High-Level Quantum Programming With Quantum Walks: by H Ector J. Garc Ia

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High-Level Quantum Programming with Quantum Walks

Héctor J. Garcı́a

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Sciences
(Computer and Information Science)
at the The University of Michigan-Dearborn

Master Thesis Committee:

Professor Igor L. Markov, Chair
Professor David Yoon
Professor Michael Lachance
Professor Bruce Elenbogen
Héctor J. Garcı́a 2007
° All Rights Reserved
To my father, José A. Ojeda-Santini, who, by all mundane standards, was to be known as my step-father.
For teaching me that, while intelligence is the path to knowledge, it is hard work that spawns true wisdom.
And to my mother, Elsie M. Ramı́rez, who always supports my dreams with love and solidarity.


None of this would have been possible without the love and support of my wife –

Gracias, Vida. Many thanks to Prof. Igor L. Markov for taking me on as a student when

he had no obligation to do so. Thanks to Prof. Lachance and Dr. George F. Viamontes for

useful discussions.


High-Level Quantum Programming with Quantum Walks


Héctor J. Garcı́a

Quantum Walks, the quantum analogs of classical stochastic walks, have been iden-

tified by several groups as a potential framework for the development of new quantum

algorithms. Several known quantum algorithms, including Grover’s quantum search al-

gorithm, have already been significantly generalized using quantum-walk architectures.

Furthermore, recent studies have identified some surprising features of quantum walks

that may be exploited for algorithmic purposes including partial decoherence.

Simulation of quantum walks has been limited to independent numerical studies, and no

general simulation environment tool exists. In this work, we extend the high-performance

quantum computing simulation tool QuIDDPro from the University of Michigan. We

implement new functionality that enables ease of experimentation of quantum walk dy-


DEDICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv


I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

II. Survey of Quantum Computation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.1 Quantum Mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.1.1 Quantum Mechanics Basics and the Dirac Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.1.2 Measurements and Decoherence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2 Computing with Quantum Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2.1 Quantum Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2.2 Quantum Gates and Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2.3 Example of a Quantum Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

III. Overview of Discrete-Time Quantum Walks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

3.1 Preliminary Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

3.2 Quantum-Walk Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.3 Simple Quantum-Walk Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.4 Decoherence Effects in Discrete Quantum Walks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

IV. QuWalkLib – High-Level Quantum Programming

Library for Quantum Walks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

4.1 Low-Level Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

4.2 High-Level Data Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.3 Quantum Register Manipulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.4 Quantum Circuit (Operator) Manipulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.5 Simulation of Quantum Walks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

V. Design of Efficient Quantum-Walk Circuits (QWCs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

5.1 One-Dimensional QWC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
5.2 Two-Dimensional QWC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
5.3 Speed-ups of the Quantum Walk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

VI. Future Work: Simulation-based

Algorithm Design with Quantum Walks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

6.1 Quantum-Walk Solution to the Heat Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

6.1.1 Definition of the Heat-Equation Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
6.1.2 Classical Solution using Random Walks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
6.1.3 Quantum-Walk Formulation of the Heat-Equation Problem . . . . . . . . 55
6.1.4 Measurement and Extraction of the Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
6.2 Improving High-Level Quantum Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69



2.1 Computational basis states for a single qubit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.2 Graphical representation of the quantum circuit {NOT, CNOT}. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

3.1 Movement of a particle in a random walk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3.2 Square structure for 2-qubit graph register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

3.3 Quantum Circuit for walk on a square. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

3.4 Complete mathematical evolution of the quantum walk on a square. . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3.5 Quantum walk on a square with decoherence of the graph space on every iteration. . . . . 24

4.1 Architectural overview of QuWalkLib. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

4.2 Probability distributions of vertices in a 5-qubit cycle quantum walk after 20 iterations. The
distribution on the left was not initialized to a symmetrical superposition, thus yielding an
asymmetrical distribution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

4.3 Comparison of the probability distribution of a classical and quantum walk on a line (the
classical case is plotted in blue), after 100 iterations. This graph was proposed by Kendon
and Tregenna in [20]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

5.1 6-qubit Binary Incrementer Quantum Circuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

5.2 Simulation of the decrementer circuit using the incrementer circuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

5.3 Simulation of Cm -NOT gates using 4(m − 2) Toffoli gates and m − 2 work qubits. The
first group of qubits identified by m are the controlling qubits while the group of qubits
identified by m − 2 are the work qubits. Note that the Cm -NOT gate is simulated correctly
without pre-initialized work qubits. Also note that, after applying all the Toffoli gates, the
original state of the work qubits is preserved. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

5.4 Simulation of the C8 -NOT gate with two C4 -NOT and one ancilla qubit. Note that the
ancilla qubit must be set to |0i prior to the operation and will be reset to that same value
upon termination of the operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

6.1 Steady-state temperature distribution for 10 x 30 plate with 100◦ heat applied on the top
edge and 0◦ applied on the remaining three edges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54



2.1 Graphical Representation of Basic Quantum Gates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

4.1 Sample Low-Level Primitives Executed by QuIDDPro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

4.2 QPRegister Class Sample Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

4.3 QPCircuit Class Sample Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

4.4 QPWalk Class Sample Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33



As computer technology keeps evolving and manufacturers continue designing ever smaller

circuits, it is evident that quantum-mechanical effects will start playing a major role in the

development of computer algorithms. It comes as no surprise then that Quantum Compu-

tation and Information Science has received a lot of attention from several research com-

munities. The speed-ups offered by Shor’s quantum factoring algorithm [28] and Grover’s

quantum search algorithm [13] over their corresponding classical formulations helped fuel

interests and expectations about the possibilities of exploiting quantum-mechanical effects

to improve computational tasks. However, in recent years, the field has experienced a rela-

tive lull in the development of new algorithms due, in part, to the difficulty in understand-

ing the counter-intuitive behavior of quantum effects. The work in [29] outlines the current

state of the field and offers insights into the causes of this scarcity in new quantum algo-

rithms. Despite an apparent lack of breakthrough progress, several incremental results are

showing a lot of promise to harness quantum behavior for development of new algorithms.

Among these, quantum walks offer some indication of doing for quantum algorithms what

classical randomized algorithms have done for their deterministic counterparts.


1.1 Motivation

Quantum walks are the quantum analogs of classical random (stochastic) walks. The usual

interpretation of a random walk in classical dynamics –that of a particle positioned on a

vertex of a graph that chooses to move to an adjacent vertex with some probability– applies

to the quantum case. However, quantum walks exhibit markedly different behavior than

their classical counterparts due to the properties of closed quantum systems. It is through

the algorithmic manipulation of these effects that we wish to attain new computational

speed-ups unavailable in the classical case.

Quantum walks in continuous time were first studied by Aharonov, Davidovich and Za-

gury [3] in the Physics community. Discrete-time quantum walks were later introduced to

the Computer Science community by Meyer [21] and Watrous [32]. Since then, a number

of findings identifying and analyzing quantum effects on graph structures have appeared

with some interesting and surprising results. Ambainis [4] formulated the element dis-

tinctiveness problem in terms of quantum walks, achieving polynomial speed-up over the

classical case. It was shown in [2] that the mixing time, the time it takes the walk to reach

a stationary distribution, is also polynomially smaller in the quantum setting. Kempe [17]

proved that it is exponentially faster to quantum walk a hypercube from one corner to the

opposite corner (hitting time). Finally, Shenvi, Kempe and Whaley [27] have general-

ized Grover’s quantum search algorithm based on a quantum walk architecture, offering

improved flexibility in how the search is implemented.

It is well known that quantum walks exhibit the cited speed advantages due to the phe-

nomenon of quantum interference, which allows paths that have the same final destination

to reinforce or cancel each other out. What is less known and quite surprising is that

quantum decoherence can play an important part too. Decoherence is a phenomenon that

occurs when a quantum system comes in contact with the environment. In simple terms,

it causes parts of a quantum system to “collapse” to a classical system. Since quantum

systems are very sensitive to decoherence effects, which can also be thought of as noise,

designing scalable quantum circuits that maintain coherence has been a major challenge

for the engineering community. However, Kendon and Tregenna [20] have shown that

partial decoherence in a quantum walk can actually enhance the quantum speed-ups to a

certain degree, in stark contrast to intuition. This is encouraging for the engineering of

more practical and reliable quantum algorithms. That is, if we can implement a particular

quantum algorithm (such as quantum search) using a quantum-walk architecture, it should

in theory make it less vulnerable to noise than a non-quantum-walk implementation, given

that the quantum walk can endure a certain degree of decoherence while still achieving

the desired speed-up. The latter is still an open question which, like most other challenges

related to quantum walks, requires a great deal of novel analysis and, in particular, simu-

lation. Kendon [19] has noted the relative difficulty in obtaining tight bounds analytically

for certain properties of quantum walks, compared to numerical simulation. Furthermore,

independent simulations of quantum walks have yielded improved quantum-walk algo-

rithms. One example is Shenvi’s [26] discovery of a quantum-walk structure by numerical

simulation that allowed Ambainis, Kempe and Rivosh [5] to develop a grid search al-

gorithm with polynomial speed-up. As another example, Kempe’s proven exponentially

faster-than-classical hitting time algorithm was simultaneously found numerically by Ya-

masaki [33]. The value of empirical analysis and simulation seems even greater when we

consider recent findings by Flitney, Abbott and Johnson [10] regarding another quantum-

walk property, history dependence, and the role it plays in the new emerging field of Quan-

tum Game Theory. History dependence in random walks is the mechanism by which each

step of the walk depends on prior steps. In the quantum setting, the effects of history

dependence are augmented by interference and local reversibility, making quantum walks

extremely sensitive to this memory effect and exhibiting behavior similar to Parrondo’s

paradox in Game Theory1 [11]. This has led to the formulation of other game-theoretic re-

sults in the quantum context using quantum walks. See [12] for a nice survey on Quantum

Game Theory oriented towards economists and game theorists. On the other hand, only

a few of these formulations have been effectively simulated by a handful of researchers,

limiting the exposure of Quantum Game Theory to a small audience. Providing a helpful

and comprehensive software package that simulates quantum-walk structures would en-

courage other research communities, like economists, mathematical modelers and game

theorists, to look deeper into Quantum Game Theory and the prospects of quantum walks

for the development of new algorithms.

1.2 Objectives

Despite these important contributions and strong potential to re-energize future research in

quantum algorithms, simulation of quantum walks has been limited to independent stud-

ies, and no general simulation environment tool exists for implementing quantum walks

on different graph structures with measurable decoherence. Consequently, the main ob-

jective of this thesis paper is to provide a high-level quantum programming framework

that facilitates implementation of quantum-walk simulations. The main advantages of

providing a quantum-walk simulation framework are: (i) enable users to easily experi-

ment with quantum walks on several types of graphs and the quantum dynamics involved

while allowing empirical validation of these concepts, and (ii) explore partial decoherence

effects on quantum walks to understand its effects on quantum speed-ups, as well as ob-

tain numerical results comparable to existing analytical results. This high-level quantum

programming language will leverage and expand on previous work by the University of
1 In Game Theory, Parrondo’s paradox arises when a combination of two losing games result in a winning game.

Michigan’s Quantum Circuits Group [15] (QCG) and their exceptional QuIDDPro soft-


QuIDDPro is a high-performance quantum-circuit simulation software developed by

Viamontes, Markov and Hayes [31] at QCG. QuIDDPro uses a clever data structure called

QuIDD –Quantum Information Decision Diagram– developed by the same authors. It

allows QuIDDPro to take advantage of the repetitive structural composition in various

quantum computing operators. For certain quantum computations, like Grover’s search

algorithm, QuIDDPro performs significantly faster than other generic simulators, as il-

lustrated in [31]. In our research, we expand the current capabilities of QuIDDPro and

include high-level functionalities that allow the following: (i) setup and implementation

of quantum-walk structures, and (ii) partial decoherence simulation functions.

The final objective of this research paper is to present a practical application of the

high-level quantum programming framework described above. Specifically, we simulate

a quantum walk on a lattice structure to try and obtain a numerical solution to the heat

equation on two dimensions. As will be shown later in this thesis, the simulation of quan-

tum walks with a degree of decoherence holds promise for performing the above tasks

efficiently, although considerable research still needs to be conducted to make this claim.

1.3 Organization

The rest of this thesis is organized as follows. Chapter II will provide a brief survey of

quantum computation to prepare the reader for the topics covered in the rest of the paper.

Chapter III reviews some important concepts of quantum walks and their properties. Our

QuIDDPro-based high-level quantum programming language is presented in Chapter IV.

Finally, Chapter V looks at future research work in quantum programming and algorithm

design with quantum walks.


Survey of Quantum Computation

In general, computational devices rely on physical phenomena to carry out computations.

The behavior of digital computers, for example, conforms to the theoretical framework of

electromagnetism. Quantum computers, however, carry out computations with quantum

systems and hence are subject to quantum-mechanical laws. In order to understand the dy-

namics involved in quantum computing and quantum walks, we first describe the concepts

of Quantum Mechanics that are most relevant. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a

brief survey to highlight these concepts.

In the rest of this paper, the terms classical computer or classical computation will refer

to devices that are governed by the classical theories of physics, such as digital and analog


2.1 Quantum Mechanics

When Quantum Mechanics (QM) was originally developed in the 1920’s, it presented a

new paradigm in the way we look at the world. Since then, QM has evolved into the most

robust theoretical framework in modern science. This paper cannot provide an in-depth

review of QM. Instead, we focus the discussion on the mathematical concepts that are

relevant to understanding Quantum Computation.

Perhaps the most non-intuitive fact behind Quantum Mechanics is the notion that a sub-


atomic particle can also behave like a wave. This principle, known as the wave-particle

duality, has outstanding implications in how we evaluate the dynamics of a particular

quantum system. For instance, in a classical system, there is a linear amount of particle

observables (position, momentum, etc.) that one needs to keep track of in order to model

the system. On the other hand, the wave-like properties of particles in a quantum system

makes the task of modeling such a system exceedingly difficult and complex because we

need to keep track of an exponential number of quantities that are related to the probability

distribution of particle observables, not their definite values. Therefore, in QM we use a

notational device, known as Dirac Notation that helps to concisely represent the complex

dynamics of a quantum system. This notation takes its name from its original creator,

renowned physicist Paul Dirac, and is also known as bra-ket notation.

2.1.1 Quantum Mechanics Basics and the Dirac Notation

We now review the basics of Dirac notation. We will describe each relevant mathematical

concept using Dirac notation. Later in the chapter, we will see how these concepts are

used in Quantum Computation. The reader is assumed to have some basic knowledge of

Linear Algebra.

State Vectors

In Dirac notation, we represent the state of a quantum system (the collection of possible

observable quantities) using a ket |ψi. A ket is nothing but a vector of values. In our case,

those values happen to be complex ones. For example, a random ket would look something
µ ¶ √
like |ψi = √i2 , where i = −1. Thus, since we are using complex vectors to model the

system, we say that the system lives in linear Hilbert space Hn , where n is the size of the

set of orthonormal basis vectors 1 that span Hn . This set of vectors is also known as the
1 Theset of vectors V is said to be orthonormal if each vi ∈ V is both orthogonal (inner product between vi and vj is 0) and normal
(norm of vi is 1).

basis states. The fact that it is linear means that when we manipulate these kets, adding

or multiplying them, the resulting ket also lives in the same space. This is also known as

an inner product space (the term “inner product” will be explicitly defined later on). Lets

take the sample ket shown above. We can have this particular ket live in H2 space, which
µ ¶ µ ¶
1 0
we say is spanned by orthonormal basis vectors, 0
and 1
. Using the labels 0 and 1 we

can write the Dirac notation equivalent of the two basis vectors as |0i and |1i, respectively.

Having defined the basis states of the system, we are now able to write an arbitrary state

vector in H2 as a linear combination of basis states |ψi = α |0i + β |1i with the added

restriction that |α|2 + |β|2 = 1, which is a consequence of the fact that quantum systems
µ ¶
undergo unitary evolution. We can now decompose our sample ket like so, |ψi = i 0
√ µ¶ √
+ 2 01 = i |0i + 2 |1i.

Given that a ket |ψi is a complex vector, we can write its complex-conjugate transpose

as hψ|, and we call it a bra. For example, we can calculate the bra of our sample ket to get,
¡ √ ¢
hψ| = −i 2 .

The inner product of a bra hψ| and a ket |ϕi is known as a bra-ket, and is denoted,

hψ|ϕi. Basically, the inner products gives us the probability of obtaining vector state |ψi

from the current vector state |ϕi upon measurement of |ψi. We will discuss the details on

how measurements affect a state vector in the next section.

Finally, the tensor product or Kronecker product operation between kets or bras allows

us to combine smaller Hilbert spaces into larger ones.

  For instance, using the basis states
N 1 
defined in the example above, |0i |1i = |01i =  .
0 
The concepts described above are only a small subset of the vast theory that governs the

quantum mechanical world. For a deep and comprehensive look at the subject, we refer

the reader to [1].



Knowing the basics of how to describe a quantum system, we can now discuss some

details as to how to manipulate such systems. This task is performed by means of quantum

operators. Let |ψi i be a state vector with some particular value at time i, then operator O

will act on |ψi i and map the current state to |ψi+1 i, where |ψi+1 i is a new state determined

by the mathematical structure of O. This is concisely expressed in the following way,

|ψi i −
→ |ψi+1 i or O |ψi i = |ψi+1 i. Mathematically, quantum operators are square matrices

with dimensions that are equivalent to those of the state vector on which they act. There

are a couple of other properties that must hold for any quantum matrix operator O,

(i) Linearity - If |ψi i lives in Hilbert space Hn , then after applying O, |ψi+1 i will also

live in that same space.

(ii) Unitarity - applying O will not change the norm of the vector state, which is equal to


There are special kind of operators which are related to the observable quantities in a

quantum system. These will be discussed in the next section.

2.1.2 Measurements and Decoherence

A measurement is the basic mechanism which allows extraction of information from a

closed quantum system. Measurements, therefore, “open” the quantum system and cause

it to decohere (collapse), either partially or completely, into a classical system with some

probability. In order to measure a quantum system, we make use of what are known

as projective-measurement operators. These particular operators have the property that

when they are applied to a quantum system, their eigenvalues correspond to the possible

outcomes of the measurement. Formally, if a quantum system is in state |ψi, then applying

projective-measurement operator Ô will yield measurement outcome m with probability,


(2.1) pm = hψ| Ô |ψi

If we obtain outcome m after applying Ô, then the new state of the quantum system is,

Ô |ψi
(2.2) √

Projective measurements are not the only types of measurements that we make on a

quantum system. However, for the purposes of this paper, projective measurements will

suffice. We refer the reader to [1] for a survey on the subject. Now that we have some

notion of the basics of QM and Dirac notation, we can focus our discussion on Quantum


2.2 Computing with Quantum Systems

Just like in classical computation, we define a basic unit of information for Quantum Com-

putation. We call such a unit the qubit. As opposed to a classical bit, which is represented

by a simple binary state, the qubit is represented by a ket vector. Following the discussion

in Section 2.1.1, we know that these qubit vectors live in complex Hilbert space since the

underlying system behaves quantum mechanically. Furthermore, we use the labels used in

classical computation, namely, 0 and 1, as the two possible values that can be measured on

a qubit (eigenstates). We now have a quantum computational basis denoted by vectors |0i

and |1i for the case of a single qubit of information. The vector representation of the basis

states was first shown in Section 2.1.1 and is shown again in Figure 2.1 for completion.
µ ¶ µ ¶
0 1
|0i = |1i =
1 0

Figure 2.1: Computational basis states for a single qubit.


Thus, as described in Section 2.1.1, a qubit can exist in a superposition of both 0 and 1.

In Section 2.2.2, we will see how we can achieve such a superposition through the use of

quantum operators.

2.2.1 Quantum Registers

Computing with a single qubit is not very interesting. Hence, we want to expand our

range of computational basis states by adding additional qubits to the system. We do so

by means of the tensor product. Formally, we define an n-qubit quantum register as the

state vector that is formed by “tensoring” (Kronecker product) n single qubit state spaces
H2 (see Section 2.1.1), which is denoted by H2 . Quantum registers serve the same

purpose as a normal processor register with the added functionality that, because of linear

superposition, they can represent exponentially many more states than classical registers.

2.2.2 Quantum Gates and Circuits

Quantum gates are essentially quantum operators. Following the discussion in Section

2.1.1, we define a quantum gate acting on k-qubits as a 2k ×2k unitary matrix that performs

a certain transformation on the system. When gates are applied to a qubit system, the state

vector of the system is multiplied by the gate’s matrix in order to obtain the new state

vector. Since the gate is a unitary matrix, this implies that the computation is reversible

–their is a one-to-one correspondence between the inputs and outputs. Similar to classical

computation, there is a universal set of elementary gates that has been proven to satisfy all

our computational needs [9]. We describe some of these basic gates bellow.

NOT - This is a 1-qubit gate that “flips” or negates the current value of the qubit. The

NOT gate makes the transformations N OT |0i = |1i and N OT |1i = |0i.
" #
0 1
N OT =
1 0

CNOT - This is a 2-qubit gate that negates the second qubit if the first qubit is set to |1i.

The CNOT gate makes the transformations CN OT |10i = |11i and CN OT |11i =

|10i. Any other input states are left unchanged.

 
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
 
CN OT =  
0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0

Toffoli - This is a 3-qubit gate that negates the third qubit if the first and second qubits

are set to |1i. The Toffoli gate makes the transformations T OF F |110i = |111i and

T OF F |111i = |110i. Any other input states are left unchanged.

 
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 
 
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 
 
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 
 
T OF F =  
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 
 
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 
 
 
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Hadamard - This is a 1-qubit gate that creates an unbiased superposition of states |0i and

|1i as described in Sections 2.1.1 and 2.2. The Hadamard gate makes the transfor-

mations HAD |0i = √1 |0i + √1 |1i and HAD |1i = √1 |0i − √1 |1i. Note that
2 2 2 2

we can apply the Hadamard gate to larger qubit spaces by “tensoring” single qubit

Hadamard gates together. " #

1 0 1
HAD = √
2 1 0

Using the small set of quantum gates we have defined we can create arrays that can be

applied to a quantum system sequentially. Such an array of quantum gates is also known

as a quantum circuit. For example, if we have a 2-qubit system and apply a N OT gate and

later a CN OT gate, then our quantum circuit is {NOT, CNOT}. Hence, quantum gates

are the building blocks of quantum circuits. Most of the discussions in Chapter V will

revolve around designing efficient quantum circuits to perform quantum walks in one and

two dimensions.

Graphical Representation

To facilitate the description of quantum circuits, we use the customary graphical rep-

resentation that is used in the field of Quantum Computation. Table 2.1 shows what those

graphics look like for the gates previously described.

Table 2.1: Graphical Representation of Basic Quantum Gates
Gate Graphical Symbol



The horizontal lines seen in the drawings are called wires. They represent the passage

through time of the qubit system and are read from left to right. For example, a graphical

representation for the sample quantum circuit mentioned in the previous section would

look like the graphic shown below.

|c1 i ÂÁÀ¿
»¼½¾ •

|c2 i »¼½¾

Figure 2.2: Graphical representation of the quantum circuit {NOT, CNOT}.

Note that wires are usually labeled from top to bottom. Vertical lines indicate which

ones are the controlling and target qubits in a gate. The “•” symbol indicates that the gate

is activated when the state of the controlling qubit is |1i. If a “◦” (not shown in the figure)

symbol is used instead of a “•” the gate is activated if the state of the controlling qubit is

|0i. The “⊕” symbol indicates which target qubits are negated when the gate is activated.

Finally, other gates like the Hadamard gate are depicted using a labeled box that covers

the wires on which they act.

2.2.3 Example of a Quantum Algorithm

Having discussed the basic concepts of Quantum Computation, we might wonder how

they all come together to carry out a specific algorithm. We now show an example of how

a quantum algorithm works. In particular, we take a look at the quantum search algorithm,

which achieves a quadratic speed-up over its classical counterpart.

Grover’s Quantum Search

The quantum search algorithm was originally developed by L. K. Grover [13]. Algo-

rithm 1 shows pseudo-code for a quantum search on a system that lives in HN space. The

computational basis states in HN correspond to the indices of the elements inside an un-

sorted database. We want to query the database in order to find a particular index x. Note

that we only need log2 (N ) = n qubits to index the entire set of elements in the database.

Furthermore, two quantum registers are used in the algorithm, one is the index register and

the other is used as temporary workspace.

Algorithm 1 Quantum Search
1: initialize system
2: i ← 0 √
3: r ← π 4N
4: while i < r do
5: apply Grover operator G
6: i←i+1
7: end while
8: measure

The key step in the algorithm is the application of the Grover operator G, which we

describe using four main instructions:

Apply oracle operator O - The oracle operator is a quantum circuit that implements a

function f (x), where x is an arbitrary computational basis state of the index register.

The result of applying function f (x) is either 1, if x turns out to be the index we are

looking for, and 0 otherwise. Formally, the oracle operator O performs the transfor-
mation |xi |0i −
→ |xi |f (x)i, where the additional qubit stores the result of applying

f (x).

Apply Hadamard gate of size n - The Hadamard gate H ⊗n is applied to all the qubits

in the index register to reach an equal superposition of all possible states. With the
P −1
oracle function applied, the state of the system is now N
x=0 (−1)
f (x)
|xi. Essentially,

the solution has now been marked by the oracle function with a phase shift (the state

is set to − |xi).

Perform conditional phase shift - This is a special operator that increases the probability

of obtaining the marked solution upon measurement of the system.

π N
Looking at Algorithm 1, we can see that the Grover operator is applied 4
times in

order to reach a probability close to 1 of measuring the marked solution. This makes the

asymptotic complexity of the algorithm O( N ), which is a quadratic speed-up over the

classical search algorithm. The specific mathematical details of how the algorithm works

are beyond the scope of our discussion. However, in Chapter III we will look at another

quantum algorithm, namely, the quantum walk algorithm, in full detail.


Overview of Discrete-Time Quantum Walks

Quantum walks come in two flavors –continuous and discrete. There are important dif-

ferences between these two types of quantum walks. The work in [5] contains concise

descriptions and comparisons. Given the subject of this paper, we will restrict ourselves

to the discrete-time formulation only, since it shows the most algorithmic potential. More-

over, it has been shown by Childs et al. [8] that we can always use a discrete-time formu-

lation to effectively simulate the continuous-time walk.

3.1 Preliminary Definitions

Discrete quantum walks are defined on a graph G(V, E) where V is the set of vertices and

E is the set of edges. Each edge connects adjacent vertices. This is similar to the classical

formulation of random walks. The dynamics of the walk are also formulated in similar

fashion with a “particle” starting at a particular vertex and moving to either of its adjacent

vertices with some probability. Figure 3.1 shows five iterations of a classical random walk

with the corresponding accumulated probabilities. Note that after several iterations, the

probability distribution of the vertices starts resembling the Gaussian bell-curve.

The important difference between the classical and quantum case is that the graph G

is modeled by complex vectors in Hilbert space HN and spanned by orthonormal basis

states |vi (see Section 2.1.1), where N is the size of the Hilbert space. We highlight the


¾ 1 -
t=0 u
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
¾ 1/2 -¾ 1/2 -
t=1 u u
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
¾ 1/4 -¾ 1/2 -¾ 1/4 -
t=2 u u u
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
¾ 1/8 - ¾ 3/8 -¾ 3/8 - ¾ 1/8 -
t=3 u u u u
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
¾ 1/16 - ¾ 1/4 -¾ 3/8 -¾ 1/4 -¾ 1/16 -
t=4 u u u u u
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5

Figure 3.1: Movement of a particle in a random walk.

following properties about this structure,

(i) v ∈ V ,

(ii) the set V is indexed by k ∈ Z,

(iii) N is the total number of vertices v in G.

Also, G is a d-regular graph with each vertex |vi having a set of labeled edges {ejv ∈ E |

j = 1, 2, .., d}, such that ejv is the j th edge leaving vertex |vi and ending in vertex |ṽj i. If

d = N then we have a complete graph. Once the regular-graph model has been defined,

it is simple to modify it for irregular sparse graphs. We will postpone this definition until

the next section.

In order to introduce edge weights, we augment HN with the so-called coin space Hd

spanned by the states |1i , |2i , ..., |di, which are the possible states of the quantum coin.

For example, in the cases where we use an unbiased 2-sided coin, then we set d = 2,

which can be used to assign a weight of 1/2 to two adjacent edges. Note the use of the

same integer-index scheme for coin states as that used for edges. Ideally, we want the total

number of possible states of the coin to equal the regular-edge degree of the graph, but

this is not necessarily so, and often leads to implementation issues for large graphs. The

total Hilbert space of the quantum system would then be Hqw = HN ⊗ Hd and the wave

function reads:

d X
(3.1) |ψi = a(ejv , v) |ṽj i ⊗ |vi
j=1 v=1

where a(ejv , v) is a complex number.

3.2 Quantum-Walk Algorithm

The general algorithm that implements a quantum walk can be described by a small set of

Algorithm 2 Quantum Walk
1: initialize system
2: for each iteration of the walk do
3: flip coin
4: shift position
5: end for
6: measure

We now review each step of Algorithm 2 in detail.

Step 1: Initialization As shown in [19] and [30], the initial state of the quantum

walk can have diverse effects on its evolution. In particular, the walk will evolve

asymmetrically with a drift towards the state in which it started. This effect is a result

of the local reversibility property of quantum systems. To correct this effect, we

initialize the coin space to a symmetric superposition that keeps half the evolution in

the Real domain and half in the Imaginary domain. Suppose the possible states of the

coin operator are |1i , |2i , ..., |ji , ..., |di, then we obtain a symmetrical superposition

by applying a Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) unitary operator of size d,


 
1 1 1 ... 1
1 w w2 wd−1 
 

1  .. 
d 2 . 2(d−1) 
(3.2) CDF T = √ 1 w w 
 .. .. 

. . 
d−1 2(d−1) (d−1)(d−1)
1 w w ... w

where w is the dth root of unity e2πi/d . Consequently, we define the origin of the walk
to be at vertex |0i, and apply operator CDF T once to get the following system state,

1 X 2jπi/d
|ψcoin i = √ e |ji ⊗ |0i
d j=1

Steps 2 – 5: Iterative Walk The walk itself is a step iteration of two instructions.

We can think of a particle that starts at the origin, and on each iteration moves (takes

a step) to an adjacent vertex with some probability based on the weight of the edge

connecting them.

flip coin - this instruction is performed by applying a unitary operator C on Hd .

For example, if we wish for the particle to move to any of its adjacent vertices

with equal probability, then C is a Hadamard operator H ⊗d . Note that if we use

a symmetrical operator (such as that of Equation 3.2) as the coin-flip operator,

then there is no need to initialize the coin space, and we can skip Step 1 of the

quantum-walk algorithm.

shift position - this instruction controls the particle displacement to adjacent

vertices. Define a shift operator S on Hd that maps the state S |j, vi to |j, ṽi for

the corresponding edge ejv that connects vertex v to its j th neighbor ṽ.

Now that we have defined the shift operator S, it is easy to modify the general model

described in Section 3.1 to simulate sparse irregular graphs. All that is needed is to

keep d as the maximal vertex degree, and make S a conditional operator such that,

|j, ṽi if ejv = (v, ṽ) exists,
(3.3) S |j, vi −→

0 otherwise.

What we are doing, in practice, is keeping the regularity of the graph but adding self-

loops to vertices with degree less than the maximal degree d. These self-loops will

prevent the walker from advancing to the non-adjacent vertices upon application of

the shift operator. Although we are describing the iterative part of the walk as two

separate instructions, in reality, the operators representing these instructions can be

synthesized using several algorithms [24] to produce a new unitary operator U =

S · (C ⊗ I), where I is the identity operator. This implies that we can generalize the

evolution of the walk, and describe it concisely as,

(3.4) |ψi i = U i |ψ0 i

Step 6: Measurement The final step is to measure the system after t iterations of the

walk. Although we choose to present it here as a final step, the role of measurement in

a quantum-walk process is far from trivial, and we could very well choose to perform

partial measurements at precise moments in the walk. We may choose to measure the

coin space, the position space or both at some chosen time (iteration) t. For example,

upon measurement of system |ψt i on position basis state |vi, the system will be found

in said state with probability,

(3.5) pv = |hv, j|ψt i|2

We shed some light on the topic of measurement and decoherence in Section 3.4.

3.3 Simple Quantum-Walk Example

In general, quantum walks require at least 2 composite quantum qubit systems, which we

call registers. The first register represents the coin space while the second represents the

graph space. The simplest quantum walk possible uses 1 qubit for each of the registers.

However, the behavior of the walk on a structure like this would be trivial and fail to

demonstrate interference effects.

We now look at an example of a quantum-walk structure composed of a 1-qubit coin-

space register and a 2-qubit graph-space register. Given the size 22 = 4 of the graph

register we can implement a walk on a square with each vertex labeled by a permutation

of the possible states of the register as seen in Figure 3.2.

|00i |01i

|10i |11i

Figure 3.2: Square structure for 2-qubit graph register.

For this example, since we have a small number of qubits, we will use a Gray-code1 rep-

resentation of the vertices of the graph rather than the integer-labeling scheme defined in

Section 3.1. Furthermore, the small graph space means that we don’t have to worry about

initializing the system since the walk will not have enough steps to evolve asymmetrically.

Following Section 3.2, we now look at the coin-flip and shift-position operators. Since we

are using a 1-qubit coin register and the graph is 2-regular, we can use a Hadamard gate

CH to perform an unbiased coin-flip operation,

1 Binary Gray Code: 0 = 00, 1 = 01, 2 = 11, 3 = 10

" #
1 1 1
(3.6) CH = √
2 1 −1

The shift operator S will be a circuit composed of two CNOT gates which will modify

the graph register according to the state of the coin,

S |0i ⊗ |i, ji −→ |0i ⊗ |i, 0 ⊕ ji i, j = 0, 1

S |1i ⊗ |i, ji −→ |1i ⊗ |1 ⊕ i, ji

Figure 3.3 shows a graphical representation of the operators defined in Equations 3.6

and 3.7. |ψi i is the state of the whole system at iteration i. |ci is the coin register, and

|p1 i ⊗ |p2 i span the graph register.

Â_ _S _ _ Â
|ci H • ²©±ª°¯­® Â
»¼½¾ Â
|ψi i −→ |p1 i   −→ |ψi+1 i
|p2 i  ÂÁÀ¿
»¼½¾ Â
_ _ _ _

Figure 3.3: Quantum Circuit for walk on a square.

The mathematical calculation of the evolution of the system is depicted in Figure 3.4,

and the QuIDDPro script that implements this walk is shown in Appendix A. Running the

simulation script and displaying the vector state on each iteration will produce the same

results as the mathematical evolution shown in Figure 3.4. It is worthwhile to note the ef-

fects of destructive interference in iterations 2, 3, 6, and 7. The walk also shows a periodic

property by returning to its initial configuration (|000i) after only 8 iterations. Following

our discussion from Section 3.2, we perform a single measurement after all iterations of

the walk in order to maximize the quantum behavior (superposition, interference) of the

walk. The resulting state after the single measurement will be |000i with a probability

equal to 1.

|000i = |ψ0 i
H 1 S 1
|ψ0 i −→ √ (|000i + |100i) −
→ √ (|001i + |110i) = |ψ1 i
2 2
H 1 S 1
|ψ1 i −→ (|001i + |101i + |010i − |110i) −
→ (|000i + |011i − |100i + |111i) = |ψ2 i
2 2
H 1 1 S 1
|ψ2 i −→ √ (2 |011i + 2 |100i) = √ (|011i + |100i) −→ √ (|0i + |1i) |10i = |ψ3 i
2 2 2 2
H 1 S
|ψ3 i −→ (|010i + |110i + |010i − |110i) = |010i −
→ |011i = |ψ4 i
H 1 S 1
|ψ4 i −→ √ (|011i + |111i) −
→ √ (|010i + |101i) = |ψ5 i
2 2
H 1 S 1
|ψ5 i −→ (|010i + |110i + |001i − |101i) −
→ (|000i + |011i + |100i − |111i) = |ψ6 i
2 2
H 1 1 S 1
|ψ6 i −→ √ (2 |111i + 2 |000i) = √ (|111i + |000i) −→ √ (|0i + |1i) |01i = |ψ7 i
2 2 2 2
H 1 S
|ψ7 i −→ (|001i − |101i + |001i + |101i) = |001i −
→ |000i = |ψ8 i

Figure 3.4: Complete mathematical evolution of the quantum walk on a square.

As seen in this simple example, a quantum walk behaves drastically different than a

classical random walk. We will see more complicated examples in Chapters IV and VI.

3.4 Decoherence Effects in Discrete Quantum Walks

In a quantum walk, we can model decoherence (see Section 2.1.2) by modifying Equation

3.4 to read,

(3.8) |ψt+1 i = (1 − p)U |ψt i + pMb U |ψt i

where p is the probability of applying a measurement (decoherence) per time step and Mb

is the measurement operator. In the rest of this paper, we use the terms decoherence and

measurement interchangeably.

There are several degrees of freedom on how to apply measurements and introduce

decoherence. For our purposes, we are interested in determining whether the walker has

reached a particular vertex. We call such a vertex a “boundary” and say that the walker

is “absorbed” upon reaching the chosen boundary. How do we know that a walker has

reached a boundary in a quantum system? We can only accomplish this by “opening” the

quantum system and measuring the graph space. Mathematically, we define an absorbing

boundary on vertex |bi by applying measurement operator Mb to |ψt i. If the result of the

measurement operation is the state |bi, the walker has reached the boundary. However,

as presented in Equation 3.5, even if the walker in fact reached state |bi, there is only a

probability of detecting the absorption. We will see some practical implications of this

behavior in Chapter VI where we research a possible application for quantum walks. If

measurements are postponed until all iterations of the walk have been completed (p = 0

in Equation 3.8), the quantum properties of the walk will be maximized, but the amount

of information that we can extract from it will be limited (including whether a walker has

been absorbed). The other extreme is to perform measurements and decohere the graph

space after every iteration of the walk (p = 1 in Equation 3.8). This will tell us whether

a walker has been absorbed on every iteration, but will cause the quantum walk to reduce

to a classical random walk. To provide a clearer view of this concept. Let us look at

how the evolution depicted in Figure 3.4 will look if we introduce graph-space (qubits

p1 and p2 ) measurements into every iteration of the walk. Figure 3.5 shows the results

of the modified walk for the first couple of iterations. Appendix B shows the additional

QuIDDPro commands needed to simulate the behavior in Figure 3.5.

|000i = |ψ0 i
H 1 S 1 Mb
|ψ0 i −→ √ (|000i + |100i) −
→ √ (|001i + |110i) −−→ |001i = |ψ1 i
2 2
H 1 S 1 Mb
|ψ1 i −→ √ (|001i + |101i) −
→ √ (|000i + |111i) −−→ |000i = |ψ2 i
2 2

Upon measuring the first iteration, we get state |001i with probability |1/ 2|2 = .5. Note that we could have
gotten state |110i with the same probability. The same follows for all iterations.

Figure 3.5: Quantum walk on a square with decoherence of the graph space on every iteration.

These facts imply that some compromise must be made between quantum efficiency

and information extraction in order to obtain practical results from a quantum walk. For-

tunately, it has been shown in [20] that the introduction of a small amount of decoherence

can actually enhance the quantum properties of the walk. The possible algorithmic impli-

cations of using decoherence in a quantum walk will be discussed in Chapter VI.


QuWalkLib – High-Level Quantum Programming

Library for Quantum Walks

Having discussed the most important concepts of quantum computation in Chapter II,

we now present a C++ implementation of a high-level quantum programming language,

which we call QuWalkLib. The relevant work on quantum walks discussed in Chapter

III allows us to ground our discussion by focusing on those aspects of the implementation

that are relevant to the simulation of quantum walks. The rest of the discussion in this

chapter will assume basic knowledge of C++ programming concepts and techniques.

As briefly stated in Section 1.2, the programming work developed for this paper is

based on previous work presented in [31]. QuWalkLib is an external library of C++

classes that link to the QuIDDPro static library. In terms of architecture, Figure IV shows

a graphical representation of how QuWalkLib interacts with QuIDDPro.

QuWalkLib uses a standard template library stringstream class interface to send

appropriately parsed commands to the QuIDDPro static library. The QuIDDPro runtime

library gets initialized upon execution in order to process the parsed commands. The

result is returned in the form of a “QuIDD wrapper” interface object (Quiddpro::Qw).

Although this approach might seem inefficient because of the additional command-parsing

job, note that the execution time of the parsing job is asymptotically smaller than the

execution time related to the manipulation of QuIDD data structures that happens behind


QuWalkLib Classes

Quiddpro::Qw std::stringstream
Interface Interface

QuIDDPro static library

Figure 4.1: Architectural overview of QuWalkLib.

the scenes. Thus, the overall performance of the application is not affected.

4.1 Low-Level Primitives

We define low-level primitives as the linear-algebraic concepts (defined in Chapter II) that

are used to manipulate qubits. For the most part, the QuIDDPro runtime library takes care

of processing and executing these instructions while the role of QuWalkLib is limited to

only parsing and declaring the appropriate commands. Table 4.1 contains a sample set of

operations that can be executed by QuIDDPro. A complete list can be found in [31].
Table 4.1: Sample Low-Level Primitives Executed by QuIDDPro
Low-level Primitive QuIDDPro Functions Reference
Create computational basis state vector cb() p.7
Create Hadamard gate hadamard() p.18 p.21
Create custom controlled gate cu gate() p.18 p.21
Calculate Kronecker product of vectors kron() p.7
Calculate conjugate transpose of vector conj() p.7

However, when constructing high-level quantum programs that require classical post-

processing of measured results, the capabilities of QuIDDPro are somewhat limited.

Hence QuWalkLib implements a high-level data structure that performs two main tasks,

(i) allows flexibility to construct hybrid quantum-classical C++ programs, and (ii) hides

the details related to low-level primitive functions so the programmer can focus on high-

level procedures.

4.2 High-Level Data Structure

The library provides the end-user with a flexible C++ Application Programming Interface

(API) for construction and manipulation of quantum high-level data structures such as the

composite quantum systems or registers that were discussed in Section 3.3. Specifically,

the QPRegister C++ class in QuWalkLib provides such a high-level structure. Table

4.2 shows a series of sample prototype functions for this class.

Table 4.2: QPRegister Class Sample Functions
Prototype Reference
Constructor function that initializes the QPRegister(string, unsigned int); p.28
Access a sub-register QPRegister get subreg(unsigned int); p.28
Adds a qubit “wire” to the register void add wire(bool); p.28
Appends a register void append(QPRegister); p.28
Applies a circuit to the register void apply circ(QPCircuit); p.31
Returns the probability distribution for all vector<double> get prob dist();
possible states of the register
Measures the register bool measure(string) p.28

The main advantage in using high-level structure manipulation in a quantum program-

ming language, like the one just defined, is that it allows development of quantum-primitive-

based subroutines that can be reused without the need to worry about low-level qubit ad-


4.3 Quantum Register Manipulation

The QPRegister class contains several native methods that allow manipulation of a

quantum register without the need to explicitly construct and apply the required quantum

operators. We now show some of these methods while demonstrating examples of how to

use the QPRegister class.


Register Initialization Quantum registers need to be initialized to an element of

the computational basis. This action is performed in the following sample code.

¥ QPRegister areg("areg","000"); initializes a 3-qubit register to |000i

and assigns it to QuIDDPro variable

¥ areg.set st(3); sets the state of the register to |3i =


As seen in the code above, initialization of a quantum register can be done upon

declaration of a QPRegister object using the constructor, or by using the void

QPRegister::set st(std::string) method after the object has been de-

clared. If the user needs to increase the size of the register, the following code may

be used,

¥ areg.add wire(true); adds a qubit wire to register “areg”,

the added wire is set to |1i

Combining Registers Design of complex quantum algorithms usually requires the

use of several quantum registers, as opposed to a single one. Therefore, QuWalkLib

provides the user with a convenient way of combining sub-registers to form larger


¥ areg << breg; combines registers “areg” and

“breg”, “areg” is now the root

¥ breg.append(areg); another form of combining registers,

“breg” is now the root register

The advantage of this functionality is that it allows the user to maintain a single root

register while still having access to the relative qubit addresses that compose the

sub-registers. Another great advantage will become apparent when we discuss the

manipulation of operators in Section 4.4.

Register Measurements The only way to extract information from the quantum

register is to perform a measurement. The result of the measurement can then be

read by a classical algorithm for post-processing. The user has a couple of options

for performing measurements.

¥ bool result = measures areg using a projective

areg.measure("000"); measurement on computational basis
state |000i

¥ bool result = areg.measure(2); measure the qubit with indexed by 2

Note that both methods return a boolean value. In the case of the first method shown,

we get a probabilistic measurement on the register. That is, the result will return

true if the outcome of the measurement was the same as the binary string argument,

otherwise it returns false. In the second example, we are measuring a single qubit.

The result will be true if the measurement on the qubit turned out to be 1, and

false if it turned out to be 0. Both methods leave the original state of the register

intact. To obtain the correct post-measurement state of the system (see Section 2.1.2)

the user needs to explicitly modify the register using the appropriate operator.

Obtaining the Probability Distribution of States The user can look at the prob-

ability distribution of all the possible states of the register with the command shown


¥ vector<double> pdist = get a probability distribution of states

areg.get pdist();

This is specially useful in the simulation of quantum walks where we want to take

snapshots of the probability distribution of the vertices at a particular point in time.

However, the user needs to be mindful of the fact that the size of the vector returned

is 2n , where n is the size of the register.

4.4 Quantum Circuit (Operator) Manipulation

The second high-level structure that has been implemented as part of the QuWalkLib

library is the QPCircuit class. This data structure maintains an array of quantum gates

which the programmer can manipulate easily. Table 4.3 shows some of the prototype

functions of the class.

Table 4.3: QPCircuit Class Sample Functions
Prototype Reference
Constructor function that initializes the QPCircuit(unsigned int); p.31
Adds a new gate to the circuit void add gate(string); p.11 p.31
Removes a gate from the circuit void rem gate(unsigned int);
Inserts a gate into the circuit void ins gate(unsigned int); p.31
Resets the circuit in the QuIDDPro run- void reset();
Gets the name of the next gate in the cir- string get next gate();

What makes this data structure particularly useful is that complex circuits can be de-

signed by using a single class method (see below). Moreover, the circuit maintains a rel-

ative qubit-addressing scheme. In other words, when applied to a sub-register, the circuit

calculates the absolute qubit addresses that should be used when applying the low-level

operators for each gate in the circuit. This makes circuit objects completely reusable so

that they can be applied to different registers or sub-registers without the need to re-create

each gate operator. Examples are shown below.

Circuit Initialization The circuit needs to be initialized with the number of wires

(qubits) on which it will act.


¥ QPCircuit acirc(5); initializes a 5-qubit circuit containing

0 gates

Adding a Gate Gates can either be added to the circuit (the gate will be appended

at the end) or inserted into the circuit at a particular position provided that it exists.

The parameter to both methods is a string that contains an encoding for the gate. The

encoding used is the same as the one shown in [25]. Basically, gates are encoded like

a function where the letter determines the gate type (T = Toffoli, C = CNOT, N =

NOT, etc.), and the numbers in the argument determine the controlling (if applicable)

and target qubits.

¥ circ.add gate("T(1,2;3)"); adds a Toffoli gate with control

qubits 1 and 2, and target qubit 3

¥ circ.ins gate("N(3)", 1); inserts a NOT gate with target qubit

3 at position 1

Applying a Circuit to a Register Circuits are applied to registers by calling the

apply circ method from the register class and passing the circuit as a parameter.

An example is shown below using a register object called “areg”.

¥ areg.apply circ(acirc); applies circuit “acirc” to register in


Also, we can apply the same circuit to two different sub-registers. If we have a root

register called “rootreg” with two sub-registers each of them containing five qubits.

Then we can apply “acirc” to both sub-registers as shown below.

¥ QPRegister sreg = applies circuit “acirc” to sub-register

areg.get subreg(0); 0 in “areg”
sreg.apply circ(acirc);

¥ QPRegister sreg = applies circuit “acirc” to sub-register

areg.get subreg(1); 1 in “areg”
sreg.apply circ(acirc);

4.5 Simulation of Quantum Walks

The final high-level structure that is implemented in QuWalkLib is based on the two

structures previously described. The QPWalk class can be used to simulate one-dimensional

and two-dimensional quantum walks. It handles all the details related to the creation of

proper registers and application of necessary operators in a quantum-walk simulation. The

functions in the QPWalk class reduce an entire quantum-walk simulation to only a few

lines of code. Several prototype functions are shown in Table 4.4.

Table 4.4: QPWalk Class Sample Functions
Prototype Reference
Constructor function that initializes the QPWalk(bool, unsigned int); p.18
Runs the walk for a number of iterations void run(unsigned int); p.18
Initializes the walk void init(); p.18
Resets the walk to start at the vertex of ori- void reset();
Gets the coin register QPRegister get coinreg(); p.16
Gets the x-dimension graph register QPRegister get xdimreg(); p.18
Gets the circuit that is applied to the coin QPCircuit get coinop(); p.18

Initializing the Walk The quantum walk can be initialized in the constructor method

when the object is declared or later in the code to re-run the walk. These two methods

are presented below.

¥ QPWalk mywalk(true, 16); initializes the 2-D quantum walk ob-

ject with 16 vertices

¥ mywalk.init(); re-initializes the quantum walk ob-


Running the Walk To run the walk, the programmer needs to call a single method

and pass the number of iterations as an argument. When all iterations of the walk are

done, the programmer can access each of the individual register objects (coin, graph),

and use any of the native methods from the QPRegister class for those objects.

¥ mywalk.run(100); runs 100 iterations of the quantum


¥ mywalk.get xdimreg(); returns the x-dimension graph regis-


Simulating Decoherence QuWalkLib provides a convenient way of simulating

dechoherence in a quantum walk along the lines of the concepts seen in Section

3.4. This is done by means of a custom random-number generator class called

QPRandom. Whenever the QPWalk class is initialized we also initialize QPRandom

with a particular seed. The method double QPRandom::random() is used to

obtain a pseudo-random number that is used as needed in the QPWalk class. Hence,

we can easily model 3.8 inside the QPWalk class.

¥ mywalk.set decoh factor(.5); sets the decoherence factor p = .5

Only the most important aspects of QuWalkLib have been reviewed in this chapter.

For a complete description of QuWalkLib classes and functions see [16]. In order to test

the functionality of all the classes described above, lets look at an implementation of the

quantum walk on a cycle using QuWalkLib.

Quantum Walk on a Cycle

We extend the original quantum-walk example shown in Section 3.3 as a starting point in

our implementation of the quantum walk on a cycle.


The first modification to our quantum-walk example is to increase the number of graph-

space qubits in the model. Adding just 3 qubits will increase the amount of vertices N in

the graph from 22 = 4 to 25 = 32. Now that we have more vertices, we can upgrade the

graph structure from a square to a cycle. We will keep the same 1-qubit coin-flip operator

CH as in the original example since a cycle is also a 2-regular graph (we can only chose to

move left or right). Finally, we will use integer labeling for vertices as defined in Section

3.1. This allows us to concisely define the new shift operator S,

S |←i ⊗ |ii −→ |←i ⊗ |i + 1i i∈Z

S |→i ⊗ |ii −→ |→i ⊗ |i − 1i

It is easy to see that S is simply a binary incrementer/decrementer operator since i is the

integer value of a computational basis binary string. Furthermore, since our graph is a

cycle, S should also make the following mappings,

S |←i ⊗ |N − 1i −→ |←i ⊗ |0i

S |→i ⊗ |0i −→ |→i ⊗ |N − 1i

Note that Equation 4.1 also works for implementing a quantum walk on a line. The only

difference is that, on a line, the shift described above is not performed. Rather, the walk is

stopped if either of the boundary vertices, |0i or |N i, are reached.

Note that our position-shift circuit is now considerably more complex, as compared

to the walk on a square. Hence, we need to start considering efficiency issues in the

implementation of our circuits. The topic of quantum circuit synthesis is very important

in the development of current and new quantum algorithms. Large quantum gates (gates

involving more than three qubits) have been shown, in practice, to be exceedingly difficult

to implement with current technologies. Thus, we want to simulate these large quantum

gates with a proven universal set of smaller sized elementary gates (see Section 2.2.2).

We will touch upon this subject when we discuss specific quantum-walk circuit design

examples in Chapter V. See [24] for a comprehensive review of the topic.

A Note about Symmetry in Quantum Walks

Since the quantum walk on the cycle just defined requires a higher number of vertices,

we need to properly initialize the coin space in order to obtain a symmetrical walk (see

Section 3.2). We use a degree-2 DFT operator,

" #
2 1 1 i
CDF T =√
2 i 1

that initializes our coin space to a symmetrical superposition (|←i + i |→i)/ 2, where ←

and → are just the labels that we have chosen to represent the possible left and right states

of the coin (we could very well have chosen integers as done in the original example).
Note that operator CDF T should not be confused with the actual coin-flip operator CH .

The degree-2 DFT operator is only applied once, while operator CH from Equation 3.6 is

applied on every iteration of the walk.

The probability distributions of the vertices of the graph after 20 iterations of the asym-

metrical and symmetrical walks are shown in Figure 4.2. Note that we have plotted the

data for the even numbered vertices since the odd vertices all have probability zero just

like in the classical case ( the opposite would be true if we had plotted an odd number of


The QuWalkLib code that simulates the quantum walk described above is shown in

Appendix C.

Asymmetrical Distribution Symmetrical Distribution

0.3 0.2

0.25 0.16
probability P(x)


probability P(x)

0.05 0.04

0 0
-14 -10 -6 -2 2 6 10 14 -14 -10 -6 -2 2 6 10 14
position(x) position(x)

Figure 4.2: Probability distributions of vertices in a 5-qubit cycle quantum walk after 20 iterations. The
distribution on the left was not initialized to a symmetrical superposition, thus yielding an asymmetrical

A Note about the Probability Distribution of Quantum Walks

There is an additional interesting fact about Figure 4.2, note the stark difference be-

tween the graphs in the figure and those described for the classical random walk in Sec-

tion 3.1. The classical case follows a Gaussian (bell curve) distribution with the limiting

vertices having an exponentially low probability of being reached by the walker. In the

quantum case, the complete opposite happens. As the number of iterations increases, the

limiting vertices have a much higher probability of being reached than vertices that are

closer to the vertex of origin. Figure 4.3 shows a comparison between the quantum and

the classical case.

The consequences of this quantum behavior in the context of developing new quantum

algorithms is still open for debate in the Computer Science community. We shed some

light on this topic in Chapter VI and discuss possibilities for future work in this area.


probability P(x)



-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100
position (x)

Figure 4.3: Comparison of the probability distribution of a classical and quantum walk on a line (the
classical case is plotted in blue), after 100 iterations. This graph was proposed by Kendon and Tregenna
in [20].

Design of Efficient Quantum-Walk Circuits (QWCs)

Since the overall performance of a quantum walk is dependent on the efficiency of the

underlying circuit, careful consideration should be given to reducing gate count and un-

necessary ancilla qubits that can undermine its performance. In this chapter, we discuss

several designs of quantum circuits for performing quantum walks in one and two dimen-

sions. We also calculate their overall complexity and efficiency.

5.1 One-Dimensional QWC

Following the discussion of Section 4.5, we know that in order to implement the one-

dimensional quantum walk on a line or cycle we need a quantum binary incrementer circuit

that acts on the graph-space register to map |ii to |i + 1i, where i is a binary number

representing the vertex label. This mapping will simulate the motion of the particle from

its current vertex position on the line to its adjacent vertex on the right as discussed in

Section 3.1 and shown in Figure 3.1.

In general, for a binary number xn composed of the vector of bits {bn bn−1 ...b0 | bj ∈

0, 1} of size n, the increment operation is performed by flipping (negating) bit bj iff all

previous bits bj−1 bj−2 ...b0 are set to 1. After this, we clear all bits in bj−1 bj−2 ...b0 by setting

them to 0. Algorithm 3 provides a concise illustration of this procedure. For example,

say bits bk−1 bk−2 ...b0 in xn are all set to 1 and therefore bit bk needs to be flipped, upon


execution of Algorithm 3 we can expect four main results,

Algorithm 3 Binary Increment

Require: Bit vector xn with value d
Ensure: Bit vector xn with value d + 1
1: for i = 0 to n do
2: if xn [i] is false then
3: xn [i] ⇐ true
4: if i > 0 then
5: for j = i − 1 to 0 do
6: xn [j] ⇐ false
7: end for
8: end if
9: return xn
10: else if i equals n then
11: for h = n to 0 do
12: xn [h] ⇐ false
13: end for
14: return xn
15: else
16: do nothing
17: end if
18: end for

(i) the bit bk is flipped (negated),

(ii) all bits bi , where i < k, are all flipped,

(iii) all bits bi , where i > k, are not modified,

(iv) if all n bits are set to 1, they are all reset to 0.

Algorithm 3 can be simulated in the quantum context with the use of multi-controlled

NOT gates. Let m denote the number of controlling qubits in an Cm -NOT gate (C2 -NOT

is the Toffoli gate, C1 -NOT is the CNOT gate and C0 -NOT is the NOT gate), then we can

construct an incrementer circuit by applying the set of gates {C(n−1) -NOT, C(n−2) -NOT,

..., C0 -NOT} to the current state of an n-qubit system. Note that a given Ci -NOT gate, if

activated, will negate qubit i + 1 in the circuit on which it acts. A graphical representation

for n = 6 is shown in Figure 5.1.


• • • • • »¼½¾ ÂÁÀ¿
• • • • ÂÁÀ¿ »¼½¾
• • • ÂÁÀ¿
• • ÂÁÀ¿
• ÂÁÀ¿

Figure 5.1: 6-qubit Binary Incrementer Quantum Circuit.

Theorem 5.1. Consider an n-qubit system with computational basis state |bn bn−1 ...b0 = di,

where d is the decimal value represented by binary string bn bn−1 ...b0 , then applying the

network of gates CNOTSETn = {C(n−1) -NOT, C(n−2) -NOT, ..., C0 -NOT} simulates Algo-

rithm 3 and maps |di to |d + 1i.

Proof: Let CNOTSETn denote the set of multi-controlled NOT gates {C(n−1) -NOT,

C(n−2) -NOT, ..., C0 -NOT} acting on an n-qubit system. We say the CNOTSETn is active

if all the gates in CNOTSETn are activated. Also let bk , 0 ≤ k ≤ n, denote the target qubit

with state |0i that needs negating because all previous qubits |bk−1 bk−2 ...b0 i are set to |1i.

Then CNOTSETn will simulate the results from Algorithm 3,

(i) since C(k−1) -NOT ∈ CNOTSETn and |bk−1 bk−2 ...b0 i are all set to |1i, bk is negated,

(ii) the subset of gates {C(k−1) -NOT, C(k−2) -NOT, ..., C0 -NOT} ⊆ CNOTSETn is active.

To see this, let Cj -NOT ∈ CNOTSETn be the first in the subset that is not activated.

However, by definition, the only way all previous gates Ci -NOT, k − 1 ≤ i ≤ j + 1,

in the set could have been activated is if Cj -NOT is also activated (Contradiction),

(iii) the subset of gates {C(n−1) -NOT, C(n−2) -NOT, ..., Ck -NOT} ⊆ CNOTSETn is not

active because bk is a common control qubit in all the gates and is set to |0i,

(iv) trivially, if bk = n and all qubits |bn , bn−1 , ..., b0 i are set to |1i, then the entire set of

gates CNOTSETn is active and the final state of the system is |bn = 0, bn−1 = 0, ..., b0 = 0i.

Hence, applying CNOTSETn to the n-qubit system produces the same results as Algorithm

3. ¤

However, defining an incrementer circuit alone is not enough since we also want to

simulate the movement of the particle from its current position to its adjacent vertex on

the left (see Figure 3.1). Therefore, we need our QWC to also decrement the binary value

of the current vertex label and map |ii to |i − 1i. Given incrementer circuit A, then we

can easily perform the decrement operation by applying A† (the complex conjugate of A).

This is equivalent to applying the same set of gates described above but in reverse order.

Note that applying circuits A and A† consecutively causes the particle to stay in the same

vertex since AA† = A† A = I, which is equivalent to applying the identity operator.

Another, more efficient approach, is to reuse the incrementer circuit to perform the

decrement operation rather than constructing a separate circuit. In this case, we can decre-

ment the binary state by incrementing its complement as shown in the simple code listed

in Figure 5.2a with its corresponding circuit in Figure 5.2b. Note that, although shown

for completion in Figure 5.2b, two of the three NOT gates that are applied to the least

significant qubit (the top wire) are not necessary since they would cancel each other out.
Procedure QDecrement ( QRegister R )
1: for each qubit in R do ÂÁÀ¿
»¼½¾ • • • • • ÂÁÀ¿ »¼½¾ ÂÁÀ¿
2: apply NOT gate ÂÁÀ¿
»¼½¾ • • • • »¼½¾
3: end for ÂÁÀ¿
»¼½¾ • • • »¼½¾
4: QIncrement(R)
»¼½¾ • • »¼½¾
5: for each qubit in R do
6: apply NOT gate ÂÁÀ¿
»¼½¾ • ÂÁÀ¿
»¼½¾ ÂÁÀ¿
7: end for ÂÁÀ¿
»¼½¾ ÂÁÀ¿
»¼½¾ ÂÁÀ¿
end Procedure
(a) Decrement algorithm (b) Decrement Circuit

Figure 5.2: Simulation of the decrementer circuit using the incrementer circuit.

To see why the decrementer circuit works, note that all we are doing by negating the

incrementer circuit qubits is extracting the 2’s-complement of the current state. Lets call

lines 1-3 and 5-7 in Figure 5.2a operation comp and the current computational basis state

of the system b, then comp(b) = −b and applying QIncrement to −b will give −b + 1 =

−1(b − 1). Finally, comp(−1(b − 1)) = b − 1, which is the result we want.

Ideally, the quantum-walk shift operator circuit should perform both of the operations

described above. We can use an additional control qubit which, when set to |1i, will

activate the groups of NOT gates (as seen in Figure 5.2a) and extract the 2’s-complement

of the current state to perform the decrement operation. If the same control qubit is set

to |0i then the circuit performs the increment operation as previously described since the

groups of NOT gates will not be activated.

Complexity of the 1-D QWC

The 1-D QWC described previously has asymptotic linear lower bound in the number of

Cm -NOT gates.

Proposition 5.2. Consider an n-qubit system with state |bn bn−1 ...b0 i, then applying the

1-D QWC has a gate-count lower bound of Ω(n).

Proof: Assume an O(1) cost for all quantum gates including Cm -NOT gates. Further

assume that there is a circuit which uses g gates where g < n. Since g < n, then there

will be at least one qubit that would not be acted on. However, performing the increment

or decrement operation for all 2n − 1 possible binary values requires that all n qubits be

flipped at least once (Contradiction). Finally, since we have to apply one Cm -NOT for
each qubit |bj i in the system, we get a total lower bound cost of n−1
j=1 C
-NOT = Ω(n).

Unfortunately, although useful for simulation purposes, Cm -NOT gates are not practical

quantum constructs, meaning that they are extremely difficult to realize in a quantum-

physical system. Only the elementary set of gates defined in Chapter II are considered to

have O(1) cost. Thus, we want to achieve improvements in implementation complexity


by synthesizing our circuit design so that only these elementary gates are used. This is

achieved primarily by simulating Cm -NOT gates with the support of ancillary work qubits.

Figure 5.3a shows a C4 -NOT and its equivalent simulation using only elementary gates.

Figure 5.3b shows the general Cm -NOT representation. A nice and concise proof of these

equivalences is shown in [7]. We show a similar proof here for completion.

 

 • 
 • •

 • 
 • •
m •. • .. • • .. •
Â_ _ _ _ Â  ..  . .
• • • 
 
 . .. .. .. . . . • . .. .. .. . . . •


  •  •. . •. .
. .. . ..

• • Â • • Â • ∼
= • .. . . . .. . • .. . . . .. .
• •Â Â   . . . . • ÂÁÀ¿»¼½¾ • . . .. .. . . . • ÂÁÀ¿»¼½¾ • . . ..
• ∼
• 
 .  ..
 . . . . .
= »¼½¾ • Â • ÂÁÀ¿
• ÂÁÀ¿ »¼½¾ • Â .. • ÂÁÀ¿ »¼½¾ »¼½¾
ÂÁÀ¿ • • ÂÁÀ¿ »¼½¾ »¼½¾ •
  . .. . ..
• ÂÁÀ¿
»¼½¾ ÂÁÀ¿
»¼½¾ • Â ÂÁÀ¿
»¼½¾ ÂÁÀ¿
»¼½¾ Â  
• ÂÁÀ¿. .
»¼½¾ .»¼½¾
ÂÁÀ¿ • »¼½¾. .
ÂÁÀ¿ .»¼½¾
_ _ _ _
»¼½¾ »¼½¾
»¼½¾ ÂÁÀ¿
»¼½¾ »¼½¾
ÂÁÀ¿ »¼½¾

(a) Simulation of C4 -NOT using Toffoli (b) General case for simulating a Cm -NOT using a network
gates. The group of gates inside the box of elementary Toffoli gates.
undo temporary operations performed by
the first group of gates.

Figure 5.3: Simulation of Cm -NOT gates using 4(m − 2) Toffoli gates and m − 2 work qubits. The
first group of qubits identified by m are the controlling qubits while the group of qubits identified by
m − 2 are the work qubits. Note that the Cm -NOT gate is simulated correctly without pre-initialized
work qubits. Also note that, after applying all the Toffoli gates, the original state of the work qubits is

First, we prove the equivalence of the network of gates shown in Figure 5.3,

Theorem 5.3. Consider a general Cm -NOT gate that acts on a qubit system of size n,

where n ≥ 5 and 2 < m < d n2 e. The network of Toffoli gates shown in Figure 5.3

simulates Cm -NOT.

Proof: By inspection of the generalized gate network shown in Figure 5.3b for the Cm -

NOT gate. Denote the control qubits as c1 , c2 , ..., cm (from top to bottom), the work qubits

as w1 , w2 , ..., wm−2 (from top to bottom), and the target qubit as t. w1 is negated iff c1 , c2

are 1, w2 is negated iff c1 , c2 , c3 are 1. In general, wk is negated iff c1 , c2 , ..., ck+1 are 1. If

t is negated, then by definition of the Toffoli gate, wm−2 and cm must be set to 1, and since

we know that wm−2 can only be set iff c1 , c2 , ..., cm−2+1=m−1 have already been set, then

the entire set of control qubits must have been activated correctly. ¤

Second, we prove that the number of elementary gates necessary to keep the equivalence

proven in Theorem 5.3 is linear in the number of control qubits.

Theorem 5.4. Consider a general Cm -NOT gate that acts on a qubit system of size n,

where n ≥ 5 and 2 < m < d n2 e. The total number of Toffoli gates needed to simulate

Cm -NOT is O(m).

Proof: It is trivial to see that, to maintain the structure of the network in Figure 5.3,

we need to add 4 Toffoli gates and 1 work qubit for each additional control qubit that we

use. This holds for m > 2. Thus, we need a total of 4(m − 2) elementary Toffoli gates to

simulate Cm -NOT, which is O(m). ¤

Now, for a given n-qubit graph register, the largest multi-controlled gate will be Cn−1 -

NOT. To simulate Cn−1 -NOT we need at least (n − 1) − 2 = n − 3 work qubits. That is

quite a large number of ancilla qubits –linear in the number of circuit qubits. Fortunately,

the equivalences shown in Figure 5.3 have a nice feature in that the work qubits used do

not have to be preset to a specific value. Moreover, whatever the original value of the

work qubits, the second set of gates (the group of gates inside the marked square depicted

in Figure 5.3a) will take care of canceling the temporary operations and restoring the

original value. These features allow us to reduce the number of work qubits from linear to

a single constant ancilla qubit. It is easy to see from Figure 5.4 how this is accomplished.

Note that, in the case of the example shown in Figure 5.4, the first C4 -NOT gate (g1 )

has enough work qubits to perform its operation. However, the work qubits used are not

extra qubits, but consist of the set of controlling qubits for the second C4 -NOT gate (g2 ).

We can get away with this because of the properties previously described for the network

of Toffoli gates that simulate Cm -NOT gates. The result of applying g1 is stored in the

• • •
• • •
• • •
• • •
• ∼
= •
• •
• •
|0i ÂÁÀ¿
»¼½¾ • »¼½¾
ÂÁÀ¿ |0i
»¼½¾ »¼½¾

Figure 5.4: Simulation of the C8 -NOT gate with two C4 -NOT and one ancilla qubit. Note that the ancilla
qubit must be set to |0i prior to the operation and will be reset to that same value upon termination of
the operation.

single extra qubit that is initialized to |0i. g2 can now use g1 ’s controlling qubits as a

workspace to perform its operation. Finally, the last C4 -NOT gate (g3 ) will restore the

original value of the extra qubit (|0i) for reuse in operations later. In general, we can

network smaller Cm -NOT gates to simulate the operations of larger ones while limiting

the number of work qubits to a constant. Since the gate count required to simulate Cm -

NOT gates using elementary gates is linear, it is trivial to see that the larger Cm -NOT gates

are also simulated with linear gate count.

We have shown that simulation of Cm -NOT gates is linear in the number of control

qubits m requiring 4(m − 2) elementary (Toffoli) gates. Using this information and The-

orem 5.2 we can derive the worst-case complexity of the 1-D QWC with 1 ancilla qubit.

Theorem 5.5. Consider a qubit system of size n with 1 ancilla qubit. We now have an

(n + 1)-qubit system with state |bn+1 bn ...b0 i, then applying the 1-D QWC has upper bound

O(n2 ) when using 1 ancilla qubits.

Proof: Assume a cost of 4(m−2) for each Cm -NOT gate, where m > 2. Then, in terms
of m, the total cost of performing the increment/decrement operation is 2 m=3 4(m−2)+

3. Expanding this sum gives 2[4(n − 1 − 2) + 4(n − 2 − 2) + ... + 4(3 − 2)] + 3, which

can easily be recognized as an arithmetic sum. Hence, the upper bound for the 2-D QWC

is O(n2 ) ¤

The option of simulating the 1-D QWC with 0 extra qubits is also available at the cost of

decreasing its overall performance. Specifically, the work in [7] shows a way to simulate

an arbitrary multi-controlled unitary gate with O(n2 ) gate-count complexity. Using this

information and Theorem 5.2 we can derive the worst-case complexity of the 1-D QWC

with no ancilla qubits,

Theorem 5.6. Consider a qubit system of size n with computational basis state |bn bn−1 ...b0 i,

then applying the 1-D QWC has upper bound O(n3 ) when using 0 ancilla qubits.

Proof: Consider the proven O(n2 ) cost for all Cm -NOT gates, where m > 2. Note

that we consider C2 -NOT, CNOT and NOT to be elementary gates with O(1) rather than
Pn−1 j
O(n2 ). Since, by definition, the 1-D QWC will have j=3 C -NOT gates. Then, we have
a total of n−1 2 2
j=3 O(n ) = (n − 4)O(n ) = O(n ) ¤

Thus, we have two design options to choose from. We can trade workspace qubits

for the circuit’s gate count. Such trade-offs will depend on the engineering details of the

quantum technology used.

5.2 Two-Dimensional QWC

The graph-space component of the QWC in two dimensions is composed of two quantum

registers, one for the x dimension of the underlying lattice structure and one for the y

dimension. The naive approach to designing this QWC duplicates the design of the one-

dimensional design (described in Section 5.1) and applies it to the second register. This

would require an additional ancilla qubit to keep the O(n2 ) complexity. Thus, we would

have two 1-D QWCs to apply to each dimension with 2 ancilla qubits total. However,

considering that we can use the qubits in the additional dimension register to work out the

increment/decrement operations, we can avoid the use of ancilla qubits altogether. This

improves the simulation efficiency a great deal since, in such a large multi-qubit system, a

single additional qubit will double the size of the system. However, the overall asymptotic

worst-case performance of the circuit will remain the same at O(n2 ),

Complexity of the 2-D QWC

Theorem 5.7. Consider an 2n-qubit system with 2 registers, each of size n. Label each
register x and y, respectively. Then, if the system is in state |xn xn−1 ...x0 yn yn−1 ...y0 i,

applying the 2-D QWC has upper bound O(n2 ).

Proof: Assume a proven cost of O(n2 ) for the 1-D QWC. Since we use exactly 1 1-D

QWC for each of the x and y registers, we have a total upper bound cost of 2 ∗ O(n2 ) =

O(n2 ) ¤

Each of the designs for the QWCs discussed in this chapter have been implemented

in QuWalkLib. The quantum walk on a line/cycle described in Section 4.5 was imple-

mented using the design for the 1-D QWC described in Section 5.1. The quantum walk

on a 2-D lattice was also implemented in the QuWalkLib QWalk class using the design

described in Section 5.2.

5.3 Speed-ups of the Quantum Walk

The asymptotic complexity of the classical 2-D random walk algorithm, when used to

solve particular problems (2-SAT, Triangle Finding in a graph, Element Distinctiveness,

etc.), is usually O(N 2 ) [23], where N is the number of vertices. In the quantum case, there

is an exponential improvement in the number of resources that are required to represent

N number of vertices. This was shown in Section 3.1, where the number of vertices was

defined as 2g , where g is equal to the number of qubits in the system. Hence, the quantum

case has complexity O(log 2 (N )) in the number of vertices. Furthermore, the walk propa-

gates quadratically faster, as shown in [5]. However, there is a setback in the quantum case

related to measurement and extraction of solutions for particular applications of quantum


walks to solve a wider range of problems. Specifically, a lot of classical algorithms in-

volving random walks rely on the Gaussian distribution of vertices to extract the correct

solution to a problem. However, as seen in Section 4.5, the probability distribution of the

quantum walk is strikingly different from the Gaussian distribution. This makes it difficult

to extract solutions in the same fashion as in the classical case, and requires new tech-

niques that accommodate the particular properties of quantum walks. The next and final

chapter will show an example of the problem we just described along with several propos-

als on how to proceed with future work in the area of quantum walks and their algorithmic


Future Work: Simulation-based

Algorithm Design with Quantum Walks

Although quantum walks have been mathematically proven to be more efficient than clas-

sical random walks, not many of the useful applications of classical random walks have

translated to the quantum case. This is not unique to quantum walks, and is in fact true of

most classical algorithms that researchers have redesigned in the quantum context. This

is part of the reason for the relative lull in the development of new quantum algorithms

[29]. Furthermore, this is also the reason why there are a lot of open problems in the field

of Quantum Computation and why most problems are stated in an abstract way without

much details of physical designs.

In this vein, the subject of this chapter is to present an overview of how quantum walks

may be used to solve a particular problem. Specifically, we assess the potential of quantum

walks for solving the Heat Equation. We discuss a preliminary formulation of the problem

and determine abstract ideas for addressing implementation issues. Finally, we close our

discussion with a look at future work in the area of simulation of quantum walks.

6.1 Quantum-Walk Solution to the Heat Equation

Classical random walks can be used to solve systems of linear equations. Although, in

general, random walks are quite inefficient at this task, under special conditions, they


can actually perform better than other algorithms. Specifically, previous work [23] has

shown that reduction of a PDE to a set of linear equations can produce such a system. We

now consider a sample problem to demonstrate a possible formulation of a quantum-walk

algorithm to find the numerical solution of a PDE. We compare the quantum formulation

against the classical one and identify implementation issues.

6.1.1 Definition of the Heat-Equation Problem

Consider a 10cm (width) by 30cm (height) plate. Assume that three of the plate’s edges

are heated to a constant 0◦ F temperature, and that only the top edge is heated to a constant

100◦ F temperature. We want to find the steady-state temperature distribution T of the

plate. The continuous solution follows Laplace’s Equation in 2-dimensions,

∂2T ∂ 2T
(6.1) + =0
∂x2 ∂y 2

where 0 ≤ x ≤ N = 10 is the width and 0 ≤ y ≤ M = 30 is the height of the plate. The

given temperatures at each of the edges of the plate describe the 4 boundary conditions,

T0,y = 0 Tx,0 = 0 T10,y = 0 Tx,30 = 100

The standard finite-difference approximation to each of the second-order derivatives in

Equation 6.1 are,

∂ 2T Ti−1,j − 2Ti,j + Ti+1,j

(6.2) ≈
∂x2 (4x)2

∂ 2T Ti,j−1 − 2Ti,j + Ti,j+1

(6.3) ≈
∂y 2 (4y)2

where i and j are indices moving along the x (width) and y (height) dimensions, re-

spectively. Now we use a square grid to describe the positions on the plate such that

4x = 4y = h. Adding the right-hand sides of Equations 6.2 and 6.3 will give,

Ti+1,j + Ti−1,j + Ti,j+1 + Ti,j−1 − 4Ti,j

(6.4) =0

Equation 6.4 allows us to arrange the difference equations of each unknown value Ti,j

into a linear system of the form Au = b where u is the vector containing (M − 1)(N −

1) unknowns, b is the vector of boundary values of T , and A is a large sparse matrix

containing up to [(N − 1)(M − 1)]2 elements.

As an example of the construction of this matrix equation, lets reduce the size of our

grid to 4 × 4, but retain all other properties of the problem. The finite-difference equations

for the interior points of the new grid are,

T3,2 + T1,2 + T2,3 + T2,1 + 4T2,2 = 0

T3,2 + T1,2 + T2,3 + T2,1 + 4T2,2 = 0

T3,2 + T1,2 + T2,3 + T2,1 + 4T2,2 = 0

T3,2 + T1,2 + T2,3 + T2,1 + 4T2,2 = 0

However, note that 8 of the points above are known boundary values. This allows us to

build the following matrix equation,

    
−4 1 1 0 T2,2 0
 1 −4 0 1    
  T3,2   0 
  = 
1 0 −4 1  T2,3  −100
0 1 1 −4 T3,3 −100

which can be solved for u = A−1 b using several known algorithms.


6.1.2 Classical Solution using Random Walks

For a small number of grid points, the matrix equation approach described above may

be used to solve the problem directly by Gaussian Elimination, Gauss-Jordan Elimination

or Cholesky Factorization. However, for relatively modest N and M , the storage and

computational costs of these algorithms become prohibitive. So, in practice, more efficient

methods are used to approach the linear system from Equation 6.4. Iterative methods

such as Conjugate Gradient, Jacobi Iteration, Gauss-Seidel Iteration or Successive Over-

Relaxation are often the algorithms of choice. To understand how iterative methods work

we rearrange Equation 6.4 and solve for Ti,j ,

Ti+1,j + Ti−1,j + Ti,j+1 + Ti,j−1

(6.5) Ti,j =

In general, iterative methods work by setting all boundary grid points to their known val-

ues, and the interior points (unknowns) to some arbitrary approximate value. We then

apply Equation 6.5 repeatedly, finding approximate solutions to each of the unknown val-

ues on each iteration. The algorithm stops when the unknown values start converging to a


Note that Equation 6.5 makes the value of T at a given point (i, j) dependent on the

values of its adjacent points (up, down, left, right). Specifically, each Ti,j is going to be

an average (expected) value of its surrounding points. This property suggests that the so-

lution to each Ti,j can also be approximated by random-walk methods. The proof of this

assertion is beyond the scope of this paper and we refer the reader to [23]. In particular,

we can formulate a random walk directly from Equation 6.5 such that the walker behaves

in a manner equivalent to the equations in the linear system. Formally, we define a 2-

dimensional array of size (N − 1)(M − 1) that represents the points (vertices) on the plate

Steady-State Temperature Distribution

Temp 50
40 30-40
30 20-30
20 Width
Height 25

Figure 6.1: Steady-state temperature distribution for 10 x 30 plate with 100◦ heat applied on the top
edge and 0◦ applied on the remaining three edges.

for which we want to approximate a solution. The random walker will then move from

vertex (i, j) to any of its 4 adjacent vertices with probability 1/4.

Once the random walk has been formulated, the approximate solution for a vertex Ti,j

is found by starting the walk at that point. The walker will then propagate linearly with

time until it reaches a boundary. Once the walker reaches a boundary it is absorbed, and

the boundary value is accumulated. Note that absorption of the walker will always happen

in the classical case [14]. By the Law of Averages, performing several walks and averag-

ing over the encountered boundary values will give us an approximate solution to within

a chosen accuracy ε. Appendix D shows an implementation of this random walk in C++

and Figure 6.1 shows the graphical representation of the output from the program.

6.1.3 Quantum-Walk Formulation of the Heat-Equation Problem

Having identified classical random walks as a method for solving linear systems, we may

ask, can a quantum walk formulation perform better? This is certainly a question that

we hope to answer as part of our research work. As a first step towards answering this

question, we discuss a preliminary quantum formulation of the classical random walk

defined above.

The quantum case requires considerably more work to formulate, compared to the clas-

sical case. We implement a discrete quantum walk for Equation 6.5 using a square lattice

structure on an n-qubit graph space where n = log((N − 1)(M − 1)). Since a square

lattice is 4-regular, the coin toss operation can be implemented using a degree-4 DFT coin,

 
1 1 1 1
4 1 
1 i −1 −i 
(6.6) CDF T =  
2 1 −1 1 −1
1 −i −1 i
which, when applied to a 2-qubit coin space, produces a symmetrical and unbiased super-

position of all four vertices adjacent to (i, j). Note that, since we are using a symmetrical

coin operator, we have no need to initialize the coin space prior to performing the walk.

Furthermore, we define the shift operator to make the following mappings,

S: |→i ⊗ |i, ji −→ |→i ⊗ |i + 1, ji

|←i ⊗ |i, ji −→ |←i ⊗ |i − 1, ji

|↑i ⊗ |i, ji −→ |↑i ⊗ |i, j + 1i

|↓i ⊗ |i, ji −→ |↓i ⊗ |i, j − 1i

This formulation is not unique and, as shown in [30], a different choice of coin operator

(Hadamard and Grover coins could also be used) and shift operator could lead to different

results. In our formulation, given an initial state |T0,0 i ⊗ |↑, →i, the first iteration of the

walk would look like,

DF T 1
|T0,0 i ⊗ |↑, →i −−−→ √ (|↓, ←i − |↑, →i + i |↓, →i + i |↑, ←i) ⊗ |T0,0 i

S 1 1

→ |↓, ←i ⊗ |T−1,−1 i − |↑, →i ⊗ |T1,1 i
2 2
i i
+ |↓, →i ⊗ |T1,−1 i + |↑, ←i ⊗ |T−1,1 i
2 2

6.1.4 Measurement and Extraction of the Solution

Note that in the quantum formulation, as shown in Equation 6.8, we are able to construct

a superposition of the states of the walk. This makes the spread of the walk quadratically

faster in time [18], as compared to the classical case, which points to a faster-than-classical

solution. However, the role of an absorbing boundary in the quantum case is not quite

clear. It has been shown in [22] and [6] that a quantum walker is not absorbed 100 percent

of the time. Moreover, absorbing a walker at boundary b requires partial measurement of

the system at state |bi. This means that after measurement Mb we will find the system in

the state |bi with probability pb (see Section 3.2). This implies that we might actually need

to perform more walks than the classical case to be able to obtain an good average (since

we won’t get the boundary value all the time the walker is absorbed), and get a numerical

estimate of the solution. A possible way to resolve this issue is to somehow calculate

the average without destroying the superposition, and then store the number on a separate

qubit before performing the measurement.

Another issue related to the absorbtion probability of the walker is the probability dis-

tribution of vertices in a quantum walk. This issue was briefly touched upon in Section

4.5. This is a fundamental obstacle in extracting the correct solution of the heat equation

from the quantum walk. One possible way of overcoming this obstacle is based on the

work in [20] and [19]. Interestingly, the authors show that introducing a small amount

decoherence into a quantum walk will change the shape of the probability distribution of

the vertices. Even more surprising is the fact that the speed-up of the quantum walk is

not lost. Hence, one can potentially introduce a precise amount of decoherence so that the

probability distribution looks closer to a uniform distribution. If the vertices are distributed

uniformly at the “quantum level”, we can think of several numerical-analysis techniques,

such as Monte Carlo methods, to calculate an approximate solution to the problem using

an iterative projective-measurement-based quantum algorithm. However, whether such

an algorithm would yield overall performance improvements over classical Monte Carlo

methods is still an open question. We intend to continue research work in this area in the


6.2 Improving High-Level Quantum Programming

As part of our continuing work in the area of quantum walks, we intend to make im-

provements to QuWalkLib. Specifically, we want to include additional functionality that

enables the following:

Pre-compiled quantum gate and circuit library. Primarily, we want to extend the

number of pre-compiled quantum gates in the QuWalkLib library. It is now cur-

rently limited to the NOT, CNOT, Toffoli and Hadamard gates, which are the gates

that are necessary to implement quantum walks. However, there are other impor-

tant quantum gates that are useful when building high-level quantum programs. We

want to give the programmer access to these gates so that better circuits can be de-

signed using QuWalkLib. Also, a pre-compiled set of quantum circuits, such as the

n-qubit incrementer/decrementer, 3-qubit majority-and-add, n-qubit binary-to-gray-


code converter, would be equally useful.

Circuit optimization techniques. Chapter V demonstrated how important it is for

a high-level quantum programmer to pay attention to circuit design when develop-

ing quantum algorithms. Although, the circuit synthesis work that was described in

Chapter V was done in an add-hoc basis, in practice, we want to use proven logic syn-

thesis algorithms that can greatly improve our circuit design. The authors of [24] de-

scribe a particular quantum logic synthesis algorithm that can be readily implemented

in QuWalkLib. We hope to incorporate this functionality into the QuWalkLib

QPCircuit class.

Additional quantum-walk graph structures. The QPWalk class is currently lim-

ited to three common graphs – line, cycle, and grid. However, considerable work

in quantum walks has been devoted to hypercube structures and general graphs. Fu-

ture versions of QuWalkLib will include implementations that allow a high-level

quantum programmer to experiment with simulations on all these structures.

Metrics for evaluating quantum walks. Finally, additional functions that calculate

real-time metrics inside a quantum walk is an ideal feature to have. This helps a high-

level quantum programmer calculate specific numerical data that can improve his or

her understanding of the dynamics of a quantum walk. This feature will be key in

continuing the preliminary research described in Section 6.1.




QuIDDPro Script – Quantum Walk on a Square

Note: QuIDDPro comments are defined by the # character

1 # Initialize variables
2 n_qbits = 3;
3 itrs = 8;
4 q0 = cb("0");
5 q1 = cb("1");
6 state_vector = 1;
7 coin_flip = 1;
8 shift_p1 = 1;
9 shift_p2 = 1;
11 # Create the state vector of the system
12 j = 1;
13 while (j <= n_qbits)
14 state_vector = kron(state_vector, q0);
15 j = j + 1;
16 end
18 # Create the coin operator
19 coin_flip = kron(hadamard(1), identity(2));
21 # Create shift operators
22 shift_p1 = kron(cnot("cx"), identity(1));
23 shift_p2 = cu_gate(sigma_x(1), "n1x3", 3);
25 # Do the walk
26 j = 1;

27 while(j <= itrs)

28 # Perform coin flip
29 state_vector = coin_flip * state_vector;
31 # Perform shift position
32 state_vector = shift_p1 * state_vector;
33 state_vector = shift_p2 * state_vector;
35 j = j + 1;
36 end
38 final_state_vector = state_vector


QuIDDPro Script – Quantum Walk on a Square with Decoherence

Adding these statements to the script in Appendix A between lines 33 and 35 will simulate
decoherence and produce a quantum walk with classical random walk behavior.
34 # Measure the position qubits
35 state_vector = measure_sv(2, state_vector);
36 state_vector = measure_sv(3, state_vector);


QuWalkLib Program – Quantum Walk on a Cycle

1 // Requires: iostream, map, QPWalk

2 // Description:
3 // Simulation of the quantum walk on a line
5 #include <iostream>
6 #include <map>
7 #include "QPWalk.h"
9 using namespace Quiddpro;
10 using namespace std;
12 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
13 // create the quantum walk object
14 // parameters:
15 // false = 1-dim walk (true = 2-dim walk)
16 // 32 = total number of vertices
17 // "mywalk" = quiddpro variable name
18 QPWalk awalk(false, 32, "mywalk");
20 // initialize the walk to an unbiased superposition
21 awalk.init();
23 // run the quantum walk for 100 iterations
24 awalk.run(100);
26 // get the probability distribution for the
27 // x-dimension register and print to cout

28 vector<double> pdist = awalk.get_xdim_prob_dist();

29 vector<double>::iterator ditr = pdist.begin();
30 while(ditr != pdist.end()) {
31 cout << *ditr << " ";
32 ditr++;
33 }
34 return 0;
35 }


Random walk implementation in C++

Random walk implementation to approximate the solution of the problem defined in Sec-

tion V.
1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <tchar.h>
3 #include <stdlib.h>
4 #include <math.h>
5 #include <assert.h>
6 #include <stdio.h>
7 #include <time.h>
8 #include <iostream>
9 #include <fstream>
10 #include <iomanip>
12 using namespace std;
14 class CustomRandom {
15 public:
17 CustomRandom() {
18 srand( 0 );
19 }
21 CustomRandom(int seed) {
22 srand( seed );
23 }

25 double Random() {
26 return ( (double) rand() / (double) RAND_MAX );
27 }
28 };
30 double rand_walk(int height, int width,
31 int samplesize, int x, int y, double **T)
33 CustomRandom randgen( time(0) );
35 // current position of the walk
36 int curr_x, curr_y;
38 // flag to check whether walker has been absorbed
39 bool absorbed;
41 double coin;
43 // do the walk
44 for( int k = 0; k < samplesize; k++ ) {
46 // start position of the random walk
47 curr_x = x;
48 curr_y = y;
50 absorbed = false;
52 // keeping walking until absorbed
53 while( !absorbed ) {
54 coin = randgen.Random();
55 if( coin < 0.25 )
56 curr_x += 1;
57 else if( coin < 0.5 && coin >= 0.25 )
58 curr_y +=1;
59 else if( coin < 0.75 && coin >= 0.5 )
60 curr_x -= 1;
61 else

62 curr_y -= 1;
64 if( curr_x == 0 || curr_x == height - 1 ||
65 curr_y == 0 || curr_y == width - 1 )
66 T[x][y] += T[curr_x][curr_y];
67 absorbed = true;
68 }
69 }
70 }
71 // return average of runs
72 return T[x][y] = T[x][y] / samplesize;;
73 }
75 int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
77 // Constants
78 const double PI = 3.1415;
79 const int samplesize = 1000;
80 const int width = 10 + 2; // add two for boundaries
81 const int height = 30 + 2; // add two for boundaries
83 // temperature function
84 double **T;
86 T = new double *[height];
87 for(int i = 0; i < height; i++ )
88 T[i] = new double [width];
90 // set up boundary conditions
91 for( int i = 0; i < height; i++ ) {
92 T[i][0] = 0;
93 for(int j = 1; j < width - 1; j++)
94 T[i][j] = 0.0;
95 T[i][width - 1] = 0;
96 }
97 for( int j = 0; j < width; j++ ) {
98 T[0][j] = 100;

99 T[height - 1][j] = 0;
100 }
102 // perform 1000 random walks for each point on the grid
103 for( int i = 1; i < height - 1; i++ ) {
104 for( int j = 1; j < width - 1; j++ ) {
105 T[i][j] = rand_walk(height, width,
106 samplesize, i, j, T);
107 }
108 }
110 // output solution to a file
111 ofstream ofstr;
112 ofstr.open( "solution.dat", ios::out );
113 ofstr << "\t";
114 for( int i = 1; i < width - 1; i++ ) {
115 ofstr << i << "\t";
116 }
117 ofstr << endl;
118 for( int i = 1; i < height - 1; i++ ) {
119 ofstr << i << ’\t’;
120 for( int j = 1; j < width - 1; j++ ) {
121 ofstr << T[i][j] << "\t";
122 }
123 ofstr << endl;
124 }
125 ofstr.close();
127 //clean up
128 for( int i = 0; i < height; i++ )
129 delete [] T[i];
130 delete [] T;
132 return 0;
133 }



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