Calinescu Mirela Florina, Mazilu Ivona Cristina, Chitu Emil, Plaiasu Florin, Chivu Mihai
Calinescu Mirela Florina, Mazilu Ivona Cristina, Chitu Emil, Plaiasu Florin, Chivu Mihai
Calinescu Mirela Florina, Mazilu Ivona Cristina, Chitu Emil, Plaiasu Florin, Chivu Mihai
Fruit yield On average for the analyzed period, the most productive cvs. were ʻKarinaʻ (10.35 t ha-1), ʻBeliseʻ (10.34 t ha-1), ʻFolferʻ (9.98 t ha-1), and ʻReginaʻ
(9.34 t ha-1), and the least productive were ʻPennyʻ (4.36 t ha-1), ʻFertardʻ (4.86 t ha-1), and ʻKordiaʻ (5.18 t ha-1) cvs. ʻBelliseʻ and ʻFolferʻ cvs. presented stable
fruit yield. The cultivars gave the highest fruit yield in 2021 (5th year after planting): ʻMerchantʻ 15.90 t ha-1, followed by ʻReginaʻ and ʻBeliseʻ (14.95 and
14.50 t ha-1 respectively), ʻKarinaʻ and ʻArekoʻ with 11.92 and 10.93 t ha-1. ʻReginaʻ and ʻMerchantʻ cvs suffered yield lost caused by late spring frost in 2022.
ʻVandaʻ had a low yield in the first 2 years of the study, but it was not affected in 2022, when was ranked in the group of the most productive cultivars, along
with ʻBeliseʻ and ʻFolferʻ.
Fruit quality The cultivar that stood out for its large fruits was ʻArekoʻ (12.17 g), followed by ʻPennyʻ (10.80 g) and the group of ʻFolferʻ cvs. (10.54 g), ʻKordiaʻ
(10.45 g), and ʻFertardʻ (10.42 g). Fruit firmness varied widely and registered the highest value for ʻKordiaʻ cv. (60.20 HPE II FFF Bareiss units), followed by
ʻPennyʻ (60.23 HPE II FFF Bareiss units), and ʻReginaʻ (59.33 (HPE II FFF Bareiss units), while ʻKordiaʻ cv. presented the lowest firmness (39.53 HPE II FFF
Bareiss units). The pH of the fruits was the indicator with the weakest variations and reached high value for ʻBelliseʻ, ʻVandaʻ, ʻFolferʻ, and ʻHertfordʻ (above
4.12), while a minimum pH was determined for ʻReginaʻ and ʻKordiaʻ (pH approximately 3.90). Total soluble content registered the highest level for ʻReginaʻ
cv. (16.7°Brix). It was followed by the group of ʻPennyʻ (16.06° Brix), ʻKordiaʻ (16.06° Brix), ʻVandaʻ (15.99° Brix), ʻMerchantʻ (15.65° Brix), and ʻPennyʻ cvs.
(15.41° Brix), while ʻBelliseʻ accumulated the lowest total soluble content (13.98° Brix).
Water stress sensitivity assessment The most strongly affected by water stress was ʻBelliseʻ (with the highest slope of the lower baseline), for which, at a
VPD of 4 kPa, the temperature of the leaves is approximately 8.3°C lower than the air temperature. At the same time, at a similar VPD, a smaller
temperature difference (of only 2.9°C) is observed for ʻMerchantʻ cv. (with a much lower slope of the regression line, although without statistical
Both, cultivar and climatic conditions strongly influenced cherry fruit yield and
quality in the Pitesti-Arges area. Fruit yield of ʻBelliseʻ, ʻFolferʻ, ʻKarinaʻ, and 5. REFERENCES
ʻVandaʻ cvs. were the least affected by the spring frost, while the highest fruit 1. Wünsch, A. and Hormaza, J. I. (2002). Molecular characterization of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) genotypes using peach
[Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] SSR sequences. Heredity, 89(1), 56-63
yield amplitude was found for ʻArekoʻ, ʻPennyʻ, ʻKordiaʻ, ʻPennyʻ, and ʻReginaʻ cvs. 2. Coman, M. and Chițu, E. (2014). Zonarea speciilor pomicole in functie de conditiile pedoclimatice si socioeconomice ale
Romaniei. Editura Invel Mutimedia, Pitesti.
The highest fruit weight was obtained by ʻArekoʻ, ʻPennyʻ, ʻFolferʻ, ʻKordiaʻ, and 3. Sønsteby, A. and Heide, O. M. (2019). Temperature effects on growth and floral initiation in sweet cherry (Prunus avium
ʻFertardʻ cvs., while ʻKordiaʻ, ʻFertardʻ, and ʻReginaʻ cvs. had the firmest fruits. L.). Scientia Horticulturae, 257, 108762.
4. Paltineanu, L.S.C., Chitu, E., Moale, C., Demirsoy, H., Köksal, E. S., Kizilkaya, R., and Macit, İ. (2014). Canopy temperature
Cultivars` sensitivity to water stress during high-temperature periods (July-August) for peach tree at various soil water contents. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 3(1), 56-64.
varied from ʻBelliseʻ cv. was the most sensitive to water stress during high-
temperature periods (July-August), while ʻMerchantʻ was the least sensitive cv.