Thesis 1.2
Thesis 1.2
Thesis 1.2
The Problem
The Covid-19 pandemic disrupted nearly every area of life, including the
economy, society, culture, and education. Offices, schools, universities, air, land,
and sea transportation stations, as well as retail malls, were forced to close as a
result. To lessen the upsetting effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, some nations
have developed educational regulations that favor adaptable learning approaches.
The current curriculum must be reimagined and reshaped in light of the demands
of the students in the "new normal" setting, according to the different government
agencies and the education industry.
Thus, the classroom has made its way to the home as the new place for
education in schools. Online learning requires more assistance than face-to-face
instruction, including parental involvement and educational caregiving (Borup et
al., 2014). According to Greene and Hoover-Dempsey (2007), face-to-face and
atypical online education, such as public schools, state schools, and
homeschooling, strongly emphasizes parental involvement. In comparison to
traditional schools, parental involvement in online learning may be more
necessary (Russell, 2004). Also, Krenz (2010) stated that parental education level
significantly affects how involved parents are in their children's schooling.
This study shows how parents are involved in their children's online
learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The researchers believe that students’
academic performance can be very positive with the help of their parents.
1. How do parents describe their parental involvement before and after the
COVID-19 pandemic?
2. How did suspending in-person schooling due to COVID-19 affect children
socially and academically from their parents’ perspectives?
The results of the study are deemed significant in terms of the following:
The Parents. The findings of this study will give ideas to the parents that being
involved in their children’s education builds high self-esteem and inspires them to
improve social skills and behavior allowing students to acclimate better to school
The Students. It will give the students the benefit/s of having their parent/s
involved with their studies.
To the Teachers. It serves as research-based information on the parent’s
involvement in their children’s education.
Furthermore, Sohyun and Kim (2018) discussed that the student's mental
improvement was negatively associated with home–school association and
support of academic achievement. The parents who viewed parental involvement
as their obligation did not see their parts as taking an interest in home–school
associations and supporting non-academic improvement exercises.
the basic
obligation of
parents’ KINDS OF
involvement in INVOLVEMENT communication
THAT PARENTS between school
family learning GIVE TO THEIR
activities and family
involvement in
the school
1. What are the involvements of the parents in the online learning of their
children during the pandemic?
Definition of terms
For clarification, the important terms in this study have been defined.
Online learning - is education delivered via the Internet. It is also known as "e-
learning," among other factors.
Scope and delimitations
This chapter presents a review of related literature and other studies relevant to
the topic under investigation. It is divided into the following sections: Parental
Involvement and Online Learning.
Parental Involvement
Parental support and involvement can also benefit kids of all ages at a
developmental level that extends beyond academics. According to Ria Simon,
when a child can see that their parent(s) is supporting them, they are more likely
to take risks and learn something new instead of staying inside the box.
Meanwhile, in the study of Arriero (2006), findings show that two main
issues arise from the amount of involvement the parents in their children’s
learning in the home the first is the type of communication the parents can sustain
with the children and the second is the general influence of the parents in the
home environment in terms of creating a learning environment. This implies that
communication with parents tends to range either positive or praising of the
children to negative disciplining for them to learn.
According to Garcia and Thornton (2014), current research shows that the
involvement of family in learning helps to improve student performance, reduce
absenteeism and restore parents' confidence in their children's education. Learners
with parents or caregivers who are involved in learners’ education, earn higher
grades and test scores, have better social skills, and show improved behavior. This
is something that we as a community and the world at large need, as it contributes
to reducing crime and poverty. Ideally, it would help to have a greater percentage
of parental involvement in their children’s education. The study proved that when
parents provide their children with the required support, it stimulates the home
environment and promotes cognitive development.
Online Learning
Online learning has become a part of the 21st century as it makes use of
online platforms. Internet and education have been integrated to provide users
with the necessary skills in the future (Haider and Al-Salman, 2020). A study by
Stec et al., 2020 indicated that online teaching has three main approaches, namely,
enhanced, blended learning, and online approach. Enhanced learning uses the
intensive use of technology to ensure innovative and interactive instruction.
Blended learning mixes both face-to-face and online education. The online
approach indicates that the course content is delivered online. Online education is
convenient for students, where they can access online materials for 24 h (Stern,
2020). Online education turns education to be student-centered, where students
take part in the learning process, and teachers work as supervisors and guides for
students (Al-Salman et al., 2021).
Online learning has been considered a useful tool for learning, cost-
effectiveness, flexibility, and the possibility of providing world-class education
(Jeffcoat Bartley and Golek, 2004; Gratton-Lavoie and Stanley, 2009; De La
Varre et al., 2010). A study by Li and Lalani (2020) indicated that COVID-19 had
brought change to the status of learning in the 21st century. The instruction mode
has been changed at both schools and higher academics from face-to-face
instruction to online instruction (Strielkowski, 2020). The change to online higher
education entails reshaping our view regarding higher education, including
institutions and students’ needs. For instance, theoretical courses can be taught
online. In contrast, the practical courses should be conducted face to face to
ensure best teaching practices in monitoring and guiding students. Therefore,
technology can make larger classes flexible and suit students’ needs (Siripongdee
et al., 2020).
However, studying in a physical setting can bring out unseen talents and
qualities in students rather than working in a virtual model, which can be
beneficial to overall student progress. Aside from that, students’ academics,
assignments, and projects from anywhere at any time provide a suitable setting for
students to study and avoiding students from returning to school during the
pandemic. Online learning is being utilized to teach students academics and
extracurricular activities. Therefore, online learning is the optimal medium for
ensuring student learning continuity during the COVID-19 pandemic (Ariffin et
al., 2020; Fauziana, 2020; Mansor et al.,2021; Raheim, 2020; Samat et al., 2020).
A study by Stec et al., 2020 indicated that online teaching has three main
approaches, namely, enhanced, blended learning, and online approach. Enhanced
learning uses the intensive use of technology to ensure innovative and interactive
instruction. Blended learning mixes both face-to-face and online education.
Online education is convenient for students, where they can access online
materials for 24 h. A study by Li and Lalani (2020) indicated that COVID-19 had
brought change to the status of learning in the 21st century.
The instruction mode has been changed at both schools and higher
academics from face-to-face instruction to online instruction. Technology can
make larger classes flexible and suit students' needs, but studying in a physical
setting can bring out unseen talents and qualities rather than working in a virtual
model. Online learning is being utilized to teach students academics and
extracurricular activities. Online learning is the optimal medium for ensuring
student learning continuity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Research shows that
the involvement of family in learning helps to improve student performance and
reduce absenteeism. High parental involvement has been associated with
cognitive success but also with the development of social competencies and
positive behavior.
Chapter III
Research Locale
The respondents of the study are parents of 2nd year Social Science
students. Since the entire population of the parents could not be probed
considering that it largely required a huge time, the researcher only took an ideal
number of respondents to participate in this study. All of the respondents were
selected through random sampling.
Scoring Procedure
The researchers downloaded and scored the completed Google form. The
mean score for the items on Parental Involvement in Online Learning During
COVID - 19 Pandemic was computed per respondent. The table below shows the
range and qualitative descriptions.
4 3.41-4.20 Agree
3 2.61-3.40 Neutral
2 1.81-2.60 Disagree
The researcher asked for permission after establishing the validity and
reliability of gathering data, formulating questions appropriate for the study, and
doing all necessary modifications for the respondents. Due to the current situation
of our country, the researcher decided to make a Google document with questions
in it.