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This research aims to develop e-module based on the Socratic method. This research is research
and development. This research uses the ADDIE development model, including analyze, design,
develop, implement, and evaluate. This research only reached the implementation stage. The
research was carried out inMIS AL Hidayah Sidomulyo.The research subjects were 20 class V
students, consisting of 9 male students and 11 female students. The research object is an e-module
based on the Socratic method to improve student learning outcomes. Data collection techniques
are observation, tests and questionnaires. The data analysis techniques used are: (a) e-module
analysis based on the Socratic method; (b) the effectiveness of e-modules based on the Socratic
method. Based on validation results by media experts with a percentage of 94.85%, it is
categorized as very feasible. The results of validation by material with a percentage of 94.65% are
categorized as very feasible. Meanwhile, validation results by language with a percentage of
89.75% are categorized as very feasible. The results of the pretest trial were with a percentage of
45% with 3 students who completed it and 17 students who did not complete it. Meanwhile, the
posttest trial had a percentage of 83.5% with 19 students who completed and 1 student who did
not complete.It can be concluded that the e-module based on the Socratic method is feasible and
effective to use.
Keywords: e-module; Socratic method; mathematics; learning outcomes
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan e-modul berbasis metode Socrates.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan (Reseach and Development).
Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE, diantaranya yaitu analyze,
design, develop, implementation, dan evaluate. Penelitian ini hanya sampai pada tahap
implementation. Penelitian dilaksanakan di MIS AL Hidayah Sidomulyo. Subjek
penelitian yaitu peserta didik kelas V yang berjumlah 20 peserta didik, yang terdiri dari
9 peserta didik lakik-laki dan 11 peserta didik perempuan. Objek penelitian yaitu e-
modul berbasis metode Socrates untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik. Teknik
pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, tes, dan angket. Teknik analisis data yang
234| Pratama et al.
digunakan yaitu: (a) analisis e-modul berbasis metode Socrates; (b) keefektifan e-modul
berbasis metode Socrates. Berdasarkan hasil validasi oleh ahli media dengan persentase
94.85% dikategorikan sangat layak. Hasil validasi oleh materi dengan persentase 94.65%
dikategorikan sangat layak. Sedangkan, hasil validasi oleh bahasa dengan persentase
89.75% dikategorikan sangat layak. Hasil uji coba pretest dengan persentase 45% dengan
peserta didik yang tuntas sebanyak 3 orang dan yang tidak tuntas yaitu 17 orang.
Sedangkan uji coba postest dengan persentase 83,5% dengan siswa yang tuntas
sebanyak 19 orang dan yang tidak tuntas sebanyak 1 orang. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa
e-modul berbasis metode Socrates layak dan efektif untuk digunakan.
Keywords: e-modul; metode Socrates; matematika; hasil belajar
©Pedagogic Journal of Islamic Elementary School. This is an open access article under theCreative
Commons - Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Technological developments are increasingly rapid, and this also has an impact on
the education sector. This is in line with Hemilia et al (2022) who say that the
development of technology and knowledge is increasingly rapid and has a big influence
on life, one of which is the field of education. To support education, facilities and
infrastructure are needed. In accordance with the provisions of Law no. 20/2003, Article
45 Paragraph 1, provides the following explanation: In accordance with the growth and
development of students' physical, intellectual, and social, emotional and psychological
potential, facilities and infrastructure are provided by each formal and non-formal
education unit. These facilities and infrastructure will later support the learning process
in the classroom. This is in line with Qamariah et al (2023) who say thatthe learning
process must have adequate learning equipment so that teaching and learning activities
run in accordance with the expected basic competencies. So that the learning process can
run effectively and efficiently, teaching materials can be used which is in accordance
with student needs and supports the competencies that students want to
achieve.Facilities and infrastructure that can help teachers in the learning process are
learning tools. One learning tool that can support the learning process in the classroom
is the use of e-modules. E-Module is a learning media that contains materials, methods,
limitations and ways of evaluating that are designed systematically and interestingly to
achieve the expected competencies according to the level of difficulty electronically
(Nomizar et al., 2023). This is in line with (Fitri, Kurniawan, & Ngazizah, 2013) who say
that e-modules are electronic teaching materials designed by teachers to be studied
independently with teacher guidance by students presented systematically.
The use of e-modules in learning can increase students' interest in learning. This is
in line with Violadini & Mustika (2021) that using e-modules makes students more
interested in learning, therefore it is highly recommended for teachers to use e-modules
in their learning process. The e-module is equipped with appropriate teaching material
components, there are also pictures, video links to practice questions and formative tests
to attract students' interest in studying the e-module (Elvarita et al., 2020). Istuningsih
(2018) said that e-module development aims to attract students' attention and attention
so that they can improve their learning outcomes through structured and organized
presentation. With electronic modules, learning activities can be carried out anytime,
According to Daryanto (2013:9) a good learning e-module has several
characteristics, namely (a) self instruction is an important e-module characteristic and
must be found in the E-module. An e-module must have clear instructions so that it is
easy for students to use it and students know what kind of learning objectives they must
achieve, (b) self contained, namely the learning materials presented in the E-module are
complete so that students can learn the material completely, (c) stand alone, namely the
learning E-module must stand alone or not depend on other teaching materials or do not
require other supporting tools in their use. If the learning E-module still requires other
teaching materials for its use, the learning e-module is not categorized as a stand alone
learning e-module, (d) adaptive, namely the learning E-module has the ability to adapt
to developments in science and technology. A good e-learning module must be able to
adapt to developments in science and technology. Learning E-modules can be said to be
adaptive if the e-module is in accordance with developments in science and technology
and is flexible to use, (e) User friendly, namely that the learning E-module should be
friendly or familiar to the user. Every explanation and instruction contained in the e-
module is helpful and friendly to the user. One form of user friendly learning e-module
is using simple and easy to understand language and using commonly used terms.
According to Laili et al (2019), the advantages of using e-modules include: (a) being
able to foster motivation for students, (b) the evaluation allows teachers and students to
know which parts have not been completed or have been completed, (3) learning
materials can be divided so that they are more evenly distributed in one semester, (4)
learning materials are arranged according to academic levels, (5) can make modules
more interactive and dynamic compared to printed modules which are more static, (6)
can use video, audio and animation to reduce the verbal elements of high print modules.
Meanwhile, Puspitasari et al (2020) said that the advantages of this e-module are (a) the
contents of electronic teaching materials which include material and practice questions
are presented in a variety of ways, not only text but there are pictures and videos that
support the learning material, (b) electronic teaching materials or e-modules can make
it easier for students to study certain sections according to which are desired. The
a thinking and speaking skill, (2) these skills cannot be trained suddenly, and (c) skills
can be obtained through continuous practice in real situations when teaching students.
Based on observations made by researchers at MIS AL Hidayah Sidomulyo, it is
known that the learning outcomes of class V students are relatively low. This is because
students do not understand the explanation of the material presented by the teacher.
Therefore, students find it difficult to complete the exercises given by the teacher.
Students also do not have the courage to express their ideas to answer the problems
given by the teacher.
To resolve the problems that occur in MIS AL Hidayah Sidomulyo, one solution
that can improve learning out comes learners namely mathematics lessons. Mathematics
is one of the subjects taught to elementary school students with the aim of helping
students prepare themselves to face changing circumstances in their environment
through practicing acting and thinking logically and rationally (Amir, 2013).
Mathematics is a formal, abstract, hierarchical and meaningful symbolic language,
mathematics is also a deductive science. Therefore, for a teacher to be able to interpret
the deductive world of mathematics, primary intelligence is needed to make connections
to the world of children who do not yet think deductively (Farida & Rahayu, 2017).
Dienes in Andriyani and Samiyem (2022) said that learning mathematics involves a
hierarchical structure of higher level concepts which are formed on the basis of what has
been formed previously.
Mathematics learning has several goals, one of which is to solve existing problems
through students' own reasoning power. This is in line with Sukmawarti et al (2022) who
say that the aim of learning mathematics is to prepare students to have problem solving,
communication, reasoning, connection and representation skills. (Marfu'ah et al., 2022)
said that mathematics learning in schools has the aim of ensuring that students have
good reasoning power in solving problems in mathematics learning.
Based on the description above, researchers will develop an e-module based on
the Socratic method to improve critical thinking skills at MIS AL Hidayah Sidomulyo.
This research is research and development. The development model used in this
research is the ADDIE development model. Hidayat & Nazar (2021) said that ADDIE is
Analyze, Design, Develop, Implementation and Evaluate. This research only reached the
implementation stage. This research was carried out inMIS AL Hidayah Sidomulyo. The
research subjects were 20 class V students, consisting of 9 male students and 11 female
students. The object of this research is an e-module based on the Socratic method to
improve students' critical thinking skills. Data collection techniques are observation,
tests and questionnaires. The data analysis techniques used are: (a) e-module analysis
based on the Socratic method; (b) the effectiveness of e-modules based on the Socratic
Table 1. Likert Scale (Kesumawati et al, 2022)
No Answer Score
1 Very good 4
2 Good 3
3 Enough 2
4 Not good 1
No Score Classification
1 90% X < 100% Very Worth It
2 80% X < 90% Worthy
3 70% X < 80% Decent Enough
4 60% X < 70% Not feasible
5 0% X < 60% Totally Not Worth It
Information :
P :Percentage
f :Frequency
N :Total Activity Number
classroom. This aims to make things easier learnersin understanding the material that
will be explained, and making it easier learnersin solving problems given by the
Researchers prepared validation questionnaires for 3 experts, namely linguists,
media experts and linguists. These experts will validate the product to be developed,
namely e-module method based Socrates.
At this stage, e-module method based Socrates has been completed, and has been
validated by linguists, media experts and material experts. When carrying out
validation, researchers get suggestions and input from experts to improve method-
based e-modules Socrates. The suggestions and input from experts are improving the
writing, improving the colors of the e-module to make it more attractive by using more
contrasting colors, adding images, making the cover of the e-module even more
attractive. After getting suggestions and input from experts, the researchers made
improvements to the e-module method based Socrates. The validation results for method
based e-module Socratesnamely as follows:
Table 3. Expert Validation Results
No Validation Percentage Criteria
1 Materials Expert 94.65% Very Worth It
2 Linguist 89.75% Very Worth It
3 Media Expert 94.85% Very Worth It
94,85 94,65%
Based on table 3 and figure 1, the validation results carried out by material
experts, language experts and media experts, it is known that the validation results by
media experts with a percentage of 94.85% are categorized as very feasible.
Aftere module method based Socrateshas been validated by experts and is said to
be suitable for use. Then e-module method based Socratesis ready to be tested on class V
students at MIS AL Hidayah Sidomulyo. The trial was carried out in two stages, namely
pretest and posttest. The purpose of conducting pretest trials and posttest trials is to
determine the improvement in student learning outcomes in mathematics lessons by
using e-module method based Socrates. The student learning outcomes in mathematics
lessons using e-modules method based Socrates can be seen in the table below:
83.5 %
Pretest Postest
From table 4 and figure 2 above, it is known that the results of the pretest trial
were 45% with 3 students who completed and 17 students who did not complete.
Meanwhile, the posttest trial had a percentage of 83.5% with 19 students who
completed and 1 student who did not complete.
The resulting Socratic method based e-module has been developed using the
ADDIE development model. Stages in the ADDIE development model that isanalyze,
design, develop, implementation, and evaluate. This research only reached the
implementation stage. The results of the discussion in the research are as follows:
Based on table 3 and figure 1, the validation results carried out by material
experts, language experts and media experts, it is known that the validation results by
media experts with a percentage of 94.85% are categorized as very feasible. Parinduri et
al (2022) said that 89.00% of media experts were categorized as very suitable. Shabrina
et al (2023) said that the media validation results were with a percentage of 95.45% and
were categorized as very feasible. This is in line with Mufida et al (2022) who said that
the validation results from media experts were 92.7%. This is in line with Hasanah et al
(2023) who stated that the media validation results were 90.4% and included in the very
feasible category.
The results of validation by material with a percentage of 94.65% are categorized
as very feasible. Novianti & Lubis (2022) said that the material validation results were
97% in the very feasible category. Nisrina et al (2021) said that the material validation
results, with a percentage of 88.61%, were categorized as very feasible. Permata &
Mustaji (2021) said that the results of material validation, namely the percentage
(93.75%) were categorized as very feasible. This is also supported by Amalia &
Sujatmioko (2022) who said that the validation results with a percentage of 81.88% were
categorized as feasible.
Meanwhile, validation results by language with a percentage of 89.75% are
categorized as very feasible. Azkiya et al (2022) said that language validation results with
a percentage of 92.5% were categorized as very feasible. Umbara (2022) said that the
language validation results, with a percentage of 93.75, were categorized as very
appropriate. Putri & Rahayu (2023) said that the validation results of language experts
were in percentages 84.38% and includes the criteria "very feasible". This is also
supported by research by Ihsan & Hully (2023) which states that the validation results
of language experts are by percentage 94.72 is categorized as very feasible.
From table 4 and figure 2 above, it is known that the results of the pretest trial
were 45% with 3 students who completed and 17 students who did not complete.
Meanwhile, the posttest trial had a percentage of 83.5% with 19 students who completed
and 1 student who did not complete. This is supported by research by Agung et al (2021)
which states that there was an increase during the pretest and posttest using e-modules.
This can be proven during the pretest trial with a percentage of 37.91% and increased
during the posttest trial with a percentage of 83.73%. Herawati & Muhtadi (2018) said
that analysis of the results of the t test for increasing score gain obtained a calculated t
value of 4.8 with a significance of 0.000 < 0.05. This proves that there is a significant
difference between the pretest scores and the posttest scores. So, this module effectively
influences student learning outcomes. Furqan et al (2016) said that the highest increase
in KPS occurred in the forecasting indicator, namely with an N-gain of 0.93% and was
included in the very high category. Meanwhile, the lowest increase in N-gain occurred
in the indicator providing a hypothesis, namely 0.12% and included in the low category.
A statistical test with a significance level of 0.05% shows that the value obtained is 10.6
> 1.714 because tcount > ttable, it can be concluded that the application of inquiry based
practicum modules can significantly improve science process skills and student learning
outcomes. Husna et al (2020) said that the effectiveness seen from the pre-test and post-
test N-gain test had increased with an average of 0.67 in the medium category.
Based on the pretest and posttest trials, it is known that there is an increase in
student learning outcomes in mathematics lessons by using e-module method based
Socrates. With these results, it can be said that by using e-module method based Socratesin
mathematics lessons for class V students in MIS AL Hidayah Sidomulyo effective use.
The resulting Socratic method based e-module has been developed using the
ADDIE development model. Stages in the ADDIE development model that is analyze,
design, develop, implementation, and evaluate. This research only reached the
implementation stage. Based on validation results by media experts with a percentage
of 94.85%, it is categorized as very feasible. The results of validation by material with a
percentage of 94.65% are categorized as very feasible. Meanwhile, validation results by
language with a percentage of 89.75% are categorized as very feasible. The results of the
pretest trial were with a percentage of 45% with 3 students who completed it and 17
students who did not complete it. Meanwhile, the posttest trial had a percentage of 83.5%
with 19 students who completed and 1 student who did not complete. It can be
concluded that the e-module based on the Socratic method is feasible and effective to
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