Community Health Two
Community Health Two
Community Health Two
Many different definitions exist, but most family theorists agree that a family consists of one or
more individuals who share a residence or live near one another, possess some common
emotional bond and engage in inter-related social positions, roles and tasks.
Universal Characteristics of Families
Every family shares some universal characteristics with every other family. These universal
characteristics provide an important key to understanding each family’s uniqueness.
Five universal family characteristics are:
Every family is a small – social system
a) A families are interdependent; each member’s actions affect others members
b) Families maintain boundaries;
- family closeness
- links family members together in bond
- greater concentration with in the family
c) Family exchange energy:
- exchange materials, information
- need, take, health care, education, employment…..
- Contribute to the community by working, consuming goods services….
d). Families are adaptive behavior:
- equilibrium seeking behavior
- shift and change in response to internal and external forces.
Some times, if the internal /external forces (stress) beyond its limit, the family members leave
and become dysfunctional, at this time the family need help / interventions to restore
e). Families are goal directed:
- exist for purpose, for example to
- establish and promote the development of their members, to provide love security, assistance
etc… to their family members.
Every family has its own cultural values and rules.
Dr. Abdalle
12.1. Introduction
Peoples are living longer as a result of improved health care, eradication and control of
communicable disease, use of antibiotic and other medicines and accessibility to a better quality
of life for residents.
The older population does, however, have higher percentage (80%) of chronic conditions, some
of which may limit activities.
These chronic illnesses include arthritis, heart diseases, high BP, DM, visual and hearing
Good health in elderly means maintaining the maximum degree possible of physical, mental, and
social rigor. It means being able to adapt, to continue to handle stress, and to be active and
involved in life and living. In short, healthy aging means being able to function, even when
disabled, with a minimum of ordinary help from others.
Wellness among the older population varies considerably. It is influenced by many factors
including personality traits, life experiences, current physical health and current societal support
some elderly people demonstrate maximum adaptability, resourcefulness, optimism, and activity,
however, misconception often arises from negative personal experience, myths shared
throughout the ages, and a general lack of information on older people. Some of these
misconception and stereotypes of older people includes
- Most older adults can’t live independently
- Chronological age determines oldness
- Most old people have diminished intellectual capacity/are senile
- All older people content and serene
- Older adults can/t be productive or active
- All older adults are resistant to change.
- Deafness
- Reduced vision
- Immobility (due to changes in joints and bones)
12.2.2. Chronic disease
- Arthrititides
- heart disease
- Peripheral vascular disease
- Hypertension
- Cancer
- Diabetes mellitus
- Emphysema, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD)
12.2.3. Psychological problem
-Rigidity of out look
-Social and emotional withdrawal
12. 2.4. Sexual problems diminished sexual activity, this leads to physical and emotional
12.3. Health maintenance program for older people
- communication service ( phones, emergency access to health care)
- dental care service
- dietary guidance and food services
- escort and protective services
- exercise and fitness program
- financial aid and companions
- health education
- hearing aid and hearing-aid assistance
- home health service
- legal aid and counseling
- library service
Dr. Abdalle
Home visiting / home health service is that components of a continuum of a comprehensive
health care in which health services are provided to individuals, and families in their place of
residence for the purpose of promoting maintaining or restoring health or of maximizing the
level of independence while minimizing the effect of disability and illness, including terminal
Home health service refers to all the services and products provided to clients in their home, to
maintain, restore, or promote their physical, mental, & emotional health.
Purposes of home health services
• To prevent institutionalization (primary goal)
• To maximize clients level of independence
• To maximize the effects of existing disabilities through non-institutional services.
Factor influencing the growing of home health services
1. Increasing elderly population: because chronic illness is more common in elderly & need help
& assistance
2. Growing of HIV/AIDS populations: for better understanding of client need at home.
3. Advanced technology: technology allows all the services at home level.
4. raising the cost of health care
5. Demands for consumer satisfaction.
Home visiting
• Afford the opportunity to gain more accurate assessment of the family structure and behavior in
the natural environment.
• Provide opportunity to make observations of the home environment and to identify both
barriers and supports for reaching family health promotion work
• Meeting the family on their home ground may also contribute to family’s sense of control and
active participation in meeting their health needs.
Dr. Abdalle
1. the family is seen in a familiar atmosphere which is were relaxed and makes communication
easier than at hospital or clinic
2. All family members can be seen & assessed by one person at one visit
3. The health workers, who know the neighborhood, are aware of local problems, priorities,
customs, difficulties, & resources.]
4. High risk families can be identified & visited as a priority
5. The health workers, can observe, assess, & act up on obvious and latent health problems.
Health workers can follow these problems, Health workers can follow these problems at
subsequent visit.’
6. Much can be assessed at one time. Ex personal hygiene, water supply, sanitation, waste
disposed, food storage ……
7. More accurate assessment is done
8. Better understanding & good relationship is established with the family members.
9. Advice will be practical and suited to the family’s needs.
1. time consuming
2. limited equipment can only be carried to home
3. appointment might be not kept
4. destruction in the home makes construction difficult
5. certain homes may be geographical not reachable
Objectives of Home Visiting
- To create close relation ship with communities and families
- To discover the condition in which the family lives & to identify how these conditions affect
their health.
- To promote family health by providing family members with health education adapted to their
levels of growth and development
- To monitor the use of skill learned in health education
- To demonstrate to the family how to administer health care needed by others family members.
- To refer to appropriate specialized services.
Home for the aged. This is a kind of home health care provided for the elder greater than 65
years of age, who need a minimum care which is often characterized as “supervised living or
residential care.”
Basic home. It is a home for those individuals who need assistance in activity of daily living
(ADL), such as eating, breathing or routine nursing care including administration of medication.
Skilled home. It is a home for those individuals with serious health problems who need 24 hours
nursing care or supervision.
Principles of home visiting
1. Family members should be included in all phases of the care process
2. The health workers (teams) are guests in the clients home there fore only make these
interventions that the clients agrees with
3. Mutual health team – client goal and intervention may require long periods to achieve,
therefore, patience is necessary
4. Home visiting can be done by health professionals employed in various ways.
5. The health team function autonomously in the family health care provision. The family and
the team develop a positively interpersonal relation ship as they work to achieve the goal
6. The health team is a visitor at a client therefore; the
team must not wait to be motivated.
Phases and activities of home visiting
Phase 1. Initiation phase – clarify purpose of home visiting
-share information to family member
Phase 2. Pre-visit phase – initiate contact with family
-determine family willingness
-schedule home visiting
-review records
Phase 3. On home phase – introduction him/her self
-warm greeting
-social interaction (to develop trusting r/s
-implement nursing process.
Phase 4. Termination phase – review visit with family
- plan for future visit
Dr. Abdalle
• Vaseline
• Tongue depressor,
• Disposable gloves
• Cord tie
• Anti pain
• Ergometrine tablets
• Ferrous sulphate
• Vitamin, A
• Test tube
• Baby scale
• Chloroquine
• Mebendazile
• Pocket
• Small towel
Dr. Abdalle
1. Most common causes of death in Hospitals in Nigeria are: a) Infective and parasitic disease. b)
Diseases of the respiratory system. c) Accidents, poisons and violence.
2. Vectors Vectors are arthropods or similar invertebrates which transmit diseases to man either
directly or indirectly. Examples are: 1) Mosquito which causes malaria, filarial and yellow fever.
2) Housefly which causes typhoid, cholera and gastroenteritis. 3) Tsetse fly causes sleeping
sickness. 4) Rat flea causing plagues.
3. Environmental Factors
These include physical environment, topography, neighborhood and Industrial conditions. They
may have direct and indirect effect on community health.
a) Physical environment- reflection of level of health, orderliness, Cleanliness of a community
is usually useful index of health Consciousness and community development of health - related
b) Topography and climatic variations Factors within these domains include: vegetation,
temperature variations, types of soil and mineral deposits.
c) Neighborhood: - cohesion among neighbors and established traditions and culture d)
Industrial climate of the Community e) Atmosphere of place of work crease differences in
experiences of health.
4. Behavioural Factors
All socio-cultural practices exhibited in:
- Habits and culture passed down to the children help in formation of healthful habits
(Socialization Process).
Dr. Abdalle
- Gender inequality
- Beliefs
- Attitudes
5. Factors at Home
- Attitude and behavior of parent to parent, child to parent, and within siblings.
- Family budget
- Educational status of parent
- General sanitation of the home and its environment
6. Tradition and Prejudices
- Health bias - Religious bias - Religion and cultural behavior of a community will affect health
of its members. - Taboos in foods - May affect type of services sought for and received from
medical, nursing and auxiliary personnel.
7. Socio-Economic Status
- High/low income families - Poverty - Economic policies e.g. privatization, deregulation and
massive retrenchment of employees in public service - Income inequality - stress
8. Political Factor
9. Organizational Factors
These include:
- Infant mortality
Dr. Abdalle
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
The HIV infection continues to spread around the world. In a number of countries AIDS is the
leading cause of death in young people. Today there are over 42 millions people living with HIV
around the world. New HIV infections occur at a rate of about 16000 people a day, of whom
approximately 700 are children. At present HIV/AIDS is among the top ten causes of death
HIV/AIDS –The beginning
1981 CDC in the US reported unusual clusters of PCP and KS in gay men
1983 HIV first isolated in France
1984 test for detecting antibodies developed
1985 industrialised countries screen blood/ tissue donations
1985/6 Development of antiretroviral therapy (AZT)
1996 Combination Anti- retroviral therapy results in 67% fall in AIDS mortality (those with
HIV/ AIDS- Global Epidemiology
In 1981 CDC reports unusual clusters of PCP and KS Twenty Years later HIV/AIDS has killed
estimated 21.8 million people and 42 million are living with HIV infection Over 90% of people
living with HIV Infection do not know they are infected Sexual transmission is the most
common mode of transmission
HIV is found
1. Blood
2. Vaginal and Cervical Secretions
3. Most body organs
4. Semen
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5. Skin
6. Cerebral and Spinal Fluid
7. Saliva
8. Breast Milk
9. Tears
Spread of HIV infection
HIV transmission involves complex cultural, behavioural and economic forces.
Poverty, illiteracy and violence often force people to engage in unsafe sexual practices. As well,
the “invisible” nature of HIV infection fuels the epidemic in that the carriers infect others
without realising that themselves are infected.
Routes of HIV transmission
1. Unprotected sex between homosexual men
2. Unprotected heterosexual
3. Intravenous drug use and sharing of needles
4. Blood transfusion
5. Mother –to-child
6. In rare circumstances, HIV infection can spread in health care settings to patients/clients
or health care providers, through needle stick or injury with other sharps (ICN, 1996).
The different stages of HIV Infection
1. Primary Infection
2. Clinically Asymptomatic Stage
3. Symptomatic HIV Infection
4. Progression from HIV to AIDS
Markers of Disease Progression
a. CD4 Cell Counts
b. Viral Load
WHO Case Definition for AIDS Surveillance Adults and Adolescents
WHO has recommended AIDS case definitions for use in adults and adolescents in countries
with limited clinical and laboratory diagnostic facilities. The recommended case definition
depends on whether. HIV lasting is available.
WHO case definition for AIDS surveillance where HIV testing is not available.
Dr. Abdalle
The case definition for AIDS is fulfilled in the presence of at least 2 major signs and least I
minor sign.
Major signs
• Weight loss > 10% of body weight
• Chronic diarrhea for more than I month
Opportunistic Infections
is a common symptom in patients with HIV occuring about 27% of symptomatic HIV infected
patients 40- 90% of patients with AIDS
Acute- Patients present almost immediately
Chronic- Symptoms present for a least a month and continue
a. HIV affecting small bowel
b. Bacterial Infection- Salmonella/ campylobacter
c. Protozoal Infection- cryptosporidium
d. Fungal Infection- candida
a. Stool specimens
b. Sigmoidoscopy/ Colonoscopy
c. Biopsy
Dr. Abdalle
a. Depends on severity and duration of treatment
b. Ensure hydration and adequate nutrition
c. Modify Diet
d. Treat underlying cause of diarrhea
e. Antidiarrhoeal treatment may be administered in some cases
Pnemocystis Carinii Pneumonia (PCP)
Commonest opportunistic infection occuring in 80% of all HIV positive patients.
Remains a primary presentation in the undiagnosed patient
Clinical Presentation
a. Severe Shortness of Breath
b. Dry cough
c. Unexplained Fever
d. Potentially very unwell
a. Exercise Tolerance
b. Chest X- ray
c. Induced Sputum
d. Broncheolar Lavage
Depending on the severity of infection
Intravenous Co-trimoxazole (high toxicity- rash, nausea, bone marrow suppression)
Intravenous Pentamidine (toxicity, renal failure, low blood pressure, low blood sugar)
Dapsone/ Atovaqoune
Oral candida (thrush) is a common opportunistic infection occuring in more than 95% of HIV
positive patients.
Oesophageal candidiasis is an AIDS defining condition
Clinical Presentation
a. Creamy/ Whit plaques on the tongue, back of throat
b. Oral discomfort and pain
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c. Taste perversion
d. Discomfort on Swallowing
e. Nausea
f. Sensation of food sticking to gullet when swallowing
Antiretroviral Therapy
Goal of Antiretroviral Therapy
To increase the length and quality of life by improving immune function
By reducing the amount of replicating virus to as low a level as possible, for as long as possible,
in all sites where HIV infected cells are present
Antiretroviral Drugs
1. Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NRTIs)
a) Abacavir
b) Didanosine (ddI)
c) Lamivudine (3TC)
d) Stavudine (d4T)
e) Zalcitabine (ddC)
f) Zidovudine (AZT)
2. Non-nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTIs)
a) Efavirenz
b) Nevirapine
3. Protease Inhibitors (PIs)
a) Amprenavir
b) Indinavir
c) Lopinavir + Ritonavir
d) Nelfinavir
e) Ritonavir
f) Saquinavir
History of Antiretrovirals
1987 zidovudine (NRTI)
1993 Didanosine & zalcitabine (NRTI)
1996 Protease inhibitors
1998 Nevirapine (NNRTI)
2002 Tenofovir (NtRTI)
HAART - Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy
a. 2 NRTIs + 1 NNRTI
b. 3 NRTIs
c. 2 NRTIs + 1 PI
d. 2 NRTIs + 2 PIs
When to start therapy
a. HIV status
b. CD4 count
c. viral load
d. assessment of compliance & risk of drug toxicities
Adverse Effects
Immediate / short term
- nausea, vomiting
- diarrhoea
- malaise, lethargy
- headache
Long term / emerging
- mitochondrial toxicity
- pancreatitis, peripheral neuropathy, lactic acidosis (NRTIs)
- lipodystrophy (PIs)
- lipoatrophy (NRTIs
Drug Specific
-Nevirapine - liver toxicity
-Efavirenz - vivid dreams, hallucinations
-Indinavir - renal stones
Dr. Abdalle
Adherence of 70 - 80% only 25% of patients maintained viral load suppression
Adherence of 95% then 81% maintained viral load suppression
Practical measures to aid adherence
a. Health care professional consultation
b. Medication record cards
c. Alarm watches, mobile phones, pagers
d. Daily/weekly pill boxes
e. Information phone lines
f. Information available in other languages
Antiretroviral Failure
Main causes:
- lack of adherence
- intolerance
- resistance
Post Exposure Prophylaxis
Risk of infection has been estimated at 0.3% (3 in 1000)
Combination of three drugs is recommended for at least four weeks
Drug choice depends on antiretroviral history of source patient, adverse effects,
contraindications, drug interactions
Primary prevention
Voluntary counseling and testing (VCT)
Preventing mother-to-child transmission
STIs prevention and management
Blood safety
Sexual Behavioral changes
Youth- based prevention
Public-private partnerships
Prevention among injecting drug users (IDU)
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Faith-based interventions
Care support and treatment
Expanding and strengthening TB prevention and care
Prevention and treatment of HIV related opportunistic infections
Enhancing palliative care
Promoting appropriate and effective use of anti – retrovirals
Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV
Implementation of voluntary counseling in ANCs
Implementation of zidovudine and nevirapine preventive therapy
Interventions to prevent postnatal transmission:
This is introduction of antigens into the body in order to produce and strengthen the body
defense system and to prevent infection. The prevention of diseases by immunization is the best
known practical, low cost and community based means of protecting children and adult against
the major Killer diseases.
It is the resistance usually associated with possession of antibodies that has an inhibitory effect
on specific micro-organisms or its toxins that cause a particular infectious disease.
b) Artificial Immunity- inoculation of products of infectious agent, the agent itself is killed or
in modified form (attenuated) or variant form, Killed. e.g. whooping cough, I.M polio, cholera
typhoid and influenza. Killed- attenuated e.g. measles, BCG, Oral polio, yellow fever, rubella,
Mumps, toxoid e.g. Tetanus (TT) and diphtheria.
3. Inherent Resistance
Ability to resist disease without action of antibodies or of specifically developed response.
Inherent resistance immunity rests in anatomic or physiologic characteristics of the host and can
be genetic or acquired, permanent or temporary.
Cold Chain System
System Used for Storing and Distributing Vaccines
It is a supply system which particularly critical because vaccines are easily destroyed by heat,
temperature that is hot or cold.
Components of Cold Chain System
- People
- Equipments e.g. refrigerators, stores, freezers, vehicles, vaccine, ice packs, thermometers,
sterilization and injection equipment. (must be adequate and in good condition).
Maintenance of Cold Chain System
In order to maintain the system, the following actions must be taken:
a) Obtain Vaccine
b) Maintain Equipments
c) Handle Vaccine properly
It was initiated in 1979 by World Health Assembly which was later changed to National Program
on Immunization (NPI). The objective of EPI is to effectively control the occurrence of the
immedicable diseases through immunization and provision of Vaccines. These diseases are:
1. Tuberculosis
2. Poliomyelitis
3. Diphtheria
4. Whooping Cough
5. Neonatal Tetanus
6. Measles
7. Diseases of women of childbearing age,
Target Population for EPI delivery
1. All children aged 0-24 months initially, but after the first year, focus should be on 0-12
months of age.
2. Women of child bearing age.
Planning and Management of Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI)
1. Situation analysis of: a) Total Population b) Health status related to the EPI diseases c) Health
2. prioritizing (setting priority) a) Accessibility b) Population coverage c) Critical areas 3.
Encouraging participation of all sectors a) Non-governmental organizations (NGO) b)
Government organization
4. Revising plans and setting goals for full immunization coverage a) Vaccines b) syringes and
needles c) Cotton wool and alcohol d) Records/report forms e) Transportation for outreach
immunizations teams. f) Information, Education, Communication
Practice of Immunization and Role of Community Health Nurse
This includes:
1. Mobilizing the community so that everyone can transfer information on immunization.
2. Getting the health authority to ensure constant availability of vaccines.
3. Educating and convincing parents to immunize their children.
4. motivating mothers to t, go back respectfully until full dose is completed
Steps to take to ensure that Vaccines are properly Collected and Transferred
Dr. Abdalle
a) Obtain the right amount of vaccine needed by preparing an inventory report and calculating
vaccines requirements for a specific period.
b) Make sure that there is enough storage facilities.
c) Check type, amount of vaccine diluents and ice packs.
d) Check expiry date of the vaccines.
e) Put fully frozen icepacks or cold packs around the sides and bottom of the transport box.
f) Take shortest route to your destination.
g) Transfer vaccines and diluents immediately to cold chain facilities (refrigerators, freezers,
cold room).
h) If there are no refrigerators, use transport box for temporary storage for not more than five
i) Notify personnel receiving vaccine for date, time of arrival of vaccines, if vaccines are shipped
by air or sea.
Giving of Immunization
1. Explain to mother in the language she understands, the complete immunization course for her
2. Obtain accurate immunization history in a newly registered child. This Includes: a) History of
immunization previously received with dates. b) history of infectious diseases which the child
has had, if any. c) history of allergies and reactions to immunization. d) Note vaccination scar if
3. Assess the immunization of the child. This will be based on assessment of: a) history of
immunization. b) child’s health and nutrition. c) risk of exposure to particular disease. d) current
national immunization guidelines. e) contraindications.
4. Administer and supervise administration of immunization. This includes giving intradermal,
subcutaneous and intramuscular.
5. Record the immunization given on the child’s record.
6. Instruct the mother on the immunization given, expected reactions and appropriate follow-up.
7. Tell the mother when to bring the child back for the next immunization.