Shadow of The Obelisk
Shadow of The Obelisk
Shadow of The Obelisk
GM NOTE: If you areheapla ying this adventure Chapter 2:
over a virtual tabletop, we n 10vilyfeetencowhiuralegewitlimihinting Stone and Sky
player vision to no more tha te a sentiment of worry
the sandstorm. This will creasandstorm elemental In which the party rekindles the necessary shrines.
and uncertainty, with the then retreating back into
striking in quick fashion, ribute to the puzzle Last Sparks
the sand. It’ll heavily cont Read this:
qualities of the combat.
“The base of the Starlight Obelisk is an arena of
Once the party has defeated the sandstorm elemental, you ancient grandeur, standing defiant against the ravages
can proceed to the next chapter. of time. The monument looks akin to a large
mausoleum trumping over a hole in the ground,
outfitted with a variety of stairs and runes that arrive
down at a central pool of water. Around it, the four
towers sit in silent testament to the old magics,
waiting for the hand of the fated to reawaken their
slumbering might.”
If the party discovers the alignment, they can harness its
AREAS 1 THROUGH 4 – THE TOWERS power. In the final combat, at initiative 20 of every round,
one of the four pillars (areas 1, 2, 3 and 4 on map 3, starting
Read this: with area 1) pulse with divine light. If a party member is
within 10 feet of the pillar when it pulses, that party
“On the corners around the Starlight Obelisk, stand member regains 2d10 hit points.
four imposing towers, each a sentinel watching over
the sacred center. The structures rise like petrified
gales, their stones weathered yet defiant against the
sands of time. Upon their surfaces are intricate
carvings that seem to dance and shift in the desert
light, depicting the constellations that wheel overhead
and the variegated tapestry of the land that stretches
beneath. These images tell a silent saga of the skies
and earth, a perpetual testament to the celestial
dance of the cosmos and the firmament's ever-
watchful gaze upon the mortal realm.”
Maps by CzePeku: Join their Patreon to access to
multiple variations of this map and more !
Any party member can explore the towers by making an
Intelligence (Arcana) check, gaining information based on
each check’s result using the information below. Any party
member under the effects of the comprehend languages
spell has advantage on that check.
The towers are old, and the carvings,
while beautiful, don’t seem to hold any
Below 10 arcane significance that you can
discern. They appear decorative,
possibly telling a story or simply
meant to capture the eye.
The carvings on the towers are more
than mere decoration; they align with
constellations and terrestrial landmarks.
They seem to map the stars directly
10-15 above and suggest a certain time when
they might align perfectly with the
tower’s peaks. In addition, something
seems to connect the pillars to the
earth, making them a bridge between
stars and earth.
“At the base of the building lies a pool of water so “At the heart of the Obelisk's guardians lies a
clear and still it mirrors the sky above, creating a mausoleum, its architecture a solemn ode to the
seamless horizon where earth and heaven unite. The epochs past. The heavy doors open to reveal an interior
surface glimmers with the light of the firmament, adorned with runes that crawl across the walls like ivy,
betraying the presence of ethereal magic. Upon closer glowing with a spectral blue that illuminates the
inspection, the bottom of the pool is inscribed with hallowed chamber. Murals painted with exquisite skill
runes that emit a faint, otherworldly luminescence.” adorn every surface, depicting scenes of celestial beings
weaving the tapestry of fate, their faces serene as they
Any party member can explore the waters by making an work the looms of destiny. The air within is thick with
Intelligence (Nature) check, gaining information based on the weight of history, and the silence hums with the
each check’s result using the information below. Any party power of the runes—a sanctum where the veil between
member under the effects of the detect magic spell has worlds is thin, and the whispers of the ancients might
advantage on that check. still be heard by those who listen with reverent ears.”
Restore Power
Read this: Once the party has visited both shrines and solved both
puzzles, you can proceed to the next chapter.
“You hear the voice of Eilora calling you from within
the mausoleum, calling you to rush in that direction.
Eilora's steps echo solemnly through the hallowed
interior of the Obelisk's mausoleum, leading you to a
grand mural that dominates the wall, its colors vibrant
against the dim light, adorned with writings in celestial.
She pauses, her eyes tracing the ancient fresco before
turning to you, a grave seriousness etched upon her
face. ‘The mural of the Covenant,’ she begins, her voice
a reverent whisper. ‘The Obelisk's might alone cannot
pierce the encroaching shadows, for its strength is but
the tip of a greater whole. To truly vanquish the
darkness, we must rekindle the embers of its Maps by CzePeku: Join their Patreon to access to
batteries—the Shrine of Stone southeast, and the multiple variations of this map and more !
Shrine of Skies. Each shrine channels the earth's bones
and the heavens' breath, fusing their powers with the
Obelisk to forge a barrier of light. Only by restoring the MAP 3
shrines' dormant magic can we renew the ancient ward
and protect the lands from the night's tenebrous grasp.’
With a determined nod, she steps back, the mural
standing as a silent testament to the balance of
elements. The next step of your task awaits.”
If a block is moved in the wrong direction, that
Read this: party member will feel the rumble of stone
strike them down and take 1d10 force damage.
“Surrounded by towering dunes, the Shrine of Stone
rises from the earth like the bones of the world made Once the party has cleared up the three necessary points,
manifest. Huge slabs of sandstone, layered with the read this:
hues of countless sunsets, form an open gateway to
the sky. Within this henge, the air thrums with the “As the final grains of sand are cleared away, the
pulse of the earth, heavy with the scent of iron and moment of conjunction is almost palpable, a static
stone. The ground at its center is a mosaic of mineral charge in the air awaiting release. Then, with a sound
veins that converge on a dais, where an altar of like a sigh from the earth itself, a beam of radiant light
unadorned rock stands solemnly, waiting for hands bursts forth from the Shrine of Stone. It cuts across the
that know the weight of the land to reawaken its expanse of the desert, a golden lance undimmed by
dormant might. The silence here is profound, broken the dusty air, until it meets the Obelisk. The
only by the whisper of the shifting sands—a place of connection is instantaneous and awe-inspiring; the
power, deep and resonant, as enduring as the bedrock two ancient structures are now bound by a visible
and as mysterious as the soil's hidden depths.” cord of luminescence, pulsing with power. The light is
pure and warm, thrumming with the heartbeat of the
The Shrine of Stones features a large circular platform. On earth, and as it strikes the Obelisk, the glyphs, and
it is a miniature model of the surrounding area with runes upon the ancient stone begin to glow with
movable blocks representing the dunes. The platform is renewed vigor, a silent harmony restored. The desert
inscribed with a labyrinth pattern and several glyphs that around you seems to hold its breath, and for a
correspond to locations within the actual surrounding moment, time itself lingers in reverence to the
dunes. Players must rearrange the miniature dune blocks reawakening of an age-old pact between the earth
on the model to match a specific pattern that will create a and the celestial.”
path through the real-life labyrinth of dunes. Whenever
one of the dunes is moved on the board, it will affect THE SHRINE OF SKIES
those around them in real life.
Read this:
The blocks (dunes) must be moved in such a way that a
direct path is created from the shrine to the obelisk
“Perched on the crest of the highest dune, the Shrine
without any large dune blocking the party. Whenever a
of Skies is a marvel of alabaster columns carved with
party member wants to move a block, as them about the
the likeness of soaring birds and billowing clouds.
direction they wish to move it. In total, there are 4 blocks,
Wind chimes of crystal and silver sing an ever-
each stuck at one of the 4 cardinal points. The party must
changing hymn to the heavens, their music mingling
move all 4 blocks so that the north, west, and northwest
with the ceaseless breath of the winds. At the shrine’s
points are all clear.
heart lies an open pavilion, with a ceiling that opens to
the endless azure above, inviting the sky’s embrace.
The air here crackles with the promise of storms and
GM NOTE: If this is hard to visualize, the whisper of zephyrs, embodying the caprice and
imagine it similar to a sliding block puzzle within power of the skies. Offerings of feathers and incense
which they must slide giant blocks, thus altering the are strewn about, remnants of past supplications to
geography of the land. the eternal dance of the winds. It is a place not merely
built in the desert, but one with the desert, where the
While on the platform, any party member can do the sky's voice is given form and the boundary between
following: earth and heaven is blurred.”
GM NOTE: If your party is real particularly Obelisk, casting beams of otherworldly light that
musical in real life, consider adding even sound s the coalesce around the monument. The air thrums with
power as shooting stars carve radiant arcs in the night
party must align properly, perhaps to debatnotes that sky, and the very fabric of reality seems to thin,
are very close together, causing them e which connecting the realm of mortals to the vast and
is the right order. mysterious cosmos. Just then, the forces of darkness
begin their assault, forming at the edge of the
structure and preparing for battle.”
When the wrong order is played, the party member who
strikes the chimes takes 3d10 lightning damage.
Show the party map 3. At initiative 20 of every round, one
of the four pillars (areas 1, 2, 3 and 4 on map 3, starting with
Playing the correct melody causes the wind to amplify,
area 1) pulse with divine light. If a party member is within 10
swirling around the shrine and revealing hidden inscriptions
feet of the pillar when it pulses, that party member regains
on the pillars that point the way to the next shrine.
2d10 hit points. The threats the party faces will arrive in
waves starting from area 7. The goal of every monster is to
Read this:
reach area 9, the entrance to the obelisk.
To do so, they must walk down the magically binding stairs
“As the last chime sings its resonant note, a hush falls
that prevent their flying (areas marked 8). Unless in melee
over the Shrine of Skies. The wind, playful until now,
combat with two or more creatures, each enemy creature
aligns with purposeful intent, spiraling inward toward
will use its movement and action on its turn moving down
the center of the shrine. Each column vibrates gently,
toward the entrance. Going down a set of stairs (area 8)
harmonizing in an ethereal melody that seems to
requires 30 feet of movement. Once a creature reaches the
summon the very essence of the skies. Then, with a
entrance, it turns itself into an energetic wave, disappearing
crescendo that echoes the beginning of time, a vortex
inside and dying to hinder the obelisk.
of wind manifests above the shrine, spiraling with
fervent energy. From this whirlwind, a focused beam
The first wave will consist of 12 shadows and 1 wraith.
of light emerges, piercing through the swirling sands
The second wave will consist of 6 shadows, 2 gibbering
and toward the distant Obelisk. The column of light is
mouthers and 1 wraith.
as pure and clear as the wind itself, bridging the divide
between the sky and the stone, knitting the two
The first two waves will appear every other round of
together with a bond of brilliant luminosity. The air
combat. Then, the party will have time for a short rest and
thrums with the power of the connection, the wind's
be joined in combat by a helpful coatl. After that, one
song now a silent testament to the union of elements,
more wave will appear.
and the sacred accord now restored.”
The third wave consists of 8 shadows and a black hole giant.
The End
The party’s adventure has come to an end, reaching one of
the conclusions below based on how successful their
defense was:
23 (+6) 9 (-1) 21 (+5) 9 (-1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 15 (+2) 6 (-2) 11 (+0) 6 (-2)
Saving Throws Con +8, Wis +3, Cha +4 Damage Resistances lightning, thunder; bludgeoning,
Skills Athletics +9, Perception +3 piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Damage Resistances force; bludgeoning, piercing, Damage Immunities poison
and slashing from nonmagical attacks Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled,
Damage Immunities cold paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained,
Senses passivePerception 13
Languages Giant Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) Languages Auran
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
Achronic. The giant is immune to the slow spell and
effects from his own black holes.
Air Form. The elemental can enter a hostile
creature's space and stop there. It can move through a
Gravitational Leap. If the giant moves at least 20 space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a
slam attack on the same turn, that target must
Coarse and Rough. Non-elemental creatures
within 30 feet of the elemental can't see further than
succeed on a DC 17 Strength saving throw or be
15 feet forward.
knocked prone and take an additional 19 (3d12) force
damage. Living Storm. The elemental is bound to a nearby
sandstorm and is immune to spells and abilities that
Orbit Pull. At the start of each of its turns, the giant
would cause it to switch planes.
can choose one creature within 60 feet. The target
succeed a DC 17 Strength saving throw or be pulled Scratches of Sand. When a creature moves within
within 5 feet of the giant. 5 feet of the elemental or starts its turn there, it takes 2
(1d4) piercing damage.
Actions Whirlwind Bind. Whenever the elemental
damages a creature with a flying speed, its flying speed
Multiattack. The giant makes two slam attacks. is reduced by 10 feet. This reduction lasts for 1 hour.
Create Black Hole (Recharge 5-6). The giant Actions
chooses a point within 120 feet. A 15-foot radius
miniature black hole originates from the chosen point, Multiattack. The elemental makes two sand slam
remaining there for 1 minute. Whenever a creature first attacks.
enters the area or starts its turn inside it, it must make
a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw against its magic. On a
Sand Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
10 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
failed save, a creature can't use reactions, its speed is
If the target is a creature, it must also succeed on a DC
halved, and it can't make more than one attack on its
16 Constitution saving throw or become blinded until
turn. In addition, the creature can take either an action
the end of its next turn.
or a bonus action on its turn, not both. These effects
last until the creature leaves the area. Sandstorm Rush (Recharge 5-6). The
elemental moves in a 10-foot wide, 30-foot long line of
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
pure fire and sand in any direction. Each creature
one target. Hit: 25 (3d12 + 6) bludgeoning damage.
within its path must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving
throw, taking 10 (3d6) fire damage and 10 (3d6)
Reactions piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one. On a failed save, a
Bend Space & Time. As a reaction to being hit creature it ignites. Until a creature takes an action to
with an attack, the giant bends space and time, douse the fire, it takes 5 (1d10) fire damage at the start
teleporting to any point he can see within 60 feet and of each of its turns.
causing the attack to miss.
An Adventure by MonkeyDM on
Maps by Czepeku
Take Care!
Shadow of the Obelisk, Copyright 2023, MonkeyDM Publishing SRL; author Evan Mascaro