DMDave - Dungeons & Lairs 58 - Lamia Temple - Free Version

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Lamia Temple is a Fifth Edition plug-in adventure for
four characters with an average party level (APL) of
3, 5, 8, or 11. This document offers details for the The following creators made this adventure
3rd-level version. For the full adjustments for all lev- possible:
el ranges, sign up for the DMDave Patreon. The par- Design and Writing. DMDave, Ninetoes82
ty is sent to a newly reinvigorated Temple of Healing Editing and Layout. Tony Casper
to investigate a series of strange disappearances. Cartography. Tom Cartos
Artwork. Midjourney
To run the adventure, you need the three Fifth
Edition core rulebooks. You can access a free basic
ruleset from the official source if you don’t have a

Text that appears in a box like this is meant to

be read aloud or paraphrased for the players
when their characters arrive at a location or
under specific circumstances, as described in
the text.

When a creature’s name appears in bold type,

that’s a visual cue pointing you to its stat block to
say, “Hey, game master, make sure you get this
creature’s stat block ready—there’s going to be an
encounter!” If the stat block appears in the appendix
of this adventure, the text tells you so; otherwise,
you can find the stat block in the core rulebook.
Spells and non-magical equipment mentioned in
the adventure are described in the core manual for
players. Magic items are described in the core man-
ual for game masters unless the adventure’s text
directs you to an item’s description in the appendix.
Adventure Hooks
The table in the full version offers some ideas if you
don’t have a reason for the characters to investigate
the Lamia Temple. If you need to motivate the party
with a monetary reward, their patrons offer 500 gp
per level of the adventure.

To the locals, the Temple of Healing is a myth, a
cautionary tale they tell their children. The leg-
end says that the temple appeared one day on the
edge of the desert. At first, the locals thought it
was a mirage, as it was the miracle for which they
had prayed: their city was in the grips of a horrific
plague that had already decimated their population.


Any who entered the temple—or so the story over the temple, changing the ruined stone into the
says—were healed and returned to their families. vibrant buildings that once stood there. Furthermore,
The legend says no donation or prayers were re- the lamia crafted a magical crystal to maintain this
quired for this miracle healing. illusion and to heighten her powers. While a strong-
The temple quickly became famous across the willed creature might be able to recognize the signs
land, as healing that didn’t require any donation was of this fantasy, only by destroying the stone can
a true oasis for those without the gold to pay for they remove the illusion altogether.
more traditional healing.
However, as with all such things, people’s greed General Features
undid the temple. The local ruler took control of the Unless stated otherwise, the following features are
temple and began charging people to enter. Within common to the Temple of Healing.
a human lifetime, the temple was swallowed by the Ambient Magic. So much magic permeates the
desert. temple that it makes magic detection impossible. If a
Recently, the temple ruins have once again lived character casts detect magic or uses a similar effect,
up their mythical reputation and have become more they can only detect massive amounts of enchant-
occupied. Sickly people have once more entered the ment and illusion magic.
temple and left, claiming to be healed. Jackalweres. The lamia’s jackalwere guards are
Little does anyone realize, however, the temple is loyal to her, without the need for magical influence.
no temple at all; it is the lair of a powerful and ma- To maintain the fantasy of a functioning temple, the
nipulative monster, a lamia, who has used her pow- lamia’s jackalwere guards disguise themselves as hu-
ers of illusion and trickery to corrupt the myth of the mans and wear the robes of acolytes. Furthermore,
Temple of Healing for her own nefarious purposes. they keep weapons nearby but do not carry them.
The jackalweres will be suspicious of any humanoid
THE TEMPLE OF HEALING not wearing temple robes.
The jackalweres are cowards at heart and will only
The lamia’s jackalweres—filthy beasts, disguised in attack the characters if they outnumber the charac-
human form—infiltrated the local settlements and ters. Otherwise, they will attempt to raise the alarm
quickly learned the old tales of the temple. The ma- while leading the characters to an area they expect
nipulative lamia recognized the myths as an opportu- to find allies.
nity and quickly seized control of the ruins. Lighting. At night, the temple is well lit with torch-
Working her magic, she created a powerful illusion es and candles that the lamia’s servants light.

Magical Servitude. Unless otherwise noted, the
creatures within the temple are magically charmed
using the lamia’s geas spell. This spell forces them
into servitude and denies them the freedom to speak
about what has happened to them or anything about
the temple, including seeing the temple as an illusion.
Such a creature can be persuaded or intimidated
into answering questions with a successful DC 13
Charisma check, using a relevant skill if applicable.
If a creature is influenced into divulging information,
it immediately takes 27 (5d10) psychic damage,
enough to kill many of these creatures instantly.
Permanent Illusion. A permanent illusion covers
the entire temple and the space immediately out-
side. This illusion makes the ruins look, sound, and
smell like the temple of myth. The tactile charac-
teristics of the terrain are unchanged, so creatures
touching part of the illusion are likely to see through
it. A creature carefully examining the illusion can at-
tempt a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check. On are dozens of pairs of boots and shoes, while
a success, the creature discerns the illusion for what on the opposite side are neat rows of com-
it is and sees it as a vague image superimposed on fortable-looking slippers. A man stands under
the ruins. Many areas include a brief description of the portico.
what it looks like without the illusion.
Temple Servants. The temple is now home to The boots and slippers are genuine, and visitors to
dozens of creatures, most of whom serve the lamia. the temple are expected to remove their footwear,
Whenever the characters enter a new area within wash their feet, and don a pair of slippers so as not
the temple, roll a d6 and consult the Temple Servant to track sand and filth into the temple.
Encounters table below, incorporating any additional The man is Jarrick (LG human male commoner),
creatures in the area’s description. These servants a temple servant. If the characters approach, he
wear identifiable temple robes. The human servants will ask them to wash their feet before entering. If
will not raise the alarm, assuming the characters are asked, he will explain the reasoning behind this act;
just other servants, but any other creatures will rec- he will then describe how he came here to be healed
ognize the characters as a threat. Creatures marked and stayed to become an acolyte because he liked
with an asterisk are new creatures featured in the the simple life of devotion the temple offered. If the
appendix. characters ask him any other questions, he will refer
Temple Servant Encounters them to the high priest for answers. If they inquire
as to the high priest’s location, he will direct the
d6 Encounter characters to Braxit in area 8.
Development. If the characters choose to enter
1–3 — from another side, perhaps climbing the walls, they
4–5 1d4 human commoners can do so, but the illusion concealing area 16 is
powerful, making it impossible for the characters to
6 1 patrolling jackalwere*
discover it.
Entering the Temple 1 – Tropical Gardens
As the characters approach the temple, read or para- The temple is next to an oasis, and the buildings
phrase the following: surround a lush and vibrant garden of tropical
plants, many of them used for healing. Read or para-
A squat, whitewashed building stands before phrase the following:
you. From your vantage point, the building is
shaped like an irregular hexagon, with several The expansive courtyard is open to the sky,
smaller rooms jutting out from the sides that but the fresh running water and shade offered
face you. by the building and wildlife seem to keep it
cool and the air fresh.
In the center of the nearest wall is an entrance
that leads into a courtyard. As you approach, In the courtyard’s center, a raised platform is
you notice that the entry contains a shallow surrounded by a large group of people shout-
pool of fresh water. On this side of the water ing and cheering.


True Sight. If a character has seen through the illu- The monster is a willing servant of the lamia and
sion, they see that the plant life in this area is barely will not reveal any information. The nature of the
alive and that only shrubs and dead trees still exist. encounter depends on the level of the adventure, as
The gathered people are likewise an illusion. shown in the table below.
2 – The Arena Please Help Me! Encounter
Once used as a gymnasium, this area is now used for
Adventure Level Encounter
cruel bloodsports. Read or paraphrase the following:
3rd 1 minotaur
The noisy gathering of people surrounds a 5th+ Available in the full adventure
sandy pit a couple of feet deep. Through the
press of excited bodies, you can make out The figures within the illusory crowd will disperse
a human dressed in shining half plate armor into areas 4 and 8 when the combat ends.
fighting a monstrous creature. From the many True Sight. The crowd, the man’s armor, and the
wounds scoring the monster’s hide, it would monster’s wounds are an illusion; without help, the
seem the warrior is nearing victory. man will surely die.
3 – Herb Gardens
Encounter: Please Help Me! This scene is, once
again, veiled in deception. The man, Boris (NG During its heyday, this section of the gardens was
human male guard), was sent here to retrieve his used to grow and harvest herbs used in healing and
patron’s daughter, but before he made it any further potion-making. The lamia still uses it to grow herbs
into the temple, he was forced to fight in the arena. but of a different variety.

Healing Herbs? If a character succeeds on a DC 15 success, they create an injury poison with the corre-
Intelligence (Nature) check or has proficiency with sponding effect noted above.
the herbalism kit, they can determine that the herbs
resemble those used in healing potions. This is an 4 – Lounge
illusion, and the plants are poisonous. A creature Visitors once used this smartly appointed and
that touches them—for example, when attempting comfortable-looking lounge to relax and recuperate.
to harvest them—must succeed on a Constitution The temple’s residents use the southeastern door to
saving throw or become poisoned. The nature of avoid the sludge.
the poison depends on the level of the adventure, as Hazard: Amber Sludge. An illusion shows this area
shown in the table below. to look as it once did, but the southwestern side of
the room is covered in two inches of yellowish muck.
Poison DC and Effect If disturbed, the sludge ejects a cloud of spores that
fills a 10-foot cube originating from the sludge. Any
creature in the area must succeed on a Constitution
Adventure Level DC Effect
saving throw or take poison damage and become
3rd 12 10 (3d6) poison damage poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned in this way,
the creature takes additional poison damage at the
5th+ Available in the full adventure
start of each of its turns. The creature can repeat
Treasure. If a character can see through the illu- the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
sion, they can attempt to harvest these poisonous ending the effect on itself on a success. The save
plants with a DC 17 Wisdom (Survival) check. On a DC and amounts of damage dealt are detailed on the
following page.


Encounter: Jackalweres. Each room holds jackalw-
Poison DC and Damage ere guards. Unless quickly subdued, any jackalwere
will alert its fellows, who will join the combat at the
Save Hazard Additional
start of the next round. The nature of the creatures
Adventure Level DC Damage Damage
is detailed in the table below. Creatures marked with
3rd 12 11 (2d10) 5 (1d10) an asterisk are new creatures featured in the appen-
5th+ Available in the full adventure dix.
Jackalwere Encounter
If a 5-foot cube of the sludge is subjected to sun-
light or fire damage, it is instantly destroyed.
Adventure Level Encounter
5 – Kitchen 3rd 1 jackalwere*
This area is the kitchen and is one of the few areas
5th+ Available in the full adventure
that has been returned to its former glory. Two hu-
man commoners work here, preparing food for the True Sight. A character able to see through the
various creatures of the temple. If a character takes illusion will find each room a filthy mess of wrecked
the time to investigate the prepared meals, they will furniture.
quickly notice that many would be inedible to humans.
The lamia has placed monstrous guards here to 8 – Reception
keep the human servants under control. These mon- This area was initially used as a waiting room. A
sters will attack any creature not wearing temple priest or acolyte would then lead visitors from here
robes. The nature of the encounter depends on the into one of the examination rooms. When the char-
level of the adventure, as shown in the table below. acters arrive, a handsome man dressed in the robes
of a high priest sits at the desk performing mundane
Monstrous Guards Encounter clerical tasks.
Encounter: Tricked! This man is Braxit. The lamia
Adventure Level Encounter
twisted his mind with her enchantments and made
3rd 2 cockatrice him her high priest. Unless the characters wear
temple robes, Braxit will realize they are intruders.
5th+ Available in the full adventure
Outnumbered, Braxit will attempt to trick them into
6 – Western Patient Ward entering area 12, joining the combat only once the
characters engage with the monster. The nature of
Once used for the rest and recovery of temple vis-
the creature is detailed in the table below.
itors, this area is now the barracks for the various
temple servants. Read or paraphrase the following: Braxit Encounter

This room is pristine, with the harsh scent of Adventure Level Encounter
cleaning fluid plain. Beds line two of the walls, 3rd 1 doppelganger
covered in immaculately clean and tightly fol-
ded linens. 5th+ Available in the full adventure
Development. If the characters manage to deceive
Two beds are occupied, one with a human man Braxit initially, he will offer them one final test.
and another with a gnome woman. Braxit will invite them to join him for a “soothing dip
These two people are Davrick (LG human male in the baths,” knowing that a creature already under
commoner) and Blossom (CG gnome female com- the lamia’s power will be compelled to obey, and
moner), and both are resting. If the characters are thus any creature that declines must be an intruder.
noisy in this area or ask too many questions, Davrick Treasure. Braxit wears a keychain around his neck.
will call for the jackalwere guards in the surrounding This key opens the lockbox in area 9.
True Sight. A character able to see through the 9 – High Priest’s Office
illusion will find this room to be filled not with beds The high priest once used this area. It is now used
but heaps of filthy straw. They will also find man- as quarters by the lamia’s most devoted follower,
acles hanging from the walls, used to punish ser- Braxit, found in area 8. As such, Braxit has had the
vants. room cleaned and the furniture repaired; thus, the
illusion here conceals nothing.
7 – Private Rooms Treasure. Before arriving at the temple, Braxit was
Each of these rooms will appear to be a small, pri- already wealthy. As a high priest, one of Braxit’s
vate accommodation, perhaps used by the priests responsibilities is to “receive the donations of any
who live here or for patients in need of solitude. acolytes.” This treasure is in a large, metal lockbox.

Without the key (carried by Braxit), picking the box’s 13 – Pool Lobby
lock requires a successful DC 15 Dexterity check Once a richly adorned lobby that led into the swim-
using proficiency in thieves’ tools. The nature of the ming baths, this area is now a deadly trap intended
treasure depends on the level of the adventure, as to keep intruders from reaching the lamia.
shown in the table below. Trapped Room. This entire room is intended to
Lockbox Treasure capture intruders. A successful DC 15 Intelligence
(Investigation) check reveals that the doors and
Adventure Level Treasure walls have burn marks. Disarming the trap is impos-
sible without the command word “Infirante,” known
3rd A potion of hill giant strength, a
only by Braxit and the lamia.
potion of healing, and assorted
The trap is triggered when a creature attempts to
coins with a combined value of
open either the eastern or western doors. Once trig-
222 gp
gered, the trap closes and seals all three doors, and
5th+ Available in the full adventure the dragon statue breathes fire into the room. The
fire fills the room, and the statue continues exhaling
10 – Examination Rooms fire for 1 minute, or until stopped.
These rooms were once used to examine patients When a creature enters the affected area for the
and visitors to the temple. They have been repur- first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must
posed into pens to hold monstrous creatures used in succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take fire
the arena. Despite the illusion cast over the temple, damage. The save DC and amount of damage dealt
the destruction wrought by these creatures cannot are detailed below.
be concealed, and the contents of these rooms are
Fire Statue DC and Damage
little more than kindling. Each room contains mon-
sters, as detailed in the table below. Adventure Level Save DC Hazard Damage
Monster Pen Encounter 3rd 12 7 (2d6)
Adventure Level Encounter 5th+ Available in the full adventure
3rd 2 giant wolf spiders The doors are steel and have AC 19, 30 hit points,
and immunity to fire, psychic, and poison damage.
5th+ Available in the full adventure
They have no locks but can be forced open with a
11 – Treatment Rooms successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check.
There are two ways to disable the trap. First, the
These rooms were once used to examine patients
trap ends as soon as one of the three locked doors
and visitors to the temple. They have been repur-
opens. If any door was already wedged open, the
posed to serve as torture chambers. The illusion
trap won’t function. Second, the characters can de-
covers all signs of the vile acts that occur here, and
stroy the dragon statue. The statue has AC 19, 50
to anyone unable to see through the illusion, these
hit points, and immunity to cold, fire, psychic, and
rooms appear to be meticulously clean and sterile
poison damage.
treatment rooms, ready for the next patient.
12 – Eastern Patient Ward 14 – Bathing Pools
In its heyday, these baths were magically heated
Once used for the recovery of temple visitors who
and used by visitors to relax and heal. Both areas
had undergone serious treatment, this area is now
are identical.
the lair of another of the lamia’s sycophants, the
Charming Baths. Although it is no longer heated,
self-proclaimed Spike the Grand.
the water still exists and has been cursed by the
Encounter: Spike the Grand. The monster here
lamia with powerful magic. If a creature touches
doesn’t bother to check the clothing worn by the
the water, that creature becomes cursed for 1 hour.
characters, knowing that it can eat anything that
Until the curse ends, the target has disadvantage on
would be sent through the doorway. The nature of
Wisdom saving throws and all ability checks.
the creature is detailed in the table below.
If a creature ingests the water, it must succeed on
Spike the Grand Encounter a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become charmed
by the lamia, as if she had cast the geas spell on it.
Adventure Level Encounter While charmed in this way, the creature will obey
3rd 1 manticore the commands of the lamia or Braxit unless the
command is considered suicidal.
5th+ Available in the full adventure Staircases. A staircase spirals from both these
areas to the rooftop gardens (area 16).


True Sight. Characters who see through the illu- As you enter the shade of the tree, you see a
sion find these rooms to be nothing more than pools small, pink crystal wedged into the bole of the
of filthy, stagnant water. tree. It pulses warmly, and the woman, still re-
clining, offers her hand to kiss.
15 – Saunas and Jacuzzi
Once used for relaxation, these areas were often in Encounter: The Lamia. This woman is, of course,
high demand by the temple’s visitors. the lamia in humanoid form. By reaching this far,
Scrying Pool. The pool is full, painstakingly filled the characters will have proven themselves capable
with fresh water by the temple servants daily. The and powerful, two qualities the lamia is always keen
lamia uses this water for scrying. If a creature touch- to exploit. She offers the characters shade to get
es the water, the lamia instantly becomes aware of them closer, and if a character is foolish enough to
its presence and can see and hear the creature, as if kiss her hand, they are automatically affected by her
she had cast the spell. Intoxicating Touch. If this should happen, the la-
True Sight. Characters able to see through the mia will cast suggestion on the character and invite
illusion find these rooms to be nothing more than them to take a dip in one of her bathing pools below.
pools of murky water. The saunas are empty, ruined Should her gambit fail, or the characters simply at-
spaces. tack, the lamia will order her minions to reciprocate,
16 – Rooftop Gardens preferring to use her magic to charm the characters.
She will only join the melee if threatened. The lamia
Once upon a time, temple visitors would retire to
can be enhanced and supported by other minions
the peace and tranquility of these gardens after a
depending on the level of the adventure, as detailed
soak in the baths below. Now this area is the private
below. Creatures marked with an asterisk are new
sanctum of the lamia. Both gardens are identical,
creatures featured in the appendix.
and the lamia will be present in whichever garden
the characters enter first. Lamia Encounter
The illusion covering the temple conceals this area
from below, making it almost impossible for a crea- Adventure Level Enhancements and Minions
ture to notice its presence without first knowing it 3rd The lamia is joined by 4 cultists.
was there.
If a character enters the shade, read or paraphrase 5th+ Available in the full adventure
the following:

Enchantment Crystal. Wedged into the bole of the
cherry blossom tree is a small pink diamond, the size
and shape of a grape. The lamia enchanted the gem
with a drop of her blood, and it is the illusion’s focal Jackalwere
point, covering the entire temple. Medium Humanoid (Human, Shapechanger), Neutral Evil
Additionally, while she is within 200 feet of the Armor Class 12
stone, the duration of any spell the lamia casts is in- Hit Points 22 (4d8 + 4)
creased tenfold (for example, 1 minute becomes 10 Speed 30 ft. (40 ft. in jackal form)
minutes, 1 hour becomes 10 hours, and so on).
Destroying the crystal ends both these effects. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
The crystal has AC 13, 1 hit point, and immunity to 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0)
poison and psychic damage. Skills Perception +3
True Sight. Characters able to see through the illu- Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
sion find a decrepit and forlorn-looking tree that can from nonmagical attacks that aren’t silvered
barely hold its weight. Senses passive Perception 13
Treasure: Lamia Lair. The lamia has been collect- Languages Common (can’t speak in jackal form)
ing servants and acolytes for weeks. Most of these Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)  Proficiency Bonus +2
creatures brought treasure, expecting they might Shapechanger. The jackalwere can use its action to poly-
have to pay for the healing services. The pink dia- morph into a jackal-humanoid hybrid or into a jackal, or back
mond is worth 300 gp, and along with any items the into its true form, which is humanoid. Its statistics, other
lamia is wearing or carrying, the characters can find than its size, are the same in each form. Any equipment it is
treasure tucked under the cherry blossom tree. The wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. It reverts to its true
form if it dies.
nature of the treasure depends on the level of the
adventure, as shown in the table below. Keen Hearing and Smell. The jackalwere has advantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.
Lamia Lair Treasure Pack Tactics. The jackalwere has advantage on an attack
roll against a creature if at least one of the jackalwere’s allies
Adventure Level Treasure is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
3rd A potion of greater healing, a +1 ACTIONS
mace, and assorted coins with a
Bite (Jackal or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack:
combined value of 307 gp
+4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing
5th+ Available in the full adventure damage.
Shortsword (Human or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon
AFTERMATH Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2)
piercing damage.
If the characters destroy the lamia and the crystal, Sleep Gaze. The jackalwere glares at one creature it can
the magic enchanting the various creatures within see within 30 feet of it. The target must make succeed on
the temple quickly fades. People captured by the la- a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw or magically fall unconscious
mia’s intoxicating magic return to their old lives, and for 10 minutes. This effect ends if the target takes damage or
the party is rewarded as promised. someone uses an action to shake or slap the target awake. If
Grateful to the characters, the local people praise a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for
it, the creature is immune to this jackalwere’s Sleep Gaze for
their efforts, but this is with an undertone of sorrow
the next 24 hours. Undead and creatures immune to being
that the temple is still a thing of myth and has not charmed aren’t affected by this effect.
If the characters choose not to destroy the crystal,
the illusion remains and the local people, aware of
this fantasy, decide to enjoy the sight of the re- Recent Adventures From DMDave
stored temple. Meanwhile, those charmed by the la-
mia stay so for the duration of the spells and effects Dungeons & Lairs
she placed upon them. ▶ #50: Doppelganger City
▶ #51: Hobgoblin Hideout
▶ #52: Fire Giant Mine
▶ #53: Gargoyle Cathedral
▶ #54: Wight Cemetery
▶ #55: Chain Devil Crypts
▶ #56: Zombie Farmhouse
▶ #57: Ettercap Forest


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designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identi-
12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the
fied as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which
terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Con-
specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the
tent due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You
logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor
may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
to identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to
13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to
the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using”
comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days
means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and oth-
of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termi-
erwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” Not
nation of this License.
for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for
14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable,
personal use only. System Reference Document 5.1 2 or “Your” means
such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it
the licensee in terms of this agreement.
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that
COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of
contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be
the Coast, LLC. | System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of
Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice
the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney
to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or
Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell,
subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself.
Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax
No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content
and Dave Arneson. | Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3, Copyright 2011,
distributed using this License.
Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors Jesse Benner, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle,
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate
James Jacobs, Michael Kenway, Rob McCreary, Patrick Renie, Chris Sims,
Your acceptance of the terms of this License.
F. Wesley Schneider, James L. Sutter, and Russ Taylor, based on material by
Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. | Lamia Temple. Copyright
2022, Hamrick Brands, LLC; Authors Dave Hamrick, Tim Andrews. | Some
images used under license from Midjourney.


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