MaNA RESTON POT Lift Control EN 2022.06

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Infrastructure | Buildings | Industrial structures

Structural bearings

mageba structural bearings –

mastering loads and movements


Measuring Bearings
cleverly developed, safe, internationally approved
Structural bearings

Principle and Functions

Principle Combination with ROBO®CONTROL
mageba RESTON®POT LIFT-CONTROL lift- Thanks to the use of special digital meas-
ing and measuring bearings (with European uring cells, RESTON®POT LIFT-CONTROL
Technical Approval ETA-11/0453) are based bearings can also be used in conjunction
in their design on the RESTON®POT bearing, with mageba’s automated monitoring sys-
and have the following functions: tem, ROBO®CONTROL. This enables bearing
• support of the structure, like a conven- loads to be permanently remotely moni-
tional bearing; and tored, with many features available - such as
graphic presentation of data and the send-
• measurement of the load carried by the
ing of an automatic alarm message should
bearing; and/or
pre-defined boundary values be exceeded.
• controlled lifting of the superstructure.
RESTON®POT LIFT-CONTROL can be deliv- Lifting Function
ered as either lifting or measuring bearings, RESTON®POT LIFT-CONTROL lifting bearings
or combined as both lifting and measuring feature a pre-installed needle valve in the
bearings. pot. A hydraulic pump can be connected to
the valve and used to inject special silicone
Structural Support rubber, activating the lifting function. The
RESTON®POT LIFT-CONTROL bearings serve injected material forms a new layer beneath
the primary purpose of providing structural the bearing’s elastomeric pad. This raises
support. Like conventional pot bearings, the pad, and thus also the piston above it
they can be designed as fixed, guided slid- and the connected superstructure. This
ing or free sliding. They can also be designed process can be repeated several times, e.g.
for special applications with high horizontal to adjust heights during different construc-
loading, and for use on railway bridges. tion stages and under varying loading condi-
Force Measurement The silicone rubber used is a special mate-
RESTON®POT LIFT-CONTROL measuring rial that hardens durably in the absence of
bearings enable the load acting on the bear- air and moisture. The hardening prevents
ing to be precisely determined at any time any subsequent loss of bearing height. Fol-
using a mobile WIGAmeter reader. lowing the injection procedure, the bearing
A measuring cell inside the bearing trans- exhibits the same load carrying and move-
mits the appropriate values to the reader, ment characteristics as a normal pot bear-
which is attached to the bearing at a stand- ing. This has been proven by load testing at
ardized connection point. The connection the MPA institute of the University of Karl-
point is well protected against external in- sruhe (Germany) during the course of certi-
fluences, and can be located away from the fication evaluations, and by real use in many
bearing to improve access, if required. structures.
As an alternative to injection, the lifting can
be achieved by means of hydraulics. This al-
lows the bearing to be raised and lowered
as often as desired.

1 WIGAmeter reader with connection point at the

base of the pier
3 Injection process

Structural bearings

Applications and Benefits

Ground Settlements Replacement of Bridge Bearings
Structures on slopes and in areas with poor RESTON®POT LIFT-CONTROL bearings offer
ground conditions may be at risk of ground an interesting option for the rehabilitation
settlements. If such a structure is supported and modernization of bridges as may be re-
by conventional bearings, the compensa- quired, for example, by capacity increases
tion of such settlements requires lifting of or new standards.
the structure to insert packing plates and a
great deal of effort. RESTON®POT LIFT-CON- Application Example
TROL bearings are designed to themselves Weyermannshaus highway viaduct, Berne,
lift the superstructure by the required Switzerland:
amount, without the need for additional
After widening the viaduct’s piers, the sup-
hydraulic jacks. Their integrated load meas-
port of the deck was adapted to include two
uring capability can also be used to confirm
bearings on each pier instead of a single
the proper distribution of loads.
central one. The tender documentation as-
sumed the use of hydraulic jacks to lift the Step 1
Structural Adjustment
superstructure. However, a proposal to use
Unwanted movements and deformations, mageba RESTON®POT LIFT-CONTROL bear-
such as those resulting from creep and ings as an alternative enabled the success-
shrinkage in new concrete structures, must ful bidding contractor to significantly reduce
be compensated. In high-speed railway construction costs, easily compensating for
bridges, precise adjustments are required the additional bearing costs.
following ground settlements. In arch bridg-
es, loads must be distributed in accordance
with the structure’s design to avoid unwant- The construction method was as follows:
ed long-term stresses and resulting damage Step 1: Widening of the piers and carrying
to the structure. out of structural repair works
RESTON®POT LIFT-CONTROL bearings ena- Step 2: Installation of the RESTON®POT LIFT- Step 2
ble such structural adjustments to be under- CONTROL bearings and use of these to lift
taken without the need for packing plates the superstructure
and costly additional lifting equipment. Step 3: Removal of the existing bearings; the
newly installed bearings take on the func-
Safe Lifting tion of supporting the superstructure in the
With RESTON®POT LIFT-CONTROL bearings, future
the need to stabilize and secure the struc-
ture during lifting operations does not arise.
The bearings retain their full ability to sup-
port and secure the superstructure during
the entire lifting process, even continuing to Step 3
accommodate movements. Lifting can thus
be carried out without restrictions and un-
der service conditions.

1 A bridge with RESTON®POT LIFT-CONTROL bear-

ings to compensate ground settlements
2 Construction process at the Weyermannshaus
highway viaduct

Structural bearings

Quality & Support

Quality Dimensions Support
Over the past five decades, mageba has The dimensions of RESTON®POT LIFT-CON- Our experienced product specialists are al-
supplied over 50,000 structural bearings for TROL bearings are roughly equivalent to ways ready to provide you with further in-
projects all around the world. The quality those of standard mageba RESTON®POT formation and to advise you in selecting the
and durability of mageba bearings is thus bearings, but with increased height. The lift- optimal solution for your project.
ensured not only by their well-proven prod- ing capacity can be specified to suit needs. You can also find further product informa-
uct properties, but also by the extensive ex- In most circumstances, a capacity of +1” tion, including data sheets with standard
perience of our personnel. (+25 mm) is adequate. In such a case, the bearing dimensions and reference lists, at
mageba has a process-orientated quality bearing can be expected to be approximate-
system. In addition, its quality is regularly ly 2.8 in (270 mm) higher than a conven-
inspected by independent testing institutes. tional pot bearing. The precise dimensions
mageba factories are AISC certified for Ma- of RESTON®POT LIFT-CONTROL bearings are
jor Bridges (CPT, STD, SPE) and also maintain determined by mageba on a project by proj-
AWS certifications for D1.1 and D1.5. ect basis.

CE Conformity Materials
ings are designed and manufactured in ac- manufactured using the same high-quality
cordance with “AASHTO LRFD Bridge Con- materials as RESTON®POT bearings. Details
struction Specifications”. are provided in the RESTON®POT bearing
bearings can also be designed and manu-
factured in accordance with European
Standard EN 1337 and the product specific
European approval (ETA-11/0453). Bear-
ings are then marked with the CE mark of
conformity, which confirms that they satisfy
all requirements of this standard, without
All necessary type testing performed on
carried out at an independent testing facil-
ity and fully supervised by a certified body.

Project References – RESTON®POT LIFT-CONTROL Lifting and Measuring Bearings

Val da Pila (CH) Gleisbogen Bridge (CH) Weyermannshaus (CH) Theiss Power Plant (AT) La Réunion (FR) Maas Waalkanaal (NL)

mageba Structural Bearings

Pot Bearings Spherical Bearings Deformation Bearings ILM Bearing

2022.06 US-EN ©mageba mageba North America Corp. - 1384 Broadway, 5th Floor - New York, NY 10018 - USA - T +1 212-644-3335 -

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