Music, Space, and Power2021

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13th Symposium of the ICTM Mediterranean Music Studies Group

Music, Power, and Space: A Mediterranean Perspective

September 23-28, 2021
All times will correspond with GMT + 1
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Meeting ID: 919 6094 8684
Passcode: 355116

Thursday September 23

10:00 – 10:15 Opening welcome from the MMSTG Chair Ruth Davis
10:15 - 10:30 Opening welcome from the MMSTG 13th Symposium Programming Committee
Vanessa Paloma Elbaz, Chair; Fulvia Caruso, Oded Erez, Anis Fariji, Salvatore Morra, Olivier Tourny
and from Tangier Legation’s Associate Director Ythimad Bouziane.

10:30 - 12:00 Panel I – (Chair, Vanessa Paloma Elbaz)

Sound, Power and Inheritance: Ritual Spaces in the Eastern Mediterranean
“Cliquetis, Cloches, Simandres et Orgues: sons de pouvoir au Saint-Sépulcre de
Olivier Tourny, CNRS, Université Aix Marseille
“Chypre, musiques et espace à travers le cas des concerts bi communautaires”
Ikbal Hamzaoui, Institut Supérieur de musique de Tunis
“Social Change of Hereditary Musicians: The Introduction of Electronic
Keyboards in Traditional Wedding Ceremonies of Western Anatolia”

Şahin Yaldiz, CHOREOMUNDUS: International Master in Dance Knowledge, Practice

and Heritage


13:00 – 14:00 Panel II – (Chair, Matthew Machin-Autenrieth)

Movement, Space and Belonging: Hierarchies of Place
“Performing Samba in Beirut: citizenship, precarity and the Lebanese state”
Gabrielle Messeder, City, University of London
“Making ‘Home’ on the Diasporic Dancefloor: Taqsim as Storytelling in Arab-influenced
Underground Dance Music”
Jillian S. Fulton-Melanson, York University

Coffee Break

15:00 – 16:30 Panel III - (Chair, Salvatore Morra)

Urban Music Redefining Power: Movement, Performance and Pleasure
« Musique et arts vivants de rue au Maroc : Accompagner la performance, lui donner sens »
Anne-Myriam Abdelhak, Université de Paris - URMIS, Centre Jacques Berque and LADSIS
“We Are People Who Create and Enjoy”: Dabkeh and the Joyful Decolonial Politics of 47Soul
and Ayloul”
Liza Munk, University of California Santa Barbara
"One of Them: Poverty and Populism in Moroccan Hip Hop's Urban-Rural Imaginary."
Kendra Salois, American University

17:00 FILM: Moussem, Filmmaker Antonio Baldassare

Friday September 24

10:30 – 11:30 Panel IV - CANCELLED

13: 00 – 14:30 Panel V - (Chair, Judith Cohen)

Sociality, Music and Spaces of Negotiation in Moroccan Music
“Patriotism in Moroccan Jewish Music”
Jamal Eddine Benhayoun, Abdelmalek Essaadi University
“Mediating Dakka Jazz in Morocco: Jauk Elmaleh, the Old Slaughterhouses of
Casablanca and Afro-Mediterannean Music”
Eric Petzoldt, Wolfson College, University of Cambridge
« Jauk en vrac: sans le rhythm = walou »
Armand Elmaleh Lemal, Université International de Rabat

Coffee Break

15:00 – 16:30 Concert Temsamani Orchestra of Tetuan (Sponsored by Past and Present Musical
Encounters Across the Strait of Gibraltar MESG, Funded by the European Research Council)

Saturday September 25

10:30 –12:00 Panel VI - (Chair, Jean Lambert)

Spaces of Tradition: Andalusi Music and Power
“L'innovation dans la musique andalouse. Ouverture et restrictions”
Amin Chaachoo, Tetuan Asmir Center for Musicological Research
“Consistency and Change in the musical structure of Moroccan andalusi music on the example of
recordings from 1932-2018"
Thilo Hirsch, University of Bern
“La musique andalouse marocaine sous le protectorat français: quel sens politique pour la
Yassir Bousselam, Université Paris Nanterre


13:00 – 14:30 Panel VII (Chair, Fulvia Caruso)

Intimacy, Influences and Musical Infrastructures
“Leila vous parle: intimate spaces of Tunisian maluf”
Salvatore Morra, Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Viterbo
“The Power of Intimate Spaces: A Present-Past Dialogue from Jerusalem”
Ruth Davis, Corpus Christi College, University of Cambridge
“Social ordering through playlists in the post-revolutionary city of Tunis”
Susannah Knights, King’s College London

Coffee Break

15:00 - 17:00 – Panel VIII (Chair, Oded Erez)

Space, Language and Hierarchy: Power across genres and beliefs
“Between the Levant and the Gulf: Analysing the Role of Musical Flows in the
Making of Twenty-First Century Arab Cultural Poles”
Maria M. Rijo Lopes da Cunha, University of Copenhagen
“Les musiciens-officiants Qawwâl dans l'espace sacré yézidi : entre pouvoir religieux et
hiérarchie sociale (Irak)”
Liqaa Marooki, Sorbonne Université
“Saint Valentine Sings: Sharing Auditory Space in the Catholic Church of
Jennifer Sherrill, University of California, Davis
“The Dubai Effect: The Transnational Diva, The White Dialect and The Multi-Dialectical Song”
Richard Nedjat-Haiem, University of California Santa Barbara
Sunday September 26

10:30 – 12:00 – Panel IX (Chair, Olivier Tourny)

Mediterranean Musical Space: Archives, Collaborations, Strategies
“Alan Lomax in the Mediterranean: Spain, Italy, Morocco”
Judith Cohen, York University
« A la recherche de corpus communs : pour une archivistique collaborative en Méditerranée »
Matteo Cialone, CNRS, Université Aix Marseille
“Mediterraneanism as a Discursive Strategy”
Oded Erez, Bar-Ilan University


1:00 – 15:00 – Panel X (Part I) (Chair, Stefano Portelli)

Spirits of the Diaspora. The European Gnawa at the Frontiers of the Urban
Discussant: Deborah Kapchan
From Tangiers to Brussels: following the šamālī repertoire in the European capital of the Gnawa
Hélène Sechehaye, Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles
Rituals, technology, and the construction of a Gnawa community in and around Barcelona
Gianni Ginesi and Ilaria Sartori, Escuela Superior de Música de Catalunya
Gnawa cross-over in the South of France: meaningful music and embodied practices
Meryem Alaoui

Coffee Break
15:30 – 17:00 Panel X (Part II) (Chair, Stefano Portelli)
Spirits of the Diaspora. The European Gnawa at the Frontiers of the Urban
Bringing the gnawa to Europe. From Essaouira to Paris in the Eighties and Nineties
Antonio Baldassare
The cry of Gnawa: postcolonial Moroccan musicians between black awareness and ‘white masks’
Reda Zine

17:00 – 17:30 A musical presentation on migration through composition

“Three childhood scenes from Across the Mediterranean”
Ariel Lazarus, Givat Washington Academic College

Monday September 27

10:30 – 12:00 Panel XI - (Chair, TBA)

Amazigh Music: Power and Symbolism in Space
“Les transformations de la musique amazighe du Rif”
Mohamed Oubenal, IRCAM
“Danse et poésie chez les Arghen de l’Anti-Atlas”

Ghadir Elidrissi Raghni, INSAP (Institut National des Sciences de l'Archéologie et du

Patrimoine) and Centre Jacques-Berque
“Le pouvoir des imdyazen reflets de la tradition des aèdes”
Ahmed Aydoun, Ministère de la Culture, Maroc


13:00 – 15:00 Panel XII - (Chair, Ruth Davis)

Microhistories of Sonic Encounter in Colonial North Africa: Representation, Symbolic Violence and
“Nord-S(o)u(n)d: Islam, Sound and the French Expositions Coloniales”
Stephen Wilford, Wolfson College, University of Cambridge
“Musical Brotherhood and Diplomacy at the Hispano-Moroccan Exposition in Granada, 1939”
Matthew Machin-Autenrieth, University of Aberdeen
"Colonial Rivalry, Musicology, and the Racial Imagination: Spain at the Fez Congress of
Moroccan Music (1939)"
Samuel Llano, University of Manchester
“Sound, Gesture, Strife, and Silence: Sonic Coercion of Jews in Wartime Tangier, 1940 -
Vanessa Paloma Elbaz, Peterhouse, University of Cambridge

Coffee Break

15:30 – 16:30 – Panel XIII (Chair, Dorit Klebe)

Music and Power in Medieval inter-religious musical spaces
“Singers and Power in Umayyad Damascus: Four Singers in Isbahani’s Kitab al-Aghani"
Dr. Kirsten Beck, Queen College, City University of New York
“Jerusalem: Armed affect in the Palästinalied of Walter von der Vogelweide (c. 1170 – c. 1230)”

Ed Emery, SOAS, University of London

16:30 – 18:00 – Study Group Business Meeting

Tuesday September 28

10:30 – 12:00 Panel XIV - (Chair, Anis Fariji)

Sonic Politics: Music in Egypt - Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries
“Les musiques électroniques et l'État. Pour une approche ethnohistorique des
productions musicales égyptiennes”
Séverine Gabry-Thienpont, Université Aix-Marseille
“Le Congrès de Musique Arabe du Caire (1932) revisité. Perspective historique
sur la sujétion de la musique au politique”
Jean Lambert, CNRS
“The Military turned Sha’abi into Pop: Presidential Elections and Propagandistic songs in Egypt

Kawkab Tawfik, CEDEJ (Centre d’études et de documentation économiques, juridiques et

sociales) - IFAO (Institut français d’archéologie orientale) du Caire

13:00 – 14:00 Panel XV (Chair, Maria M. Rijo Lopes da Cunha)
Real and Virtual Spaces of Exchange: Rewriting Expected Power Diads
“Hermetic encapsulations up to a new openness: Aspects of the traditional vocal genres sarki
and muwassah in live performances in Berlin in connection of Mediterranean Music in migration
to Europe from 1950s”
Dorit Klebe, Berlin University of the Arts
“Coptic Feminist Cyberspaces: Virtual Singing and Gender Reformation in the North American
Carolyn Ramzy, Carleton University
14:00 – 14:30 concluding remarks

Study Group Chair:

Ruth Davis

Programming Committee:
Vanessa Paloma Elbaz, Chair
Oded Erez, Study Group Secretary
Fulvia Caruso
Anis Fariji
Salvatore Morra
Olivier Tourny

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