Annotated Bibliography CSB328

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Annotated Bibliography CSB329

Name: Emma Reinke

Tut: T0301B
Student #: 1007113687

News Article: New Scientist and Associated Press. (2018, March 19). Stem Cell Therapy
Reverses Sight Loss and Lets People Read Again. Retrieved February 3, 2023, from
Summary: This news article highlights the discovery of treating people with aging macular
degeneration (AMD). This was done by replacing their damaged retinal pigment epithelial
cells (RPE’s) with RPE’s that were grown in lab from human embryonic stem cells. This
transplant was sufficient to restore health to the eye and restore vision.

Linked Primary Research Article: Da Cruz, L., Fynes, K., Georgiadis, O., Kerby, J., Luo, Y.
H., Ahmado, A., Vernon, A., Daniels, J. T., Nommiste, B., Hasan, S. M., Gooljar, S. B.,
Carr, A.-J. F., Vugler, A., Ramsden, C. M., Bictash, M., Fenster, M., Steer, J., Harbinson,
T., Wilbrey, A., Coffey, P. J. (2018). Phase 1 clinical study of an embryonic stem cell–
derived retinal pigment epithelium patch in age-related macular degeneration. Nature
Biotechnology, 36(4), 328–337. PMID: 29553577.
Summary: Wet AMD was treated using a patch of differentiated human embryonic stem cells
(hESC) that are derived from the RPE’s. They tested in vitro in mice and in vivo in pigs to
determine whether the patch was safe for human use by introducing different kinds of stem
cells, the only ones that did not produce teratomas were the terminally differentiated
hESC-RPE cells. The two patients had improved vision at the end of the trial, although,
because they only had 2 patients it is hard to determine whether the successful results were
because of the transplant or other factors.

Related Primary Research Article: Tian, H., Chen, Z., Zhu, X., Ou, Q., Wang, Z., Wu, B., Xu,
J.-Y., Jin, C., Gao, F., Wang, J., Zhang, J., Zhang, J., Lu, L., & Xu, G.-T. (2022). Induced
retinal pigment epithelial cells with anti-epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition ability delay
retinal degeneration. IScience, 25(10), 105050. PMID: 36185374. 
Summary: In patients with AMD the RPE cells in the eye undergo an epithelial to mesenchymal
transition (EMT), which leads to loss of vision. The researchers of this experiment wanted
to test whether they could prevent this transition in grafted cells via transcription factors
such as CRX, MITF-A, NR2E1, and C-MYC. Their experiment demonstrated that by
giving these grafted cells anti-EMT properties is sufficient to lower the risk of these
grafted hESC-RPE cells developing AMD again.
Related Review Research Article: Bharti, K., den Hollander, A. I., Lakkaraju, A., Sinha, D.,
Williams, D. S., Finnemann, S. C., Bowes-Rickman, C., Malek, G., & D'Amore, P. A.
(2022). Cell culture models to study retinal pigment epithelium-related pathogenesis in
age-related macular degeneration. Experimental eye research, 222,109170.
PMID: 35835183.
Summary: In this paper the authors goal is to demonstrate the different in vitro models for
studying AMG. They show the various cell lineages that are useful in this endeavor to
study the effects of AMG and how to safely replace the damaged hESC-RPE cells. They
finish off their review on the various currently ongoing and past models that revolve
around AMG treatment.

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