Development of Interactive Physics E-Module To Imp

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JPPIPA 9(5) (2023)

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA

Journal of Research in Science Education

Development of Interactive Physics E-Module to Improve

Critical Thinking Skills
Cynthia1*, Kaharuddin Arafah1, Pariabti Palloan1
1 Physics Education, Postgraduate Program, Makassar State University, Indonesia.

Received: October 20, 2022 Abstract: This research is Research and Development (R&D). Development is carried out
Revised: April 10, 2023 with reference to the ADDIE model. The ADDIE stages include the analyze, design,
Accepted: May 25, 2023 development, implementation, and evaluation stages. This development research aims
Published: May 31, 2023 to analyze the results of the developed interactive physics e-modules, analyze
practitioners' assessment of interactive physics e-modules, analyze the use of interactive
Corresponding Author: physics e-modules that have been developed in improving students' critical thinking
Cynthia skills. The instruments used in this study were interactive physics e-module validation sheets, practitioner assessment questionnaires (teachers/educators), and critical thinking
skills test instruments. The e-module eligibility criteria are seen from the aspect of its
DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v9i5.2302 validity. Criteria for the practicality of the physics e-module are seen from practitioners'
assessment of the interactive e-module, and the criteria for the effectiveness of the
© 2023 The Authors. This open interactive physics e-module are seen from the increase in the results of students' critical
access article is distributed under a thinking skills after being given interactive physics e-modules. Based on the results of the
(CC-BY License) analysis, it can be concluded that the interactive physics e-module which was developed
based on expert judgment using the analysis of the Aiken V index is declared valid and
suitable for use, then the interactive physics e-module in terms of practitioners'
assessment is in the very good category, improving students' critical thinking skills after
the application of the interactive physics e-module analyzed with an N-gain of 0.35 in the
medium category, this means that there is an increase in students' critical thinking skills
in physics.

Keywords: Critical thinking skills; Interactive e-module; Physics e-module

Introduction vision, it is clear that there are differences in ideas in

The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 was marked This is in line with Aziz (2018) that stated the nine
by the emergence of new technologies such as trends in education 4.0 can shift the main learning
information technology, communication networks, big responsibilities from educators to students. Sajidin et al.
data, artificial intelligence and virtualization. The (2018) explained that the paradigm shift from teacher as
emergence of digital technology and its increasingly director to teacher as facilitator, guide, and consultant is
rapid developments have an impact on all disciplines, natural, because learning resources and teaching
the economy, and existing industries. The impact of the materials do not only rely on one source but learning
industrial revolution 4.0 is a big challenge for the world. resources that are not limited by time or space become
One of the fundamental efforts that can be done is to opportunities. For students to develop mindsets and
focus on improving the quality of education. Education skills appropriate to the 4.0 era. These skills are called
as a response to the industrial revolution 4.0 gave rise to 21st century skills. This emphasis is then explained in a
the idea of education 4.0. The vision of education 4.0 is 21st century learning framework that describes the
to motivate students to learn not only knowledge and skills, knowledge, and expertise that students must
skills, but to identify learning sources from these master to succeed in work and life. According to BSNP,
knowledge and skills (Retnaningsih, 2019). From this the 21st century learning framework includes: critical
How to Cite:
Cynthia, C., Arafah, K., & Palloan, P. (2023). Development of Interactive Physics E-Module to Improve Critical Thinking Skills. Jurnal Penelitian
Pendidikan IPA, 9(5), 3943–3952.
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) May 2023, Volume 9 Issue 5, 3943-3952

thinking and problem solving skills, creative and Critical thinking skills are a systematic thinking process
innovation skills, communication and collaboration that allows students to formulate and evaluate their own
skills, information and communication technology beliefs and opinions (Johnson, 2007). Critical thinking
literacy, and contextual learning skills. skills include high-level skills such as analysis,
Based on the above, teachers are required to be able synthesis, understanding and solving problems,
to apply information and communication technology in inference, and evaluation. Implementation of indicators
an integrated, systematic, and effective manner of critical thinking skills in learning physics requires
according to situations and conditions, including being mature readiness of the teacher. Improving students'
able to utilize technology as a source of learning and critical thinking skills depends on how a teacher
learning media, especially in learning physics. Physics is manages learning, the role of a teacher in the teaching
a science that discusses natural phenomena in everyday and learning process of physics not only provides
life and phenomena that occur in the universe. Based on information to students but also must apply the
this, learning physics has a higher level of abstraction principles the principles of science that are oriented to
based on the educational level of students. Difficulties in observation and experimentation, teachers must pay
understanding physics lessons are generally caused by a attention to the styles and ways of learning of students
lack of innovative teaching materials used by teachers in in learning. Each student has a different learning style so
the learning process. that the teacher must have the ability to vary learning
The availability of adequate teaching materials is according to the characteristics of students, so that
very important for students in learning, teaching students are not bored in learning and so that learning
materials that are in accordance with the demands of the objectives are achieved.
curriculum and the needs and characteristics of students Based on the problems obtained, a physics e-
will help build effective communication between module was developed that can be used as teaching
teachers and students so that the learning process is material to accompany printed books so that students
more interactive. In addition, the availability of are able to study independently. With the electronic
adequate teaching materials can support the physics module, students will easily access virtual
independence of students in learning to develop 21st laboratories, video and audio lessons provided so that
century character education. students' theoretical and practicum understanding can
One of the teaching materials that can be used be aligned and the ability to understand physics
independently and can be adapted to the characteristics concepts. In order to be able to think critically, students
of students is a module (Prasetya, 2012). Modules are must have an understanding of a good concept. A good
also called independent learning resources because they understanding will greatly support students' critical
are equipped with instructions for self-study. Learning thinking competence. The use of e-modules in learning
physics using modules can assist teachers in delivering can be a solution to monotonous teaching materials and
material in which students can study independently, a lack of practicum tools in schools. It is hoped that this
develop thinking skills according to their individual development is one of the efforts to procure learning
abilities, reduce dependence on teachers, and make it modules that are innovative and effective and
easier to learn each competency so that students can meaningful for students.
achieve and complete their learning materials with One of the software used to produce electronic
modules and can control the ability and intensity of modules is flip pdf professional, this is because there are
learning (Auliya et al., 2017). various features in it that make learning media attractive
Modules can be made more attractive and attractive interactive so that learning is not monotonous, with a
to students by developing modules in electronic form or more attractive appearance with the addition of
e-modules. E-modules are independent teaching animation, images, video, audio-visual, navigation
materials that contain information in digital format, e- which makes it an interactive and interesting learning
modules can make it easier for users. E-modules are the module with formats such as Exe, zip, Html, screen
result of innovation from ICT-based modules and have saver and others. The professional pdf flip application
advantages over printed modules, namely that they can provides settings such as magazines, documents and so
make the learning process more interesting, more on (Kurnianto et al., 2022). Utilization of using
interactive, able to convey historical messages through professional flip pdf media is expected to explain
pictures and videos, encourage student learning abstract physics material that can be visualized using
through interactive features, are able to develop this media so that it makes it easier for students to
auditory senses or students' hearing so that the material receive knowledge effectively and efficiently which can
presented is easier to understand. be learned anytime and anywhere.
In the process of learning physics, in addition to Interactive physics e-module with the help of the
teaching materials or learning resources, students also professional flip pdf application can present the contents
need thinking skills, especially critical thinking skills. of the material in a more complete and interactive
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) May 2023, Volume 9 Issue 5, 3943-3952

manner. The development of this interactive physics e- modules. This preliminary research is expected to obtain
module presents slide shows with various interactive aspects of needs analysis including: first, Gap analysis of
features that can develop students' kinesthetic abilities, the performance of the learning process which aims to
for example, question and answer features, educational produce a statement of objectives based on the
games, and others. In the interactive physics e-module, performance of the physics learning process for class XI
student exploration content can be inserted MIPA at public high school 15 Luwu. The analysis is
accompanied by student worksheets so that it can help carried out by measuring actual performance,
students develop concepts, discussion content, confirming the desired performance, and identifying the
simulations and experimental instructions, as well as causes of performance gaps in the physics learning
animated videos. In addition, there are practice process. Data analysis was obtained by observing and
questions on each sub-material so that enable students interviewing physics teachers regarding the
to be able to learn independently. The learning process characteristics of students, the involvement of students
using interactive e-modules can train students to in the learning process, evaluating students' critical
interpret problems, analyze problems, and provide thinking skills, and learning that attracts students'
conclusions about a problem given digitally. The user learning interest in physics subjects, as well as internal
will experience an interaction controlling a command and external obstacles in teaching physics; the second
which then creates a two-way relationship with the stage of setting instructional goals aims to respond to
module and acts actively, for example actively observing performance gaps that occur in learning physics.
pictures, paying attention to writing that varies in color Instructional objectives describe the main tasks that
or moves, sounds, animations, even videos. Based on the students will get at the end of learning physics; the third
explanation above, the researcher developed an analysis of students is used to identify students' critical
interactive physics e-module to improve critical thinking thinking skills, intrinsic motivation and students'
skills. With the developed physics e-module, it is hoped interest in learning physics, physics learning
that it will support learning activities for teachers and experiences, learning styles, and analysis of students'
students. needs for physics materials; fourthly Identification of the
required resources. At this stage, there are four
Method identified resources, namely content resources,
technological resources, instructional facilities, and
This type of research is development research. The human resources.
development research in question is research conducted Evaluation of the analysis phase is carried out after
to produce an interactive physics e-module to improve the researcher has completed all parts of the analysis
students' critical thinking skills. This development phase. At the evaluation stage, the researcher asked the
research used the ADDIE Model developed by Brach physics teacher and supervisor to evaluate the feasibility
(2009) covering the stages of Design Analysis, Develop, of the analysis results to proceed to the design stage.
Implementation and Evaluation. Evaluation has an The design stage is the planning stage of the
important role in the ADDIE model. Evaluation in the interactive physics e-module framework to be
ADDIE instructional design is divided into two, namely developed. At this stage, several preparations were
formative evaluation, namely evaluation used to revise made before developing interactive physics e-modules.
development before implementation and summative The purpose of developing an interactive physics e-
evaluation, namely evaluation used at the module is to close the performance gap in the physics
implementation stage. The results of the evaluation learning process in class XI SMA Negeri 15 Luwu. The
carried out at each stage can bring development to the purpose of this development is to improve students'
next stage or continue to hold development at a stage critical thinking skills. Activities at this stage include:
until the revised results are approved. Therefore, the Formatting and Drafting of Physics E-Modules;
evaluation is intended to strengthen the objectives of Preparation of KD Specifications and Learning
product development, namely interactive physics e- Objectives; Media selection includes the stages of the
modules. The activities carried out at each stage of the process of collecting material, creating questions, and
interactive physics e-module development can be looking for examples of technology that apply material
explained as follows. concepts to life. After the process of gathering material,
In the Analysis phase, the development of the then selecting the media to be presented in the e-module
Interactive physics e-module begins with analyzing the in the form of images, videos, animations, simulations of
problems or school needs needed to improve physics events that occur in everyday life related to the subject
learning. The concept at this stage is needs analysis to matter. This is intended so that students have an idea of
determine the right problems and solutions as well as the application or importance of this material to be
determine student competencies which are the basis or studied; 4) the e-module design stage uses supporting
reference in the development of Interactive physics e- applications such as Corel Draw X7, Microsoft Word
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) May 2023, Volume 9 Issue 5, 3943-3952

2019, and liveworksheet, storyline articulate 3, shows conclusions from information by giving
canvapro. formative tests (evaluations) at the end of learning.
At the design stage, the development process is The trial design used was "Pre-test and Post-test
carried out after the supervisor and teacher agree on the Group". The test carried out before giving the treatment
design made to close the gaps in learning physics. After (O1) is called the pre-test and the test after giving the
the evaluation is carried out, the results of the evaluation treatment (O2) is called the post-test. According to
in the form of suggestions will be used as revision Sugiyono (2010) the trial design is described as follows.
material before the development stage is carried out.
Development stage, this stage is the process of
developing interactive e-modules using professional flip
pdf software, which includes writing text, installing Figure 2. Research trial design
images, installing videos, links, animations, hyperlinks,
and preparing and installing ready questions. The At this stage, the process of collecting data the
interactive physics e-module flowchart is as Figure 1. researcher first distributes the pretest to students. This
pretest serves to find out the initial knowledge of
Foreword students, the test given is in the form of a critical
Instructions for using e-module
thinking skills test. After that, the researcher carried out
the learning process by applying an interactive physics
Filling student biodata
Basic competencies e-module accompanied by a physics teacher using the
Table of contents
Indicators of Competence
discovery learning model. The discovery learning
Characteristics of e-module Achievement learning model used to implement interactive physics e-
Learning objectives modules can help and facilitate students in obtaining
Concept maps Go digital
information and make students more active in knowing
Go discussion
the material being taught. After implementing the
Learning activities 1 Theory Klik link interactive physics e-module according to the trial
Learning activities 1
Mini lab design used, the researcher gave a post-test of critical
Problems example thinking skills. The purpose of the test is to find out
Educational games
whether the physics e-module is able to improve
Virtual lab
References students' critical thinking skills.
Summary Videos After the interactive physics e-module is
Self Assignment implemented in physics learning, then the teacher will
then provide an assessment of the interactive physics e-
module that was developed based on the statements in
Reflection the practitioner's assessment questionnaire sheet. The
Figure 1. Interactive physics e-module flowchart results of the assessment in the form of suggestions for
the interactive physics e-module were used as the next
The formative evaluation aims to revise the revision of the interactive physics e-module, namely
interactive physics e-modules that have been developed prototype III.
prior to the implementation of the interactive physics e- The results of the evaluation are then analyzed
modules. The first design or prototype I was validated through data analysis to determine the success of the
by 3 experts to determine the level of validity of the e- development of teaching materials. When the goal of e-
module. Validity was carried out using Aiken V analysis module development is stated to be unable to improve
or the results of expert assessment were used to measure students' critical thinking skills, the researcher will
the feasibility of the teaching materials, while revise it at the analysis stage to find out the location of
corrections and suggestions from experts were used to the problems in the development of interactive physics
revise the interactive physics e-module (prototype II). e-modules.
Interactive physics e-module. Which has been revised
into the final product used in the implementation phase. Result and Discussion
The Implementation phase consists of several parts,
at this stage the interactive physics e-module that has Interactive Physics E-Module Development Results
been developed is tested on a number of respondents. The interactive physics electronic module
Branch (2009) states that the implementation phase is developed is packaged in a simple and easily accessible
carried out to prepare the learning environment and way for users, where interactive physics e-modules can
involve students in learning. At the implementation be accessed via a link that can be opened on mobile
stage, learning with interactive physics e-modules phones as well as computers and laptops for teachers
and students. Physics material developed with the help

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) May 2023, Volume 9 Issue 5, 3943-3952

of professional Pdf flip. At the beginning of the e- In the introduction there are characteristics of
module there is a cover, instructions for use and there is interactive e-modules (containing an explanation of the
a user page to fill in the identity before learning to use e-modules developed so that users can find out the parts
the interactive physics e-module that has been and purposes of the e-modules); instructions for using
developed. This interactive physics e-module is divided interactive e-modules (containing tutorials or steps to
into three parts, namely introduction, content and access interactive e-modules that can be downloaded on
closing. The results of the development of interactive e- the user manual page, by following the directions from
modules are as follows. the user manual, it will be easier for users to operate the
e-modules); there is a page to fill in the student's
Introduction identity; there is a brief description of the material in the
form of a video which briefly explains the material to be
discussed; there is a page that contains basic
competencies and learning objectives to be achieved
after the learning process uses interactive e-modules.

Discussion Forum
In the discussion forum section there are questions
that will be discussed by students. Mandasari (2020) the
role of discussion forums between teachers and students
who discuss with each other can exchange information
and share file links be it music, video images and others
so that it is very supportive to improve communication
and motivation. In this module there are several
discussion room links that are adapted to the material,
so that in one discussion room one can focus on one
problem. If you want to answer discussion questions,
click the submit button on the go discussion activity to
connect to the discussion forum via WatsApp.

Figure 3. Instructions for use

Figure 5. Display discussion forum

Learning Materials
In this section, material related to the concept of
learning objectives is provided which is packaged into
specific units to make it easier for students to study
thoroughly. There can be text, audio, video and several
links as additional learning resources for students. The
use of interactive multimedia in the learning process
helps students to better understand the material
(Syawaludin et al., 2019). The final part of the learning
material is provided by contacting the physics teacher if
Figure 4. Login page
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) May 2023, Volume 9 Issue 5, 3943-3952

students do not understand the material by pressing the descriptions. E-LKPD can be done directly in the
message button contained in the e-module. module, after finishing working on it click the finish
button then fill in the identity based on the command
that appears then click send it will automatically be sent
to the teacher's account.

Figure 6. Display of learning materials

Virtual Laboratory
In the virtual laboratory section with the help of
Phet Simulation students are able to carry out Figure 8. Display of E-LKPD
experiments without using equipment in the laboratory
and students can conduct experiments anytime and Exercises
anywhere, so that students can better understand the Practice questions in this e-module to measure or
concept of waves. Fadieny & Fauzi (2021) stated that the test the extent to which students understand the
use of experiment-based e-modules in learning is very material. Students interactively write answers on the
beneficial for students. In this section there is also an page provided if the practice questions are in the form of
LKPD which is a guide and worksheets that must be essays and choose fixed answers if the exercise questions
completed based on the practicum carried out. To do the are in the form of multiple choices. The questions in the
practicum, click the start button and the practicum guide practice questions are presented according to indicators
can be downloaded by clicking the download icon in the of critical thinking skills. Scores and evaluation results
virtual lab. from practice questions accumulate automatically, so
that students can immediately find out the results of
their learning evaluation without having to wait for
corrections from the teacher. To start working on the
practice questions, click the button on the practice
questions, then follow the instructions that are available
and start working on the questions. After working on all
the questions, the results will appear as well as menus
for reviewing, repeating, discussing questions and
submitting answers to the teacher.

Figure 7. Virtual laboratory

Student Worksheet
Student worksheets contain student guides that are
used to carry out activities and investigations that
function to make students more independent in
understanding the material to be achieved. Research by
Rahayu et al. (2011) electronic worksheets can provide a Figure 9. Display practice questions
good understanding of students more than that,
students are not bored during the learning process Independent Assignment
because there are interesting features such as Independent assignments are tasks given to
matchmaking activities, drop and drag, filling out students to measure and improve students' ability to
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) May 2023, Volume 9 Issue 5, 3943-3952

understand a material. To answer independent applicable curriculum, linking the material to problems
assignments, first download the questions, to make it that are often encountered in everyday life, using
easier for students to collect assignments, a link has been language that is easy to understand. As stated by
provided to collect assignments by pressing the message Rochmad (2012) that a development result (product) is
button on the independent assignment page. said to be valid if the product is based on adequate
theory and all components of learning products relate to
each other consistently.
The developed e-learning module can be said to be
good if the elements in the learning module have been
fulfilled. E-module interactive physics flip pdf
professional assistance that has been developed based
on the results of validity analysis, the results show that
the e-module is feasible or valid. The interactive physics
module that has been developed contains relevant
elements that can improve students' critical thinking
skills. This validation is in line with research conducted
Figure 10. Self-assignment display by Sriwahyuni et al. (2019) who developed electronic
teaching materials using professional pdf flips on
The physics e-module is validated by the material for optical instruments with the results of what
expert/expert with the aim of knowing the content validity was in the valid and appropriate category to
validation of the product resulting from the use. The same thing was done by Ellisya et al. (2021) who
development of the interactive physics e-module that developed e-modules with the help of professional flip
has been made. The results of the content validity test pdfs on the basic subjects of electricity and electronics
were analyzed using the Aiken's V index. The results of with the results of expert or expert assessments being in
the analysis of the coefficient content validity analysis of the valid or feasible category to use. Furthermore, Prime
the expert agreement index for each component of et al. (2016) stated that using e-modules can improve
content feasibility, presentation, language, graphics and students' critical thinking skills and motivation in
software are tabulated in Table 1. learning, so that the use of mobile-based learning
modules is more effective than the use of printed books
Table 1. Results of Expert Assessment of the Interactive (Astalini et al., 2019). This study is in accordance with
Physics E-Module the results of the media expert validator and practitioner
Eligibility Aspect Validation Index Information validator. This illustrates that the developed e-module is
Contents 0.74 Valid valid and can be used in the learning process.
Presentation 0.76 Valid
Language 0.72 Valid Practitioner's Assessment Results of the Interactive Physics
Graphics 0.78 Valid E-Module
Software 0.83 Valid Practitioners' assessment of the interactive physics
e-module aims to determine the response of
Table 1 shows that the validation results provided practitioners who are members of the Luwu Regency
by the validator team have strong consistent responses. Physics Subject Teacher Consultation (MGMP)
Thus, the interactive physics e-module that has been community to the interactive physics e-module that has
developed is declared to meet the eligibility criteria been developed. The interactive physics e-module
(valid) so that it can be used. Referring to the results of assessment includes aspects of content feasibility,
the discussion by following the suggestions and presentation feasibility, language feasibility, graphics
instructions from the validator in revising, researchers, and software feasibility. The data from the analysis of
so that this interactive physics e-module is valid and the teacher's response assessment regarding the
feasible for testing. Interactive physics e-modules that interactive physics e-module that has been developed
are declared valid mean that the e-module as a whole can be seen in Table 2.
content or material and the components of the e-module
are related consistently to one another. Table 2. Percentage of Practitioners' Assessment of the
Interactive physics e-modules that are declared Interactive Physics E-Module
valid mean that the interactive physics e-modules as a Aspect Percentage (%) Category
whole content or material and the components of the e- Content 83.1 Very good
module are related consistently to one another. The Presentation 84.2 Very good
component in question is the suitability of the content Language 82.5 Very good
presented with the basic competencies and the Graphics 83.6 Very good
Software 86.7 Very good
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) May 2023, Volume 9 Issue 5, 3943-3952

Based on Table 2, all aspects of the interactive independent teaching materials chosen because
physics e-module assessment component assessed by interactive e-modules can be used anytime and
practitioners obtain percentages above 80%. In general, anywhere, are attractive, easily accessible and do not
the practitioner's score on the implementation of the depend on other media so that they can support the
interactive physics e-module is in the very good learning process. In addition, the features contained in it
category. In line with research Putri et al. (2018), this are designed interactively so that they can support
research is in accordance with the results of practical interaction and communication between teachers and
validation which illustrates that the developed e-module students. This is in line with what was stated by Lee
can be used in the learning process. If the percentage of (2017) digital books not only contain text but also
practitioners' ratings obtained is <80%, then the product interactive media that can be accessed by readers that
is in the practical category. This means that the support the interaction of lecturers and students. In
interactive physics e-module developed is easy to use in addition, the material presented relates to everyday life.
the learning process. Basic questions are presented in the form of discussions
that invite students to think critically so that learning is
more interactive, students are active in understanding
the concepts given, so that students' learning motivation
in learning can increase.
In interactive e-modules, material is presented in
the form of text, images, animations and videos that are
able to visualize material clearly, provided website links
to several learning resources related to the material as
additional references, and equipped with interactive
quizzes and questions as well as evaluations at the end
of learning activities who are able to hone abilities,
especially critical thinking skills of students. This is in
line with what was stated by Putri et al. (2022) that
interactive features such as quizzes and practice
questions make learning more effective and efficient.
Figure 11. Pretest and posttest scores of students' critical There is a virtual laboratory that makes it easier for
thinking skills students to understand the material being taught. In line
with the results of Yuen (2006) virtual-based simulation
In the interactive physics e-module developed, is a learning need to encourage students to be more
instructions for using each activity are presented to experienced and able to construct more solutive
facilitate the teaching and learning process. In addition, thinking. With this electronic module, the learning
several pictures are presented according to the material, process should run more effectively and efficiently and
videos, learning links, simulations/virtual labs related support interaction between teachers and students so
to material, e-LKPD, sample questions and practice that students can understand the concept of the lesson
questions and use language that is easy to understand so and experience an increase in students' critical thinking
that it makes it easier for students to understand the skills.
material presented. In accordance with the opinion of As according to Suryadi stated that teaching
Solihudin (2018) states that product practicality is when materials can be said to be effective if students are active
the product is easy to use. Practical is the level of use and in the learning process and students' responses to the
implementation of the e-module by students and learning carried out (Djamas, 2015). Kartika (2001) also
teachers, namely carrying out learning using the revised states that a learning process is said to be effective if 60%
e-module based on the assessment of experts. of the students can complete the minimum completeness
The results of students' critical thinking skills tests criteria. In addition, in the Kamus Besar Bahasa
before and after using interactive physics e-modules, Indonesia (2021), the word effective means effect,
then N-Gain analysis is carried out to see whether there influence, consequence or can bring results. So
is an increase in students' critical thinking skills. The effectiveness is activeness, usability, compatibility in an
results of the analysis obtained an average N-Gain value activity of a person carrying out a task with the intended
of 0.35. This means that there is an increase in students' target. The most important aspect of effectiveness is
critical thinking skills in the medium category. Based on knowing the level or degree of product application
this, the interactive physics e-module with the help of (Rochmad, 2012). The effectiveness of learning e-
professional flip pdf software that has been developed is modules can be measured by looking at the increase in
effective in improving students' critical thinking skills. students' critical thinking skills. In line with what was
Interactive e-modules have many roles as learning
resources. Interactive e-modules are one of the
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) May 2023, Volume 9 Issue 5, 3943-3952

stated by Suwatra et al. (2018) using interactive modules 12(2), 71–80.

in learning can foster critical thinking skills.
Aziz, H. A. (2018). Education 4.0 made simple: ideas for
Conclusion teaching. International Journal of Education and
Literacy Studies, 6(3), 92.
Based on the results of the research and discussion,
it can be concluded as follows: The results of the content Branch, R. M. (2009). Instructional design: The ADDIE
validity coefficient test, the interactive physics e-module approach. In Science and Education. Springer
developed has met the valid category, Practitioners' Science & Business Media.
assessment of the interactive physics e-module Djamas, D. (2015). Perangkat Pembelajaran Statistik
developed gave a positive response with a very good Pendidikan. Program Pascasarjana Pendidikan
category, and increased skills Students' critical thinking Fisika.
after using interactive physics e-modules analyzed with Ellysia, A., & Irfan, D. (2021). Pengembangan e-Modul
N-gain is in the medium category, this means that the dengan Flip PDF Professional pada Mata Pelajaran
interactive physics e-modules developed have various Dasar Listrik dan Elektronika. Jurnal Vote Teknika,
benefits and are good enough to be used as learning 9(3), 92–96.
media or learning resources in learning. especially in
improving critical thinking skills. 5
Johnson, E. B. (2007). Contextual Teaching and Learning -
Acknowledgments Center for Occupational Research and Development.
Thank you sincerely to the thesis supervisor who has Mizan learning center. Retrieved from
guided this literature study to completion. Thank you to the
University of Mataram for facilitating the creation of articles learning/
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