Short 06
Short 06
Short 06
GDPR, which stands for the General Data Protection Regulation, is the European legal
framework, that aims to simplify the regulatory environment for businesses and organizations
in all EU member countries, but with clear implications for businesses and individuals located
in any other country, where domestic or foreign companies process personal data of the
European citizens. It is a set of rules designed to give European citizens more control over their
personal data, at a time when almost every aspect of life revolves around data. From the
companies we work for, social media giants, banks, health care systems and governments, every
service we use in our daily lives, involves the collection and analysis of our personal data. Being
such an important development in protecting the security of personal data, this paper aims to
give a brief analysis of some of the most important concepts of GDPR, the affected companies
and citizens and the administrative fines applied in case of violation. Furthermore, it will
provide a comparison of Albanian legal framework for Data Protection with the GDPR,
followedby some conclusions and recommendations.
Keywords 1
Personal data, legislation, protection, security, controller, processor, administrative fines