 All specimens shall be precracked in fatigue at a

A2.1.1 The standard compact specimen, C(T), is a single force value based upon the force Pm as follows:
edge-notched and fatigue cracked plate loaded in tension. Two 0.4Bb2osY
specimen geometries which have been used successfully for J Pm 5 (A2.1)
~2W 1 ao!
testing are shown in Fig. A2.1.
A2.1.2 The compact specimen in Fig. A2.2 has generally See Section 7 for fatigue precracking requirements.
been used only for KIc testing; it has no provision for load-line
displacement measurement. Do not use this specimen for A2.4 Calculation
ductile fracture toughness measurement. Use it only when KIc A2.4.1 Calculation of K—For the compact specimen at a
behavior is expected. force P(i), calculate K as follows:
A2.1.3 Alternative specimens may have 2 # W/B # 4 but
with no change in other proportions. K ~i! 5
~ N !W 1/2 f WSD

A2.2 Apparatus with:

A2.2.1 For generally applicable specifications concerning
the loading clevis and displacement gage, see 6.5.2 and 6.2. SD
f W 5 (A2.3)

A2.3 Specimen Preparation FS ai

21W DS ai
0.886 1 4.64 W 2 13.32 W
SD 2
1 14.72 W
2 5.6 W

A2.3.1 For generally applicable specifications concerning

specimen size and preparation see Section 7. 12W
ai 3/2
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FIG. A2.1 Two Compact Specimen Designs That Have Been Used Successfully for Fracture Toughness Testing

A2.4.2 Calculation of J—For the compact specimen calcu- The load line compliance estimated using Eq A1.10 should
late J as follows: be verified by calibrating against the initial experimental
J 5 Jel 1 Jpl (A2.4) compliance to assure the integrity of the load line displacement
measurement system.
Jel = elastic component of J, and
Jpl = plastic component of J.

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NOTE 1—A surfaces shall be perpendicular and parallel as applicable to within 0.002 W TIR.
NOTE 2—The intersection of the crack starter notch tips with the two specimen surfaces shall be equally distant from the top and bottom edges of the
specimen within 0.005 W.
NOTE 3—Integral or attachable knife edges for clip gage attachment to the crack mouth may be used.
NOTE 4—For starter-notch and fatigue-crack configuration see Fig. 7.
FIG. A2.2 Compact Specimen for KIc Testing

A2.4.2.1 J Calculations for the Basic Test Method—For the where K(i) is from A2.4.1, and:
compact specimen at a point corresponding to n, P on the J pl~i! 5 (A2.8)
specimen force versus load-line displacement record calculate
as follows:
K2~1 2 n2!
h ~i21! Apl~i! 2 Apl~i21!
Jpl~i21! 1 b
~i21! BN GF 1 2 g~i21!
a~i! 2 a~i21!
b~i21! G
J5 1 Jpl (A2.5)
E where:

where: h(i−1) = 2.0 + 0.522 b(i−1)/W, and

K is from A2.4.1 with a = ao, and g(i−1) = 1.0 + 0.76 b(i−1)/W.
hA pl
In Eq A2.8, the quantity Apl(i)− Apl(i-1) is the increment of
Jpl 5 B b (A2.6) plastic area under the force versus plastic load-line displace-
N o
ment record between lines of constant displacement at points
where: i−1 and i shown in Fig. A1.3. The quantity Jpl(i) represents the
Apl = Area A as shown in Fig. A1.2, total crack growth corrected plastic J at point i and is obtained
BN = net specimen thickness (BN = B if no side grooves in two steps by first incrementing the existing Jpl(i−1) and then
are present), by modifying the total accumulated result to account for the
bo = uncracked ligament, (W − a o), and
h = 2 + 0.522bo/W. crack growth increment. Accurate evaluation of J pl(i) from the
All basic test method J integral values shall be corrected for above relationship requires small and uniform crack growth
crack growth using the procedure of Annex A16. increments consistent with the suggested elastic compliance
A2.4.2.2 J Calculation for the Resistance Curve Test spacing of Annex A8 and Annex A10. The quantity Apl(i) can be
Method—For the C(T)specimen at a point corresponding a (i), calculated from the following equation:
v(i), and P(i) on the specimen force versus load-line displace- @P~i! 1 P~i21!# [ vpl~i! 2 v pl~i21!#
ment record calculate as follows: Apl~i! 5 Apl~i21! 1 2 (A2.9)

~K~i!! 2 ~1 2 n2! where:

J ~i! 5 E 1 J pl~i! (A2.7)

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vpl(i) = plastic part of the load-line displacement, vi − (P

(i)CLL(i)), and
CLL(i) = experimental compliance, (Dv/DP)i correspond-
ing to the current crack size, ai.
For test methods that do not evaluate an experimental elastic
compliance, CLL(i) can be determined from the following
1 W 1 ai 2
CLL~i! 5 EB W 2 a
e i
ai ai 2
[2.1630 1 12.219 W 2 20.065 W S D SD SD
ai 3 ai 4
2 0.9925 W 1 20.609 W 2 9.9314 W #
ai 5
(A2.10) SD SD SD
~B 2 BN!2
Be 5 B 2 B (A2.11)

In an elastic compliance test, the rotation corrected compli-

ance, Cc(i), described in A2.4.4 shall be used instead of CLL (i)
in Eq A2.10.
A2.4.3 Calculation of Crack Size—For a single specimen
test method using an elastic compliance technique on the
compact specimen with crack opening displacements measured
on the load line, the crack size is given as follows:
ai/W 5 [1.000196 2 4.06319u 1 11.242u 2 2 106.043u3 1 464.335u 4
2 650.677u5# (A2.12)
u5 (A2.13)
@BeECc~i!#1/2 1 1

Cc(i) = specimen load-line crack opening elastic compli-

ance (Dv/D P) on an unloading/reloading sequence FIG. A2.3 Elastic Compliance Correction for Specimen Rotation
corrected for rotation (see A2.4.4),
Be = B − (B − BN)2/B. A2.4.5 Other compliance equations are acceptable if the
A2.4.4 To account for crack opening displacement in C(T) resulting accuracy is equal to or greater than those described
specimens, the crack size estimation shall be corrected for and the accuracy has been verified experimentally.
rotation. Compliance is corrected as follows: A2.4.6 Calculation of CTOD:
Ci A2.4.6.1 Calculation of CTOD for the Basic Test Method—
Cc~i! 5 H* (A2.14)
R sinui 2 cosui R sinu i 2 cosui G For the basic test method, calculations of CTOD for any point
on the force-displacement curve are made from the following
where (Fig. A2.3):
Ci = measured specimen elastic compliance (at the load- J
d 5 ms (A2.16)
line), Y
H* = initial half-span of the load points (center of the pin Where J is defined in A2.4.2.1 with a = ao, the original crack
holes), size and then crack growth corrected using Annex A16 and:
R = radius of rotation of the crack centerline, (W + a)/2,
where a is the updated crack size,
S DsYS 2 sYS
S D S D 3

m 5 A0–A1* s 1 A2* s –A3* s (A2.17)

D = one half of the initial distance between the displace-
ment measurement points, with: A0=3.62, A1= 4.21, A2=4.33, and A3=2.00. Calculation
u = angle of rotation of a rigid body element about the of d requires sYS/sTS$ 0.5.
unbroken midsection line, or A2.4.6.2 Calculation of CTOD for the Resistance Curve
Test Method—For the resistance curve test method, calcula-
tions of CTOD for any point on the force-displacement curve

u 5 sin 21
F S dm
2 1D D
~D 1 R 2!1/2
2 tan21 R , and (A2.15)
are made from the following expression:
di 5 ms

Where J is defined in A2.4.2.2 with a = ai, the current crack

dm = total measured load-line displacement.
size and,

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m 5 A0–A1* s
1 A2* s S D
sYS 2
–A3* s

with: A0=3.62, A1= 4.21, A2=4.33, and A3=2.00. Calculation

of di requires sYS/sTS$ 0.5.


A3.1 Specimen A3.4 Procedure

A3.1.1 The standard disk-shaped compact specimen, A3.4.1 Measurement— The analysis assumes the specimen
DC(T), is a single edge-notched and fatigue cracked plate was machined from a circular blank, and, therefore, measure-
loaded in tension. The specimen geometry which has been used ments of circularity as well as width, W; crack size, a; and
successfully is shown in Fig. A3.1. thicknesses, B and BN , shall be made. Measure the dimensions
A3.1.2 Alternative specimens may have 2 # W/B # 4 but BN and B to the nearest 0.05 mm (0.002 in.) or 0.5 %,
with no change in other proportions. whichever is larger.
A3.4.1.1 The specimen blank shall be checked for circular-
A3.2 Apparatus ity before specimen machining. Measure the diameter at eight
A3.2.1 For generally applicable specifications concerning equally spaced points around the circumference of the speci-
the loading clevis and displacement gage see 6.5.2 and 6.2. men blank. One of these measurements shall lie in the intended
notch plane. Average these readings to obtain the diameter, D.
A3.3 Specimen Preparation If any measurement differs from the average diameter, D, by
A3.3.1 For generally applicable specifications concerning more than 5 %, machine the blank to the required circularity.
specimen size and preparation, see Section 7. Otherwise, D = 1.35 W.
A3.3.2 All specimens shall be precracked in fatigue at a A3.4.1.2 Measure the width, W, and the crack size, a, from
force value based upon the force Pm as follows: the plane of the centerline of the loading holes (the notched
edge is a convenient reference line but the distance from the
Pm 5 (A3.1) centerline of the holes to the notched edge must be subtracted
~2W 1 ao!
to determine W and a). Measure the width, W, to the nearest
See section 7.4 for precracking requirements. 0.05 mm (0.002 in.) or 0.5 %, whichever is larger.

NOTE 1—All surfaces shall be perpendicular and parallel as applicable within 0.002 W TIR.
NOTE 2—The intersection of the crack starter notch tips on each surface of the specimen shall be equally distant within 0.005W from the centerline
of the loading holes.
NOTE 3—Integral or attached knife edges for clip gage attachment to the crack mouth may be used.
NOTE 4—For starter-notch and fatigue-crack configuration see Fig. 7.
NOTE 5—Required circularity measurements shall be made at eight equally spaced points around the circumference. One of these points shall be the
notch plane. Average the readings to obtain the radius. All values shall be within 5 % of the average.
FIG. A3.1 Disk-Shaped Compact Specimen, DC(T), Standard Proportions and Dimensions

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A3.5 Calculation and is obtained in two steps by first incrementing the existing
A3.5.1 Calculation of K—For the DC(T) specimen at a Jpl(i−1) and then by modifying the total accumulated result to
force P(i), calculate K as follows: account for the crack growth increment. Accurate evaluation of
Jpl(i) from the preceding relationship requires small and uni-
K ~i! 5 f~a i/W! (A3.2) form crack growth increments consistent with the suggested
elastic compliance spacing of Annex A8 and Annex A10. The
where: quantity Apl(i) can be calculated from the following equation:
f W 5 (A3.3)
Apl~i! 5 A pl~i21! 1
@P~i! 1 P ~i21!# [npl~i! 2 npl~i21!#
2 (A3.9)

FS ai
21W DS SD ai
ai ai
0.76 1 4.8 W 2 11.58 W 1 11.43 W
SD 3 ai
2 4.08 W S D DG
12WS D
ai 3/2 npl(i) = plastic part of the load-line displacement,
ni − (PiCLL(i)), and
CLL(i) = experimental compliance, (Dn/DP)i correspond-
A3.5.2 Calculation of J—For the DC(T) specimen, calcu-
ing to the current crack size, ai.
late J as follows:
For test methods that do not evaluate an experimental elastic
J 5 Jel 1 J pl (A3.4)
compliance, CLL(i) can be determined from the following
where: equation:
Jel = elastic component of J, and a~i! 2

1 2
Jpl = plastic component of J. 1 11 W
A3.5.2.1 J Calculation for the Basic Test Method—For the CLL~i! 5 EB a~i! 3 (A3.10)
DC(T) specimen at a point corresponding to n(i), P(i) on the 12 W
specimen force versus load-line displacement record calculate
as follows: F a~i!
S D a~i!
2.0462 1 9.6496 W 2 13.7346 W S D 2
1 6.1748 W

K2~1 2 n 2!
J5 E 1 Jpl (A3.5) where:
Be = B − (B − B N)2/B.
where K is from A3.5.1 with a = ao, and
The compliance estimated using Eq A1.10 should be verified
Jpl 5 B b (A3.6) by calibrating against the initial experimental compliance to
N o
assure the integrity of the load line displacement measurement
where: system.
Apl = Area A as shown in Fig. A1.2, In an elastic compliance test, the rotation corrected compli-
BN = net specimen thickness (BN = B if no side grooves ance, Cc(i), described in A3.5.4 shall be used instead of CLL(i)
are present), given above.
bo = uncracked ligament, (W − a o), and
h = 2 + 0.522bo/W. A3.5.3 Calculation of Crack Size—For a single-specimen
All basic test method J integral values shall be corrected for test method using an elastic compliance technique on DC(T)
crack growth using the procedure of Annex A16. specimens with crack opening displacements measured at the
A3.5.2.2 J Calculation for the Resistance Curve Test load-line, the crack size is given as follows:
Method—For the DC(T) specimen at a point corresponding to a~i! 2 3
ai, vi, and Pi on the specimen force versus load-line displace- W 5 0.998193 2 3.88087u 1 0.187106u 1 20.3714u
ment record, calculate as follows: 2 45.2125u 4 1 44.5270u5 (A3.11)
~K~i!!2 ~1 2 v2! where:
J ~i! 5 E 1 J pl~i! (A3.7)
where K(i) is from A3.5.1 and: u5 (A3.12)
@~BeECc~i!!1/2 1 1]
J pl~i! 5 (A3.8)
F Jpl~i21! 1 b
~i21! BN S D
h ~i21! Apl~i! 2 Apl~i21!
GF a ~i! 2 a~i21!
1 2 g~i21! b
G Cc (i) = specimen crack opening compliance (Dv/DP) on
an unloading/reloading sequence, corrected for
rotation (see A3.5.4),
Be = B − (B − BN) 2/B.
h(i−1) = 2.0 + 0.522 b (i−1)/W, and
g(i−1) = 1.0 + 0.76 b(i−1)/W. A3.5.4 To account for crack opening displacement in DC(T)
In the preceding equation, the quantity Apl(i) − Apl(i−1) is the specimens, the crack size estimation shall be corrected for
increment of plastic area under the force versus load-line rotation. Compliance shall be corrected as follows:
displacement record between lines of constant displacement at Ci
Cc~i! 5 H* (A3.13)
points i−1 and i shown in Fig. A1.3. The quantity Jpl(i)
represents the total crack growth corrected plastic J at Point i F D
R sinui 2 cosu i R sinui 2 cosui G

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where (Fig. A2.3): J

d 5 ms (A3.15)
Ci = measured specimen elastic compliance (at the load- Y

line), where J is defined in A3.5.2.1 with a = ao, the original crack

H* = initial half-span of the load points (center of the pin size and then crack growth corrected using Annex A16 and:
R = radius of rotation of the crack centerline, (W + a)/2,
where a is the updated crack size,
m 5 A0–A1* s
sYS 2
1 A2* s
–A3* s
S D S D 3

D = one half of the initial distance between the displace- with: A0=3.62, A1= 4.21, A=4.33, and A3=2.00. Calculation
ment measurement points, of d requires sYS/sTS$ 0.5.
u = angle of rotation of a rigid body element about the
unbroken midsection line, or A3.5.6.2 Calculation of CTOD for the Resistance Curve
Test Method—For the resistance curve test method, calcula-

u 5 sin 21
F S dm
2 1D
~D2 1 R2!1/2
2 tan21 R , and (A3.14)
tions of CTOD for any point on the force-displacement curve
are made from the following expression:
d 5 ms (A3.17)
dm = total measured load-line displacement.
where J is defined in A3.5.2.2 with a = ai, the current crack
A3.5.5 Other compliance equations are acceptable if the
resulting accuracy is equal to or greater than those described size and,
and the accuracy has been verified experimentally.
A3.5.6 Calculation of CTOD:
m 5 A0–A1* s
sYS 2
1 A2* s
–A3* s
S D S D 3

A3.5.6.1 Calculation of CTOD for the Basic Test Method—

For the basic test method calculations of CTOD for any point with: A0=3.62, A1= 4.21, A2=4.33, and A3=2.00. Calculation of d requires
sYS/sTS$ 0.5.
on the force-displacement curve are made from the following


A4.1 Assessment of Force/Clip Gage Displacement the significance of small pop-ins (see Fig. A4.1b and Fig.
Records—The applied force-displacement record obtained A4.1d). Referring to Fig. A4.1 and Fig. A4.2, measure the
from a fracture test on a notched specimen will usually be one values of Pc and nc or Pu and nu from the test record at points
of the four types shown in Fig. A4.1. corresponding to: (a) the earliest significant pop-in fracture,
A4.1.1 In the case of a smooth continuous record in which that is, for which F > 0.05 and (b) fracture, when pop-ins prior

the applied force rises with increasing displacement up to the to fracture may be ignored, that is, for which F < 0.05 as
onset of unstable brittle crack extension or pop-in, and where follows:
no significant slow stable crack growth has occurred (see 3.2
and Fig. A4.1a and Fig. A4.1b), the critical CTOD, dc shall be 1 n n
n 1 Pn 2 y n
F512P · n 1x D (A4.1)
determined from the force and plastic component of clip gage
displacement, np, corresponding to the points Pc and nc. If where:
F = factor representing the accumulated increase in com-
failure occurs close to the linear range, apply the procedure of
pliance and crack size due to all stable crack exten-
Annex A5 to test whether a valid KIc measurement can be
sions, or pop-ins, or both, prior to and including the nth
pop-in, and
A4.1.2 In the event that significant slow stable crack exten-
n = sequential number (see Fig. A4.2) of the last of the
sion precedes either unstable brittle crack extension or pop-in,
particular series of pop-ins being assessed.
or a maximum force plateau occurs, the force-displacement
curves will be of the types shown in Fig. A4.1c, Fig. A4.1d, NOTE A4.2—When only one pop-in occurs, n = 1. When multiple
respectively. These figures illustrate the values of P and n to be pop-ins occur it may be necessary to make successive assessments of F
used in the calculation of du. with n = 1, 2, 3, or more.
A4.1.3 If the pop-in is attributed to an arrested unstable
brittle crack extension in the plane of the fatigue precrack, the n1 = elastic displacement at pop-in No. 1 (see Fig. A4.2),
result must be considered as a characteristic of the material Pn = force at the nth pop-in, and
tested. nn = elastic displacement at the nth pop-in.
NOTE A4.1—Splits and delaminations can result in pop-ins with no NOTE A4.3—nn may be determined graphically or analytically (see Fig.
arrested brittle crack extension in the plane of the fatigue precrack. A4.2).
For this test method, pop-in crack extension in the plane of
the fatigue precrack can be assessed by a specific change in
yn = force drop at the nth pop-in, and
compliance. The following procedure may be used to assess

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xn = displacement increase at the nth pop-in sampled the weld or base metal region of interest (26).

NOTE A4.4—Although an individual pop-in may be ignored on the A4.1.4 The initial compliance C1 shall be determined by
basis of these criteria, this does not necessarily mean that the lower bound constructing the tangent OA to the initial portion of the
of fracture toughness has been measured. For instance, in an inhomoge- force-clip gage displacement curve as shown in Fig. A4.3. The
neous material such as a weld, a small pop-in may be recorded because of initial compliance C1 is the inverse of the slope of the tangent
fortuitous positioning of the fatigue precrack tip. Thus, a slightly different
line OA:
fatigue precrack position may give a larger pop-in, which could not be
ignored. In such circumstances the specimens should be sectioned after Dng
C1 5 DP (A4.2)
testing, and examined metallographically to ensure that the crack tips have

NOTE 1—Construction lines drawn parallel to the elastic loading slope to give np, the plastic component of total displacement, ng.
NOTE 2—In curves b and d, the behavior after pop-in is a function of machine/specimen compliance, instrument response, etc.
FIG. A4.1 Types of Force versus Clip Gage Displacement Records

NOTE 1—C1 is the initial compliance.

NOTE 2—The pop-ins have been exaggerated for clarity.
FIG. A4.2 Significance of Pop-In

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FIG. A4.3 Determination of Initial Compliance


A5.1 This annex describes the methods and calculations recommended.

required to determine the linear elastic, plane-strain fracture
toughness, KIc, and the associated requirements for qualifying A5.3 Calculation of Results—In order to determine KIc in
the data according to this test method. Data meeting all of the accordance with this test method, it is necessary first to
qualification requirements of 9.1 and those of this annex result calculate a conditional result, KQ, which involves a construc-
in a size-insensitive KIc value. tion on the test record, and then to determine whether this
result is consistent with size and yield strength requirements.
A5.2 Test Record—Conduct the test following the proce- The procedure is as follows:

dure in Section 8, recording a force versus crack mouth A5.3.1 Construct a secant line as shown on Fig. A5.1 with
opening displacement as shown in Fig. A5.1. Digital data is a slope (P/v)5 = 0.95(P/v)o where (P/v)o is the slope of the

FIG. A5.1 Principal Types of Force-Displacement Records

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tangent OA to the initial portion of the data record. This slope failed to yield a KIc value qualified according to this method. A
can be obtained from a slope calculation using digital data or test result that fails to meet the qualification requirements in
fit to an autographic record as desired. A5.4 generally corresponds to a specimen size that is to small
NOTE A5.1—Slight nonlinearity often occurs at the very beginning of a
for the 95 % secant method to correspond to the point on the
record and should be ignored. However, it is important to establish the force versus crack opening displacement record adequately
initial slope of the record with high precision and therefore it is advisable close to the onset of crack extension. In this instance a fracture
to minimize this nonlinearity by a preliminary loading and unloading with toughness measurement cannot be based on force and crack
the maximum force not producing a stress intensity level exceeding that size measurements alone. The unqualified KIc test specimen
used in the final stage of fatigue cracking. record can be evaluated by the methods of Annex A4-Annex
The force PQ is then defined as follows: if the force at every A7 and Annex A8-Annex A11 to determine whether other
point on the record that precedes P5 is lower than P5, then P5 measures of fracture toughness can be developed from this test.
is PQ (Fig. A5.1, Type I); if, however, there is a maximum force The normalization method of Annex A15 might also be useful
preceding P5 that exceeds it, then this maximum force is PQ to obtain other fracture toughness measures from this test.
(Fig. A5.1, Types II and III).
NOTE A5.2—For the Annex A1-Annex A3 specimens over the range A5.5 Significance of KIc—The property KIc determined by
0.45 # a/W # 0.55, the 95 % offset criterion corresponds to an increase this test method characterizes the resistance of a material to
in elastic compliance equivalent to that caused by a crack extension of fracture in a neutral environment in the presence of a sharp
approximately 2 % of the original remaining ligament, b o or the original crack under severe tensile constraint, such that the state of
crack size, a o. stress near the crack front approaches plane-strain, and the
A5.3.2 Calculate KQ using the appropriate expression from crack-tip plastic region is small compared to both the crack size
A12.1.1 with P = PQ. and thickness.
A5.4 Qualification of KQ as KIc: A5.5.1 Variation in the value of KIc can be expected within
A5.4.1 For KQ to be qualified as a KIc value according to the allowable range of specimen proportions, a/W and W/B. KIc
this method it must meet the qualification requirements of 9.1 may also be expected to rise with increasing ligament size.
and the following requirements: Notwithstanding these variations, however, KIc is believed to
A5.4.2 Calculate the ratio Pmax/PQ, where Pmax is the represent a lower limiting value of fracture toughness (for 2 %
maximum force the specimen was able to sustain (see Fig. apparent crack extension) in the environment and at the speed
A5.1). The ratio Pmax/PQ must be # 1.10 in order for KQ to be and temperature of the test.
equal to KIc. The use of side grooved specimens is recom- A5.5.2 Lower values of KIc can be obtained for materials
mended to keep Pmax/PQ # 1.10. that fail by cleavage fracture; for example, ferritic steels in the
A5.4.3 Calculate 2.5 (KQ/sYS)2 where sYS is the 0.2 % offset ductile-to-brittle transition region or below, where the crack
yield strength in tension (see Test Methods E 8). This quantity front length affects the measurement in a stochastic manner
must be less than the length of the initial uncracked ligament, independent of crack front constraint. The present test method
bo, in order for KQ to be equal to KIc. Otherwise, the test is not does not apply to such materials and the user is referred to Test
a qualified KIc test according to this standard. Method E 1921 and (25) for applicable guidance. Likewise,
A5.4.4 If the test result fails to meet the qualification KIc, as a measure of fracture toughness does not apply to high
requirements in 9.1 or in A5.4, or both, it will be necessary to toughness or high tearing resistance materials whose failure is
use a larger specimen to determine KIc. The dimensions of the accompanied by appreciable amounts of plasticity. Procedures
larger specimen can be estimated on the basis of KQ but for characterizing the fracture toughness of elastic-plastic
generally will be at least 1.5 times those of the specimen that materials are given in Annex A6-Annex A11.


A6.1 This annex describes the method for characterizing value may be obtained labeled Jc.
fracture toughness values based on J, Jc, or Ju, for a fracture
A6.2.1 J is calculated at the final point, instability, using the
instability and the associated requirements for qualifying the
J formulas for the basic method including the crack growth
data according to this test method. Data meeting all of the
correction in Annex A16. This point is labeled JQc, a provi-
qualification requirements of 9.1 and those of this annex result
sional Jc value.
in qualified values of Jc or Ju. Data meeting the size require-
ment result in a value of Jc that is insensitive to the in-plane A6.2.2 Qualification of JQc as Jc—JQc = Jc, a measure of
dimensions of the specimen. fracture toughness at instability without significant stable crack
extension that is independent of in-plane dimensions, provided
A6.2 Fracture Instability Before Stable Tearing—When the following two conditions are both met: (1) B, bo $ 100
fracture occurs before stable tearing a single-point toughness JQ/sY, and (2) crack extension Dap < 0.2 mm + JQ/MsY where

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M = 2, or an alternative value can be determined from the test A6.3.2 Qualification of JQu as Ju—JQu = Ju if crack exten-
data, see A9.8. Note that even if these conditions are met, Jc sion Dap $ 0.2 mm (0.008 in.) + JQ/Ms Y.
may be dependent on thickness (length of crack front).
A6.4 Significance of Jc and Ju—Values of JQc that meet the
size criteria are labeled Jc and are considered to be insensitive
A6.3 Fracture Instability After Stable Tearing—When
to the in-plane dimensions of the specimen. For ferritic steel
fracture occurs after stable tearing crack extension Dap >0.2
specimens that have failed unstably by cleavage in the ductile
mm (0.008 in.) + JQc/MsY, a single-point fracture toughness
to brittle transition, the analysis procedure of Test Method
value may be obtained, labeled JQu. In addition, part of an
E 1921 is recommended. Values of JQc that do not meet
R-curve may be developed or the final point may be used in the
validity remain JQc and may be size-dependent. Ju is not
evaluation of an initiation toughness value JIc (these are
considered to be a size-insensitive property and therefore is not
described in Annex A8-Annex A11).
subject to a size criterion. It is a characteristic of the material
A6.3.1 J is calculated at the final point where instability and specimen geometry and size. It signifies that at the test
occurs using the J formulas for the basic method including the temperature the material is not completely ductile and can
crack growth correction of Annex A16. This point is a Ju value. sustain only limited R-curve behavior.


A7.1 This annex describes the method for characterizing A7.3 Fracture Instability After Stable Tearing—When
fracture toughness values based on d, dc, or du for a fracture fracture occurs after stable tearing, crack extension D ap $ 0.2
instability and the associated requirements for qualifying the mm (0.008 in.) + dQc/Md, where Md = 1.4 or an alternative
data according to this test method. Data meeting all of the value determined from the test data, see A11.3, a single-point
qualification requirements of 9.1 and those in this annex result fracture toughness value may be obtained, labeled du. In
in qualified values of dc or du. Data meeting the size require- addition, part of an R curve may be developed or the final point
ment result in a value of dc* that is insensitive to in-plane may be used in the evaluation of an initiation toughness value
dimensions of the specimen. (these are described in Annex A8-Annex A11).
A7.3.1 d is calculated at the final point where instability
A7.2 Fracture Instability Before Stable Tearing—When occurs, using the d formulas for the basic method. This point is
fracture occurs before stable tearing a single-point toughness labeled dQu, a provisional du value.
value may be obtained labeled dc, the force Pc and the clip gage A7.3.2 Qualification of dQu as du—dQu = du, if crack exten-
displacement yc, for dc are indicated in Fig. 1. sion, Dap > 0.2 mm (0.008 in.) + dQu/Md where Md = 1.4 or an
alternative value can be determined from the test data, see
A7.2.1 d is calculated at the final point, instability, using the A11.3.
d formulas from Annex A1-Annex A3. This point is labeled d A7.3.3 Significance of dc and du—Values of dQc that meet
Qc, a provisional dc value.
the qualification requirements are labeled dc* and are consid-
A7.2.2 Qualification of dQc as dc*—A fracture toughness ered to be insensitive to the in-plane dimensions of the
value that is insensitive to the in-plane dimensions of the specimen. Values of dQc that do not meet the size requirement
specimen, if the following two conditions are met: (1) dQc = are labeled dc and may be size-dependent. du is not considered
dc* if B, bo $ 300 dQc, and (2) crack extension Dap < 0.2 mm to be a size-insensitive property and, therefore, is not subject to
(0.008 in.) + dQc/Md where Md = 1.4 or an alternative value a size criterion. It is a characteristic of the material and
determined from the test data, see A11.3. Data that fail to meet specimen geometry and size. It signifies that at the test
the size criterion based on B or bo, but still meet the restriction temperature the material is not completely ductile and can
on crack extension, are labeled dc. sustain only limited R-curve behavior.


NOTE A8.1—Annex A8-Annex A11 cover methods for evaluating A8.2.1 J can be calculated at any point on the force versus
toughness for stable tearing. load-line displacement record using the equations suggested in
the calculation section of Annex A1-Annex A3 for the different
A8.1 This method describes a single-specimen technique
for determining the J-R curve of metallic materials. The J-R specimen geometries.
curve consists of a plot of J versus crack extension in the A8.2.2 If the basic method is used, J values must be crack
region of J controlled growth. The J-R curve is qualified growth corrected using the procedure of Annex A16. In this
provided that the criteria of 9.1 and A8.3 are satisfied. case crack size values are obtained from direct optical mea-
surements from the specimen fracture surfaces using the
A8.2 J Calculation: procedure of 8.5.

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A8.2.3 If a resistance curve method is used, the values of Jmax 5 bosY / 10, or
crack size are calculated using the compliance equations Jmax 5 BsY / 10.
described in Annex A1-Annex A3 (or an alternative method for
measuring crack size). The rotation correction shall be applied A8.3.2 The maximum crack extension capacity for a speci-
to account for geometry changes due to deformation for the men is given by the following:
compact, C(T) and disk-shaped compact DC(T) specimens. Da max 5 0.25 bo
A8.2.4 If an elastic compliance method is used, the unload/
reload sequences should be spaced with the displacement
interval not to exceed 0.01W, the average being about 0.005W. A8.4 Constructing the J-R Curve:
If an initiation value of toughness is being evaluated more
A8.4.1 The J-integral values and the corresponding crack
unload/reload sequences may be necessary in the early region
of the J-R curve. extension values must be plotted as shown in Fig. A8.1. If an
elastic compliance method is used, shift the J-R curve accord-
A8.3 Measurement Capacity of Specimen: ing to the procedure described in A9.3. The J-R curve is
A8.3.1 The maximum J-integral capacity for a specimen is defined as the data in a region bounded by the coordinate axes
given by the smaller of the following: and the Jmax and Damax limits given in A8.3.1 and A8.3.2.

FIG. A8.1 Typical J-R Curve


A9.1 Significance—The property JIc determined by this Annex A8. JIc is qualified provided that the criteria of 9.1 and
method characterizes the toughness of a material near the onset A9.8 and A9.9 are satisfied.
of crack extension from a preexisting fatigue crack. The JIc
value marks the beginning stage of material crack growth A9.2 J Calculation—Calculations of the J integral are
resistance development, the full extent of which is covered in made using the equations in Annex A1-Annex A3.

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A9.3 Corrections and Adjustments to Data: A9.3.4 and the equations of the applicable Annex A1, Annex
A9.3.1 If the basic method is used, calculate crack growth A2, or Annex A3.
corrected J values using the procedure of Annex A16.
A9.6 Calculation of an Interim JQ:
A9.3.2 If an elastic compliance method is used, a correction
is applied to the estimated Dai data values to obtain an A9.6.1 Basic Procedure—For each specimen, calculate Da
improved aoq. This correction is intended to obtain the best as follows:
value of aoq, based on the initial set of crack size estimates, ai, Da 5 ap 2 ao (A9.2)
data. For data generated using the basic procedure of 8.4, no Resistance Curve Procedure—For each ai value, calculate a
adjustments to the crack size and crack extension data are corresponding Dai as follows:
necessary. To evaluate JIc using data from the basic procedure,
Dai 5 ai 2 a0q (A9.3)
proceed to A9.6.
A9.3.3 A modified construction line slope, M, can be Plot J versus Da as shown in Fig. A9.1. Determine a
calculated from a fit to the initial Ji and ai data, and used for the construction line in accordance with the following equation:
calculation of JIc. J 5 MsYDa (A9.4)
A9.3.4 Adjustment of aoq—The value of JQ is very depen- where M = 2 or M can be determined from the test data. In
dent on the aoq used to calculate the Dai quantities. The value some cases the initial slope of the J-R curve is steeper than 2sY,
obtained for aoq in A9.3.4.1 might not be the correct value and for example with austenitic stainless steels. For these materials,
the following adjustment procedure is required. it is recommended that a JQ value be determined using M = 2
A9.3.4.1 Identify all Ji and ai pairs that were determined such that an experimental M can then be evaluated and verified
before the specimen reached the maximum force for the test. according to A9.7. An improved JQ can then be evaluated.
Use this data set of points to calculate a revised aoq from the Under no circumstances can a value of M less than 2 be used
following equation: for JQ evaluation.
J A9.6.2 Plot the construction line, then draw an exclusion
a 5 a oq 1 2s 1 BJ2 1 CJ3 (A9.1)
Y line parallel to the construction line intersecting the abscissa at
The coefficients of this equation shall be found using a least 0.15 mm (0.006 in.). Draw a second exclusion line parallel to
squares fit procedure, see Appendix X1. the construction line intersecting the abscissa at 1.5 mm (0.06
A9.3.4.2 If the number of points used in A9.3.4.1 to in.). Plot all J − Da data points that fall inside the area enclosed
determine aoq is less than 8 or of these 8 there are less than 3 by these two parallel lines and capped by Jlimit = bosY / 7.5.
between 0.4 JQ and JQ or the correlation coefficient of this fit A9.6.3 Plot a line parallel to the construction and exclusion
is less than 0.96, the data set is not adequate to evaluate any lines at an offset value of 0.2 mm (0.008 in.).
toughness measures in accordance with this test method. A9.6.4 At least one J–Da point shall lie between the
0.15-mm (0.006-in.) exclusion line and a parallel line with an
A9.4 If the optically measured crack size, ao, differs from offset of 0.5 mm (0.02 in.) from the construction line as shown
aoq by more than 0.01W, the data set is not adequate according in Fig. A9.2. At least one J−Da point shall lie between this
to this test method. 0.5-mm offset line and the 1.5-mm (0.06-in.) exclusion line.
Acceptable data are shown in Fig. A9.2. The other J−Da pairs
A9.5 Evaluate the final Ji values using the adjusted aoq of can be anywhere inside the exclusion zone.

FIG. A9.1 Definition of Construction Lines for Data Qualification


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Dalimit, respectively. Eliminate all data points that do not fall
between Damin and Dalimit as shown in Fig. A9.1. Also elimi-
nate all data points which lie above the limiting J capacity
where Jlimit = bosY / 7.5. The region of qualified data is shown
in Fig. A9.2.
A9.6.6.6 At least five data points must remain between
Damin and Dalimit and Jlimit. Data point spacing must meet the
requirements of A9.6.4. If these data points are different from
those used in A9.6.6 to evaluate JQ, obtain a new value of JQ
based only on qualified data.
A9.7 An alternative construction line slope, M, can be
calculated by fitting the least squares linear regression line to
the initial J-R curve data for data in the region 0.2 JQ# Ji #
0.6JQ as evaluated with M = 2. A minimum of 6 data points are
required in the evaluation region to allow an experimental
value of M. Only values of M $2 are allowed by this method.
A revised JQ can now be evaluated using this M by returning to
FIG. A9.2 Definition of Regions for Data Qualification

A9.6.5 Using the method of least squares, determine a linear A9.8 Qualification of Data—The data shall satisfy the
regression line of the following form: requirements of 9.1 and all of the following requirements to be
qualified according to this test method. If the data do not pass
lnJ 5 lnC1 1 C 2 ln S D Da
k (A9.5) these requirements no fracture toughness values can be deter-
mined according to this test method.
where k = 1.0 mm or 0.0394 in. Use only the data which
A9.8.1 The power coefficient C 2 of A9.6.5 shall be less than

conform to the requirements stated in the previous sections.
Draw the regression line as illustrated in Fig. A9.1. 1.0.
A9.6.6 The intersection of the regression line of A9.6.5 with A9.8.2 For the Resistance Curve Procedure the following
the 0.2-mm offset line defines JQ and DaQ. To determine this additional requirements must be satisfied:
intersection the following procedure is recommended. A9.8.2.1 If an elastic compliance method is used, aoq shall
A9.6.6.1 As a starting point estimate an interim JQ(1) = JQ(i) not differ from ao by more than the larger of 0.01W or 0.5 mm.
value from the data plot of Fig. A9.1. A9.8.2.2 The number of data available to calculate aoq shall
A9.6.6.2 Evaluate Da(i) from the following: be $8; the number of data between 0.4JQ and JQ shall be $ 3;
and the correlation coefficient of the least squares fit of
JQ~i! A9.3.4.1 shall be greater than 0.96.
Da ~i! 5 Ms 1 0.2 mm ~0.008 in.! (A9.6)
Y A9.8.2.3 If an experimental value of M is determined, at
A9.6.6.3 Evaluate an interim JQ(i+1) from the following least 6 data points are required in the region 0.2JQ #Ji# 0.6JQ.
power law relationship: Only M $ 2.0 can be used in the method.

JQ~i 1 1! 5 C1 S D
(A9.7) A9.9 Qualification of JQ as JIc—JQ = JIc , a size-
independent value of fracture toughness, if:
where k = 1.0 mm or 0.0394 in. A9.9.1 Thickness B > 10 JQ / sY,
A9.6.6.4 Increment i and return to A9.6.6.2 and A9.6.6.3 to A9.9.2 Initial ligament, bo > 10 JQ / sY,
get Da(i) and interim JQ(i+1) until the interim JQ values A9.9.3 Regression Line Slope—The slope of the power law
converge to within 62 %. regression line, dJ/da, evaluated at DaQ is less than sY.
A9.6.6.5 Project the intercepts of the power law curve with
the 0.15-mm (0.006-in.) and the 1.5-mm (0.06-in.) exclusion A9.10 Evaluation of KJIc—Calculate KJIc = =(E8JIc) using
lines vertically down to the abscissa. This indicates Damin and E8 = E/(1−n2) and the qualified JIc of A9.9.


A10.1 This annex describes a single-specimen technique and A10.3 are satisfied.
for determining the d-R curve of metallic materials. The d-R
curve consists of a plot of d versus crack extension. To measure A10.2 d Calculation:
the d-R curve the resistance curve procedure of 8.6 must be A10.2.1 The d calculation can be evaluated at any point
used. The d-R curve is qualified provided that the criteria of 9.1 along the force versus load-line displacement record using the

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equations suggested in the calculation section of Annex A1- A10.4.1 The d values and the corresponding crack exten-
Annex A3 for the different specimen geometries. sion values must be plotted as shown in Fig. A10.1. A d-R
A10.2.2 The values of crack size are calculated using the curve is established by smoothly fitting the data points in the
compliance equations described in Annex A1-Annex A3. The region bounded by the coordinate axes and the dmax and Damax
rotation correction shall be applied to account for geometry limits.
changes due to deformation for the compact, C(T) and disk-
shaped compact DC(T) specimens.
A10.2.3 The unload/reload sequences should be spaced
with the displacement interval less than 0.01 W, the average
being about 0.005 W. If an initiation value of toughness is
being evaluated more unload/reload sequences may be neces-
sary in the early region of the d-R Curve.

A10.3 Measurement Capacity of a Specimen:

A10.3.1 The maximum d capacity for a specimen is given as
d max 5 bo / 10m

Where m is defined in Annex A1 through Annex A3 for the

different specimen geometries.
A10.3.2 The maximum crack extension capacity for a
specimen is given as follows:
Damax 5 0.25 bo.
FIG. A10.1 Typical d-R Curve

A10.4 Constructing the d-R Curve:


A11.1 Significance—The value of CTOD, dIc, determined d

a 5 aoq 1 1.4 1 Bd2 1 Cd 3 (A11.1)
by this method characterizes the fracture toughness of materi-
als near the onset of stable crack extension from a preexisting The coefficients of this equation shall be found using a least
fatigue crack. dIc is qualified provided that the criteria of 9.1 squares fit procedure, see Appendix X1.
and A11.8 and A11.9 are satisfied. A11.3.3.2 If the number of points used in A11.3.3.1 to
calculate aoq is less than 8, or of these 8 there are less than 3
A11.2 d Calculation—Calculations of d are made using the
between 0.4dQ and dQ, or the correlation coefficient of this fit
equations in Annex A1-Annex A3.
is < 0.96, the data set is not adequate to evaluate any toughness
A11.3 Corrections and Adjustments to Data: measures in accordance with this method.
A11.3.1 A correction is applied to the estimated ai data A11.4 If the optically measured crack size, ao, differs from
values to obtain an improved aoq. This correction is intended to aoq by more than 0.01 W, the data set is not adequate in
obtain the best value of aoq, based on the initial set of crack size accordance with this method.
estimates, ai, data. For data generated using the basic proce-
dure of 8.4, no adjustments to the data are necessary. To A11.5 Evaluate the final di values using the adjusted aoq of
evaluate dIc using data from the basic procedure, proceed to A11.3.3.1 and the equations of the applicable Annex A1,
A11.7. Annex A2, or Annex A3.

A11.3.2 A modified construction line slope, Md, can be

calculated from a fit to the initial di and ai data, and used for the A11.6 Calculation of an Interim dQ:
calculation of dIc. A11.6.1 Basic Procedure—for each specimen, calculate Da
A11.3.3 Adjustment of aoq—The value of dQ is very depen- as follows:
dent on the aoq used to calculate the Dai quantities. The value Da 5 ap 2 ao (A11.2)
obtained for aoq in might not be the correct value, and Resistance Curve Procedure—for each ai value, calculate a
the following adjustment procedure is required. corresponding Dai as follows:
A11.3.3.1 Identify all di and ai pairs that were determined
before the specimen reached the maximum force for the test. Dai 5 ai 2 a0q (A11.3)
Use this data set of points to calculate a revised aoq from the Plot d versus Da as shown in Fig. A11.1. Draw a construction
following equation: line in accordance with the following equation:

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FIG. A11.1 Definition of Construction Lines for Data Qualification

d 5 Md Da (A11.4)

where Md = 1.4 or Md can be determined from the test data.

In some cases the initial slope of the d-R curve is steeper than
1.4. For these materials it is recommended that a dQ value be
determined using M d = 1.4 such that an experimental Md can
then be evaluated and verified according to A11.7. An im-
proved dQ can then be evaluated. Under no circumstances can
a value of Md less than 1.4 be used for dQ evaluation.
A11.6.2 Plot the construction line on suitable graph paper.
Draw an exclusion line parallel to the construction line
intersecting the abscissa at 0.15 mm (0.006 in.) as shown in
Fig. A11.1. Draw a second exclusion line intersecting the
abscissa at 1.5-mm (0.06-in.). Plot all d-Dap data points that
fall inside the area enclosed by these two parallel lines and
capped by dlimit = bo / 7.5m where, m is defined in Annex A1
through Annex A3 for the different specimen geometries.
FIG. A11.2 Definition of Regions for Data Qualification
A11.6.3 One d-Dap point must lie between the 0.15-mm
(0.006-in.) exclusion line and a parallel line with an offset of
0.5 mm (0.02 in.) from the construction line. One d-Dap point where k = 1 mm (or 0.0394 in.) depending upon units used.
must lie between a line parallel to the construction line at an This power law can be determined by using a method of least
offset of 0.5 mm (0.020 in.) and the 1.5-mm exclusion line. squares to determine a linear regression line of the following
Acceptable data is shown in Fig. A11.2 with one point in Zone form:
A and one point in Zone B. The other d-Dap pairs can be placed
anywhere inside the exclusion zone. lnd 5 lnC1 1 C 2 ln S D
k (A11.6)
A11.6.4 Plot a line parallel to the construction line and Use only the data that conform to the criteria stated in the
exclusion lines at an offset value of 0.2 mm (0.008 in.). previous sections. Plot the regression line as illustrated in Fig.
A11.6.5 To establish a crack initiation measurement point A11.1.
under dominant slow-stable crack growth, a power law curve A11.6.6 The intersection of the regression line of A11.6.4
fitting procedure shall be used. This has the following form: with the offset line of A11.6.5 defines dQ and DaQ. To
dQ 5 C 1 S D
determine this intersection the following procedure is recom-

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A11.6.6.1 Estimate a dQ(1) value from the data plot of Fig. value of Md. Only values of Md $ 1.4 are allowed by this
A11.1. method. A revised dQ can now be evaluated using this Md by
A11.6.6.2 Evaluate Dap(1) from the following: returning to A11.6.1-A11.6.6.
Da p~1! 5 M 1 0.2 mm ~0.008 in.! (A11.7) A11.8 Qualification of Data—The data shall satisfy the
d requirements of 9.1 and all of the following requirements to be
A11.6.6.3 Evaluate qualified according to this method. If the data do not pass these

dQ~1! 5 C1 S D
requirements, no fracture toughness values can be determined
according to this method.
A11.6.6.4 Return to A11.6.6.2 and A11.6.6.3 to get Da(i) and A11.8.1 The power coefficient C2 of A11.6.5 shall be less
dQ(i + 1) until the dQ values converge to within 2 %. than 1.0.
A11.6.6.5 Project the intercepts of the power law curve with A11.8.2 For the Resistance Curve Procedure the following
the 0.15-mm (0.006-in.) and the 1.5-mm (0.06-in.) exclusion additional requirements must be satisfied:
lines vertically down to the abscissa. This indicates Damin and A11.8.2.1 aoq shall not differ from ao by more than the
Dalimit, respectively. Eliminate all data points that do not fall greater of 0.01W or 0.5 mm.
between Damin and Dalimit as shown in Fig. A11.1. Also A11.8.2.2 The number of data available to calculate aoq
eliminate all data points which lie above the limiting d capacity shall be $ 8; the number of data between 0.4dQ and dQ shall
where dlimit = bo / 7.5m. Where, m is defined in Annex A1 be $ 3; and the correlation coefficient of the least squares fit of
through Annex A3 for the different specimen geometries. A11.6.5 shall be greater than 0.96.
A11.6.6.6 At least five data points must remain between A11.8.2.3 If an experimental value of Md is determined, at
Damin and Dalimit and dlimit. Data point spacing must meet the least 6 data points are required in the region 0.2dQ # di #
requirements of A11.6.3. If these data points are different from 0.6dQ. Only Md # 1.4 can be used by this method.
those used in A11.6.6 to evaluate dQ, obtain a new value of dQ
A11.9 Qualification of dQ as dIc:
based only on qualified data.
d Q = dIc, a size-independent value of fracture toughness, if:
A11.7 An alternative construction line slope, Md, can be A11.9.1 The initial ligament, bo $ 10mdQ.
calculated by fitting the least squares linear regression line to Where m is defined in Annex A1 through Annex A3 for the
the initial J-R curve data for data in the region 0.2dQ # di # different specimen geometries.
0.6dQ as evaluated with Md = 1.4. A minimum of 6 data points A11.9.2 The slope of the power law regression line, dd/da,
are required in the evaluation region to allow an experimental evaluated at DaQ must be less than 1.


NOTE A12.1—Annex A12 and Annex A13 cover miscellaneous infor- A12.2 Compliance from Crack Size:

A12.2.1 Compliance, C , of a specimen is expressed as a

A12.1 Stress-Intensity Factor: function of crack size as follows:
A12.1.1 The elastic stress intensity factor for a specimen is v
expressed as follows: C5P5 (A12.2)
K5 (A12.1) Y2 2 3 4 5
~ NW!1/2
BB BeE8 [A0 1 A 1~a/W! 1 A2~a/W! 1 A 3~a/W! 1 A4~a/W! 1 A 5~a/W! #
A12.2.2 Be = B − (B − BN) 2/B and E8 = E/(1 − v 2) for all
a j a a
f W 5 z [C0 1 C1 W 1 C 2 W SD SD 2
1 C3 W
1 C4 SD
# cases and the other parameters for compliance are listed in
Table A12.2.
A12.1.2 The parameters for f(a/W) are listed in Table A12.1.

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TABLE A12.1 Parameters for Stress-Intensity Factors
SE(B) C(T) DC(T)
j 3(S/W) (a/W)1/2 2 + a/W 2 + a/W
z 2(1 + 2a/W) (1 − a/W)3/2 (1 − a/W)3/2 (1 − a/W)3/2
C0 1.99 0.886 0.76
C1 −2.15 4.64 4.8
C2 6.08 −13.32 −11.58
C3 −6.63 14.72 11.43
C4 2.7 −5.6 −4.08
Limits 0 # a/W # 1 0.2 # a/W# 1 0.2 # a/W # 1
S/W = 4 H/W = 0.6 D/W = 1.35
Refs (10) (10), (11) (12)

TABLE A12.2 Parameters for Compliance Expressions

Specimen SE(B) C(T) DC(T)
Location vLL vLL vLL
Y ⁄
S (W − a) ⁄
(W + a) (W − a) ⁄
(W + a) (W − a)

A0 1.193 2.163 2.0462

A1 −1.980 12.219 9.6496
A2 4.478 −20.065 −13.7346
A3 −4.433 −0.9925 6.1748
A4 1.739 20.609 0
A5 0 −9.9314 0
Limits 0 # a/W # 1 0.2 # a/W# 0.2 # a/W #
0.975 0.8
Refs (13) (14) (15)


A13.1 This annex describes the determination of plane- conventional (static) KIc properties applies also to the case of
strain fracture toughness (KIc) properties of metallic materials rapid loading. The plane-strain fracture toughness of certain
under conditions where the loading rates exceed those for materials is sensitive to the loading rate and substantial
conventional (static) testing [2.5 ksi·in.1/2/s (2.75 MPa·m1/2/s)]. decreases in toughness may be noted as the loading rate
increases. Generally, such materials also show a pronounced
A13.2 Summary of Requirements—Special requirements dependence of KIc on test temperature. For example, the
are necessary for plane-strain fracture toughness testing at loading rate sensitivity of structural grade steels has required
loading rates exceeding those of conventional (static) plane- the development of a lower bound KIR curve, given in
strain fracture toughness testing. This description of these Appendix G of Division III of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
requirements does not include impact or quasi-impact testing Vessel Code,5 for the fracture-safe design of heavy-wall
(free-falling or swinging masses). Conventional fracture tough- nuclear pressure vessels. Additionally, KIc values for steels
ness test specimens are prepared as described in this method, tested at various temperatures and loading rates are required for
tested under rapid-load conditions, and a fracture toughness correlation with small-scale production control tests (such as
value is calculated. Load-deflection, load-time, and deflection- the Charpy V-notch test) for setting material specifications and
time curves are recorded for each test. The load-deflection fracture-safe design procedures.
curves resulting from these tests are analyzed to ensure that the
initial linear portion of the force-displacement record is suffi- A13.4 Apparatus:
ciently well-defined that PQ can be determined unambiguously. A13.4.1 Loading—Generally, hydraulic machines with
In addition, a test time (t), restricted to not less than one rapid-acting servo controlled valves are used. Depending on
millisecond is determined. This test time and an optionally the compliance of the loading system and the pump capacity,
calculated average stress intensity factor rate, dK/dt, character- an accumulator may be required.
ize the rapid load test. The yield strength of the material must A13.4.2 Fixtures—The fixtures used for static plane-strain
be determined or estimated for the loading time of the fracture fracture toughness tests are generally suitable for rapid-load
test and is used in the analysis of the fracture test data. All of tests. However, consideration should be given to the possibility
the criteria for static KIc determination apply to the rapid-load that the toughness of the fixture material may be reduced by
plane-strain fracture toughness test. The toughness property is rapid loading.
denoted by KIc( ) where the time to reach the force correspond-
ing to KQ in milliseconds is indicated in the parentheses ( ). 5
Available from American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), ASME
International Headquarters, Three Park Ave., New York, NY 10016-5990, http://
A13.3 Significance and Use—The significance of the


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A13.4.3 Force and Displacement Transducers—The trans- record analysis procedure described in A13.6 may be helpful in
ducers used for static plane-strain fracture toughness tests are assessing the magnitude of such effects.
generally suitable for rapid-load tests. However, these trans- NOTE A13.2—It should be recognized that some materials may exhibit
ducers must have response characteristics that will ensure that a burst of crack extension at forces less than PQ that is sufficiently abrupt
inertial effects will not influence the force and displacement to produce ringing in the displacement transducer signal. Such an abrupt
signals. advance of the crack may be associated with material inhomogeneities
local to the fatigue crack tip. If the ringing is severe it may not be possible
NOTE A13.1—While not required, the resonant frequencies of these

to unambiguously determine a value for PQ. The presence of such bursts
transducers may be determined by suitably exciting them and observing of crack extension should be recorded for those tests having analyzable
the wave characteristic on an oscilloscope. If ringing (high-frequency force versus displacement records.
oscillation) is observed within the time period required to reach the PQ
NOTE A13.3—The test data may be directly recorded if the recording
force, the stiffness of the transducers should be increased or their mass
devices have sufficient frequency response. Generally, it is advantageous
reduced. Force cells are quite stiff and should provide no problem at the
to use a storage device that will capture the data and permit playing it out
minimum loading time of 1 ms. The displacement transducer might be
at a sufficiently slow speed that a pen recorder can be used in producing
cause for concern depending on its design. The cantilever beam displace-
the required records. Such storage devices are commonly available in the
ment gage described in Section 6 has been used successfully at loading
form of digital storage oscilloscopes having pen recorder outputs. Sepa-
times slightly lower than 1 ms. The resonant frequency of this gage when
rate storage instruments are also available. In general these digital storage
mounted in a specimen in a conventional manner and excited by tapping
devices have performance characteristics that are more than adequate to
is about 3300 Hz. The free-arm resonant frequency is about 750 Hz. Other
capture, store, and replay the transducer signals from a 1-ms test. For
gages of the same type but having different dimensions should operate
example, calculations show that for a typical fracture test, the crack-mouth
satisfactorily if their free-arm resonance is at least 750 Hz. The following
displacement resolution would be about 0.76 mm/sample (0.030 mil/
equation may be used to estimate the free-arm resonant frequency of such
sample) and the force resolution would be about 712 N/sample (160
a gage:
lbf/sample). It should be possible to obtain at least 1000 simultaneous

f 5 RC F G B2Eg
samples of force and displacement during such a test. A digital storage
scope capable of at least this performance would have the following
characteristics: maximum digitizing rate of 1 MHz, maximum sensitivity
of 6100 mV, resolution of 0.025 %, and memory of 4096 words by 12
where: bits. It may be necessary to amplify the output of the clip gage moderately
RC = 51.7, and possibly that of the force cell depending on its capacity in terms of the
f = resonant frequency, Hz, range required. These values of resolution are based on a total noise figure
B = arm thickness, m, of about 50 mV.
E = elastic modulus of the arms, MPa,
g = gravitational acceleration, 9.804 m/s2, A13.6 Calculation and Interpretation of Results:
r = density of the arm material, kg/m3, and A13.6.1 Special requirements are placed on the analysis of
l = length of the uniform thickness section of the arms,
the force versus displacement record. These take into account
the fact that experience (18) has shown force versus displace-
The coefficient RC becomes 0.162 if inch-pound units are ment records from rapid-load fracture toughness tests are not
used where B is in inches, E is in pound-force per square inch, always as smooth in the linear range as those obtained from
g is 386 in./s2, r is pounds per cubic inch, and l is in inches. static tests. The special requirements of this annex are designed
A13.4.4 Signal Conditioners—Amplification or filtering of to ensure that an unambiguous value of PQ can be determined.
the transducer signals may be necessary. Such signal condi- The test time must be determined from the force versus time
tioning units should have a frequency response from dc to at record.
least 20/t (kilohertz) where t is the test time in milliseconds as A13.6.2 The additional analysis of the force versus dis-
defined in A13.6.3. As described in A13.4.3, conventional placement record is illustrated in Fig. A13.1. The procedure is
mechanical recording devices may not have sufficient fre- as follows: Construct the straight line OA best representing the
quency response to permit direct plotting of the force versus initial portion of the test record that ideally should be linear but
time and the displacement versus time signals. may not be smooth. Then construct the line OP5 as described
in Annex A5 and determine PQ. Draw a vertical line at vp
A13.5 Procedure: passing through PQ and define Pv at the point of intersection of
A13.5.1 Loading Rate—The rate of loading is optional with this line with the line OA. Determine 5 % of Pv and construct
the investigator, but the time to reach the force corresponding two lines BC and DE parallel to OA with BC passing through
to KQ shall not be less than 1 ms. Use a preload to eliminate Pv + 0.05 P v and DE passing through PQ (Pv − 0.05 Pv). Draw
ringing in the force or displacement transducers associated a horizontal line at P = 0.5 PQ. For the test to be valid that
with clearances in the load train being suddenly taken up by the recorded force versus displacement curve up to PQ must lie
start of rapid loading. within the envelope described by these parallel lines for the
A13.5.2 For each test conducted, a force versus time, a portion of the record with P # 0.5 PQ.
displacement versus time, and a force versus displacement A13.6.3 The test time t in milliseconds is determined from
record shall be obtained. The time scale of these records shall the record of force versus time as indicated in Fig. A13.2.
be accurately determined since the time is used to characterize Construct the best straight line OA through the most linear
the test. Examine the time-dependent records for the presence portion of the record. The value t is then determined from the
of ringing before reaching the PQ force. Such ringing can result point of intersection of this line with the time axis to the time
from inertial effects as described in Note A13.2. The special corresponding to PQ. This time, t is shown in the parentheses

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FIG. A13.1 Special Requirements for Analysis of Force versus

Displacement Records (5 % Secant Line Not Shown)

FIG. A13.2 Determination of Test Time from Force versus

( ) following KIc. An average stress intensity rate, dK/dt, may Time Record
be calculated by dividing KQ or KIc by t with the result being
expressed in ksi·in.1/2/s or MPa·m1/2/s. It should be recognized
that minor errors in determining the loading time are not
significant because significant changes in the toughness require sYD 5 sYD 1 2B (A13.2)
Tx log10~2 3 10 7t!
a change of several orders of magnitude in loading rate.
A13.6.4 The 0.2 % offset tensile yield strength sYS is used where:
in determining the specimen size requirements for a valid test sYS = 0.2 % offset room temperature static yield strength,
as described in Annex A5. If the rapid force value of KQ is valid t = loading time, ms, and
using a static yield strength value determined at a temperature Tx = temperature of the rapid-load toughness test.
at or above that of the rapid-load test, no further yield strength Units:
considerations are necessary. If sYS is in megapascals, then A = 1 198 860, B = 187.4 MPa,
A13.6.5 If the test is invalid using such a yield strength, a If sYS is in pound force per square inch, then
tension test should be conducted on the test material at the A = 174 000, B = 27.2 ksi,
temperature and loading time of the rapid-load toughness test
If the test temperature T is measured in K, then Tx = 1.8 T, and
with the time to reach the yield load in the tension test
If the test temperature T is measured in °F, then Tx = (T + 460).
approximately equal to the time t defined in A13.6.3.
A13.6.6 In the absence of sYS values as defined in A13.6.5, NOTE A13.4—The equation in A13.6.6 has been found useful only in
the dynamic yield strength sYD of certain steels may be estimating the low-temperature dynamic yield strength of constructional
estimated using the following equation: steels having room temperature yield strengths below 480 MPa (70 ksi).


A14.1 Scope tions where the loading rate exceeds that allowed for conven-
A14.1.1 This annex covers the determination of the rate tional (static) testing, see Section 8.4.2.
dependent JIc(t) and the J-integral versus crack growth resis-
A14.2 Summary of Requirements
tance curve (J-R(t) curve) for metallic materials under condi-

A14.2.1 Special requirements are necessary for J-integral

fracture toughness testing of metallic materials at loading rates
This test method is an Annex to ASTM E 1820. It is under the jurisdiction of
exceeding those of conventional (static) testing. Standard
ASTM Committee E08 on Fatigue and Fracture and is the direct responsibility of fracture toughness test specimens are prepared as described in
Subcommittee E08.08 on Elastic-Plastic and Fracture Mechanics Technology. this method, tested under rapid-load or drop weight conditions,

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and a J-R(t) curve is calculated. From this J-R(t) curve a JQ(t) prior to the onset of significant stable tearing crack extension,
can be evaluated using Section 9 of this method. If unstable see Section 3.2.10, as defined in this annex.
fracture intervenes, a JQc(t) can be evaluated at the onset of A14.3.1.7 JQc(t)(FL−1)—In J integral fracture testing, the
unstable behavior as in the static case. provisional rate dependent J integral at the onset of fracture
A14.2.1.1 Force, load line displacement, and time are re- instability prior to the onset of significant stable tearing crack
corded for each test. The force versus displacement curve extension, as defined in this annex.
resulting from each test is analyzed to ensure that the initial A14.3.1.8 Ju(t)(FL−1)—In J integral testing, the rate depen-
portion of the curve is sufficiently well defined that an dent J integral at the onset of fracture instability after signifi-
unambiguous curve can be determined from the J(t) versus cant stable tearing crack extension, see section 3.2.11, as
crack size (a(t)) data. In addition a minimum test time is defined in this annex.
calculated from the specimen stiffness and effective mass that A14.3.1.9 JIc(t)(FL−1)—In J integral testing, the rate depen-
sets a maximum allowed test rate for the material and geometry dent J integral at the onset of stable crack extension as defined
being tested. At times less than the minimum test time a in this annex.
significant kinetic energy component is present in the specimen A14.3.1.10 JQ(t)(FL−1)—In J integral fracture toughness
relative to the internal energy, and the static J integral testing, the provisional, rate dependent, J integral at the onset
equations presented in this method are not accurate. Evaluation of stable crack extension as defined in this annex.
of a JQ(t) or JQc(t) at a time less than the minimum test time is A14.3.1.11 dJ/dt(FL−1T−1)—In J integral fracture testing,
not allowed by this method. the rate of change of the J integral per unit time. Two loading
A14.2.1.2 Evaluation of the J-R(t) curve requires estimation rate quantities are defined in this method, (dJ/dt)I measured
of crack extension as a function of load line displacement or before JQ(t), and(dJ/dt)T measured after JQ(t), as defined by
time using the normalization method of Annex A15. An elastic this annex.
compliance method cannot be used. A multiple specimen
method can be used to evaluate JQ(t) from a series of tests, A14.4 Significance and Use
which can be corrected using Annex A16 and assembled into a
A14.4.1 The significance of the static J-R curve, JIc, and Jc
J-R(t) curve. The J-R(t) curve is valid if it meets the require-
properties applies also to the case of rapid loading. The J
ments of this method.
integral fracture toughness of certain metallic materials is
A14.2.1.3 All of the criteria for the static JIc, Jc, and J-R
sensitive to the loading rate and to the temperature of test. The
curve evaluations apply to the rapid load J integral fracture
J-R(t) curve and JIc(t) properties are usually elevated by higher
toughness test. The rapid load J integral resistance curve is
test rates while Jc(t) can be dramatically lowered by higher test

denoted J-R(t), the stable initiation property JIc(t), and the

unstable initiation property by Jc(t), where the time to reach the
instant corresponding to JQ in milliseconds is indicated in the
A14.5 Apparatus
A14.5.1 Loading—Two types of high rate loading systems
A14.3. Terminology are anticipated. Servohydraulic machines with high flow rate
A14.3.1 Definitions: servovalves and high capacity accumulators, or alternatively,
A14.3.1.1 The definitions given in Terminology E 1823 are drop weight impact machines can be used. On-specimen force
applicable to this annex. measurements are recommended for high rate tests. Remote
A14.3.1.2 The definitions given in Section 3 of this method force cells or other transducers can be used for high rate tests
are applicable. if the requirements of this annex are met. Strain gage bridges
A14.3.1.3 Rapid Load—In J integral fracture testing, any are recommended for on-specimen force measurement, as
loading rate such that the time taken to reach Pm (see 7.4.4) is shown in Fig. A14.1 and Fig. A14.2. For each specimen type,
less than 0.1 minutes. four gages are connected to construct a four-arm bridge and
A14.3.1.4 Minimum Test Time, tw(t)—In J integral fracture calibrated statically before the rapid load test (see A14.5.4).
testing, the minimum time to the rate dependent JQ(t) or JQc(t) Strain gages with grid patterns of approximately 0.25B are
accepted by this method (19). Test times less than tw will lead recommended. For SE(B) specimens, gages should be posi-
to inaccurate J integral results since large kinetic energy tioned on the specimen mid-plane at the specimen span
components will be present. In this method: quarterpoints. For C(T) specimens, the gages should be posi-
tioned on the specimen upper and lower surfaces near the
tw 5 (A14.1) specimen mid-plane with the gage edge at least 0.1W behind
=ks/Meff the initial crack, ao.
where: A14.5.2 Servohydraulic Testing Fixtures—The fixtures used
ks = specimen load line stiffness, (N/m), for static fracture toughness tests generally require some
Meff = effective mass of the specimen, taken here to be half modification for rapid load tests. Slack grip fixtures are often
of the specimen mass (kg). necessary to reduce the applied force oscillation and to allow
A14.3.1.5 Test Time, tQ(t)(T)—In J integral fracture testing, the actuator to accelerate before force is applied to the
the observed time to the rate dependent JQ(t). specimen. Soft metal absorbers are generally used in drop
A14.3.1.6 Jc(t)(FL−1)—In J integral fracture testing, the tower tests to reduce the inertial shock caused by the impact of
rate dependent J integral at the onset of fracture instability the test machine striker on the specimen surface.

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FIG. A14.1 Strain Gages Mounted on SE(B) Specimen for Measurement of Transmitted Force

FIG. A14.2 Strain Gages Mounted on C(T) Specimen for Measurement of Transmitted Force

Both initial and final crack sizes are required by the A15. The high rate test must be stopped abruptly to obtain a
normalization method of J-R(t) curve development of Annex limited specimen deformation and a crack extension increment

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satisfying the requirement of A15.1.1. Rigid stop block fixtures high frequency load line displacement transducer and signal
can be used to obtain the abrupt stop. In some cases a ramp and conditioner is required for drop tower tests.
hold or square wave command signal can be used to obtain A14.5.4 Force Transducers—If remote force transducers
limited specimen deformation for the specimen test. are used, they shall meet the requirements of Practice E 4.
A14.5.3 Drop Tower Testing Fixtures—Special fixtures are Requirements on the measured initial specimen stiffness and on
necessary for drop tower testing according to this standard. the force and displacement signal smoothness are presented in
Recommended fixtures for SE(B) and C(T) specimens are A14.7.4. Static calibration of the on-specimen strain gage
shown in Figs. A14.3 and A14.4 respectively (20). Stop block bridge should be done over a force range from 20 to 100 % of
fixtures are required to obtain a limited extent of stable crack the final precracking force. At least five force calibration values
growth for J-R(t) curve development. Soft metal absorbers are shall be used, spaced evenly over this interval, and at least two
recommended to reduce the initial shock resulting from the repeat data sets are required. The applied force shall exceed 1⁄4
impact of the drop tower striker on the specimen surface. A

FIG. A14.3 Test Fixture for Drop Tower SE(B) Specimens


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FIG. A14.4 Test Fixtures for Drop Tower C(T) Specimens

of the calibrated range of the reference force cell used. The component in frequency response of the displacement mea-
on-specimen, transmitted force measuring system shall be surement system. Capacitive transducers have been designed to
accurate to within 2 % of the final precracking force over the fit in the notch of the C(T) specimen as shown in Fig. A14.5.
calibration range. Fiber-optic transducers have been used to measure load line
A14.5.5 Displacement Transducers—The transducer shall displacement of SE(B) specimens. If the load line displacement
have response characteristics that allow it to follow the motion is measured relative to the test fixture, care must be taken to
of the specimen while not introducing excessive mechanical account for the effects of fixture compliance and brinnelling on
noise into the measured displacement. the measured displacement, as discussed in
A14.5.5.1 Cantilever beam displacement gages such as A14.5.6 Signal Conditioners—The user is referred to Guide
those used in static fracture toughness testing may be suitable E 1942 for a detailed discussion of requirements for data
for rapid-load testing, see A13.4.3. The cantilever beam dis- acquisitions systems. The signal conditioner must have suffi-
placement gage described in Annex A1 of Test Method E 399 cient bandwidth to capture the transducer signal without
has been used successfully at loading times (tQ) slightly less introducing distortion.
than 1 ms. A14.5.6.1 Signal conditioners shall have a frequency band-
A14.5.5.2 Gap measuring transducers that use either capaci- width in excess of 10/tQ for the force signal and 2/tQ for the
tance or optical means to measure displacement have also been displacement signal(s). The more stringent requirement on the
used successfully in rapid-load testing (20). These transducers force signal is necessary to obtain an accurate measurement of
have the advantage that they can be rigidly attached to the the elastic component of the J integral near crack initiation. No
specimen, and the vibration characteristics of the transducer “phase shifting” of transducer signals is allowed by this
generally do not affect the measured displacement. The disad- method. The bandwidth required to accurately capture a signal
vantages are that the output may be non-linear, and the signal of that frequency will depend on the type of low-pass filter in
conditioners used with these transducers are often the limiting the signal conditioner, and the tolerable error. If a low-pass

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FIG. A14.5 High Rate Capacitance COD Gage and C(T) Specimen with Attachment Holes


FIG. A14.6 Evaluation of tQ and the Test Rates (dJ/dt)I and (dJ/dt)T

filter is present in the measurement system it should not acquisitions systems. The rate at which an analog signal is
introduce more than 0.5 % measurement error, see Guide sampled to create a digital signal shall be high enough to
E 1942. ensure that the peak value is accurately captured. The rate of
A14.5.7 Data Sampling—The user is referred to Guide data acquisition shall result in the time per data set being less
E 1942 for a detailed discussion of requirements for data than tQ/50.

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A14.6 Procedure A14.7.3.1 A second loading rate, (dJ/dt)T, is defined as the
A14.6.1 Follow the procedure of Sections 7 and 8 to prepare slope of the J versus time data beyond maximum force, as
and test specimens. The following items are additional steps shown in Fig. A14.6, over the range from JQ to JQ +
necessary for high rate testing. 0.5(Jmax−JQ) or the end of test, if fracture instability occurs.
A14.6.2 Calculate tw, the minimum test time from Eq A14.7.4 Plot force versus load line displacement for the
A14.1. The loading rate is optional but the time to reach JQ(t) time interval 0 # t # tQ, as shown schematically in Fig. A14.7.
or JQc(t) shall not be less than tw. Use a linear regression analysis to evaluate the initial specimen
A14.6.3 For each test, force and load line displacement are stiffness ks using data over the range from 20 % to 50 % of the
required as functions of time. Additional crack opening dis- maximum force measured in the test. Plot this best fit line on
placement data, electric potential data, or both, can be acquired the figure, and also plot two parallel lines of the same slope
as well if desired. with the y-intercept offset by 610 % of Pmax as shown in Fig.
A14.6.4 Install and align the specimen in the test fixtures, A14.7. Locate the final crossover DLLF.
establish the test temperature, conduct the test at the desired A14.7.4.1 For this data set to be qualified according to this
test rate, collect and store the data required. Remove the test method, the compliance, 1/ks, shall agree with the predictions
specimen from the fixture and mark the extent of the ductile of Eq A2.10 for the C(T) specimen and Eq A1.10 for the SE(B)
crack growth according to 8.5.3, break the specimen open specimen within 610 %. Additionally, the measured force
according to 8.5.4 to expose the fracture surface, and measure displacement data in the region between 0.3DLLF and 0.8DLLF
the initial crack size ao, and the final crack size af according to should remain within the bounds of the parallel lines con-
structed on Fig. A14.7. If these requirements are not met, slack

A14.6.5 If the specimen is characterized by ductile upper grips or impact absorbers must be added or modified or the test
shelf behavior, the normalization method of Annex A15 can be rate reduced to obtain a smoother data set that can be qualified
used to develop the J-R(t) curve for the test specimen. A according to this method.
multi-specimen method can also be used with J evaluated using A14.7.5 If tQ< tw, the test data are not qualified according to
the basic method relationships corrected for crack extension this method. A slower loading rate must be used, or the
using Annex A16. Using Section 9, calculate JQ (the tentative specimen geometry changed to decrease tw for the test to be
JIc) and the corresponding force PQ and time tQ. If a ductile qualified according to this method.
instability occurs so that the final stable crack size af cannot be A14.7.6 If the normalization method of Annex A15 is used
determined, the normalization method cannot be used to to obtain JIc, the J resistance curve, or both, at least one
develop the J-R(t) curve or the corresponding JQ for this test confirmatory specimen must be tested at the same test rate and
specimen. under the same test conditions. From the normalization method
A14.6.5.1 If a pop-in is present, refer to Annex A4 to assess the load line displacement corresponding to a ductile crack
its significance. If the pop-in is significant, Jc(t) or Ju(t) values extension of 0.5 mm shall be estimated. The additional
corresponding to the point of onset can be calculated using specimen shall then be loaded to this load line displacement
Annex A6. If fracture instability occurs without significant level, marked, broken open and the ductile crack growth
ductile crack extension, Jc(t) or Ju(t) values corresponding to measured. The measured crack extension shall be 0.5 6 0.25
the point of onset can be calculated as defined in Annex A6. If mm in order for these results to be qualified according to this
fracture instability follows significant ductile crack extension, method.
the J-R(t) and JIc(t) can be determined providing that af is
distinguishable. The validity of the J-R(t) curve and JIc(t) are A14.8 Qualifying the High Rate Results
subject to the requirements of Annex A8, Annex A9, and A14.8.1 All qualification requirements of 9.1, Annex A6,
Section 9. Annex A8, Annex A9, and A14.7 must be met to qualify the
J-R(t) curve, JQ(t) as JIc(t), or JQc(t) as Jc(t) according to this
A14.7 Qualification of the Data method. If the normalization method of Annex A15 is used, the
additional requirements of this annex shall also be met.
A14.7.1 Test equipment, specimen geometries, specimen
A14.8.2 The maximum crack extension capacity for a
fixture alignment, and measured data must meet all require-
specimen to qualify the J-R(t) curve is given by the following:
ments of Sections 6, 7, 8, and 9, except as specifically replaced
in A14.5. Additional requirements specified here are necessary Damax 5 0.15bo (A14.2)
for high rate testing.
A14.7.2 All of the test equipment requirements of A14.5 A14.9 Report
shall be met. A14.9.1 The report shall include all the items of Section 10
A14.7.3 Plot the J integral versus the time as shown in Fig. as well as the following:
A14.6. If fracture instability occurs, calculate J based on ao A14.9.1.1 The minimum test time, tw, according to A14.6.2.
using the basic analysis procedure and plot the data up to and A14.9.1.2 The PQ and tQ, corresponding to the calculated
including JQc(t) or JQu(t). Use a linear regression analysis to JQ(t) or JQc(t).
evaluate (dJ/dt)I as shown in the example of Fig. A14.5 using A14.9.1.3 The (dJ/dt)I, (dJ/dt)T values, or both.
the data from 0.5JQ(t) to JQ(t), from 0.5JQc(t) to JQc(t), or from A14.9.1.4 If JIc(t) is being reported, the final crack exten-
0.5 JQu(t) to JQu(t), as the case may be. Extrapolate this line to sion obtained on the confirmatory specimen of A14.7.6 shall be
the abscissa to evaluate the quantity tQ, as shown in Fig. A14.6. reported.

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FIG. A14.7 Force Smoothness Verification Schematic

A14.10 Precision and Bias tion function method of Annex A15 is used, the crack size and
A14.10.1 Precision—The precision of J versus crack crack extension information must be inferred from initial and
growth is a function of material variability, the precision of the final crack size measurements. The requirement for the addi-
various measurements of linear dimensions of the specimen tional specimen to be tested near to the point of crack initiation
and testing fixtures, precision of the displacement measure- has been added to validate the JIc(t) measurement. A round
ment, precision of the force measurement, as well as the robin used to evaluate the overall test procedures of this
precision of the recording devices used to produce the force method is reported in (21).
displacement record used to calculate J and crack size. For the A14.10.2 Bias—There is no accepted “standard” value for
test rates allowed by this annex, if the procedures outlined in measures of elastic-plastic fracture toughness of any material.
this annex are followed, the force and load-line displacement In absence of such a true value, any statement concerning bias
can be measured with an precision comparable with that of the is not meaningful.
static loading as described in the main body. If the normaliza-


A15.1 Scope are met. The normalization method is not applicable for low
A15.1.1 The normalization technique can be used in some toughness materials tested in large specimen sizes where large
cases to obtain a J-R curve directly from a force displacement amounts of crack extension can occur without measurable
record taken together with initial and final crack size measure- plastic force line displacement.
ments taken from the specimen fracture surface. Additional
restrictions are applied (see A14.1.3) which limit the applica- A15.2 Analysis
bility of this method. The normalization technique is described A15.2.1 The starting point for this analysis is a force versus
more fully in Herrera and Landes (22) and Landes, et al. (23), load point displacement record like that shown in Fig. A15.1.
Lee (24), and Joyce (21). The normalization technique is most Also required are initial and final physical crack sizes optically
valuable for cases where high loading rates are used, or where measured from the fracture surface. This procedure is appli-
high temperatures or aggressive environments are being used. cable only to Test Method E 1820 standard specimen geom-
In these, and other situations, unloading compliance methods etries with 0.45 # ao/W # 0.70 and cannot be used if the final
are impractical. The normalization method can be used for physical crack extension exceeds the lesser of 4 mm or 15 % of
statically loaded specimens if the requirements of this section the initial uncracked ligament.

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FIG. A15.1 Typical Force versus Displacement Curve

A15.2.2 Each force value Pi up to, but not including the A15.2.5 The final force displacement pair shall be normal-
maximum force Pmax, is normalized using: ized using the same equations as above except that the final
Pi measured crack size, af, is used. Typical normalized data are
PNi 5 (A15.1) shown in Fig. A15.2.
W 2 abi

A15.2.6 A line should be drawn from the final force

where abi is the blunting corrected crack size at the ith data displacement pair tangent to remaining data as shown in Fig.
point given by: A15.2. Data to the right of this tangent point shall be excluded
from the normalization function fit. Data with vpli/W # 0.001
abi 5 ao 1 2 s (A15.2) shall also be excluded from the normalization function fit.
A15.2.7 If at least ten data pairs conform with A15.2.6, the
with Ji calculated from: data of Fig. A15.2 can be fit with the following required
Ki2 ~1 2 v2! analytical normalization function:
Ji 5 1 Jpli (A15.3)

E a 1 b v8pl 1 c v8pl2
PN 5 (A15.5)
where Ki, hpl, and Jpli are calculated as in Annex A1 and d 1 v8pl
Annex A2 for each specimen type using the crack size ao. where a, b, c, and d are fitting coefficients. This function can
A15.2.3 Each corresponding load line displacement is nor- be fitted to the data of Fig. A15.1 using standard curve fitting
malized to give a normalized plastic displacement: packages available as part of computer spreadsheet programs
vpli ~vi 2 Pi Ci! or separately. An example fit for the data of Fig. A15.2 is
v8pli 5 W 5 W (A15.4)
shown in Fig. A15.3. The normalization function shall fit all
where Ci is the specimen elastic load line compliance based the data pairs described above (including the final pair) with a
on the crack size abi, which can be calculated for each maximum deviation less than 1 % of the PN at the final point.
specimen type using the equations of Annex A1 and Annex A2. Data should be evenly spaced between vpli/W = 0.001 and the
A15.2.4 The final measured crack size shall correspond to a tangency point. If less than ten data pairs are available for this
crack extension of not more than 4 mm or 15 % of the initial fit, including the final measured data pair, this method cannot
uncracked ligament, whichever is less. If this crack extension be used.
is exceeded, this specimen can not be analyzed according to A15.2.8 An iterative procedure is now used to force PNi,
this annex. vpli/W, ai data to lie on Equation A15.5. This involves

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FIG. A15.2 Normalized Force versus Displacement Curve Showing Points up to Maximum Force and the Final Data Point

FIG. A15.3 The Normalization Function Shown Fitted to the Normalization Data

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adjusting the crack size of each data set to get the normalized A15.3 Additional Requirements
force and displacement pair defined in A15.2.2 and A15.2.3 to A15.3.1 Requirements presented in 9.1, Annex A8, and
fall on the function defined in Equation A15.5. To do so, start Annex A9 shall be met to qualify a J-R curve or a JIc value
at the first data point with npli/W $ 0.002, normalize the force obtained by the normalization method. Additional require-
and displacement using the initial measured crack size ao, and ments specific to the use of the normalization method are
compare the normalized force with the result of the normal- presented below.
ization function of A15.2.7. Adjust the crack size until the
A15.3.2 If the normalization method is used to obtain JIc, at
measured PNi and the functional value of PN are within
least one additional, confirmatory specimen shall be tested at
60.1 %. Each subsequent data set is treated similarly. If each
the same test rate and under the same test conditions. From the
step is started with the crack size resulting from the previous
normalization method the load line displacement correspond-
data set, only small, positive adjustments of crack size are
ing to a ductile crack extension of 0.5 mm shall be estimated.
necessary, and the process of obtaining the crack sizes corre-
The additional specimen shall then be loaded to this load line
sponding to each data set is relatively rapid.
displacement level, marked, broken open and the ductile crack
A15.2.8.1 The data of Fig. A15.1, normalized and adjusted
growth measured. The measured crack extension shall be 0.5 6
to fit the normalization function of Fig. A15.3 is shown in Fig.
0.25 mm in order for these results, and hence the JIc value, to
be qualified according to this method.
A15.2.9 Since force, load line displacement, and crack size
estimates are now available at each data point, the standard
equations of Annex A1 and Annex A2 are used to evaluate the A15.4 Report
J integral at each data point, resulting in a J-R curve as shown A15.4.1 Section 10 describes the reporting requirements for
in Fig. A15.5. A JIc value can now be evaluated from this J-R this method. If the normalization function method is used the
curve using the method of Section Annex A9. following additional items shall be reported.

FIG. A15.4 Data is Adjusted, Defining the Crack Size Necessary to Place All Points on the Analytical Normalization Function
(Only a portion of the data is shown for clarity)


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FIG. A15.5 The Resulting J-R Curve for this Specimen

A15.4.2 If the normalization function is used the coeffi- presented in (21). A requirement for the testing of a confirma-
cients of the fit shall be reported as well as the maximum tory specimen tested near the point of stable crack initiation is
deviation of the fit and the number of data used. present to validate the JIc measurement.

A15.4.3 If JIc is reported, the accuracy of the confirmatory A15.5.2 Bias—Crack sizes generally vary through the
specimen of A15.3.2 shall be reported. thickness of fracture toughness specimens. A nine point aver-
A15.5 Precision and Bias age procedure based on optical measurements obtained from
the post-test fracture surface is generally used to give a
A15.5.1 Precision—The precision of the J resistance curve
reportable crack size. Different measurements would be ob-
is a function of material variability, the precision of the various
measurements of linear dimensions of the specimen and testing tained using more or less measurement points. Alternative
fixtures, precision of the displacement measurement, precision crack sizes can be estimated using compliance methods, which
of the force measurement, as well as the precision of the obtain different average crack size estimates for irregular crack
recording devices used to produce the force displacement front shapes. Stringent crack front straightness requirements
record used to calculate J and crack size. For the test rates are present in this standard to minimize differences caused by
allowed by this annex, if the procedures outlined in this annex these effects. The normalization method acts to interpolate
are followed, the crack size throughout the fracture toughness between optically measured crack average lengths measured at
test can be measured with a precision comparable with that of the start and end of the stable resistance curve fracture
the unloading compliance procedure described in the main toughness test. This method has been demonstrated in (21) to
body. A round robin describing the use of the normalization give results consistent with those obtained by unloading
procedure on rapidly loaded SE(B) and C(T) specimens is compliance procedures.


A16.1 J Correction Procedure: Jpl0

J 5 Jel0 1 (A16.1)
A16.1.1 Evaluate Jel0 and Jpl0 values for each specimen
using the basic method equations of Annex A1-Annex A3 for
1 1 a 1 0.5 bD
a 2 0.5 Da

the specimen type. with a = 1 for SE(B) specimens and a = 0.9 for C(T) and
A16.1.2 Obtain initial crack growth correct J values using DC(T) specimens.
the following relationship (27):

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A16.1.3 Fit a power law expression J = J1mmDam to the Jpl0
J 5 Jel0 1 (A16.2)
corrected J (Da) data for crack growths exceeding Da/bo $
a 2 m Da
11 a1m b
A16.1.4 Calculate the final crack growth corrected J (Da)
data using:


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 To fit Eq A9.1 to the Ji, ai data using the method of X1.2 This equation can be set up and solved using a
least squares, the following equation must be set up and solved standard spreadsheet or using a mathematical analysis program
for aoq, B, and C: like MathCad, Maple, or Mathematica.


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Method for Developing J-R Curves with the LMN Function,” Journal pp. 1601–1614.

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