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ee “oka etn em nn gee in bei ieee ee si pipltson soft cts care ring under ona conaons Pe ee emote bom since hereon nee ca Sn el al pte Emae or oats Sy ssh the most amber of ei cb na cp te om wt a aio i nd st yo 30 eal a ae eince aen aanee nk Ree ee er cnc ioteys be Cee im 0 90m wn shoe i nus tires nd ine ee mep acne actotto overtake rKand weot 4m mth nd hour and ogling a ethy be tage 4 nets eS rato & batons 5. belt tors 1 nm ao myn pn wh Saha on na na oa 1. abe asm samen eran a Abeta Aba dows ettowae Wan ese ‘Arun cs a fe as 1 th tern’ gue olen i eae Deen rs une ta seh 29, Anarchs abort no morta 5 re metro ad sal bee tune becuse ofthe roms dennis the iting sae tent the pre ng and wh he git easton sistance peta ae ¢ Sante © Ams 375m fismstm 5 émsase You fmt puch rectangle! lng Pe, Te Perimteof hos 100 morte sso of pv you dele eee Singh re nti bog ae tt ren er an expense itn song bets rom lenght tert cont FES pr ‘ances cing ang te ro orc nthe iy PS pt SoLTAc talon eng sgt re ses 500, Wt ‘x som= 1081 © 25mx25m ak & Smaise, 5 Som=20m ‘Te planing department of Abstract Ofc Supplies hs Been asked to 1 dternine wheter the company should trodes new computer des net eur The department estimates hat P0000 of ew anata led tobe pretased and hat the ato eonetrcing ev desk wl be 2000. The depaamont also estimates tat he tose of each Sak wil be A500 Determine the revense Re) from th al desks, ‘* 45i0 @ esone 75005 B. ss00. ‘Abisinessan wishes to earn 7% 0 hi capt er payment of tes tthe Income tom an aa tvestmont il be exe a nea rate of 49% __ shat minimum ate fru ore payment oft mas the ere tobe jai tose 127% re eae ad {price Increases 10% doe tnt td the red 129 fr 2 wl Express the nal price as aun ote oa h aea? meas a se soo tit ello pe ree _ Asseep second and watch was {55st aod. The watch was checked ag “Gao Wha te eometed tine oan ohn eared 33.26 ever ¢ eiss2 B osaz6 @ otaza7 26. The magne ofvetorF=5i+6}-3ki= 1a aed tae tas i ‘ifthe dot product of A and 8 » 30, Cas © 4-1 e D. -6-3) Bo Ge, ease aeciamcteas er cape aire ‘mn ee eng 29, Tones A stand ona octal atone Being 20m ah, The * Tegel erate athesop xem Asien oma pour inte ante eral ane ith & and) The ng of depen of ewed ome pcftoer ts 28°56, Teange sanded atte potter Bey evyottower hd 50 Fad hehehe ver “aoa Ctesum aise 279m “a0 ejenbe he vag ae 1929" nd a Th lappa age i 2 jlength 3.2 cm. Find the shortest sie ofthe friangle. PTs om Tamm bones on ais 43, phage hte macrbodin cine The mena oan B iO and ange y 42", If point P isthe midpoint of are AB, what is the angle PAC. ae Coe “me roa naa tery oie. TAand Tate an otis an aren pepe fa st angen ofthe «eet wander ptt angry Tango ess tenet te ok 2 cashes Be eluate : sare gear agtennayyeeec Pg soca tnd ang ACh : came 2 cae e278. rhcvere ee 5 | unger college fl ene can be ext yh linear func) athe tere with esa m bas 2 srerhtion ‘ven Square res ACD. A point @ ithe spe dav ich at ‘ae ORB isan equate rng. Bd ang tren se Daa he i of angle ABC are = 38cm 872m and c= 22cm, alee ‘as athe ce tengnto ide and evel sou te Hen ange acter © Tease B faoeem 5 tase Cate poison ce, OAs atangent than OBC ti and O83, nd ae 08 3 Atacama ie rai 10m. One ie fhe ang 20 Cova sea sae omer Wat ih es fe Stan er The vol ofa cone are ita ight dhe gear a. the vam of scones on calc em yen assed helene) ‘fn evi ot oe wnt ras ate B See 0 Ste ‘Arne rs hata hero ee A AB = 39cm. B= 40cm nk A= 50cm Te eal ee trogh Aad are 8 on nod 3 em lng he “tne er i440 cemeteries de oem ¢ am 8 hem 5m tnd oan ele arpa atta mace aoe na ba Tenormalon ofthe qutooaneexonfey ip =0 Fe ANE oe a2 be leisniven thatthe yey cox of exon and eid fees for attending publi + 2860.2 where isthe numberof year ater 200D and ff} fs thetatal cost. Find lope a etn mss D 2s wiih m8 tng hom nt couny $2200 200, theme ees sing we ws 15000, ay be main ref aa ae Mpls the tion pice ofan existing home ero YA" ‘ower end on ev gon Te oa end movers acon of tf: owt heppe routing onthe en seo he ‘in rad /sec? agi Sh y= 19000-1205 ‘Cy so9e0 + 124206 tipo i aan Bye 19000» 12420 . yatsn900 + 14220 1 000725 D, dosed «a. mlehe omg st ofthe euler ype =. 57. Aman drives at a of 25 ip owards the foo an 8 al monorent. A ed 0325 that rate Is he approaching the top hen he 42m oan te fot he reed bales Dare ‘a: Pours) moves witha distance trom pin) ene alas dsm om, eat ee fling 2 What the eccemicy othe ve? B 214sigh eee a cas 8. I iskown ha 3) «when x= 2. Whats he valu) when x 19, tering he tangtt tomer oy =O 80m.) ne tw9-[00-r0de nao Sem Rs ie Bm S682 B. GaIS ‘To setup a xound system. a man has to purchase three diferent components. ‘50, What sheng ofthe as rerum ofthe civer= 5, There ae 9 aiferont CD players 10" dierent speakers ad eileen eof Teo amplifiers Ihe wl putchase one ofeach componente bow many diferent a ha ound ster ae pale? et D, 025 x 400 6 50. + st A autictaring company as determied tht the tren of producing at 36 ex 192.4 1600 wheres the Sxastalroard shows that 25% of smokers wane to st smoking. Ina from canbe desi rom the equation = Be ae atthe eampeny kes How men uns should he company ‘Minature to samieecs ran ‘© 10 ted 6B 52, ihe masini pesos) tke bythe cost function fandom of 15 smokers what the probably that exacly wants t Quit Snokine? ‘Te pro that a mise can it target How any nes must Ibefired such ht heres at eat 75% chanc f ingte age a) =98 + y= 0.00029, 0 $000 ines ane npn P3600 Ba bs nein iy LA batch of autntte parts contains 12 pats which re within » ower Tolerance and parts mck ae ne atone puree teed st +5, anops opine ith ase tam nea ier Teer iS tnches Find the dimensions that rege the mini’ amount o RS Sine Tae amount of ater Rede for bax eal 1 the a feo aye atch cmt iris at a rere Peaicn Fe sa phe some sects any 1000 ra lr wn 09 {era ajr cen tthe prota tat morn hangs iret rng the ear 020 and haing mjc acre! 005 hve mach onthe Insurance companyespectto male ov phic” 4h, As poston inh lane at an tne igen ys = 3 + Zand $2 ehReccoapoet an aarctyatine a8 bie as ss A chan rats 10 big ed wt water athe tf 34 a ris00 ee Ant tes na ape water neni paso goes aigt Con pas ‘oh A manufacture ximates that 0.20% fis oupt of components defective ‘patCamoncts oe marke in paces of 200, Using Foso's tition ‘Acting crabby af past contains onl 2 deecive components “Comes @ oess anne Bae) 6. civen te deren sow ow wo a 1 moe te aie sion & Whe of the flings mast importa aroding bin in sure? Sem sa tye yopaon tee Tewtest espe tte tannany Saracens quit &, es monte mh cto! FeRling vt alae enough hater a urveysso tit even i Perret ratis iow, youve sient cubes of oponrtndesasal es iodtyeee or Meee ae atthe compoued. saint tact If i compaunded a ast © S60 B ise 1365 wt eaupent cing P21 i age ve Of 840,000 he ed ts 48 ec le Pt i eonomic He fgg sOYD metodo deprecation, iat nia ers POD hs Dé 18, Te towing saratives are tobe compredase on Bares ate - Maesioe ® 8 ne cose S000 am00 © ammatterance 00 200, : Sivapesive on ‘0 ial ea) 5 hatte eqn unoranual cost(EUAC) of hin ee Aga we 150 B05 D.1m0 “Amanaicarer makes and sl eran par part a9. pepe. Th volume Af sales per years 50,000 unis The fed expenae per yore POO U0 ‘ome the ast per nt break ere ar Pao Pan 5 pte ‘he revent of ling N punter of computers R= ON andthe costo est n= GN 1950 Hw any comptes mt rari 6 50 too 5 600 ‘slope company purchased» micomayeequprent fr P6 millon witha ‘arg ve of P0000 avr a period a 3 ess a py np sm of 40000 for mamenance ont Minima tactve Tte eeu 6% annually. Compute he annua cot vest of phasing te icone ‘quipment A P1526 pipasa7sa1 Plossasae Pawo tai 3s [point other of 020m amet wel traveling t 24 / What is ‘he angular velocty ofthe! ada pe ec), ‘0200 cb 8 ie 3 Ha ‘Anda buoy with coss-seconl area 1.25 gm is osarved (ter beng fuse) to bb pan down with period ne Apprninusy what fhemasothe buoy (slogans). Use g= 35m) ‘Asse i i measured three sation th erfrs in the nv parts ult #0015 0022 m, 0079 respectively Determine he ped ror of theta cag, 40039 © 00sem B S041 natn A dance a 1000 et sto be aed with a rer of a mar thn 010 fx. Determine ow acral each 100 lng us be messed ene ‘rar wil ot xcond ths prmiseie ini ‘& s0g35 © so0s8 S002 D. sons ‘Aline was measured thee tines and yes he olwig resus: 2652 m, ‘es anda2611 m Whit ste pchabe ror of he ean? 0254 coat bate Dae ‘A Sight staan with an engineers evel ard held 100m ayaa ni fending of 19 mwas recorded. The bbls then evo ough spaces th level tube and the nee rod sedge 911m. What thes nbblataben acon tar? riers cw ts Das "Mathematics, Surveying 72, hgh salen wthan engineer eld 100 many and ata a ele rmarecorded Tebubnes then level tong ve P= erecta pew roading 191m, What ihe sensi of ‘Sebi ela seco oar! a cas so. Ada nested 50 mst operand a 85.24 m The tapes tear aisin to tng Waa cnr ofthe nei mete? | neo cane ! Fionn cing 58k domes tne a spre ao sr pts pi ands at pom nd the toon pple 6 | pecra menue distances 2 6€m wars the corer ane fhe te 200m © 243026 h Zamn2om 5, basisom fe. Anion tas ar fm anda ag of 0m he oil soe Ses he racer of he cate eal ou oh base 5 1S eas common tne 2 ming The it ca sig ai algarve mace ange so Find Be ee WeMetenev ante pes ‘84 Asplaleseent carve ant of 10m wih 200m rai cea A cans eget oh irr t 1, A isl een ure has eng 0 200m ith central curve avin fadlusafsa01m eteone there of pial tthe thir quae ot ree 8s Bae B31 . 6, A Spica enema carve has a Woh a Ye m eth cena ve having = Acocsz0m, Determine te oer tance tothe edger pi a7 anim fr rue agtecl care ofthe centr crv pial eament curves 96 " TTasastno desig clot tcc paint the pial cate 75 fern te rege eat of priors a 6st C9845 a ons 1 tons A A052 43215 m 5768 Sse aA a8 a, ase m0 so 9p aoc © 395m 42250 me © 405072 2B. 390423 sean ses on ase on aoa. sop sip SA 6c sec oon en oon ep woe ne ne 758 ow station A with enter height of 14 min the ground has form slope ‘of tho statonB whose coer eight 28min cu Assuming both selon {obelevlsectonshavings width 11 andside ope of? fr bth at ad fil compute the cessation! ares of cat 52m from ston A Destanee Ueeen Stators soa 60 ara wc 500. ‘The ass net of wo lereguar econ 76m apt are 36 suse meters and ‘Tesauar mets respective. Use with i 10m sede slope of 2 Ong Prismoll corrections formala fad the eoreted shame of eat i ck between he wostatane haaat sai 8 399173 ‘Tue numberof scents fo 6 years recorded na cera satin a highway {5002 the average daly acs 476 what eth cient ate per lion ‘aerng vehi? n 2 8 = i a | 100 ag ‘Stuation 9 A 150-mmdlametr penstooksupplles water to 3 turbine weer» 19, Calcutethe ete! sopeasuningn=0013. ant hate 30 meters ‘ ‘4 O00 00022 1. Ciena area osy oD rh he esc & boost 5 oom nai Css & fae Bias ‘Which component ofrock rs independent tert rion? {1 Caen heretic acborge in ms 1 abeson platy ea ‘© oan B. cohesion 5 fatten 4 peas. aes ‘A phancenon in wach the strength an sine a sol reduced by {2 Gaels the power (LH) diver bythe Pine fhe syste fen A eecteass eee et va mis fi coeaar: 1 soln Bae Baas Ape of sand keeps fom spending ot ie il Deus te weigh of the ‘and eps the rans stuck ogee cure atone, mos oof _ sai rion Tas wht and pressure scaled. ‘atuatin 10 The fow ate of water throughteppe stern shown nine ir er temalncad asso 0a Assane 1 coeficent of 30s pe 1 sdneen cohesion 1 era coon D eeewe sess oe Whole wings nots lcomponet™ aca co Calle the ora os sample with pores F025, sr fom a a0 5 Sa i The ey it wih ao sae 109 Whats te mie ot weight 4, olathe ow roughing Bn he wilwhen nar sone Nt oy ais eka 11540/m ae a0 paren D. t2etn/me 44, cate heads mtn in ete practi or proceture wsedo aes the pie te drt (aso aed re a fredaon) ala grandar motel The sae Grbuton Is oneal ie Bas | iportace othe wy tetra een 48. bescrmine hdl Rancher at Cig ieee ae © 20 1 Santdpenraion test. sieves eure 0 Be scotia yo yo sl alah ran se eer an 75 46. Water a at eh of 15 mates na emi cecangi nl Fo ‘A ook & nowaee Mh hag tn ns) she canes al on aloe a 02 ne =O. ea gone ae cst Which ofthe ewig doe tat thant ting pa 4 0. a8 "een ‘patty ofthe ration 1 Avecangb hanel ete ideas constant peter 220, ee ee reer 12- A Seely aye es nat an ter salir. Te sae 3 47, What th rede of aw a meter? Meters tower sure. trated light snd 6254 and to eas Sy teat im alee lowing hee be Theale rere) at mg fly er a 48 Cleat ise oty nm 240 23 ae «402 eo Drea ea Bias ‘The pore water presen Pa) at mito. ayer ima 8 ise rials vrca stress (HP) at mbit of ay ay: oss 4 bits 2. The emits of constant head permeability test for ain snd fame having» ‘Riou negro 98 area lows cosuat bears Sm Timcefelecinstwsier: Sm ole of ser allt Cee the rae conduct of hesln cfs aor Caged? Baste! b zapniae situation 13 ~A cone aur shown nthe gure, Ths aguler asa sere of tn hon Toe arr oh ol Se i sloncaty of 25%, The pomeee (bead) sirfcen the 9 eo ls 305 apart area elenton 6S and Om especie ‘Rie common dat The ager asa averag thickness £257 ane 20 e. Boerbinotencart aloe tothe rte low of wate tow th alle» re oa © eas . S890 Detoles the nearet vate the ine ave rom the ead of amar fo 2 {s an anconfod compression tet a pl f sandy ca 50m in dmeter fy under ond 91208. What the cokes he soi he sal fl at Feveeg ‘A 28 aa 28 118- The momma ane shearing stresses alr pln natal eto ‘ormaly comand cay are = SO HPs and) 30 Kha Determine the ‘along “Tae angle of showing resistance ge degrees ae ca an Ds Teaaetepiindggee ? B63 bas ‘The mater principal stress na. a ios © 08s 5 100 atthe ‘cohesion a sample's sbjctd tan sia strese with lig pressure [fa nthe chamber. Ie war observed at she fare asus when Ue ial campresivsvss is 34 KP, acute the ale of shearing reste ‘% 200" © ies" B 2906 D947 15 Asquarefotng 2 = 2m ects at depth of 2 ters aw the ‘round surface. The sol propers ae cohesion c= 10¥Py,6= 152) © 169 N/m? and er 201 Use Teragh’sbearig capacity equation: ee 13eN +904 047 BN, Bearing capacty cor, N= 129. N24, 8-25 rg. under the ftlowing conditions ‘ven the water ale way sow the btm of oti, A DAKE ©. 27640 29k nes the water able atthe bottom of eoing veka oes 1B 2zkPa doanrs nthe water able isthe pound sic. A pete Pics, 5 books Domains ‘STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION NOVEMBER 2015 |L_ A 1Osn Jong beam ie sinsy supported atthe ef ond anda 2m rom the he as sutytedt uform mong ad. Wat the nn TEiatefonemoningontt case matin ration af he igh suppor? ion ies Bom Bote Suton 1 — A crane Suppor the Toad Warsow Wav 2 20 AN tnd thetoualreactonat BY nedecng. the ‘reel he bot asst © sean 2. ae awe femlon of abe AC 1's od he frssimum value of Wee Negi the omovies P= 1.5 Pe ON OM he agonal mers CP HD, nd Care cale, ‘gh obo para © sean & task 3 san 4 thom fast weighs BN and the allmable tension of De able AC Ning the maxima awe oF } ‘stk ed fitter (1 member 6B kN DTA amet ge et enn roth shoring nate cei member cor 120% Tuaucnaconstoia MEN er as . mass tao bo J wrth ro (0 ember ea © coe tome Su fat 4— forthe plane us shown in Figure T69-0251,P)=1.5 4,04 =O adhe £ 1A Tw ago members 0G and Cer ie Bw efor (nner y i 2 ane 5 tor 12 What the fren) in ember HG? oon 5. 350N 1a. whotefece()inmenbernet tor 8 isone ute MES8 2501 as douse dimension o76 tues 38 mm and aor ‘ches nm Lesa A 1697K4 8 103018 B. 1235% 15, caleulate them AW wothovt seselng Moet ta AC 00002 mmm. ars c moana deen ey 16, EW = 800% iat the orienta cr ih taeazie an ‘x ft aieasien i ton 6 — The eigid beam AB Shown supports fad W at ‘The beam ined 3 ak Spported by atl eb CD ameterand'm long Use = 200Gem n= LB ke = 22m Noglecthewoightofthe beam. WNW 00 IN, whore the Serta deletion pot 8? sen (Dis 120 MPa what the ‘exam value rerciei B 36a5Kn 200710 B hs7ia 7 The signage shove a Figure DMEOO-236 is sjected toa wi resre of 16 Py Neget te feta me pe Bjorn © dessa eens itocis he str tore a tbe Ets ofthe ple? 3254 © S25eion B ¢s2ioum D. 6104i0em tthe macnn shear at he © 1w2seie D624 ind W the stam ofeale Cs 2 mm, 34a if Fiere to9.236 Engineering Reference Vol! 199 wth anos dat of 30 | Staton 8 A ao veri da ti mae mm thc engin Th esd cnet oa torque 251-0 and tera re (ep Tue shear made tet 78 GP 23, Chelate thems ale of wt in deers, 3 oes 0108 zm 24 calle the mssinar shar ses dye aa, io a 1 Aang Moe ‘Cpa hns x 265K 5 asoMea 25, Calelte the maxim shear ses ey tral oe oy 8 Seruea . 1asMea toed: Situation 9 - Refers Fgwre C0232. The calms los fthe combine fon ee Pr ook ands A001 Olsancesb =m andc= 2 26 pedantic sh atthe pes te base ‘A. 10000 KN BOD0KN ‘axial compressive force | 2a ame vend» « mada of np fein Graben faa seca OF A 6 45m ‘side is shown in the 1 ee 175M | | ft Sues eee "Situation 10~Aconcret pads shownin Fagus COE2-0205 Mp. ind so tot the resue atthe ae fa aoe, A im Bien Boies 12 ements soe the Bivcinasrqre conaetetiwee ee Se a oe 5 eae Pee Rasta © 1s41e/m Bisel Damn ‘The inna nora stress 4525 © 16Mre B sozees paren) 237, Themaximerabedrng ros ast Ne somanre B 221M i a2semes | Toverical reaction fs 20018, sum = cnn Whats the maximum defection afte bea? 1308 mm cs 5 160s em D. oem nature oC reqid minh detent pi Bian .asakn 16 - A Ameer catlever ben supports 2 nim lad of 25 Ki/mn Throop rth. The Beam dele eram at thefre ead ‘ivn the folowing ormuss or deecton t fee-end ofa caeer Ds ae Pe ta a oi) ‘What oe at the re onde ego linate te detiston ath en? & A26Ke D437 wha fore atthe een isrequred reduce the detection at ht ny 10 14 © 16K B 1eakn perry What orc atthe mispan required limit the dllcton ath pin? nN besi cide AN B onal toa? 3 15 As Ga igh retaining wales active prestre increasing from at he tpt 5m at th sept mae spa eng slang the engin tem te memen tn) ate heal fe athe op has 507 the wala supported athe op, eerane the design moment atthe as nk) ply en moment rantansw/30 he op and WL /20 at | thebnee Asstme 1 constant aught a 365 rey red Determine th estat base Shear (KN) ofthe al the wall steraly pported tet Pie cu Bis be fon 16 ~The baum sown in gre AN3O2101 feat A an Can singly ‘ipprted at. The toa lado beam = 361m adh length a2 r Ri De 48, alee the mma shear inthe bear h aneks © 216m acre , 186k 49, Caesatetie masa eng moment in thee S61 C168 B zee Beit {7 Who eth degre fndeterminacy othe beam under the ven ding? eee anion 10. Alowable stresses of ates “Tensonn os aea = 0.60 Fy Ternion eet area= O50. Shearanetaren= 030 Fy Yo strength plate, «240 MP Ulemate teas sengt pat P= 400 MPa Situation 17 Als p int shown in Pure ST25-00. Theol are 20mm in “Samer in 23 mer. The pater are Hm hick 9: 31m, BO. Find he sae load Phased on gross ra yl 1 3058 ie 40K ey b. sath Fin thesfe oud Pasa on net ate rgtre raeri) a7 a Bacau bani Find hesfeoed P based on Bock shar heat Ne saoun 18 The single ale shown in igre STIS 78 i welded toa temmsbiek suet plte, A ‘oleae Sow “240s problem, Li = 60 sem and Le = ‘enson on neares = 0 Fe Shearon netren 03 Find bse on gros ares tension 8 Fin) bao block bar nthe est along he weld 5256 cae ® ist be | T2001 and alter force Properties of eam (615 +50) Be 13mm d= 361mm Bisham teeiemim owas “Aloe bending stress of tate = 0.75, ‘Awa sbeungstress of a= 100 Ps ‘Aowale her stan of wld = 124 MP3 nd P00) inet on het as teason igo strength red 19 The beam section ewe ct sped on sel ate late bs shown in gure 65-0215. The clr i ebjctd to natal free oP = 31OKA Alas are A6 wih = 248 MPa Caaate te aonal od n MPa suc tthe stress a he tom ers of the DT at mip due a service aus an presen frs) wil mr, 338 “Target nea tenth «42 MPa Sram doin Unt weight ont» 236 4/0 Ens sia Cone ae = Speci trite Foe seente 24 ae the volume (0) of coment, water, and course apregte pr cubic Naan 074 A. Calculate the weight (A) of cement needed fr 10m? ofconcrete _ ass Casa B fos 5. aaa ate he eqiredvolame (of ie agargatesreuied or O55 m of "A Das © osse B ous 5 ose 29 Given te faowing dat fora concrete mitre: ‘argc concrete stent 40 MPa Finagargates = 2.68 Gone neeregates = 208 “Unt weit ofcoerete= 23. KN

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