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Science of the Total Environment 780 (2021) 146369

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Science of the Total Environment

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Sustainable development of microalgal biotechnology in coastal zone for

aquaculture and food
Xiangning Lu a,1, Yulin Cui b,1, Yuting Chen a,1, Yupeng Xiao c, Xiaojin Song d, Fengzheng Gao e, Yun Xiang a,
Congcong Hou a,f, Jun Wang a, Qinhua Gan a, Xing Zheng c, Yandu Lu a,⁎
State Key Laboratory of Marine Resource Utilization in South China Sea, College of Oceanology, Hainan University, Haikou, Hainan 570228, China
Key Laboratory of Coastal Biology and Biological Resource Utilization, Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yantai 264003, Shandong Province, China
Hainan GreenEnergy Microalgal Biotechnology Co., Ltd, Danzhou 571700, Hainan Province, China
Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Energy Genetics, CAS Key Laboratory of Biofuels, Qingdao Engineering Laboratory of Single Cell Oil, Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess
Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao 266101, Shandong, China
Bioprocess Engineering, Wageningen University and Research, 6708PB Wageningen, Netherlands
State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, Fujian Province, China


• A Chlorella MEM25 is obtained by

region-specific collecting and directed
• MEM25 shows nutritional merits as
food additives.
• MEM25 features are stable across differ-
ent designs and spatial and temporal
• Coastal zone can be exploited for sus-
tainable development of microalgal
• Sound opportunities exist for market-
ready microalgal multiple-product

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Region-specific Research and Development (R&D) of microalga-derived product systems are crucial if “biotech's
Received 19 December 2020 green gold” is to be explored in a rational and economically viable way. Coastal zones, particularly the locations
Received in revised form 5 March 2021 around the equator, are typically considered to be optimum cultivation sites due to stable annual temperature,
Accepted 5 March 2021
light, and ready availability of seawater. However, a ‘cradle-to-grave’ assessment of the development of
Available online 10 March 2021
microalgal biotechnology in these areas, not only under the laboratory conditions, but also in the fields has not
Editor: Huu Hao Ngo yet been demonstrated. In this study, to evaluate the viability of microalga-derived multi-product technology,
we showed the development of microalgal biotechnology in coastal zones for aquaculture and food. By creating
and screening a (sub)tropical microalgal collection, a Chlorella strain MEM25 with a robust growth in a wide
Keywords: range of salinities, temperatures, and light intensities was identified. Evaluation of the economic viability and
Aquaculture performance of different scale cultivation system designs (500 L and 5000 L closed photobioreactors and
Chlorella 60,000 L open race ponds, ORPs) at coastal zones under geographically specific conditions showed the stable
Coastal zone and robust characteristics of MEM25 across different production system designs and various spatial and temporal
Functional food
scales. It produces high amounts of proteins and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in various conditions. Feed-
Industrial cultivation
ing experiments reveal the nutritional merits of MEM25 as food additives where PUFAs and essential amino acids

⁎ Corresponding author at: State Key Laboratory of Marine Resource Utilization in South China Sea, College of Oceanology, Hainan University, Haikou 570228, Hainan, China.
E-mail address: ydlu@hainanu.edu.cn (Y. Lu).
These authors contribute equally.

0048-9697/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
X. Lu, Y. Cui, Y. Chen et al. Science of the Total Environment 780 (2021) 146369

Life cycle assessment are enriched and the algal diet improves consumers' growth. Economic evaluation highlights an appreciable prof-
Microalgal feedstocks itability of MEM25 production as human or animal food using ORP systems. Therefore, despite the pros and cons,
sound opportunities exist for the development of market-ready multiple-product systems by employing region-
specific R&D strategies for microalgal biotechnology.
© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

1. Introduction a wide-environment-tolerance Chlorella strain MEM25 (hereafter

MEM25) of which the characteristics is stable and robust across differ-
Long-term adaptation to various environments has shaped the ent production system designs and various spatial and temporal scales
broad diversity of phenotypic and genotypic plasticity exhibited by (even the most extreme weather conditions). To further quantify the
microalgae (Brodie et al., 2017; Lu et al., 2021a). This prodigious diver- potential benefits from microalgal products, a techno-economic evalua-
sity of microalgae in nature provides a collection of resources from tion of the whole process chain, which includes commercial scale culti-
which specific strains with the traits necessary for commercial feed- vation and market exploitation for human or animal food additives, was
stock development can be selected for customized utilization. The use performed. Our findings suggest that investment in the R&D side of
of marine microalgae in industrial systems is attractive because they microalgal enterprises is logical, given the appreciable profitability of
can grow on non-arable land and utilize saline water supplies. It pro- customized- or multi-product systems and of the implementation of
vides a promising alternative to alleviate the global food insecurity an effective carbon policy.
due to the demanding need for freshwater, a deterioration of farmland,
and the ever-expanding human population (da Silva et al., 2016). More- 2. Methods
over, natural-strain-based algal food prevents the concerns of
engineered cells relating to the release of genetic modified materials 2.1. Strain isolation and growth conditions
(Lu et al., 2021b; Song et al., 2018).
Although locations around the equator do not necessarily produce Samples were collected from the inland saline waters and marine
the largest yields of microalgal biomass, they are typically considered waters of Hainan Island. After collection of samples from the region, se-
to be optimum cultivation locations because of their annual temperature rial dilution and purification were conducted. These strains typically
stability (Moody et al., 2014). Specifically, the coastal region of Hainan grow in enriched F2 cultures (Gan et al., 2017) with a salinity of 35‰,
Island (108°36′43″ -111°2′31″ E and 18°10′04″ - 20°9′40” N) is more at an ambient temperature of 25 °C, with light intensities at or below
suitable than other areas of China for algal cultivation, because of condi- 50 μmol·photons·m−2·s−1. In otherwise environmental conditions,
tions including rich sunlight (an annual total of 2200 h (Zhu, 2016)), the salinity, light intensity, and temperature were set at as indicated.
high average temperatures (an annual mean temperature of 23–25 °C Nitrogen deprivation was imposed as previously described (Lu et al.,
(Blaby et al., 2015)), and ample non-arable land. The island varies 2014b). For cultivation in simulated conditions, algal cells in mid-
from the north to the south as a subtropical to tropical climate (Blaby logarithmic phase were inoculated in 100 mL F2 medium with an iden-
et al., 2015). Some extreme environments (e.g., hypersaline waters, tical initial concentration (OD750 = 0.3), then were cultured for ten
hot springs and areas of high solar irradiance) occur around. It thus rep- days in 250–350 μmol·photons·m−2·s−1 continuous illumination at
resents a typical environment for microalgal outdoor cultivation and of- 30–34 °C, with continuously filtered gas at 1.5 m3·min−1. For the isola-
fers advantages for strain collection. Moreover, exploitation of coastal tion of MEM25, the microalgal collection was screened in high salinity
zones for algal cultivation leaves a smaller footprint without competing stress (105‰), high temperature (35 °C), or high-irradiance exposure
for arable land or biodiverse landscapes. However, effective cultivation (250 μmol·photons·m−2·s−1), individually or simultaneously
is challenged by high levels of irradiation and high temperature due to (Fig. S1). PSII maximum quantum efficiency (Fv/Fm) was measured by
prolonged high-light exposure during summer (Sachdeva et al., 2016). Duel-PAM 100 as our previously study (Lu et al., 2021a). The ones
On the other hand, although the temperature in winter is relatively with highest resistance to stresses were isolated for further analysis.
high and the winter time span is relatively short in tropical areas, the
lower winter temperatures hinder the growth of the microalgae and 2.2. Phenotyping and genotyping
decrease the overall biomass productivity. Screening and selection of
marine microalgal strains able to tolerate wide ranges of environmental The chlorophyll fluorescence parameter was measured with a Dual-
conditions, or with regional-specific characteristics, is of crucial impor- PAM 100 (WALZ, Germany). The growth of indoor cultures was moni-
tance (Chen et al., 2021; Larkum et al., 2012). However, a ‘cradle-to- tored by measuring OD750 nm and dry weight (DW) at the intervals
grave’ assessment for the development of microalgal biotechnology, indicated. Genomic DNA isolation (Gan et al., 2017) and PCR analysis
from region-specific strain selection to development of end product at (Lu et al., 2010) followed our previously described procedures. The ITS
a commercial scale, in coastal region of the (sub)tropic areas has not rRNA sequence obtained from Chlorella sp. MEM25 has been deposited
yet been demonstrated. in NCBI with the accession number MF159085. Phylogenetic analysis
The economic viability of producing only biodiesel from microalgae was conducted as our earlier publication (Lu et al., 2014a).
is being questioned due to its relatively low value and high cost
(Waltz, 2013). R&D in microalgal biotechnology is at a crossroads. Sce- 2.3. Geographically specific scalability assessments and growth
narios with improved economic benefits are associated with beneficial measurements
environmental impacts on climate change and the development of
microalga-based multi-product systems, such as those yielding food ad- To culture MEM25 strain in coastal zones, a series of scales in differ-
ditives for human or animals, in order to utilize the full potential of algal ent cultivation systems including bubble columns (50 L; for seed pro-
composition (Gnansounou and Kenthorai, 2016). To improve the com- duction), closed tubular photobioreactors (PBRs; 500 L and 5000 L,
mercial viability of naturally occurring microalgal strains, this study pilot scales) and open raceway ponds (ORPs, 60,000 L; industrial
therefore aimed to conduct a ‘cradle-to-grave’ assessment, from selec- scale). The PBR and ORP systems were used for simultaneous side-by-
tion of region-specific strains to sustainable end product development. side algal cultivation. These culture systems were situated on non-
We created a (sub)tropical microalgal culture collection and screened arable coastal land in the northern region of Hainan Island. Both ORP

X. Lu, Y. Cui, Y. Chen et al. Science of the Total Environment 780 (2021) 146369

and PBR systems were operated in semi-continuous mode. Algae were 2.7. Metabolite analysis
inoculated at an initial cell density of 5 × 106 cells·mL−1 and were har-
vested roughly every week. Microalgal cells in ORP or PBR systems were Lipid extraction and TLC analysis of the neutral lipids were per-
sampled twice per day at 8 am or 6 pm. For direct correlation, dry formed as described in our earlier study (Cui et al., 2018; Xin et al.,
weight and cell numbers were determined for the same independent 2017). Lipid quantification was performed by GC–MS as previously de-
batches. Nitrate concentrations were measured and maintained above scribed (Li et al., 2014). Protein and amino acid were analyzed according
1 mM to ensure nutrient-replete conditions. to our previous study (Song et al., 2018).

2.4. Infrastructure design and industrial cultivation 2.8. Economic analysis

Cultivation unit: (i) ORP and PBR designs: The unit pond had a capac- The evaluation included the following life cycle stages: infrastruc-
ity of 60,000 L with a surface area of 200 m2 and a depth of 0.3 m. The ture construction, algal cultivation, harvesting and dewatering, and bio-
tubular PBRs were designed on two scales with capacities of 500 L mass utilization. We assume that these facilities could be used
(with a diameter of 0.1 m and a surface area of 20 m2) or 5000 L (diam- continuously for five years. We have included parameters relevant for
eter 0.2 m and surface area 160 m2). (ii) water supply: seawater was the economic calculation, including fixed assets (land, plant, glass tube
pumped from the nearby coast, followed by filtration and preliminary or cement pond, centrifuge, dryer, and ancillary facilities), equipment
removal of contaminants, to offset losses due to transpiration which depreciation, and the cost for labor, infrastructure maintenance, fertil-
would lead to gradual increase in salinity (in the ORP system); (iii) nu- izer, power, freight, and waste management. These values are based
trients: apart from nutrients from seawater, atmospheric CO2 (as well as on the financial reports of Hainan GreenEnergy Microalgal Biotechnol-
commercially supplied acetic acid), sodium nitrate, and potassium ogy Co., Ltd., China. In brief, the price for CO2, acetic acid, urea, sodium
dihydrogen phosphate were added, providing C, N, and P; (iv) stirring nitrate, monosodium phosphate, and sodium hypochlorite is 150, 575,
systems: for ORPs, the culture is typically mixed at 0.25 m·s−1 by a pad- 280, 710, 285, and 155 $/ton, respectively. The price for electricity and
dle wheel to ensure suitable mixing of nutrients and carbon dioxide fuel is 0.1 $/kilowatt-hour and 570 $/ton, respectively. The cost for
while tubular PBR designs feature a compressed air supply and a centrif- renting land increases 5% every two years. The depreciation for plant
ugal pump through which the culture is circulated at liquid velocities of, and cement pond is counted for 20 years, that for glass tube is 5 year.
typically, 0.5 m·s−1. To prevent high oxygen concentrations, the trans- For the facilities such as centrifuges, dryer, and ancillary facilities, the
parent tubes are connected to a degasser, where oxygen is removed by depreciation period is 10 years. The ORPs are constructed on 1 ha land
air injection. (v) harvesting regime: the algae were generally diluted and 80% of the farm is covered, with the remaining 20% being access
weekly, based on the growth rates determined. and utility routes. For PBRs, they are assumed to be constructed on
Dewatering unit: algae were pumped from the collection pond and 1 ha land and the productivity and costs are calculated based on the
centrifuged twice using a disc centrifuge to produce a compacted form values obtained with ORPs and the stand-alone 5000 L PBR facility. For
by removing water, then further dried using spray desiccators. Water both ORPs and PBRs, the plant operation time is 330 days per year for
circulation system: the water discharged from the dehydration process 20 years with regular annual maintenance in January and occasional
was returned to the cultivation ponds in order to recycle nutrients as shutdown to eliminate contaminations such as rotifer.
well as to reduce water use. The circulation capacities for 500 L PBRs,
5000 L PBRs, and 60,000 L ORPs are 4, 10, and 30 tons/h, respectively. 2.9. Statistical analysis
Production unit: two sections were set up for: (i) food additives for
human: dehydrated algal powder was packaged using an automatic- To evaluate the effect of the different treatments, three biological
quantification bagging machine; (ii) living aquaculture feeds: no addi- replicates were established for each sample under each of the above
tional facilities needed. conditions. To validate the reproducibility of the data set, several
batches (three biological replicates per treatment) were undertaken.
2.5. Ground areal biomass productivity The differences of each treatment were evaluated using one-way
ANOVA, followed by p value test. Data are presented as means ± SDs
Ground areal biomass productivities were calculated with the equa- (n ≥ 3). Differences were considered significant at a p value of <0.05.
tion. P = (Vharvest × (Wt-W0))/(Aground × t), with: P: ground areal
biomass productivity (g·m−2·d−1); Vharvest: harvested volume (L); 3. Results and discussion
Wt: concentration (in DW) on the day of harvest (g·L−1); W0: post-
harvesting concentration at the last sampling time point (in DW; 3.1. Create a marine microalgal collection and identify an extremophile
g·L−1); Aground: ground area occupied (m2); t: time between two Chlorella sp. MEM25
consecutive sampling time points. The average growth rate was
calculated using the equation μ = Ln(Ny/Nx)/(ty-tx) with Ny and Nx We collected microalgal strains around Hainan Island (Fig. 1a) and
being the number of cells at the start (tx) and end (ty) over the growth created a repository ST-MMC (Subtropical & Tropical Marine Microalgal
period. Average doubling time (TAve) was calculated using the equation. Collection). It holds 400 strains of marine algae with considerable phylo-
T = (ty-tx)/log2(Ny/Nx) (Huerlimann et al., 2010). genetic diversity. All strains are currently axenic and genetically classi-
fied, and photomicrographs of many have been included in an image
2.6. Feeding experiments database (Fig. 1b). With the aim of selecting strains covering a wide
range of environmental tolerance, a series of stimuli were applied to
Feeding experiments were performed in a 16 m2 tank. Initial density evaluate the performance of each of the organisms (Fig. S1a).
was adjusted to 25 rotifers·mL−1. Aeration was provided by air pumps. Nannochloropsis sp. are distributed widely in the marine environment
B. plicatilis cultures were fed with an equal amount (5 × 106 mL−1) of as well as in fresh and brackish waters, and many (e.g., Nannochloropsis
the marine red yeast Rhodotorula mucilaginosa (control), MEM25 or a oceanica IMET1, hereafter IMET1) are of industrial interest because
combination of R. mucilaginosa and MEM25 (1:1). Numbers of rotifers they grow rapidly and can synthesize large amounts of triacylglycerol
were counted daily and rotifers were harvested six days after inocula- (TAG) (Li et al., 2014) and high-value polyunsaturated fatty acids
tion. Each population was washed on a 45 μm mesh net. After the (PUFAs; from 25.2 ± 0.4% to 51.0 ± 0.8% of total fatty acids (Xin et al.,
removal of extra moisture, these populations were stored at −80 °C 2017)). Therefore, IMET1 was employed as a control. A strain
for analysis. (designated MEM25) that exhibited the highest overall tolerance, as

X. Lu, Y. Cui, Y. Chen et al. Science of the Total Environment 780 (2021) 146369


Fig. 1. Create a Subtropical & Tropical Marine Microalgal Collection (ST-MMC) and identify an extremophile Chlorella sp. MEM25. (a) Sites for sampling. Red dots indicate the sampling
sites. (b) Representatives of microalgal species in ST-MMC. Scale bar 10 μm. (c-e) The maximum photosynthetic efficiency of PSII in Chlorella sp. MEM25 and N. oceanica IMET1
in high-irradiance light (c), high salinity (d), or high temperature (e).

indicated by the differences between MEM25 and IMET1 in terms of pro- biomass of MEM25 was approximately double that of IMET1 at salinities
gressive reduction in PSII maximum quantum efficiency (Fv/Fm) in re- from 18 to 70‰ while the difference was further increased to 4.7 times
sponse to high salinity stress (Fig. 1c), high temperature (Fig. 1d), and when the salinity reached 105‰ (Fig. 2b). Thus, although both IMET1
high-irradiance exposure (Fig. 1e), was isolated for further analysis. and MEM25 are marine species, MEM25 can withstand a broader
MEM25 was initially obtained from a salt lagoon where the temperature range of salinities, which may arise in outdoor cultivation situations
ranges from 10 to 40 °C and the salinity can be octuple that of sea water due to rapid evaporation in sunny summer periods or downpours in
(35‰). It was identified as Chlorella sp. (Fig. S1b) with a diameter of rainy seasons. MEM25 exhibited a largely similar growth pattern to
10 μm in a spherical shape without flagella (Fig. 1b). The colonies appear IMET1 at 15 °C (Fig. 2c and Fig. S2c). However, as the temperature in-
as circular with a green coloration possibly due to the pigment ratio of creased, IMET1's growth rate decreased and growth was almost
chlorophyll (chl) a: chl b: carotenoids (2.7:1.7:1; Fig. S1c). abolished at 35 °C (Fig. S2c). In contrast, the growth rate of MEM25 in-
creased as the temperature rose from 15 to 35 °C (Fig. S2c). In particular,
3.2. MEM25 grows robustly across a broad range of environmental at the end of the measurement period, the biomass of MEM25 (1.23 ±
conditions 0.04 g·L−1) was ~5-fold higher than that of IMET1 at 35 °C (Fig. 2c).
Temperatures of around 25 °C are typically used for indoor cultivation.
Regardless of light intensity, MEM25 exhibited a higher growth rate At 25 °C, the biomass production of MEM25 was 1.7-fold higher than
than IMET1; the former (0.97 ± 0.01 g·L−1) produced ~55% more bio- that of IMET1 (Fig. 2c). MEM25 therefore appears to be suitable not
mass than the latter by the end of the period under only for outdoor cultivation under (sub)tropical climate conditions,
50 μmol·photons·m−2·s−1 (Fig. 2a and Fig. S2a). Higher irradiance but also for indoor cultivation at the temperature commonly employed.
(250 μmol·photons·m−2·s−1) increased the difference in biomass pro-
duction, which reached ~103% under high-light conditions (1.12 ± 3.3. MEM25 has a high CO2 absorption capacity and produces high amounts
0.02 g·L−1 for MEM25) (Fig. 2a and Fig. S2a). MEM25 grew robustly of value-added compounds
and displayed a higher growth rate than IMET1 under all of the salinities
investigated (from 18 to 105‰), with 70‰ being the optimal condition To probe the physiological mechanisms underpinning the robust-
(Fig. 2b and Fig. S2b). Specifically, at the end of the growth period, the ness of growth, a photosynthetic light-saturation curve was constructed

X. Lu, Y. Cui, Y. Chen et al. Science of the Total Environment 780 (2021) 146369

a b c

Fig. 2. Biomass production by Chlorella sp. MEM25 and N. oceanica IMET1 at different light intensities (a), salinities (b), and temperatures (c). Data are presented as means ± SDs (n = 4).
The asterisks (*) indicate statistically significant differences (P ≤ 0.05).

for MEM25 under in vivo conditions (Fig. 3a). Although, on a per unit chl biomass production in MEM25 is higher than IMET1 due to the higher
basis, oxygen evolution rates were lower in MEM25 relative to IMET1 chlorophyll contents in MEM25 (Fig. 3b). Moreover, MEM25 produced
(Fig. 3a), the overall capacity of CO2 absorption, and eventually of higher levels of carotenoids than IMET1 (Fig. S3a), possibly leading to

a b

c d

Fig. 3. CO2 absorption and metabolite profiles of Chlorella sp. MEM25. (a) Photosynthetic light-saturation curves obtained with Chlorella sp. MEM25 (closed squares) and N. oceanica IMET1
(open circles). (b) Chlorophyll contents in Chlorella sp. MEM25 and N. oceanica IMET1. (c) Profiles of major fatty acids derived from total lipids of Chlorella sp. MEM25. (d) Protein contents
in Chlorella sp. MEM25 and N. oceanica IMET1.

X. Lu, Y. Cui, Y. Chen et al. Science of the Total Environment 780 (2021) 146369

a higher antioxidant capacity, which may have contributed to the higher suitable for outdoor algal cultivation where a stable growth perfor-
tolerance of MEM25 than IMET1 when subjected to various stimuli. mance could be obtained (Fig. S5b and d). Two examples of cultivation
PUFAs are essential nutrients because they cannot be synthesized by in 5000 L PBR and 60,000 L ORP with time frames from 11th February to
humans (Eritsland, 2000). The fatty acid (FA) profiles of MEM25 were 15th March (Fig. S5a and b) and from 4th June to 9th July (Fig. S5c and
therefore determined. Under nitrogen-replete conditions, the total lipids d) were shown. In contrast, during the period from the early August to
(TLs) contribute to approximately 13% of DW (i.e., ~1 g·L−1) while late September, the weather conditions suffer dramatic fluctuations
PUFAs (e.g., C18:2, C18:3, C20:4, and C20:5) accumulated to high levels due to frequent typhoons and heavy rainfalls. Temperature dynamics
(66.3 ± 2.5% of TLs) (Fig. 3c). Following nitrogen depletion, the FA pro- (Fig. S6a), insufficient illumination (Fig. S6b), and decreased salinities
files were changed; saturated fatty acids (SFAs; 45.2 ± 0.7% of TL) and (due to heavy rainfalls) challenge the outdoor cultivation. Therefore, a
mono-saturated fatty acids (MUFAs; 18.3 ± 0.3% of TL) increased and cultivation test within this time frame represents a typic performance
PUFAs decreased (36.6 ± 0.3%) (Fig. 3c and Table 1). Although TAG of MEM25 in the tropical weather condition and could be employed to
(the main source for biodiesel) content increased by 12.8 fold under ni- probe the robustness of this strain under extreme weather conditions.
trogen depletion (~7%) compared with nitrogen-replete conditions Therefore, a time evolution of biomass productivity from mid-August
(Fig. S3b inset), it is lower than that of IMET1 (Li et al., 2014). In TAG to mid-September was probed in 500 L PBR, 5000 L PBR, and 60,000 L
of MEM25, SFAs were predominant components regardless of nitrogen ORP. The temperature range of the selected coastal area was from 24
availability (72.6 ± 9.6% under nitrogen-replete conditions; 69.0 ± to 34 °C (Fig. S6a; with maximal water temperatures exceeding 43 °C)
1.8% under nitrogen depletion) (Fig. S3b and Table 1). On the other and a solar irradiance range from 3.5 to 6.5 Kw·h−1·m−2 (Fig. S6b).
hand, MEM25 produced more proteins (52.5%) than IMET1 (32.0%) Specifically, under optimal weather conditions, the maximal biomass
under nitrogen-replete conditions, which are the preferred conditions concentration in 500 L PBR (6343.2 g·m−2; Fig. S7a), 5000 L PBR
for microalgae to biosynthesize proteins (Fig. 3d). Thus, MEM25 is (3348.9 g·m−2; Fig. S7b), and 60,000 L ORP (709.2 g·m−2; Fig. S7c) in-
more suitable for the production of value-added chemicals creased ~27.8-, ~19.1- and ~ 9.9-fold respectively, compared with the in-
(i.e., proteins and PUFAs) as nutrient supplements than TAG as biodiesel. oculum concentration (Fig. S7). Under unfavorable conditions
(resulting from Severe Tropical Storm Bebinca (Longsheng and Lv,
3.4. Simulated outdoor cultivation in lab-scale photobioreactors 2019)), the productivity dropped significantly, to 55.6%, 55.9%, and
37.0% of the values under optimal conditions (Fig. 4a; from day 8 to
To assess the extent and sustainability of their environmental toler- 17). Even so, MEM25 recovered to 96.2%, 93.7%, and 88.9% of the maxi-
ance and productivities of proteins and PUFAs, MEM25 and IMET1 were mal productivity level roughly within a week after the typhoon (Fig. 4a;
cultivated in PBRs with temperatures and irradiance profiles mimicking from day 17 to 26). Interestingly, although the growth behavior of
those of an average summer day in northern Hainan Island. Time- MEM25 in typhoon conditions (Fig. 4a) was not as good as that in stable
dependent distinctions in culture coloration were observed (Fig. S4 weather conditions (Fig. S5b and d), its values were even better before
inset). After 10 days, the DW of MEM25 (1.88 ± 0.14 g·L−1) was almost and after the typhoon's arrival than that in February and March
triple that of IMET1 (0.73 ± 0.07 g·L−1) (Fig. S4). The productivity of (Fig. 4a). It led to a comparable monthly productivity as the normal
proteins and PUFAs in MEM25 were 98.7 ± 7.4 and 7.5 ± months around February. This highlights the robust environmental tol-
0.6 mg·L−1·d−1, respectively while that of IMET1 were 23.4 ± 2.2 erance of MEM25, which is suitable for outdoor large-scale cultivation
and 5.8 ± 0.1 mg·L−1·d−1, respectively. Compared with those of and could cope with the most extreme weather conditions of the
IMET1, the respective productivities of proteins and PUFAs in MEM25 (sub)tropics.
increased by 323% and 28%, respectively. MEM25 therefore exhibits The maximal ground areal productivity (GAP) in 500 L PBRs (Fig. 4b)
considerable advantages as a feedstock for the production of proteins was 873.6 g·m−2·d−1 which was approximately twofold and tenfold
and PUFAs which can be exploited as food supplements. the productivity achieved in 5000 L PBRs (453.3 g·m−2·d−1; Fig. 4c)
and 60,000 L ORPs (91.1 g·m−2·d−1; Fig. 4d), respectively. Maximum
3.5. Geographically specific scalability assessments in coastal zones cell concentrations of 1.2 × 108, 8.7 × 107, and 4.8 × 107 cells·mL−1
were obtained for 500 L, 5000 L PBR, and 60,000 L ORP systems, respec-
The daily and weekly behavior varied significantly throughout the tively (Fig. 4a). The average specific growth rates were 1.32 ± 0.09,
investigation. Batch cultures of MEM25 in different scales were carried 0.96 ± 0.07, and 0.64 ± 0.04 d−1 in 500 L PBRs, 5000 L PBRs, and
out from October 2018 to August 2019. Generally, from October to 60,000 L ORPs, respectively, while the average doubling time is 1.7, 2.0,
July in the next year, the weather conditions (including temperature, and 2.5 days, respectively. In general, the average GAP of PBRs were
solar irradiance, and salinity changes potentially caused by precipita- higher (by approximately 8.9- or 4.5- fold for 500 L and 5000 L PBR sys-
tion) are relatively stable around Hainan Island (Fig. S5a and c) and tems) than those of the ORPs (60,000 L scale) throughout the whole
cultivation process (Fig. S6). Nonetheless, the maximal productivity in
Table 1
all these investigated scales outweighs documented outdoor cultivation
Fatty acid profiles of Chlorella sp. MEM25. Abbreviations: N+, nitrogen replete conditions; of Chlorella sp. in similar scales (e.g., 14.54 g·m−2·d−1 for Chlorella sp. L1
N-, nitrogen depleted conditions; TLs, total lipids; TAG, triacylglycerol. and 10.20 g·m−2·d−1 for Chlorella sorokiniana H2 in 1000 L ORP, and
Fatty acids N+ N+ N- N-
23.07 g·m−2·d−1 for Chlorella sp. L1 in 40,000 L ORP) (He et al., 2016)
(% of TAG) (% of TL) (% of TAG) (% of TL) and other microalgal species, such as Graesiella sp. WBG-1
(8.7 g·m−2·d−1 in 40,000 L ORP) (Wen et al., 2016), Scenedesmus sp.
Saturated fatty acid
C14:0 2.90 ± 0.49 0.51 ± 0.11 1.10 ± 0.06 0.63 ± 0.01 (7.12 g·m−2·d−1 in 40,000 L ORP), Monoraphidium dybowskii Y2
C16:0 59.81 ± 7.03 26.23 ± 0.72 62.15 ± 1.47 40.30 ± 0.58 (13.97 and 18.68 g·m−2·d−1 in 10,000 L and 40,000 L ORP, respectively)
C18:0 9.85 ± 2.12 2.70 ± 0.57 5.78 ± 0.27 4.22 ± 0.09 (He et al., 2016), Arthrospira platensis (36 g·m−2·d−1 in 30,000 L ORP)
Monounsaturated fatty acid (Yu et al., 2019), and N. oceanica (9.3 and 8.0 g·m−2·d−1 in 4000 L
C16:1 0.36 ± 0.37 1.25 ± 0.35 1.31 ± 0.28 1.93 ± 0.04 and 40,000 L ORP, respectively) (Saito et al., 2020).
C18:1 4.71 ± 0.98 3.06 ± 0.49 16.21 ± 1.34 16.36 ± 0.21 For any given algal strain, the metabolite profiles tend to vary
Polyunsaturated fatty acid between cultures on laboratory scales and those on industrial scales.
C18:2 12.77 ± 3.11 31.38 ± 0.78 7.90 ± 0.20 17.83 ± 0.22 The PUFA and protein contents were therefore determined for algae at
C18:3 8.74 ± 2.85 34.52 ± 1.24 5.04 ± 0.21 18.71 ± 0.04 stationary phase in either ORP or PBR systems. Although the degree of
C20:4 0.25 ± 0.06 0.06 ± 0.06 0.04 ± 0.01 0.01 ± 0.002 unsaturation of total lipid was slightly increased in the cells cultured
C20:5 0.60 ± 0.12 0.31 ± 0.38 0.47 ± 0.04 0.01 ± 0.003
on industrial scales using either PBRs or ORPs compared with that in

X. Lu, Y. Cui, Y. Chen et al. Science of the Total Environment 780 (2021) 146369

a b

c d

Fig. 4. Outdoor cultivation of Chlorella sp. MEM25 in different cultivation systems at a series of scales. (a) Cultivation in 500 L PBRs. (b) Cultivation in 5000 L PBRs. (c) Cultivation in 60,000 L
ORPs. (d) Growth behavior of Chlorella sp. MEM25 in different cultivation systems. Note the significantly dropped productivity from day 8 to 17 due to Severe Tropical Storm Bebinca.
Abbreviations: PBRs, closed tubular photobioreactors; ORPs, open race ponds.

the laboratory, the amino acid profiles (Table S1) and the FA profiles of (Table 3). Meanwhile, MEM25 addition moderately increased the roti-
the total lipids (Table S2) of the cells in both outdoor systems largely re- fers' growth (Fig. 5). Thus, although an extensive investigation of the
sembled those of indoor cultures. The phenotypes of MEM25 exhibited nutritional merits as human food remains to be undertaken, dietary ad-
under indoor conditions therefore appear stable and robust across var- dition of MEM25 improves the growth performance of the selected
ious spatial scales and different production system designs,
underscoring the practical value of the strain for industrial applications.

3.6. Nutritional merits of Chlorella sp. MEM25 as food additives Table 2

Fatty acid profiles of Brachionus plicatilis fed with marine red yeast Rhodotorula
The rotifer Brachionus plicatilis is an aquatic animal with a short life mucilaginosa, Chlorella sp. MEM25, or their combination (1:1; Combination). Asterisks
span and incapable of synthesizing sufficient PUFAs and the essential (*) indicate statistically significant differences compared with the control conditions
(P values ≤0.05).
amino acids necessary for the proper development of larvae (Ferreira
et al., 2018). Therefore, it would be a tractable model to test the nutri- Fatty acids Experimental groups (mg·g−1 DW)
tional values of MEM25 as feed additives for animal consumers. The ad- Red yeasts MEM25 Combination
dition of MEM25 led to a significant change in FA profiles of B. plicatilis
Saturated fatty acid
(Table 2). Of particular interest, levels of ω-3 polyunsaturated FAs C14:0 0.642 ± 0.098 0.569 ± 0.075 0.617 ± 0.068
(i.e., C18:3 and C20:5; beneficial for human health (Shahidi and C16:0 2.419 ± 0.215 2.861 ± 0.368 2.321 ± 0.024
Ambigaipalan, 2018)) markedly increased (Table 2). As for the C18:0 0.845 ± 0.095 1.111 ± 0.124⁎ 0.875 ± 0.102
MEM25-fed group and the group fed with MEM25 and the yeast, Monounsaturated fatty acid
C18:3 increased by 36.3% and 122.8% while C20:5 increased by 151.2% C16:1 0.332 ± 0.04 0.57 ± 0.078⁎ 0.576 ± 0.086⁎
and 64.7%, respectively (Table 2). The cellular contents of the 19 C18:1 0.358 ± 0.065 0.495 ± 0.085⁎ 0.471 ± 0.056⁎
amino acids and the total protein contents revealed that the algal diet, Polyunsaturated fatty acid
either with or without yeasts, led to increased contents of total proteins C18:2 2.371 ± 0.213 0.307 ± 0.045 1.368 ± 0.246
and all species of amino acids (Table 3). Specifically, the total content of C18:3 0.267 ± 0.096 0.364 ± 0.03⁎ 0.595 ± 0.068⁎
essential amino acids increased by 48.7% and 567.5% in the rotifers fed C20:4 0.175 ± 0.024 0.351 ± 0.045⁎ 0.05 ± 0.006
C20:5 0.303 ± 0.036 0.761 ± 0.075⁎ 0.499 ± 0.078⁎
with MEM25 or a combination of MEM25 and the red yeasts

X. Lu, Y. Cui, Y. Chen et al. Science of the Total Environment 780 (2021) 146369

Table 3 Table 4
Amino acid profiles of Brachionus plicatilis fed with the marine red yeast Rhodotorula Summary statistics of key output variables for 10,000 m2 ORPs and PBRs.
mucilaginosa, Chlorella sp. MEM25, or their combination (1:1; Combination). Abbrevia-
tions: TAAs, total amino acids; TEAAs, total essential amino acids. Asterisks (*) indicate sta- Projects Different cultivation systems (1 ha)
tistically significant differences compared with the control conditions (P values ≤0.05). 5000 L PBR ($) 60,000 L ORP ($)
Amino Acids Experimental groups (mg·g−1 DW) Biomass production (ton·ha−1·y−1)
Mean 101.6 25
Red yeasts MEM25 Combination
Min 51.6 13.5
Thr 0.012 ± 0.004 0.02 ± 0.004⁎ 0.083 ± 0.016⁎ Max 145.7 36.5
Val 0.011 ± 0.005 0.018 ± 0.003 0.079 ± 0.012⁎
Met 0.013 ± 0.004 0.021 ± 0.005⁎ 0.098 ± 0.036⁎ Total annual revenue ($; $12,000 ton−1 biomass)
Trp 0.006 ± 0.002 0.008 ± 0.002 0.038 ± 0.004⁎ Mean 1,219,200 300,000
Phe 0.024 ± 0.006 0.032 ± 0.004⁎ 0.146 ± 0.036⁎ Min 619,200 162,000
Ile 0.02 ± 0.004 0.029 ± 0.003 0.132 ± 0.014⁎ Max 1,748,400 438,000
Leu 0.051 ± 0.007 0.062 ± 0.009⁎ 0.277 ± 0.035⁎ Total annual expenses ($)
Lys 0.035 ± 0.005 0.071 ± 0.008⁎ 0.293 ± 0.045⁎ Mean 1,124,152 140,112
His 0.003 ± 0.001 0.006 ± 0.001 0.024 ± 0.006⁎ Min 885,159 110,324
Arg 0.053 ± 0.008 0.072 ± 0.01⁎ 0.352 ± 0.048⁎ Max 1,427,673 177,942
Gly 0.024 ± 0.003 0.034 ± 0.005⁎ 0.148 ± 0.015⁎
Asp 0.016 ± 0.002 0.033 ± 0.007⁎ 0.115 ± 0.032⁎ Net annual income ($)
Asn 0.014 ± 0.003 0.012 ± 0.002 0.074 ± 0.015⁎ Mean 95,048 159,888
Glu 0.042 ± 0.007 0.065 ± 0.012⁎ 0.267 ± 0.046⁎ Min −808,473 −15,942
Gln 0.015 ± 0.002 0.023 ± 0.005⁎ 0.102 ± 0.018⁎ Max 863,241 327,676
Ser 0.026 ± 0.007 0.042 ± 0.005⁎ 0.184 ± 0.042⁎
Ala 0.035 ± 0.008 0.046 ± 0.008⁎ 0.21 ± 0.035⁎
Tyr 0.001 ± 0 0.026 ± 0.005⁎ 0.074 ± 0.012⁎
Pro 0.025 ± 0.004 0.022 ± 0.003 0.128 ± 0.024⁎
TAAs 0.426 ± 0.082 0.642 ± 0.101⁎ 2.824 ± 0.491⁎ As the facility size increased, the difference tended to be magnified due
TEAAs 0.228 ± 0.046 0.339 ± 0.049⁎ 1.522 ± 0.252 ⁎
Total proteins 5.8 ± 0.87 6.3 ± 0.56⁎ 6.6 ± 0.44 ⁎
to the high capital costs of establishment and higher cost for infrastruc-
ture maintenance. While the PBR system could produce as much as ap-
proximately 8.9-fold the maximal biomass (6343.2 g·m−2) compared
to the ORP system (709.2 g·m−2) on a per ground areal production
animal consumers and the strain could be used as functional food addi- basis, the average annual production from PBRs (~101.6 ton/year) was
tives for animal or human, in general. about 4.0 times that from ORPs (~25 ton/year) (Table 4). Specifically,
the biomass production cost for the ORPs was $5604 ton−1 while PBRs
3.7. Economic evaluation of MEM25 as food additives for humans or showed a biomass cost of $11,130 ton−1. We explored the economic
animals viability by developing algal biomass as food additives for either
human or animals. In the scenario using microalgae as live aquaculture
To assess whether the higher areal productivity compensated for the feeds, processing steps such as harvesting and drying could be elimi-
higher investment costs generally associated with PBRs, productivities nated (Fig. 6). A profit of $900–14,900 ton−1 could be achieved with a
and operating costs were compared among the 5000 L PBR and price of $6000–20,000 ton−1 (at a concentration of 1010 cell·mL−1)
60,000 L ORP systems (Table 4). The costs for construction and mainte- for ORPs. However, as live aquaculture feeds, microalgal culture allows
nance of PBR and ORP in 1 ha land are listed in Table S3. PBRs were more only short-distance transport while the market demand is relatively
expensive than ORPs in terms of construction; the investment cost for a variable and is challenge to sustain a stable turnover. Therefore, we
5000 L PBR was 25-fold higher than that for a 60,000 L ORP (Table S3). probed to use Chlorella dry biomass as food additives meanwhile
(Fig. 6). A price from $10,000 to 30,000 ton−1 currently prevails for
Chlorella powder (which could be used as a functional food for
human), and this translates to a gross profit of $4400–24,400 ton−1
for ORPs. In contrast, for PBR systems, it can't make profit if the price
lower than $11,000 ton−1 or the annual production lower than 93.7
tons with a prevailing price of $12,000 ton−1. Therefore, within a period
of a year (with regular shutdown in January and occasional shutdown to
eliminate contaminations such as rotifer), the annual performance
showed seasonal fluctuations which resulted in an average productivity
of 25-ton dry biomass per hectare with an average investment of $5600
ton−1 (including costs for labor, power, equipment depreciation, and
fertilizer; Table S3) and an average price of $12,000 ton−1. The annual
profit of ORPs is approximately $159,888 per ha (Table 4). It should be
noted that all subsidies including carbon credits have been deliberately
excluded. The best performing scenario consisted of (sub)tropical
weather conditions, coastal non-arable land, ORP culturing systems,
seawater and recycling systems, disc centrifugation for dewatering,
spray desiccators for drying, and fresh cells or algal powder as end prod-
ucts. These findings may not be viable in otherwise promising areas
considering the different weather conditions (requirement of much
higher levels of sunlight and relatively stable temperature for outdoor
cultivation), the availability to coastal land and water, and other rel-
evant cost, such as labor, power, and freight. An assessment of these
products for sale for a longer period of time would further justify the
Fig. 5. Growth of rotifer Brachionus plicatilis fed with Chlorella MEM25. economic feasibility. Nevertheless, although microalgal biofuel

X. Lu, Y. Cui, Y. Chen et al. Science of the Total Environment 780 (2021) 146369

Fig. 6. Scenario of production modules of Chlorella culture.

systems remain at an early stage of development, investment in the on behalf of all co-authors, I would like to submit “Sustainable develop-
R&D aspect of microalgal enterprises is logical, given the appreciable ment of microalgal biotechnology in coastal zone for aquaculture and
profitability of customized- or multi-product systems and the future food” as a research article. With this submission, I promise that all au-
potential to achieve higher returns as biotech and process improve- thors have no known competing financial interests or personal relation-
ments are made. Moreover, both the need for, and the viability of, ships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this
these systems will be increased by policy incentives, such as the in- paper.
troduction of more stringent CO2 emissions targets, a fully functional
nationwide carbon market (Wang et al., 2018; Zhang, 2015), and by Acknowledgements
the increased demand for food and fuel by the ever-expanding
population. We thank Prof. Qiang Hu (Shenzhen University, China), Prof.
Wenzhou Xiang (South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese
4. Conclusion Academy of Sciences), Prof. Pinghuai Liu (Hainan University, China),
and Dr. Jing Jia (SDIC Microalgae Biotechnology Center, China Electron-
Region-specific development of microalga-based biotechnology, ics Engineering Design Institute, State Development and Investment
among others such as metabolic engineering (Gan et al., 2018; Han Corporation, Beijing, China) for very helpful discussion. The authors
et al., 2020; Lu et al., 2021b) and heterotrophic fermentation (Song gratefully acknowledge funding from the Project of Innovation &
et al., 2018), provide a viable way to fill the knowledge gaps between Development of Marine Economy, Ministry of Natural Resources of
laboratory investigation and tangible industrial production of algal China (grant no. HHCL201803), the National Natural Science Foundation
products. In this study, following region-specific selection, we explore of China (grant no. 32060061), the Basic and Applied Basic Research
the sustainable development of microalgal biotechnology in coastal Programs for the Talents of Hainan Province (grant no. 2019RC033),
zone for aquaculture and food and conduct an on-site economic eval- the Foundation of Hainan University (grant no. KYQD1561) and the
uation of different scenarios for multi-product systems. With the Project of State Key Laboratory of Marine Resource Utilization in South
current costs, a number of high-value products (e.g., functional China Sea (grant no. MRUKF2021003).
foods) are profitable. Given that microalgal biotechnology is at a
crossroads and its development is still in flux, we anticipate that Appendix A. Supplementary data
the techno-economic evaluation presented in this study will help
“biotech's green gold” to be exploited in a more rational and economi- Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
cally viable way and assist R&D investment and policy enactment in org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146369.
this area going forward.

CRediT authorship contribution statement
Blaby, I.K., Blaby-Haas, C.E., Pérez-Pérez, M.E., Schmollinger, S., Fitz-Gibbon, S., Lemaire,
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Congcong Hou: Methodology. Jun Wang: Methodology. Qinhua Gan: algal revolution. Trends Plant Sci. 22 (8), 726–738. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
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Cui, Y., Zhao, J., Wang, Y., Qin, S., Lu, Y., 2018. Characterization and engineering of a dual-
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