TW January 2022
TW January 2022
TW January 2022
— P. 16 — — P. 12 —
January 2022 |
The Dangerous
A personal message from the Editor in Chief
found in Galatians 2:20: “I am crucified with Christ: Christ will fill the airwaves with a very different spirit
nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: (Revelation 20:1–3), removing the hostility that exists
and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the in human hearts (Romans 8:7) and replacing that
faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave him- hostility with a love for God’s laws.
self for me” (King James Version). The Apostle Paul This is what the New Covenant is about! The law
explains how we are crucified with Christ: of God will be in the minds and hearts of men every-
where (Hebrews 8:10–11). That law, of course, is the
Know ye not, that so many of us as were Ten Commandments, which James rightly describes
baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into as “the law of liberty” (James 1:25; 2:12).
his death? Therefore we are buried with him Consider what it will be like when humanity
by baptism into death: that like as Christ was respects the law that says, “You shall not murder.”
raised up from the dead by the glory of the When the spirit and intent of the law are understood
Father, even so we also should walk in newness and practiced, cities such as Chicago, Pretoria, and
of life. For if we have been planted together in Tijuana will be transformed (Matthew 5:21–26). The
the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the observance of that single law will put an end to war.
likeness of his resurrection: Knowing this, that And what will the world be like when there is also no
our old man is crucified with him, that the body more adultery, no more false religion, and no more
of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we disrespect from children to parents?
should not serve sin (Romans 6:3–6, KJV). Jesus Christ will not return this time as a Lamb
to be led to the slaughter, but as a conquering King
Yes, we must put to death the old self and become (Zechariah 14). He will command all nations to send
a new person. We must accept that our goodness representatives to keep His Holy Days in Jerusalem.
will not save us—that we need One greater than us How exciting it will be when mankind learns the
to exchange His life for us. This is what baptism very plan of God and the great potential He offers—a
pictures; our acceptance of Christ as our Savior potential that is much greater than “rolling around
and our turning away from sin are expressed in this heaven” or experiencing some kind of eternal equiva-
simple-but-necessary ceremony. No child can under- lent to a drug high while staring into the face of God.
stand this commitment, which is why baptism is for Those elect we mentioned earlier—those whose
adults only. John describes a true Christian as some- lives are truly transformed by thinking as Christ
one whom God selectively calls, chosen as a result of thinks and acting as He acted when He was here the
responding to that call, and willing to remain faithful first time—will be made Spirit beings and assist Christ
to the end (Revelation 17:14, cf. Matthew 24:13). in bringing about this great transformation, as many
passages of Scripture show.
A Very Different Spirit Is this too fantastic to believe? You had better
But the question remains: How will Christ transform hope not, because the alternative is not very encour-
our world from violence and immorality to peace and aging. Mankind has tried for nearly 6,000 years to
harmony? It’s certain that the latter have not char- find peace, and every generation has failed. Unless the
acterized mankind’s history. Peace can only come great troublemaker, Satan the devil, is removed, and
as a result of a change of the human heart, and only unless Jesus Christ returns and changes the human
God can bring this about. But first, He must and will heart, self-extinction is humanity’s lot. The message of
remove the current god of this world, the “prince Tomorrow’s World is that intervention from above will
of the power of the air” (Ephesians 2:2) broadcasts prevent that. There is hope—and that hope is sure!
into the minds of men negative moods, attitudes,
and feelings—attitudes of jealousy, lust, greed, and
resentment. After Satan’s influence is eliminated,
12 Power to Prevail
Willpower is an important facet of human
character. Are you tapping the resource
that can help you develop the willpower
you need?
world conflict.
he Holy Bible outlines the future of the We read in Scripture that before Christ’s return,
world. Biblical prophecy reveals the se- “Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the
quence of world events leading to the end times of the Gentiles are fulfilled” (Luke 21:24). To
of this age of human misrule. What global understand biblical prophecy, then, we need to know:
events should you be watching for? Your Bible reveals Who are the Gentiles? And what are the mysterious
that in the not-too-distant future, a great world “times of the Gentiles”?
superpower will rise above the declining United
States. Will it be China? We have recently seen China Danger in the Middle East
asserting its place as a world leader. Or will Russia, How will we know we are near the end of this present
successor to the formerly powerful Union of Soviet age? The Bible reveals major prophetic events of which
Socialist Republics, experience a resurgence that puts we should be aware. Jesus Christ, our Savior, was also
it again at the center of global geopolitics? the greatest newscaster and prophet who ever lived,
Your Bible reveals the powerful roles China and and He warned us of a major end-time prophetic sign:
Russia will play at the end of this present age, right “But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies,
before the return of Jesus Christ. Yet your Bible also then know that its desolation is near” (Luke 21:20). Of
reveals a shocking truth that most do not yet recog- course, there has been war in and around Jerusalem
nize—that it is a resurgent Europe that will become for thousands of years. In 1967, the eastern part of the
the world’s top superpower as world history reaches city came under Israeli control, and for the first time
its culmination at Armageddon. in millennia there was a unified Jerusalem under the
And where is the Middle East in all of this? “Ar- control of a Jewish state. But even that Six-Day War
mageddon” is the Greek-into-English rendering of will pale in comparison to what is ahead.
the Hebrew har Megiddo—referring to a mountainous And that coming assault on Jerusalem will not
area beside the Plain of Jezreel—where the world’s end so well for the city’s Jewish inhabitants. Christ
armies will gather in preparation for the prophesied foretold that “they will fall by the edge of the sword,
end-time battle that will take place at Jesus Christ’s and be led away captive into all nations. And Jeru-
return. This “Armageddon” is about 55 miles north of salem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times
of the Gentiles are fulfilled” (v. 24). Notice that this Longtime readers of Tomorrow’s World are aware
is a prophecy for the future, not just a description of that the northern kingdom of Israel, which went into
something past. When the Greeks and the Roman Assyrian captivity in 721 BC, saw its peoples scatter
Empire each entered Jerusalem in previous inva- after their release when the Assyrian Empire was
sions, the people of Jerusalem were not removed to overthrown, many traveling to the northwest and set-
“all nations.” Even the Babylonian conquest of Judah tling in the far reaches of Europe. Throughout their
in 586 BC saw the Jews taken primarily to one nation, history, as they encountered non-Israelite tribes,
rather than being scattered abroad like the northern they adopted many non-Israelite customs as their
kingdom of Israel had been. own. These peoples include the British-descended
At this future time, when armies from around the nations, ultimately including the United States, as
world will converge on Jerusalem, God’s people there well as the French, Swiss, and Dutch. For a thorough
explanation of these nations’ and others’
“GENTILES” ARE THE PEOPLES OF THE descent from Israel, read our powerful
publication The United States and Great
FROM THE ANCIENT PATRIARCH JACOB free printed copy from the Regional
Office nearest you (listed on page 4 of
this magazine).
are urged to flee because of “great distress in the land”
(vv. 21–23). Those who fail to escape will be “led away Gentile Babylon
captive into all nations,” and this devastation will Babylon, the nation that took ancient Judah into
continue as “Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles captivity, was a Gentile nation that rose up long ago in
until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled” (v. 24). the land of Shinar. Babylon was a wealthy, powerful,
Understanding this assault on Jerusalem—and and determined nation, and it used its power to chal-
recognizing the “times of the Gentiles” that will lenge and even to oppose the Creator God. Scripture
follow—is vital for our understanding of end-time describes Babylon’s prideful attitude, as its people
biblical prophecy. So, what are the “times of the Gen- proclaimed, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a
tiles”—and, for that matter, what is a “Gentile”? tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name
for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the
Gentiles and Israelites face of the whole earth” (Genesis 11:4).
In the context of your Bible, “Gentiles” are the peo- You may have seen artistic depictions of the
ples of the world who are not descended from the Tower of Babel. Most of you know the story: God
ancient patriarch Jacob, whose name was changed to confounded the language of the peoples in the area so
Israel (Genesis 32:28). It is easy enough to recognize they were no longer unified. “So the Lord scattered
that nations such as China and Japan are not descen- them abroad from there over the face of all the earth,
dants of Israel. Russia and Germany are two other and they ceased building the city. Therefore its name
prominent Gentile nations. is called Babel, because there the Lord confused the
Many today, however, do not recognize the mod- language of all the earth; and from there the Lord
ern-day descendants of the ancient tribes of Israel. Ja- scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth”
cob had twelve sons. His son Judah is patriarch of the (Genesis 11:8–9).
tribe of Judah, from whom the modern Jewish peoples One popular Bible commentary notes of these
are descended. Others of his sons were the ancestors of people that “their own further dispersion from Babel
what are sometimes called the “ten lost tribes,” which (vv. 8f.) is recorded as a special judgment on their
constituted the nation just north of Judah that went blatant embodiment of the ungodly spirit that again
into Assyrian captivity more than a hundred years after the Flood characterized human civilization.…
before Judah fell to Babylonian invaders. The city once more (cf. Gn. 4) becomes the cultural
focus of mounting human arrogance” (The New Bible of gold” (Daniel 2:38). Below the head of gold, the im-
Commentary: Revised, 1970, p. 91). age in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream had a chest and arms
Can we see that the “mounting human arro- of silver, a belly and thighs of bronze, legs of iron, and
gance” of Babylon also describes today’s all-too- feet of iron mixed with clay.
common anti-God attitude? God struck that attitude Daniel explained that Nebuchadnezzar’s empire
down in the past. Yet we read that it would be revived would be replaced by another—represented by the
again in the future. The Apostle John writes: chest and arms of silver—which we know as the
Medo-Persian Empire. That would be followed by
After these things I saw another angel the belly and thighs of bronze, which we know as the
coming down from heaven, having great Greco-Macedonian Empire—the empire that spread
authority, and the earth was illuminated with powerfully under Alexander the Great. The legs of
his glory. And he cried mightily with a loud iron are what we know as the Roman Empire, which
voice, saying, “Babylon the great is fallen, is spread across Europe, northern Africa, and the Mid-
fallen, and has become a dwelling place of dle East from 27 BC to 476 AD. The feet of iron mixed
demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a with clay represent a future revival of that Empire.
cage for every unclean and hated bird! For All of that may sound interesting—but how can
all the nations have drunk of the wine of the we be sure? We can because the Bible interprets the
wrath of her fornication, the kings of the Bible. The book of Revelation reveals the history and
earth have committed fornication with her, future of the Roman Empire: “Here is the mind which
and the merchants of the earth have become has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on
rich through the abundance of her luxury” which the woman sits. There are also seven kings.
(Revelation 18:1–3). Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet
come. And when he comes, he must continue a short
How should we react to such ungodliness? God time. The beast that was, and is not, is himself also the
warns us not to participate in the sins of the coming eighth, and is of the seven, and is going to perdition”
revival of Babylon. John writes, “And I heard another (Revelation 17:9–11). Here we see the heads represent
voice from heaven saying, ‘Come out of her, my peo- mountains, a biblical symbol of governments or king-
ple, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of doms. And these seven heads represent seven succes-
her plagues. For her sins have reached to heaven, and sive kings, each a revival of the original kingdom.
God has remembered her iniquities’” (vv. 4–5). The first head of the scarlet beast (Revelation
No, dear reader, you do not want to be part of the 17:3) represents the first revival, the 554 AD res-
Gentiles’ rebellion against God. You do not want to toration of the Empire under Justinian. The next
receive the plagues that befell Babylon past and will revival involved Charlemagne, crowned as emperor in
again befall Babylon in the future. The end-time sys- Rome on December 25, 800 AD. Subsequent revivals
tem called Babylon the Great (cf. Revelation 17; 18) will took place under Otto the Great, Charles V, and Na-
be an alliance of economic dominance, military-po- poleon. The sixth of seven revivals ended in 1945 with
litical power, and false religion. You need to watch for the fall of Mussolini.
the time when the Gentiles “will tread the holy city
underfoot for forty-two months” (Revelation 11:2). One More Gentile Revival
Even today, many Europeans hope that the European
Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream Union will grow into a new Roman Empire. But where
The history of the nations who have opposed God do modern Europeans get this idea? From previous
and His people goes back thousands of years. When revivals of the Roman Empire. Notice the parallels
Babylon’s King Nebuchadnezzar had a mysterious between chapters 2 and 7 of the Old Testament book
dream of a great image with a head of gold, only the of Daniel and chapters 13 and 17 of the New Testa-
prophet Daniel was able to interpret what it meant. ment book of Revelation. From these, we can begin to
Daniel told king Nebuchadnezzar, “You are this head understand the sequence of prophesied kingdoms.
History has proved the accuracy of biblical proph- This is the same time period we read about
ecy. Empires have risen and fallen just as the Bible earlier, in Luke 21, where Jesus describes a time
foretold. However, the very last empire has yet to arise. when Gentiles, not Jews, will for a brief time rule
What will it be? Notice this comment on Revelation 17:11 again in Jerusalem. Remember that, though much of
in the margin of the New Catholic Edition of the Holy western Europe consists of descendants of the tribes
Bible, translated from the Latin Vulgate and also known of ancient Israel, Germany is not among them—nor,
as the Douay-Rheims version: “The beast spoken of here to the east of Germany, are the Russian peoples or the
seems to be the Roman Empire, as in chapter 13.” Chinese. It is from among the Gentiles that a prophe-
As other biblical scholars acknowledge, the beasts sied 200-million-man army will be amassed to march
of both Revelation 13 and 17 represent the Roman Em- westward across the Euphrates River to Armageddon,
pire. The New Catholic Edition makes this comment and onward to Jerusalem to fight against the return-
regarding Revelation 13:1: “The picture of the first ing Christ (Revelation 9:14–19).
beast is based on the seventh chapter of Daniel. This Jesus proclaimed that this will be a time unique
beast is the figure of kingdoms of the world, kingdoms in human history—a time so dangerous that only His
founded on passion and selfishness, which in every age return could prevent humankind from destroying
are antagonistic to Christ and seek to oppress the ser- itself. “And unless those days were shortened, no flesh
vants of God. Imperial Rome represents this power.” would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will
Yes, even this Roman Catholic Bible acknowl- be shortened” (Matthew 24:22).
edges the identity of the beast! The Apostle John tells us:
Forty-Two Months of Gentile Rule Then I was given a reed like a measuring rod.
The prophet Daniel reveals a time of worldwide And the angel stood, saying, “Rise and mea-
cataclysm: “At that time Michael shall stand up, the sure the temple of God, the altar, and those
great prince who stands watch over the sons of your who worship there. But leave out the court
people; and there shall be a time of trouble, such as which is outside the temple, and do not mea-
never was since there was a nation, even to that time” sure it, for it has been given to the Gentiles.
(Daniel 12:1). That time is the same time described And they will tread the holy city underfoot
in Revelation 13, which reveals the evil influence and for forty-two months. And I will give power
power of the beast: to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy
one thousand two hundred and sixty days,
Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy clothed in sackcloth” (Revelation 11:1–3).
against God, to blaspheme His name, His
tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven. During the Gentiles’ three-and-a-half-year control
It was granted to him to make war with the of Jerusalem, dangerous times including the Great
saints and to overcome them. And authority Tribulation (Matthew 24:21) and the Day of the Lord
was given him over every tribe, tongue, or “the great day of His wrath” (Revelation 6:16–17)
and nation. All who dwell on the earth will will culminate in the battle of Armageddon, more
worship him, whose names have not been precisely “the battle of that great day of God Almighty”
written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain (Revelation 16:14). To learn more about the dramatic
from the foundation of the world (vv. 6–8). events during this time period, request our powerful
and easy-to-read publication Armageddon and Beyond.
The Gentile beast power will exert its influence
over the whole world. But God will limit its time to War Against Christ
just forty-two months, or three-and-a-half years. One final revival of the Roman Empire remains to be
“And he was given a mouth speaking great things and fulfilled. This future revival will consist of ten kings or
blasphemies, and he was given authority to continue kingdoms unified as part of the symbolic beast. Watch
for forty-two months” (Revelation 13:5). “TIMES OF THE GENTILES” CONTINUES ON PAGE 25
h, the new year. For millions, it is the gods—preventing them from interfering in the every-
traditional time to look forward and day lives of mortals for the year to come.
back. But why? Where did this concept The Scottish people mark the coming of the new
come from, and why such wild celebra- year by observing a holiday they call Hogmanay. This
tions to see one year end and another begin? And why celebration emerges from their history of Viking
do people make resolutions to do better than they invasions, superstition, and ancient pagan rituals, and
have during the past year? is known for heavy drinking and carousing into the
Tomorrow’s World readers may rightly expect early hours of the morning.
that the answer is much the same as for so many
other festivities, such as Valentine’s Day, Easter, Hal- What to Do?
loween, and Christmas: rank paganism. Once again, But are wild celebrations, widespread public drunken-
in New Year celebrations mankind has turned to the ness, and perverted behavior appropriate for reason-
creation rather than the Creator, establishing its able, thinking human beings—and especially for those
own traditions, ignoring the commandments of God who call themselves Christians? What does the Bible
(Matthew 15:3–9). say? “Now the works of the flesh are evident, which
are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idol-
A Long History atry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts
New Year observances reach far back to Babylonian of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies,
springtime fertility rites, associated with the renewal envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of
of the land after wintertime. Evidence even suggests which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in
that the Babylonians were the first to make New time past, that those who practice such things will not
Year’s resolutions as part of divination of what the inherit the kingdom of God” (Galatians 5:19–21).
new year was to bring. No, we do not need to pretend that the civil calen-
The Romans worshiped Janus, their god of doors dar—often rightly called the “Roman calendar”—does
and gates. He had two faces, one looking forward not exist. Christians can make and keep appoint-
and one looking back. When Roman emperor Julius ments on that calendar. But there is nothing new—or
Caesar in 46 BC established January 1 as the Roman of God—in the world’s New Year celebrations. They
New Year’s Day, he named the first month “January” are as old as the works of the flesh. And God has con-
after the god Janus, setting the month as the “door” demned such works from the beginning.
to the year. So, how should we conduct ourselves as Chris-
But is the middle of winter the appropriate door tians? The Bible makes it plain: “Therefore you
of time to begin the year? When giving Israel the Holy shall be careful to do as the Lord your God has
Days, God said His people should begin the year in the commanded you; you shall not turn aside to the right
spring (Exodus 12:2; cf. Deuteronomy 16:1). hand or to the left. You shall walk in all the ways
Another widespread tradition, using a baby to which the Lord your God has commanded you, that
signify the new year, began in Greece around 600 you may live and that it may be well with you, and
BC. They honored Dionysus, their god of wine, by that you may prolong your days in the land which you
parading a baby in a basket, representing the annual shall possess” (Deuteronomy 5:32–33).
rebirth of that god as the spirit of fertility (Sir James Learn more about the calendar God Himself
George Frazer, “Dionysus,” The Golden Bough, 1922). established for His people. Read The Holy Days: God’s
Egyptians also used a baby as a symbol of rebirth. Master Plan online at, or order
Ancient Romans believed that loudness, lewd- your own free printed copy at the Regional Office listed
ness, and drunkenness at the start of the new year on page 4 of this magazine. You’ll be glad you did!
would confuse the god Pan—and other malicious —Gary F. Ehman (1937–2021)
A Solemn Act of Dedication she vowed upon the Bible to uphold all her promises—to
When she was 21 years old, Elizabeth made what she judge with law, justice, and mercy; to maintain the laws
called “a solemn act of dedication” that would frame of God; and to preserve the Church of England. Over the
her entire life. It reveals much about her character years, the Queen has indeed dedicated herself to the ful-
and values. In a radio message to the Commonwealth filment of this purpose. She clearly perceives her calling
whilst on a tour of South Africa, with the world as her as both a physical vocation and a spiritual one.
witness, she explained: The Queen is faithful in maintaining what she under-
stands as her relationship with God. She prays daily. She
If we all go forward together with an unwaver- attends church services every week. She reads her Bible.
ing faith, a high courage, and a quiet heart, we She so often seems peaceful, serene, and happy, because
shall be able to make of this ancient common- she strives to rely on God for the faith and strength to
wealth… a more powerful influence for good in cope with each day’s challenges. We can expect her to
the world…. To accomplish this we must give pursue her vocation until she can do so no more!
nothing less than the whole of ourselves. There
is a motto that has been borne by many of my God’s Spiritual Calling
ancestors—a noble motto, ‘I serve’…. I declare As rulers bear a responsibility before God to lead
before you that my whole life, whether it be lives of service and self-sacrifice, God also equips for
long or short, shall be devoted to your service works of service those He is actively calling into His
and the service of our great Imperial Common- true Church today (1 Corinthians 1:26; 2 Timothy 1:9;
wealth to which we all belong (Joanna Lumley, Hebrews 3:1). Every true Christian has a royal vocation
A Queen for All Seasons, 2021, p. 12). to serve as a monarch under the King of kings, Jesus
Christ, when He returns to establish the Kingdom of
Christianity, such as she understands it, is a bulwark God on planet Earth (Revelation 1:6; 5:10; 20:4–6).
of her life and her work. In 1952, as the Archbishop of God’s calling is often unexpected when we receive
Canterbury, Geoffrey Fisher, helped the Queen prepare it—and it brings a radical new direction to our lives
for her role, he told her that she was “‘God-called’ to (Hebrews 10:19–23). It transforms our character to be
exert a spiritual power and lead her subjects by her more and more like God’s holy and righteous character,
personal example” (Andrew Marr, The Real Elizabeth, and we bear more and more of that good fruit as we
2012, p. 131). The English word vocation brings from its live by His laws (Romans 12:1–2). We rise to the chal-
Latin roots the lenge of living God’s way, relying on Him in faith to di-
sense of a “call- rect our lives (2 Thessalonians 1:11). We build new lives
ing.” The Queen on the rock-solid foundation of Christ’s teachings and
believes that her actions (Matthew 7:24–27). This is what the Queen
role as monarch set out to accomplish—and, with God’s help, it is what
flows from God’s each of you who are reading this may do.
calling her to that Queen Elizabeth II has been widely praised
role. Her ideal of throughout her reign for the example she has set and
service to others is the good she has done. This is no accident. It is a result
generated by her of her dedication to what she sees as her Christian
commitment to vocation, with daily reliance on God for strength.
serve God and to Is God calling you to His true vocation? Those who
lead by following respond to God’s call must be willing to dedicate their
what she sees as lives to Him in service to His Church and coming Kingdom
His example. (John 4:23–24). If you would like to learn more of what
During her that might entail, request a free copy of Restoring Original
coronation service Christianity, or read it online at
on June 2, 1953, —John Meakin
theories. Some neuroscientists claim to have dis-
ost of us would like to have more proved its existence. Many philosophers refuse to use
willpower. But building it, we often the term… they prefer to speak of freedom of action,
think, is about as fun as pulling a not of will, because they doubt there is any such thing
tooth or extracting a splinter. As as will” (Willpower, p. 8).
each new year begins, millions make yet another But willpower is real. The wise king Solomon
round of resolutions to change their lives: exercise explained that anyone who aspires to lead others
more, eat less, stop smoking or drinking, spend more must first learn to rule the self: “He who is slow to
time with family. anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules
Sometimes, even the simplest goals may seem his spirit than he who takes a city” (Proverbs 16:32).
maddeningly out of reach. In their January 2021 He further recorded, “Whoever has no rule over his
book, The Power of Bad, authors John Tierney and own spirit is like a city broken down, without walls”
Roy Baumeister observe, “In our book on self-con- (Proverbs 25:28).
trol, Willpower, we noted that junk food may well
be the most difficult of all temptations to resist, but Fight or Flee?
people are learning to do it” (p. 244). Indeed, just as The Apostle Paul said that we “wrestle” against prin-
we can learn to keep junk food out of our bodies, we cipalities or spirits trying to deceive us (Ephesians
can develop the willpower to resist junk thoughts 6:12). So, as Christians, we must always be ready to
and junk actions! stand and fight the good fight of faith (2 Timothy 2:3;
Why does willpower matter? Without it, we 1 Timothy 6:12). As the Apostle James wrote, “Resist
lack the capacity to make moral choices. Faults and the devil and he will flee from you” (James 4:7).
shortcomings can be blamed on genetics, background, But fighting is not the whole answer. Often, we
parents, environment, or just “bad luck.” The “non- must flee temptation. Paul cautions us, “Flee sexual
existence of the will” theory is just another way for immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the
a confused and deceived mankind to pursue its lusts body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins
without the pain of guilt and shame. against his own body” (1 Corinthians 6:18). Fleeing
What exactly is “willpower”? And why do many from temptation does not indicate a lack of will-
social scientists no longer even believe in its exis- power—in fact, it keeps our willpower strong. Those
tence? Baumeister and Tierney describe this shift: who make excuses for staying close to temptation are
“The will came to seem so unimportant that it wasn’t the ones most likely to give in to it.
There is even scientific research confirming this our lives. The same discipline that we develop to
sound biblical principle. Test subjects were seated in avoid a bad temper, to resist sexual temptation, to
a room to watch a movie. Some were put within arm’s avoid drunkenness, or to resist gorging on unhealthy
length of a bowl of candy; others were seated across food has been shown to lead to happier marriages,
the room from the candy bowl. After the movie, those better jobs, greater health, and sounder finances
who had been seated closest to the tempting candy (Willpower, p. 13).
were found to have significantly less willpower than So, commit to taking control of one area of your
the others! Researchers concluded that those seated life, and the benefits will flow to the rest of your life!
farthest from the sweets had used less mental power Paul wrote that spiritually mature people should “by
to resist them, and therefore had more willpower “in reason of use have their senses exercised to discern
reserve” saved up for the next exercise (p. 225). both good and evil” (Hebrews 5:14). Set some goals,
If we are tempted by sexual lust, or covetousness, however simple. Maybe you want to go to bed earlier,
or a desire for anything unethical, we must get away or to be more courteous to other drivers, or to sit up
from it without delay! At a minimum, we must keep the straight and maintain better posture. As you focus on
temptation as far away as possible. If you struggle with putting into practice even the simplest of goals, the
an addiction to alcohol, do not keep liquor in the house, resulting gain in self-control can start to carry over
and do not visit places where you know it is accessible. into the more difficult struggles in your life.
If you have trouble resisting pornography, put a filter
on your computer—and let someone else, whom you Feed Your Will to Strengthen It
trust, set the password. To strengthen our willpower, Every parent knows that if you want small children to
we must make concerted efforts to flee temptation. behave better, make sure they have full stomachs. So,
feed your body in order to feed your willpower. Nutri-
Will You Practice Your Willpower? tionally balanced meals, eaten in moderation, help us
Athletes prepare for sporting contests by practicing. make good decisions, function well, and exercise our
They practice—then they practice some more. Merely willpower effectively. If willpower is like a muscle, it
knowing how to swing a bat, kick a ball, or shoot a bas- needs energy. Our brains, through which we transfer
ketball does not bring proficiency. It takes hundreds our willpower into physical action, need glucose in
or thousands of repetitions, hour after hour, day after order to perform. Without proper fuel in adequate
day, before the motions become so natural that they quantity, our brains will not function as they should,
are practically automatic. and our willpower will be weakened.
Paul described the spiritual journey as a race to Physical fuel, however, is only the beginning—it is
be run with endurance (Hebrews 12:1). He empha- necessary, but not sufficient. Jesus Christ cautioned
sized that Christians do this by using God’s Spirit, His followers not to place too much focus on life’s
which brings many benefits, including self-control physical aspects while neglecting the spiritual. He said,
(Galatians 5:23). “Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the
Godly self-control is like a muscle, which will food which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of
atrophy if it is not developed. When we decide to for- Man will give you, because God the Father has set His
give someone who has wronged us, we are exercising seal on Him” (John 6:27). What is the spiritual food
spiritual power over our will. When we do this again that lasts forever? “‘For the bread of God is He who
and again, repeating the pattern, it becomes more comes down from heaven and gives life to the world….’
natural for us, and even second nature. It is no won- And Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life. He who
der that Jesus Christ said we must forgive our brother comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in
“seventy times seven” (Matthew 18:22). He wants us Me shall never thirst’” (John 6:33, 35).
to develop the habit of forgiving others. He wants our How do we feed on Christ? By surrendering our
self-control “muscle” to be well-exercised! will to His, and by asking Him to live His life in us (Ga-
Studies have shown that practicing self-control latians 2:20). Our physical willpower can be strength-
in one area helps us gain self-control in all areas of ened as we provide fuel to the brain. Our spiritual
willpower can be strengthened as we take in the “fuel” yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give
of prayer, Bible study, meditation, and occasional fast- you the desires of your heart. Commit your
ing. Christ Himself said, “Man shall not live by bread way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He
alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth shall bring it to pass. He shall bring forth
of God” (Matthew 4:4). We strengthen our willpower your righteousness as the light, and your
by having regular contact with God, and by doing His justice as the noonday. Rest in the Lord,
will in our lives. Jesus said, “My food is to do the will of and wait patiently for Him (Psalm 37:3–7).
Him who sent Me, and to finish His work” (John 4:34).
Prayer, Bible study, meditation, and fasting are the Never forget that God Himself exercised perfect
spiritual “food” we need to draw closer to our Savior. willpower in His plan to save mankind from its sins.
And don’t neglect the importance of rest. In many The night before Jesus Christ died for all mankind,
areas of the world, modern culture is sleep-deprived He faced the most difficult choice of His life. To be-
culture. It is no wonder that we have less self-control come our Savior, He would have to go through an ag-
than ever! When we become depleted mentally, our onizing death. The temptation to turn back and walk
away must have been enormous.
HAVE TO GO THROUGH AN AGONIZING DEATH. “Pray that you may not enter
into temptation.” He walked on a
THE TEMPTATION TO TURN BACK AND WALK little farther, and then cried out,
“‘Father, if it is Your will, take this
AWAY MUST HAVE BEEN ENORMOUS. cup away from Me; nevertheless
not My will, but Yours, be done.’
Then an angel appeared to Him
strength of willpower will decline. We need to take from heaven, strengthening Him. And being in agony,
time to recharge and recuperate. Sometimes that just He prayed more earnestly. Then His sweat became
means taking care of our physical health, getting ade- like great drops of blood falling down to the ground”
quate rest and sound sleep. But physical rest goes only (Luke 22:40, 42–44).
so far in rejuvenating our depleted spirit. Christ prom- Did Christ just “grit His teeth” and “force” His
ised, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy will to do the right thing? No! What allowed Him to
laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you pass this excruciating test was His willingness to sur-
and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, render to the will and the power of the Father.
and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is This is how we, too, can find the willpower to
easy and My burden is light” (Matthew 11:28–30). resist and overcome temptation. As we surrender our
lives in true obedience to the One who made us, we
Will You Submit to God’s Power? can be imbued with His spiritual power. Paul wrote to
Paradoxically, we have the greatest willpower when we the brethren in Philippi, “Therefore, my beloved, as
submit to the power of God. Living under and by His you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only,
power is freeing, calming, and settling as we experience but now much more in my absence, work out your
the power of His Spirit in our lives. In the final analysis, own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God
growing in willpower means totally and unequivocally who works in you both to will and to do for His good
trusting in God and His power to lead us. pleasure” (Philippians 2:12–13).
When you are faced with temptation, consider If we seek and obey Him, God will work through
something that King David wrote: us “to will and to do” His will in our lives. We can
overcome; we can direct our spirit and our actions.
Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the Through God’s help, we can have all the willpower
land, and feed on His faithfulness. Delight we need. TW
at stake, it is no wonder that the abortion contro-
ou would be hard-pressed in recent versy can feel less like a discussion and more like
years to find a topic that has been a war.
more hotly debated than the question Though its origins are often debated, the old
of abortion. adage remains as true as ever: Truth is the first
As Emma Green wrote in January 2018 for casualty in war. And the warfare over abortion is
The Atlantic, “Abortion has always stood apart no exception. When the goal is scoring political
from other topics of political debate in American points over an opponent or advancing a desired
culture. It has remained morally contested in a policy, convenient statements don’t get the exam-
way that other social issues have not, at least in ination they deserve, and lies—whether purposeful
part because it asks Americans to answer un- or accidental—often go unexposed. Perhaps some
imaginably serious questions about the nature of have convinced themselves that the lies they tell
human life.” are for some “greater good.”
Indeed, abortion touches upon many of the But truth always matters. And to deny or ig-
most basic, fundamental concerns of civilization nore the truth about abortion puts the foundation
itself. Personal autonomy and freedom. Boundar- of our civilization itself at risk. No society can long
ies of governmental authority. Evaluating compet- exist founded on lies and falsehoods, regardless of
ing societal benefits. Rights and responsibilities. how sincerely they may be presented.
Ancient and modern ideas of morality. Gender
differences. Family life and structure. Parenthood. Seven Common Lies
Childhood. Personhood. Life and death. Lies about abortion abound in social debates,
The question of abortion remains divisive and political speeches, and the claims of news-show
deeply charged, and we need to know the right talking heads. And while they generate a lot of
answers—the truth that counteracts the many lies smoke and heat, there is little light in them. Many
so widely circulated about this contentious topic. sincerely believe the following lies—but their sin-
cerity does not turn lies into truth. So, let’s tackle
Truth Matters seven deceptions and smokescreens frequently
Millions of well-meaning people on both sides of put forward by the abortion industry.
the abortion controversy think they are taking a
moral stand in a deadly war of conflicting values. The Lie: Elective abortion must be unre-
Yet others cynically see the abortion controversy stricted because of rape or incest.
as something they can exploit for financial, polit-
ical, or personal gain. Some who say they oppose The Truth: More than 98 percent of abor-
abortion are more eager to amass mailing lists of tions come after consensual sex—and all
campaign donors than to take the difficult steps extinguish a human life.
that would save the lives of the not-yet-born. And In this case, the lie comes in the form of a red her-
some who support abortion are more interested in ring. Rape and incest are tragedies, indeed, but the
personal profit or easy after-the-fact “birth con- abortion industry often weaponizes these trage-
trol” than in any moral principle that would justify dies as if they justified abortion on demand for any
reason. In reality, statistics show that these incidents tactic—a common misleading tactic that ignores the
are rare. In the United States, for example, the state of facts. Fewer than ten nations—such as the Vatican,
Florida tracks abortions, and in November of 2018 re- Malta, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, and
ported that of the 70,239 Florida abortions performed Nicaragua—do not allow abortions to save the moth-
that year, just 109—about 0.15 percent—were due to er’s life.
rape or incest. By comparison, 95 percent of the state’s Most nations’ legal systems recognize that treat-
abortions were for “social or economic” purposes and ment to save a mother’s life is not morally equivalent
no medical reason at all. to killing an unwanted child. They allow the treatment
Even a pro-abortion organization like the Gutt- of ectopic pregnancies—the 1–2 percent of pregnan-
macher Institute confirms the low proportion of such cies in which a fertilized egg implants somewhere
abortions. Analyzing two surveys, 20 years apart, other than the uterus, often in the fallopian tube,
that asked women why they sought an abortion, the which, given current medical technology, generally
institute reported that the responses were consistent: result in the deaths of both mother and child unless
“1% indicated that they had been victims of rape, and doctors intervene or God provides a miracle.
less than half a percent said they became pregnant as Parents facing such a tragic situation deserve
a result of incest” (“Reasons Women Have Abortions: compassion and support. They do not deserve to be
Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives,” Perspec- made a distraction from the issue of elective abor-
tives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, vol. 37, no. 3. tions where the mother’s life is in no danger at all.
2005, pp. 110–118). Consider that the same Florida statistics cited earlier
It is nonsense to say that abortion on demand note that only 0.3 percent of the abortions in the state
for whatever reason must be allowed due to these that year were due to life-threatening conditions for
rare cases. When discussing the matter with some- the mother. It is a callous misdirection for abortion
one making this claim, it can be revealing to ask, advocates to cloud and confuse the issue of elective
“So, if those 1.5 percent of abortions were allowed, abortion with these heartbreaking-but-rare circum-
how would you feel about banning the other 98.5 stances; the vast majority of abortions are performed
percent?” One usually finds that rape and incest when both mother and child are healthy, but the child
are not the person’s concern, and that maintaining is simply unwanted.
unrestricted access to abortion in all instances is the
real goal. The Lie: The fetus hasn’t developed enough to
Whether the life in the womb is a human being feel pain.
whose life is worth protecting regardless of how that
life was conceived is a question worth discussing. But The Truth: Fetal responses suggestive of pain
don’t be fooled; the misdirection that the “rape and have been found as early as twelve weeks
incest” claim represents is often deployed to distract after conception.
you in the service of supporting abortion on demand According to sources such as Cambridge University
for any cause. Press’ Abortion Care (2014, p. 178), women seeking
abortion commonly ask, “Will the baby feel any-
The Lie: Restricting abortion means abandoning thing?” They are often told that before 24 weeks of
women in life-threatening situations caused by gestation the child has not developed enough neuro-
dangerous pregnancies. logically to feel pain—and possibly that the child is
“sedated by the uterine environment” and “is not fully
The Truth: Abortions to save a mother’s life conscious.” But those claims no longer hold water—if
are rare and already well-accommodated by they ever did.
law and medical science. For instance, in November 2019, the Journal of
Equating all abortions with circumstances in which Medical Ethics published a report titled “Reconsid-
doctors are literally seeking to save a mother’s life ering Fetal Pain,” by neuroscientist and specialist in
when pregnancy goes tragically wrong is a common pain sensation Stuart W. G. Derbyshire and U.S. Army
physician assistant John C. Bockmann. Their conclu- that a truly pro-woman stance must include
sion was clearly stated: “Overall, the evidence, and a a stand against abortion on demand.
balanced reading of that evidence, points towards an The debate about abortion is often framed as a “men
immediate and unreflective pain experience medi- versus women” issue, or as part of a larger, hypothet-
ated by the developing function of the nervous system ical “war on women.” But such framing is objectively
from as early as 12 weeks” (vol. 46, issue 1, pp. 3–6). In false.
In 2018, the Pew Research Center
STRONG THAT SOME PRO-LIFE WOMEN’S that advocate for legal abortion often
frame it as a women’s rights issue. But in
GROUPS HAVE BEEN BARRED FROM many European countries and the United
States, women do not differ significantly
JOINING IN THE POPULAR “WOMEN’S from men in their views about abortion, ac-
cording to a new analysis of Pew Research
women are more than happy to wield the eraser The claim that an abortion does not really kill
themselves when women disagree with them. anyone has no basis in reality, regardless of the child’s
stage of development.
The Lie: The word “killing” doesn’t even make
sense in discussing abortion—you’re not really The Lie: Tens of thousands of women will die
killing anything. each year due to dangerous “back alley” proce-
dures if abortion is restricted.
The Truth: Abortionists know that desen-
sitized people will more easily accept the The Truth: Botched legal abortions are a big-
procedure, but abortion undeniably kills a ger problem than alleged “illegal” abortions
human being. ever were.
Like dehumanizing the developing human being— This lie in particular has been a powerful talking
trying to suggest that the words “fetus” or “embryo” point since at least the 1973 Roe v. Wade case of
mean something unhuman, unlike the clear implica- the United States Supreme Court. However, when
tions of “baby” or “child”—deceptive language tries to abortion is restricted, studies find an increased use
hide the fact that an abortion ends a life, even though of other birth control options. Abortion on demand
facts reveal that it does just that. As Dr. David Molloy increases the number of those who ignore means of
of the Australian Medical Association told reporter birth control that would prevent conception. It also
Madeline Healey, “at the end of the day, the truth is increases the number of botched abortions; a 2007
that when you perform an abortion you are killing study found that more than 66,000 women die each
something” (“Abortion Starkly Depicted in Film,” year because of legal abortions., July 22, 2004). But what about abortionists’ claims regarding
Molloy was reacting to a British pro-abortion “back alley” abortions? The figures cited in Roe v.
documentary, My Foetus, by filmmaker Julia Black. To Wade were later exposed as fraudulent to begin
Black’s credit, her documentary did not shy away from with, according to one of the most prominent figures
this unavoidable truth: abortions kill. Writing for the in that case, Dr. Bernard Nathanson. As one of the
Guardian, Black laments that her fellow pro-choice founding members in 1969 of the National Associa-
advocates are too easily repulsed by images of aborted tion for the Repeal of Abortion Laws, Roe v. Wade was,
fetuses, too often unwilling to address the real facts at the time, a great victory for Dr. Nathanson. Yet, as
of what their philosophy empowers—a philosophy he later wrote in his famous essay, “Confessions of an
she herself supports. “Rationally, we know abortion Ex-Abortionist,”
ends the life of a potential human being, but why when
we see what they look like are we so shocked?” (“My We aroused enough sympathy to sell our
Abortion and My Baby,” April 3, 2004). She argues that program of permissive abortion by fabri-
pro-choice advocates hurt their own cause by denying cating the number of illegal abortions done
the reality of what abortion is. annually in the U.S. The actual figure was
Some abortion supporters go so far as to describe approaching 100,000 but the figure we gave
children in the womb as “parasites” living off their to the media repeatedly was 1,000,000.
mother’s support—a grotesque and unjustified de- Repeating the big lie often enough convinces
scription of human reproduction. Yet the extreme the public. The number of women dying
language can serve to clarify the point: Would anyone from illegal abortions was around 200–250
argue that parasites are not living things? When annually. The figure we constantly fed to the
someone takes medicine intended to kill and remove media was 10,000.
a tapeworm, no one in their right mind claims that
“nothing has died.” How much more is the human life, When medical advances such as ultrasound
developing in the womb designed to nurture and care imaging began to make the humanity of the life in the
for it, a living being? womb undeniable, Dr. Nathanson’s conscience did
not let him continue as an abortionist. He turned to widespread access to abortion on demand is the key
pro-life advocacy, and remained, until his death in to saving women and girls from lives of regret and
2011, committed to the cause of reversing the policies bitterness is utterly false.
he had helped instate. The lies he once deployed in
the service of abortion on demand, however, continue Bearers of Their Creator’s Image
to live on in the public consciousness. We have addressed powerful truths in response
to just seven of the abortion industry’s dangerous
The Lie: Without abortion, many women would lies. Yet, if we had the time and the space, we could
live lives of bitterness, regret, despair, and bro- list many dozens more. Language-twisting, such as
ken dreams. dismissing a fetus as “a clump of cells”—aren’t we all
“clumps of cells,” and does this give anyone the right
The Truth: Over time, the vast majority of to kill us?—is a standard tactic the abortion industry
women denied abortions do not regret it. uses to desensitize and distract us. And deceptive
Variations of this make for a common claim: the idea attempts to gain sympathy from false premises is
that abortion is all that stands between vast numbers another tactic that pro-abortion forces use again and
of young women and lives they come to hate and again in new and insidious ways.
regret, raising children they resent. In all of this, we should appreciate the impor-
Actual studies, however, suggest the opposite. Dr. tance of Jesus Christ’s declaration that knowing
Diana Greene Foster of the Bixby Center for Global the truth makes us free (John 8:32). Though He was
Reproductive Health at the University of California, certainly speaking of truth in the largest sense, the
San Francisco, addresses such questions in her com- truth about life in the womb is a profound part of
prehensive 2021 book The Turnaway Study. As a book that greater truth. Without a sound understanding of
generally supportive of abortion, the findings are all the world, we clamor around in darkness, bumping
the more credible: into walls, scraping our knees against furniture, and
stumbling over obstacles we can’t even identify. If
One week after abortion denial [that is, seek- we are ever to come to terms with abortion, lies and
ing an abortion but being denied one], 65% of misinformation must be set aside.
participants reported still wishing they could Once we accomplish that, we will be free to see
have had the abortion; after the birth, only developing children as what they truly are: individual
12% of women reported that they still wished human beings, made after God’s own image, just as
that they could have had the abortion. At Genesis 1:27 declares of us all. All human lives, unique
the time of the child’s first birthday, 7% still in all of creation as bearers of the Creator’s image, are
wished they could have had an abortion. By sacred. Their value—at any stage of development—is
five years, this went down to 4% (p. 126). not determined by whether they are wanted or
whether they are convenient.
Note that, five years after seeking an abortion but Ultimately, we cannot treat pre-natal children
being denied, 96 percent of women no longer wished as anything less than human without the risk of
they had succeeded having an abortion. As Dr. Foster dehumanizing us all. Because of this, the questions
later wrote, if the numbers are restricted to those abortion brings to light are among the most import-
who chose to raise their child instead of putting it up ant any civilization can consider. As we consider
for adoption, those wishing they could have had the these issues, casting off lies and devoting ourselves
abortion drop to only 2 percent. to the truth—even painful and inconvenient truth—
Dr. Foster is no pro-life advocate, which makes is a vital first step. Let us all have the courage to
her numbers even more convincing. The notion that take it. TW
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and cultural community grounded in its Roman Catholic
obert Schuman (1886–1963) was a French heritage, and in the democracy he felt was born out of
statesman who dedicated his entire adult life that heritage. Historian Georges-Henri Soutou summed
to politics. He served in France’s parliament up Schuman’s perspective on European civilization:
from 1919–1962 as a deputy representing the
Moselle region. In the years after World War II, he served For Schuman, in fact, this Europe was defined
under French President Vincent Auriol as Foreign Minis- in its deep nature by its history and its civili-
ter and President of the Council of Ministers. zation, but its effective political construction
But, above all, it is Schuman’s commitment to Europe presupposed a common will respecting the
that has preserved his name for posterity. He is consid- framework of democratic values…. Europe
ered one of the “fathers of Europe” alongside such nota- was based on a unity of civilization, on a
bles as Konrad Adenauer, Alcide de Gasperi, Paul-Henri history shared and henceforth reconciled, and
Spaak, and Jean Monnet. Specifically, his “Schuman on common values (including
Declaration” of May 9, 1950, led to the establishment freedom and the rule of law)…. We had here
of the European Coal and Steel Community, uniting the a clearly defined Europe, which was certainly
economic interests of France and West Germany—and, based on universal values (or which claim to
soon afterward, Italy and the three Benelux nations—and be such) such as democracy and human rights
setting the stage for the Treaty of Rome in 1957, which but which clearly affirmed its specificity as a
marked the founding of the European Economic Commu- geographical, historical and civilizing space
nity, predecessor of today’s European Union. (Outre-Terre, vol. 7, n. 2, 2004, pp. 36–37).
Christianity—really, Roman Catholicism in particu- as a Roman Catholic layman. Francis’ approval gives
lar—is held up as grounds for a common culture, yet in Schuman the title “Venerable” among the Roman Catholic
practice we find pre-Christian paganism crowding out faithful and sets him on the path to “sainthood” in his
the truths Christ taught and practiced. church. To learn the actual scriptural identity of “saints,”
We should not underestimate the importance of you can read our March 2021 article “Saints and Nations.”
the ongoing connections drawn between the Roman
Empire and the European Union. In an article titled A Religiopolitical Union?
“From the Roman Empire to the United States of Is it significant that one of the prime movers behind a
Europe: The European dream in seven chapters,” the unified Europe is also revered for his Roman Catholic
newspaper Luxemburger Wort strikingly examines the virtues? When we look at the lessons of history, we are
examples of Charlemagne, Charles V, Napoleon I, and reminded that the Roman church has long sought to
Hitler (March 23, 2017)—men whom Bible students influence European civilization, socially and politically as
will recognize as leaders of previous revivals of the well as religiously. Historian Michel Meyer has reflected:
ancient Roman Empire. These revivals were foretold
long ago by the Apostle John in a striking passage of So, what was it that kept Rome and its peoples
the book of Revelation (Revelation 17:1–10). Though together for so long [approximately 1,000 years
most historians and journalists do not take the Bible from the Republic to the end of the Empire], and
seriously as a source of history and prophecy, it is re- imposed its values until they were transmitted to
markable to see how their secular conclusions parallel us? [Pagan, then Catholic] religion was above all
biblical prophecy! a matter of rites more than of beliefs, hence the
But just how important is Roman Catholic interest in formalism that we will find even in Roman law,
Europe’s future? We have seen Europe’s connection to the which is still the basis of ours…. Europe will only
old Roman Empire, but even as France and much of the recover thanks to the [Roman] Church which, af-
rest of Europe believes less and less in God—particularly ter only several centuries, will take over (Qu’est-ce
the God of the Bible—the historical and cultural heritage que l’Histoire? Progrès ou déclin?, 2013, pp. 64–65).
of Roman Catholicism seems to come to the forefront for
its ability to impose a shared civilization, history, and value In a world where religious division is creating more
system on the varied peoples of Europe. Scripture warns and more new varieties of “Christianity” with varying
of a coming political system that will appear peaceful, like beliefs and practices, Meyer’s insight is significant. By
a lamb, yet will deceive millions into following a political offering common rites that can bring people into unity
figure known as the “beast,” who will carry out Satan’s evil despite differing local customs and beliefs, Roman
will (Revelation 13:11–15). So, can we expect to see Roman Catholicism provides a powerful tool for achieving and
Catholicism play an important role in unifying Europe? maintaining Europe as a single cohesive entity with its
own unique identity. But that identity will become a
Saint Schuman? dangerous reality, guided by a religious figure Scripture
Author Cédric Burgun wrote that European unifier describes as a “great harlot” whose corrupt teachings
“Schuman was a layman who worked with all his might will unify Europe under the rule of the prophesied beast
to sanctify his time and the society in which he lived…. (Revelation 17:1–4).
He saw the two world wars, knew how to be prophetic Robert Schuman is perhaps the most striking
and tried to make his political mission coincide with the human emblem of Europe’s envisioned unity, equally
words of the Gospels: the forgiveness of enemies” (La “venerable” to the continent’s Roman Catholics and to
Croix, June 19, 2021). political forces seeking a Europe united religiously and
So, can the political unity of Europe be tied to its sociopolitically. And, on the foundation he helped to set,
religious sanctity and even to the “gospel” message? Most biblical prophecy regarding Europe and its future is con-
of the mainstream media ignored an important event that tinuing to come alive. Keep reading your Bible, and keep
occurred on June 19, 2021, when Pope Francis approved reading Tomorrow’s World, so you will be prepared as
a Vatican report proclaiming Schuman’s “heroic virtues” millennia-old prophecies are fulfilled all around you. TW
Question: I recently read a newspaper article claim- (NASB). We find it, as well, in Job 3:16 and Ecclesi-
ing that in Exodus 21:22, the Bible shows that killing astes 6:3.
a child in the womb is not considered to be as serious The word naphal does not appear in Exodus 21.
as killing an adult, and that as a result abortion should Rather, we find the Hebrew word yatsa, which can be
not be considered a sin. Does the Bible really say this? translated as “bring forth” (Genesis 1:12) or “come
from” (Genesis 17:6). Yatsa is also used elsewhere
Answer: This mistaken claim has been around for in Exodus 21: “And if he does not do these three for
years and was recently featured in an article in the her, then she shall go out [yatsa] free, without paying
Washington Post (“An Ancient Mistranslation Is money” (Exodus 21:11).
Now Helping to Threaten Abortion Rights,” October The biblical Significantly, the patriarch
12, 2021). It is based on a misunderstanding of the is quoted as using yatsa
biblical passage in question. Here is the passage as
teaching against Job to describe his healthy birth:
translated in the New King James Version: abortion rests “Naked I came from [yatsa] my
on far more than mother’s womb” (Job 1:21).
If men fight, and hurt a woman with child, So, we can clearly see that
Exodus 21:22,
so that she gives birth prematurely, yet no Exodus 21:22 is discussing a
harm follows, he shall surely be punished such as the fact woman giving birth prema-
accordingly as the woman’s husband imposes that human life turely as a result of an assault.
on him; and he shall pay as the judges deter- is sacred and And the NKJV conveys this
mine. But if any harm follows, then you shall correct understanding, as do
give life for life (Exodus 21:22–23). made in God’s most other Bible translations.
own image In fact, the Amplified Bible
Some claim that “gives birth prematurely” actually and is woven gives the same translation,
means “has a miscarriage” and that the question of adding words in brackets to
“harm” only applies to the mother. If so, “life for life”
together by God make the point explicitly: “If
would only apply if the mother died; otherwise, the in the womb. men fight with each other
attacker would only pay a fine, even if the child died. and injure a pregnant woman so that she gives birth
Regrettably, some English-language translations prematurely [and the baby lives]….”
do imply what the Post writers propose. In the 1977 The teaching is clear: If the child was born prema-
New American Standard Bible, we read, “And if men turely but generally unharmed, the guilty party paid a
struggle with each other and strike a woman with fine. But, if the premature child was damaged in some
child so that she has a miscarriage, yet there is no fur- way, the individual paid a proportional price—even
ther injury….” Most translations, however—including “life for life” if the child died. Were this discussing the
the New International Version and English Standard miscarriage of a stillborn child rather than a premature
Version—follow the NKJV in rendering “gives birth birth, the Hebrew language had a word for that and
prematurely.” Even the NASB, revised in 1995, now could have used it. Instead, Exodus 21:22–23 uses a
reads “gives birth prematurely”—highlighting an word more plainly associated with birth.
early birth and not a miscarriage at all. The biblical teaching against abortion rests
But which translation is correct? A closer look on far more than this, such as the fact that human
at the Hebrew makes the answer plain. The Hebrew life is sacred and made in God’s own image (Gen-
word naphal is used in several places to indicate esis 1:27; 9:6) and is woven together by God in the
miscarriages, as in Psalm 58:8: “May they be like womb (Psalm 139:13). The clear teaching of Exodus
a snail which goes along in slime, like the miscar- 21:22–23 concerning the value of life in the womb is
riage [naphal] of a woman that never sees the sun” no exception. TW
developments in Europe. Consider the rise of the next Christ’s Glorious Victory—and Yours
world superpower. “The ten horns which you saw How will the times of the Gentiles come to an end?
are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, “Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were
but they receive authority for one hour as kings with loud voices in heaven, saying, ‘The kingdoms of this
the beast. These are of one mind, and they will give world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and
their power and authority to the beast” (Revelation of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!’”
17:12–13). Notice the time of this final revival. “These (Revelation 11:15). This will be a wonderful time for
will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will over- resurrected Christians, as they receive eternal life and
come them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; the great privilege of ruling the earth under Christ
and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and (Revelation 5:10). This is God’s reward for those
faithful” (Revelation 17:14). who obey His command to repent and be baptized,
Yes, this end-time military machine will fail in and who receive the Holy Spirit, which helps them
its war against Christ. It will give way to the kingdom overcome sin and develop God’s holy and righteous
that will stand forever—the Kingdom of God, ruled character in their own lives.
by the King of kings and Lord of lords. He will replace At Christ’s return, these faithful Christians will
a future deceptive religious leader who will perform be resurrected as “firstfruits”—the first human be-
dramatic miracles. That leader will excite religious ings to enter God’s Family (James 1:18; 1 Corinthi-
passions all over the world: ans 15:52). This will include human beings from all
nations—not just the tribes of Israel, but also many
Then I saw another beast coming up out of the Gentiles who have become part of spiritual Israel as
earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and Christians (Galatians 6:16). You do not want to let
spoke like a dragon. And he exercises all the a false religion and a false religious leader deceive
authority of the first beast in his presence, and you into missing out on this wonderful future.
causes the earth and those who dwell in it to Stay alert and do as Jesus commanded: “Watch
worship the first beast, whose deadly wound therefore, and pray always that you may be counted
was healed. He performs great signs, so that he worthy to escape all these things that will come to
even makes fire come down from heaven on the pass, and to stand before the Son of Man” (Luke
earth in the sight of men (Revelation 13:11–13). 21:36). TW
Revelation: The Mystery Unveiled! Understand the earth-shaking future events revealed in
MAY WE your Bible! Request this free printed booklet from the Regional Office nearest you,
S U G G EST? or order at PDF, ePub, and Kindle are also available.
by joints moving or the stretching of connective tissue The Valley of Dry Bones—Dead Forever?
within joints. Signals then fire up the spine through Eventually, all living bones, no matter how dynamic
dedicated pathways to the sensory cortex of the brain. and vital, will die. Joints decay and bones become
Sometimes called the “sixth sense,” proprioception is disjointed, inanimate white lumps of calcium. Once
the sensation of bodily movement and position. It is so beautifully animated, they become mute and still
this feedback that most obviously provides the capacity in death. The Creator fashioned and designed our
for accurate execution of complex movements made by bones so artfully. Yet in death, bones dry out and all
our skeletal bones as they organize to help us accom- blood-producing marrow disappears. The life that
plish our daily tasks. seemed to animate these once-living cells fades all too
Would you believe, however, that movement of quickly, like a passing breath (Psalm 144:4).
bone at the joints plays an important part in brain Can dead bones live again? Can our Creator
function? breathe new life into inanimate
Dead bones calcium? Long ago, a priest
The Life Is in the Blood—and the Blood named Ezekiel was asked that ex-
Is in the Bones
fall apart at the act question. Ezekiel was shown
Proprioception is how our joints “talk” to our brains. joints as the a vision of a great valley full of
Famed animal behavioral expert Temple Grandin body decays. “very dry” bones, and he was
illustrated the power of proprioception in her use of a
“squeeze machine” to calm beef cattle by stimulating
However, living asked, “Son of man, can these
bones live?” Ezekiel deferred, “Oh
nerve endings in their joints and body tissues. Proprio- bones are held Lord God, You know.” Then the
ception is also at work when we swaddle babies, get a together at the Eternal spoke: “Surely I will cause
massage, receive chiropractic care, exercise, and even
joints with very breath to enter into you, and you
use weighted blankets, which are increasingly popular. shall live. I will put sinews on you
The reticular activating system processes hy- specifically and bring flesh upon you, cover
peralert “alarm” activity in the brain. It is moderated designed you with skin and put breath in
and calmed when the body sends signals to the brain connective you; and you shall live. Then you
regarding position and movement. In several studies, shall know that I am the Lord”
such stimulation has been linked to decreases in tissues. (Ezekiel 37:1–6).
blood pressure. Much like a computer reset button, Far more than dried out, used-up lumps of miner-
our brain’s fight-or-flight mechanisms are reset to als, our incredible living bones fulfill numerous func-
rest-and-recovery mode by proprioceptive feedback. tions, woven into other systems in a way that reveals a
All this results from the stimulation of nerve endings thoughtful designer. Bones are built, demolished, and
deep within our joints, where bone meets bone. rebuilt in response to environmental demands through
Scripture tells us that life is in the blood (Leviticus the marvelous teamwork of living cells. Where bone
17:11). Dried-out, hollow bones truly are devoid of meets bone in the joints, bones “talk” to the nervous
blood and blood’s associated life. However, not only do system. Bone marrow produces blood cells that carry
living bones have blood in their inner core; soft, spongy nutrients and oxygen and drive immune function.
marrow found in that same core actually manufactures Living bones inevitably die, and loved ones die
blood. Red blood cells, white blood cells, and blood all too soon. Yet dead bones will live again when they
platelets are all produced by bone stem cells found in are called from the grave and clothed once more in
the marrow. Long bones stop producing blood in adult- flesh—when new life is again breathed into them by the
hood, and their marrow is turned into yellow marrow Creator Himself. Familiar, beloved faces lost to the rav-
or fat. However, even then, our kidneys can signal the ages of time will awaken to breathe, smile, and laugh
yellow marrow to resume blood production if needed. once more. The Creator who made and fashioned our
Within bone marrow, we see refined manufacture of amazing skeletal bones can remake and refashion them
living cells, feedback, and communication that are yet again—and one day, He will do exactly that.
impossible for medical science to accomplish. —Bryan Fall
July 24, 2021 Pride March at the Freedom Bridge in Budapest, Hungary
Afghanistan Situation power that is not aligned with Why is this decline so im- Will the EU Expel
May Spur European the U.S. or most other Israel- portant? Insects pollinate flow- Hungary?
Union Army ite-descended nations (Reve- ers and essential food crops. Britain, by its own choice,
With the Afghanistan situation lation 17). In fact, at the end of They play important roles is no longer a part of the
continuing to deteriorate and the age, there will be so much in the food chain when they European Union. Is Hungary in
EU leaders feeling betrayed by friction between the European are consumed by fish, birds, danger of being ejected from
the United States, the chaotic beast and these Israelite bats, amphibians, and other the Union at some point in
exodus from Kabul could be- nations that they will be taken animals. Insects also play vital the future? “The [European]
come a catalyst to bring about into captivity by the beast! The roles in decomposing dead Commission is launching
the creation of a long-dis- actions we are watching on the animals and vegetation, which infringement procedures
cussed European Union army. world scene may tie directly to is important for recycling nutri- against Hungary and Poland
Many Europeans appear to be the fulfillment of this biblical ents in the environment. related to the equality and
concluding that America no prophecy. What many do not realize the protection of fundamental
longer “has their back.” today is that God gave rights” (, July 15, reported, “The Decline of Vital Insect mankind the responsibility 2021). Poland transgressed
fall of Kabul to the Taliban Populations to manage the earth and its EU ideology by creating
and the chaotic international According to Dr. Dave Goulson, resources, just as Adam was “LGBT-ideology free zones,”
evacuation effort shows that a professor of biology at the asked to “tend and keep” the prompting EU officials to
Europe needs to develop its University of Sussex, the insect Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:15; ask for more information.
own military capacity inde- population of the globe has cf. 1:28). However, as the pre- Hungary has passed “child
pendent of the United States” probably declined by some 75 cipitous decline of insects and protection” legislation prohib-
(August 22, 2021). EU foreign percent in the last 50 years. other creatures tragically illus- iting the exposure of children
policy chief Josep Borrell said, He says that, as a result, “our trates, the impact of human under age 18 to homosexual
“Some countries are going world will slowly grind to a halt, activities on the environment propaganda. This is viewed as
to have to ask themselves for it cannot function without has been damaging and very a problem by the EU because
questions about an American them [insects]” (The Guardian, costly. Yet Scripture reveals such legislation violates what
ally which, as Joe Biden said, July 25, 2021). Dr. Goulson has that there is hope ahead—a Europe believes to be “human
doesn’t want to fight other written an informative account time when the whole creation rights.”
people’s wars for them.” of the consequences of this will be restored in the coming In a forceful reaction to
Borrell favors “a 50,000-strong decline in his book Silent Earth: Kingdom of God (Acts 3:19–21; Hungary’s law, European
expeditionary force, capable Averting the Insect Apocalypse. Romans 8:19–22). Insects may Commission President Ursula
of acting in circumstances like The widespread use of toxic be tiny creatures, but they von der Leyen stated that
we’re seeing in Afghanistan.” pesticides and the destruction were created by God to play “Europe will never allow
Biblical prophecy warns of of natural habitats contribute to vital roles in the ecosystems parts of our society to be
a German-led European beast this drastic decline. of the earth. stigmatised: be it because
of whom they love, because Children Face a Father is this: to visit orphans visible and “high impact”
of their age, their ethnicity, Hidden Pandemic and widows in their trouble, projects to promote its
their political opinions, British medical journal The and to keep oneself unspotted influence and its economy.
or their religious beliefs.” Lancet reports that, as a result from the world” (James 1:27). While China’s initiative now
The Dutch prime minister of the COVID-19 pandemic, Humanity should be moved accounts for $2.5 trillion in
declared, “Hungary has no “1.5 million children around by the suffering we see global projects to “create
place in the EU anymore,” the globe have lost a parent, around us and earnestly cry opportunities” for trade be-
and the foreign minister of guardian or grandparent who out for Christ’s return and the tween nations, Europe is now
Luxembourg openly called helped care for them” (The end of suffering. When Jesus “vowing to build a ‘globally
for a referendum to be held Hill, July 21, 2021). The study Christ returns, the govern- connected’ EU which would
on whether Hungary should authors note, “Orphanhood ment of God will put an end allow the bloc to turn its
retain its EU membership and caregiver deaths are a to sorrow for all, including attention to Africa and Latin
(The Conversation, July 26, hidden pandemic resulting children. America.” Currently, there is
2021). from COVID-19 associated no budget for Europe’s effort,
It remains to be seen what deaths.” According to the Europe Responds to but European leaders are
will come of the current study, one child is left behind Chinese “Belt and very much behind it. German
friction between the EU and for every two COVID-19 Road” Effort Foreign Minister Heiko Maas
Hungary. Were the EU to deaths, because one or China is developing a vast observed, “We see China
eventually reject Hungary or more of their caregivers is global infrastructure known as using economic and financial
any other EU member nation gone. Sadly, this situation is the Belt and Road Initiative, means to increase its political
from remaining in the Union, not unlike that of the “AIDS using shipping, port develop- influence everywhere in the
it would set a powerful orphans” who suffer around ment, railroads, and highways world. It’s useless moaning
precedent. Biblical prophecy the globe. to increase world trade and about this, we must offer
states that there will be a While media reports often generate trade revenue for alternatives” (Reuters, July
final configuration in Europe focus on the economic impact China. In the last decade, China 12, 2021).
of “ten kings”—possibly and deaths of the pandemic, has spent massive amounts Biblical prophecy reveals
nations—who are part of an the faces of young, suffering of financial and physical re- that a coming European
end-time beast power. Cur- children are often overlooked. sources on this effort. Now, not “beast” power will be a
rently there are 27 member Yet the Bible stresses the to be outdone, “EU countries dynamic engine of global
nations of the EU, but this importance of taking care of are finally getting serious trade, making merchants of
number will likely change in orphans: “Pure and undefiled about their response to China’s the earth wealthy (Revelation
the years ahead. religion before God and the Belt and Road Initiative” (Polit- 18:1–3). A future European
ico, July 6, 2021). version of China’s Belt and
The EU Commission is Road Initiative could factor
now planning several highly into this prophecy. TW
I just read your September 2021 issue of Tomorrow’s I have just finished reading this article [“9/11: Twenty
World magazine. Thank you for sending it to me. On Years Later,” September 2021] online and it should be
page 29, in the [NewsWatch item] titled “Brexit Weak- sent to every church in the world. I have been watching
ening the United Kingdom Ties,” I found an answer, per- and praying since 9/11. When I saw that second plane
haps, to a question I’ve pondered for quite some time. In hit the South Tower of the World Trade Center, the
the article, it was stated that the British are of the tribe very first thing that came to my mind was that judg-
of Joseph. Thank you for clearing that up for me. ment is coming to the United States. If God will utterly
—Subscriber in California punish the “Apple of His eye,” how arrogant and foolish
we are to think that we can escape our just punish-
Editor’s Note: We’re glad that was helpful! Understand- ment. Thank you so very much for Tomorrow’s World
ing the biblical identity of modern nations is crucial to magazine; it is greatly appreciated. May God continue
understanding prophecy and brings a great deal of under- to bless your ministry.
standing to what is happening in the world today. —Subscriber in Iowa
It sounds like you would be very interested in our
free booklet The United States and Great Britain in I would like to order The Holy Days: God’s Master Plan.
Prophecy. If so, you can request a copy on our website I read twice the book The Bible: Fact or Fiction? It is an
at or from our Regional Office excellent book, and I am glad I read it twice—and I plan
nearest you, listed on page 4. to read it more times. Thank you and God bless you and
your Church.
I’m very glad to be reading the booklets I received from —Subscriber in Australia
you recently. They’re very informative and explain a
lot of things in ways I’ve never heard presented before. Editor’s Note: Thank you for your encouragement,
I’m seeking to learn and study as much as I can while and we hope you find the booklet about God’s Holy
we’re still in this calm before the storm. Thank you for Days helpful! The Living Church of God, which spon-
all that you do. sors the Tomorrow’s World magazine and television
—Reader in Colorado program, has congregations all over the world which
meet every Sabbath and on the annual Holy Days of
Thank you so much for the continued postings of your the Bible.
magazine during these difficult COVID times. I hope If you are interested in more information,
your organisation will continue to prosper and that you can contact a local minister by visiting
God will bless your efforts. and clicking on “Meet the Church
—Subscriber in New Zealand Behind TW.”
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AZ Tucson KMSB SU 8:30 a.m. Portland Community SU 12:30 p.m.
MI Alpena WBAE SU 8:00 a.m. *Check local listings for additional airtimes throughout
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Marquette WBKP SU 8:00 a.m. Johnstown Atl. Broadband MO 10:00 p.m.
CA Bakersfield KGET (CW) SU 8:00 a.m. Philadelphia WPSG SU 7:30 a.m.
Chico KHSL (CW) SU 8:00 a.m. The telecast is available on cable and broadcast stations
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El Centro KECY (CW) SU 9:00 a.m. Duluth KDLH SU 7:00 a.m. SC Charleston WCBD SU 8:00 a.m. around the world. Check your local listings for details, or
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