Information Geometry Univariate Time Series

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Pattern Recognition 95 (2019) 24–35

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Univariate time series classification using information geometry

Jiancheng Sun a,∗, Yong Yang b, Yanqing Liu a, Chunlin Chen a, Wenyuan Rao a, Yaohui Bai a
School of Software and Internet of Things Engineering, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanchang, 330013 China
School of Information Technology, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanchang, 330013, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Time series classification has been considered as one of the most challenging problems in data mining
Received 18 December 2018 and widely used in a broad range of fields, such as climate, finance, medicine and computer science. The
Revised 17 March 2019
main challenges of time series classification are to select the appropriate representation (feature extrac-
Accepted 30 May 2019
tion) of time series and choose the similarity metric between time series. Compared with the traditional
Available online 31 May 2019
feature extraction method, in this paper, we focus on the fusion of global features, local features and
Keywords: the interaction between them, while preserving the temporal information of the local features. Based
Time series on this strategy, a highly comparative approach to univariate time series classification is introduced that
Classification uses covariance matrices as interpretable features. From the perspective of probability theory, each co-
Information geometry variance matrix can be seen as a zero-mean Gaussian distribution. Our idea is to incorporate covariance
Riemannian manifold matrix into the framework of information geometry, which is to study the geometric structures on the
manifolds of the probability distributions. The space of covariance matrices is a statistical (Riemannian)
manifold and the geodesic distance is introduced to measure the similarity between them. Our method
is to project each distribution (covariance matrix) to a vector on the tangent space of the statistical man-
ifold. Finally, the classification is carried out in the tangent space which is a Euclidean space. Concepts of
a structural and functional network are also presented which provide us an understanding of the proper-
ties of the data set and guide further interpretation to the classifier. Experimental evaluation shows that
the performance of the proposed approach exceeded some competitive methods on benchmark datasets
from the UCR time series repository.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Besides the classification algorithms mentioned above, Deep

Neural Networks (DNNs) has also been successfully applied in
Classification problem plays an important role in many real- the classification of time series [13]. As the end-to-end algorithm,
world applications such as electronic health records [1], human ac- DNNs can automatically extract features, which is an outstanding
tivity recognition [2] and cyber-security [3]. Generally, algorithms advantage in time series classification. In most cases, DNNs can
of time series classification can be divided into three categories: reach state-of-the-art performance when large amounts of data are
instance-based, feature-based and model-based methods. As the available [1–3]. However, there is a risk of overfitting of a huge
name implies, instance-based methods implement the classifica- number of parameters in the case of relatively small train set. In
tion by directly measuring the similarity between the instances. addition, black-box effect of DNNs makes it difficult to interpret.
For example, dynamic time warping distance (DTW) [4–8] has In addition to the classification algorithm, the two most im-
been widely used for realizing time series classification. In the di- portant tasks in time series classification are: (i) feature extrac-
rection of the feature-based approaches, classification is realized tion, and (ii) similarity measure between time series. We usually
based on the representation of time series which can be divided use feature extraction to obtain more accurate and richer informa-
as global and local feature in common cases [9,10]. The benefit of tion from time series. Global and local features contain a variety
this approach is to transform the temporal problem to a static one. of information that has different roles in different situations. In
In model-based method, a model such as Hidden Markov Model general cases, the former is good at long time series, while the
(HMM) [11] or other statistical models [12] is used to classify the latter is focusing on short one. In the direction of global feature,
time series. Nanopoulos et al. [10] first calculated the statistical features of the
series and then trained a multilayer perceptron neural network,
Wang et al. obtained a series of features, such as trend, season-

Corresponding author. ality, periodicity, serial correlation etc. to achieve the classification
E-mail address: (J. Sun).
0031-3203/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Sun, Y. Yang and Y. Liu et al. / Pattern Recognition 95 (2019) 24–35 25

of time series [14]. In fact, in recent years, there has been tremen- tistical manifold. In other words, the covariance matrix is the ex-
dous interest in extracting the local features from time series, such tracted feature and the classification can be carried out in the tan-
as bag-of-features (BoF) [15], bag-of-words (BoW) [16] and sym- gent space of the manifold. The covariance matrix is generally used
bolic aggregate approximation (SAX) [17]. In addition, shapelets to analyze the covariation among variables. In recent years, covari-
extraction has attracted considerable attention [18–20]. Although ance matrix has attracted concerns again since its positive semi-
shapelet method is usually classified as an instance-based method definite feature and the development of information geometry
since the distance between subsequences is used for classification, [27–29]. Intuitively, it can be said that the covariance matrix is a
it also utilizes the local patterns (subsequences) associated with combination of local and global features. On the one hand, the el-
the classes. ements in covariance matrix reflect the interaction between local
Global and local features should complement each other. On the features; and on the other hand global properties of the covari-
one hand, it is relatively easy to get the global feature in general, ance matrix, such as eigenvalues and eigenvectors, can capture the
but it may miss the local details. On the other hand, local features global characteristics of the time series. Comparing to the compet-
can capture important details, but the rules of feature extraction itive classification methods on benchmark datasets, the presented
are complex in most of cases, and the temporal information may results demonstrate the validity and accuracy of the proposed ap-
lose due to the disorder of local features. Therefore, a better solu- proach. To sum up, the main contribution of this paper is mainly
tion is to combine global and local features. reflected in two aspects. The first is the representation of time se-
No matter what classification methods are used, the similarity ries, namely feature extraction. The extracted features are covari-
measure is a key issue. In general, how to choose an appropri- ance matrix, which has the advantage of integrating global fea-
ate metric is related to the object to be measured. For instance- tures, local features and their interactions. More importantly, the
based methods, DTW is usually a competitive solution since it temporal information corresponding to local features is preserved
can overcome some challenges in time series, such as translations, in the covariance matrix. The second contribution is that the clas-
shifts, size and deformations. Combined with the nearest neigh- sification of extracted features can be realized in the tangent space
bor (NN) classifiers, DTW has been successfully applied to time se- of Riemannian manifold under the framework of information ge-
ries classification which is usually used as a hard-to-beat baseline ometry.
[9,21]. However, due to drawbacks of DTW, such as high computa- The remainder of the present paper is organized as follows:
tional cost and pathological alignments [22], its application is lim- The framework of classification is summarized in Section 2.
ited in some cases. For feature-based methods, the choice of met- Section 3 evaluates the proposed method by testing on synthetic
ric is related to the form of the extracted features. For example, time series and the benchmark datasets from UCR time series
if time series is re-expressed as vectors in a metric space, then database. Future work and conclusions are drawn in Section 4.
the measure can be Minkowski distance; if time series is inter-
preted as a probability distribution function, the measure can be 2. Proposed method
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test or Kullback-Leibler divergence. Recently,
Oregi et al. proposed on-line Elastic Similarity Measures, which In this section, we start with the motivation and formulation
provides an effective method for the similarity measurement of dy- of our problem. Then we introduce information geometry, which
namic stream data [23]. In the case of multivariable time series, is a general framework for dealing with statistical manifolds. Next,
Mikalsen et al. used time series cluster kernel to deal with the the representation of univariate time series is proposed. Finally we
problem of missing data [24]. In order to solve the Positive and apply the proposed method to classify time series in the tangent
Unlabeled (PU) problem, an algorithm based on semi-supervised space of the statistical manifold.
classification is proposed, which used Cross-Recurrence Quantifica-
tion Analysis (CRQA) as the similarity metric of time series [25]. 2.1. Motivation for proposed method
For various local features in representations, different approach
extracts different information from a time series. However, two The motivation for our work is derived from the characteristics
kinds of information were usually ignored in most of the methods: of the univariate time series. First of all, it is not a good idea to
(i) interaction among the local features and (ii) temporal informa- treat a univariate time series having N points as a N-dimensional
tion. Although local features can capture rich information them- feature vector in general. So usually the time series need to be
selves, the interaction among them usually plays a significant role transformed into other forms, namely the representation of time
for classifying the time series. Obviously, this interaction can be series. Time series patterns often change with time, have differ-
interpreted as spatial information which reflects one kind of topol- ent scales, contain arbitrary motifs, and show local distortion and
ogy structure of the time series. In addition, a time series is usu- noise. In other cases, the differences between classes are caused by
ally observed over a time interval. So, in the case of classification, local small segments rather than global structures. In addition, the
it is very important how the sequence of data points changes with subsequences at different timestamps indicate different semantics.
time, namely temporal information. We believe that the classifica- Furthermore, the relationship or interaction between subsequences
tion performance will be significantly improved by combining local is also an important factor in the classification of time series. In a
feature itself with spatial and temporal information. word, an appropriate representation of time series not only needs
In this paper, we present a classification method of univariate to reflect the local interaction of time series, but also contains its
time series (UTS) based on the framework of information geom- global characteristics.
etry [26]. The main motivation of the study is to combine local As mentioned in the previous section, covariance matrix is
and global features while preserving the temporal information to a an appropriate candidate for the representation of the univariate
certain extent. Comparing with the existing methods, we empha- time series as it reflects both local and global characteristics. Al-
size on taking the advantage of the interaction between the fea- though covariance matrix has been widely used for modeling im-
tures except for the features themselves. Firstly, the subsequences ages/videos and visual classification, it is still rare to use covari-
are extracted from one time series and each subsequence corre- ance matrix as the representation of univariate time series. With
sponds to a variable. In addition, a time variable is also presented the development of information geometry theory, covariance ma-
to extract the temporal information. Then a covariance matrix is trix plays an increasingly important role since each covariance can
estimated from these variables. With the information geometry the- be seen as a zero-mean Gaussian distribution. The covariance ma-
ory, each covariance matrix can be regarded as a point on a sta- trices form a statistical manifold which is an intrinsic structure of
26 J. Sun, Y. Yang and Y. Liu et al. / Pattern Recognition 95 (2019) 24–35

the probability distribution family. Here, we use the information figure, the classification can be achieved by two strategies: on the
geometry as the framework to realize the classification of the uni- manifold or in its tangent space. So which one is the optimal solu-
variate time series. Information geometry is a natural way to han- tion? This question will be addressed in later sections. Regardless
dle the statistical manifold since it is differential geometric struc- of which strategy is used to classify, it is necessary to introduce a
ture on manifolds of probability distributions with the Riemannian metric to measure the dissimilarity between the data samples. In
metric. In addition, the Gaussian distribution is only a member of the context of information geometry, Fisher information distance
the probability distribution family. When the data follows other between two distributions p(x; θ 1 ), p(x; θ2 ) ∈ M is a reasonable
distributions, the classification method based on information ge- choice which is formulated as [26]:
ometry can also be directly applied, so it is a unified framework.  T  
dθ dθ
DF (θ1 , θ2 ) = minθ [I (θ )] dt (1)
2.2. Problem formulation 0 dt dt

Given a labeled dataset D = {(Tk , ck )}Kk=1 consists of K univari- where I (θ ) is the Fisher information matrix. The coordinate sys-
ate time series Tk together with their class labels ck , where Tk is tem of the statistical manifold M is composed of the parameter θ ,
a sequence of real numeric values and its length is Nk , that is, and DF (θ 1 , θ 2 ) is the shortest distance between the coordinates θ 1
Tk = (x1 , x2 . . . xNk ). It is important to note that the sequences are and θ 2 , which is called the geodesic distance of the manifold. In
not required to be of equal length. In other words, the algorithm general, DF cannot be accurately calculated without prior knowl-
can deal with variable length time series due to the characteris- edge of the manifold (the exact form of probability distribution).
tics of covariance matrix. The classification problem of time series Fortunately, when two multivariate Gaussian distributions have the
is to construct a classifier that is able to assign a correct category common mean vector μ but different covariance matrices , the
label to a new, unlabeled time series. In order to reduce complex- closed forms of the geodesic distance can be derived as [32]:
ity, time series are usually re-expressed, which is what we usually  1/2
call feature extraction or feature selection. In general, the essence 
D ( (μ, 1 ), (μ, 2 ) ) = log 2
λi (2)
of the classifier is to use a metric to evaluate the dissimilarity of
different time series or its representation and then classify them.
So two key issues need to be addressed: how does the representa- where λi are the eigenvalues of matrix (1 )−1 2 and n is the
tion of time series and how to measure the dissimilarity between number of variable.
them? We know that there are other metrics that can be used to mea-
For the representation of univariate time series, our idea is to sure the dissimilarity between probability distributions, such as
first map every Tk into a high-dimensional space, and then esti- the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence, Hellinger distance, cosine dis-
mate its probability density function (PDF) pk , which is used as tance [33] and ensemble similarity [34]. However, all of these mea-
representation of the Tk . Multiple pk form a statistical manifold, sures are the approximation version of the information distance.
and each pk is a point on the manifold. So for, the classification of More importantly, Fisher information distance is a natural metric
Tk can be transformed into the classification of pk . In general, the in the context of information geometry which is a general frame
geodesic distance is used as metric to measure the dissimilarity work to handle parametrized families of PDFs. In addition, apart
between the data samples on the manifold. Once the distance be- from the general characteristics of a metric ( non-negativity, sym-
tween the data samples is defined, the classification task becomes metry and triangle inequality), D (1 , 2 ) (μ is ignored for the
straightforward in the context of information geometry which will sake of clarity) in (2) also has the following properties:
be introduced in the next section.
(1) Invariant by inversion: D (1 , 2 ) = D (−1
, −1
(2) Invariant by congruent transformation: D (1 , 2 ) =
2.3. Information geometry framework for classification
D  ( P T 1 P , P T 2 P )
Information geometry is considered as a branch of differential where P is any invertible square matrix. This property is very im-
geometry and statistics. Amari has made a tremendous contribu- portant in the case of time series as it ensures that any linear op-
tion to the establishment of the theoretical background of this field eration on the time series that can be modelled by an invertible
which has been popularized in recent years [30]. More recently, matrix P has no effect on the distance D (, ). This type of trans-
Amari also proposed a general and unique class of decomposable formation includes rescaling and normalization of the time series,
divergence functions in the manifold of positive definite matrices whitening, spatial filtering or source separation, etc.
which can be used for clustering and related pattern matching In addition, in many cases, D (, ) has some outstanding advan-
problems [31]. In general, the information geometry is to study the tages over the classical similarity measure. For example, DTW cap-
geometric structures on the manifolds of the probability distribu- tures the rough similarity of the shape only by allowing non-linear
tions. The geometric structures of the probability distributions are time distortion. However, it does not contain all the information
usually investigated in Riemannian space. The basic idea here is in these time series. For example, what is the distorted distribu-
to represent the data as points on a statistical manifold which is tion? Is the distribution of a given time series changing smoothly
a manifold of probability density functions (PDFs). That is to say, or drastically over time? DTW is not always the solution, for ex-
a statistical manifold can be viewed as a set M, whose elements ample, when dealing with random walks, it makes no sense to use
are probability distributions. The coordinate system of this mani- DTW because there are no time patterns. In this case, the only in-
fold is composed of parameters of PDFs. For example, a multivari- formation available is “relevance” and “distribution”.
ate Gaussian distribution of a d-dimensional random vector x can
be defined by its mean vector μ and covariance matrix , namly 2.4. Representation of UTS by extracting local features
x ∼ N (μ,  ). Thus, the d-dimensional Gaussian distribution fam-
ily leads to a d + d × (d + 1 )/2 dimensional statistical manifold. Before constructing a classifier, the first question to answer is
Given a family of time series sets T = {T1 , T2 · · · TK }, we can as- how to re-express the time series. Here, the representation of UTS
sume that each time series Tk is an implementation of some po- can be divided into two steps: a UTS is first converted to a mul-
tential probability distribution. The idea of classification based on tivariate time series, and then the covariance matrix of the multi-
information geometry is shown in Fig. 1. As can be seen from the variate time series is estimated.
J. Sun, Y. Yang and Y. Liu et al. / Pattern Recognition 95 (2019) 24–35 27

Fig. 1. Framework of classification based on information geometry. First, a PDF pi is estimated for each time series Ti . These PDFs constitute a statistical manifold M. Then,
the classification of PDFs is carried out on manifold Mor on its tangent space (the PDFs can be projected from M to its tangent space).

The first step of representation can be realized by utilizing the relations existing in time series data are ignored in X, which of-
idea of phase space reconstruction. In many cases, we can only ob- ten leads to inaccurate classification results. Thus a temporal vari-
serve a UTS (a scalar time series) Tk = (x1 , x2 . . . xNk ) from a com- able is necessary to evaluate the variation in subsequences with
plex system, where N is the length of the time series. With Taken’s respect to time. Here we add a row vector vt = [1, 2, . . . , N − τ ] to
theorem of embedding [35], the goal of phase space reconstruc- X to deal with this problem since the passing of time grows lin-
tion is to reconstruct the original space of system by unfolding early. In other words, the temporal information can be caught by
the scalar time series to a higher dimensional phase space (a mul- investigating the interaction between vt and other row vectors. We
tivariate version). Phase space reconstruction enables us to study will see that vt plays an important role for classification in the fol-
unobserved variables, geometrical and dynamical properties of the lowing experiments. In addition, another two row vectors vmin and
original phase space. In other words, it provides a way to con- vmax are added to X to extract more statistical information, where
vert UTS into the state vectors (the point in a reconstructed phase the ith element of vmin and vmax is the minimum and maximum of
space) which can describe the structure of the UTS more accu- the ith column in X, respectively. Finally, a (m + 3 ) × (m + 3 ) di-
rately. mension covariance matrix  can be estimated for the final X as:
With an embedding dimension m and a time delay τ , a UTS
Tk = (x1 , x2 . . . xNk ) can be transformed into state vectors in a re- N−τ

constructed phase space as: = vj − μ vj − μ (5)

T n
xi = xi , xi+τ , xi+2τ , . . . , xi+(m−1)τ (3)

so a UTS x1 , x2 . . . xN can be described by a m × (N − τ ) matrix X where vj is the jth column and μ is the mean of the columns.
which is a time-delayed versions of the UTS. The process for con- So far, the UTS can be represented by the covariance matrix ,
structing X is similar to segment the UTS every τ time points with and then the matrix  can be regarded as a weighted undirected
a sliding window. Each column in X represents the state point xi at network. In this network, the nodes and links represent the vari-
time i, and each row in X represents one subsequence of the UTS. ables and the covariances (elements in ), respectively. It can be
Seeing from another angle, each row in X can also be regarded as seen that the network reflect the covariation between the shape
observation values of a variable. and pattern of the subsequences. Thus, links in this network re-
Here, we show an example of phase space reconstruction for veal one kind of “physical” connections between subsequences and
the well-known Lorenz system [36]. The model is a system of three we call the network as a structural network. For the classification
ordinary differential equations which described as: problem, the different link provides different information to real-
ize the task. The strong physical connection doesn’t mean it can
dx dy dz
= σ (y − x ), = x(ρ − z ) − y, = xy − β z (4) provide more information. Thus we also introduce the concept of a
dt dt dt functional network which is a task-based network. Unlike structural
where x, y and z make up the system state, t is time, network, the strength of a link in the functional network describes
and σ , ρ , β are the system parameters. The time series shown its importance to realize special task, which is the time series clas-
in Fig. 2a is the x component of the system. Here, the parame- sification in our work. The functional network can be derived by a
ters used σ = 8, ρ = 28.1 and β = 8/3. The time series or the or- few ways, like feature selection algorithm and decision tree. In this
bit to be tracked consists of the 20 0 0 data points by removing work, linear support vector machines (SVM) is used for deriving
the first 300 data points. In Fig. 2b, triples of time series values the functional network and performing the classification task. With
xi = (xi , xi+τ , xi+2τ )T are plotted, which is the reconstructed phase the structural and functional network, we are given a novel insight
space of the x component of the system. That is to say, a system to understand data set and interpretation of the classifier. To sum
with three variables is reconstructed from the scalar time series of up, the structural network is determined by the covariance matrix,
x component. and the links of network represent the interactions between sub-
The main idea here is to investigate the interaction between the sequences, which are extracted features and used to train the clas-
variables (subsequences). However, it can be seen that temporal sification model. In the functional network, links are determined
28 J. Sun, Y. Yang and Y. Liu et al. / Pattern Recognition 95 (2019) 24–35

Fig. 2. Chaotic time series and reconstructed phase space. (a) x component of Lorenz system. (b) reconstructed phase space of x component.

by the importance of features, which can be used to analyze the

influence of interaction between subsequences on classification.

2.5. Classification in tangent space of Riemannian manifold

As shown in Fig. 1, the first question that needs to be addressed

is whether to classify in the manifold or its tangent space. Here, we
choose to classify in the tangent space. Next, we will first show the
advantages and disadvantages of classifying on the manifold and in Fig. 3. Manifold M and the corresponding local tangent space T1 at 1 . The loga-
its tangent space, and then explain the reasons why we choose to rithmic map and the exponential map create a connection between M and T1 .

classify in the tangent space.

Classification on manifold- pros:
The covariance matrices lie on a Riemannian manifold since
• Classification can be carried out directly on the manifold by
they are always symmetric positive definite matrices [29]. A man-
using geodesic distance.
ifold is a topological space that is locally similar to a Euclidean
Classification on manifold- cons: space (vector space). To understand this idea, consider the ancient
belief that the earth was flat as they observed it in small scales.
• It is difficult to calculate some characteristic quantities in
Unfortunately, the majority of the classical classification algorithm
manifolds, such as Riemannian mean [37], which makes it
cannot be applied directly on the Riemannian manifold. Conse-
difficult to develop efficient classification algorithms on it.
quently, it is necessary to transform the covariance matrices from
Classification in tangent space - pros: Riemannian manifold to Euclidean space and this can be realized
by utilizing tangent space, which is Euclidean and locally homo-
• Since the tangent space is Euclidean space, many popular
morphic to the manifold. The derivatives at a point on the mani-
and efficient classification algorithms (LDA, SVM, Neural Net-
fold lie in a vector space, namely, the tangent space at that point.
work) can be implemented directly in this space.
We use a diagram to show the relationship between the manifold
Classification in tangent space - cons: and the tangent space in Fig. 3.
In Fig. 3, the manifold M is constructed using covariance ma-
• Data needs to be projected from the manifold into the tan-
trices and T1 is the tangent space at point 1 ∈ M which is con-
gent space, and the distance between sample points is no
sidered to be a reference point. From 1 , a unique geodesic γ ex-
longer a strict geodesic distance.
ists on the manifold M starting with the tangent vector w. The
Although the data can be directly classified based on the exponential map ex p1 (w ) maps the vector w (red triangle) to
geodesic distance on the manifold, due to the difficulty in calcu- the point 2 (black circle dot) on the manifold reached by this
lating characteristic quantities, only a few classification algorithms geodesic by [29]:
can be used directly. In comparison, one of the main disadvan- 1
tages of classifying in the tangent space is that the data needs 1 1 1
2 = ex p1 (w ) = 1 2 exp 1 − 2 w1 − 2 1 2 (6)
to be projected from the manifold into the tangent space, and
the geodesic distance between the sample points in the tangen-
tial space is changed. However, it has been proved that the dis- also, there exists the inverse mapping log1 (2 ), namely the log-
tance in the tangential space can approach the geodesic distance arithmic map, which is uniquely defined around a small neighbor-
in the manifold [29]. More importantly, many classification algo- hood of the point 1 . That is, log1 (2 ) projects locally the co-
rithms can be used directly in the tangent space, which provides variance matrix 1 , to the vector w in the tangent space by [29]:
flexibility for improving classification performance. Considering the
above factors, we choose to classify the time series in the tangent 1
− 12 1
w = log1 (2 ) = 1 2 log 1 2 1 − 2 1 2 (7)
J. Sun, Y. Yang and Y. Liu et al. / Pattern Recognition 95 (2019) 24–35 29

Fig. 4. An overview of LFI algorithm: at first, time series are converted into phase space; secondly, covariance matrices are estimated from m + 3 variables and then structural
networks are derived; for classification, covariance matrices are transformed from manifold to tangent space and then linear SVM or 1-NN is carried out in it, and then
functional network is obtained by combining the covariance matrices and the results of classifier.

Note that where the exp and log are the ordinary matrix ex- we believe that the classification performance can be further im-
ponential and logarithm operators. (6) and (7) create a connection proved if nonlinear classifiers, such as nonlinear SVM and random
between the manifold and the tangent space. forest, are used here.
In short words, with a reference point  ∈ M, we use (7) to
projects all covariance matrices {i }N i=1
(N is the number of UTS 3. Experiments and results
samples) from the manifold to the Euclidean space (tangent space),
and then carry out the classification in this space. In this paper, the To evaluate the LFI method, we first compare it with the DTW
mean of {i }N i=1
is used as the reference point. on the chaotic time series of Lorenz system described in (4). Then
With the feature vector w in (7), implementing the classifica- we selected all 85 data sets from the UCR time series repository
tion is straight forward as it is in Euclidean space. In the following and all the details are available on the project’s homepage [38]. For
experiments, 1-nearest-neighbor (1-NN) classifier and linear SVM phase space reconstruction, methods for choosing appropriate em-
are used for classification. The reason for using 1-NN is to compare bedding dimension m and the time delay τ have been proposed for
with the classical 1-NN-DTW classifier [38]. We use linear SVM to studying the underlying properties of a nonlinear system [40,41].
realize this task for two reasons. First, unlike a nonlinear classi- However, we find that it is not an appropriate way for the classi-
fier, a linear one generally has fewer hyperparameters. In addition, fication task by experiment. This is because some samples are not
a linear classifier can give a relatively fair competition with other chaotic time series. In this work, for the UCR time series, m and
classifier to evaluate the performance since the nonlinear classifier τ are tuned by Hyperopt library which is a hyperparameter opti-
can give better results by tuning more hyperparameters in com- mization Python package [42].
mon cases. Second, the functional network can be derived easily
by linear SVM since the coefficients in the primal problem can be 3.1. Performance evaluation on synthetic data
used as ranking metric for deciding the importance and relevance
of a particular feature [39]. In our work, features are just the links The present analysis was carried out on the Lorenz system in
in the structural network and the importance of features is de- (4) in order to better understand the differences between LFI and
noted by the strength of the links in the functional network. DTW and their advantages and disadvantages. In addition, it can
For the sake of clarity, we named the proposed algorithm as lo- help us to analyze the performance of LFI on real data in next
cal feature interaction (LFI) method and its process is illustrated in section.
Fig. 4. As can be seen from the figure, the algorithm can be divided
into three phases: feature extraction, data transformation from Rie- 3.1.1. Characteristic analysis of covariance matrix and DTW
mannian manifold to tangent space and classification in tangent The Lorenz system in (4) has highly complex behaviors with the
space. In the first phase, as the extracted features, covariance ma- variation of the system parameters. Two classes of data were gen-
trix has the advantage of integrating global features, local features erated, both in the chaotic range. We generate time series by keep-
and their interactions in a natural way. Meanwhile, the tempo- ing σ = 10.0 and β = 8/3 while varying ρ . Specifically, 25 ≤ ρ < 28
ral information of local features can be preserved by introducing and 28 ≤ ρ < 31 correspond to the two classes. Here, we use x com-
the time variables. In addition, the individual noised samples are ponent of the system as the time series of interest because any
largely filtered out since the covariance computation can be served component contains enough information to reconstruct the orig-
as an average filter. These advantages guarantee the state-of-the- inal system [35]. 50 trial set were generated and each trial data
art performance of the algorithm. In the second phase, the covari- contains 100 time series. The size of training and testing set are
ance matrix needs to be mapped from the Riemannian manifold 60 and 40, respectively. The time series or the orbit to be tracked
to the tangent space. As mentioned above, the motivation of map- consists of the 20 0 0 data points by removing the first 300 data
ping is to be able to use the classical algorithms in the tangent points. We know in advance that the embedding dimension m = 3,
space (Euclidean space) to improve classification performance. In and the time delay τ = 8 which is determined by the mutual in-
the last phase, the classification is carried out in the tangent space. formation method [40]. For the sake of simplicity, vt , vmin and vmax
In this paper, 1-NN classifier and linear SVM are used for classifi- were not added to the covariance matrix . Thus, the dimension
cation. The reasons for using these two classifiers have been ex- of  is 3 × 3.
plained previously. In fact, in most cases, the performance of non- In order to compare with DTW (no warping window) [38], 1-
linear classifiers is better than that of linear classifiers. Therefore, NN (1-nearest neighbor classifier) and linear SVM were used in LFI.
30 J. Sun, Y. Yang and Y. Liu et al. / Pattern Recognition 95 (2019) 24–35

Fig. 5. Glyphs visualizing covariance matrices. (a) Ellipsoids of the corresponding covariance matrices. The ellipsoids have been colored according to the parameter ρ . (b)
the eigenvalues of the covariance matrices.

Fig. 6. Butterfly effect of Lorenz system.

The classification accuracy of 1-NN, SVM and DTW is 90.4% ± 0.037,

Fig. 7. Cost matrix with the minimum-distance warp path traced through it.
88.4% ± 0.044 and 59.9% ± 0.065, respectively. It can be seen that
the classification performance of LFI is far more than DTW. We
will explain the reason for this phenomenon in the following
sections. dicates the corresponding ellipsoid), respectively, which are phase
Each covariance matrix is a positive definite symmetric matrix space reconstruction of the x component of the system. It can be
which defines an ellipsoid [43]. This gives us an intuitive way to seen that the orientation of the ellipsoids is roughly the same, but
understand the time series from a geometric perspective. For a the size and shape have a certain degree of difference. These dif-
3 × 3 covariance matrix  ∈ Sym+ 3
, we get three positive eigenval- ferences are the key factors for proper separation of two classes
ues λ1 > λ2 > λ3 > 0 and their corresponding eigenvectors e1 , e2 , e3 of the ellipsoids. In order to see these differences more clearly,
by diagonalizing the matrix. The size, orientation and shape of an Fig. 5b shows specificity of the eigenvalues. At the boundary of
ellipsoid are inherently related to the eigenvalues and eigenvectors ρ = 28.0, the thick black solid line divides the eigenvalues into two
of the covariance matrix: the three principal radii and three di- categories. With the increase of ρ , the three eigenvalues show an
rections of axes are determined by the eigenvalues and orthogonal upward trend. It is these diversifications that cause the different
eigenvectors of the covariance matrix, respectively. In other words, forms of the ellipsoids.
the eigenvalues and eigenvectors regulate the shape and orienta- DTW is a powerful technique to find an optimal non-linear
tion of the ellipsoid, respectively. alignment between two given sequences. The outstanding advan-
Fig. 5 shows geometric property of the covariance matrices. The tage of this method is the ability to overcome the distortion in the
middle part of the Fig. 5a gives the form of the ellipsoids and the time axis between two sequences. Given two time series Q and C
colour bar represents the system parameter ρ . The ellipsoids are of the same length n where Q = q1 , q2 , . . . , qn and C = c1 , c2 , . . . , cn .
divided into two groups based on the ρ . The lower left and up- First, an n × n cost matrix is constructed whose i, jth element
per right corners of the graph show two samples (solid line in- is a distance d (qi , c j ) = qi − c j . The goal of DTW is to find an
J. Sun, Y. Yang and Y. Liu et al. / Pattern Recognition 95 (2019) 24–35 31

Fig. 8. 2D dimension reduced results of x component of Lorenz system. (a) Proposed method. (b) DTW-based method.

Fig. 9. A comparison of test accuracies of LFI against DTW and TSBF classifiers on all 85 UCR datasets. (a) Error rates for LFI versus DTW. (b) Error rates for LFI versus TSBF.

optimal warping path through the matrix with a minimum cumu- trix and optimal warping path between two sequences in Fig. 7.
lative distance. The path can be found by using the following re- Dynamic programming is used to find the warp path of this min-
cursive function imum distance [4]. In Fig. 7, query time series and template time

series belong to the same class of the Lorenz system. The heat map
γ (i, j ) = d qi , c j + min(γ (i − 1, j − 1), γ (i − 1, j ), γ (i, j − 1)) and the red thick polyline represent the cost matrix and the opti-
(8) mal warping path, respectively. As can be seen from the figure, the
path deviates from the diagonal too far. This phenomenon shows
However, in some of the more challenging cases, DTW cannot that DTW cannot effectively measure the similarity of these two
effectively measure the similarity between two time series. For ex- time series.
ample, chaotic characteristics in the time series make it difficult for In real life, the time series of a variety of areas have chaotic
DTW to align two similar time series. To illustrate the challenge of characteristics, such as economics, physics, hydrology, etc. [44–46].
the similarity measure of chaotic time series, we give a diagram of Because of the high complexity of chaotic systems, the classifica-
the butterfly effect of the Lorenz system in Fig. 6. The two time se- tion and prediction of chaotic time series are very challenging. For
ries (x component) shown at the top of Fig. 6 are from a same sys- example, due to the butterfly effect, even if the two time series are
tem, with the only difference being that the initial conditions are produced by the same system with a very small disparity in initial
slightly different by 10−2 . The bottom of the figure shows the dif- conditions, they are also very different in results and local shape.
ference between the two time series. Initially, the two time series DTW focuses on capturing local similarity, which can be seen from
are very consistent, but the difference becomes larger and larger (8). It is for this reason that the DTW has failed. By contrast, the
with the evolution of time. Thus it is very hard to catch the sim- proposed LFI can take into account both local and global features.
ilarity between the chaotic time series with a general metric. Al- On the one hand, the phase space reconstruction can find implicit
though the two time series are generated by a same system, com- variables (local features), and the covariance matrix is the result
mon measurements will give a wrong judgment. of the interaction of these variables; from another point of view,
To evaluate the performance of DTW in the case of chaotic time the sliding window divides the time series into multiple subse-
series, we first randomly generated two sequences similar to those quences, and elements in the covariance matrix reflect the covari-
in Fig. 6, and then took the last 300 data points as the final se- ant between them. All of the above shows that LFI has an ability
quence respectively. The reason why this is done is to show the to capture local features. On the other hand, the global similarity is
effect of the butterfly effect in the data. We show the cost ma- obtained by the synthesis of local similarity, that is, the covariance
32 J. Sun, Y. Yang and Y. Liu et al. / Pattern Recognition 95 (2019) 24–35

Table 1
Error rates for classifiers applied to 43 time-series data sets.

Dataset Num. of DTW TSBF LFI

Win NoWin Rand Unif 1-NN SVM

50Words 50 0.242 0.310 0.232 0.213 0.259 0.259

ArrowHead 3 0.200 0.297 0.231 0.284 0.257 0.223
Beef 5 0.333 0.367 0.263 0.410 0.300 0.167
BirdChicken 2 0.300 0.250 0.165 0.130 0.100 0.150
CBF 3 0.004 0.003 0.022 0.007 0.006 0.011
CinC_ECG_torso 4 0.07 0.349 0.274 0.228 0.161 0.008
Computers 2 0.380 0.300 0.242 0.295 0.392 0.340
Cricket_Y 12 0.238 0.256 0.284 0.263 0.272 0.310
DiatomSizeReduction 4 0.065 0.033 0.138 0.152 0.046 0.111
Dis.Pha.OutlineCorrect 2 0.232 0.232 0.207 0.219 0.243 0.193
Earthquakes 2 0.258 0.258 0.191 0.253 0.307 0.248
ECG50 0 0 5 0.075 0.076 0.063 0.061 0.078 0.070
ElectricDevices 7 0.376 0.399 0.319 0.354 0.383 0.37
Face (four) 4 0.114 0.170 0.064 0.060 0.136 0.068
Fish 7 0.154 0.177 0.089 0.079 0.143 0.103
FordB 2 0.414 0.406 0.230 0.097 0.090 0.075
Ham 2 0.400 0.533 0.301 0.275 0.438 0.333
Herring 2 0.469 0.469 0.408 0.447 0.422 0.438
InsectWingbeatSound 11 0.422 0.645 0.367 0.381 0.503 0.437
LargeKitchenAppliances 3 0.205 0.205 0.485 0.489 0.189 0.160
Lightning-7 7 0.288 0.274 0.286 0.336 0.342 0.315
Meat 3 0.067 0.067 0.070 0.105 0.067 0.117
Mid.Pha.Out.AgeGroup 3 0.253 0.250 0.214 0.22 0.270 0.225
MiddlePhalanxTW 6 0.419 0.416 0.380 0.381 0.429 0.406
Non-Invasive Fetal ECG Thorax1 42 0.185 0.209 0.160 0.158 0.135 0.056
OliveOil 4 0.133 0.167 0.133 0.110 0.100 0.133
Pha.OutlinesCorrect 2 0.239 0.272 0.182 0.172 0.226 0.224
Plane 7 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.006 0.004 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0
Pro.Pha.OutlineCorrect 2 0.210 0.216 0.127 0.129 0.148 0.103
RefrigerationDevices 3 0.560 0.536 0.500 0.469 0.552 0.528
ShapeletSim 2 0.300 0.35 0.087 0.030 0.022 0.033
SmallKitchenAppliances 3 0.328 0.357 0.334 0.335 0.312 0.304
SonyAIBORobot SurfaceII 2 0.141 0.169 0.213 0.213 0.150 0.131
Strawberry 2 0.062 0.060 0.029 0.035 0.054 0.034
Symbols 6 0.062 0.050 0.035 0.029 0.031 0.025
ToeSegmentation1 2 0.250 0.228 0.130 0.091 0.123 0.057
Trace 4 0.010 0.0 0 0 0.042 0.023 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0
TwoLeadECG 2 0.132 0.096 0.018 0.010 0.047 0.029
UWaveGestureLibrary_Y 8 0.301 0.366 0.169 0.159 0.284 0.320
UWaveGestureLibraryAll 8 0.034 0.108 0.241 0.147 0.096 0.068
Wine 2 0.389 0.426 0.307 0.406 0.204 0.204
Worms 5 0.586 0.536 0.469 0.415 0.425 0.348
Yoga 2 0.155 0.164 0.165 0.162 0.130 0.227

matrix itself. It can also be said that the size, shape and orientation challenge of the butterfly effect, the orbit to be tracked consists of
of the ellipsoid mentioned above are determined by the combined the 2500 data points by removing the first 1500 data points.
effect of the local and global characteristics of the time series. We In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method,
believe that these properties of LFI are the reason why LFI is out- the dimension of chaotic time series are reduced by multidimen-
standing in chaotic time series classification. sional scaling (MDS) [47] and the related results are shown in
Compared with DTW, LFI has a lower time complexity in com- Fig. 8a. In contrast to the classical algorithm, Fig. 8b shows the re-
mon cases. DTW has a complexity of O(n2 ) where n is the length sults of using the DTW for dimensionality reduction. The distance
of time series. The overall computational complexity of our algo- matrices from (2) and DTW are fed to the MDS to achieve dimen-
rithm is mainly due to the estimation of the covariance matrix. The sionality reduction, respectively. In Fig. 8, each sample represents
time complexity of estimating a covariance matrix in LFI is O(nm2 ) a chaotic time series and different colors represent different val-
where m is the embedding dimension. In most cases, there is a ues of parameter ρ in (4). As can be seen from the figure, the
low embedding dimension. Especially for long time series, imple- difference between the results of the two methods is very obvi-
mentation of DTW can be prohibitively expensive. For the current ous. Based on the proposed method, the data after dimension re-
analysis, the complexity of the LFI and DTW are O(20 0 0 × 32 ) and duction are evenly distributed according to the change of parame-
O(20 0 02 ), respectively. Therefore, a couple of ways have been made ter ρ . In common cases, some machine learning and data mining
to speed DTW up [4,6–8]. methods, such as classification and clustering, are used to evaluate
the performance of dimension reduction of the original time se-
3.1.2. Dimension reduction using DTW and geodesic distances ries. For the Fig. 8a, the result is of great significance to machine
In machine learning and statistics, dimension reduction is a learning and data mining. For example, we can use a simple lin-
common processing step to reduce the complexity of the data via ear classifier to get a good classification performance for this re-
obtaining a set of principal variables. Here, we use the dimension- sult. In contrast to the DTW-based results in Fig. 8b, the data are
ality reduction to visually illustrate the outstanding performance of completely mixed together which cannot be distinguished accord-
geodesic distance. The difference with the above classification task ing to the different values of parameter ρ . These results indicate
is that there are 400 data generated here. To further illustrate the that although DTW method has been widely used in measuring
J. Sun, Y. Yang and Y. Liu et al. / Pattern Recognition 95 (2019) 24–35 33

Fig. 10. Structural and functional networks of Gun-Point dataset. (a) Structural network of Gun class; (b) Structural network of Point class; (c) functional network. (We have
got a permission from E.Keogh to use stills and annotation).

time series similarity, it cannot catch the similarity of the chaotic [15]. Classification results for DTW-based classifiers were obtained
time series. The reason for the above results is that an extracted directly from the project website [38]. For TSBF-based classifiers,
covariance matrix is a natural way to fuse the local features and the results were obtained by running the code provided by the au-
their interactions. Thus the extracted features include not only the thor [48]. For LFI, 1-NN and SVM are trained in tangent space of
local features themselves but also their interactions. Furthermore, the manifold. Based on 5-fold cross-validation on the training data,
the global characteristics can be obtained by synthesis of the local the parameter C in linear SVM is determined from the set {1, 10,
features. In contrast, DTW only focuses on measuring local similar- 100, 1000}.
ity. Due to the high complexity of the chaotic time series, it is not The classification accuracies are compared in Table 1 in which
enough to consider only local similarity. the best accuracy is denoted in bold. For the limited space, the ta-
ble shows the results of 43 data sets which are selected from 85
3.2. Classification accuracy of UCR time series data sets every one data set in alphabetical order. For each specific
method, the best result of the two classifiers is used as the final
Four classes of previously competing classifiers are used for result. For the DTW-based method, for example, we select the best
comparing the classification accuracy with LFI: best warping win- accuracy between the best warping window DTW and no warping
dow DTW, no warping window DTW [38], and two state-of-the-art window DTW. The results in Table 1 show that LFI performs bet-
TSBF-based classifiers based on random and uniform subsequences ter than DTW-based and TSBF-based classifiers in 21 data sets. By
34 J. Sun, Y. Yang and Y. Liu et al. / Pattern Recognition 95 (2019) 24–35

comparison, the numbers of best results of DTW-based and TSBF- then the subsets are projected into different tangent Spaces, and
based are 8 and 17, respectively. finally the vectors in these tangent Spaces are classified. Now, the
To better visualize and evaluate the classification accuracy for key problem here is how to compare vectors in different tangent
all 85 data sets, we use the scatter plot proposed by Ding et al. to Spaces since each tangent space has its own coordinate system. In
compare the results [49]. Fig. 9 presents pairwise comparisons of other words, all vectors must be in a common frame of reference,
classification accuracy, where x axis represents the DTW-based or that is, they must be “transported” into a common tangent space.
the TSBF-based method, y axis represents LFI method and each dot So our future work is to use affine connection and parallel trans-
denotes the error rate for a particular dataset. The line y = x rep- lation to transform the tangent vectors in different tangent spaces
resents the location where both methods perform the same. A dot into a common tangent space for comparison and classification. We
above the line indicates that the method on the x axis is more ac- believe that this can improve the performance of the algorithm to
curate than that on the y axis of the corresponding data set. For 85 a certain extent and is a more general framework, especially when
data sets, LFI beat DTW-based in 65 data sets and beat TSBF-based the distribution of data is diverse.
in 50 data sets. For some data sets, LFI exhibits large improvements Based on the frame work of information geometry, a novel
in classification rate. method is proposed for classifying the univariate time series. The
covariance matrix is used as the representation of a univariate time
3.3. Analysis of classification by structural and functional network series, which synthesizes the local and global characteristics of the
time series. The structural and functional networks are also derived
To provide insight into the classifier, structural and functional for interpreting the classifier. The structural network is used as the
networks of the Gun-Point dataset are shown in Fig. 10 as an ex- feature, and the functional network is used for explaining the im-
ample. The purpose of this data set is to identify whether a person portance of the interaction between the subsequences. We have
draws a gun or not [50]. Thus it has two classes (Gun class and demonstrated that the proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art
Point class) and corresponding structural networks of a sample are performance and gives better results than competitive methods on
shown in Fig. 10a and Fig. 10b, respectively. Top panels show ac- a synthetic data and a set of benchmark data sets.
tor’s stills and time series annotations for the two classes. Here
embedding dimension m = 7 and time delay τ = 4 so the num- Acknowledgement
ber of nodes is m + 3 = 10. We can see that the topology structure
of the two networks is similar except for the small differences in This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foun-
strength of the links. To avoid having too dense a graph, sparse dation of China under grant No.: 61362024, 61662026, 61761020.
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2005.10.019. systems.

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