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Baasma Shahid


For Skill Development for Industry 4.0, these are the Must-have Skills the Industry 4.0 :

1. Analytical Ability

To have an approach toward critical thinking, analyzing of data resulting in an effective decision-making
process is a crucial skill to develop in the Industry 4.0

2. Critical Thinking

A critical thought process is a process of evaluating available facts, evidence, observations, and
arguments in order to form a judgement. To comprehend a complex subject where varied definitions of
one concept include skeptical, rational, and analysis or evaluating factual evidence without biases is
critical thinking which is a primary step in the Industry 4.0 to flourish.

3. Familiarization with new technologies

The policymakers and educators within industry 4.0 play a major role in preventing the knowledge and
information which is not currently in use. It is crucial to continuously update and refurbish the
knowledge and skills needed by the present and future market, particularly in technology, to make an
impact in the industry.

4. Eager to learn about upcoming technologies

Since the relevance of technology in association with the exponential growth in Industry 4.0 is inevitable,
it is a mandatory skill to learn about upcoming technologies and understand their applications of them
so that it is effectively beneficial in technological contributions.

5. Effective Problem Solving

Demonstrating thinking proficiency and coming up with a solution-oriented approach, and the ability to
witness the deeper meaning of what’s being stated.

6. Adaptability as a team player and a leader

It is important to adapt the ability to effectively lead a team or collaborate between team members via
technology and through physical settings well to enhance the quality of learning and competence within
a deep reflective environment.
7. Formation of Ideas

The continuous result of effective problem solving along with creative thinking and analytical skills is a
solid foundation of Ideation. Ideation is the creative process of creating, formulating, and
communicating newer ideas as a basic element of the thought process. Ideation constitutes all stages of
a thought cycle, from innovation to executing to bringing it into existence.

8. Innovation

Convergence to digitization is one of the factors in shaping industry 4.0 as the data will have a ubiquitous
presence. The Internet of Things and Cloud Computing play a significant role within Industry 4.0.
Digitalization is not only a promising enabler for increasing the holistic performativity of production
systems but also increases the effectiveness of operative management, manufacturing efficiency and
supporting processes.

9. Cognitive load management

The ability to filter important information by maximizing cognitive functions is one of the creative skills
within the industry. As industry 4.0 is an upscale industry that requires consistent evolution in
technology, it is important to know and upgrade the cognitive functions needed to understand and filter
important aspects in various departments.

10. Creativity and originality

Innovation in clever software and artificial intelligence is able to break barriers making information,
communication and entertainment industries grow significantly. To adapt social intelligence in order to
convey concepts clearly and a comprehensive perspective and be able to sense and stimulate reactions
to procure further information.

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