Music, Space, and Power2021
Music, Space, and Power2021
Music, Space, and Power2021
Thursday September 23
10:00 – 10:15 Opening welcome from the MMSTG Chair Ruth Davis
10:15 - 10:30 Opening welcome from the MMSTG 13th Symposium Programming Committee
Vanessa Paloma Elbaz, Chair; Fulvia Caruso, Oded Erez, Anis Fariji, Salvatore Morra, Olivier Tourny
and from Tangier Legation’s Associate Director Ythimad Bouziane.
Coffee Break
17:00 FILM: Moussem, Filmmaker Antonio Baldassare
Friday September 24
Coffee Break
15:00 – 16:30 Concert Temsamani Orchestra of Tetuan (Sponsored by Past and Present Musical
Encounters Across the Strait of Gibraltar MESG, Funded by the European Research Council)
Saturday September 25
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
15:30 – 17:00 Panel X (Part II) (Chair, Stefano Portelli)
Spirits of the Diaspora. The European Gnawa at the Frontiers of the Urban
Bringing the gnawa to Europe. From Essaouira to Paris in the Eighties and Nineties
Antonio Baldassare
The cry of Gnawa: postcolonial Moroccan musicians between black awareness and ‘white masks’
Reda Zine
Monday September 27
Coffee Break
Tuesday September 28
13:00 – 14:00 Panel XV (Chair, Maria M. Rijo Lopes da Cunha)
Real and Virtual Spaces of Exchange: Rewriting Expected Power Diads
“Hermetic encapsulations up to a new openness: Aspects of the traditional vocal genres sarki
and muwassah in live performances in Berlin in connection of Mediterranean Music in migration
to Europe from 1950s”
Dorit Klebe, Berlin University of the Arts
“Coptic Feminist Cyberspaces: Virtual Singing and Gender Reformation in the North American
Carolyn Ramzy, Carleton University
14:00 – 14:30 concluding remarks
Programming Committee:
Vanessa Paloma Elbaz, Chair
Oded Erez, Study Group Secretary
Fulvia Caruso
Anis Fariji
Salvatore Morra
Olivier Tourny