HRM Assignment Question Revised
HRM Assignment Question Revised
HRM Assignment Question Revised
1. Group Assignment – 5 members in a group
2. Word count – Minimum 2500
3. Turnitin plagiarism – less than 20%
4. Due date – 20TH JULY 2023
2200 - 2300 words (± 10%)
One-sided A4 paper
Times New Roman 12, 1.5 spacing and Justified.
Proper headers, footers and table of contents
All pages in the report should be numbered except for the cover page,
student declaration, question, marking criteria and Turnitin report.
Binding (comb-binding). Sequence of binding:-
- 1: Cover Page
- 2: Student declaration
- 3: Assignment question
- 4: Marking criteria as per Appendix A & B
- 5: Presentation slides *
- 6: Assignment document
- 7: Turnitin report – the summary report showing all the
percentage matches and also the detailed report highlighting the
parts of the report that is matched.
* Presentation
Microsoft power-point slides (ppt/pptx)
One-sided A4 paper printed 4 slides per page (landscape orientation)
and bound with the written report above
30 minutes (Including Q & A)
Formal attire
Media of submission
Soft copy should be sent to Turnitin.
Important The maximum similarity allowed for the entire report is 20%; and
Note maximum 2% for each individual match within the report.
Disciplinary action will be taken for academic dishonesty and fraud.
Every idea or piece of data that is not your own must be cited in the
text, and its source must be referenced at the end of your assignment.
AND WILL RESULT IN ZERO MARKS for that assessment
item and may result in more serious action under college rules.
The assignment requires students to:
Show maturity, intellectual growth and high professionalism.
Develop reading habits and keeping themselves updated on current business
Link and apply previous knowledge and understanding to the requirements of this
Sharpen and improve their presentation and communication skills.
Reflect formal research skills and present the report professionally, i.e. with a table of
contents, proper citations, references and appendices where applicable.
Show initiative to seek out additional relevant data/information apart from the proposed
Appendix A
Marks Weighted
Assessment Criteria Weightage 1 2 3 4 5 Marks Earned
1) Knowledge 5 Does not Demonstrates some Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates sound
demonstrate the grasp of the subject moderate level of the sufficient level of the subject knowledge
subject knowledge knowledge subject knowledge subject knowledge
2) Analytical skills 1 Not able to discuss Minimal ability to Some ability to Able to discuss the Able to discuss with
the given task discuss the given task discuss the given task given task good illustration
3) Writing skills 2 The content was not The content was The content was The content was The content was very
(a) Content relevant to the minimally relevant to generally relevant to relevant to the given relevant to the given
given task the given task the given task task task
(b) Organization, 1 Poorly organized Somewhat Generally acceptable Well organized and Very well organized
citations & and lacked organized with organization with supported and supported
referencing supporting evidence minimal supporting some supporting
evidence evidence
(c) Grammar, usage & 1 Too many Numerous Several grammatical A few grammatical No grammatical and
spelling grammatical and grammatical and and spelling errors and spelling errors spelling errors
spelling errors spelling errors
Marks Weighted
Assessment Criteria Weightage 1 2 3 4 5 Marks Earned
4) Presentation 2
(averaged from App. B)
Overall Assessment Max.
60 marks
Appendix B
Marks Weighted
Presenter Weightage 1 2 3 4 5 Marks Earned
2 Does not Demonstrates some Demonstrate Demonstrate good Very good
demonstrate understanding of appropriate understanding of understanding of
understanding of the topic, but does understanding of topic topic
topic beyond a not make topic and able to Appropriate eye Eye contact was
(Note: write down the
surface level connections among make some contact is made used to gauge
names in the order of the
No eye contact - ideas connections among with audience reactions and
person making the
looks only at Little eye contact is ideas Good vocal understanding
notes or away made with Some eye contact qualities (pace, Very good vocal
from audience audience is made with inflection, volume, qualities (pace,
Poor vocal Acceptable vocal audience enunciation) inflection, volume,
qualities (pace, qualities (pace, Appropriate vocal Shows enthusiasm enunciation)
inflection, inflection, volume, qualities (pace, for topic
volume, enunciation) inflection, volume, Able to create
enunciation) Shows little enunciation) enthusiasm about
Lacks interest in interest for the Shows some topic
the topic topic interest for topic