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Certificate Program in
Industry 4.0
1 Professional Certificate Program in Industry 4.0
About the Certificate

Succeeding in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Organizations operate in an environment that is New technologies are a game changer, as they
technologically and competitively evolving more allow for greater product customization. This, in
rapidly than ever before. turn, interrupts fixed factory structures, makes
products more modular, and helps generate profit
As such, they continue to redesign their product despite producing fewer products.
operations, business models, and customer
support solutions. Until now, industry has sought The Fourth Industrial Revolution has led to these
profitability in standardization, series production, drastic changes, and both organizations and
large volumes, and cost reduction. employees alike need to be trained to adjust and
prepare for them. To help prepare for this need,
Organizations must adjust to these disruptive MIT Professional Education has designed reskilling
market forces, leveraging technology to drive and upskilling solutions to help organizations build
growth and efficiency. a culture of continuous learning. In doing so, they
provide professionals with the knowledge and
skills needed for the labor market of the future.


8-10 hours a week 12 Months Online

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2 Professional Certificate Program in Industry 4.0

Certificate Structure

Professional Certificate Program in Industry 4.0

From leading technologies such as the Internet of things (IoT) and artificial
intelligence, to understanding the fundamentals of smart manufacturing and product
platforms, this new Professional Certificate Program in Industry 4.0 is designed to
prepare professionals to tackle these challenges head on, and it will provide them
with the knowledge and tools to succeed in the digital world. As an overarching theme
throughout the program, participants will learn the principles of how to manage
technologies for maximum impact and how to optimize production processes within
their organizations for greater efficiency.

The program has been tailored to focus on the technologies and tools that are most
applicable in the industry today, which they will learn first-hand from industry leaders.

Core Courses

Management of Technology: Roadmapping & Development

1. Walk the path of technology through its history, its different tools and methods,
its fundamental limits, and the theory and empirical evidence for technology
evolution over time.

Designing Product Families: From Strategy to Implementation
Explore how product architecture, platforms, and commonality can help an
organization deploy and manage a family of products in a competitive manner.

Smart Manufacturing: Operations in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

3. Understand cutting-edge technology like machine learning, IoT, and data analytics to
understand the current transformation of the manufacturing sector. 

Beyond IoT: Sensory Intelligence and Smart Technology

4. Examine new concepts, and delve into the research that is enabling a
new generation of sensors. Participants will look at the fundamental
sensing, computing, and communication software technologies.

3 Professional Certificate Program in Industry 4.0

Electives Courses

Management of Technology II: Strategy & Portfolio Analysis

1. Dive deeper into technology roadmaps and learn how to create an action plan
to improve any business.

Leadership & Innovation
Learn to lead from self-knowledge and creativity, as well as build teams and
organizations with a culture of innovation. 

Blockchain: Disruptive Technology
Explore and understand not only how this technology works, but also to learn
what its applications are in order to obtain the maximum benefit in the digital
transformation projects that are developed.

Sustainable Infrastructure Systems: Planning and Operations

4. Explore systems theory as the basis for analysis, development, and
engineering of sustainable, adaptable technological systems.

Cloud & DevOps: Continuous Transformation

5. Explore the vast technological transformation that has occurred in recent years.
With real-life case examples, program participants will learn about how these
technologies have impacted the way we do business.

Course. 1 Course. 2 Course. 3 Course. 4 Course. 5

9 weeks 8 weeks 10 weeks 9 weeks 8 weeks

Management Designing Smart Beyond IoT:  1. Management of

of Technology: Product Families: Manufacturing: Sensory Intelligence Technology II: Strategy
Roadmapping From Strategy to Operations in the 4th and Smart & Portfolio Analysis
and Development Implementation Industrial Revolution Technology 2. Leadership &
3. Blockchain: Disruptive
4. Sustainable
Systems: Planning and
Enroll now Operations
5. Cloud & DevOps:

4 Professional Certificate Program in Industry 4.0

The Learning Experience
At MIT Professional Education we The program is 100% online, and the
believe in practical applications and virtual campus is available anytime,
encourage participants to implement anywhere. It is a space for continuous
what they have learned. learning, taking you beyond the
limitations of a traditional classroom.
Through our programs, participants are
given the tools to make their learning There are no prerequisites for this
experience as fulfilling as possible. certificate. The certificate will guide
and prepare you to understand
Participants will have the chance all the content and complete the
to participate in an engaging and required activities. For some courses
collaborative classroom environment (e.g. Cloud & DevOps: Continuous
with discussion forums and group Transformation), some familiarity with
activities. web environments is recommended.

5 Professional Certificate Program in Industry 4.0

Key Takeaways

Understand the evolution of industry from craft manufacturing to mass


Leverage platforms for identifying new market and product opportunities to

generate revenue growth.

Identify major contemporary methods and tools for product family and
platform design.

Explore emerging trends in smart manufacturing, and visualize production

data to better understand key variables and underlying phenomena in a
manufacturing environment. 

Delve deeper into machine innovation and machine vision, working through
different iterations of a fiber extrusion device (FrED), specifically designed
to provide program participants examples of how to optimize machines.

Carry out advanced data analysis using data sets produced on FrED in a
manufacturing setting.

Apply the theory behind the IoT+ to construct real applications and
improve upon them using smart technologies. 

Learn to quantify technological progress over time using relevant figures

of merit (FOMs). Map one or more technologies to a target product and/or
service of their choice and set realistic FOM-based targets.

Develop strategies, cultures, and structures from a leadership

perspective to foster creativity and innovation. 

Examine Systems Theory as a tool throughout the conception, analysis,

and design of technological systems operating in modern societies and
embedded within the natural environment.

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6 Professional Certificate Program in Industry 4.0

Who should participate
in this professional
certificate program?
We encourage professionals who want to obtain a broader
strategic vision about how methodologies, technologies and
tools can transform their operations. It is also designed for
those who are interested in understanding how to define
modular and scalable product architectures, utilizing
standardization, customization, and platform leveraging
strategies to maximize cost savings.

• Plant managers and product managers

• Product line strategists, platform architects, R&D
engineers, and systems engineers in industrial and
government contexts
• Design and manufacturing engineers seeking to learn
about data and modeling in a manufacturing environment
• Data scientists looking to apply their craft to the growing
field of smart manufacturing
• Consultants who want to add value around the latest
technology transformations in manufacturing
• Engineers and technical professionals committed to
understanding the benefits of utilizing technology to
develop sustainable infrastructure systems to enhance our
global quality of life.

Functional and cross-functional teams are encouraged to

attend the program together to acquire in-depth knowledge of
the technologies that are shaping the 4th Industrial Revolution.

“MIT Professional Education’s programs tackle all the

technologies that are at the heart of the digital transformation,
enabling dedicated professionals to meet new challenges in
the Fourth Industrial Revolution and lead change within their

Clara Piloto
MIT Professional Education 77 Professional Certificate
Professional in Digital
Certificate Transformation
Program in Industry 4.0
Director of Global Programs at MIT Professional Education
Certificate Outline*
Management of Technology: Roadmapping & Development

• Introduction to the program

• What is technology?
• Humans and technology: a history
• Quantifying technological progress
• Patents and technology
• Technological diffusion and disruption
• Case 1: the automobile
• What is technology roadmapping?
• Technology strategy & competition

Designing Product Families: From Strategy to Implementation

• Introduction to the program

• Fundamental platforming concepts
• Platform benefits and strategy
• Product and platform architecture
• Platform analysis
• Platform architecting
• Planning platform development
• Managing platforms

Smart Manufacturing: Operations in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

• Introduction to smart manufacturing and FrED

• Analyzing data: a visualization approach
• Modeling to make sense of data
• Sensors
• Control of manufacturing processes
• Machine vision
• Applications of machine vision
• Model fitting and sensitivity analysis
• Statistical process control
• Advance data analysis

Beyond IoT: Sensory Intelligence and Smart Technology

• Introduction, markets, needs, and trends

• Sense part 1
• Sense part 2
• Compute
• Learn
• Locate
• Communicate

8 Professional Certificate Program in Industry 4.0

Certificate Outline*
Elective Courses

Management of Technology II: Strategy & Portfolio Analysis

• Technology strategy and competition

• Systems modeling and technology sensitivity analysis & technology infusion analysis
• The deep space network
• Technology scouting & knowledge management and technology transfer
• R&d project definition and portfolio & technology valuation and finance
• Dna sequencing
• Impact of technological innovation on industrial ecosystems & military and intelligence technologies
• New technologies in an aging society: opportunities and challenges & the singularity: fiction & reality

Leadership & Innovation

• Why leadership matters in the innovation process

• My leadership skills
• Creating and communicating a shared vision
• Analysis of a real project

Blockchain:Disruptive Technology

• Integration
• Visual Blockchain
• Tokenization, Currencies and Contracts
• Exchanges
• Gevernance
• Consortia
• Cloud
• Ermerging Technologies

Sustainable Infrastructure Systems: Planning and Operations

• Systems Theory: Definitions and Concepts

• Infrastructure Planning: Decision Analysis with Multiple Objectives
• Toward Understanding Dynamics: Mapping Interactions
• Measuring and Monitoring: Target setting and monitoring
• Case 1: Sustainable urban infrastructure design for new regions
• Case 2: Leveraging the water-energy-food nexus
• Case 3: Urban water-energy nexus

9 Professional Certificate Program in Industry 4.0

Cloud & DevOps: Continuous Transformation

• The history of the Cloud: How we got here

• Big Data, open source coding software, and the Cloud
• Containers and orchestration
• DevOps
Faculty: John Williams/ Abel Sanchez

* MIT Professional Education may modify or cancel any of the optional subjects for
academic reasons.

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10 Professional Certificate Program in Industry 4.0

Methodology and Assessment
All of the courses included in the Professional Certificate Program in Industry 4.0
take place in highly collaborative environments, fostered by discussion forums
and group activities.

In this practical, results-driven program you will get a hands-on learning

experience based on the case method. Plus, you will acquire skills and tools that
you can immediately use to benefit your organization and your career.

Live online sessions by professors and industry

experts who will teach real-life applications and
respond to participants’ questions

Additional resources
such as videos and Case applications
Participants will be guided
throughout all courses by expert
facilitators who will be on hand
to answer any questions and Practical
Review respond to comments. activities

Guided discussion Self-assessment


“You don’t become a good leader just by studying and thinking. You have to put
into practice what you have learned.”
Dr. David Niño
Instructor of Leadership & Innovation

11 Professional Certificate Program in Industry 4.0

Custom Corporate Programs

At MIT Professional Education, we are committed to accompanying

organizations as they aspire to provide their professionals with the ongoing
education, critical for success in today’s competitive environment. That’s why
we offer plans for companies who wish to train their professionals with us:

Working teams or groups of at least 10

people are eligible for special rates.

Custom programs, tailor-made for the

needs of any company and its professionals.

For more information on our Custom Programs, please contact us at:


“At MIT Professional Education, we strive to make our knowledge available to

as many people as possible, anywhere in the world, with any number of different
Bhaskar Pant
Executive Director of MIT Professional Education
Instructor of Cultural Awareness for Global Business

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12 Professional Certificate Program in Industry 4.0

(In alphabetical order)

Dr. Anthony is Director of MIT’s Master of Engineering in

Manufacturing Program, Co-Director of the Medical Electronic Device
Realization Center, and Deputy Director for the MIT Skoltech Initiative.
With over 20 years’ experience in product realization—Dr. Anthony
won an Emmy (from the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences) in
broadcast technical innovation—Dr. Anthony designs instruments and
techniques to monitor and control physical systems. His work involves
systems analysis, design, and calling upon mechanical, electrical, and
optical engineering, along with computer science and optimization, to
create solutions.

The focus of Dr. Anthony’s research is in computational

instrumentation—the design of instruments and techniques to
Dr. Brian W. Anthony measure and control complex physical systems. His research includes
the development of instrumentation and measurement solutions for
Associate Director, MIT.nano manufacturing systems and medical diagnostics and imaging systems.
In addition to his academic work, he has extensive experience in
market-driven technology innovation, product realization, and
business entrepreneurship and commercialization at the intersection
between information technology and advanced manufacturing.

His teaching interests include the modelling of large-scale systems in

a wide variety of decision-making domains and the development of
optimization algorithms and software for analyzing and designing such
systems. He has extensive experience in market-driven technology
innovation as well as business entrepreneurship.

Dr. Bruce Cameron is the Director of the System Architecture Lab at MIT
and a co-founder of Technology Strategy Partners, a consultancy firm.
His research interests include technology strategy, system architecture,
and the management of product platforms. Previously, Dr. Cameron
ran the MIT Commonality study, a 30-firm investigation of platforming
returns, which concluded that firms face systemic downward pressure
on commonality, partially resulting from challenges capturing the costs
of variety.

Dr. Cameron has supervised over 50 graduate students and has directed
research projects for Amazon, BP, Sikorsky, Nokia, Caterpillar, AMGEN,
Verizon, and NASA. Dr. Cameron teaches the System Architecture core
class for the System Design and Management program, where he has
Dr. Bruce Cameron taught over 500 students. Dr. Cameron’s teaching in Sloan Executive
Education has been tied for the highest rated Executive Education
Director, MIT System program at MIT for several years. Additionally, Dr. Cameron is the
Architecture Lab Faculty Director for MIT’s Architecture and System Engineering online
certificate, which has taught over 5300 participants.

13 Professional Certificate Program in Industry 4.0

Olivier de Weck is a leader in systems engineering research. He
focuses on how complex, man-made systems such as aircraft,
spacecraft, automobiles, printers, and critical infrastructures are
designed and how they evolve over time. His main emphasis is on
strategic properties that have the potential to maximize lifecycle
value. Since 2001 his group has developed novel quantitative
methods and tools that explicitly consider manufacturability,
flexibility, commonality, and sustainability among other
characteristics. Prof. de Weck’s teaching emphasizes excellence,
innovation, and bridging of theory and practice.

Professor Olivier De Weck Prof. de Weck holds degrees in industrial engineering from ETH
Zurich and aerospace systems engineering from MIT. Before
Professor of Aeronautics and joining MIT, he was a liaison engineer and later engineering
Astronautics and Engineering program manager on the F/A-18 aircraft program at McDonnell
Systems, MIT Douglas.

Senior Lecturer in the Bernard M. Gordon-MIT Engineering

Leadership Program

Dr. David Niño holds a PhD in Management from the

University of Texas at Austin, where he also earned his BA,
BBA, and MA degrees.

Dr. Niño has published on the subjects of leadership, ethics,

organizational culture, and the development of professional
management skills. He has conducted research in high-
technology environments and is currently interested in
investigating how leadership is developed among engineers
and engineering organizations.
Dr. David Niño
He is currently a founding officer of the Leadership
Leadership & Innovation Development Division of the American Society of
Engineering Education and consults with professionals and
executives in the areas of leadership and team development.

14 Professional Certificate Program in Industry 4.0

Executive Director, MIT Geospatial Data Center

Dr. Abel Sanchez is the architect of “The Internet of Things” global

network. He is the architect of data analytics platforms for SAP,
Ford, Johnson & Johnson, Accenture, Shell, Exxon Mobil, and
Altria. He also architected cyberattack impact analyses for the U.S.
Department of Defense and a password firewall for IARPA.

Dr. Sanchez holds a PhD from MIT and teaches MIT courses
on cybersecurity, engineering, blockchain, the cloud, and data
science. He has also developed educational software for Microsoft,
helped to establish the Accenture Technology Academy, produced
over 150 educational videos, and worked for ten years with learning
management systems, which he has helped deploy in America,
Dr. Abel Sanchez
Asia, and Europe.
Cloud & DevOps: Continuous
Transformation · Blockchain:
Disruptive Technology · Digital

Timothy Simpson is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering and

Industrial Engineering at Pennsylvania State University. He holds
affiliate appointments in Engineering Design and the College of
Information Sciences & Technology. His research interests include
product family design and platform-based product development,
multidisciplinary design optimization, trade space exploration, and
additive manufacturing.

He has over 250 publications in peer-reviewed journals and

conference proceedings, and he is the lead editor on two books,
Product Platform and Product Family Design: Methods &
Applications (2005) and Advances in Product Family and Product
Platform Design: Methods & Applications (2013).
Dr. Timothy W. Simpson
His research has been supported by a variety of federal and state
Lecturer at MIT Professional agencies, including NSF, ONR, DARPA, EDA, and DCED, as well
Education as numerous companies, ranging from startups to multi-national
corporations. He has worked with over 30 different companies
to apply his research methods to improve their product lines and
product development practices, and he helped establish and
manages the Product Platforms Group on LinkedIn.

15 Professional Certificate Program in Industry 4.0

Siddiqi’s research develops systemstheoretic methods,
with data-driven analysis, for novel insights to inform design
and policy for engineered systems. The methods combine
simulation, optimization, and decision analysis. Her recent work
has focused on new hydropower, desalination, waste-toenergy,
and agriculture systems, and on understanding the systemic
interconnections between water, energy, and food security.

Siddiqi earned her S.B. in mechanical engineering, S.M. in

aeronautics and astronautics, and Ph.D. in aerospace systems,
all from MIT.

She received the Rene H. Miller Prize in Systems Engineering

and was a recipient of the Amelia Earhart and Richard D.
Dupont fellowships.
Afreen Siddiqi
Siddiqi has co-authored one book and over 90 publications in
Research scientist, MIT some of the foremost technical and scientific journals.
Department of Aeronautics
and Astronautics. Adjunct
lecturer of public policy,
Harvard Kennedy School.

Professor of Information Engineering and Civil and Environmental

Engineering and Director of MIT's Geospatial Data Center

Professor John R. Williams’ research focuses on the

development and application of computational algorithms to
distributed cyber-physical systems. He was Director of MIT’s
Auto-ID Laboratory, where the Internet of Things was invented.
He was named, alongside Bill Gates and Larry Ellison as one of
the 50 most-powerful people in Computer Networks.

He is author or co-author of over 250 journal and conference

papers. Professor Williams teaches courses on the fundamentals
of programming, modern software development, web system
architecting, cloud, and blockchain. Professor Williams holds a
Professor John R. Williams BA in Physics from Oxford University, an M.Sc. in Physics from
UCLA, and a Ph.D. from Swansea University.
Blockchain: Disruptive Technology
· Cloud & DevOps: Continuous
Transformation · Digital

16 Professional Certificate Program in Industry 4.0


All participants who successfully complete all five courses will

receive an MIT Professional Education Certificate of Completion for
each course, as well as an additional MIT Professional Education
certification that encompasses all five.

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@MIT Professional Education


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17 Professional Certificate Program in Industry 4.0


At MIT Professional Education,

we offer a number of benefits for
participants who successfully
1 15% discount for MIT
Professional Education
online programs and short-
complete the Professional Certificate duration in-person programs.
Program in Industry 4.0:

2 Networking opportunities
with other MIT Professional
Education alumni. Exclusive
4 2 months’ access to the virtual
campus once the program
is completed. Unlimited
announcements of new “refresher” resources. Access
courses, programs, and events. to unlimited webinars.

3 Join the LinkedIn group “MIT

Professional Education Alumni.”
Graduation ceremony at
5 1 annual alumni event,
exclusively for MIT
Professional Education
MIT’s campus in Cambridge, alumni from the Professional
Massachusetts. Physical diploma. Certificate Program in
Industry 4.0.

“Five technologies are redefining both the

way we make products and our current market
opportunities. Join us in taking on these fascinating
Dr. Abel Sánchez
Executive Director of MIT’s Geospatial Data Center

18 Professional Certificate Program in Industry 4.0

Fire Hydrant Award
Jerome Wiesner, President of MIT (1971-1980),
described the experience of studying at MIT as
“drinking from a fire hydrant.” Living and learning
at MIT requires endurance, consistency, and a
great deal of determination.
Our professional programs reflect and instill these
essential capabilities. The “Fire Hydrant Award”
(FHA) was born as a way to acknowledge those
students who demonstrate a constant thirst for
learning and the ability to put knowledge into
practice. This award is also given to participants
who embody MIT’s core values: excellence,
meritocracy, courage, humility, curiosity, and a
passion for problem-solving and improving society.

“There is no one technology that dominates the current paradigm. All of them
work together to facilitate data use and lead change in companies.”
John Williams
Director of MIT’s Geospatial Data Center

19 Professional Certificate Program in Industry 4.0

How to Enroll
1. Complete the admission form, including the required information
about your academic and work experience, and tell us your motivation.

2. Pay the candidacy fee of $150 USD online (non-refundable).

3. After paying the candidacy fee, you will receive a call from the
Admissions Department to conduct a telephonic interview.

4. If selected, payment can be finalized through PayPal. Your place will

be reserved for one week, starting from the moment your admission is

5. Your space will be reserved upon confirmation of payment.

6. You will receive a welcome email with the steps to follow.

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Course Fee
Payment can be made via:

PayPal Bank transfer

(Please consult our
advisors if you prefer this

20 Professional Certificate Program in Industry 4.0

For more information, feel free to contact us.

USA: +1 (617) 861 2554


21 Professional Certificate Program in Industry 4.0

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