Mechanics of Composite Materials - Coursework-2022-23-Resit
Mechanics of Composite Materials - Coursework-2022-23-Resit
Mechanics of Composite Materials - Coursework-2022-23-Resit
Module Details
Submission Time
2.00 pm
1/8 | P a g e
Task 1- Laminate Analysis 35%
A laminate is made of n lamina each from different materials is subjected to three forces and
three bending moments as shown in Figure 1:
• Nx = normal force resultant in the x direction (N/m)
• Ny = normal force resultant in the y direction (N/m)
• Nxy = shear force resultant (N/m)
• Mx = Bending moment resultant in the x direction (Nm/m)
• My = Bending moment resultant in the y direction (Nm/m)
• Mxy = Turning moment resultant (Nm/m)
This laminate is made of n plies ( n≤11) each having a thickness of tk and an angle of θk with the
x axis (global coordinate). The material properties of one ply in its principle directions are given
in table 1
The strength of each ply on its principle directions and also the maximum ply’s shear strength
are given in table 2.
Table 2 -Allowable strength
S1tensile Pa
S1compressive Pa
S2tensile Pa
S2compressive Pa
S(S12 ) Pa
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The Maximum allowable tensile and compressive strains are given in table 3
𝛴1tensile m/m
𝛴1compressive m/m
𝛴2tensile m/m
𝛴2compressive m/m
𝛾 allowable
Part A- 20%
The laminate is subjected to forces, bending moment, change of temperature ΔT and a moisture
concentration of Δm. Design an interactive spreadsheet to calculate the:
1. Factor of safety of each ply and the whole laminate based on maximum stress criterion
2. Factor of safety of each ply and the whole laminate based on Energy Based Interaction
Theory – Tsai-Hill Criterion
3. Factor of safety of each ply and the whole laminate based on Interactive Tensor
Polynomial Theory - Tsai-Wu Criterion
4. Factor of safety of each ply and the whole laminate based on maximum strain criterion
5. Factor of safety of each ply and the whole laminate based on maximum strain criterion-
Method two -Assume that Maximum tensile and compressive strains in any direction in
the laminate should not be more than 0.5%
Please note that you may need to add another layer ( see lecture 3- Slide 20- Definition of
Geometric midplane ).
Part B - 10%
When one or more ply fails, using Ply by Ply Failure method calculate the
1. Factor of safety of each remaining ply and the whole laminate based on Interactive
Tensor Polynomial Theory - Tsai-Wu Criterion
2. Continue this procedure until the catastrophic failure (automated process in excel)
Part C- 5%
A spreadsheet for the given task labelled with your name and student number and a clear
description (within the spreadsheet) on how it works.
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Task 2- Design and analysis of a composite pressure vessel 65%
Filament winding is used for the manufacture of parts with high fibre volume fractions and
controlled fibre orientation. Fibre tows are immersed in a resin bath where they are coated with
low or medium molecular weight reactants. The impregnated tows are then literally wound around
a mandrel (mould core) in a controlled pattern to form the shape of the part. After winding, the
resin is then cured, typically using heat. The mould core may be removed or may be left as an
integral component of the part.
The filament winding process was originally invented to produce missile casings, nose cones and
fuselage structures, but with the passage of time industries other than defence and aerospace have
discovered the strength and versatility of filament winding. Examples of products created using
the process of filament winding include:
• Tubes
• Transmission poles
• Aircraft fuselages
• Gas, water, or tanks
• Cement Mixers
• Pipes
Your task is to use your laminate design spreadsheets and the Abaqus® finite element analysis
software package to design a laminate layout for a pressure vessel as shown in figure 2. The
pressure vessel is made of ONLY laminate composites. It is subjected to an internal pressure of
60bar. Your final design must have a factor of safety of 2.0.
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Figure 2- General layout of a composite pressure vessel subjected to internal pressure
The pressure vessel is supported by two concrete supports as shown in figure 2. The concrete
supports are assumed to be rigid compared to the pressure vessel. The environmental effects of
moisture may be assumed to be negligible.
There are two inlets on each spherical end cap of the pressure vessel and there are two outlets on
the top and bottom of cylindrical part as presented in figures 2 and 3. Diameters of inlets and
outlets are given to be 60mm.
Figure 3- All Dimensions in mm
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Table 3- Dimensions for the inner radius and position of supports
D( mm)
First Initial R ( mm)
A 375 1700
B 395 1600
C 370 1700
D 380 1750
E 360 1650
F 385 1750
G 365 1650
H 420 1700
I 405 1650
J 415 1675
K 410 1700
L 400 1550
M 420 1650
N 430 1750
0 410 1650
P or Q 380 1750
R 360 1650
S 390 1550
T 400 1700
U or V 410 1600
W 430 1650
X or Y or Z 420 1750
Material properties for the lamina in the principal directions are given in Tables 4.1 and 4.2
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Table 4.1- Lamina’s properties
long. modulus E1 100,000 N/mm2
trans. modulus E2 7,000 N/mm2
shear modulus G12 5,000 N/mm2
Poisson's ratio n12 0.3 -
Density 1,350 kg/ m3
Longitudinal Coefficient of
thermal expansion 13 µ/Cº
Transverse Coefficient of
thermal expansion 35 µ/Cº
1. Research on filament winding method (to determine the limitation of this method and
preferable angles of fibres etc.)
2. Use the theory of pressure vessels (without consideration of the pressure vessel’s weight)
to determine the applied longitudinal and hoop forces per unit length ( Nx, Ny, Nxy, …)
3. Use your spreadsheet to determine the best layout for the applied forces- using Solver®
will help you significantly.
4. Use your theoretical laminate layout from step 3 to analyse the pressure vessel using
5. Perform a mesh study to determine the optimum size and shape of mesh
6. Reduce weights by adding patches around the holes instead of making the whole pressure
vessel thicker
7. If your FoS is within limit go to step 8 otherwise change the thickness or angle of fibres
or size or orientation of patches to achieve the given FoS
Advance Analysis
8. Investigation on design and analysis of inlet and outlets and how this effect the FoS
9. Investigation if this vessel suitable to carry liquid (density 1000 kg/m3) in addition to the
given pressure and its weight. if not, change the design to have a FoS of 2.0
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10. Investigation on environmental effect ( when temperature changes ΔT=80˚) on FoS in
addition to the given pressure, weight of liquid and vessel. if not, change the design to
have a FoS of 2.0
You need to document every step of your work. Remember that ONLY your report will be
The output of this coursework will be a report in the style of a 10-page conference paper. Please
use the provided template (Manuscript_template)
Marking scheme
Research 5%
• Literature review
• Theory of pressure vessels, connectors, etc.
Engineering Analysis of the pressure vessel
• Format
• Structure
• Referencing
• Page limits
• Correct format of submission (number and type of files)
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