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Qualification Title : Driving NC II
Unit of Competency : Participate in workplace communication
Module : Participating in workplace communication

Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the students / trainees must be able to:

1. Obtain and convey workplace information

2. Perform duties following workplace instructions
3. Complete relevant work related documents
A. Introduction
This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to obtain, interpret and convey information in response to workplace requirements.
B. Learning Activities
LO1. Obtain and convey workplace information
Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time
 Various sources and relevance of Groupdiscussion • Lecture -Check -CBLM 2 hrs
information • Discussion (Answer written answer key -Laptop
 Effective access to information • Demonstration questions) &powerpont
FilmViewing • Viewing
 Effective Listening skills, speaking check evaluation projector
skills, questioning skills and Demonstration multimedia and -Internet
techniques Self-paced learning o Collate files and recommendation connection
 Gathering Information: Using Modular
o Observe 5s
Open-Questions in Taking Online discussion
ClientHistory Face-to-Face
 Medium of Communication in
 Various Media in
 Choosing the Right Medium to
 Verbal and Non-
 Understanding
 Chain of Command in
 Organizational Policies
 Electronic vs. Manual System
 Cloud Storage: Greener Way to
 Humans as SocialBeings
 7 C’s of ClearCommunication
 Significant use of multilingual
 Applying sign languages
 Relevance in the use of IEC
(Information, education
andCommunication) Technique
 1.19
LO2. Perform duties following workplace instructions
 2.1 Writing Memorandum, Interview • Lecture -Check CBLM 2 hrs
Circular, Notice and Order and Observation with • Discussion (Answer written answer key Internet
itsinterpretation Questioning • Demonstration questions) Connection
 2.2 Organizational guidelines Demonstration with • Collate files and check evaluation
andprocedure Questioning records and
 2.3 Collection, consolidation and Online discussion o Observe 5s recommendation
sharing of reports and Written Examination
 2.4 Maintaining records and
 2.5 Technological means of
 2.6 Ways and mechanism of
 2.7 Organizational/ Workplace
Policies relating/responding to
people of various levels in
 2.8 Issues and concerns related to
Community Health Team
 2.9 Communication devices in a
 2.10 Technology relevant to the
enterprise and the individual’s
work responsibilities
 2.11 BusinessWriting/Workplace
 2.12 Observance of schedule
meeting asfollowed
 Team member,
Supervisor/Department Head,
Suppliers,Trade personnel, Local
Government and Industrybodies
 2.13 Effective
 Communication procedures
 2.14 Community health team
participation in the monthlymeeting
LO3. Complete relevant work related documents
 3.1Standard methods in Interview • Lecture -Check CBLM 2hrs
completing range offorms Observation with • Discussion (Answer written answer key Internet
 3.2 Related forms and Questioning • Demonstration questions) Connection
writtendocuments Online discussion • Collate files and check evaluation
 3.3 Use of computer in storing Demonstration with records and
workplacedata Questioning o Observe 5s recommendation
 3.4 Standard workplace forms Written Examination
 3.5 Datarecording
 3.6 Use of computer technology in
identifying recorderrors
 3.7 Principles and standards in
 3.8 Dataevaluation
 3.9 Confidentiality of Records
 3.10 Application of Different Types
of Back Up files ofDocuments
 3.11 Organizationalguidelines
 3.12 Writtendocumentation
C. Assessment Plan:

Qualification Title : Driving NC II
Unit of Competency : Work in a team environment
Module : Working in a team environment
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the students / trainees must be able to:

1. Describe team role and scope

2. Identify one’s role and responsibility
3. Work as a team member
A. Introduction
This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to identify one’s roles and responsibilities as a member of a team.
B. Learning Activities
LO1. Describe team role and scope
Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time
 Work activities of Barangay Groupdiscussion • Lecture -Check -CBLM 1 hr
HealthWorker • Discussion (Answer written answer key -Laptop
 Role of Team and its teamMember • Demonstration questions) &powerpont
FilmViewing • Viewing
 Team Groupstructure check evaluation projector
 Standard team operating and/ Demonstration multimedia and -Internet
other workplaceprocedures Self-paced learning o Collate files and recommendation connection
 OHS and environmentalstandards Modular records
 Norms and Protocols: The o Observe 5s
Backbone of LearningTeams
 Organizational or external
personnel structure and functions
 Team or organizational
 Limited discretion, initiative and
judgment on thejob
 Guiding Team Process
Parameters according to
community orbarangay
 Limited discretion, initiative and
judgment on thejob
 Team responsibility structure and
 Guiding Team ProcessParameters
 Strategy in improving work
structure and performance of
respectiveroles inorganization

LO2. Identify one’s role and responsibility within a team

 2.1 Characteristics of Groupdiscussion • Lecture -Check -CBLM 1 hr
effectiveteamwork • Discussion (Answer written answer key -Laptop
 2.2 Responsibilities of • Demonstration questions) &powerpont
Online discussion • Viewing check evaluation projector
 2.3 Describe work as a FilmViewing multimedia and -Internet
teammember Demonstration o Collate files and recommendation connection
 2.4 Build an effectiveteam Self-paced learning records
 2.5 Team roles andobjectives o Observe 5s
 2.6 Teamwork processes and Face-to-Face
 2.7 Team andteamwork
 2.8 Building relationship
 2.9 Roles & responsibilities of
 2.10 The role of teams
 2.11 Teamdevelopment

LO3. Work as a team member

 3.1Types, elements and Self-paced learning • Lecture -Check CBLM 2hrs
importance of communication • Discussion (Answer written answer key Internet
 3.2 The 7 C's of communication Online discussion • Demonstration questions) connection
 3.3 Forms, components and Modular • Collate files and check evaluation
methods of communication records and
 3.4 Elements of Interview o Observe 5s recommendation
successfulteamwork Observation with
 3.5 Factors to improve teamwork Questioning
andsuccess Demonstration with
 3.6 Principles of good Questioning
teamworking Written Examination
 Characteristic of
 3.7 Advantages ofteamwork
 3.8 Principles of teammotivation
 3.9 Importance of standard
 3.10 Team
 3.11 Teamworkcollaboration
 3.12 Principles of high performing
C. Assessment Plan:
Qualification Title : Driving NC II
Unit of Competency : Solve/address general workplace problems
Module : Solving/addressing general workplace problems
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the students / trainees must be able to:

1. Identify routine problems

2. Look for solutions to routine problems
3. Recommend solutions to problems
A. Introduction
This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to apply, problem-solving techniques to determine the origin of problems and plan for
their resolution. It also includes addressing procedural problems through documentation and referral.
B. Learning Activities
LO1. Identify routine problems
Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time
 Familiarize basic computerconcepts Groupdiscussion • Lecture -Check to -CBLM 1 hr
 Maintain computer equipment • Discussion (Answer written answer key -Internet
andsystems • Demonstration questions) connection
Online discussion • Collate files and
 Recognize common computer check evaluation
problem/issues and fixit Demonstration records and
 Document procedures Self-paced learning o Observe 5s recommendation
LO2. Look for solutions to routine problems
 2.1 Troubleshoot Groupdiscussion • Lecture -Check -CBLM 1 hr
computer/software andinternet • Discussion (Answer written answer key -Laptop
 2.2 Basic knowledge software • Demonstration questions) &powerpont
Online discussion • Viewing check evaluation projector
virus application (How toscan)
FilmViewing multimedia and -Internet
 OS application(download) o Collate files and recommendation connection
 2.3 Proper maintenance of records
hardware andsoftware Self-paced learning
o Observe 5s
 2.4 Report process(Supervisors) Modular
 Root causeanalysis Face-to-Face
 2.5 EmailEtiquettes
 2.6 Establishing Rapport in
 2.7 Evaluation of solutions
LO3. Recommend solutions to problems
 3.1Risk Assessment/ PriorityPlan Self-paced learning • Lecture Self-Check CBLM 1hr
 3.2 Proper disposal: Internal and • Discussion (Answer written answer key Internet
Online discussion
external devices and • Demonstration questions) connection
Modular instructions • Collate files and check evaluation
 3.3 Evaluation of Proper handling Audio-visual learning records and
of Hardware andSoftware Face-to-Face o Observe 5s recommendation
 3.4 Evaluation of Interview
DocumentationFindings Observation with
 3.5 Evaluation of Hardware Questioning
Management disposal: based on Demonstration with
the guidelines ofDENR Questioning
 3.6 Referral to expert: hardware Written Examination
and softwareissues
 3.7 Proper documentation

C. Assessment Plan:
Qualification Title : Driving NC II
Unit of Competency : Develop career and life decisions
Module : Developing career and life decisions
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the students / trainees must be able to:

1. Manage one’s emotion

2. Develop reflective practice
3. Boost self-confidence and develop self-regulation
A. Introduction
This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in managing one’s emotions, developing reflective practice, boosting self-confidence and
developing self-regulation.
B. Learning Activities
LO1. Manage one’s emotion
Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time
 Nine self-management Groupdiscussion • Lecture -Check -CBLM 1 hr
strategies according to • Discussion (Answer written answer key -Internet
RobertKelley • Demonstration questions) connection
Online discussion • Collate files and
 Enablers and barriers in check evaluation
achieving personal and Demonstration records and
careergoals Self-paced learning o Observe 5s recommendation
 Barrier ofCommunication Modular
 Self-discipline Face-to-Face
 Working independently and
showing initiative to achieve
personal and careergoals
LO2. Develop reflective practice
 2.1 Basic SWOT analysis: Self- Self-paced(Online) • Lecture -Check -CBLM 1 hr
assessment strategies • Discussion (Answer written answer key -Laptop
 2.2 Strategies to improve one’s • Demonstration questions) -Internet
Face-to-Face • Viewing check evaluation connection
attitude in theworkplace
 2.3 Gibbs’ Reflective Written test (Online) multimedia and
Cycle/Model (Description, o Collate files and recommendation
Feelings, Evaluation, Analysis, records
Conclusion, and Actionplan) o Observe 5s

LO3. Boost self-confidence and develop self-regulation

 3.1Four components of self- Groupdiscussion/interaction • Lecture -Check Compare to CBLM 1hr
regulation based on Self- • Discussion (Answer written answer key Internet
Regulation Theory(SRT) • Demonstration questions) connection
Demonstration/practical • Collate files and
 3.2 Personality check evaluation
hands-onexercises records and
 3.3 Self-help concepts (e. g. 7 Competency-based o Observe 5s recommendation
Habits by Stephen learning materialsmethod
Covey,transactional analysis, Modular
psychological/ spiritualconcepts) Face-to-Face
Online Discussion

C. Assessment Plan:
Qualification Title : Driving NC II
Unit of Competency : Contribute to workplace innovation
Module : Contributing to workplace innovation
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the students / trainees must be able to:

1. Identify opportunities to do things better

2. Discuss and develop ideas with others
3. Integrate ideas for change in the workplace
A. Introduction
This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in managing one’s emotions, developing reflective practice, boosting self-confidence and
developing self-regulation.
B. Learning Activities
LO1. Identify opportunities to do things better
Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time
 Roles of Individuals in Online or Offline • Lecture -Check -CBLM 1 hr
Suggesting and lecture • Discussion (Answer written answer key -Internet
MakingImprovements usingeMaterials • Demonstration questions) connection
 Positive Impacts and Challenges Use of self-paced • Collate files and check evaluation
inInnovation records and
Learning Materials
 Types of Changes orCBLM o Observe 5s recommendation
 Seven Habits of Highly Effective
People AppreciativeInquiry
Group work
LO2. Discuss and develop ideas with others
 2.1 Roles of individuals in Online or Offline • Lecture -Check -CBLM 1 hr
suggesting and lecture • Discussion (Answer written answer key -Laptop
makingimprovements usingeMaterials • Demonstration questions) -Internet
 2.2 Positive impacts and Use of self-paced • Viewing check evaluation connection
challenges ininnovation Learning Materials multimedia and
 2.3 Types of changes orCBLM o Collate files and recommendation
andresponsibility records
o Observe 5s
 Seven habits of highly AppreciativeInquiry
effectivepeople Demonstration
 2.4 Communicating ideas for Group work
change through small group
discussions and meetings Face-to-Face
LO3. Integrate ideas for change in the workplace
 3.1Roles of individuals in Online or Offline • Lecture -Check CBLM 1hr
suggesting and lecture usinge- • Discussion (Answer written answer key Internet
makingimprovements Materials • Demonstration questions) connection
 3.2 Positive impacts and • Collate files and check evaluation
Use of self-paced
challenges ininnovation records and
Learning Materials
 3.3 Types of changes o Observe 5s recommendation
andresponsibility InteractiveLecture
 Seven habits of highly AppreciativeInquiry
effectivepeople Demonstration
 3.4 Basic researchskills
 3.5 Communicating ideas for
change through small group Modular
discussions and meetings Groupwork

C. Assessment Plan:
Qualification Title : Driving NC II
Unit of Competency : Present relevant information
Module : Presenting relevant information
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the students / trainees must be able to:

1. Gather data/information
2. Assess gathered data/informmation
3. Record and present information
A. Introduction
This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to gather, assess, record and present data/ information appropriately.
B. Learning Activities
LO1. Gather data/information
Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time
 Collecting data like name, age, Onlinelearning • Lecture -Check -CBLM 3hr
history of present illness and • Discussion (Answer written answer key -Internet
examination of signs • Demonstration questions) connection
andsymptoms Groupdiscussion • Collate files and check evaluation
Lecture records and
 Organizationalprotocols
Demonstration o Observe 5s recommendation
 Confidentiality
Group work
 Accuracy
 Business mathematics
andstatistics Modular
 Data
 Reporting requirements to a
range ofaudiences
 Legislation, policy and
procedures relating to the
conduct ofevaluations
 1.7 Organizational values,
ethics and codes ofconduct
LO2. Assess gathered data/information
 2.1 Data analysis Onlinelearning • Lecture -Check -CBLM 3hr
techniques/procedures • Discussion (Answer written answer key -Laptop
 2.2 Organizational values, • Demonstration questions) -Internet
Groupdiscussion • Viewing check evaluation connection
ethics and codes ofconduct
Lecture multimedia and
 2.3 Trends andanomalies o Collate files and recommendation
 2.4 Business, mathematics Group work records
andstatistics o Observe 5s
 2.5 Reporting requirements to a
range ofaudiences
 2.6 Legislation, policy and
procedures relating to the
conduct ofevaluations
LO3. Record and present information
 3.1Data analysis OnlineLearning • Lecture -Check CBLM 2hrs
techniques/procedures • Discussion (Answer written answer key Internet
 3.2 Organizational values, • Demonstration questions) connection
Groupdiscussion • Collate files and check evaluation
ethics and codes ofconduct
Lecture records and
 3.3 Reporting requirements to a
range ofaudiences Demonstration o Observe 5s recommendation
 Legislation, policy and Face-to-Face
procedures relating to the Modular
conduct of evaluations Groupwork
C. Assessment Plan:
Qualification Title : Driving NC II
Unit of Competency : Practice occupational safety and health policies and procedures
Module : Practicing occupational safety and health policies and procedures
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the students / trainees must be able to:

1. Identify OSH compliance requirements

2. Prepare OSH requirements for compliance
3. Perform tasks in accordance with relevant OSH policies and procedures
A. Introduction
This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to identify OSH compliance requirements, prepare OSH requirement for compliance, and
perform tasks in accordance with relevant OSH policies and procedures.
B. Learning Activities
LO1. Identify OSH compliance requirements
Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time
 OSH preventive and GroupDiscussion • Lecture -Check -CBLM 1hr
controlrequirements • Discussion (Answer written answer key -Internet
 Hazard Prevention andControl • Demonstration questions) uctor connection
Full OnlineLearning • Collate files and
 Work standards andprocedures check evaluation
 Standard emergency plan and DistanceLearning records and
procedures in theworkplace Face-to-Face o Observe 5s recommendation
Blended Learning
LO2. Prepare OSH requirements for compliance
 2.1 Hierarchy of Lecture • Lecture -Check -CBLM 1hr
HazardControls • Discussion (Answer written answer key -Laptop
 2.2 Safety Signs andSymbols • Demonstration questions) -Internet
Full OnlineLearning • Viewing
 2.3 Safe handling of tools, check evaluation connection
equipment andmaterials DistanceLearning multimedia and
 2.4 Reporting Face-to-Face o Collate files and recommendation
WorkplaceAccidents/Incidents Modular records
o Observe 5s
 2.5 Personal Blended Learning

LO3. Perform tasks in accordance with relevant OSH

 3.1OSH workstandards Flexible • Lecture -Check CBLM 2hrs
 3.2 Industry related trainingdelivery • Discussion (Answer written answer key Internet
workactivities • Demonstration questions) connection
 3.3 OSH violations non- • Collate files and check evaluation
Face-to-Face records and
compliance workactivities
 3.4 Observance of safety Modular/ Self-Paced o Observe 5s recommendation
measures (fall protection, Learning
respiratory protection, machine

C. Assessment Plan:
Written Test
Qualification Title : Driving NC II
Unit of Competency : Exercise efficient and effective sustainable practices in the workplace
Module : Exercising efficient and effective sustainable practices in the workplace
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the students / trainees must be able to:

1. Identify the efficiency and effectiveness of resource utilization

2. Determine causes of inefficiency and/or ineffectiveness of resource utilization
3. Convey inefficient and ineffective environmental practices
A. Introduction
This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to identify the efficiency and effectiveness of resource utilization, determine causes of
inefficiency and/orineffectivenessofresourceutilizationandconvey inefficient and ineffective environmentalpractices.
B. Learning Activities
LO1. Identify the efficiency and effectiveness of resource utilization
Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time
 Process on How Lecture • Lecture Self-Check -CBLM 1 hr
Environmental Policies • Discussion (Answer written answer key -Internet
coherence isachieved • Demonstration questions) connection
Simulation • Collate files and
 Necessary Skills in response to check evaluation
changing environmental Face-to-Face records and
policiesneeds Modular o Observe 5s recommendation
 1.3 Waste Skills, Energy Skills, Demonstration
Water Skills, Building Skills,
Transport Skills, Material Skills
LO2. Determine causes of inefficiency and/or ineffectiveness of resource utilization
 2.1 Causes of environmental Groupdiscussion/interaction • Lecture Self-Check -CBLM 1 hr
inefficiencies andineffectiveness Filmviewing • Discussion (Answer written answer key -Laptop
• Demonstration questions) -Internet
Groupdynamics • Viewing check evaluation connection
Self-paced learning multimedia and
Modular o Collate files and recommendation
Face-to-Face o Observe 5s
LO3. Convey inefficient and ineffective environmental practices
 3.1Appropriate personnel to Groupdiscussion/interaction • Lecture -Check CBLM 1 hr
address the • Discussion (Answer written answer key Internet
environmentalhazards • Demonstration questions) connection
Groupdynamics • Collate files and
 3.2 Environmental corrective check evaluation
actions Self-paced learning records and
Modular o Observe 5s recommendation
C. Assessment Plan:
Qualification Title : Driving NC II
Unit of Competency : Practice entrepreneurial skills in the workplace
Module : Practicing entrepreneurial skills in the workplace
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the students / trainees must be able to:

1. Apply entrepreneurial workplace best practices

2. Communicate entrepreneurial workplace best practices
3. Implement cost-effective operations
A. Introduction
This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to apply and communicate entrepreneurial workplace best practices, and
implement cost-effective operations
B. Learning Activities
LO1. Apply entrepreneurial workplace best practices
Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time
o Workplace best practices, policies Case Study • Lecture -Check -CBLM 1 hr
andcriteria • Discussion (Answer written answer key -Internet
o Resourceutilization • Demonstration questions) connection
o Ways in fostering Modular • Collate files and check evaluation
entrepreneurialattitudes Lecture / Discussion records and
o Observe 5s recommendation
LO2. Communicate entrepreneurial workplace best practices
 2.1 Workplace best practices, Groupdiscussion/interaction • Lecture -Check -CBLM 1 hr
policies andcriteria Filmviewing • Discussion (Answer written answer key -Laptop
 2.2 Resourceutilization • Demonstration questions) -Internet
Groupdynamics • Viewing
 2.3 Ways in fostering check evaluation connection
entrepreneurial attitudes Face-to-Face multimedia and
Modular o Collate files and recommendation
Self-paced learning records
o Observe 5s
LO3. Implement cost-effective operations
 3.1Optimization of Groupdiscussion/interaction • Lecture -Check CBLM 1 hr
workplaceresources Filmviewing • Discussion (Answer written answer key Internet
 3.2 5S procedures Groupdynamics • Demonstration questions) connection
andconcepts check evaluation
 3.3 Criteria for cost- and
Modular recommendation
Self-paced learning
 Workplace productivity
 3.4 Impact of entrepreneurial
mindset to
 3.5 Ways in fostering
C. Assessment Plan:
Qualification Title : Driving NC II
Unit of Competency : Perform Mensuration and Calculation
Module : Performing Mensuration and Calculation

Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the students / trainees must be able to:

1. Select measuring instruments

2. Carry out measurements and calculation
3. Maintain measuring instruments
A. Introduction
This module includes identifying caring, handling and use of measuring instruments.

B. Learning Activities
LO1. Select measuring instruments
Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time
 Caring and Handling measuring  Lecture/ • Lecture -Check -CBLM 1 hr
instruments Demonstration • Discussion (Answer written answer key
 Calibrating and using measuring  Dual training • Demonstration questions)
instruments  Self-paced check evaluation
 Performing calculation by Addition, (modular) and
Subtraction, Multiplication and recommendation
 Visualizing objects and shapes
Interpreting formula for volume, area,
perimeter and other geometric figures
LO2. Carry out measurements and calculation
 Caring and Handling measuring  Lecture/ • Lecture -Check -CBLM 1 hr
instruments Demonstration • Discussion (Answer written answer key -Laptop
 Calibrating and using measuring  Dual training • Demonstration questions)
instruments  Self-paced check evaluation
 Performing calculation by Addition, (modular) and
Subtraction, Multiplication and recommendation
 Visualizing objects and shapes
Interpreting formula for volume, area,
perimeter and other geometric figures
LO3. Maintain measuring instruments
 Caring and Handling measuring  Lecture/ • Lecture -Check CBLM 1 hr
instruments Demonstration • Discussion (Answer written answer key
 Calibrating and using measuring  Dual training • Demonstration questions)
instruments  Self-paced check evaluation
 Performing calculation by Addition, (modular) and
Subtraction, Multiplication and recommendation
 Visualizing objects and shapes
Interpreting formula for volume, area,
perimeter and other geometric figures
C. Assessment Plan:
Qualification Title : Driving NC II
Unit of Competency : Read, Interpret and Apply Specification and Manuals
Module : Reading, Interpreting and Applying Specification and Manuals

Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the students / trainees must be able to:

1. Identify and access manual / specification

2. Interpret Manuals
3. Apply information in manual
4. Store manuals
A. Introduction
This module deals with identifying, interpreting and applying service specification manuals, maintenance procedure manuals and periodic
maintenance manual.

B. Learning Activities
LO1. Identify and access manual/specification
Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time
 Reading and comprehension skills • Lecture/ • Lecture -Check -CBLM ½ hr
required to identify and interpret Demonstration • Discussion (Answer written answer key
automotive manuals and • Dual training • Demonstration questions)
specifications • Self-paced check evaluation
 Accessing information and data (modular) and
LO2. Interpret manuals
 Reading and comprehension skills • Lecture/ • Lecture -Check -CBLM ½ hr
required to identify and interpret Demonstration • Discussion (Answer written answer key -Laptop
automotive manuals and • Dual training • Demonstration questions) -Internet
specifications • Self-paced • Viewing check evaluation connection
 Accessing information and data (modular) multimedia and
LO3. Apply information in manual
 Reading and comprehension skills • Lecture/ • Lecture -Check CBLM 1 hr
required to identify and interpret Demonstration • Discussion (Answer written answer key
automotive manuals and • Dual training • Demonstration questions)
specifications • Self-paced check evaluation
 Accessing information and data (modular) and
LO4. Apply information in manual
 Reading and comprehension skills • Lecture/ • Lecture -Check CBLM 1 hr
required to identify and interpret Demonstration • Discussion (Answer written answer key
automotive manuals and • Dual training • Demonstration questions)
specifications • Self-paced check evaluation
 Accessing information and data (modular) and
C. Assessment Plan:
Qualification Title : Driving NC II
Unit of Competency : Move and Position Vehicle
Module : Moving and Positioning Vehicle
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the students / trainees must be able to:

1. Prepare vehicle for driving

2. Move and position vehicle
3. Check the vihecle
A. Introduction
This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to move and position vehicle in a workshop.
B. Learning Activities
LO1. Prepare vehicle for driving
Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time
 Ability to handle vehicle/maneuver  Lecture/ • Lecture -Check -CBLM 1 hr
vehicle the easiest way Demonstration • Discussion (Answer written answer key
 Immediate response to accident  Dual training • Demonstration questions)
 Preparing vehicle for driving  Self-paced check evaluation
 Parking Downhill, Uphill, Parallel (modular) and
 Shifting Gears recommendation
 Maneuvering
LO2. Move and position vehicle
 Ability to handle vehicle/maneuver  Lecture/ • Lecture -Check -CBLM 1 hr
vehicle the easiest way Demonstration • Discussion (Answer written answer key -Laptop
 Immediate response to accident  Dual training • Demonstration questions) -Internet
 Preparing vehicle for driving  Self-paced • Viewing check evaluation connection
 Parking Downhill, Uphill, Parallel (modular) multimedia and -projector
 Shifting Gears recommendation
 Maneuvering
LO3. Check the vehicle
 Ability to handle vehicle/maneuver  Lecture/ • Lecture -Check CBLM 1 hr
vehicle the easiest way Demonstration • Discussion (Answer written answer key
 Immediate response to accident  Dual training • Demonstration questions)
 Preparing vehicle for driving  Self- paced check evaluation
 Parking Downhill, Uphill, Parallel (modular) and
 Shifting Gears recommendation
 Maneuvering
C. Assessment Plan:
Qualification Title : Driving NC II
Unit of Competency : Apply appropraite sealant/adhesive
Module : Applying appropraite sealant/adhesive
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the students / trainees must be able to:

1. Identify appropraite Sealant/adhesive

2. Prepare surface for Sealant/Adhesive
3. Apply sealant/adhesive evenly
4. Store/dispose of sealant/adhesive
A. Introduction
This module covers the selection and application of sealant/adhesives.
B. Learning Activities
LO1. Identify appropraite sealant/adhesive
Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time
 Handling sealant/adhesive • Lecture/ • Lecture -Check -CBLM 1 hr
 Applying sealant/adhesive Demonstration • Discussion (Answer written answer key
 .Sanding the surface • Dual training • Demonstration questions)
 Use of tools, equipment • Self-paced check evaluation
(modular) and
 Mixing of body filler and epoxy
base and hardener
LO2. Prepare surface for sealant/adhesive
 Handling sealant/adhesive • Lecture/ • Lecture -Check -CBLM 1 hr
 Applying sealant/adhesive Demonstration • Discussion (Answer written answer key -Laptop
 .Sanding the surface • Dual training • Demonstration questions) -Internet
 Use of tools, equipment • Self-paced • Viewing check evaluation connection
(modular) multimedia and -projector
 Mixing of body filler and epoxy
base and hardener
LO3. Apply sealant/adhesive evenly
 Handling sealant/adhesive • Lecture/ • Lecture -Check CBLM ½ hr
Demonstration • Discussion (Answer written answer key
 Applying sealant/adhesive • Dual training • Demonstration questions)
 .Sanding the surface • Self-paced check evaluation
 Use of tools, equipment (modular) and
 Mixing of body filler and epoxy
base and hardener
LO4. Store/dispose of seal
 Handling sealant/adhesive • Lecture/ • Lecture -Check CBLM ½ hr
 Applying sealant/adhesive Demonstration • Discussion (Answer written answer key
 .Sanding the surface • Dual training • Demonstration questions)
 Use of tools, equipment • Self-paced check evaluation
(modular) and
 Mixing of body filler and epoxy
base and hardener
C. Assessment Plan:
Qualification Title : Driving NC II
Unit of Competency : Use and Apply Lubricants/Coolant
Module : Using and Applying Lubricants/Coolant
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the students / trainees must be able to:

1. Identify types of lubricants/coolant

2. Use and apply lubricants/coolant
3. Perform housekeeping activities
A. Introduction
This module identifies the competencies required to select and apply different types of lubricants.
B. Learning Activities
LO1. Identify types of lubricants/coolant
Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time
 Handling of oils (Gear, oil, engine  Lecture/ • Lecture -Check -CBLM 1 hr
oil) Demonstration • Discussion (Answer written answer key
 Familiarization / Classification of  Dual training • Demonstration questions)
Lubricants  Self-paced check evaluation
 Lubrication Procedure (modular) and
LO2. Use and apply lubricants/coolant
 Handling of oils (Gear, oil, engine • Lecture/ • Lecture -Check -CBLM 1 hr
oil) Demonstration • Discussion (Answer written answer key -Laptop
 Familiarization / Classification of • Dual training • Demonstration questions) -Internet
Lubricants • Self-paced • Viewing check evaluation connection
 Lubrication Procedure (modular) multimedia and -projector
LO3. Perform housekeeping activities
 Handling of oils (Gear, oil, engine • Lecture/ • Lecture -Check CBLM 2hrs
oil) Demonstration • Discussion (Answer written answer key
 Familiarization / Classification of • Dual training • Demonstration questions)
Lubricants • Self-paced check evaluation
 Lubrication Procedure (modular) and

C. Assessment Plan:
Qualification Title : Driving NC II
Unit of Competency : Perform shop maintenance
Module : Performing shop maintenance
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the students / trainees must be able to:

1. Inspect/clean tools and work area

2. Store/arrange tools and shop equipment
3. Dispose wastes/used lubricants
4. Report damaged tools/equipment
A. Introduction
This module deals with inspecting and cleaning of work area including tools, equipment and facilities. Storage and checking of tools/equipment
and disposal of used materials are also incorporated in this competency.
B. Learning Activities
LO1. Inspect/clean tools and work area
Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time
 Handling/Storing of • Lecture/ • Lecture -Check Compare to -CBLM 1 hr
tools/equipment/supplies and Demonstration • Discussion (Answer written answer key
material • Dual training • Demonstration questions)
 Cleaning grease/lubricants • Self-paced check evaluation
 Disposing of wastes and fluid (modular) and
 Preparing inventory of s/m and recommendation
tools and equipment
 Monitoring of s/m and
LO2. Store/arrange tools and shop equipment
 Handling/Storing of • Lecture/ • Lecture -Check to -CBLM 1 hr
tools/equipment/supplies and Demonstration • Discussion (Answer written answer key -Laptop
material • Dual training • Demonstration questions) -Internet
 Cleaning grease/lubricants • Self-paced • Viewing check evaluation connection
 Disposing of wastes and fluid (modular) multimedia and
 Preparing inventory of s/m and recommendation
tools and equipment
 Monitoring of s/m and
LO3. Apply sealant/adhesive evenly
 Handling/Storing of • Lecture/ • Lecture -Check CBLM 1hr
tools/equipment/supplies and Demonstration • Discussion (Answer written answer key
material • Dual training • Demonstration questions)
 Cleaning grease/lubricants • Self-paced check evaluation
 Disposing of wastes and fluid (modular) and
 Preparing inventory of s/m and recommendation
tools and equipment
 Monitoring of s/m and
LO4. Store/dispose of seal
 Handling/Storing of • Lecture/ 1hr
tools/equipment/supplies and Demonstration
material • Dual training
 Cleaning grease/lubricants • Self-paced
 Disposing of wastes and fluid (modular)
 Preparing inventory of s/m and
tools and equipment
 Monitoring of s/m and
C. Assessment Plan:


Qualification Title : Driving NC II
Unit of Competency : Carry out minor vehicle maintenance and servicing
Module : Carrying out minor vehicle maintenance and servicing

Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the students / trainees must be able to:

1. Clean vehicle unit

2. Maintain and service the vehicle system

A. Introduction
This module involves the skills and knowledge and attitudes required to carry out basic servicing and maintenance of a light vehicle such as
cleaning the vehicle. It also includes the action to implement the vehicle manufacturer’s specifications for routine
checks and maintenance and that the vehicle is operational to the requirements of both the workplace and the
relevant road and traffic authority.
B. Learning Activities
LO1. Clean vehicle unit
Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time
 Recognizing and diagnosing  Demonstration • Lecture -Check -CBLM 10 hrs
vehicle faults and irregularities  Discussion • Discussion (Answer written answer key -Laptop
 Performing housekeeping • Demonstration questions) &powerpont
 Dual Training • Viewing
 Writing and documenting simple check evaluation projector
report multimedia and -Internet
 Communicating skills recommendation connection
 Handling tools and materials
LO2. Maintain and service the vehicle system
 Recognizing and diagnosing  Demonstration • Lecture -Check CBLM 10hrs
vehicle faults and irregularities  Discussion • Discussion (Answer written answer key
 Performing housekeeping  Dual Training • Demonstration questions)
 Writing and documenting simple check evaluation
report and
 Communicating skills recommendation
 Handling tools and materials
C. Assessment Plan:
Qualification Title : Driving NC II
Unit of Competency : Drive light vehicle
Module : Driving light vehicle

Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the students / trainees must be able to:

1. Perform light vehicle pre-starting and warm-up

2. Drive light vehicle
3. Monitor and maintain vehicle performance
A. Introduction
This module involves the skills and knowledge and attitudes required to drive a light vehicle safely including handling of passengers,
systematic and efficient control of all vehicle functions, monitoring of traffic and road conditions, management of vehicle condition, and
performance and effective management of hazardous situations.
B. Learning Activities
LO1. Perform light vehicle pre-starting and warm-up
Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time
 Computing fares and distances  Demonstration • Lecture -Check -CBLM 5hrs
 Managing fatigue while driving  Discussion • Discussion (Answer written answer key -Laptop
 Reading/Interpreting traffic signs • Demonstration questions) &powerpont
 Dual Training • Viewing check evaluation projector
and symbols and road advisory
 Maintaining proper distance and multimedia and -Internet
speed recommendation connection
 Responding to road-related
accidents and crimes
LO2. Drive light vehicle
 Computing fares and distances  Demonstration • Lecture -Check CBLM 10hrs
 Managing fatigue while driving  Discussion • Discussion (Answer written answer key
 Reading/Interpreting traffic signs • Demonstration questions)
 Dual Training check evaluation
and symbols and road advisory
 Maintaining proper distance and and
speed recommendation
 Responding to road-related
accidents and crimes
LO3. Monitor and maintain vehicle performance
 Computing fares and distances  Demonstration • Lecture -Check CBLM 5hrs
 Managing fatigue while driving  Discussion • Discussion (Answer written answer key
 Reading/Interpreting traffic signs • Demonstration questions)
 Dual Training check evaluation
and symbols and road advisory
 Maintaining proper distance and and
speed recommendation
 Responding to road-related
accidents and crimes
C. Assessment Plan:
Qualification Title : Driving NC II
Unit of Competency : Obey and observe traffic rules and regulations
Module : Obeying and observing traffic rules and regulations
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the students / trainees must be able to:

1. Observe traffic signs and road markers

2. Obey traffic rules and regulations
3. Practice courtesy
4. Respect traffic enforcers and other traffic management unit
A. Introduction
This module involves the skills and knowledge and attitudes required in obeying and observing traffic rules and regulations while driving light
B. Learning Activities
LO1. Observe traffic signs and road markers
Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time
 Communication skills  Demonstration • Lecture -Check -CBLM 5hrs
 Interpersonal skills  Discussion • Discussion (Answer written answer key -Laptop
 Managing conflict • Demonstration questions) &powerpont
 Dual Training • Viewing check evaluation projector
multimedia and -Internet
recommendation connection
LO2. Obey traffic rules and regulations
 Communication skills  Demonstration • Lecture -Check CBLM 5hrs
 Interpersonal skills  Discussion • Discussion (Answer written answer key
 Managing conflict • Demonstration questions)
 Dual Training check evaluation
LO3. Practice courtesy
 Communication skills  Demonstration • Lecture -Check CBLM 5hrs
 Interpersonal skills  Discussion • Discussion (Answer written answer key
 Managing conflict  Dual Training • Demonstration questions)
check evaluation
LO4. Respect traffic enforcers and other traffic management unit
 Communication skills  Demonstration • Lecture -Check CBLM 5hrs
 Interpersonal skills  Discussion • Discussion (Answer written answer key
 Managing conflict • Demonstration questions)
 Dual Training check evaluation
C. Assessment Plan:
Qualification Title : Driving NC II
Unit of Competency : Implement and coordinate accident-emergency procedures
Module : Implementing and coordinating accident-emergency procedures

Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the students / trainees must be able to:

1. Respond to emergencies
2. Arrange follow-up support and assistance
A. Introduction
This module involves the skills, knowledge and attitudes required in responding to emergency incidents, follow-up support and assistance and
communicate to concerned individual during emergency.
B. Learning Activities
LO1. Respond to emergencies
Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time
 Appropriate reporting and  Role play • Lecture -Check -CBLM 10 hrs
preparing of necessary  Simulation • Discussion (Answer written answer key -Laptop
documentation to authority and  Discussion • Demonstration questions) &powerpont
medical personnel • Viewing check evaluation projector
 Demonstration
 Handling injured person multimedia and -Internet
 Transporting injured persons recommendation connection
 Handling and use of fire
 Following emergency procedures
 Handling crime situations
LO2. Arrange follow-up support and assistance
 Appropriate reporting and  Role play • Lecture -Check CBLM 10hrs
preparing of necessary  Simulation • Discussion (Answer written answer key
documentation to authority and  Discussion • Demonstration questions)
medical personnel check evaluation
 Demonstration
 Handling injured person and
 Transporting injured persons recommendation
 Handling and use of fire
 Following emergency procedures
 Handling crime situations
C. Assessment Plan:
Qualification Title : Driving NC II
Unit of Competency : Carry out minor vehicle maintenance and servicing
Module : Carrying out minor vehicle maintenance and servicing

Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this module the students / trainees must be able to:

1. Clean vehicle unit

2. Maintain and service the vehicle system
A. Introduction
This module involves the skills and knowledge and attitudes required to carry out basic servicing and maintenance of a light vehicle such as
cleaning the vehicle. It also includes the action to implement the vehicle manufacturer’s specifications for routine checks and maintenance
and that the vehicle is operational to the requirements of both the workplace and the relevant road and traffic authority.
B. Learning Activities
LO1. Clean vehicle unit
Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time
 Recognizing and diagnosing  Demonstration • Lecture -Check -CBLM 5hrs
vehicle faults and irregularities  Discussion • Discussion (Answer written answer key -Laptop
 Performing housekeeping • Demonstration questions) &powerpont
 Dual Training • Viewing
 Writing and documenting simple check evaluation projector
report  Distance multimedia and -Internet
 Communicating skills Learning recommendation connection
 Handling tools and materials  Computer based
LO2. Maintain and service the vehicle system
 Recognizing and diagnosing  Demonstration • Lecture -Check CBLM 5 hrs
vehicle faults and irregularities  Discussion • Discussion (Answer written answer key
 Performing housekeeping • Demonstration questions)
 Dual Training
 Writing and documenting simple check evaluation
report  Distance and
 Communicating skills Learning recommendation
Computer based
Handling tools and materials learning
C. Assessment Plan:

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