Edina Mendelné Pászti, László Szalay, Károly Hrotkó, Ákos Mendel

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Apricot cultivars and rootstocks with

different fruiting surface development:

preliminary results
1Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Institute of Horticultural Sciences, Budapest, Hungary

²Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Institute of Ornamental Plants, Budapest, Hungary
*correspondance: mendel.akos@uni-mate.hu

A large-scale renewal of apricot cultivars is taking place worldwide in the recent years by the introduction of numerous new releases. New cultivars are
preferred due their improved fruit quality and storability, yield, but their climatic adaptation have to be specified. In order to be able to carry out proper
analysis, reliable origin and quality of plant materials is crucial. Rootstocks affect the vegetative growth, resistance to soil biotic factors and nematodes, the
phenological properties of flowering, the yield and quality of fruits. the most used rootstocks for apricot growing in Central- and East-Europe and Asia are
apricot seedlings. Hungarian generatively propagated rootstocks are selected at Cegléd (C.1301, C1650 and C.1652) in the late 80’s. However, the principally
used rootstock cultivars have a good compatibility with the most scion cultivars, this trait is not axiomatic. Due to the limited adaptation capability of scions
and rootstocks (especially in term of apricot, cherries, and nut species), it is critical to evaluate the climatic adaptation of the different rootstocks.

2. MATERIALS AND METHODS Table 1. Trunk cross-section area (TCSA), the shoot lengths (SL), total height of
ThE trial is located at the Research Station of Cegléd (GPS coordinates: trees (TH) and the canopy volume (CV) of scions and rootstocks, mean ± SD is
N 47°10’35.0, E 19°50’28.6.), Research Centre for Fruit Growing, represented. Different letters indicate significantly different subsets (Tukey,
Hungarian University for Agriculture and Life Sciences. The region has a p<0.05).
temperate, continental climate with a semi-arid microclimate. The TCSA SL TH CV
orchard was planted in spring of 2018 in 3 x 5 m spacing, living mulch (cm²) (cm) (cm) (m³)
between the rows were sod with grass. Irrigation is available. Pruning is
performed two times a year, such as foliar fertilization. Every scion- Scion
stock combination is pleaded by at least ten replicates. Bergarouge 22.5 ± 11.48a 131.12 ± 21.21c 299.77 ± 71.29c 6.49 ± 4.88ab
In case of scions, traditional cultivars from Hungary (‘Ceglédi óriás’, Bergeron 16.89 ± 11.83a 110.85 ± 28.07abc 252.46 ± 71.46abc 4.28 ± 4.77ab
‘Ceglédi szilárd’, ‘Gönci magyar kajszi’, ‘Pannónia’), USA (‘Flavor Cot’,
C. óriás 16.66 ± 11.61a 113.24 ± 35.66abc 251.02 ± 89.61abc 5.91 ± 6.55ab
‘Goldrich’, ‘Lilly Cot’, ‘Spring Blush’, ‘Tom Cot’), France (‘Bergeron’,
‘Bergarouge’, ‘Lady Cot’, ‘Pink Cot’, ‘Tardif de Valence’), Canada C. szilárd 18.36 ± 11.34a 110.19 ± 24.57abc 226.25 ± 53.75abc 5.6 ± 4.65ab
(‘Harogem’) and also from Afghanistan (‘Roxana’) are represented. Flavor Cot 17.23 ± 11.26a 100.29 ± 30.44abc 237.29 ± 79.9abc 4.58 ± 3.95ab
All the 16 scion cultivars were grafted on Fehér besztercei (Fb), Goldrich 18.32 ± 12.64a 111.86 ± 15.5abc 270.38 ± 82.53bc 5.35 ± 5.5ab
Montclar (MC), Myrobalan 29C (My), Rootpac R (RR), Apricot seedling
(As) And Wavit (Wv). Gönci m. k. 17.73 ± 10.4a 120.66 ± 28.38bc 243.58 ± 61.55abc 6.21 ± 4.85ab
Trunk cross-section area (TCSA), the shoot length (SL), total height of Harogem 14.53 ± 8.01a 106.42 ± 26.7abc 234.04 ± 62.02abc 3.15 ± 2.88ab
trees (TH) were measured and canopy volume (CV) was calculated. Lady Cot 19.08 ± 11.35a 110.9 ± 29.6abc 263.77 ± 71.2abc 5.03 ± 4.59ab
Lilly Cot 17.15 ± 11.32a 105.53 ± 27.42abc 239.25 ± 79.94abc 8.13 ± 9.28b
Pannónia 17.32 ± 8.6a 110.04 ± 29.79abc 229.16 ± 51.39abc 5.99 ± 4.6ab
Pink Cot 11.29 ± 6.92a 88.54 ± 32.94a 190.56 ± 65.05a 2.25 ± 2.25a
Roxana 13.36 ± 7.27a 119.37 ± 18.28abc 225.73 ± 44.99abc 3.36 ± 3.33ab
Spring Blush 12.54 ± 8.44a 96.36 ± 27.49ab 210.32 ± 74.53ab 2.77 ± 2.97ab
Tardiff de V. 19.15 ± 9.96a 114.82 ± 29.2abc 286.05 ± 60.81bc 5.13 ± 4.15ab
Tom Cot 12.71 ± 7.58a 97.22 ± 30.13ab 212.57 ± 61.36ab 4.74 ± 4.54ab
Mean 16.92 ± 10.45 110.27 ± 29.01 244.85 ± 72.55 5.05 ± 5.01
As 19.36 ± 9.98bc 113.87 ± 27.25b 262.33 ± 69.76b 5.17 ± 4.26b
Fb 7.55 ± 4.47a 91.2 ± 29.05a 192.31 ± 64.05a 1.00 ± 1.03a
3. RESULTS Mc 20.41 ± 7.38bc 123.73 ± 18.72b 277.55 ± 51.4b 6.77 ± 3.93bc
In the case of cultivars there was no significant effect on the TCSA. My 17.28 ± 10.27b 113.12 ± 28.52b 242.13 ± 69.03b 4.79 ± 4.19b
Among the rootstocks, Wv resulted the weakest growth for all cultivars.
Fb also resulted in weak growth, but slightly stronger than the previous RR 22.8 ± 11.64c 115.42 ± 24.11b 270.68 ± 70.73b 8.07 ± 6.32c
one. Myrobalan 29C is characterized by medium growth rate. On As, Wv 5.98 ± 3.15a 80.82 ± 35.25a 167.01 ± 51.65a 0.8 ± 0.96a
Mc and RR, the trees produced strong growth, among them RR can be
characterized by the strongest growth rate. Regarding the subjects, all Mean 16.89 ± 10.52 110.01 ± 29.29 244.32 ± 73.09 5.00 ± 4.88
measured parameters showed this tendency.
Among the cultivars examined, the cross-section area of the trees of
the ‘Bergarouge’ was the largest, and that of the ‘Pink Cot’ cultivar was
the smallest, but the statistical analysis did not show any significant
differences between the cultivars. The intensity of shoot growth was
the highest for the ‘Bergarouge’ cultivar. The trees of the ‘Pink Cot’
cultivar had the smallest average shoot growth. The shoot growth of
the other tested cultivars was very similar to each other and was
ranging between the two extremes. Regarding to the total crown
volume, the cultivars can be divided into three groups. The crowns of
the trees of the ‘Pink Cot’ were the smallest. ‘Spring Blush’ and
‘Harogem’ had relatively small canopy volume as well. The trees of ‘Lilly
Cot’ had the largest crowns. ‘Bergarouge’, ‘Gönci magyar kajszi’,
‘Ceglédi óriás’ and ‘Pannónia’ had relatively big canopy volume. The
canopy volume of other cultivars was medium.

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