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Transboundary river basin planning:

a bigger challenge under water scarcity conditions

river basin
2nd European Rivers Summit

Lisboa, November 2021

A bigger challenge
under water
scarcity conditions
World Wide Fund for Nature
is the world’s largest
independent nature
conservation NGO.

It has over 5 million members

across the globe and active
offices in more than 120

WWF’s mission is to build a

future where people and
nature can live and thrive in
ANP (Associação Natureza
Portugal) works in association
with WWF International,
following-up on the work
developed since the 1990’s by OCEANS
the PT team under WWF
It operates in 6 major
Conservation Practices, and
currently leads over 20 WILDLIFE
conservation projects in the

ALIMENTAÇ • Water footprint reduction and risk management approaches
PRIORITIES • Water Stewardship initiatives and corporate responsibility
VIDA • Dam impact reduction and obsolete barriers removal
SELVAGEM • Ecologic restoration and water cycle improvement

• Plantar Água – restoring post-fire mediterranean forests in the

ÁGUA Caldeirão hills (Algarve)
• Reconnecting Iberian Rivers – improving water management and
connectivity in transboundary river basins (Douro, Tejo, Guadiana)
• Water Stewardship projects with key water users (Iniciativa Tejo,
Coca-Cola, Sumol+Compal, Super Bock Group, Reckitt Benckiser)
• Regional landscape restoration dialogues (Center, Algarve)
Transboundary river basin planning:
a bigger challenge under water scarcity conditions

European Political Context

• Transboundary RB’s
represent 66% of the EU
2nd European Rivers Summit
Lisboa, November 2021

• MS implementing the
WFD and its new
generation of RBMP’s

• MS opting between
coordinated or co-
managed transboundary
Transboundary river basin planning:
a bigger challenge under water scarcity conditions

Iberian Political Context

• Excelent diplomatic relations /

2nd European Rivers Summit

Poor common resources, political

Lisboa, November 2021

will, and mutual recognition

• Praised Albufeira Convention &

flow regime / Exception regime
and lack of management tools
during severe droughts,
exemptions abuse

• Poor coordination between

national parts of transboundary
RBMP’s (focused on cross-border
water bodies)
Transboundary river basin planning:
a bigger challenge under water scarcity conditions

The importance of shared resources

Transboundary Iberian river

2nd European Rivers Summit

basins represent:
Lisboa, November 2021

- 46% of the Peninsula

- 64% of Portugal
- 42% of Spain

- 67% of Portugal’s surface

water resources
- 39% of Spain’s
Transboundary river basin planning:
a bigger challenge under water scarcity conditions

The hydro-hegemonic power of Spain

2nd European Rivers Summit

geography material bargaining ideational geography material bargaining ideational

Lisboa, November 2021

- Geographic power: upstream/downstream position

- Material: financial, economic and human resources
- Bargaining: media exposure, lobbying and advocacy
- Ideational: perception biased (who’s the victim, who’s driest,…)
Transboundary river basin planning:
a bigger challenge under water scarcity conditions
2nd European Rivers Summit
Lisboa, November 2021

Source: Groove & Rackam, 2004

The hiper-Mediterranean Guadiana:

- The longest dry season (5-6 months)
- The highest summer temperatures (average > 35ºC)
- The highest PET and annual solar radiation (>3100 h)
- The strongest inter-annual rainfall variability (CV>.4)
Transboundary river basin planning:
a bigger challenge under water scarcity conditions

Social/economic context (Med)

2nd European Rivers Summit
Lisboa, November 2021

 Water scarcity due to supply variability and increasing demand

(mostly for irrigation and tourism)
 Flow and runoff reduction due to land use changes and climate
 Hydraulic paradigm still dominant among most local and
regional decision makers and users
Transboundary river basin planning:
a bigger challenge under water scarcity conditions

Incompatible versions of the RBMP

 Different starting point (Significant Issues): themes PT, problems ES

2nd European Rivers Summit

 Poor estimation of runoff and inputs from Spain on PT water balance

Lisboa, November 2021

 Climate change precautionary approach more developed in ES

 Water balances by: supply systems ES, virtual geographic units PT

 Interrupted monitoring series (since 2010) in PT

Transboundary river basin planning:
a bigger challenge under water scarcity conditions

Incompatible versions of the RBMP

 PT lacks water allocation /

conflict resolution approach
2nd European Rivers Summit
Lisboa, November 2021

 No real cross-border public

participation, much higher
level in ES

 Several drought mitigation

measures ES, only DMP and
relief measures in PT

 Investment budget (2016-

21): 877 M€ ES, 60 M€ PT...
Transboundary river basin planning:
a bigger challenge under water scarcity conditions

Institutional shortages for a joint RBMP

 Albufeira Convention
2nd European Rivers Summit

Permanent Secretariat
Lisboa, November 2021

(CADC) never set up

 Lack of regional / river basin

empowerment in PT

 Regional conflictuality over

water competences in ES
Transboundary river basin planning:
a bigger challenge under water scarcity conditions

Simply aiming at a single, unified RBMP is not the

2nd European Rivers Summit

Cohen & Davidson (2011): “watersheds may not be appropriate in

Lisboa, November 2021

cases where re-scaling (the governance unit) is being

undertaken to address persistent governance challenges, such
as lack of monitoring and enforcement, without concomitant
attention to the underlying sources of the problem, and may
perpetuate rather than solve governance failures”.

Afonso do Ó
Transboundary river basin planning:
a bigger challenge under water scarcity conditions

Dam Removal Europe international seminar

2nd European Rivers Summit

Connected Rivers: scaling up dam removal as a river

Lisboa, November 2021

restoration tool in Europe

Lisboa, 18-21 May 2022

Afonso do Ó
Transboundary river basin planning:
a bigger challenge under water scarcity conditions
2nd European Rivers Summit
Lisboa, November 2021


Afonso do Ó

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