Chapter 4-5 DISOMIMBA

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I. Respondents Demographic Profile

In this study, the respondents’ demographic profiles were their age, sex, civil status, parents’

monthly income and grade level.

Table 1.1 distribution of frequency and percentage of the respondents’ age.

Age Frequency Percent

15-18 years old 36 42.5

19-21 years old 44 57.5

Total 80 100.0

Table 1.1 shows the percentage and frequency distribution of the age of the respondents.

The data revealed that majority of the respondents are under the bracket of 19-21 years old with

the percentage of 57.5 percent.

This implies that most of the respondents are in the right age according to the year level

they were in, and they are very comfortable in the effectiveness of blended learning modality,

that their age would not appear as a restriction or factor that could hinder them to take the

challenge of Blended learning.

Table 1.2 distribution of frequency and percentage of the respondents’ sex.

Gender Frequency Percent

Male 27 34.5

Female 53 68.5

Total 80 100.0

Table 1.2 shows percentage and frequency distribution of the respondents’ sex. The data

revealed that female respondents dominate the male respondents with the percentage of 68.5%.

While there were only 35.5% of the respondents who are male.

Table 1.2 distribution of frequency and percentage of the respondents’ grade level.

Grade level Frequency Percent

grade 11 24 27.4

grade 12 56 72.6

Total 80 100.0

Table .1.3 shows percentage and frequency distribution of the respondents ‘grade level.

The data revealed that majority of the respondents are belong to grade 12 level with the highest

percentage of 72.6 percent, while there were 24 or 27.4 % among the respondents who belong to

grade 11.
Table 1.4

Distribution of frequency and percentage of the respondents’ attended school.

School Frequency Percent

Marawi Islamic College 38 43.6

MSU Saguiaran Community High

42 57.4

Total 80 100.0

Table .1.4 shows percentage and frequency distribution of the respondents’

attended school. The data revealed that majority of the respondents are Attending to MSU

Saguiaran CHS with the highest percentage of 57.4 percent, while there were 38 or 43.6 %

respondents’ attending in Marawi Islamic College.

II. The Effectiveness of Blended Learning Modality on The Learning Styles among Senior

High School
2.1 Distribution of frequency and percentage of the effect of blended learning

modality on respondents in terms of Visual

Indicators Mean Std. Deviation Rank Qualitative Description

V1 3.0959 1.06932 1 Agree

V2 2.3699 .93552 3 Disagree

V3 2.7671 1.03442 2 Agree

V4 2.3425 .97495 4 Disagree

V5 2.2055 1.02685 5 Disagree

Overall Mean 2.5562 Agree


3.25 – 4.00 Strongly Agree

2.50 – 3.24 Agree

1.75 – 2.49 Disagree

1.00 – 1.74 Strongly Disagree

Table .2.1 shows percentage and frequency distribution of the respondents ‘difficulties in

conducting practical research in terms of time management. The data revealed the overall mean

of the respondents’ responses, the data shows that the items “. I was able to comprehend lectures

better when teachers used a PowerPoint presentation in class.” were appeared to be generally

agreed by the respondents. This would only mean that the respondents were having a hard time
in comprehend the lecture by only using blackboards and discussion they find it time consuming.

This entails that the respondents seem to be more comfortable in blended learning.

Meanwhile, the items “Charts, graphs, and illustrations help me in following what my

teacher says. And I recognize the faces of my classmates and professors but not their names.

” Appeared to be majority disagreed by the respondents despite that the items suggest

positive statements towards Visual effectiveness of Blended learning.

This entails that the respondents honestly do not agree with the positive statements in

Visual effectiveness of blended learning. Hence, doing Visual strategies in teaching is not that

easy as perceived by the respondents.

2.2 Distribution of frequency and percentage of the effect of blended learning

modality on respondents in terms of Auditory

Std. Ran

Indicators Mean Deviation k Qualitative Description

A1 2.9041 .90007 1 Agree

A2 2.6438 1.03239 2 Agree

A3 2.4110 .98370 5 Disagree

A4 2.5342 1.01492 4 Agree

A5 2.6301 1.00701 3 Agree

Overall Mean 2.6246 Agree


3.25 – 4.00 Strongly Agree

2.50 – 3.24 Agree

1.75 – 2.49 Disagree

1.00 – 1.74 Strongly Disagree

Table .2.2 shows percentage and frequency distribution of the respondents ‘Effectiveness of

Blended Learning Modality on The Learning Styles among senior high school in terms of

Auditory learning. The data revealed the overall mean of the respondents’ responses, the data

shows overall mean of the respondents’ responses under the scaling “Agree”. However, the item

“I appreciate voice recorded lectures.” majority disagreed by the respondents. This only means

that the respondents are not skilled enough in contemplating he lesson through recorded voice

lecture. This implies on the other hand that the respondents were not confident enough to deal

with Blended learning strategies via Voice records as they do not have enough guts comprehend

the topic.

2.3 Distribution of frequency and percentage of the effect of blended learning

modality on respondents in terms of Kinaesthetic

Std. Ran Qualitative Description

Indicators Mean Deviation k

K1 2.6575 1.05698 3 Agree

K2 3.2603 1.09325 1 Strongly Agree

K3 2.9726 .97143 2 Agree

K4 2.3699 1.08662 5 Disagree

K5 2.4932 1.00171 4 Disagree

Overall Mean 2.7507 Agree


3.25 – 4.00 Strongly Agree

2.50 – 3.24 Agree

1.75 – 2.49 Disagree

1.00 – 1.74 Strongly Disagree

Table .2.3 shows percentage and frequency distribution of the respondents ‘the effect of

blended learning modality on respondents’ in terms of Kinaesthetic The data revealed the overall

mean of the respondents’ responses, the data shows that overall means of the respondents’

response under scaling “Strongly Agree”. This shows that the respondents firmly agree that I

remember my lesson better when I read PowerPoints and Modules out loud.

2.4 Distribution of frequency and percentage of the effect of blended learning

modality on respondents in terms of Linguistic

Std. Ran Qualitative Description

Indicators Mean Deviation k

L1 2.6575 1.05698 3 Agree

L2 3.2603 1.09325 1 Strongly Agree

L3 2.9726 .97143 2 Agree

L4 2.3699 1.08662 5 Disagree

L5 2.4932 1.00171 4 Disagree

Overall Mean 2.7507 Agree


3.25 – 4.00 Strongly Agree

2.50 – 3.24 Agree

1.75 – 2.49 Disagree

1.00 – 1.74 Strongly Disagree

Table .2.4 shows percentage and frequency distribution of the respondents in terms of the

effect of blended learning modality on respondents in terms of Linguistic. The data revealed the

overall mean of the respondents’ responses, the data shows that overall means of the

respondents’ response under scaling “Strongly Agree”. This shows that the respondents firmly

agree that conducting Blended learning environment Linguistic strategies are important for all

members of society, including non-students”

2.5 Distribution of frequency and percentage of the effect of blended learning

modality on respondents in terms of Interpersonal

Std. Ran Qualitative Description

Indicators Mean Deviation k

I1 3.0959 .94523 2 Agree

I2 2.2329 1.11206 5 Disagree

I3 2.5479 1.11854 3 Agree

I4 2.4521 1.06772 4 Disagree

I5 3.1096 .96554 1 Agree

Overall Mean 2.6877 Agree


3.25 – 4.00 Strongly Agree

2.50 – 3.24 Agree

1.75 – 2.49 Disagree

1.00 – 1.74 Strongly Disagree

Table .2.5 shows percentage and frequency distribution of the respondents ‘the effect of

blended learning modality on respondents’ in terms of Interpersonal. The data revealed the

overall mean of the respondents’ responses, the data shows that overall means of the

respondents’ response under scaling “Agree and Disagree” it shows that respondents agrees that

they have faced some personal difficulties in contemplating the topic. That is according to their

major response to item number one, however in item number 4, the respondents majority

disagreed on the statement. This implies that they also find difficulties in paying attention in

crowds or in large group. This means that they cannot work on it independently, that they would

need some quit small group of people to assist them. Despite the different responses of the

respondent’s majority of it agrees that in terms of intrapersonal effect of blended learning

respondents are much more undecided weather to agree or disagree.

III. The Relationship between Respondents’ Demographic Profile and The Effectiveness of

Blended Learning Modality on The Learning Styles among Senior Selected General

Academic Strand (GAS)

Table 3.1

The Relationship between Respondents’ Demographic Profile and their Visual


Relationship Between Correlation p- Decision Remarks

Coefficient value

Age -.831 .000 Reject Ho Significant

Gender (rpb) -.678 .000 Reject Ho Significant

Visual School -.970 .000 Reject Ho Significant

Grade Level -.758 .000 Reject Ho Significant

Table 3.1 shows the relationship between respondents’ demographic profile and. The Visual

Effectiveness of blended learning style, the data revealed that there is a significant relationship

between the respondents’ demographic profile and their Visual effect of blended learning style.

This means that the respondent’s demographic profile in terms of age, gender, and grade level

has something to do with the visual effect of their learning in blended learning, especially

adolescents are prone to Gadgets nowadays that they gain more and more radiation and causes

them to somehow have a hard time in visual learning.

“Blurring of eyesight and dizziness was positively related to Internet multitasking and

insufficiently controlled Internet use”.

Table 3.2

The Relationship between Respondents’ Demographic Profile and the Auditory


Age -.861 000 Reject Ho Significant

Gender(rpb) -.654 .000 Reject Ho Significant

Auditory School -.955 .000 Reject Ho Significant

Grade Level -.756 .000 Reject Ho Significant

Table 3.2 shows the relationship between respondents’ demographic profile and the Auditory

Effectiveness. data revealed that that there is a significant relationship between the

respondents’ demographic profile and their auditory learning. It is in this manner that the Null

hypothesis of the study is hereby rejected based on their age, sex, school, and grade level.

Table 3.3

The Relationship between Respondents’ Demographic Profile and the Kinesthetic


Age -.818 .000 Reject Ho Significant

Gender(rpb) -.658 .000 Reject Ho Significant

Kinesthetic School -.954 .000 Reject Ho Significant

Grade Level -.766 .000 Reject Ho Significant

Table 3.3 shows the relationship between respondents’ demographic profile and the
Kinesthetic effectiveness. data revealed that that there is a significant relationship between the

respondents’ demographic profile and the kinesthetic learning. This implies that the kinesthetic

serve one of the factors that contribute to the difficulties that the respondents encounter in the

effectiveness of blended learning modality. It is in this manner that the Null hypothesis of the

study is hereby rejected.

Table 3.4

The Relationship between Respondents’ Demographic Profile and the Linguistic


Age -.861 .000 Reject Ho Significant

Gender(rpb) -.741 .000 Reject Ho Significant

Linguistic School -.971 .000 Reject Ho Significant

Grade Level -.753 .000 Reject Ho Significant

Table 3.4 shows the relationship between respondents’ demographic profile and the

Linguistic effectiveness. data revealed that that there is a significant relationship between the

respondents’ demographic profile and the Linguistic learning. This implies that Linguistic

learning the serve one of the factors that contribute to the difficulties that the respondents

encounter in the effectiveness of blended learning modality. It is in this manner that the Null

hypothesis of the study is hereby rejected.

Table 3.5
The Relationship between Respondents’ Demographic Profile and the Intrapersonal

Relationship Between Correlation p- Decision Remarks

Coefficient value
Age -.831 .000 Reject Significant
Intrapersonal Gender (rpb) -.678 .000 Reject Significant
School -.970 .000 Reject Significant
Grade Level -.758 .000 Reject Significant
Table 3.5 shows the relationship between respondents’ demographic profile and the Intrapersonal

effectiveness, data revealed that that there is a significant relationship between the respondents’

demographic profile and their interpersonal learning.

This entails that the respondents’ age, gender, school, as well as their grade level has significant

relationship with their interpersonal learning. It is in this manner that the Null hypothesis of the

study is hereby rejected.

In this chapter the conclusions derived from the findings of this study on the

experiences of The Effectiveness of Blended Learning Modality on The Learning Styles

among Selected General Academic Strand (GAS) The conclusions were based on the purpose,

research questions and results of the study. The implications of these findings and the resultant

recommendations will also be explained. Recommendations were based on the conclusions and

purpose of the study.


Based on the analysis and interpretations of the data gathered, the findings were the


1. Respondents Demographic Profile

1.1 Majority of the respondents are under the bracket of 19-21 years old

1.2 Majority of the respondents are Female

1.3 Majority of the respondents are Grade 12

1.4 Majority of the respondents are from MSU Saguiaran CHS

2. The Effectiveness of Blended Learning Modality on The Learning Styles among Senior
High School

2.1 Majority of the respondents were having an easy way through visual learning

2.2 Majority of the respondents appeared to be not skilled-enough to comprehend learning

through auditory learning.

2.3 Majority of the respondents find kinaesthetic learning tiring.

2.4 Majority of the respondents having difficulties in blended learning through linguistic


2.5 Majority of the respondents find interpersonal learning somehow challenge in te blended

learning style.

3. The Relationship between Respondents’ Demographic Profile and The Effectiveness of

Blended Learning Modality on The Learning Styles among Senior Selected General

Academic Strand (GAS)

3.1 The general Null hypothesis of this study is generally rejected all as it appeared to be all



Based on the findings, the researchers come up with the conclusion that the target

respondents appeared to be capable enough to adjust and comprehend the lesson with blended

learning modality style at their age as they found it somehow manageable in all aspects. Hence,

the researchers concluded that the respondents need more exposure to Blended learning and

proper guidelines in Blended learning styles. Aside from that, the respondents need to learn the

value of commitment in this type of learning that they need to exert extra effort to manage their

time wisely so they could have positive attitude towards mixed style instead of perceiving it as

heterogenous learning style consuming and a lot of time and effort from both the learners and the


The following recommendations are based upon the results of the study.

1. The teachers especially teachers who are handling the subject may use different

strategies/approaches to teaching the methods and guideline in blended teaching styles,

approaches that can inspire or motivate the students to be participate and attending blended

learning modalities without perceiving it as hassle or high-risking activity. Teachers may use

techniques to get the students attention and convince them to be more appreciative in blended

learning full heartedly.

2. The students especially Grade 12 students who are expected to do more of blended learning

environment as a major requirement in academic performance, they must come up with the idea

of putting extra attention to it and do an advance reading on different studies including this

study, so they may have enough background knowledge and experience, and when the time

comes that they are in a situation wherein this type of learning exists that become more easier for


3. The May future researchers may conduct similar studies underpinning effectiveness of

learning modality, they could come up with other concern such factors affecting the students’

performance in effectiveness of Blended learning modality and many other topics similar to this

study. This study may serves as one of the resources in many other future studies.

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