Green University Proposal (Sample Project Proposal STS) - 1
Green University Proposal (Sample Project Proposal STS) - 1
Green University Proposal (Sample Project Proposal STS) - 1
Towards Sustainability
A project proposal submitted
Alonzo, Erwin
Balaoing, Joseph
Blanco, Ma. Tereza
Cabral, Sheila
Diamante, Rafael
Lantajo, Justina
Paramo, Orchieliza L.
26 October 2016
Since the establishment of the very first one in the world in the year 1088, universities
have served as a venue for groundbreaking discoveries, ideas and works in science, philosophy
and the arts. Because of them, the world’s greatest thinkers and innovators have a common place
to discuss and share ideas. The tradition continues to the present day as universities remain as
repositories of important materials and avenues for academic work and creative thinking to
traditions and concerns (reference). They usually embody the environmental issues, risks and
challenges of the wider communities in which they are situated, but also express their own
unique characteristics. The way a university operates is usually likened to how a town operates.
It has four core purposes: instruction, research, community extension and production. Through
the fulfillment of these purposes, they aim to produce future leaders and innovators of society
Climate change and global warming are among the greatest threats planet Earth is facing.
In light of recent events, the prevailing battle cry is to abate the effects of climate change by
adapting practices and making a conscious effort to go away with activities that contribute to it.
The most widely accepted way to do that is to pursue sustainability. Once again, universities are
being challenged to rise up to the challenge. No institution in modern society are better suited
and more obliged to facilitate the transition to sustainable future than colleges and universities.
(Orr, 2002) In other words, universities are being challenged to lead the way in going green.
sustainable? The most widely used definition of sustainable development is from the Brundtland
Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development which states that it
is “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the
Sustainability is viewed as involving living within the limits, understanding the interconnections
among economy. Society and environment and the equitable distribution of resources and
The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) gives the following as key
The university is committed to the total development of man for God and humanity.
Therefore, through the pursuit of excellence in instruction and research as well as in the conduct
of community extension activities, we hope to produce graduates who will be future leaders and
innovators. More importantly, the university envisions its graduates to be students who have a
very strong sense of social and environmental responsibility. This proposal has a time frame in
mind which envisions the project being carried out first in the College of Arts and Sciences, then
being adapted by the university as a whole and then eventually, in the adopted community of the
Generally, this study would determine how the academe can promote sustainability and
pursue sustainable development. Specifically, it will evaluate how the four-fold function of the
university (instruction, research, community extension and production) can be used to promote
a. revisit and revise the OBE-syllabi of the different programs of the college to identify key
well as plan additional course requirements such as immersion and visits to adopted barangay,
b. propose to the university a revisit and revision of the research agenda to include sustainability,
environment scanning, gathering of baseline data on waste generation, energy consumption and
c. propose a program of activities and conduct evaluation upon completion to be done in the
college (1st year of implementation of program), the university (2nd year) and community (3rd
year) level.
d.1. brochures/flyers/tarpaulin/poster
d.2. videos
d.3 workbook
to promote sustainable greening project in three languages : mother-tongue, Filipino and English
The sustainable greening project will commence with a revisit of the vision, mission and
goals of the university. This is to ensure that the project is properly aligned and supported with a
policy on sustainability provided specifically in the university research agenda. A committee will
be formed representative of all the sectors in the college divided into teams who shall take part
Initial survey research will be conducted to establish the baseline to whatever existing
practices on campus sustainability (ex. Solid waste management, energy consumption, water
usage). This will serve as the point of reference to determine efficiency and effectiveness of the
project which will be measured through indicators spelled out in three areas: Behavior towards
Sustainability, Amount of garbage generated per day and Amount of energy consumed per
month. With baseline data and indicators in place, action plan will be drawn starting with the
setting of objectives and targets. Related activities will be identified including the people
responsible and the much needed budget. The timeline of the project will be presented using a
Gantt chart to monitor the milestones and to ensure that all the different activities are
implemented on time.
Action Plan
The project will be adopting the steps to sustainability in universities as proposed by the UNEP
Target Date
Steps Tasks of Budget
Conceptualizing Revisiting VMG and Project November No budget
the sustainable inclusion of sustainable Leader and 2016 required
action plans policy in research agenda Identified
key persons
from the
admin office
Establishing a Establishing committees that Project December 15 No budget
committee will spearhead the action leader and 2016 required
plans in all department of the identified
college as well as the student key persons
organizations from the
admin office
Determining the Determining the existing data Committee February 28 P 500.00
baseline on solid waste management Heads 2017
and energy consumption of
the entire college
Selecting and Identifying measurable Project March 15 No budget
Defining indicators of progress Leader, 2017 required
Indicators Committee
Heads, and
key persons
from the
admin office
Setting objectives Setting, presenting, and Committee April 2017 No budget
and targets specifying the objectives for Heads required
the different sustainable
action plans that the college
will adapt
The implementation of the project will start with a general assembly of the whole college
to formally launch it. The goals and objectives, implementation guidelines and duties and
responsibilities of each member will be fully discussed. It bears to mention that the project will
operate on honesty basis where each member will be personally responsible in managing
The project will have an annual cycle corresponding to the academic year. Monitoring
will be conducted on a monthly basis to check on the process of implementation. Evaluation will
be done twice, a mid-year evaluation and final evaluation. A report will be generated and
reported to the general assembly as a form of feedback and an input for next school year’s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
revisit of VMG
formation of committee
November -
ITEM June - October March Total
TOTAL 250,000.00
Orr, D.W. The Nature of Design: Ecology, Culture and Human Intention. 2002, Oxford:
Sharp, L. Green Campuses: The road from little victories to systemic transformation.
UNEP (2013) Greening Universities Toolkit Transforming Universities into Green and
Sustainable Campuses.