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Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту

Національний технічний університет України

“Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського”

Факультет ФІОТ
Кафедра ІПІ


з дисципліни “Практичний курс іноземної мови професійного спрямування”

на тему: “Usage of multimedia”

Котляр О.О.
студент групи ІТ-02

Сергеєва О.О.

Київ 2023

Introduction........................................................................................................................................................ 3
Part1. Definition of Multimedia ..................................................................................................................... 4
Part2. Components of Multimedia................................................................................................................. 4
Part3. Multimedia in our life .......................................................................................................................... 5
Summary ............................................................................................................................................................ 7
Summary Translation ......................................................................................................................................... 8
References .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Glossary ............................................................................................................................................................ 10

If you believe that multimedia is a phrase from the 1990s, think again. The term
multimedia was originally coined by singer and artist Bob Goldstein, also known as
Bobb Goldsteinn, to promote his "Light Works at Loursin" exhibition in July 1966,
which took place in Southampton, Long Island. Goldstein may have been aware of an
American artist named Dick Higgins, who had previously discussed a new artistic
approach he called intermedia, two years prior.
On August 10, 1966, Richard Albarino from Variety adopted the terminology,
stating: "The Light verks," the brainchild of singer-songwriter and comedian Bob
Goldstein (known for 'Washington Square'), represents the latest in multimedia music
visuals. Two years later, in 1968, the term "multimedia" was used again to describe the
work of a political consultant who happened to be the husband of Iris Sawyere, one of
Goldstein's producers.
In today's world, multimedia has become an integral part of our daily lives. From
the entertainment industry to advertising, education, and business, multimedia has
transformed the way we interact with the world around us. It has enabled us to share
information in more engaging and interactive ways, making it easier to convey
complex ideas and concepts to a wider audience. Multimedia is an ever-evolving field
that has transformed the way we consume, share and communicate information.
Multimedia is defined as media content that is made by combining two or more
forms of media such as text, audio, images, animations, and videos, which are delivered
electronically and can be consumed and enjoyed using electronic information
processing devices.
The rise of multimedia has significantly impacted our daily lives, from the way
we learn, entertain, and communicate to the way we advertise and market products. It
has opened up new possibilities for storytelling, education, and creativity, as well as
revolutionized industries such as film, music, and gaming.
Moreover, the advent of the internet and the proliferation of digital technologies
have further accelerated the growth and significance of multimedia. With the rise of
social media platforms, online streaming services, and mobile devices, multimedia
content has become more accessible and widespread than ever before. Individuals can
now create, consume, and share multimedia content effortlessly, blurring the lines
between creators and consumers. This democratization of multimedia has given rise to
a vibrant digital culture where individuals can express themselves creatively,
collaborate with others, and engage with a global audience. As we continue to embrace
the digital age, the role of multimedia in shaping our experiences and influencing our
society is bound to expand even further.
In this paper, we will explore the concept of multimedia, its impact on society,
and its implications. We will examine the various applications of multimedia, from
education and entertainment to advertising and marketing. Furthermore, we will
explore the challenges and opportunities that come with the integration of different
forms of media and will know more information about multimedia.

Part1. Definition of Multimedia
Multimedia encompasses the integration of diverse media forms, including text,
audio, video, graphics, and animation, to create an immersive and interactive
representation of information. It is a digital method of presenting data that combines
written content, auditory elements, visual media (such as videos), graphical elements,
and animated components. Instances of multimedia applications include email, Yahoo
Messenger, video conferencing, and multimedia messaging service (MMS).
The term "multimedia" originated from the combination of "multi" and "media,"
indicating the utilization of various hardware and software components to convey
information effectively.
In the present day, most computers come equipped with the necessary hardware
components to create and view multimedia content. Multimedia software assumes the
responsibility of controlling the hardware and executing specific functions, such as
displaying colors, playing sounds, and showcasing animations. A wide array of
software options is available in the market for generating different types of multimedia
elements, ranging from movies, sounds, and texts to animations and graphics. Some
popular software choices for multimedia production include Paint Brush, Photo Finish,
Animator, Photoshop, 3D Studio, Corel Draw, Sound Blaster, IMAGINET, Apple
HyperCard, Photo Magic, and Picture Publisher. The diagram below illustrates the
components of a multimedia system.

Part2. Components of Multimedia

Here are the typical components of multimedia:
- Audio: In multimedia applications, speech, music, and sound effects are often
required, and these are referred to as the audio or sound elements of multimedia.
Speech is a particularly effective tool for teaching. Audio can be either analog
or digital. Analog audio refers to the original sound signal, while digital audio is

stored in a computer-readable format. Therefore, the audio used in multimedia
applications is typically in digital format.
- Video: Video in multimedia applications refers to moving pictures accompanied
by sound, such as those seen on television. The video element of multimedia
applications provides a great deal of information in a short amount of time.
Digital video is particularly useful for displaying real-life objects in multimedia
applications. Video demands the highest performance from a computer's
memory and bandwidth when it is placed on the internet. Digital video files can
be stored like any other computer files, and the quality of the video can be
maintained. These files can be easily transferred within a computer network, and
video clips can be edited easily.
- Text: Text is a fundamental component of multimedia productions, and it can
appear in various fonts and sizes to enhance the professional presentation of
multimedia software.
- Graphics: Graphics are an essential element of multimedia applications, as they
make the content more visually appealing. In many cases, people prefer to see
graphics instead of reading large amounts of textual information on the screen.
Graphics are frequently used in multimedia applications to explain concepts,
provide background information, and create a more engaging experience for the
Part3. Multimedia in our life
Multimedia in Education: Nowadays, many educational computer games are
available that offer an interactive learning experience for children. For instance, there
are games that play various rhymes for kids, allowing them to paint pictures, adjust the
size of objects, and do much more than just listen to the rhymes. Additionally, there
are numerous multimedia packages available in the market that provide detailed
information and various playing capabilities for kids to learn from.
Multimedia in Marketing and Advertising: The use of multimedia can
significantly enhance the marketing of new products. Multimedia has opened up a cost-
effective way for marketing and advertising professionals to communicate with their
target audience. Advertisements that feature flying banners, video transitions,
animations, and sound effects can be combined to create a multimedia-based
advertisement that appeals to consumers in a way that was never possible before,
ultimately promoting the sale of the products.
Multimedia in Banking - Multimedia is becoming increasingly popular in banks
as a means of providing information to customers. People visit banks to open accounts,
deposit funds, withdraw money, learn about various financial schemes, and obtain
loans, among other things. Banks have a wealth of information that they want to
communicate to their customers, and multimedia can be used in many ways to achieve
this goal. For example, banks can display information about their various schemes on
a PC monitor placed in the rest area for customers. Online and internet banking have
also become very popular, and multimedia is used extensively in these services. By
using multimedia, banks can provide better services to their customers and educate
them about the bank's attractive finance schemes.
Multimedia in hospital - Multimedia has several applications in hospitals,
particularly in real-time monitoring of patients' conditions during critical illnesses or
accidents. The patient's condition is continuously displayed on a computer screen, and
doctors or nurses can be alerted if any changes are observed. Multimedia also makes it
possible for surgeons or experts to watch ongoing surgeries on their PC monitors and
provide online advice at crucial junctures. In addition, multimedia can be used to
diagnose illnesses with CDs, cassettes, or DVDs full of multimedia-based information
about various diseases and their treatment. Some hospitals extensively use multimedia
presentations to train their junior staff of doctors and nurses. Finally, multimedia
displays are now extensively used during critical surgeries.

In summary, multimedia refers to the combination of diverse media forms, such
as text, graphics, audio, video, and animation, to create interactive and captivating
content. It has become an essential aspect of modern society, finding applications in
education, entertainment, marketing, and advertising.
In the realm of education, interactive media is employed to create engaging
learning experiences for students. Multimedia applications, including educational
games and software, offer a dynamic and interactive approach to learning. Multimedia
presentations are also utilized to deliver lectures and instructional materials in a more
interesting and captivating manner.
The use of interactive media extends to marketing and advertising, where
companies leverage multimedia to craft visually appealing advertisements that capture
the attention of potential customers. These media advertisements often incorporate
video, audio, and animation to create an engaging and memorable experience for
The banking and finance industry extensively employs multimedia to provide
customers with information about products and services. Online banking utilizes
multimedia to offer customers a convenient and interactive platform for managing their
In the healthcare industry, multimedia serves real-time patient monitoring,
allowing doctors and nurses to monitor patients' conditions and respond promptly to
any changes. Interactive media is also utilized for training healthcare professionals and
providing patients with educational materials about their illnesses and treatment
Overall, multimedia has become an indispensable tool in various industries,
enabling the creation of engaging and interactive content that captures audiences'
attention and provides valuable information and experiences. As technology continues
to advance, multimedia is poised to play an increasingly significant role in our lives,
offering new possibilities for creative expression, information dissemination, and
interactive experiences in our digital world.
In conclusion, multimedia represents a versatile and powerful medium that has
transformed multiple industries and aspects of our daily lives. Its integration of diverse
media forms has revolutionized education, marketing, healthcare, entertainment, and
more. As technology continues to progress, multimedia will undoubtedly evolve
further, unlocking new opportunities for creative expression, information sharing, and
interactive experiences in our ever-advancing digital landscape.

Summary Translation
Узагальнюючи, мультимедіа - це термін, який використовується для опису
поєднання різних форм медіа, таких як текст, графіка, аудіо, відео та анімація. Ці
компоненти використовуються разом для створення інтерактивного та
захоплюючого контенту. Мультимедіа стала невід'ємною частиною сучасного
суспільства і використовується в широкому спектрі застосувань, включаючи
освіту, розваги, маркетинг та рекламу.
У освіті мультимедіа використовується для створення привабливих та
інтерактивних навчальних досвідів для студентів. Мультимедійні додатки, такі
як навчальні ігри та програмне забезпечення, забезпечують студентам більш
динамічний та інтерактивний спосіб навчання. Мультимедійні презентації також
використовуються для проведення лекцій та інших навчальних матеріалів більш
захоплюючим та цікавим способом.
Мультимедіа широко використовується в маркетингу та рекламі. Компанії
використовують мультимедіа для створення візуально привабливих оголошень,
які можуть привернути увагу потенційних клієнтів. Мультимедійні реклами
часто включають відео, аудіо та анімацію, щоб створити більш захоплюючий та
запам'ятовуваний досвід для глядачів.
Мультимедіа також широко використовується в банківській та фінансовій
галузях. Банки використовують мультимедіа, щоб надавати клієнтам інформацію
про свої продукти та послуги. Мультимедіа також використовується в онлайн-
банкінгу, надаючи клієнтам більш зручний та інтерактивний спосіб керування
своїми фінансами.
У медичній галузі мультимедіа використовується для моніторингу стану
хворих у реальному часі, надаючи лікарям та медсестрам засіб моніторингу
стану пацієнтів та швидкої реакції на будь-які зміни. Мультимедіа також
використовується для навчання медичних працівників та надання пацієнтам
навчальних матеріалів про їх захворювання та варіанти лікування.
В цілому, мультимедіа стала важливим інструментом у багатьох галузях,
надаючи засіб створення захоплюючого та інтерактивного контенту, який може
привернути увагу аудиторії та надати їм цінну інформацію та досвід. З розвитком
технологій ймовірно, що мультимедіа буде продовжувати відігравати все більш
важливу роль у багатьох аспектах нашого життя.
Загалом, мультимедіа є універсальним та потужним засобом, який
перетворив різні галузі та аспекти нашого життя. Його поєднання різних форм
медіа перевершило уявлення про освіту, маркетинг, охорону здоров'я, розваги та
багато іншого. З розвитком технологій мультимедіа безсумнівно продовжить
еволюцію, відкриваючи нові можливості для творчого вираження, поширення
інформації та інтерактивних вражень у нашому все більш цифровому світі.

1. Mayer, R. E. (2005). Multimedia learning. Cambridge University Press.
2. Lin, C. H., Lin, Y. L., & Chang, Y. J. (2016). The effects of multimedia
technology on learning. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 19(3),
3. Gunasekaran, A., Subramanian, N., & Rahman, S. M. (2017). Green multimedia
supply chain management: A review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 142, 2671-
4. Santiago Remacha Esteras. Infotech : English for Computer Users : Student’s
Book. Cambridge England, Cambridge University Press, 2008.
5. Mitra, Urbashi. Introduction to Multimedia Systems. Academic Press, 1 Feb.
6. Multimedia Systems - Tutorialspoint. (n.d.). Www.tutorialspoint.com.
7. Puri, Atul. Multimedia Systems, Standards, and Networks. CRC Press, 22 Mar.

№ Word or phrase Translation
1 multimedia мультимедіа
2 integration інтеграція
3 digital цифровий
4 hardware апаратне
5 software програмне
6 Graphics графіка
7 Majority більшість
8 Communicate спілкуватися
9 Control керувати
10 components компоненти
11 real-life реальне життя
12 bandwidth пропускна здатність
13 transfer передача
14 network мережа
15 visually візуально
16 appealing привабливий
17 fonts шрифти
18 education освіта
19 interactive інтерактивний
20 learning experience досвід навчання
21 rhymes рифми
22 adjust size налаштовувати
23 multimedia packages мультимедійні
24 marketing маркетинг
25 target audience цільова аудиторія
26 cost-effective ефективні витрати
27 flying banners літаючі банери
28 video transitions відеопереходи
29 animations анімації
30 promotion продвиження
31 sale продаж
32 customers клієнти
33 loans позики
34 financial schemes фінансові схеми
35 online banking онлайн-банкінг
36 real-time monitoring моніторинг в
реальному часі
37 patients' conditions стан пацієнтів
38 critical illnesses критичні
39 accidents аварії
40 nurses медсестри
41 surgeries хірургічні операції
42 diagnose діагностикувати
43 cassettes касети
44 diseases хвороби
45 treatment лікування
46 junior staff молодший персонал
47 combination комбінація
48 society суспільство
49 advertising реклама
50 industry промисловість


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